Course Description For Prof Courses Matrix Form
Course Description For Prof Courses Matrix Form
Course Description For Prof Courses Matrix Form
including internal controls in computer- 3.1 Industry, regulatory and other external factors, including the
based business systems; performance of an applicable financial reporting framework
audit: evidence collection, analysis, and 3.1.1 Nature of the entity
substantive tests; reporting: reports on 3.1.2 Objectives and strategies and related business risks
assurance services, attestation services, and 3.1.3 Measurement and review of the entity's financial
financial statement audits; and completing performance
the audit including communications with 3.2 Internal control
board of directors and management 3.2.1 Basic concepts and elements of internal control
concerning internal control weaknesses. 3.2.2 Consideration of accounting and internal control
Also discussed in detail are the basic systems
professional values and the Code of Ethics Understanding and documentation
for Professional Accountants and SEC’s Assessment of control risks
Code of Corporate Governance. Test of controls Documentation
3.3 Assessing the risks of material misstatement
3.3.1 Fraud and errors
3.3.2 Risk assessment procedures
3.3.3 Discussion among the engagement team
3.3.4 Significant risks that require special audit consideration
3.3.5 Risks for which substantive procedures alone do not
provide sufficient appropriate audit evidence
3.3.6 Revision of risk assessment
3.4 Communicating with those charged with governance and
Accounting for Business Combinations 1.0 Accounting for Home Office, Branch and Agency Transactions Beams, Floyd A. Advanced
1.1 Transactions on the books of the home office and the branch Accounting, Latest Edition. New
Course Description: This course deals with 1.2 Reconciliation of reciprocal accounts Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
specialized accounting problems likely to 1.3 Preparation of individual and combined financial statements De Leon, G. and N. De Leon, Latest
be encountered by accountants. The study 1.4 Special procedures in home office and branch transactions Edition. Practical Accounting 2
of the various topics in this course is based (inter – branch transfer of cash and merchandise at cost or at (Adapted from RPCPA, AICPA
upon fundamental valuation accounting and billed price) Exams. Manila: GIC Enterprises.
accounting theory as applied to business 1.5 Accounting for Agency transactions Millan, Zeus. Intermediate Advanced
combination. This course includes Accounting Part II. (Latest
specialized problems in accounting for 2.0 Edition).Bandolin Enterprise.
Accounting for Business Combination (PFRS 3)
business combination-statutory merger, 2.1 Acquisition of assets and liabilities (acquisition method)
stock acquisition, consolidation, 2.1.1 Determination of Consideration Transferred
intercompany transactions such as upstream 2.1.2 Recognition of Acquired Assets and Liabilities
and downstream transactions, separate
financial statements and the preparation of 2.1.3 Recognition and Measurement of Goodwill and
the consolidated financial statements for Gain from a Bargain Purchase
financial reporting purposes. 2.1.4 Journal Entries
2.2 Financial Statement Presentation
2.3 Accounting for SME
Accounting for Gov't and Non-profit 1.0 Accounting for Not – for – profit organizations Beams, Floyd A. Advanced
Organizations 1.1 Voluntary health and welfare organizations (VHWO) Accounting, Latest Edition. New
1.2 Hospitals and other health care organizations Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Course Description: This course deals with 1.3 Colleges and Universities De Leon, G. and N. De Leon, Latest
specialized accounting problems likely to 1.4 Other not – for – profit organizations such as churches, Edition. Practical Accounting 2
be encountered by accountants. The study museums, fraternity association, etc. (Adapted from RPCPA, AICPA
of the various topics in this course is based 1.5 Accounting for Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and Exams. Manila: GIC Enterprises.
upon fundamental valuation accounting and Expenses Millan, Zeus. Intermediate Advanced
accounting theory as applied to government Accounting Part II. (Latest
Edition).Bandolin Enterprise.
agencies and not for profit organizations. It 2.0 Government Accounting – General Fund
is designed to cover the financial accounting Government Accounting Manual
2.1 Basic Concepts in Government Accounting
principles relative to recognition, COA Circula
2.2 Budget Process
measurement, valuation, and financial 2.3 Journal Entries – Books of National Government Agency
statement of presentation of liabilities and 2.4 Accounting for Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income and
shareholders’ equity, including disclosure Expenses
requirements. The related internal control,
ethical issues, and management of liabilities
and owner(s)’ equity are also covered. It
also deals with contemporary issues such as
leases, employees’ retirement benefits,
deferred taxes, and other current related
Auditing and Assurance: Concepts and 1. Audit of expenditure and disbursement cycle Auditing Standards & Practices
App. 2 2. Audit of acquisitions and purchases Council. (2015) Compilations on
Philippine Standards on Auditing &
Course Description: This is a continuation 3. Audit of payroll transactions Philippine Auditing Practice
of Assurance Principles, Professional Ethics 4. Audit of cash disbursement transactions / cash balance Statements.
and Good Governance, focusing on 5. Audit of inventory balances Cabrera, E. B. Principles of Auditing
financial statements audit. It covers 6. Audit of trade payable balances and Other Assurance Services. 2016
detailed approaches to problems and 7. Audit of prepaid expenses and accrued liabilities Edition. Manila: GIC Enterprises.
situations normally encountered in the 8. Audit of production cycle Evangelista, R. and C. Racaza.
Auditing Theory for Students and
independent examination of liabilities, 9. Audit of conversion activities
Practice Guide for Auditors, Vol. 1 &
owners’ equity, and revenue and expenses. 10. Audit of inventory balances: work-in-process and finished 2, Manila: GIC Enterprises.
It deals specifically with the application of goods Frias, S. F.. Textbook in Auditing
auditing standards, techniques, and 11. Audit of cost of goods sold balance Theory. Manila: Goodwill
procedures; internal control evaluation; 12. Audit of the financing cycle Bookstore/
preparation of audit working papers; 13. Audit of financing cycle transactions Salosagcol, J. G. and M. F., Tiu.
introduction of computer application in 14. Audit of non-trade liability balances Auditing Theory. Manila: CRC-
auditing; audit adjustments; and audit 15. Audit of interest expense and finance cost balances ACE/
reports pertaining to a medium-sized 16. Audit of equity accounts Handbook of International Quality
manufacturing or trading concern. The Control, Auditing, Review, Other
determination of audit objectives and audit Assurance, and Related Services
programs, evaluation of internal control, Pronouncements, Vol. I, II, & III,
and determination of substantive 2016-2017 Edition
procedures as applied to various accounts
are better appreciated as the transaction
cycle approach is employed in the course.
Audit working papers and audited financial
statements are the natural outputs of this
course leading to the preparation of audit
Auditing and Assurance: Specialized 1. Audit of investing cycle Auditing Standards & Practices
Industries 2. Audit of investing transactions Council. (2015) Compilations on
3. Audit of investment account balances Philippine Standards on Auditing &
Course Description: This course is 4. Audit of property, plant and equipment account balances Philippine Auditing Practice
designed to expose students both to the 5. Audit of intangible account balances Statements.
demand for and the supply of the 6. Audit of cash balances Cabrera, E. B. Principles of Auditing
profession’s flagship service - financial 7. Audit of the revenue and receipt cycle and Other Assurance Services. 2016
statement audits - and to the nature of the 8. Audit of sales and revenue transactions Edition. Manila: GIC Enterprises.
value-added assurance services which 9. Audit of receivable balances Evangelista, R. and C. Racaza.
decision-makers demand in the information 10. Audit of cash receipt transactions / cash balance Auditing Theory for Students and
age in the case of specialized industries. 11. Audit of expenditure and disbursement cycle Practice Guide for Auditors, Vol. 1 &
2, Manila: GIC Enterprises.
Topics include: nature of the accounting 12. Audit of acquisitions and purchases
Frias, S. F.. Textbook in Auditing
profession, auditing and assurance 13. Audit of payroll transactions
Theory. Manila: Goodwill
fundamentals: relationship among 14. Audit of cash disbursement transactions / cash balance Bookstore/
assurance, attestation, and audit services; 15. Audit of inventory balances Salosagcol, J. G. and M. F., Tiu.
consulting vs. assurance services; types of 16. Audit of trade payable balances Auditing Theory. Manila: CRC-
attestation services (agreed-upon 17. Audit of prepaid expenses and accrued liabilities ACE/
procedures engagement and review 18. Audit of production cycle Handbook of International Quality
engagement); types of audits (internal, 19. Audit of conversion activities Control, Auditing, Review, Other
external or financial statement audits, 20. Audit of inventory balances: work-in-process and finished Assurance, and Related Services
government audit, and special purpose goods Pronouncements, Vol. I, II, & III,
audits); relationship of accounting and 21. Audit of cost of goods sold balance 2016-2017 Edition
auditing; other services (operational audits, 22. Audit of the financing cycle
compliance audits, and non-attest services); 23. Audit of financing cycle transactions
professional standards: assurance standards 24. Audit of non-trade liability balances
and attestation and auditing standards; 25. Audit of interest expense and finance cost balances
public sector regulation of accounting 26. Audit of equity accounts
practice and legal liability; the framework
of financial statements auditing: risk-based
approach as audit methodology; audit
evaluation and planning, including the
concept of risk and materiality; assessing
internal controls, and tests of controls
including internal controls in computer-
based business systems; performance of an
audit: evidence collection, analysis, and
substantive tests; reporting: reports on
assurance services, attestation services, and
Management Advisory Service 1.0 Management Accounting Barfield, Raiborn, & Kinney.
1.1 Objectives, role and scope of management accounting (Latest Edition). Cost Accounting,
Course Description: This course is 1.1.1 Basic management functions and concepts 5th Ed., Mandanluyong City:
designed to acquaint students with the role 1.1.2 Distinction among management accounting, cost accounting Mutual Books, Inc.
of the accountant in the management team and financial accounting Cabrera, E.B. Management
by providing and assisting in the analysis, 1.1.3 Role and activities of controller and treasurer Accounting: Concepts and
interpretation, and forecasting of business 1.1.4 International certifications in management accounting Applications – Volume I. Latest
organizations. It covers the discussion of Edition, Manila: GIC Enterprises.
the foundation of management accounting; 1.2 Management Accounting Concepts & Techniques for Agamata, F. (Latest Edition).
its expanding role, organizational structure, Planning & Control Management Advisory Services.
and professional ethics for management 1.2.1 Cost terms, concepts and behavior Manila: GIC Enterprises.
accountants; design of management Nature and classification of costs
Garrison, Noreen, Brewer. (Latest
accounting systems (e.g., responsibility Analysis of cost behavior (variable, fixed, semi-
Edition). Managerial Accounting..
accounting system), evaluating the impact variable/mixed, step-cost)
New York: McGraw Hill
of changes in business structure, functions, Splitting mixed cost (high-low, scatter graph, least-
Education (Asia).
and appropriateness of management squares regressions)
accounting techniques and methods; basic Louderback, Holmen, &
1.2.2 Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis
interpretation and use of financial Dominiak. (Latest Edition). Uses, assumptions and limitations of CVP analysis
statements,; performance measurement for Managerial Accounting, Factors affecting profit
planning and control such as: marginal, Mandaluyong City: Mutual Breakeven point in unit sales and peso sales
absorption, and opportunity costing; cost Books, Inc. Required selling price, unit sales and peso sales to
behavior; cost-volume-profit relationship; achieve a target profit Weygandt, Kieso, Kimmel,
advanced analysis and appraisal of financial (Latest Edition). Managerial
and related information; business planning
and budgetary systems; standard costing Sensitivity analysis (including indifference point in unit Accounting. Mandaluyong City;
and variance analysis; quantitative sales and peso sales) Millennium Books, Inc.
techniques; and methods for planning and Use of sales mix in multi-product companies
control. This also deals with the application Concepts of margin of safety and degree of operating
of techniques and concepts focusing on leverage
segment reporting, profitability analysis, 1.2.3 Standard costing and variance analysis
and decentralization; information for Direct material variance (quantity, price usage, purchase
decision-making purposes (short-term and price, mix and yield)
long-term) and non-financial indicators Direct labor variance (efficiency, rate, mix and yield)
such as productivity per employee or per Factory overhead variance – two-way method
service unit; decision making affecting (controllable and volume); three-way method (spending, variable
short-run operations of the company; capital efficiency and volume); four-way method (variable spending,
budgeting decisions; pricing of goods and fixed spending, variable efficiency and volume)
services; and environmental cost
accounting. 1.2.4 Variable costing and absorption costing Nature and treatment of fixed factory overhead costs Distinction between product cost and period cost Inventory costs between variable costing and absorption
costing Reconciliation of operating income under variable
costing and absorption costing
1.2.5 Financial planning and budgets Definition and coverage of the budgeting process Master budget and its components (operating and
financial budgets) Types of budgets (static, flexible, zero-based,
continuous) Budget variance analysis (static and flexible)
1.2.6 Activity-based costing (ABC) and activity-based management
(ABM) Activity levels (unit-level, batch-level, product-level
and facility-level), cost pools and activity drivers
Auditing in a CIS Environment Auditing and Internal Control, Auditing IT Governance Hall, James A. (2015).
Controls, Security Part I: Auditing Operating Systems and Networks, Information Technology Auditing
Course Description: This course Security Part I: Auditing Database Systems, Systems Development and and Assurance. Cengage Learning
complements the course in auditing. It Program Change Activities, Transaction Processing and Financial Asia PTE Ltd.
discusses information technology (IT) - Reporting Systems Overview, Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and
related risks, security and control Techniques, Data Structures and CAATTs for Data Extraction,
mechanisms and techniques that may be Auditing the Revenue Cycle, Auditing the Expenditure Cycle,
employed to address the risks, and the Enterprise Resource Planning System and Business Ethics, Fraud, and
impact of computer use on the audit. It also Fraud Detection.
introduces computer assisted audit
techniques and tools. In this course,
students gain an appreciation of the
particular feature and understanding of the
risks involved in auditing in a CIS
environment, the CIS controls they would
expect to find in this particular area, how
auditors use CAATS (Computer Assisted
Audit Techniques) in this area. The
students gain hands-on experience in the use
of computers in performing audits.
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