Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 31,2019 Capstone Reading Summary: 2
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 31,2019 Capstone Reading Summary: 2
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 31,2019 Capstone Reading Summary: 2
An information
The way Qualitati 6 (C#, Visual Step by step This present Provides a system’s The user interface
toward ve Basic .Net, structural report's handy system development has design is left
developing Research C++/CLI, J#, problem documentation for that can been presented. It behind by the
such sort of Jscript .Net, solving. experiences the manage was emphasized on days, which is one
frameworks Eiffel) entire procedure employee the basic steps, of the most
isn't so of both easily. consequently taken important key for
straightforwar application during the project’s user attention.
d. It includes a program and development
common database course as a
advancement advancement. It particular attention
of utilization additionally was turned to the
program and contains the basic operative
database. The advancement functions
application devices have performed upon
program is been used for the data into the
really the these reasons. database.
between the
clients and the
where the
data is stored.
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 31,2019
Capstone Reading Summary: 2
Title: The Development of a Web-Based Financial Monitoring System for Growers of Anak Tering Foundation Inc. at
Kauswagan, Cagayan De Oro City
by: Jessel J. Cañadilla, Lujemin A. Fabricante, Carla Mae Y. Raman
A financial Qualitative 6 (C#, Visual Step by step How will the Anak Developed web This system plays a System
monitoring Research Basic .Net, structural great work when it functionality does
system that And C++/CLI, J#, problem Tering – based financial comes to financial not cover some of
monitor the Quantitati Jscript .Net, solving. Foundation will monitoring monitoring system the advance
total expenses ve Eiffel) but there are some features that can
be able to monitor System for Anak
for the Research features that was improve the
Growers of the performance Tering not included in the system.
Anak Tering of the growers? Foundation. project that can
Foundation. help a lot to the
How will the Anak
inform the
growers for the
updates of the
prices of the
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 31,2019
Capstone Reading Summary: 2
The Qualitative 5 (JAVA, XML, Due to the An issue rising For instance, the This capstone the primary goal
conditions Research CSS, HTML, added here has to do fact that patients project there of this capstone
in Kosovo’s MySQL) complexity with how much did not were obstacles project was to
hospital this distinction information is prefer having that made establish the main
reflect the had to be disclosed through functionalities that generating functionalities that
need for an made, as these this system to deal with practical would enhance
urgent two particular transactions findings the efficiency of
solution that functionalities people. This issue requires much challenging. In hospitals. Another
leads to an reflect two is a part of a more studying to some of the goal was to
efficient different broader topic on be carried out. cases, there were evaluate Kosovo’s
managemen methods to be security issues. The factors no files published Health
t of the created contributing to online. Due to Information
patients. A through that decision physical Strategy, especially
suitable programming. should be taken distance, it was the patient-related
solution As such, the into account. The impossible to fields, against the
would be final time limitations reach some of findings of this
implementin recommendati did not these files, and capstone project
g a Patient on will include permit for a unofficial and suggest
Information only one of thorough analysis resources had to changes that might
System. these in regards to the be used be needed.
functionalities costs on training instead.
even if these for this capstone
are rated project.
similarly. The
surveys will
which one.
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 27,2019
Capstone Reading Summary: 1
The system Qualitative 3 (Java Data The The system This module The framework This module
aims at the Research Base framework at maintains the maintains all the at present does maintains the
maintenance Connectivity, present does different location details of the not deal with the information
and HTML) not deal with that is available Accommodation cash instalment regarding all the
managemen the cash and registered in location that are techniques, as the units that are
t of the installment a central DB, available United builds registered as per
different techniques, as which leads easy and the units that require SSL norms Specifications and
Hotels that the accessibility and are available and are basically their reference
are united builds consistency. under each to be started in unit types. The
available in require SSL Each location along the principal module also takes
the different guidelines and Accommodation with their confront, the use care of the system
parts of the are available units reference unit of the Visa from the unit
world. It fundamentally and all the unit types. exchanges is facilities and
mainly takes to be started facilities are also connected as a reference unit
care of the in the available at the formative stage facilities that are
Hotel principal click of a mouse. in the coming available.
managemen confront, the days. The
t at the core utilization of framework needs
area of the the charge increasingly to
database. card elaborate detail
exchanges is for its
connected as a commencement
formative and
stage in the development.
coming days.
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 27,2019
Capstone Reading Summary: 1
Title: Developing Examination Management System: Senior Capstone Project, a Case Study
by: S. Vasupongayya, W. Noodam, and P. Kongyong
Examination Quantitativ 5 (JAVA, XML, The One possible As a result, the There are many This work is a part
is a e Research CSS, HTML, framework answer for take examination room areas still to be of computer
fundamental MySQL) ought to give care of this issue and proctor researched in this engineering senior
prerequisite a strategy to from a guide assignment project process, capstone projects
of an trade the perspective is to is assigned as a including the at the Department
instructive delegate task mimic the senior capstone SILAC pair/triplet of Computer
framework after the genuine detection and, Engineering,
project for three
at any assignments framework all importantly, Prince of Songkla
students. The first
dimension. are planned together for the the database University.
student is an
The and reported. understudies to search that Authors would
examination Despite the learn/create/test alumnus of the identifies the like to thanks all
questions fact that this their Department of peptides by their eleven instructors
are normally occasion may frameworks. This Computer mass who help
accepting not happen thought can be Engineering class and ties the evaluating the
the real regularly yet it utilized as a of 2010. The final peptides to a proposed system
concentratio generally reinforcement product from this given protein. and
n in any comes as a framework just student is a providing valuable
examination crisis case. as the learning prototype of the The process comments and
. Along these ground for examination room coded in the suggestions.
lines, to understudies. assignment and Map Reduce
discover an Moreover, the seating layout framework will
individual that framework can using Microsoft allow
is accessible be assessed by a timings to be
Visual Basic
and willing to few people for taken and
Express edition to
trade the security. compared across
obligation will
develop platforms and
be Hadoop
troublesome. configurations.
Jonbert Andam Capstone Project 1 January 27,2019
Capstone Reading Summary: 1
Student Both 5 (JAVA, XML, Data-Driven In an effort to The project’s The project Further studies
managemen Quantitativ CSS, HTML, Decision minimize benefits include assumes that will focus more on
t system. e and MySQL) Making duplicates, data possible lower funding will be upgrading the
Quantitativ synchronization system and staying
(DDDM or annual costs; available to
e research. errors, data intact at the
3DM) additional features implement a new
transfer problem, not accessible system. Also, present
system technology.
Student today with the professional
integration issues,
Management adoption of a new development will
and cost, all the
System (SMS) while maximizing
SMS system, an be required of all
functionality understanding of faculty and staff
Commercial utilization. future goals and before
Off-The-Shelf objectives, and a implementing the
software better view of our new/updated
data in order to system. Key
leverage players in the
information in project will need
order to predict to be involved
and better use and offer support
marketing to the on-going
strategies, student evaluations.
learning, and
financial and