Cleanspritz Re
Cleanspritz Re
Cleanspritz Re
Rollno.- pgp10233
Problem Statement-
CleanSpritz, a home cleaning product of MJ Brenner, has had sales decline about 7.5% for five
consecutive years and this is believed to be related to the trend in price sensitive consumers and
environmental conscience consumers. Vice President of Strategy has requested that its advisory
team outline several that would turn CleanSpritz sales around. The alternatives are-
1)Base case scenario of maintaining the status quo and waiting
2)Relaunch the 3:1 concentrate
3)Add the 4:1 refill concentrate in-
a- Recyclable Pouch
b- Dissolvable Packet
Key Issues-
1) Consumers have become more price sensitive
2) Some consumers have also shifted to more green products due to their concerns on health risks.
3) Retail stores have been using the CleanSpritz, as a loss leader, as an advertising tactic to attract
consumers into its stores and offering a higher priced all-purpose cleaner would dissatisfy
The two major factors that led to the downfall of CleanSpritz is-
1) Price- the customers after the 2008 economic crisis become more price sensitive
2) Customers now are more concerned about environment.
Although CleanSpritz is a product whose not required on daily basis customers need to buy it once
in two months so they don't put too much thoughts or efforts in looking much of its component or
anything else what they want is a product which can clean and remains under their budget.
The market share of other cheap brand is 14% and the market share of CleanSpritz is also 14%
but still the cheap brands are not their competitors as long as the retailers are on the CleanSpritz's
The retailers are selling CleanSpritz on loss but attracting a whole lot of customers by doing so
and they can soon become their rivals from being their supporter in the past.
Customers are showing their concerns for the environment and want green produucts but they are
actually not buying it.According to the consumer usage study the no.of people saying they would
like to buy whenever possible in 2008 is 55% but the no.reduced to 40% on the year 2011 so the
customers are actually not converting their words into their actions.
The 4:1 concentrated dissolvable packet is environment friendly but only the packet is dissolvable
and inside the packet there are still chemicals so it us not a solution for the long run
And also,retailers relied on CleanSpritz diluted spray and all other purpose cleaners to draw
customers to their stores though usually at loss why should they be willing to reduce shelf space
for the existing spray to make room for concentrates?
But in the short run to please the customers and to gain market share they have only 4:1
concentrated dissolvable packet as a answer to their problem. They need to talk to the retailers
about their vision they need to give them the assurance that this is going to be successful not only
fit the company but for them individually, that they can earn even more with this one and after that
they can show the importance of dissolvable packet via advertisements or on the packaging to
increase their market share.