Gaur City: (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16 Avenue & Sanskriti Vihar)
Gaur City: (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16 Avenue & Sanskriti Vihar)
Gaur City: (1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16 Avenue & Sanskriti Vihar)
(1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th Avenue & Sanskriti Vihar)
Ground 1st To 5th 6th To 10th 11th To 15th 16th To 20th 21st & Above *Top
Floor Project
Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor Floor
(1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th (Except -
Basic Sale Price Tower E, G, H & L) , 11th, 12th,
14th (Except Tower P, Q, U & Rs. 3795/- Rs. 3695/- Rs. 3645/- Rs. 3595/- Rs. 3545/- Rs. 3495/- Rs. 3395/-
(Per Sq. Ft.) V), 16th Avenue & Sanskriti
Payment Plan
(1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 16th & 14th Avenue (Tower-A,B,C,D,E,F,G,K,L,M,N) & Sanskriti Vihar
At the time of Booking 10%
On Allotment with in 45 days of booking 85%
At the time of offer of possession 5%
Ready To Move : 1st Avenue, 4th Avenue, 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue, 11th Avenue, 12th Avenue,16th Avenue, 14th Avenue (A,B,C,D,E,F,G,K,L,M,N) & Sanskriti Vihar
Tentative Date of Completion : 7th Avenue (Tower -A,B,C,D,I,J - 30/06/2019) & (Tower - K - 31/12/2019) & (Tower -L - 31/07/2020) & (Tower - H - 31/12/2020) & (Tower - E & G -
Tentative Date of Completion : 14th Avenue (Tower -H, I & J - 31/08/2019) & (Tower - Q - 31/12/2020) & (Tower - P - 30/06/2021)
Duties, Other Govt. Charges, Stamp Duty, Registration, Lawyer's Fee as applicable will be charged extra.
Interest Free Maintenance Security (at Total Area) : Rs. 269.10 per (Rs. 25/- per sq.ft.) payable at the time of offer of possession
Any extra covered area (i.e. Terrace Area) will be charged 50% of Rate PSF as per Price list & any extra open (open to sky) area will be charged 25% of Rate PSF as per Price list i.e. Total
Subvention available in 7th Avenue Tower A,B,C,D,I & J upto 30th June 2019 & in Tower K up to 31st December 2019 with Rs. 200/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 7th Avenue Tower L upto 31/07/2020 with Rs. 400/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 7th Avenue Tower H upto 31/12/2020 with Rs. 400/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 14th Avenue Tower Q upto 31/12/2020 with Rs. 400/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 7th Avenue Tower E & G upto 30/06/2021 with Rs. 400/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 14th Avenue Tower P upto 30/06/2021 with Rs. 400/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 14th Avenue Tower H, I & J upto 31st August 2019 with Rs. 200/- PSF extra cost.
Subvention available in 14th Avenue Tower U & V upto 31st October 2020 with Rs. 300/- PSF extra cost.
Rental Scheme is offered in above flats of 14th Avenue (Block H, I, J,P,Q,U & V) Only & 7th Avenue (all launched towers) i.e. Gaursons to organize a suitable unit to offer to the customer at free
of cost (rental will be paid by the Gaursons) till purchased unit is offered for possession. In case, customer does not opt the rental scheme, than Rs. 100/- PSF (except tower -L of 7th Avenue) will
be deducted from cost to customer but in 7th Avenue Tower - E, G, H & L & 14th Avenue Tower - P & Q - Rs. 200/- PSF will be reduced from cost to customer & in 14th Avenue
Tower -U & V (only for 530 sqft. & 745 sqft. sized units) Rs. 250/- PSF will be reduced from cost to customer. Rental scheme is not applicable in 14th Avenue Tower U & V's 450
sqft sized units)
23 Gifts offerd to customer under "DIWALI IN JUNE" offer. Gifts under " DIWALI IN JUNE" is not vaild for 14th Avenue Tower - U & V
If Customer opts Big Basement Parking (for back to back two car parking space) Rs. 3,05,000/- will be charged extra from the customer.
In 14th Avenue Tower U & V: Furnished Residential Suites available & Rs. 275/- psf over and above prices will be charged extra for furnishing charges.
Cheques will be in favour of "Gaursons Hi-tech Infrastructure Pvt.Ltd". For 1st Avenue, 4th Avenue, 5th Avenue, 6th Avenue & 7th Avenue
Cheque will be in favour of "Gaursons Promoters Pvt. Ltd." for Sanskriti Vihar , 11th, 12th, 14th & 16th Avenue
Carpet Area(as per RERA guidelines): - The net usable floor area of an apartment, excluding the area covered by the external walls, areas under services shafts, exclusive balcony or verandah
area and exclusive open terrace area, but includes the area covered by the internal partition walls, column & structural walls of the apartment.
**Total Area : - The carpet area of the said apartment and the entire area enclosed by its periphery walls including area under walls, columns, balconies and lofts etc. and half the area of common
walls with other premises/apartments which form integral part of said apartment and common areas shall mean all such parts/areas in the entire said project which the Allottee(s) shall use by sharing
with other occupants of the said project including entrance lobby, electrical shafts, fire shafts, plumbing shafts and services ledges on all floors, common corridors, and passages,
staircases,staircase shaft, mumties, services area including but not limited to the machine rooms, security/fire control rooms, maintenance offices/stores etc, if provided.