Top Secret Attache
Top Secret Attache
Top Secret Attache
Inside families will find books, movies, and audiobooks about famous spies from
history, fun stories about kid spies, mysteries, and how-to books. They will also find a
webliography directing them towards online games and educational resources. Finally,
there are instructions on how to build your own periscope, how to write and reveal
invisible notes, a fun card game for friends and family, and instructions on how to write
coded messages.
The goal is that through the subject of spies, kids will gain an appreciation for
history, current events, geography, and solving mysteries and puzzles.
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• Padlock • Scissors
• Duct tape • Watercolor paints and brush
• Hot glue gun • Card deck
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Gibbs, S. (2012). Spy School. New York, NY: Simon Shuster Books for Young Readers.
304 pages
Awkward, clumsy Ben Ripley’s gets accepted to a magnet school for math wizzes like
himself. But a mistake has been made. Ben’s new school isn’t for klutzy math kids, it’s a
secret front for a CIA school. Despite some hilarious mishaps, Ben might become a
decent spy.
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Hale, N. (2012). One Dead Spy. New York, NY: Abrams Books. 128 pages
Part one of a series about American History, Nathan Hale is being lead to the gallows,
trying to figure out what his last words should be. He and his hangman are pulled into
the Big Book of American History and Hale tells his story about his role in the American
Kirkpatrick, K. Himler, R (illustrator). (1999). Red Coats and Petticoats. New York, NY:
Holiday House. 32 pages
Young Thomas’s father is arrested by British soldiers and soon after they lose their
home. During the Revolutionary War, Thomas’s mother uses their clothes line to send
coded messages to Washington’s army. At war’s end, they are reunited with their father.
Seegert, S. (2010). Vordak the Incomprehensible: How to Grow Up and Rule the
World. New York, NY: Egmont. 208 pages
Sometimes an agent decides they want to turn to the dark side and join the bad guys.
This guide provides tips on how to be a supervillain, as well as quizzes, funny comics
and games!
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Snicket, L. (2014). File Under: 13 Suspicious Incidents. New York, NY: Little, Brown
and Company. 272 pages
Mysterious deeds are taking place in the town of Stain’d-by-the-Sea. Paintings
mysteriously fall off walls, a dog is kidnapped, a ghost is wrecking bedrooms. A young
Lemony Snicket is on the case to solve 13 suspicious incidents happening all around
town. Young agents can test their metal against Snicket and turn to the back of the book
to learn if they’ve successfully solved each mystery.
Stead, R. Bernstein, J (narrator). (2012). Liar & Spy [audiobook]. New York, NY:
Wendy Lamb Books. 4 hrs 39min
When his family moves to a new apartment, Georges sees a sign that says, “Spy club
meeting today.” There he meets Safer, a boy who promises to teach Georges to be a spy.
But whatever Safer’s plans are for Georges are a mystery which could get both of them in
serious trouble. All the while Georges deals with missing his old home and being picked
on at school.
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A good agent knows where to find quality intelligence online. Here are five excellent web
resources for a young spy in training.
A good agent is up to date on current events. This website offers the latest headlines and
news stories in a kid-friendly format. And when a good agent isn’t hard at work
protecting our country’s secrets, they can use the book and movie reviews to select
quality entertainment.
Every good operative needs to master at least one foreign language. Duolingo uses fun
games and simple, immersive lessons to teach Spanish, German, French, Klingon, and
many other important world languages.
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A team of spies is called a ring, and when a spy ring gets captured it’s called getting
“rolled up.” Play this game with seven or more people. Some of you will be spies and
some of you will not. The goal is to capture the spies before they eliminate innocent
players from the game.
Moderator – The moderator doesn’t play. They deal the cards to the players who will
be playing and make sure no one peaks during the Night.
FBI Agent – The player who is dealt the QUEEN. They will try to capture spies during
the night.
Spies – Anyone dealt a HEART. For a game with 7-8 players, there should be 2 spies.
Add a spy for every 2 additional players.
Bystanders – Everyone else. They will be dealt any cards not a HEART or QUEEN.
Moderator deals one card to every player. There should be enough hearts in the deck for
the number of spies in the game and one queen for the FBI agent. No one should reveal
what card they have.
Moderator tells everyone it’s night and time for bed. All the players should close their
Moderator tells the spies to wake up. The spies silently decide on a player they want
eliminated and point to that person. Once they’ve chosen their victim, they close their
eyes and return to sleep.
Moderator tells the FBI Agent to wake up. The FBI agent points to someone they suspect
is a spy. If they are correct, the spy is eliminated from the game. If they are incorrect, the
agent knows this person is a bystander.
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Moderator tells everyone who was eliminated by the spies during the night.
Everyone will discuss who they think is a spy. After accusations and discussions,
everyone votes on who they think is a spy. If a majority votes a player guilty, that player
is eliminated from the game and reveals if they were a spy or not.
The night cycle repeats with the spies choosing a new victim and the agent trying to find
another spy.
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MacGyver: verb.
Make or repair (an object) in an
improvised or inventive way,
making use of whatever items are at
-Oxford English Dictionary
Agents cannot perform this mission without the direct help and
supervision of Operational Control (adult supervision).
Required Materials
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1: Have Operational Control (an adult) glue the mirrors inside the box, facing each other
at about a 45° angle.
2: Tape the box shut and cut a hole facing the mirror on each side.
3: Cover the outside of the box in duct tape to hold it all together.
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Invisible Messages!
There are all sorts of ways to send and reveal secret messages using invisible ink. This
technique is simple and fun!
Required Materials
From the Attaché Case:
• White crayon • Watercolor set
From Your Home
• White paper
Use the white crayon to write your secret message or to draw a map or picture.
Use the watercolors to paint over the paper. The crayon will not absorb the paint,
revealing your secret message!
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