Comparison of Ductwork Systems: Attributes Metal (GI) Spiralite Insulated Pre-Insulated (PI) Fabric Product Attributes
Comparison of Ductwork Systems: Attributes Metal (GI) Spiralite Insulated Pre-Insulated (PI) Fabric Product Attributes
Comparison of Ductwork Systems: Attributes Metal (GI) Spiralite Insulated Pre-Insulated (PI) Fabric Product Attributes
Product Attributes
Internal Duct + Glue + Insulated Duct Pre-Insulated Duct Fabric Duct
Application Insulation + Vapour
Barrier + Canvas Cloth
External Duct + Glue + Insulated Duct + None None
Application Insulation + Vapour factory applied
Barrier + Canvas Cloth weatherproof
+ Cladding laminate
Insulation None; on site after Fully insulated Pre-Insulated PIR None
ductwork installed Phenolic duct
Thermal Fibreglass – 0.035 Phenolic – 0.018 to PIR – 0.022 to 0.026 None
Conductivity W/m.K 0.022 W/m.K W/m.K
NBR Insulation – 0.033
Foam Insulation –
0.034 W/m.K
Thickness and Various depending on 22mm and 30mm; 55- 20mm and 30mm; Thickness based on
Density use. Typically higher 60kg’s/m³ 45-48kg’s/m³ size and use
thickness of insulation Density N/A
is required to achieve
desired thermal
Facings None Phenolic duct faced on 20mm thickness None
both sides with a with 80/80 micron,
protective and embossed epoxy
durable 25.4 micron primed aluminium
aluminium foil foil; 30mm thickness
reinforced with a 5 with 80/200 micron
mm glass scrim
Internal Vapour None 3-ply cryogenic; None None
Barrier Laminate additional robustness,
pressure resistance,
smoothness and
allows no foreign
particles into air
Longevity Good Excellent; extra Poor – construction Very poor – should
strength due to of duct not robust only be used for
unique internal temporary
laminate and installations
patented production
Shapes & Rectangular, Square Circular and flat oval; Square and Circular only.
Dimensions and Spiral; weigh any other polygon rectangular only; Normally higher size
limits sizes shape available for practical limitations requirement due to
straight sections only; to usage only for greater static
no size limitation indoor applications pressures
Weight Heavy – approx. 11.7 About 85% lighter Lighter than GI Depends on fabric
kg/sq.m of metal than GI ductwork & ductwork used and
ducting and insulation insulation – approx. construction method
1.4 kg/sq.m
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Colours Available GI metal finish; would Any RAL colour Silver embossed foil; As specified by
have to paint for available; any effect would have to paint manufacturer
additional colour available for additional colour
requirement, which is requirement, which
prone to corrosion is prone to
and deterioration in corrosion and
quality; additional deterioration in
laminate added to quality; additional
insulation laminate can be
Fire and Smoke Typically classified as Insulation panel is: Insulation core is None unless specially
UK Class 0 • UK Class 0 (BS 476 flammable; outer treated
Parts 6 & 7 - Fire facings are Class O
Propagation & for flame spread but
Flame Spread and deteriorates quickly
BS 5111 Parts 1 & 3 and produce high
– Smoke; smoke levels
• EuroClass B-s1,d0
(European Fire
• IMO FTP Code Part 2
and 5 - low flame
spread, low smoke
opacity and toxicity;
• UL Listed as a Class 1
Air Duct, to
Standard for Safety
UL 181
• FSI: 10 (25 max)
SDI: 10 (50 max)
Condensation High potential due to None due to internal Uninsulated High potential and
thermal bridging and connections, built in connection causes mould growth
reduced thermal vapour barriers and material; issue of
performance optimal thermal thermal bridging for
performance temperature loss
and condensation
Air Tightness Typically Class A at Class C at 2,500 pa; no Typically Class A at Poor – diffusion of air
500 pa leakage at 7,667 pa 500 pa often includes
natural leakage
Pressure Good High pressure Poor; typically Depends on fabric
Resistance resistance (tested to maximum 1,500 pa used and
7,667 pa) construction method,
incl. use of metal
bracing system
Pressure Drops Industry standards 10% to 25% lower due High due to shape Typically much higher
and Friction to shape and smooth and roughness of than GI ductwork
Losses internal laminate internal surfaces
Moist and All ductwork has to be Phenolic insulation PIR insulation >95% Exposure to moisture
Chemically Hostile zinc or epoxy coated >90% closed cell and closed cell and accelerates mould
Atmospheres – prior to installation offers resistance to mainly resistant to growth
pool rooms and damage from damage from water;
leisure centres, moisture; outer limited information
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marine/coastal coatings and available regarding
applications laminates resistant to outer coatings and
chlorine and sodium resistance to
chloride; only internal chlorine and sodium
connectors need to be chloride
Water Resistance Typically will corrode Phenolic insulation PIR insulation >95% Should not be used
– external use over relatively short >90% closed cell and closed cell and externally as no
time offers resistance to mainly resistant to resistance unless
damage from damage from water; specially treated
moisture; with require additional
weatherproof cladding for
laminates gives full weatherproofing
Environmental & Energy
Sustainability Minimal with far Optimal with Minimal Minimal with high
(whole-of-life) greater carbon significant energy usage
footprint environmental
BREEAM/LEED Reduced compliance Maximum available Some credits Some credits
Credits; for responsible available under available
Estidama/Pearl sourcing, embodied environmental
and Dubai Green energy and performance criteria
Building innovation; Trustmark
Compliant approved and
Energy Efficiency Reduced due to higher Optimal airflow + Poor due to Very poor due to
air leakages, higher thermal efficiency, inefficient airflows leakage, high internal
internal friction and resulting in measured and high pressure surface friction and
lower thermal energy saving of up to drops poor directional
efficiency 48%. Refer Separate diffusion
Delivery, Installation & Site Issues
Production Lead Up to 4 weeks Up to 2 weeks Up to 2 weeks Typically 6-8 weeks
Time for delivery from the
US or China
Delivery to Site & Expensive and difficult Easy due to weight Lightweight and no Lightweight and easy
Manual Handling due to weight, size and nature of sharp edges; can be to deliver to site; can
and sharp edges materials; sections delivered flat be difficult for larger
can also be delivered packed to site sections and bracing
flat packed or systems
connected for quicker
Installation Time Normal, but then 2nd At least 50% quicker Quick, but all on-site Can be quicker than
and Speed and 3rd fit added for than GI plus insulation fabrication GI ductwork based
insulation and vapour on hanging systems
Ease of Difficult, particularly Light weight and Light weight and Can be quicker than
Installation in confined spaces, speed make it quick speed make it quick GI ductwork based
higher up and for and easy to install; and easy to install, on hanging systems
larger sizes off-site fabrication so but all on-site
quality standards fabrication and
maintained and variable standards
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Space Required Additional space Reduced space Additional space Typically bigger sizes
required for insulation required due to required as required due to
and increased minimum insulation compared to flat increased airflow
thickness thickness and reduced oval requirements
duct sizing
Supports in Zinc or other treated Treated Treated Zinc or other treated
Moist/Chlorine systems Gripple/Zipclip or Gripple/Zipclip or systems
Atmospheres Unistrut systems Unistrut systems
H&S on Site Onerous due to Much less onerous Less onerous than Much less onerous
weight, sharp edges, and most pre- GI ductwork, but than GI ductwork
hot cutting, hard to fabricated off-site, significant on-site
work at height therefore less site fabrication activity
Pre-fabrication Not possible Sections can be pre- Possible but seldom Not possible due to
and Connection connected for extra done due to nature nature of material
Off-site installation speed; of ducts
shoes can be added
off site
Overall Site None • Less site activity Easier/quicker Less site activity and
Installation and risk due to delivery and manual risk due to offsite
Programme offsite fabrication handling; quicker production; on-site
Benefits • Easier/quicker and easier to install; modification not
delivery and only 1 fit for both possible
manual handling ductwork and
• Quicker and easier insulation
to install - only 1 fit
• Quicker, easier and
less costly
variations and less
costly defect
• Greater
Ongoing Operational Issues
Cleaning – As per industry Less dirt As per industry Significant dirt and
Internal standards accumulation, less standards; dirt mould accumulation;
adherence, mould accumulation in the very difficult to take
resistant, quicker and corners down and launder
easier to clean
Cleaning - External As per industry As per industry As per industry Can only be dusted;
standards standards; easier and standards dirt and stains easily
more robust with visible if a light
additional coloured colour
Alterations, Difficult and costly Easy and cheap - most Easy and cheap – Difficult and costly as
Repairs & can be done with most done with should only be
Maintenance silicone and tape silicone and tape, factory repaired to
although ductwork maintain airtightness
can be relatively
Installed Rates - Typically the installed Typically the installed Installed cost of PI is Installed cost of
Internal cost of GI duct + cost of Spiralite is less less than Spiralite uninsulated fabric
Applications insulation + coating + and the GI plus duct is more
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cloth is greater than than the equivalent insulation expensive than the
the Spiralite specification equivalent GI, Spiralite and PI
equivalent equivalent
Installed rates - Typically the installed Typically the installed N/A as not robust N/A as cannot be
External cost of GI duct + cost of Spiralite + enough to use used externally
Application insulation + coating + weatherproofing is externally
cloth + weatherproof much less than the
+ cladding is greater equivalent
than the Spiralite specification
Cost – Whole-of- High Lowest Slightly higher than High due to
Life GI ductwork increased OPEX costs
because of leakages,
rough internal
surface and
damages = greater
OPEX costs
Other Cost • Increased delivery • Low delivery costs • Low delivery • Low delivery
Implications cost • Reduced installation costs costs
• Increased time • Reduced • Reduced
installation time • Reduced site installation time installation time
• Increased site variation and defect • Reduced site • Increased defect
variation costs rectification costs variation and rectification cost
• Increased defect • Some training and defect • Increased
rectification cost QA costs for first rectification modification and
installations of new costs variation cost
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