SFP SandSt
SFP SandSt
SFP SandSt
10G Ethernet
Sandstone Technologies™ SFP10G-SM-80 SFP+ transceivers are designed for use in 10Gbps
Ethernet links up to 80km over Single Mode Fiber (SMF). The transceivers are compliant with
SFF-8431 and IEEE 802.3ae 10GBASE-ZR/ZW, and 10GBASE-ZR/ZW with FEC. Digital
diagnostics functions are available via a 2-wire serial interface per SFF-8472 specification. The
transceivers are RoHS compliant and lead free.
Optical Characteristics
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Note
Output Optical Power POUT 0 - +4 dBm 1
Optical Wavelength λ 1530 1550 1565 nm
Optical Extinction Ratio ER 9.0 - - dB 2
Side Mode Suppression Ratio SMSR 30 - - dB
Transmitter and Dispersion Penalty TDP - - 3 dB
Relative Intensity Noise RIN - - -128 dB/Hz
Output Optical Power, TX Disabled POFF - - -30 dBm 1
Output Eye Mask ITU-T G.691 SDH STM-64 L-64.2 compatible
Pin Assignment
Pin Symbol Name/Description Note
1 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
2 TFAULT Transmitter Fault. 2
3 TDIS Transmitter Disable. Laser output disabled on high or open. 3
4 SDA 2-wire Serial Interface Data Line 4
5 SCL 2-wire Serial Interface Clock Line 4
6 MOD_ABS Module Absent. Grounded within the module 4
7 RS0 Rate Select 0 5
8 LOS Loss of Signal indication. Logic 0 indicates normal operation. 6
9 RS1 No connection required 1
10 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
11 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
12 RD- Receiver Inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
13 RD+ Receiver Non-inverted DATA out. AC Coupled
14 VEER Receiver Ground (Common with Transmitter Ground) 1
15 VCCR Receiver Power Supply
16 VCCT Transmitter Power Supply
17 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
18 TD+ Transmitter Non-Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
19 TD- Transmitter Inverted DATA in. AC Coupled.
20 VEET Transmitter Ground (Common with Receiver Ground) 1
SFF-8472 defines a 256-byte memory map in EEPROM that is accessible over a 2-wire serial
interface at the 8 bit address 1010000X (A0h). The digital diagnostic monitoring interface
makes use of the 8 bit address 1010001X (A2h), so the originally defined serial ID memory map
remains unchanged.
The operating and diagnostics information is monitored and reported by a digital diagnostics
transceiver controller inside the transceiver, which is accessed through a 2-wire serial interface.
When the serial protocol is activated, the serial clock signal (SCL, Mod Def 1) is generated by
the host. The positive edge clocks data into the SFP+ transceiver into those segments of the
E2PROM that are not write-protected. The negative edge clocks data from the SFP+
transceiver. The serial data signal (SDA, Mod Def 2) is bi-directional for serial data transfer.
The host uses SDA in conjunction with SCL to mark the start and end of serial protocol
activation. The A0h and A2h memories are organized as a series of 8-bit data words that can
be addressed individually or sequentially.
Regulatory Compliance
Sandstone Technologies™ SFP+ transceiver is designed to be Class I Laser safety compliant
and is certified per the following standards:
Change Log
Changed By Notes Revision Date
Initial 1.0
TR Datasheet Formatting Update 1.1 5/11/2017
DG Updated part number 1.2 8/22/2017