Final Excel Bruh
Final Excel Bruh
Final Excel Bruh
4‘ 3. You want to average the numbers in the range 31:330. You have named this range of cells Data and wish to use
this range name in your formula. Afler typing Average{ you should select the key.
- F3
1! 4. Please download the file final.>:|sx and refer to Worksheet .4. The filth largest transaction in terms of quantity sold
is transaction number .
.1 .1
v 5. See the screenshot below. What function can be used in cell GS to compute total revenue?
F e H
2 Product Price Units Sold
3: Cake $7.00 12
4 Candy $2.00 15
5 Soda $1.00 14
‘6 Ice Cream $3.00 19
E: Total Revenue
v 6. You have been handed a spreadsheet that contains a formula in cell 010 that computes Year to profits. You
want to display all cells that are used to compute Year 10 Profits. You should select which tool from the Ribbon
(two-word answer)?
re :.— :‘-'e.:.ei:!-—::nt-:
V 7. Suppose cell 310 contains the price of a stock in 5 months. Consider a 5 month European call option with an
exercise price ot$4i1 The value of the call option in 5 months is $0 it the stock price in 5 months is {$40.
Otherwise the value of the call option in 5 months is the Stock Price in 5 months - 40. How man)r of the following
formulas will yield the conect value oi the call option?
- |. |F{BtOb40,40-B10_G}
- |I|. MAX(B‘IO—40.G)
- IV. MIN[ 0, 40-310}
tend II
0 It and Ill
land lll
l and IV
v 3. Please refer to Worksheet 5 in the file finalxlsx. The sum of the first digits of all numbers listed in column A is
. {For example. the first number has a first digit of 1.}
v 9. A company produces 3 products that use labor and raw material. The labor usage. raw material usage, and profit
per pound produced of each product are seen hetow. 500 hours of labor and 300 pounds of raw material are
available. If iracfional pounds of each product can be produced, what is the maximum profit the company can
earn (rounded to the nearest dollar)?
Assume demand for each product is unlimited. Enterjust the number; e.g., 450.
11 Available Product 1 Product 2 Product 3
12 500 Labor 5 4 3
13: 300 Raw Mate 4 3 2
121 Profit $6.00 $5.00 $4.00
v 10. Refer to the screenshot below. Suppose you want to use a pivot table to summarize units sold by month: with
each salesperson's name listed in a separate row and each month listed in a separate column. Identiw the fields
that should appear in the Rows, Columns, and Values portion of the Pivot Table Areas section.
v 11. Referto the screenshot below Suppose we want to use the Subtotal feature to create a summary of our sales
data that lists the total units sold by each salesperson in January, followed by the total units sold by each
salesperson in February, etc. What sort order should be implemented before running the subtotals?
Sort by Month
Sort by Name
Sort by Units Sold
Sort by Name, then Month
I Sort by Month, then Name “N ....-_.... mum
Sort by Units Sold, then Month .. ;-.
v 12. For the names listed below you would like to put each person‘s first name in Column F and each person‘s last
name in column (3. The easiest way to do this is use the feature.
Remove Duplicates
a Flash Fill
Data Validation
E F :3
Full Name First Name Last Name
Jack Sprat‘t
Elaine Rubenstein
Shali Wu
Amy Brown
Sue Ting
Aaron Black
Claire Willson
v 13. When creating a chart from a selection of cells. how does Excel decide what to out along the x-axis and what to
put in the legend?
The data in the letimost column goes along the x—axis and the remainder goes in the legend.
The labels along the top determine what is appropriate to place in the legend.
9 Whatever there are more examples of goes along the x-axis, and whatever there are fewer examples of
goes in the legend.
v 14. A university begins Year 1 with 80 faculty. They hire 4 faculty each year. During each year 10% (rounded to the
nearest integer) of the faculty present at the beginning of the year leave the university. For example, in a year
where there are 73 faculty at the beginning of the year, 7 would leave the university at the end of the year. The
university wants to know how many faculty they will have at the end of year 10. The resulting spreadsheet can be
found below. In cell (39 the first cell address referred to was cell E9. If the formula is entered in cell (39 and is
copied down to 6102618, what is itfoilowed by?
' —ROUND(E9‘$E$3,D}
+INT{$E$3’E9,0) . .- ,
-ROUNDUP(E9*$E$3.U) ‘ at rat-2 0.1
None of the above : Hues pg: year 4
1- Starting number of lacutly Sl'l
Starting Ending
. Year tawny Hires tac.r..-I'.-,'
1 EU i! 76
2 76 .1 72
3 72 :1 69
:__‘.- -: 69 4 65
;. 5 es 4 63
_._ G 63 d 61
I I" fit. a 53
S 59 .i 57
. 9 5? :1 55
to 55 4 53
v 15. You would like to show how the number of faculty at the end of year 10 depends on the quit rate and number of
annual hires. We would like for example, to have cell L10 give the number of Year 10 taculty if we hire 1 faculty
member a year and 10% quit each year. Using the information in the spreadsheets below, what would be the row
input cell for a two-way data table?
Note: If the answer is a ion’nula, there is no need to begin that answer with =. Please do not put any unnecessary
spaces or i} in your response.
um ::-.; o ti. o2 - .. ,— 1
L .—~l| .;-r I
l '-- ,. ._._ ..-nr_~-=r nl ‘arutw all
5 Starting E'fi-fimg
VF-fif 135-..e H re; tan .|'.'.'
i 50 .| 7‘5
2' T6 I 72
3 2'? 6 5')
J 69 4 56
i 66 A 63
1t 63 J at
‘ 6! 4 59
3 59 4 5?
l 5? d. 55
l 55 8 $3
v 16. Refer to the screenshot below. What function can be used in cell G3 (and then copied through the range 3319]
to summarize the total number of transactions (assume that each row in the dataset represents one transaction)
by month and salesperson? Again assume that the three columns of the dataset have been named Name,
Month, and Units_Sold.
=SUBTOTALl Name=$F3 ,Monfli=G$2)
=COUNTAlName=$ F3,Month=G$2)
=COUNTlFlName,$F3,Montl1‘G$2) FLIP-v mum Ivan-mm
In no. nth-m Aw: M.” him
=COUNTIFlName=$F3Monm=G$2l i...
I =COUNTlFS(Name.$F3.Month.G$2) tru
firm n‘
=COUNTIFStName=$F3,Month=G$2} n+1.
v 17. Consider the cash flows seen here. The Internal Rate of return on the cash flows in the screenshot below
{rounded to the nearest 1%} is _ {Note that date is in MMIDDIYYW formal.)
9 Chart A
Chart B
v 19. We have created 50 range names and want to delete 10 of the range names. We should go to the
«I 20. A company produces products at 2 plants each of which have a capacity of producing 75 units. 50 units of each
product must be shipped to each of three customers. We know the cost of shipping a unit of the product from
each plant to each customer. Our goal is to minimize the total cost of shipping the needed units to the customers.
if we use the Excet Solver to try and minimize the total cost of meeting customer demand we wilt need how man)r
variable cells?
o 6
None of the above
«I 21. A company has revenue of $1000 in 2009. Our current estimate is that revenues will grow 25% per year. Our
profit each year will equal 20% of revenue. What annual growth rate [rounded to the nearest 1%) in revenue
would yield a total profit of $15000 tor years 2009-2015 for this situation. Enter just the number; e.g., 65%.
«I 23. Four relatives are going to give you money for your birthday. The amount each relative gives you is equally likely
to be any number between $0 and $200. The chance that the total amount of money you receive is at most $300
I 0.20
v 24. Cell F? tells whether or not we own or not own a stock at the beginning of a day Celt 67 gives the price of the
stock at the end of the day. We decide whether to buy the stock, sell the stock or take no action based on the
following mie:
‘4' 25. Suppose we want to change the tormula SUM(A2:A10J to SUM(A$2:A$10). After selecting A2:A10 we should
click on the key.
0 F4
Dollar Sign
v 26. You want to set up a worksheet so that only a certain range of cells will print when the sheet is printed, Where
can you click to access this option?
v! 28. Please download the file finalxlsx and refer to Worksheet A. The average {mean} quantity sold per transaction is
Round your answer to the nearest whole number, and enter just the number; e.g., enter 71.5 as 72.
f. .j.
if 29. Please download the file finalxlsx and refer to Worksheets for the following question. How many of the listed
numbers have a first digit less than or equal to 4?
0 Row 5 will be deleted, and the current row 6 will become row 5.
The value in cell A5 will be cleared out
The values in all of row 5 will be cleared out
A Cl C D E F
all :---
15.7 H .‘ . .-.'.. - _ \-
, :i.'.|'-
sL lit-
1-54 "_, '
.111 '
v 31. Which key combination selects the cell at the intersection of the last—used column and last-used row on a
o Girl-End
Page Down
Ctrl—F’age Down
Alt-Page Dom
v 32. Based on the influence chart below, in order to compute revenue, it is sufficient to know the values of and
Demand. Elasticity
o Demand.._Ph'ce
Demand...Variable Cost
v 33. In the screenshot below, the New Comment button is about to he added to the Quick Access Toolbar. What does
this mean?
The button will move out of the Review tab and will instead be available through a hottcey combination.
The button will stayr on the Review tab and will also be available through a hotke},r combination.
I The button will stay on the Review tab and will appear near the top lett of the Excel window, above the
Ribbon. it is available no matter what tab is selected.
i: :- F i: _ . ._
" ”EH ';-hc|.-'-.- All Lcmment:
ate He‘s-.- - ' '
Comm EM 5 _;. Show Ink
iduzl ic- iiancl Lites-:- T._._ oar
0 False
v 35. Refer to the screenshot below. Suppose we would like to create a dropoown box in cell E4 so that the user
could-enter a name by selecting the name from a list One way of accomplishing this would be via the
[Mo-word answer) feature from the Ribbon.
mate I.ra!5:'.ta‘..-; r.
Name Unitssold
I .iJ"II 65
rate r_'-'_-
.III 110 \ame Vivian
Erlf L: l_||"|1\ mid
.' All-Ex 65
Allan ]lil‘-
_ Beret. 3'
- Hal 9'1.
- Harry 3.1
i. .||'| '3}
RA C570: 35
'.'I'.'i.|" T]
L: _9-:rnfer KJ-J
'fill'fitlly 9-5
Bah 51
-'.‘.r- ‘34
Bee r)!
it -'
Wan-:9 :13
v 3?. Based on the influence chart below, what are the decision variahie(s) for this model?
. (E6fE5}>1.05
L' E " [I E F
-! Year Actual Sales Cumulative Sales It. Year ActualSales Cumulative Sales
5 l 7? 77 f. 1 7*? T}
- 2 SB 135 E. 2 58 135
3 73 213 3 T8 213
6 :1 40 253 . at :10 253
'5 5 42 295 9 5 42 295
ll.‘ 5 44 339 1-" 6 4‘1 339
1' 7 74 413 :1 7 3'55 413
ll 3 83 496 _._- 8 33 496
1 -.
v 39. A company has revenue of $1000 in 2009. Our current estimate is that revenues will grow 25% per year. Our
profit each year will equal 20% of revenue. What is the total value (rounded to the nearest dollar) of all revenues
earned during the years 2009-2015?
a! 40. You are working with a tile and want to save it as a .csv file, rather than .xlsx. Where can you click to access this
' 42. Referto lhe screenshot below. in which cell A1 is selected. You hold dovm the C111 and Shift keys and press the
down arrow once. Which cellts) are now selected?
.3: 73
'2' 91
1'3] 60
v 43. The value in cell A1 of a spreadsheet is needed to compute the value in cell E3. The value in cell E3 is needed to
compute the value in cell E10. The value in cell E10 is needed to compute the value in cell A1. This spreadsheet
contains a reference.
v 44. You are going to borrow $500.000 to buy a house. Assume an annual interest rate of 8%. The length of the loan
is 30 years and you are making payments at the end of each month. Your monthly payment is .
Enter just the number {no dollar sign), as a positive number, rounded to the nearest dollar; e.g., 4218.5 should
be entered as 4219.
v 45. In the spreadsheet shown below, we computed profit earned by selling houses by entering the formula :FS-ES in
cell (38 and copying it down to 69:611. We used the word open to denote a house that is not yet sold.
Unfortunately, when a house has not yet been sold our spreadsheet shows the #VALUE error, because you
cannot subtract the buy price from the word open. We would like to "error trap" Column (3 so that when a house
has been sold the correct profit has been computed and it the house has not yet been sold a _ will be entered in
Column G. How many of the following formulas could be entered in cell GB and copied down to (391311 to
achieve this goal?
-I |FERROR(F8—E8,"_")
- II. ISERROR[F8-EB,"_")
- |||. lF(C0UNT[GS}3=0,F8-E8."_")
- V. |FERROR(EB-F8,"_ ")
0 Justl
Just | and It
Just ltl
Just l and Ill
Just IV _
Just l and IV E F "3
Jugt l andV 7 Buy Price Sell Price Profit
400 open '#‘t-’.¢-.LUE!
9 Boo one too
1'3 600 7'00 100
11 700 open '#‘U’ALUE!
v 46. See the screenshot below. What function can be used in cell E5 to find the unit sales of the person selected in
cell E4? {Assume that the range A1320 has been named lockup.)
=VLOO KUP{E4,I00kup,2,TRUE}
=VLOO KUP{E4,I00kup,2,FALSE)
=HLOOKUP(E4,Iookup.2,TRUE) : a
=HLO0KUP(E4,IODKUD.2,FALSE} : "5‘“? ””i“ ‘9'“
_ .EI"FI 65
- .a-zs hf:
— .Ill 1W Nair»;- 'ean
Eric .L: I_Im'.5 {r_I.rl'
-' Lia—x 65
Alinn U13
_' DEF-E". 31
i H.15 Qt
_. Hero.- 31
' 2 Jun ‘3:
t- Carol BE
' '.'I'.'|.I '1 F"?
1 .E" n-I‘er 3;!
i" Err-fiery $5
1' D3" 3::
l '.‘J-r. FA
: BC:- tit-1
- .n-ll it
I "Nance :"J
v 47. See the screenshot below, in which the value 1 has been entered in cell A1 and 2 in cell A2. The user wants to
use Auto Fill to create the series 1, 2: 31 4, 5... What should the next step be?
C. '.
v 4!]. Refer to the screenshot below Which of the following is another way of retrieving the appropriate value for unit
sales‘ given a name entered in cell E4?
=INDEX[B1:B2£L MATCH[E4,A2:A20:0))
0 =INDEX(B2ZB2D, MATCH{E4.A22A20,0))
=INDEX[B1 1320. MATCH{E4,A2:A20,1))
=MATCH(E4JNDEX{B123201.0) . ..
=MATCHlE4‘lNDEXtBZZBZO).0) 1 "5'"? UM“ 50‘“
=MATCH(E4JNDEX(B1:B20)__tj ' :L' E;
=MATCH(E4JNDEX{BZZBZO),1) _ .II: no meme Vlvtan
Enr L: |_|I'|I‘.'- L-tIIrt
' file: 65
' Al!an tur-
. Der-23. '31
- Hal 9'1.
-' Harry- 3»!
.ul" 9.1
'; Caro: 3E-
L‘Ivm" 3"}
1: .e"mr'er 91
Gil-gun- 55
1-. Dan '21
‘.‘.1- 3-1
-- Bot! tr}
" Evil 5'.
't'h'BnCJ 3'3
v 50. Please download the file finalxlsx and refer to Worksheets. The sum of the second digits of all numbers listed in
column A is _. (For example, the second number listed has a second digit of 4.)
'1 13:3.
v 51. Based on the influence chart below, what is the outcome measure for this model?
o Profit
Fixed Cost
None of the above
4' 52. If you have a pivot table and a pivot chart: each will respond to changes made in the other; e.g., iiyou fitter the
pivot table to show only sales made in the East, the pivot chart will automatically display only East sales as well.
0 True
v 53. Suppose you want to count the number of nonolank cells in the cell range A1:D100. What formula (using only a
single Excel function} would you use?
Include the equal sign at the beginning—for example, :SUM{A1:A24}—but do not include any unnecessary
spaces or parentheses in your response.
0 SUMt$E$5:E5}
None of the above
53 135
78 213
40 253
42 295
44 339
ll 74 413
13 83 496
vi 55. Consider the cash flows seen here. If we discount cash flows at 10% per year, the Net Present Value (rounded
to the nearest dollar) of these cash flows as of 4/10/2011 is _ (Note that date is in MMIDDNYYY format.)
Ilil ",-
F ._
4/10/2011 -1000.00
5/1/2012 500.00
1/1/2014 600.00
4/10/2015 700.00
9 56. If you forget to create a pivot chart at the same time as a pivot table, you need to start over and re-create the
pivot table to be able to add a pivot chart
0 False
PASS I 52 of 58 Correct I 89% i 78% (‘35 CDI'I'EC‘I i ‘35 Rflqflm to PBS} _.._.__ ._._.
v 5?. See the screenshot below. What function can be used in cell 63 {and then copied through the range (33: L9) to
summarize the total number of units sold by month and salesperson? Assume that the three columns of the
dataset have been named Nerm—Ir Month, and Units_Soio'_
4 58. You are given the three dates shown below. If you add up the year in which each date occurred and the month in
which each date occurred what is your total? For example if a date were in August 2005 the date would
contribute 2005 +8 to our total sum.
10 Date
11 33454
12 40223
13 37233
An airline sells 120 tickets for a flight that seats 100. Each ticket is non-refundable and costs
Ans- 10560
Suppose you have listed Le Napoleon's monthly sales of pear tortes in a twelve-sheet
workbook. The first worksheet contains January sales, the second worksheet february sales,
etc. The pear torte sales are always listed in cell F7.
A university begins year 1 with 80 faculty. They hire 4 faculty each year. During each year 10%
Ans- G9