Lesson Plan in English: I. Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan in English: I. Learning Objectives
Lesson Plan in English: I. Learning Objectives
I. Learning Objectives
III. Procedure
A. Classroom Management
1. Prayer
2. Checking of attendance
B. Review
Ask the class about the previous lesson.
Ask them on what have they learned from the previous lesson.
Ask the students if they really understand the past lesson.
A. Activity
The teacher will post the ‘Neighborhood Map’ on the board. She will ask the students to instruct
her how to go to somewhere using the map.
B. Analysis
1. Was is easy giving instructions or directions?
2. What words did you use to make sure that the directions will be carried out properly?
3. What do we call these words?
C. Abstraction
Transition words or transitional devices are words or phrases that help carry a thought from one
sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another. Finally, they link
sentences and paragraph together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between
Traditional devices are used to express:
a. Sequence
first, second,… after, next, then, until, last, finally
b. Time
At the present time, meanwhile, sooner or later
c. Addition, and Similarity
in fact, in addition, also, furthermore, moreover, then, likewise, similarly
d. Contradiction
on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, in contrast, but, although, otherwise,
e. Consequence and Conclusion
so, consequently, therefore, in conclusion, to sum up, to summarize, in short
D. Application
Directions: Use the correct transitional devices in each sentence. Choose from the box below.
1. The girls wanted an ice cream cone __________ they left the park early.
2. Mother didn’t have time to go to the store ____________ there was no milk in the refrigerator.
3. There is no homework tonight ___________ there has been no homework this week.
4. James and his team didn’t finish the project _____________ they did work hard.
5. You can come with us if you are ready ____________ you will have to ride the bus.
6. It is important to complete your homework ___________ it should be turned in on time.
7. Mrs. Simpson can be grumpy sometimes ___________ we should help her whenever we can.
8. Students should be quiet during the play ____________ applause at the end is allowed.
9. The Johnson children get an allowance every week ____________ they earn money for
completing chores.
10. The rhino in Africa is threatened with extinction ____________ many species of gorilla are also
VI. Assignment
Read the short story entitled ‘My Father Goes to Court’ by Carlos Bulosan.
Prepared by:
BSEd - English