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Typical and Atypical Child Development

Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21


Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for Sam at

Milestones 14 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Has more interest in the opposite Is not invited to do things after school
sex. or on weekends. Appears to have
limited peer connections and relies on
his parents for his social connections
Goes through less conflict with Shows inappropriate behavior in
parents. public as well as at home, including
masturbating in public and lifting his
SOCIAL AND Shows more independence from
EMOTIONAL parents.
Has a deeper capacity for caring
and sharing and for developing
more intimate relationships.
Spends less time with parents
and more time with friends.
Can experience sadness or
depression, which can lead to
other problems.
Speaks in short sentences of only
three to five words. Strangers may
struggle to understand him if he is
speaking about something without
Learns more defined work habits. Has a low IQ.
Shows more concern about Is below grade level and has a limited
THINKING AND future school and work plans. ability to read.
LEARNING Is better able to give reasons for Needs clothes fasteners adapted for
their own choices, including him to be able to dress.
about what is right or wrong.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for Sam at

Milestones 14 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Most girls will be physically Needs clothes fasteners adapted for
mature at this stage, while boys him to be able to dress.
MOVEMENT AND may still be maturing physically.
PHYSICAL Most children will reach or are
DEVELOPMENT close to reaching their adult
height and weight at this age.
Capable of having children.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Brandon at 15 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Has more interest in the opposite Unable to complete his
sex. responsibilities at home because
his parents have substantially
reduced demands on him in order
to avoid his outbursts at being
requested to do things.
Goes through less conflict with Has been increasingly aggressive
parents. with his peers and family.
Shows more independence from Has been increasingly aggressive
SOCIAL AND parents. with his peers and family.
EMOTIONAL Has a deeper capacity for caring Requires supervision at school
and sharing and for developing due to behavioral issues.
more intimate relationships.
Spends less time with parents and Frequently runs away, running
more time with friends. from home, school and other
activities one to three times
Can experience sadness or Unable to participate in activities
depression, which can lead to both at school and at home.
other problems.
Learns more defined work habits.
Shows more concern about future
school and work plans.
THINKING AND IS better able to give reasons for At home, is unable to do activities
LEARNING their own choices, including about independently and needs regular
what is right or wrong. supervision.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Brandon at 15 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Most girls will be physically mature Although he appears capable of
at this stage, while boys may still self-care, like bathing, brushing his
be maturing physically. teeth and changing his clothes, he
carries out these activities
irregularly, sometimes only bathing
MOVEMENT AND and brushing his teeth two to three
PHYSICAL times a month and changing his
DEVELOPMENT clothes only once a week.
Most children will reach or are
close to reaching their adult height
and weight at this age.
Capable of having children.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Jayla at 16 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Has more interest in the opposite Needs restrictions to limit her
sex. access to food.
Goes through less conflict with Always has had obsessive food-
parents. seeking behavior, but it has
recently reached a new level of
Shows more independence from Has very limited and often
parents. negative interaction with her peers.
EMOTIONAL Has a deeper capacity for caring Has begun demonstrating
and sharing and for developing behavioral outbursts both and
more intimate relationships. home and in the community.
Spends less time with parents and Demonstrates obsessive behavior
more time with friends. including talking incessantly and
picking at her skin
Can experience sadness or
depression, which can lead to
other problems.
Learns more defined work habits. Struggles academically and
receives special education
Shows more concern about future
THINKING AND school and work plans.
Is better able to give reasons for
their own choices, including about
what is right or wrong.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Jayla at 16 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Most girls will be physically mature
at this stage, while boys may still
MOVEMENT AND be maturing physically.
PHYSICAL Most children will reach or are
DEVELOPMENT close to reaching their adult height
and weight at this age.
Capable of having children.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Emma at 16 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Has more interest in the opposite Engages in self-harming behavior,
sex. including cutting and meeting men
whom she has met on the Internet.
Goes through less conflict with Is at high risk for suicide.
Shows more independence from Has threatened to kill her parents.
parents. Even though she has not acted on
these threats, she is often verbally
intimidating toward them.
EMOTIONAL Has a deeper capacity for caring Needs constant supervision
and sharing and for developing
more intimate relationships.
Spends less time with parents and Has limited peer connections
more time with friends.
Can experience sadness or Although she can manage self-
depression, which can lead to care independently, she has
other problems. become more lax in personal
hygiene and has to be reminded to
take showers.
Learns more defined work habits.
Shows more concern about future
school and work plans.
LEARNING Is better able to give reasons for
their own choices, including about
what is right or wrong.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Emma at 16 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Most girls will be physically mature
at this stage, while boys may still
MOVEMENT AND be maturing physically.
PHYSICAL Most children will reach or are
DEVELOPMENT close to reaching their adult height
and weight at this age.
Capable of having children.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Anton at 20 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Has more interest in the opposite Has very limited peer relationships
Goes through less conflict with Is unable to determine safe or
parents. unsafe situations and will wander
Show more independence from Needs constant supervision
EMOTIONAL Has a deeper capacity for caring
and sharing and for developing
more intimate relationships.
Spends less time with parents and
more time with friends.
Can experience sadness or
depression, which can lead to
other problems.
Learns more defined work habits. Needs assistance in managing
and learning life skills
Shows more concern about future Is able to self-care—bathing,
school and work plans. dressing, toileting—but only with
step by step cueing
Is highly sensitive to loud sounds,
which inhibits his ability to
participate in certain activities
Is better able to give reasons for
their own choices, including about
what is right or wrong.

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Typical and Atypical Child Development
Module 4: Adolescence-Transition to Adult Life, Ages 14-21

Typical Developmental Atypical Developmental for

Milestones Anton at 20 Years Old
14-21 YEARS OF AGE (Teenage to Young Adult Years)
Most girls will be physically mature
at this stage, while boys may still
MOVEMENT AND be maturing physically.
PHYSICAL Most children will reach or are
DEVELOPMENT close to reaching their adult height
and weight at this age.
Capable of having children.

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