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Question Bank Transportation

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Question Bank

Course: Transportation Engineering

Year: BE Civil (2019-20) Sem: I


Q.No Question Marks

1. Describe the method of preparation of Master plan and its phasing for the 6
road development plan based on saturation system with the help of
suitable example
2. State the comparisons between Nagpur and Bombay Road Plan. 5

3. Write a note on Jayakar Committee and its recommendations.

4. The area of one of the district in Maharashtra state is 14,600 sq.km. and 5
there are 12 towns as per 1981 census. Determine the lengths of various
categories of roads to be provided in this district by the method suggested
during the 3rd 20 yr development plan period. You may assume any
additional data suitably if required. State the assumptions clearly.

5. Discuss the necessity of Highway Planning 6

6. Enlist the various planning (fact Finding) surveys. Explain any two in 5
7. Describe with a suitable example how the master plan and its phasing of 6
road may be prepared based on saturation system
8. Explain the various stages of planning surveys that are required for the 6
preparation of Master Plan
9. Describe the method of preparation of Master plan and its phasing for the 6
road development plan based on saturation system with the help of
suitable exam.

10 State the reason for the appointment if an expert committee under the 5
chairmanship of Mr. Jayakar in 1927. Enlist the 4 recommendations of his
report clearly

11 Describe in detail the various steps involved in determining the road 5

lengths of different categories of roads by Lucknow Road Development

12 How do you calculate the lengths of NH and SH for highway planning 5

based on 3rd 20 yr road development plan?
13 State the necessity of highway planning and also state the salient features 5
of 2nd 20 yr road development plan

14 Write an explanatory note on 2nd 20 yr road development plan by 5

highlighting the salient features
15 There are 3 alternate plan proposals P, Q, and R with different road 5
lengths in addition to the existing roads in the area and the details of the
population and products served are given below

16 Write a note on classification of Roads 5

17 Describe with a suitable neat sketch the concept of ‘ Star and Grid pattern’ 5

18 With the help of neat sketch, describe the concept of Star and grid pattern 5

19 Write an illustrative sketches of any 2 road patterns commonly used 5

stating its salient features.

20 How are the Indian Roads classified? Discuss. Also describe with suitable 5
sketches any 3 road patterns that are commonly used.

21 State the modified classification systems of roads in India 5

22 Explain Vision 2021 related to road development in India. 5

23 Explain Vision 2025 for rural road development in India. 5

24 Enlist Various parameters considered in preparing DPR of road. 5

25 Describe Macadam Method of road construction technique. 5
26 Differentiate between Telford and Macadam method of road construction. 5
Question Bank

Course: Transportation Engineering

Year: BE Civil (2019-20) Sem: I

Unit II

Q.No Question Marks

1. State the scope of Reconnaissance survey for highways. How is it carried 5
out and what data are obtained from such a survey
2. Why is camber provided on the road? What are the various 5
recommendations by IRC?
3. What are the basic requirements of an ideal alignment? How this is 5
achieved? Explain with suitable examples.
4. What are the various design parameters considered in the geometric 5
construction of road?

5. Discuss the basic requirements of an ideal alignment and factors 5

controlling this.

6. Write a note on different stages of Engineering Surveys. 5

7. What are the special requirements to be considered during the alignment 5

of hill roads

8. Calculate SSD for V = 60 kmph for (a) two-way traffic in a two lane road 6
(b) two-way traffic in single lane road.
9. The speed of overtaking and over taken vehicles are 70 and 40 kmph, 5
respectively on a two way traffic road. If the acceleration of
overtakingvehicle is 0.99m/sec2.
10 What do you mean by PIEV theory? 5
11 Two lane road, V=50 kmph, R=500 m, Width of the pavement at the 5
horizontal curve= 7.5 m. (i) Design super elevation for mixed traffic.
12 Calculate the ruling minimum and absolute minimum radius of horizontal 5
curve of a NH in plain terrain.

13 If the radius of a horizontal circular curve is 150 m and the design 6

speed is 80 kmph and the design coefficient of lateral friction is
0.15, calculate the superelevation required if full lateral friction is
assumed to develop.
14 Explain how super elevation is attained in the field. 5

15 Calculate the ruling minimum and absolute minimum radius of 5

horizontal curve of a NH in plain terrain. (Hint: V ruling =100kmph,
Vmin =80kmph., e=0.07, f=0.15) [Ans: 360 and 230 m]
16 Find the width of a pavement on a horizontal curve for a new NH on 5
rolling terrain. Assume all data. (Hint: V=80kmph for rolling terrain,
normal W=7.0m, n=2, l=6.0m, e = 0.07, f=0.15). [Ans: Rruling =230m,
We=0.71, W at HC=7.71m]
17 Find the extra widening for W=7m, R=250m, longest wheel base, 5
l=7m, V=70kmph. (Hint: n=2) [Ans:0.662m]

18 What do you mean by mechanical widening of road? 5

19 If the radius of a horizontal circular curve is 150 m and the design speed 5
is 60 kmph and the design coefficient of lateral friction is 0.15, calculate
the superelevation required if full lateral friction is assumed to develop.

20 Calculate the extra widening required for a pavement of within 7 m on a 5

horizontal curve of radius 250 m if the longest wheel base of a vehicle
expected on the road is 7 m. design speed is 70 kmph.

21 Why is super elevation provided for pavements in curves? Explain the 5

factors influencing it.

22 While aligning a highway in built up area it was necessary to provide a 6

horizontal circular curve of radius 325 metre, Design the following
geometric features.
a) Superelevation
b) Extra widening of pavement
c) Length of transition curve
Data available are:
Design speed = 65Kmph
Length of wheel base of largest truck = 6m
Pavement width = 10.5 m
23 A vertical summit curve is formed by n1 = +3.0% and n2 = 5.0%. Design 5
the length of the summit curve for V=80 kmph. (Hint: SSD=128m).

24 What will be the length of summit curve if an ascending gradient of 1 in 5

50 meets a descending gradient of 1 in 50, for a stopping sight distance of
80 m?

25 A vertical summit curve is formed by n1 =3.0% and n2 = - 5.0%. Design 5

the length of the summit curve for V=80 kmph. (Hint: SSD=128m). [Ans:
26 A valley curve is formed by descending gradient n1= 1 in 25 and 5
ascending gradient n2= 1 in 30. Design the length of the valley curve for V
=80kmph. (Hint: c=0.6 m/cm3, SSD=127.3m) [Ans: L= max (73.1,

27 A valley curve is formed due to two gradients +2.5% and –1.75%. If the 5
design speed of this highway is 80 kmph, determine the stopping sight
distance and design the valley curve to fulfill both comfort and head light
sight distance conditions
28 What are the ill effets of highway drainage? 5

29 What are the different types of surface and sub surface drainage? 5

30 What are the objectives of transition curve? 5

31 Explain how pavement unevenness is measured in the field. 5

Question Bank

Course: Transportation Engineering

Year: BE Civil (2019-20) Sem: I

Unit III

Q.No Question Marks

1. Give neat dimensional sketches to show the general design of 1) 5
regulatory sign 2) warning sign and also state clearly the importance of
each signs to be provided on highways.

2. Write a note on spot speed studies. 5

3. Explain the term traffic volume. What are the objects of carrying out 5
traffic volume studies?

4. Enlist the various traffic studies that are to be carried out and explain 5
speed studies.

5. Describe the various Road users and vehicular characteristics 5

6. State the importance of traffic separators. 5

7. Explain the term traffic volume. What are the objects of carrying out 5
traffic volume studies.
8. What are the various traffic control devices. Explain in brief various 5
traffic signs.
9. Write a note on Origin and destination studies 5

10. Write the importance of Origin and destination studies and hence briefly 5
outline how this is carried out.
11. State any two traffic control devices stating their importance 5
12. Write an illustrative sketches of the following 5
1)to show the details of warning signs
2) to show the various conflicts at a right angled intersection when both
legs are considered to be one way traffic.
13. Write an explanatory note on traffic signals and their types 5

14. What are the essential requirements of a parking zone? Give sketches of 5
different parking layouts.

15. Write a note on 1)Traffic signals 2) Accident studies 5

16. Explain floating car method of conducting surveys. 5

17. Differentiate between practical and possible capacity of road. 5

18. Write a note on PCU. 5

19. What are the advantages of proving rotary on a road. 5

20. How is collision and condition diagram important during accident studies. 5

21. Explain how road side interview is conducted. 5

22. How is space mean speed of the vehicle found out. 5

23. With neat sketches explain various types of graded intersections. 5

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