The Customer Satisfaction Level": "A Study On Vehicle Loans Provided by AU Small Finance Bank and Assessing
The Customer Satisfaction Level": "A Study On Vehicle Loans Provided by AU Small Finance Bank and Assessing
The Customer Satisfaction Level": "A Study On Vehicle Loans Provided by AU Small Finance Bank and Assessing
Certified that this report entitled “A Study on vehicle loans provided by AU small finance
bank and assessing the customer satisfaction level”. I the record of the project work done
independently by Ashima Sethi under my guidance and supervision and that it has not previously
formed the basis for the award of any degree/diploma, fellowship or associationship to her.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. Shammi
Chauhan State head of new wheels loan AU small bank finance bank, Rajasthan. For giving me
this opportunity of internship in his organization which has been a pure learning experience for
I would extend my warm thanks for the organization by providing me the opportunity to have a
glance of corporate world and be in such an environment.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Jessy John, Director of FMS-IRM, Jaipur for giving me
the opportunity to explore the corporate world by this internship project.
Along with them I would also thank to my college mentor Mrs. Sonika Tyagi who has given me
continuous support and guidance throughout my internship and also boosting up my moral at
hard times. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all the faculty members of Faculty of
management studies Institute of Rural Management, Jaipur for their valuable guidance.
Last but not the least, I express my sincere gratitude to all the employees at AU small finance
bank who have directly or indirectly contributed to the successful completion of the project.
Date: Ashima Sethi
Batch 2017-19
AU small finance bank is registered with reserve bank of India (RBI) as non banking finance
company (NbfCs). The Research project entitled “A STUDY ON THE FEASIBILITY OF AU
been carried out AU small finance bank in Jaipur. The main Objective of the research was to
analyze and interpret that what is the feasibility of the loan services of the Bank. The other
objective was of my project was to analyze the products of AU and how they categorized their
services by introducing different types of schemes, how the bank is offering their services to
small and medium enterprises and micro small and medium enterprises. During the initial week
of the project , the main focus on learning about the various functions and operations undertaken
at the bank and other than this the focus on why small finance bank concept introduced in India
and what are the services of the small finance bank. During the days of the internship I develop a
understanding about the loans and their terms and conditions”. Apart from this, I have also
\concluded a 3c’s analysis and SWOT analysis of the bank in order to identify the internal and
external environment of the bank. I also concluded the focus of the bank and USPs of the bank.
3.1 Company
3.2 Customer 19-27
7 3.3 Competitor
3.4 SWOC Analysis
4.1 Research Design
4.2 Target Population
4.3 Sample size and Sample Procedure
8 4.3.1 Sample Size
4.3.2 Sample Procedure
4.4. Research Instruments
4.5 Statistical Tools For Data Analysis And Interpretation
I worked for all three products but curiosity leads me to the business that is that is the backbone
for AU small bank finance that is providing loans. A field work has been done to know the
response of customers towards taking loan, about the company, about its competitors.
The conventional methods of purchase and consumer behavior revolved solely around either the
quality of the product or the price .The study incorporates the understanding of the feasibility of
the vehicle loan services that is being provided by the AU bank to the customer. This study
includes the availability of customers as per their profile (mostly in loan department).
The study also includes the type of problems the customers are facing while getting services and
as well as what kind of benefits customers are getting. This study comprises the satisfaction of
the customers by using the services of the bank.
This study comprises that how much effective the services are, among the customers. This also
includes the changes in the services while converting the bank. It also includes that these
services are how much feasible or easy accessible from the point of view of the customer.
The objective of project was “Study of vehicle loan at AU finance and assessing the customer
satisfaction level”, thus, visiting the branch for knowing more about vehicle loans, to know the
credit analysis process of wheels, to know about the important documents required for loans
• This study helps the organization to analyze their weakness in providing the
services as well as their achievement of their services.
• This study helps the organization to increase the profitability.
• The study helps the organization to do the possible changes in terms of the
requirement of the customers.
• This will help the organization to retain the customer.
• This will help the organization to get more references from the customers by
providing the better services.
• It helps the organization to build the loyal and higher customer base.
• The utility of this study is that the organization can enhance their quality of
services and to maintain the stability of the customers.
The research problem is to check the feasibility of vehicle loan services provided by
the Bank to the customers. The Research aims to evaluate the relationship between a
salesperson’s behavior and its effect on the consumer with regards to the loan services that is
being provided to the customers. The research tries to find out the importance of different quality
and attributes of the services and their feasibility among all the customers. The present study is
accordingly, devoted to a detailed probe into the loan services in India.
This research includes the all the possible factors through which the customer is facing
any kind of issue and problem with the department. A salesperson is the representative of an
organization and the behavior portrayed by him to the client results into conversion or not. The
customers have assessed their value in the growth on an organization. This made them assume
themselves as the kings and therefore, they demand of a similar treatment. This persuades the
companies to recognize the value of all possible strategies and elements to maximize customer
It include that what type of changes customer wants from the organization for their satisfaction
and their comfort.
• Concept of customer perception and the factors influencing the perception of the
process of vehicle loan with reference to
To study the credit analysis
AU small finance bank.
To study the certain aspects
of customers who have taken loan from
the AU small finance bank.
that influence customer
To make an analysis on certain factors
perception regarding vehicle loan.
Banking sector:-
In India, the definition of the business banking has been given in the Banking Regulation Act,
(BR Act), 1949. According to the section 5(c) of the BR act, ‘a banking company is a company
which transacts the business of banking in India.’ Further, section 5(b) of the BR act defines
banking as. ’Accepting, for the purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the
public, repayable on demand or otherwise, and withdraw able, draft, order, by cheque or
The definition points to the three primary activities of a commercial bank which distinguish it
from the other financial institution. These are:-
Public Sector Banks Private Sector Banks Foreign Banks Regional Rural Banks
Asia- pacific journal of Customer satisfaction To study the The satisfaction of the
management Research in Banking industry: A customer customers is a
and innovation, Gap analysis approach satisfaction level of important and efficient
Volume-8, Issue-4, different bank firms part to run any
Published in by assessing and banking institution.
December 1, 2012. interviewing
customers from
Journal of Selling Impact of Purchase Identify the impact This study showed
& Major Account Importance and of that the honesty of
Management Salesperson the characteristics of salespersons, their
(2008) Behaviors on the salespersons on commitments to their
Relationship the purchasing promises and their
Loyalty behavior of young patience in dealing
Consumers. with customers had
Identify the impact an impact on their
of behavior.
sales promotion by
salespersons on the
purchasing behavior
Of young
Asia- pacific journal of Customer perception To determine and The study identifies
management Research of banking services- A compare the extent six service quality
and innovation, comparative study of of customer’s factors which
Volume-7, Issue-2, Rural and Urban satisfaction with influence customer
Published in April 1, Branch. quality of banking satisfaction regarding
2011 services on the basis banking services and it
of different is revealed by the
constituent factors. analysis that
satisfaction level of
rural customers is
higher as compared to
urban customers
1. Accounting analysis of the Loan Portfolio of Banks and Feasibility of the Model
for the credit Losses. By D. Feschiyan, Issue-4, Published in 2017.
2. Organizations usually invest in customer satisfaction measured because they
assume that satisfied customers will engage in a number of behaviors beneficial to
the company and demonstrate a long-term commitment to their brand. These
behaviors and actions include but are not limited to, continuation of the customer
relationship, deepening of the customer relationship through cross-selling, and
referrals to new customers (Murphy, 2001).
3. Customer satisfaction, as noted by Tahir, Waggett and Hoffman (2013), is “a
customer's perspective based on expectation and then subsequent post purchase
experience”. In other words, it is an evaluation of products or services‟ quality
level that meets or exceeds the customer expectations.
4. The term customer satisfaction has been on the markets for a long time. In fact,
many researchers and academicians emphasized that it is a key element for a
Company’s success in the market as well as a crucial factor for company” survival
as it has a positive effect on company’s profitability. (Novikova, 2009; Angelova
and Zekiri, 2011)
5. Effective usage of customer measurement and management system can build
organizational value (Johnson et al., 2000). Researchers have recognized
significant relationships between customer satisfaction and profitability and other
economic effects.
6. Bepko2 (2000) in his article entitled, “Service Intangibility and Its Impact on
Consumer Expectations of Service Quality” has pointed out that among the areas
which need to be addressed in service quality research is the nature of consumer
expectations across the range of intangibility
The literature review involves explanation of all the policies and the procedures of
loans and the feasibility and performance of the services among the customers.
3.1. Company:-
Industry: banking and financial services
Founded: 1996
Area served: India
Key people: Mr. Mannil Venugopalan (chairman) Mr. Sanjay Agarwal (MD & CEO)
• AU small finance bank is, since 2017, a small finance bank business in India, Formerly
known as AU Financiers; it started operations as “an NBFC in 1996.
• This bank is an Indian commercial bank that was founded as vehicle finance company
AU financiers (India) ltd in 1996. It was founded by Mr. Sanjay Agarwal (CEO) as a private
company but now it is publically listed in an IPO on 29 June, 2017.
• The Bank received a license from the RBI under section 22 (1) of ‘the banking regulation
act 1949’ to set up a small finance bank in December 2016 and commenced operations from
April 19, 2017.
• This bank mainly finances assets revenue generating potential. AU is redefining what a
bank should be.
• The bank is trying to change the complicated banking system to the uncomplicated
banking system.
• Throughout the journey the bank focused on solutions, completely based on customer’s
Progress for all
Action and urgency
• The SFBs (Small finance bank) are required to open at least 25% of its branches in a
financial year in unbanked rural areas, similar to the scheduled commercial banks.
• The Small finance banks are required to extend 75% of its ANBC (Adjusted Net Bank
Credit) to priority sector, whereas the SCBs (Scheduled Commercial Banks) extend
ANBC to priority sector.
The vision of this bank is to be the world’s most trusted retail bank and devoted employer
that is admired as the representation of financial inclusion and economic success ordinary people
do extraordinary things to transform society at large, thereby guaranteeing trust , confidence and
customer delight.
The mission statement is to build one of India’s largest retail franchises by 2022
that is admired for:
There is no business in the world which is not facing any kind of problems in running their
business, as AU small finance bank is also facing some problems, these are:
Mostly customers are non income base customers who do not show their income or they
do not pay income tax .Non income base customers are those customers where customer
do not have any banking habit or do not having any proof to established his or her
business or in other terms their income cannot be verified through any document. It can
be accessed only based on personal discussion by verifying his or business and living
Bank is facing problems related to competitors because there are many competitors are in
loan department like Magma Fincrop Ltd., Cholamandalam Investment and Finance
company, Hinduja Leyland Finance, L&T Finance, Esskay auto finance and private
Ltd,Sundaram Finance Ltd.
Maintaing customer base.
Improving customer retention.
Though it is a new bank so they have to provide customer centric services to establish its
image in the mind of the customers.
Software related problem: There are so many software’s in the company like OMNIFIN,
because of so many software’s it takes so much time to disburse the loan.
Some of the Existing customers are shifting their loan from AU small finance bank to
other finance company.
(1) Strength:-
Strength of any industry or organization shows the competitive advantages over others.
Mostly customers are non income base customers in the loan department.
Mostly Targeted customers are rural people.
Opportunities for any industry or organization are favorable conditions for profit and
(2) Challenges:-
Threats for any industry or organization are unfavorable conditions for profit and wealth
Leakage of information.
Facing Competition from the competitive banks regarding the interest rates.
From the SWOT analysis, it is clear that the Bank can themselves take steps to minimize
their weakness and face all threats by making better use of their strengths and
opportunities. The future of Small Finance bank looks bright with ample opportunities
There are three generally used research methods: quantitative, qualitative and
pragmatic. Quantitative method is used for measurements, which involves numerical data and
statistical analysis of the findings in the research. The research data can be generalized into large
groups of people. Qualitative method, in turn, concentrates on deeper understanding among the
research topic. Basically, this method analyzes human behavior and experiences and therefore,
cannot be generalized.
According to Gregory Ciotti” A satisfied customer is one who will continue to buy from
you, seldom shop around, refer other customers and in general be a superstar advocate for your
In fact, the research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted
It constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data.
It is used to describe characteristics of the population. The analysis of the factors that affects
the customer satisfaction and their perception towards the service quality of the bank. (e.g.,
case-study, naturalistic observation, survey).
The research will be carried out for a period of 2 months, from 15th May, 2018 to 25th
July, 2018.
Source of Data:-
1. Primary Data: Primary data will be collected from the customers of the company. The
data will be based on a questionnaire which is prepared under guidance of the guides.
2. Secondary Data: Secondary Data will be collected through the contents that are
available on the website of company.
Sampling :-
Universe / Population: The universe is based on the client base of AU small finance Bank,
Sample Size:-
• Vehicle Loan
1. Vehicle loans
Commercial vehicle loans were the main focus when the bank was company as au
financer. Au financers primarily give only vehicle loans to customers. But now in AU
bank also Vehicle loans has its prime importance because they still offer services for
Heavy, medium and light commercial vehicle, tractor ,auto ,three wheeler loan etc of
Au bank support small entrepreneur and offer financial solution in the form of
small secured loans to business. The time period of these types of loans is from
AU bank support and offer loan against property and support us by financing.
Whether it is to invest in some business or some property AU bank provides the loan
against property.
Payment of Dealer
Delivery order Loan number
In Used vehicle there is no delivery order and payment of dealer. All the process is
same as the new vehicle loan. This credit process is for new vehicle loan.
Credit Process:
The credit approval process starts with the request of customer for the approval of their
loan and ends with the acceptance of loan through sanction letter or Welcome letter
and in this process it also includes all the formalities related to the loan sanctioning.
All sales team members are important for this job. Case sourcing helps in bringing the
clarity of customers and sales team understand the requirements of customer of what
they want. In case sourcing basically sales team check what type of case is, which loan
customer wants etc .Whether the case source is true or not is being checked on field
Personal Discussion:
After the sales team has done the case sourcing of customer they all do personal
discussion on the case whether we should carry forward with the customer request of
loan or not.
CIBIL Check:
After the sales team has done the personal discussion with his team they are now
satisfied with the customer requirement of loans that are under the company norms and
matched with the profile of product available with them. So next, they check the CIBIL
Score of the respective customer whether he or she is eligible to pay the EMIs or not.
Good Match –If the status of CIBIL report is good match which means it has
clear history and accurate record that means there should be no delay in
processing to a next level
Bad Match-If the status of CIBIL report is bad match which means
it has some
delayed payment which needs to be checked by senior authority.
Field Investigation:
Once the request of customer is being approved, Sales team will go for background
After the investigation the sales team needs to submit the report to credit manager so
They should know the current status after field investigation and be clear whether the
being approved by senior manager .After this the sales executive has to prepare CAM
(Credit Assessment Memo) based on the customers documents. This report includes
complete information about customer who has applied for loan .Credit decision will be
Approval of Loan Rate
After the case has been approved the credit manager decides the rate at which loan will
be given to customers.
properly the file is dispatched for the delivery .File is being checked for verifications.
Loan number
After sales team has collected all order, loan number is assigned to each customer
according to the requirement and request of each customer. The loan number is
Wheels loan
New loan: Au bank provide loan to one who wants to newly purchased vehicles.
Used Purchase: If the customer has already purchased vehicles than also AU
bank provide loan after used purchase.
Refinance: Au bank helps to finance you again for better working capital and so
First time Buyer (FTB)-Customers who are not first time users and they
have experience to manage their vehicles alone or they had the vehicle in
the past is known as first time buyers
Transporter –Customers
who already owned one or more vehicles
for minimum 12 months
Captive User-They don’t own a commercial vehicle for their
personal use .These customers use this vehicle for their business.
The address of the
residence should be in the name of self or of
family members
One who is taking loan should have mobile connection
Customer should have one valid ID proof as per KYC Policy
5.0 Introduction
The chapter analysis the responses of the research questionnaire and aims to present them
in the form of frequency tables and graphs. It also narrates interpretations for each question.
This section consists of questions related to the demographic profile of the respondents.
Female Male
Interpretation: From the above table and chart, it has been observed that out of total
respondents the Ratio of males is 4% and the Ratio of Females is 96%.This ratio shows that
males are more into to take the loans rather than females, because most of the customers of the
bank are from rural area and in rural area there are many females who are unaware about the
loans procedure.
Axis Title
20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60 above
Total 14 52 21 10 3
Interpretation: From the above table and chart, it has been observed that out of total
respondents there are 52 respondents of age 30 -40 who take the loan from the bank, 21
respondents are of age 40-50, The age of 30-40 is that age in which there are many
responsibilities on that particular individual so loan is the best way to fulfill those
Marital status
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Married Unmarried
Total 74 26
Interpretation: From the above chart there are 74 members are married and 26 members
are unmarried, because married people take more loans rather than unmarried people. Because
there are more responsibility on married people, they have the responsibility of their family as
well so that they are more into of taking loans.
Axis Title
salaried self employed
Total 26 74
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 26
respondents are salaried and 74 employees are self employed. Salaries people are more concern
to repay their loan on time because they have only this source to pay the EMIs.
Axis Title
income base non income base
Total 21 79
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 21
respondents are income base and 79 is non income base. In the bank the loan is preferred by
mostly non income base customers. The guarantor is necessary for the taking loan from the
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that on new vehicle the
ratio of taking loan is 30% and on used, the ratio is 55% and on refinance this is 15%. It is
specified that in the AU small finance bank’s used loan is most preferred by the customers.
How many times you have taken the loan from the bank
Figure 5.7 “how many times you have taken the loan from the bank”
More than 4
1st time 2-3 times 3-4 times
Total 26 53 5 16
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there is almost
existing customer who takes loan from the bank. There are 53% customers who have taken the
loan from the bank 2-3 times, 16% customers who have taken the loan more than 4 times. The
bank is building good relation with the customers so that they can make the strong client base.
Axis Title
1L-2L 2L-4L 4L-6L Above 6L
Total 22 37 29 12
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that the range of loan
amount is 1L to above 6L according to the vehicle. The bank gives the loan to the customer
according to the customer profile and their CIBIL score. If the customer is having the good
image in front of the bank then bank can give the large amount to the customers.
Axis Title
1 yr 2-3 yr more than 3 yr
Total 3 74 23
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that the tenure of74
respondents is 2-3 years and 23% respondents have taken loan for the more than 3 year, and rest
have taken the loan year. According to the customers if the tenure is more the 2-3 year then they
have to pay more interest on their amount, more number of years equal to more amount to be
On which type of vehicle you have the loan from the Bank
commercial personal
Total 76 24
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that most of the
vehicles are commercial on which the customers have taken the loan. Most of the customers are
from rural areas and they are having the mentality of using the vehicle as e commercial one so
that they can earn more income from the vehicle as well as they can use the vehicle for the
personal use.
Table 5.11 “Have you borrowed loan from any other source also”
Figure 5.11 “Have you borrowed loan from any other source also”
no yes
Total 61 39
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 61
customers out of 100 who did not take loans from any other financial institution. It means AU
bank is providing better services to the customer and they are satisfied.
Do you want to shift your loan from this bank to another bank?
no yes
Total 81 19
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 81
customers out of 100 who don’t want to shift their loan to another financial institution. It means
AU bank is providing better services to the customer and they are satisfied.
Axis Title
satisfied Dissatisfied
Total 72 28
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 72
customers out of 100 who are satisfied with the file charges. File charges are being charged on
the ex-showroom price, employees charge these type of charges according to the goodwill of the
Table 5.14 Distribution of the respondents as per Interest rate charged by the bank
Are you satisfied with the interest rate charged by the bank
Figure 5.14 Distribution of the respondents as per Interest rate charged by the bank
Interest Rate
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that there are 73
customers out of 100 who are satisfied with the interest charges of the bank, they are the
customers who are existing customers, and the rate of interest differs according to the vehicle
and the demand and the goodwill of the customer.
13% Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that out of 100
respondents there are 53% customers, who are highly satisfied, 22% are satisfied, 13% are
neutral, 11% are dissatisfied, 1% are highly dissatisfied It is specified that the image of the bank
in the consumers mind is good.
Working/opening hours
Highly Satisfied
8% 32% Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Interpretation: - From the above table and chart it has been observed that out of 100
respondents there are 41% customers, who are highly satisfied, 45% are satisfied, 6% are neutral,
7% are dissatisfied, and 1% is highly dissatisfied. It means bank is serving in a very good
manner to the customers and the customers are satisfied.
Behavior of Employees
Interpretation: - From the above chart it has been observed that according to the customers
the behavior of employees is satisfied. Out of 100 customers there are 55 customers who are
satisfied with the employees behavior, it means bank is building very good connection with the
customers so that customers can get better services.
Bank Environment
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent
Percent Percent
Axis Title
Total 18 8 6 68
Interpretation: - From the above chart it has been observed that according to the customers
68 customers are satisfied with the response of their queries and 18 are dissatisfied. It is
specified that bank is building healthy relations with the customer so that they can build a
strong customer base.
Demographic finding:-
2. The age groups of 25-45 are more responsive towards financial market.
3. Male respondents are more into of taking loan in the rural areas.
3. Majority of the customers prefers loan on commercial vehicle because most of the customer
are from rural areas they prefer vehicle as taxi number vehicle.
4. Most of the respondents have taken loan from the bank between 3L to above 6L.
1. Majority of respondents are satisfied with the bank environment and the behavior of
employees and the services provided by the bank, rest are not satisfied because AU bank
now a days doesn’t provide refinance on auto drivers.
2. Out of 100 respondents 73 respondents are satisfied with the interest rate charged by the
3. There are 81 respondents are who want to shift their loan form AU small finance bank
because they are satisfied with the services provided by the bank.
4. The location of the bank is quite feasible for customers because AU established their
branches at all the main locations so that it is easily accessible for the customers
Additional Findings:-
1. Customer finds the credit analysis process of vehicle loans very lengthy.
2. Customer was not happy with AU bank to get a guarantor for taking car loans.
3. The rate of interest of AU bank is very reasonable according to most of the respondents.
4. Bank should introduce the new products in the loan sector because bank is very much
into vehicle loan sector.
wheeler loan is very less so it is recommended to bank to increase two wheeler loan
Majority of the respondents are satisfied with interest rate and file charges but I would
suggest that they should reduce the charges so that rest of the respondents would not
bank is offering to the customers. Using sale and promotion techniques, marketing
they will be giving videos on all the financial products the AU bank is an agent.
The eight weeks long summer internship at AU small finance bank. Had been a wonderful
experience. It has been a great learning experience to work with such a reputed organization and
experienced employees. The whole staff at the organization was very helpful and co-operative,
as they spent their valuable time and efforts to make me learn the relevant process. They have
always guided me, wherever I got stuck. Working environment at AU small finance bank. Is
quite encouraging and very helpful and supporting environment for girls as well. These
encouraging workings gave me an insight about the qualities; the company looks for in their
prospective employees.
This project has provided me an insight of the functioning of the financial institutions.
Understood and learned about the different
kind of products and services offered by the
company and available in the industry.
This project enabled
me to understand the whole process of credit appraisal at AU small
finance bank.
This project has also provided me an insight of network of the bank and client base.
During this
internship I learned that how to pitch the customer to take the loans from the
AU bank.
This project has helped me to apply the theatrical concepts into the practical world.
AU bank is growing at very fast pace and spread its wings to Rajasthan, Maharashtra and
Gujarat. Au bank has good connections with different banks like HDFC, IDBI etc. The net profit
of the company is very good . AU bank is a bank for youth and encourages them with different
activities and appreciation. The culture of AU bank is very healthy and friendly. There is no
smoking zone inside office. Company used to organize small parties at the achievements of small
targets or increment in hike.AU bank gives great opportunity to learn and be active. It will
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