Rti 2005
Rti 2005
Rti 2005
Section 4 (a) :
Section 4 (b) :
Apart from acting as the nodal agency of the state for promotion and
development of tourism, MTDC also projects and enhances its historical, physical and
cultural heritage. A State Tourism Board, MTDC has been playing a pivotal role in
projecting the multi-faceted culture and heritage of Maharashtra among visitors from all
over the country and the world.
The main role of this Government body is to act as the nodal agency for the
development of tourism in the state, run holiday resorts, hotels, motels, restaurants, and
produce publicity and promotional material for tourists. It also organises festivals at the
heritage sites and places of historical and tourist attractions in the state, such as Banganga,
Kala Ghoda, Pune etc. It gets the support from Corporates and other sponsors for such
The detailed objectives of MTDC are available in the Memorandum & Articles
of Association, which is a public document.
4 Manager To keep the muster- roll and the record of casual leaves,
exchange leaves, earn leaves and to get the job done through
8 Officer To assist the Managers and to comply with the matters given
by them.
9 Head Accountant To keep control in the Accounts Branch, to check the Cash
Books regularly, to check and review the bills, and to remain
present during the inspection from accounts point of view.
10 Stenographer To do the jobs as Stenotypist.
11 Assistant To do correspondence, to keep all records in order.
12 Dy. Accountant To keep the register ready, to check the bills, doing
correspondence, bank affairs, to keep ledger in order, to do the
jobs related to accounts.
13 Jr. Engineer To supervise the construction work on the various sites, to do
the measurements of construction work, to prepare chart, plan,
estimate, etc.
14 Sr. Clerk To assist the assistant’s in their daily jobs and affairs, to keep
the record of branch, region in order.
15 Stenotypist To do typing jobs as per the instructions by the seniors.
16 Clerk To receive references, to keep files and registers in order, and
to do all the casual jobs of clerk.
17 Barman As they are related to bar and permit rooms to offer service to
the customers and persons coming to such establishments in
decent manner, to keep account of beer and alcohol.
18 Wierman To check the various electric appliances from holiday
resorts/hotels and to ensure that they are in condition from time
to time.
19 Plumber To do plumbing jobs for resorts and hotels.
20 Drivers To drive the vehicles and to ensure that they are filled with fuel
i.e. Diesel, petrol, etc.
21 Cook To make the snacks and delicacies in the MTDC restaurant.
22 Waiter To do the jobs as waiter in restaurant .
23 Asstt. Cook To assist the cook in preparing the snacks and delicacies, and
to work as cooks in their absence.
24 Peon To do the jobs as are instructed by the seniors.
1 General Manager
a) Capital Budget Chief Accounts Officer
4 Tourism Department/Principal
Secretary (Tourism) - Maharashtra State
5 Finance Department/Planning
2 C.A.O.
3 Party/Contractor/Supplier
2 C.A.O.
Refund Order of Security Deposit Junior Engineer Duly verified by Sr.Manager (Works)
Extra Item Rate list Jr.Engineer/Sr.Mgr. (W) GM/JMD & finally approved by M.D.
Certified by Architect
Resolution No.MTC-2001/CR-23/Tourism,
Mantralaya, Mumbai-400 032,
Dated 16th September, 2002.
Read : (1) G.R., H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-1091/C.R.409/Tourism, dated 30th November, 1993
(2) G.R., H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-1097/C.R.852/Tourism, dated 26th August, 1997
(3) G.R., H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-0399/C.R.201/Tourism, dated 7th April, 1999.
(4) G.R., H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-0399/C.R.142/Tourism, dated 8th July, 1999.
(5) G.R., H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-2000/3/C.R.242/Tourism, dated 31st July, 2000.
The State Government had declared the “New Package Scheme of Incentive for Tourism
Projects, 1999” vide Government Resolution, H.D. (Tourism) No.MTC-0399/C.R.142/Tourism,
dated 8th July, 1999; mentioned at Sr.No.4 above. The said scheme came to an end with effect
from 30th June, 2000 vide Government Resolution mentioned at Sr.No.5 above. On this
background, it was decided to introduce a new package scheme on the similar line to boost up
the tourism industry in the State. In view of this a proposal was submitted to the Cabinet, which
was approved. The State Government is pleased to resolve as follows :
1. TITLE :
This scheme will be known as “New Package Scheme of Incentives for Tourism Projects
July 2000 to March 2005” (hereinafter referred to as the Tourism Incentive Scheme-2000) i.e.
This scheme comes into operation with effect from 01/07/2000 and shall remain in force
upto 31/03/2005 or until substituted by a new package scheme of incentives.
Coverage under Tourism Incentives Scheme-2000 – tourism projects in the private sector,
State Public Sector/Joint Sector and the Co-Operative Sector but not in Central Public Sector will
be considered for the incentives under “The 2000 Tourism Incentives Scheme”. The proposed
tourist facilities will have to be open to all and will not be confined to the exclusive use of
members of any group or club or any such other restrictions.
“Tourism Undertaking” means a legal entity in form of a Registered Company under the
Companies Act, 1956, or a Partnership Firm, a Registered Trust or a legally registered Co-
operative Society or an Individual Property Concern, engaged or to be engaged in one or more
tourism projects. The proposed tourism facility should be open to all and shall not be confined
to the exclusives use of members of any group or club or any such other restrictions. The
tourism facility should be of a Star Category.
(i) That the new project has obtained an NOC and approval of plans from local authority as may
be required, after 01/07/2000.
(ii) That the new project should have separately identifiable capital investment and it should not
be an expansion of the existing project except as provided in “iii” below.
(iii) Expansion of an existing project will also be eligible for the incentives under this scheme,
provided the existing tourism unit increases its investment in eligible fixed capital by at least
50% of eligible gross fixed capital at the end of last financial year or increases the capacity by
50% of the existing capacity.
(iv) The existing hotel/tourism project, which could not avail any benefits either from SICOM or
MTDC earlier under any of the scheme, from areas other than Mumbai and Pune
Metropolitan areas in Maharashtra can apply under this scheme, provided they already have
or they obtain star category status. Such project would get the benefits only for 3 years
limited to 75% of eligible fixed capital investment. This is to encourage existing
hotels/tourism projects to improve the infrastructure with a view to attract domestic as well as
foreign tourists.
The cost of renovation that will be considered will not be more than 25% of the existing gross
5.4 (I) Any investment in any asset which has life span of less than five years, except tents.
5.4(II) Assets taken on lease will not be considered as investment made by the eligible
For the purpose of administrative of the “2000 Tourism Incentive Scheme”, the State has been
divided into four zones A, B, C and D as shown in Annexure “B”. Entire Sindhudurg District and
Tourism Areas developed by MTDC as mentioned in Annexure-C are classified as “Special Tourism
Areas identified by State Govt.”.
i) Clearances, if any, from Central/State Govt. and other authorities concerned for
implementing the project.
ii) Plan approval from local concerned authority.
iii) Arranging of finance and tieing of means of finance including share capital for
the project to the satisfaction of the Implementing Agency i.e. MTDC.
iv) Acquisition of fixed assets at site to the extent of 10% of the total eligible fixed
assets as envisaged for the project.
v) Evidence regarding expenditure on the project including advances aggregating to
at least 25% of the eligible capital cost envisaged for the project.
For the purpose of the application and claiming of incentives under the package scheme,
the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation Limited (MTDC) is notified as the
Implementing Agency.
The tourism unit after taking initial effective steps, will apply to the MTDC for issue of
Provisional Registration and Eligibility Certificate in the prescribed form.
MTDC would be allowed to charge Service Charges upto Rs.25,000/- for processing the
The eligible unit as defined in Annexure `A’, as mentioned in A, B, C and D zones mentioned in
Annexure `B’ and areas mentioned in Annexure `C’ for being eligible for the incentives under the new
package scheme of incentives for tourism 2000 should have minimum eligible fixed capital investment of
Rs.200 lakhs, Rs.100 lakhs, Rs.50 lakhs and Rs.25 lakhs for ABCD zones respectively which should be
made within 3 years from the date of issue of Provisional Registration. In annexure “C” area the
investment should be more than Rs.100 lakhs.
Tax exemption will be available to new units and expansion of existing units (as per condition set
out earlier and as mentioned at 5.2) in respect of the following taxes mentioned at 1 & 2 below and upto
125% of eligible capital investment. The tax exemption will be available to eligible units conforming to
the list in Annexure “A” and falling within the eligible areas for the period of 3,5,7,9 years respectively
for A,B,C,D areas subject to the condition hereinafter.
The units coming under the category of 5.2(iv), would be entitled to get the incentives for 3 years
period limited to 75% of the fixed capital investment (Gross block as on 01/03/2001).
A) List of taxes
1) Total exemption from Luxury Tax (as applicable to Hotels) for a period of 3-9 years
depending on the location of the tourism project.
2) Exemption from Entertainment Tax/Amusement Tax for a period of 5 years for tourism
projects located inside Mumbai Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (MMRDA)
areas and for 7 years outside MMRDA areas.
3) Exemption from stamp duty in respect of tourism projects located in Maharashtra as may be
notified by the concerned Department of Govt. of Maharashtra i.e. Revenue and Forest
Department, Mantralaya, Mumbai. The stamp duty paid before the issue of eligibility
certificate will be refunded after the issue of eligibility certificate if every thing is in order.
B) Electricity Concessions
Supply of electricity including electricity duty for a period of 5 years at the industrial rates.
C) For development of tourism projects and for attracting investment in tourism sector, it is
essential to have suitable land/plots with MTDC which can be offered to tourism projects as
is being offered by MIDC to industrial projects. Acquisition of suitable land/plot is a
difficult task because of which the entrepreneurs do not come forward to set up the projects
or make investments in the State. In the MIDC area, one can get a suitable plot easily and
that is how state has been able to attract number of industries. For tourism project also
suitable plot can be availed from MIDC but all the MIDC locations are not suitable for
tourism projects. Therefore MTDC has been permitted to acquire the land/larger plots and
allot the same to entrepreneurs may be with development or without development which
would help in attracting investment in tourism projects. This will be in accordance with the
rules currently applicable to MIDC. For raising the funds for acquiring the land, MTDC may
consider issuing Govt. guaranteed bonds.
For tourism related Educational Institute of National & International repute, the land from tourism
areas would be given at a concessional rate upto 50% of the price/lease premium of land fixed by MTDC
for other commercial projects.
D) In metropolitan cities many tourism projects can be attracted which in turn will attract
number of foreign as well as domestic tourists provided suitable areas/ plots can be offered to
such projects. Even if Govt. allows such projects to come up in Non-Development Zone
(NDZ), it would help. As Govt. has allowed IT activities in NDZ, the tourism activity such
as entertainment centres which include small golf facilities, tourism villages, handicrafts
displays with no extra FSI.
E) The existing hotels which are outside the Mumbai and Pune Metropolitan areas and which
have not got any incentives either from SICOM or MTDC in the past will be encouraged to
convert themselves into atleast three star category hotels by offering them incentives for a
period of 3 years only limited to 75% of their eligible Fixed Capital Investment (Gross block
as on 31st March, 2000) . This would help in improving the quality of facilities available in
many places in Maharashtra which in turn would help in attracting tourists.
F) For attracting investment in the state it is always desirable to have single window clearance
for the tourism projects. MTDC will be authorised to work as single window for clearances
for tourism projects. MTDC would refer the proposal to respective Dept. for clearance which
should indicate its decision within 15 days, from the date of receipt of the proposal, failing
which it should be presumed to be approved by the Deptt.
G) Tourism projects need various licences and clearances like lodging house license, eating
house license, police department permission, license under Shop & Establishment Act,
license under the Food & Drug Administration Act etc. which are required to be renewed
every year. Govt. has decided to renew these licenses/permissions after every 3 years instead
of the present practice of renewing every year.
H) A special capital incentive by way of subsidy subject to a maximum of US $ 10000 for
brochure support would be provided to Indian tour operators with a minimum foreign
exchange earnings equal to Rs.5 crores per annum and to all foreign tour operators.
In order to promote tourism in the district rural and backward area of the state, the Govt. of
Maharashtra has declared additional incentives. The areas that would be developed by MTDC would be
called as Tourism Areas.
The package scheme of incentive and benefits as mentioned in para 10 will be available for a
period of 12 years except supply of electricity at industrial rates and duty thereon, which will be available
for 10 years for MTDC Tourism estates in rural and backward areas. Additional Incentives as shown
below shall also be available in Sindhudurg District and other tourism areas for a period of 10 years.
1) No increase in water and electricity tariff for a period of 10 years, however any actual
increase in the cost of operation of these services will be recovered from the user as per the
guidelines issued by the Water Supply and Sanitation Deptt.
Tourism units eligible for the scheme will apply to the MTDC Ltd., Mumbai which will
scrutinize the application and will issue Provisional Registration adopting the following procedure.
a) MTDC shall give Provisional Registration in the first instance upto 3 years to the eligible unit
after scrutinizing the application received under the scheme.
b) If such unit is not in a position to complete the project and start commercial operations during
the initial validity period, the unit will have to apply with the progress report to MTDC which
may grant extension for a period of upto 2 years after examining the difficulties experienced
by the individual unit in implementing the project and also recording the reasons thereof in
writing. However, no extension beyond 2 years will be granted.
c) The unit will become eligible to apply for Provisional Registration only after taking initial
effective steps as stipulated at 7(a).
d) The eligible unit will be issued Eligibility Certificate only after the commencement of
commercial operations.
The unit eligible for incentives under the scheme shall apply/inform to MTDC within 180 days of
the commencement of commercial operations of the project along with necessary evidence. The MTDC
on receiving the information and documents will scrutinize the documents and will issue Eligibility
Certificate so as to enable the unit to obtain the benefits. (The Eligibility Certificate will be first
forwarded to Sales Tax Department, which in turn will issue Certificate of Entitlement and put proper
date of effect of getting the benefits. Thereafter, MTDC will issue a joint document EC+CE [Certificate
of Entitlement] to the tourism project).
The tourism units which will be granted incentives under the scheme will be subject to the
following conditions and on breach of any of these conditions, the incentives granted will be withdrawn
with immediate effect.
a) The unit availing the incentives under the scheme shall install and effectively operate and
maintain pollution control measures as per the standards prescribed by the competent
authority in this regard.
b) The unit will remain in commercial operation continuously for at least 8 to 17 years as
mentioned in EC after it is commissioned. However, in cases where the operation is
discontinued due to any reason, then the unit will have to repay the amount of incentives
c) The unit will furnish details commercial operation, employment, or any other information,
which State Govt. may require from time to time. The unit will have to follow guidelines on
the employment policy of Govt. regarding employment of local persons.
d) The unit, after getting the eligibility certificate has to submit quarterly details of incentives
availed during the eligibility period to the MTDC. Any excess claims of incentives by a unit
will be recovered with interest of 2% per month.
e) All matters of interpretation, dispute or contention under the scheme will be referred to the
Empowered Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary and the decision of the
committee will be final and binding on the applicant unit. The Empowered Committee will
comprise of Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary (Tourism), Secretary, Secretary (Energy),
Commissioner (Sales Tax) and Managing Director, MTDC. The empowered committee will
meet once in two months and guide the MTDC in respect of making efforts to make
Maharashtra as the best Tourism Destination.
f) MTDC will be responsible for administration and implementation of the scheme.
g) Departments related to various incentives and exemptions under the 2000 New Package
Scheme of Incentives for Tourism Projects will issue Government Orders,
Resolutions/Notifications as required under the Law for such incentives and exemptions,
within a period of one month from the date of this notification.
Monitoring and review of the fixed capital investment and activities of the eligible unit will be
done in the following manner :
a) An eligible unit shall, within one month from the date prescribed under the Luxury Tax Law
for filing the returns, submit to MTDC certified true copies of returns submitted to the Sales
Tax Department from time to time.
b) It shall submit along with the above returns a report duly signed by responsible persons on
behalf of the eligible unit, covering information and details regarding activities and sales
indicating the period of stoppage of services and/or closures of the unit, if any, with reasons
therefor, addition to the fixed capital investment, disposal of fixed assets, change in the
constitution of the eligible unit.
c) MTDC shall be entitled to call for any information and details relating to the operation of the
tourism unit for any period at any time. It shall also be entitled to inspect the properties for
verification. The Sales Tax Authority shall independently examine the position from time to
time in order to ensure that the Incentives drawn / availed of are well within the ceiling and
related to the tourism projects eligible or as the case may be under “The 2000 Tourism
Incentives Scheme”.
16. This Resolution is issued with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide that Department,
U.O.R.No. C.R.951/2002/Exp-8, dated 9th August, 2002.
By order and in the name of the Governor of Maharashtra.
( U.K. Mukhopadhaya )
Principal Secretary (Tourism)
Eligible units : The following tourism projects would be included as eligible units for
the purpose of incentives under “The 2000 Tourism Incentives Scheme”, subject to it has been
approved by MTDC.
Hotel projects should have facilities expected of the establishments in 1 to 5 star category
according to the guidelines for hotels of the Department of Tourism, Govt. of India as applicable from
time to time and also such hotel should obtain such category certificate from them. These units should
have a minimum of 20 lettable rooms with attached bathrooms. A public toilet shall also be provided for
the visitors. Room sizes and AC facilities and sizes for bathrooms should be as per norms prescribed by
the Department of Tourism, Govt. of India for such hotels.
The Resort project should have minimum 20 lettable rooms with attached bathrooms. Unless it
is a hill station or a beach or a location which in the opinion of Tourism Project Approval Group (TAG)
does not require air conditioning, at least 35% of the rooms should be air conditioned. The bathroom
carpet area should admeasure at least 3.5 sq.mtrs. It should have restaurant / dining hall with a seating
area of minimum 40 sq.mtrs. (excluding kitchen and storage). It should have a telephone with STD
facility. The plot on which Resort is located should admeasure at least 10000 sq.mtrs. It should have on
its plot a minimum open space (unbuilt area) 6000 sq.mtrs. It should have at least 4 of the following
i. Indoor games (e.g. Table – Tennis, Squash, Billiard, Bowling Alley, etc.). A minimum built area
of 25 sq.mtrs.
ii. Conference Room (Minimum Carpet area of 30 sq.mtrs.)
iii. Swimming pool
iv. Tennis or Badminton Court or Golf or other outdoor games area.
v. A Health Club (Minimum Built-up area of 20 sq.mtrs.
vi. A lounge admeasuring at least 35 sq.mtrs.)
Health Farm should be located in an area, which is free from pollution and noise, and has a
generally salubrious and health-promoting environment. There should be at least 20 lettable rooms with
attached bathrooms. It should have at least six of the following facilities.
i. Health Club
ii. Gymnasium
iii. Yoga/Meditation Area
iv. Outdoor Exercise Areas
v. Indoor Games
vi. Outdoor Games
vii. Swimming Pool
viii. A Classroom
ix. Jogging Tracks
x. Horse Riding
It should include a farm to grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs, grains admeasuring at least 500
sq.mtrs. It should be located on a plot admeasuring at least 5000 sq.mtrs. It should have Medical,
Paramedical Alternative system of Medicine, Health Specialist, Diet Specialist, and such other full time
staff of at least two persons.
The Motel Project should be located on National Highway, State Highway or Main District Road
(MDR) or within distance of 1.5 kms., 1 km or 1/2 km. respectively from such highways/MDR. It should
have atleast 10 lettable rooms and 100% of lettable rooms should have attached bathrooms. The plot on
which motel is located should admeasure minimum 1500 sq.mtrs. It should have restaurant/dinning hall
with sitting area of minimum 30 sq.mtrs. (excluding Kitchen, Storage). The double room and single room
should have minimum carpet area of 12 sq.mtrs. and 10 sq.mtrs. respectively. The bathroom carpet area
should admeasure at least 3 sq.mtrs. It should have telephone with STD facility. It should have public
toilet and first aid centre. It should have car parking area @ 5 sq.mtrs. per room. The rooms should have
adequate furniture, fixtures and linen. The ownership/lease of land and land use should be in order.
Wayside amenities will be a common facilities centre on the National Highways, State Highways,
and Major District Roads or at within a short distance from such roads. They should ideally have (a)
Food Plaza; (b) Public Convenience; (c) ATM/Banking;
(d) Emergency/Medical Facilities; (e) Communication Centre; (f) Petrol Filling Station and Auto Services
including Trucks etc. For a wayside amenities to be eligible for these incentives, they must have (a), (b),
(c), (d) and (f) among the facilities mentioned earlier.
Apartment Hotel projects should have minimum 12 lettable apartments. An individual apartment
should have minimum two rooms and kitchenette. The carpet area of an apartment should not be less
than 30 sq.mtrs. Each apartment should have at least one bathroom attached to the bedroom. There
should be a telephone facility in each apartment. Minimum 50% of apartments should have air-
conditioned bedrooms. It should have at least two of the following four facilities :
a) Indoor Games
b) Swimming Pool
c) Tennis, Badminton or such other Outdoor Games
d) A Health Club
It should have adequate apartment cleaning and housekeeping facilities. There should be 24 hour
running cold and hot water supply to all apartments. There should be a parking facility @ 5 sq.mtrs. per
apartment. The centralized kitchen, pantry, restaurant, shopping arcade, lounge, refrigeration, linen,
storage housekeeping and such other area should admeasure at least 100 sq.mtrs. of carpet area. The
kitchenette should be equipped with kitchenware, cooking gas and dinnerware to meet the needs of at
least three inmates simultaneously. All apartments should have a T.V.
Water sports project should be set up at beach, lakeside, riverside alongwith a pontoon/jetty. It
should offer at least two water sport facilities, parasail, water-scooter, hovercraft and water-skiing are the
examples of such facilities. In addition to investment in boat and outboard motor, it should make an
investment of at least Rs.5 lacs in water sport equipment. It should have adequate changing rooms,
showers, lockers, toilet block separate for ladies and gents. It should have restaurant. It should have
restaurant. It should have trained staff for implementation of safety norms.
The Art and Crafts village project will consist of minimum of one acre land on which facilities
like space to work for at least 10 artisans to display different crafts, an exhibition area of not less than
1000 sq.ft. a multipurpose hall for folk shows, performing arts and film screening etc. A restaurant and
toilet blocks should be provided.
Golf Course Project should have minimum 9 hotels. The land area should not be less
than 10 hectares. The design and drainage should be so worked out that there is no water
logging at all. There should be a reliable system for adequate water supply. It should have a
satisfactory club house. It should offer clear access to tourists who are not its members to play
golf and the charges in this regard should be transparent and consistent. Adequate parking for at
least 25 vehicles and public toilet facility shall also be available.
Camping and tent facilities should have clear ground admeasuring at least 1000 sq.mtrs. It
should have tented accommodation capacity for at least 20 persons. There should be minimum 10 tents.
The gross carpet area of tents should admeasure at least 200 sq.mtrs. All the tents should have attached
toilets. The tents should be put on a platform raised minimum 2 & half feet above the ground. The tent
site should have adequate security. The site should have eco-friendly structure admeasuring at least 200
sq.mtrs. for such purposes as food, recreation, relaxation and lockers. It should have adequate electricity,
water supply, sewerage disposal and drainage facility.
Amusement park should have at least 8 amusement aids. There should be a minimum investment
of Rs.50 lacs in amusement rides/aids. This pertains to the cost of equipment alone. It should have an
areas of minimum 20000 sq.mtrs.
Water Park should have an area of 5 acres and minimum of five water sites. It should have the
capacity to handle at least 100 sliders simultaneously. It should have trained supervisors for
implementation of safety norms. It should have restaurant. It should have adequate changing rooms,
lockers, showers and toilet block separate for ladies and gents.
Ropeway should be mechanized, motor driven ropeway. The horizontal length may be about 500
meters but it can be slightly less also if the location demands so. It should be comfortable for the
passengers and free from noise. It should have capacity to carry minimum 200 passengers per hour. The
cabins should leave a brief interval so that transportation is continuous and waiting time is minimum. It
should have thyristar control of main drive motor or comparable device to ensure smooth acceleration and
deceleration. It should have an emergency brake in addition to normal brake. The cabins should be
sturdy and aesthetic. It should have full capacity generator set to drive the ropeway in case of power
failure. The facilities should be created in compliance with the provisions of the Ropeway Act.
Heritage hotel should be a palace, a haveli, a darbargruh of any building, built in a traditional
style, prior to 1950. The façade, architectural features and general construction should have the
distinctive qualities, ambience, and décor consistent with a traditional lifestyle. It should have minimum
10 lettable rooms. The facilities and the features alongwith the services should be as per the guidelines of
the Department of Tourism, Government of India as applicable from time to time.
Convention centers should be located on a plot admeasuring at least 5000 sq.mtrs. It should have
capacity to seat at least 750 persons. The capacity should be so organised that it is possible for at least 5
separate conference of events to run simultaneously. The conference/convention units should have
adequate acoustic facility. At least 75% of the convention seat capacity should be air-conditioned. It
should have a vehicle parking facility. @ at least 2 sq.mtrs. per seat. All conference/convention areas
should be equipped with modern public address system, slide projection, video screening and such other
facilities. It should possess its own equipments. It should have a restaurant, cafeteria of adequately
covered and comfortable area to cater to at least 500 persons simultaneously. The area excluding kitchen,
should admeasure at least 500 sq.mtrs. It should have STD telephone, first aid center, fax and E-Mail and
Photocopying facility. The quantum of such facility should be consistent with size of the complex.
Adventure tourism project should provide required equipments with trained staff to maintain and
run the activity. Required permissions from local authority as well as permission/provision from safety
angle need to be obtained/made. Minimum facilities like restaurant (wherever required), drinking water
supply, staying arrangements (wherever required), toilet etc. should be provided.
Restaurant which have been classified as STAR category only would be entitled for getting
The projects which will maintain the natural beauty of the place, which will not disturb the
environment and maintain the ecological balance would be entitled for incentives.
Service apartment should provide all the required facilities for a family which would stay for a
period of not less than 3 months. The total apartments should not be less than 25. Each apartment should
consist of minimum 3 rooms one bed room, one kitchen and one sitting room.
An other project, not failing into any of the above categories, will be considered subject to being
approved by the High Level Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of Chief Secretary/
Principal Secretary (Tourism), Govt. of Maharashtra.
Sr.No. District Group “A” Group “B” Group “C” Group “D”
1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Mumbai Suburban Entire area - - -
2. Thane - Navi Mumbai Thane, Entire district
Ulhasnagar, except area in
Kalyan. col. 3 & 4
3. Raigad Alibag & Entire district
Panvel except area in
col. 4
4. Ratnagiri Entire district
5. Pune PMC area Area of Haveli, Entire district
Khed, Mulshi, except area in
Bhor excluding Col. 3 & 4.
PMC area
6. Solapur Solapur Satara Entire district
Municipal except area in
Corporation area Col. 3
7. Satara Satara Entire district
except area in
Col. 4
8. Sangli Khanapur, Entire district
Miraj except area in
Col. 4
9. Kolhapur Kolhapur Entire district
Municipal except area in
Corporation area Col. 3
10. Nasik Nasik Entire district
Municipal except area in
Corporation area Col. 3
11. Ahmednagar Entire district
The Govt. of Maharashtra has vide Urban Development Department’s G.R. No.
Documents Required :
1. Application with D.D. of Rs. 1,000/- in the name of M.T.D.C. Ltd. as a scrutiny fee.
2. 7/12 abstract.
3. Property card.
4. Identification from two local respected persons like S.E.M., Sarpanch, Talathi, Advocate,
Doctor, etc.
5. Tariff of rooms and menu rates.
6. NOC from Grampanchayat, Nagarparishad, Nagarpalika, Mahanagarpalika.
7. Family photo.
8. Photograph of rooms from inside/outside of the house.
9. Plan.
10. Receipt of property tax.
11. Copy of rationing card.
12. Copy of electric bill, telephone bill, water bill, etc.
13. Characters certificate from Police Patil, Police Inspector, etc.
In our survey we found that there are many bungalows, houses, flats at various places like
historical places, pilgrim places, beaches, mountains and jungle area. It is financially impossible
to construct holiday resort at every place. MTDC register those bungalows, houses, flats for use
of tourists and also create self employment for house owner and his relatives.
The scheme is unique concept offering you the opportunity to live with an Indian family
experience the Indian way of life discover a rich culture share the joy de vivre of friendly people.
As a Bed & Breakfast Scheme you are offered a choice of comfortable and conveniently
located accommodation spread across Maharashtra a land of agriculture, Mountainair, beaches,
dense forest, etc. We have registered around 200 houses under the scheme. The list of basic
information to assist you in selecting the host you wish to stay with the tariff is inclusive of Bed
& Breakfast and wide-ranging to suit every budget and preference.
For further information & registration please contact our MTDC offices as under :
FIXED ASSETS 162496921.03
INVESTMENTS 19155550.00
SHARE CAPITAL 136324100.00
RESERVE & SURPLUS 32313346.95
UNSECURED LOAN 70649407.73
Express Towers, 9th floor, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021.
As on 06/10/2005
Shri D.J. Kulkarni Telefax M- 9422660235
Sr. Manager, 952352-223847
Regional Office, Near Jay Stambha,
Ratnagiri – 415 612.
Shri S.W. Phatak, M-9422660237
Sr.Manager, 2612 6867
Central Building, “I” Barracks, 2612 8169
Regional Office, Pune. – 411 001. 2611 5940
Fax : 020-
2611 9434
Airport, Aurangabad/Rly.Stn.
Shri V.B. Agre, Tel.Fax 957260-
Resort Manager,
Resort, Lonar, 221602
Dist. Buldhana.
NAME OF THE STAFF Design Place of Work Gross Salary
Shri.P.B.Patil General Manager H.O.Mumbai 29,850.00
( Rs. in lakhs)
4. Konkan Riviera
3 12 Ebasco Finance Co. Pvt. Ltd. Apartment Hotel Andheri Mumbai 431.63
8 25 Haldiram Foods International Water Park & Food Court Ambazari Nagpur 1085.00
12 37 Rajai Resorts Pvt. Ltd., Hotel & Water Park Kamba Thane 104.81
16 102 Orian Reality (P) Ltd. Apartment Hotel Chandivali Kurla-Mumbai 1015.00
17 55 Sahil Resorts, Agrifields & Hotel, Resort & Health Gnodhalpada-Raigad 904.54
Farms Pvt.Ltd Farms
List of Eligibility Certificate Issued under TIS-2000. (PART-2)
(Rs. in Lakh
Fixed Capital
Sr.No. Appln.No. Name of Application Type of Project Location Investment
3 11 Supreme Holiday Resorts Pvt. 3-Star Hotel Vashi, Navi Mumbai 233.49
6 26 Silent Hills Resort Ltd. (Expansion Resort) Ten Village Palghar,Thane 114.46
7 30 Green Hill Resorts Pvt. Ltd. 3-Star Hotel Shirdi Ahmednagar 544.94
Total 19115.74
List of Applications Received for Issue of P.R/ E.C. under TIS-2000. (PART-3)
Sr. Project
Appln.No. Name of Application Type of Project Location
No. (Rs. in
1 1 The Lake City Corpn. Pvt. Ltd. Eco-Tourism Hill Station Desve & other villages, 95
2 4 Oceanic Enviro (I) Pvt. Ltd. Water & Amusement Park Pandav Leni, Nasik 2
3 6 Chintamani Hotels Pvt. Ltd. (Surya Motel & Wayside Lonavala, Pune 1
Resort) Amenities
8 17 Deogiri Resort Pvt. Ltd. Water/ Amusement Park Abdi Mandi, Daulatabad, 6
33 63 Ruprit Agency Pvt. Ltd. Restaurant, Bowling alley Nisbet Munjeri, Pune 5
& Vidio Games
34 64 Kamat Hotels (I) Ltd. Hotel for Catering College Bandra, Mumbai 29
35 65 H. Ganoomal & Sons (Hotel Air Port Expansion Hotel Vile-Parle, Mumbai 3
36 66 Pranjal Park -Group of Companies Rest, Water Sports Aptt. Malavali & Patan-Pune 13
Hotel,& Heakth Farm
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 ‘Prathiba Sadan’ 1 2 Rs.500/-
Smt. Pratibha Dattaram Parab
At Post AWAS,
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad,
Tel. 952141 237337
2 Shri Swamikukar Vasudeo Banawalikar 5 10 Rs.350/-
At Post VARSOLI Burumkhana
Sr.No.184, Near Jitu Wartak Varsoli Naka, Tal.
Alibag, Dist. Raigad Rs.250/-
Tel. 952141 22355 (Single)
C/o Harish Gunjal
3 “Samudra Darshan” 3 5 Rs.1200/- Rs.150/-
Shri Jaykrishna N. Shintre for 8
Shintrewadi, Nagaon Bunder Bag. persons
Post Nagaon, Alibag-Revdanda Road, Rs.500/- Rs.100/-
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad. for 5
Tel. Akshi 952141 245527 persons
Mumbai 25360626
Mob 9820333892
4 Smt. Savita Devadatta Jogalekar 3 6 Rs.500/- Rs.125/-
At & Post AWAS, Tal. Alibag
Dist. Raigad – 402 201.
Tel. Awas 952141 237389
Mumbai – 25401175 (After 7 p.m.)
5 “Ashish” 2 6 Rs.150/-
Shri Ashok Vasudeo Deodhar P.H.
At Post REVADANDA, Maruti Ali with
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad. Snacks
Tel. 952141 240443
Mumbai 25343927
6 Shri Unmesh Padmakar Mhatre 5 10 Rs.300/-
Mhatrewadi, Bhavani Shankar Road,
Varsoli, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel.952141 22330
7 Smt. Anjana Prakash Patil 2+ 10 Rs.500/- Rs.250/-
At Post Saswane, 456, Mhatre Road, Hall
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 237123
Mob. 9821914511
8 Shri Praful Nandlal Lad 3 8 Rs.250/-
At Madva, Post. Dhokawade Rs.600/-
Opp. Custom Office, for
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad-402 201. Dormitory
Tel 952141 237405 / 247617
9 Shri Vishnu Chintaman Kelkar 4 10 Rs.500/-
At Post Nagaon Bandar Bhag Rs.400/-
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad. Hall for
Tel. 952141 245836 4 persons
10 ‘Radha Niwas’ 4 10 Rs.600/-
Shri Vasant Govind Apte Rs.300/-
At Post Saswane
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad-402 201.
Tel.952141 237097 / 237324
11 Shri Prakash Mahadeo Naik 2 4 Rs.300/- Rs.100/-
Nagaon, Near Mandrekar Typing Institute,
Tahsil Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952141 245644
12 Shri Jaykrishna Narayan Shintre 3 8 Rs.1200/- Rs.150/-
At Post Nagaon, Samudra Wadi,
Bunder Bhag, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 022-2536026
Mob. 9820333892
13 Shri Balkrishna Shankar Dhawn 2 8 Rs.1000/- Rs.100/-
At Post Nagaon, Bunder Road,
Radhangan Wadi, Tal. Alibag, Dist.Raigad.
Tel. 952141 245425
14 Shri Audhut Balkrishna Athawale 2 6 Rs.500/- Rs.60/-
At Post Nagaon, Bunder Road
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel.952141 245610 / 245934-PCO
15 “Karpewadi” 3 10 Rs.600/- & Rs.150/-
Shri Shekhar Achutanand Karpe 1200/-
At Post Satad Palav, Post Chowl, (6 beds)
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad Rs.500/- &
Tel. 952141 245801 750/-
(3 beds)
Rs.400/- &
(2 beds)
16 ‘Akshay Bungalow’ 2 4 Rs.1000/- Rs.80/-
Shri Ashok Mukundrao Khandekar Package
Ramnath Near Chaitanya Hospital. for couple
Alibag, Dist. Raigad (week end)
Tel 952141 22044, Mumbai 25674153 Rs.600/-
Mob 9821305533 Week day
17 ‘Dattatrayakrupa’, 5 10 Rs.400/- Rs.120/-
Shri Madhusudan Dattatraya Athwale Rs.200/-
At Post Revdanda, Maruti Gali, Rs.350/-
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad – 402 202 Rs.250/-
Tel. 952141 240336
18 ‘Saiprasad’, 1023/3, 1 4 Rs.300/- Rs.75/-
Smt. Kanchangauri Yashwant Birje
Ramnath Road,
At & Post Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 21511/28978
19 “Sanidhya”, 2 4 Rs.350/-
Smt. Sandhya Anil Kathe P.H.
Post. Kihim, including
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad Veg. meal
Tel. 952141 232077 / 232202
20 Shri Divakar Dhundiraj Aapte 3 5 Rs.500/- Rs.100/-
Post Nagaon, Tel. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 245576 / 245476
21 ‘Mahalaxmi Farm House’, 2 4 Rs.200/-
Shri Vinod Dattatraya Kangutkar Double
At Post Chowl, Rs.100/-
Bagmala, House No.2238, Single
Tal. Alibad, Dist.Raigad,
Tel. 952141 240723
22 Smt. Neha Pradeep Wank 1 4 Rs.400/- Rs.100/-
At Post AKSHI, Near Akshi Beach,
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 245458
23 Shri Ganesh Pandharinath Puro 4 10 Rs.750/-
At Post SASWANE Double
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad. Rs.600/-
Tel. 952141 237024 / 237130 For 3 bed
24 Shri Kunal Harishankar Thakur 4 8 Rs.150/-
At Mani Phata, At & Post Thal Double
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad. Rs.75/-
Tel. 952141 238614 Single
25 Shri Chandrakant Dattatraya Raut 2 10 Rs.1200/- Rs.150/-
At Post Akshi, Samudra Darshan for 8
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad persons
Tel. 952141 245782, Mumbai 28225141
26 Shri Manohar Moreshwar Patil 2 8 Rs.200/-
At Navedar Navegaon
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 239195 / 238155
27 Shri Uday R. Khatu 2 8 Rs.450/- Rs.50/-
At Post Nagaon (Bunder Marg)
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952141 245914
Mumbai 24700171
28 Shri Yashwant G. Joshi 2 4 Rs.250/- Rs.50/-
At Post Nagaon, Opp. Marathi School,
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad 402 204
Tel. 952141 245721
29 Mr. Arun S. Kunte 3 10 Rs.400/-
At Post Saswane, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel 952141 237241
Mumbai 25446521
30 Mr. Ravindra N. Kalvankar 4 8 Rs.400/- Rs.75/-
At Post Kihim, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 232275
Mob 9822080719
31 Smt. Sangita Sudhir Patil 2 4 Rs.500/-
At Post Navedar Navegaon (Patil Wadi) (for 10)
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad Rs.250/-
Tel. 952141 239196 (for 4)
32 ‘Atul Farm’, 4 8 Rs.400/- Rs.100/-
Smt. Sanjeevani Godbole (single)
Godbole Wadi, Rs.700/-
Alibag-Revas Road, Gunjis Gaon, (double)
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 232947
33 Shri Shashikant Ramchandra Ghatvatkar 5 10 Rs.800/-
At Post Zirad, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad AC
Tel 952141 247426 Rs.600/-
34 Shri Shivajirao Giridhar Patil 2 8 Rs.175/-
At Post Awas, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad Rs.350/-
Tel. Mumbai 26516294 Rs.450/-
35 ‘Muktai Nest’, 5 10 Rs.600/- Rs.50/-
Smt. Jayashri S. Kulkarni Rs.400/-
Adarsh Nagar, Burumkhana, Rs.300/-
Varsoli, Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952141 25882
Mumbai 25671799
36 ‘Vaidya Farm’, 3 6 Rs.1000/- Rs.75/-
Shri Mahesh Pandurang Vaidya (6 beds)
Kawale Paroda,
Beside Kawalabai Temple,
Opp. Pandhra Maruti, Nagaon-Hatale,
Tal. Alibag, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952141 245017
Mumbai 24372220 / 24309371
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Dilip Gangadhar Bodas 2 8 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
At Post Harihareshwar,
Tal. Shrivardhan, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952147 226031
2 Shri Kiran Moreshwar Wakankar 2 8 Rs.300/- Rs.50/-
At Post Maral, Harihareshwar,
Tal. Shrivardhan, Dist. Raigad
Tel. 952147 226048 / 226482
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Maruti Vithoba Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 271010
2 Smt Shobha Baban Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara 412 806
Tel. 952168 271027
3 Shri Suhas Ramchandra Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 271078
4 Shri Pandurang Dhondiba Akhade, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260078
5 Shri Maruti Zeemu Akhade, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260078
6 Smt. Shankuntala Sunil Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260861
7 Shri Dattatraya Bhikakram Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 271010
8 Shri Dhondiba Janu Dhebe, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 271027
9 Smt. Meena Ajay Akhade, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260078
10 Smt. Laxmibai Dhondu Akhade, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260078
11 Dr. Yuvraj Khemji Sanap, 2 8 Rs.900/-
Near Venna Lake Boat Club, Rs.750/-
Lingmala, Post Mahabaleshwar, Rs.500/-
Dist. Satara. Rs.350/-
Tel. 952168 261754
12 Shri Sudhakar Balkrishna Hirve, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
Janani Mata Society, Rs.200/-
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 271078
13 Smt. Niyamat Fakir Patel, 4 8 Rs.1000-
At Nakinda, Post Metgutad Duches Road, Rs.800
Mahabaleshwar, Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Rs.500-400
Dist. Satara 412 806.
Tel. 952168 260787
Mob. 9422038441
14 “Basera Cottage” 3 4 Rs.600/- Rs.50/-
Smt. Usha Yashwant Dhanak, Rs.400/-
10, Janani Mata Co-op. Housing Society,
Post Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara.
Tel. 952168 270107
15 Shri Hussain Ebrahim Chinoy 5 10 Rs.1800/- Rs.150/-
At Nakinda, Post Mahabaleshwar Plot 7, Rs.1200/-
Anand Van Bhawan Duches Road Road, Rs.900/-
Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 260844
16 ‘Talwalkar’s Cottage’, 2 4 Rs.500/-
Smt. Alka Bhanudas Talwalkar,
Bunder Wadi Village,, At Post Metgund,
Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara.
Tel. 952168 241263
Mumbai 25604691
17 “White House” 2 4 Rs.1800/-
Shri Snehal Sahebrao Kamble Rs.1200/- Rs.250/-
At Bhose, Panchgani – Mahabaleshwar Rd,
Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara
Tel. 952168 250403 Rs.3000/- Rs.500/-
Mumbai 25472310 Deluxe
Thane Tel. 9522 25472310
18 Shri Naresh Ramesh Gupta 5 10 Rs.1800/-
At Post Pangari Gaon Panchagani Rs.999/-
Baba In House, Anjuman Ismail School,
Tal. Mahabaleshwar, Dist. Satara.
Tel. 952168 241550 / 9422405762
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Jalindra Shantaram Shewale 4 10 Rs.350/-
At Post Roha, Sawarkar Road, (AC)
Dhangar Ali, Roha, Tal. Roha, Rs.150/-
Dist. Raigad 402 109 Rs.100/-
Tel. 952194 242180
2 Shri Mangesh Anant Surve, 2+ Hall 10 Rs.900/- Rs.150/-
At Post Kashid, Near Prakruti Resort, Rs.700/-
Tal. Murud-Janjira, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952144 278603
Mumbai 9522 25962463
3 “Karnik Farm” 5 10 Rs.750/- Rs.75/-
Shri Sharadchandra Dwarkanath Karnik Rs.600/- Rs.150/-
At Chikani, Post Kashid, Service
Tal. Murud-Janjira, Dist. Raigad Charge
Tel. 952144 278554
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 ‘Laud House’, 5 10 Rs.450/- Rs.80/-
Smt. Smita Suhas Laud Rs.350/-
Post Amboli,
Tal. Sawantwadi, Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952363 240234
Mumbai 26186797
2 ‘Savli Bungalow’, 3 8 Rs.500/- Rs.50/-
Shri Vasant Nana Chavan Rs.450/-
Post. Kunkeshwar,
Tal. Deogad, Dist. Sindhudurg 416 612
Tel. 952367 248614
3 Smt. Snehal M. Raut 4 8 Rs.800/-
Post Saliste, Tarele, Dist. Sindhudurg AC
Tel. 952367 232212 Rs.600
Mumbai 28824288 Non AC
4 Shri Vasant Atmaram Desai 5 10 Rs.150/-
Post Ozaram, Tal. Kankavali
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952367 236237
5 ‘Annapoorna Nivas’, 3 6 Rs.150/-
Shri Sandeep Manohar Gosavi Rs.200/-
Post Wayri (Tarkarli)
Near Bhutanath Datta Mandir,
Tal. Malvan, Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952365 253335 / 253537
6 Shri Atul Tukaram Hule 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.75/-
At Post Tal. Vengurla, H 42, (double)
Samarth Srusti Camp, Tal. Vengurla,
Dist. Sindhudurg 416 516 Rs.350/-
Tel. 952366 263199 (3 beds)
Mob 9422434492
7 Shri Puroshottam Damodar Prabhu 3 6 Rs.400/-
At Post Nerur Deulwada Prabhushrusti Rs.1200/-
Revaliwadi, Tal. Kudal, Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952362 221898
Mob. 9821238564
8 Smt. Subhangi Umesh Natekar 5 10 Rs.400/-
At Post Tal. Sawantwadi, Ubhabazar AC
Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.300/-
Tel 952362 275249 / 273130 Non AC
Mob. 9422054549
9 ‘Manorama Niwas’, 1 4 Rs.300/-
Shri Dinanath Ravji Bandekar
159/F Sail Wada
Sawantwadi, Dist. Sindhudurg 416 510
Tel 952363 273279
10 ‘Shramsafalya’, 3 7 Rs.500/- Rs.50/-
Shri Eknath Ramchandra Shirodkar, Td.350/-
361, Post Tak Aravali,
Tal. Vengurla, Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952366 267395
11 Shri Ramesh Babu Mithbavkar 5 7 Rs.300/- Rs.50/-
House No.89-B, Vayari Bandh, Rs.400/-
Post Vayari, At Tarkarli, Tal. Malvan, Dist.
Tel. 952365 252941
12 Smt. Shubhada Shrikant Kadam 2 4 Rs.250/- Rs.50/-
House No.292, Bramnin Wadi Rs.150/-
Post. Padave, Tal. Kudal, Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952362 228659 / 228557
13 Shri Vishwas Madhav Gore 4 10 Rs.500/- Rs.125/-
At Post Tulas, Tal. Vengurla,
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952366 225312
14 Shri Shankar Pundlik Rane 5 10 Rs.425/-
At Post Kasal,Tal. Kudal, Rs.325/-
House No.1095, Near Kasal High School Rs.275/-
Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.175/-
Tel. 952362 234199
15 Smt. Namrata Nandkishor Wakkar 2 8 Rs.400/-
At Post Kalethar, Malvan, Tal. Malvan, Rs.350/-
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952365 258534
16 Shri Avdhut Shantaram Chitnis, 4 8 Rs.200/- Rs.50/-
Room No.728, Sabniswada, Main Road, Rs.250/-
In front of Bapu Saheb Statue,
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952363 273527`2
17 ‘Abhiruchi Niwas’ 1242-A,, 5 10 Rs.500/-
Smt. Sulochana Baliram Pawar Rs.350/-
Gadre Road, Wayri, Malvan, Rs.100/-
Tal. Malvan, Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.300/-
Tel 952365 253156
18 Shri Vijaykumar Anant Dhekne 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.50/-
At Post Belne, Tal. Kanakawali Double
Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.225/-
Tel. 952367 248505 / 248650 Single
19 Shri Vihang J. Devasthali 4 10 Rs.250/- Rs.70/-
Ground Floor, S.No.52/A/Z
5/6 Near Rajwada At Post Sambhaji wada
Tal. Sawantwadi
Tel. 952363 272668
20 Shri Sadanand J. Subhedar 4 10 Rs.300/-
At Post Banda, Tal. Sawantwadi, (6 beds)
Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.300/-
Tel. 2416511 / 270320 (4 beds)
21 Shri Anant V. Uchagaonkar 4 10 Rs.800/- Rs.100/-
At Post Kolgaon, Tal. Sawantwadi, Rs.550/-
Dist. Sindhudurg Rs.400/-
Tel. 952163 273050
22 Shri Raghoba T. Rane 2 8 Rs.250/-
At Post Ozaram, Tal. Kankavali, Rs.150/-
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel 952367 240338
23 Shri Mozes A. Disilva 2 8 Rs.200/-
At Post Mazgaon, Tal. Sawantwadi, Rs.100/-
Dist. Sindhudurg
Tel. 952363 273620 / 272684
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Jaywant Balkrishna Gawad 1 2 Rs.100/-
Mahakali Mandir, Near Vadari, Rs.150/-
Kelve-Mahim-Palghar (West), Dist. Thane
Tel. 952525 20374
2 Shri Rajendra Yeshwant Pathari 4 8 Rs.300/-
At Akloli, Post Vajreshwari, Rs.250/-
Tal. Bhiwandi, Dist. Thane
Tel. 952522 261348
3 Shri Prakash Pandurang Raut 5 10 Rs.200/-
At Post Kelve Mahim, Rs.100/-
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane
Tel. 952525 20235
4 Shri Vasudev Jayram Rane, 2 4 Rs.250/- Rs.125/-
At Post Kharivali, House No.376,
Tal. Shahapur, Dist. Thane
Tel. Mumbai 25431410 / 25333169
Mob. 9869017771
5 Shri Prabhakar Vasudev Save 4 10 Rs.750/- Rs.75/-
At Rampur, Post Gholwad, Bordi AC
C/o Save Nursery Farm, Rs.500/-
Tal. Dahanu, Dist. Thane 401 702 Non AC
Tel. 952528 241130 / 241453
6 ‘Hari Om’, 2 5 Rs.300/- Rs.60/-
Shri Kishor Harischandra Raut,
At Post Narpad,
Tal. Dahanu, Dist. Thane.
Tel. Mumbai 28959855
7 Shri Sanjay Bhaskar Raut 2 8 Rs.150/-
Post Kelwe, Pul Naka, Double
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane 401 401 Rs.400/-
Tel. 952525 22059 for six
8 “Ashwini Garden” 5 6 Rs.600/- Rs.100/-
Smt. Radhika Prakash More AC
At Post Borigaon, Brahmanpada, Morewadi, Rs.400/- Rs.75/-
House No. 865, Non AC
Tal.. Talasari, Dist. Thane
Tel. 952528 249037
Mumbai 28851790/89, 28545125
9 Shri Ashish K. Patil 3 6 Rs.400/- Rs.50/-
At Post Kelve, Near Shitaladevi Mandir,
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane.
Tel. 952525 227216
10 Shri Dinesh R. Save 2 3 Rs.300/- Rs.25/-
At Post Kelve (Vartak Pakhadi), Rs.200/-
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane 401 401.
Tel. 952525 222207
11 ‘Gokul Niwas’, 2 4 Rs.200/- Rs.20/-
Shri Raghunath Madhav Patil Rs.400/-
Guruwadi, At Post. Kelve,
Vartak Pakhadi, Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane
Tel. 952525 222012
12 Shri Kaushal Jaywant Choudhari 5 10 Rs.300/- Rs.50/-
At Post Kelve, Shitaladevi Temple,
Tal. Palghar, Dist. Thane.
Tel. 952525 222691 / 222364
13 Shri Suresh K. Vishwasrao 3 6 Rs.375/-
At Manivali, Post Mohone, P.H.
Tal. Kalyan, Dist. Thane 421 102
Tel. 95251 2381766 / 3090719
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Smt. Kavita Maniklal Mundada 5 10 Rs.350/-
544 Patil Gali, Trimbakeshwar,
Dist. Nashik
Tel. 95253 233779
2 ‘Suprabha Bungalow’ 3 6 Rs.500/-
Shri Sandeep Prabhakar Pradhan Rs.350/-
14, Eknad Co-op. Housing Society, Pathardi
At Ambad, Dist. Nashik.
3 Smt. Sangita Bhikchand (Amol) Jadhav 2 6 Rs.950/- Rs.100/-
S.No.902, Plot No.124,125 Rs.750/-
Chetana Nagar, Akshaya Bangala Nashik Rs.700/-
Dist. Nashik 422 009 Rs.500/-
Tel. 95253 2391599
Mob. 9422246669
4 ‘Yewala House’, 2 4 Rs.350/- Rs.100/-
Smt. Purnima Dawalchand Patel Rs.200/-
Opp. Panchavati,
Karanja Panchavati, Nashik,
Dist. Nashik
Tel 95253 5620468
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Smt. Vidya Yeshwant Thoravade, 2 4 Rs.375/- Rs.125/-
Gat No.292, Jagdale Wadi, Rs.325/-
Post Ambhawade, Tal. Panhala,
Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 952328 263057/59
2 Smt. Hira Madhav Kurade 4 8 Rs.400/- Rs.75/-
543/B, Panhala, Dist. Kolhapur Rs.300/-
Tel. 952328 235138
3 Shri Ramesh Dattatraya Kawade 3 6 Rs.500/- Rs.175/-
637, Panhala, Dist. Kolhapur 416 201 Rs.650/-
Tel. 952328 235072 (Season)
Rs.400/- Rs.100/-
4 Smt. Meenakshi Madhusudan Bandivadekar 4 8 Rs.350/- Rs.75/-
At Post & Tal. Panhala,
Prabhag No.11, Near Mayur Gunj Udyan
Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 952328 235367 / 235369
5 Shri Raju Hanumantrao Joshi 1 Dor. 10 Rs.75/- PH Rs.50/-
1413, ‘C’ Ward Laxmipuri,
Kolhapur,Tal. Karvee, Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 95231 2641977
6 “Hirwai” 2 4 Rs.400/- Rs.100/-
Shri Chandrakant Paygonda Patil
Bharat Housing 8, Rajarampuri (East),
Gali No.7, Kolhapur 416 008
Tel. Mumbai 25615611
Mob. 9823353005 / 9823343004
7 Smt. Swati Suhas Karkarkar 4 8 Rs.500/- Rs.75/-
At Post Panhala Kolhapur
Tal. Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 952328 235386
Pune 9520 24451733
8 Shri Kiran Hanumantrao Joshi 5 10 Rs.375/- Rs.50/-
1413 ‘C’ Ward, Laxmipuri Kolhapur
Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 95231 2641977
9 Shri Vihar Krishna Kashid 2 4 Rs.300/-
Budhwar Peth, Ramapur, Tal. Panhala, Rs.250/-
Dist. Kolhapur
Tel. 952328 2607571
Mob. 9823597227
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Homi F. Kaka 4 8 Rs.600/- to Rs.175/-
Avabai Mansion, Henry Road, Rs.900/-
Colaba, Mumbai 400 039
Tel. 22841943 / 22842105
2 Shri Noshir Farrot Kaka, 2 10 Rs.900/-
Avabai Mansion, Henry Road, Rs.650/-
Colaba, Mumbai 400 001
Tel. 22856579 Fax 22871846
3 Smt. Ranjitkaur G. Saini 5 10 Rs.1000/-
5/178 Wadia Estate, Bail Bazar AC
Kurla (West), Mumbai 400 070 Rs.750/-
Tel. 25032340 / 28470062 Non AC
Mob. 9821268775
4 Shri Tejinder Pal Singh Malhotra 4 8 Rs.1150/-
Plot No.247, Gr. Floor, Rs.1200/-
Sher-E-Punjab Co/op-.Hsg.Society, Rs.850/-
Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (East), Rs.1050/-
Mumbai 400 093.
Tel.28300293 / 28324391
5 ‘Anand Vihar’, 3 8 Rs.900/-
Shri Tejendra Pal Singh Malhotra Rs.1100/-
Plot No.39/40, Andheri(E)
Shere-E-Punjab Hsg. Society,
Mumbai 400 093
Tel. 28253559 / 28300293
Mob. 9821383294
6 Smt. Neha Vivek Lele 4 8 Rs.900/-
Plot No.501, Building No.3 C Pawai Lake Rs.700/-
View Co-op.Society, MHADA Complex
Rambau Pawai, Mumbai.
Tel. 25702751 / 56908693
Mob. 9820155647 / 9821039871
7 Smt. Bhagyashri Vinayak Lele 5 10 Rs.900/- Rs.50/-
C-102, Sunsrusti Complex, Saki Vihar Road, Rs.700/-
Near Santrojan Mill, Pawai,
Mumbai 400 072
Tel. 28577348 / 56902068
Mob. 9820155647 / 9821039871
8 Smt. Saraswati S. Shetty 5 10 Rs.1800/-
Kamble Wadi, Neharu Road, Rs.1500/-
Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400 057.
Tel. 26177777
9 Shri Ch andrashekhar S. Shetty 5 10 Rs.1800/-
Kamble Wadi, Neharu Road, Rs.1500/-
Vile Parle (East), Mumbai 400 057.
Tel. 26177777
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 ‘Nisarga Bungalow’, 2 4 Rs.650/- Rs.100/-
Shri Subhash Kashinathrao Polakam Rs.550/-
Plot No.4,
Nipat Niranjan Nagar, New Pahad Singpura,
Hanuman Tekari Area,
Leni Road, Aurangabad 431 004.
Tel. 95240 2400916
2 Shri Shaikh Mustak Shaikh Bhikan 2 4 Rs.200/-
At Post Fardapur, Tal. Soygaon,
Dist. Aurangabad.
Tel. 952438 244360
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Kamlakar Vinayak Gadkari 3 6 Rs.500/- Rs.50/-
House No.254, Ghera, Tal. Haveli,
Dist. Pune
Tel. 25435128 / 24001929
2 Shri Chandrakant Popatlal Shah, 3 6 Rs.600/- Rs.100/-
Sanket Bldg., Plot No.29, Rs.500/-
Pradhan Park, Near Vardhaman Society, Rs.450/-
Lonavala 410 401. Dist. Pune
Tel. 952114 271709
3 Ghadge Botanical Farm House, 1 4 Rs.1000/-
Smt. Ragini Satish Ghadge,
Polekar Vasti, Dhonje Phata,
Ghera Sinhagad, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune.
Tel. 2599494 / 2599393
4 ‘Dadai Bungalow’, 3 6 Rs.250/-
Dr.(Mrs.) Uma Mahesh Ramgude Rs.350/-
Plot No.5, (Part Sadan), Rs.550/-
Ramgude Sahniwas No.1
Near Malavali Rly. Station, Malavali,
Pune 410 405.
Tel. 952114 282314
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 ‘Karmayog’, 4 8 Rs.500/- Rs.100/-
Shri Ravindra Bhaskar Bhide, Rs.600/-
Kanjaliwadi, Gimvi Gao,
Talk. Guhagar, Dist. Ratnagiri
Tel. 952359 244578 / 244652
Mumbai 25325390
2 Shri Yayati Shrikrishna Bapat 4 10 Rs.400/-
Brahman Wadi, Aryawat, Laxmi Mal, Rs.300/-
Tal. Dapoli, Dist. Ratnagiri.
Tel. 952358 283088 / 282313
3 “Saraswati Sadan” 3 6 Rs.150/- Rs.50/-
Smt. Sulochana Yeshwant Nagvekar
At Post Ganeshgule, House No.85,
Tal. Dist. Ratnagiri.,
Tel. 952352 237210
4 Smt. Arpita Yashodhan Bal 4 8 Rs.700/- Rs.150/-
Karasgaon, Dapoli,
Tamastirth, Ratnagiri 405 157
Tel. 952358 288287
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges for
No. Rooms Capa- day per Extra
city room person
1 Shri Sanjaya Ganpat Sonawane 3 6 Rs.600/-
Kotwal Nagar, Hirajee Patil Road,
Matheran, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952148 230556 230427
2 Shri Francis Wacziarg 5 10 Rs.3000/- Rs.300/-
At Post Matheran, Acharya Atre Road, Bar Rs.2000/-
House, Matheran, Dist. Raigad.
Tel. 952148 230296 / 230810
Sr. Name, Address, Tel. No. of Party No. of Bed Tariff per Charges
No. Rooms Capa- day per for Extra
city room person
1 Shri Vyankatdas P. Nayak 5 10 Rs.250/-
2932, Paschim Dwar, Rs.150/-
Pandharpur. (2 persons)
Tel. 952186 24666 Rs.400/-
(6 persons)
Counters. The literature is availed to persons asking for them through post.
special section for Right of Information is being created and all the
Annexure – XIII
A. Information Officer
C. Appellate Authority
visiting Maharashtra Tourism Development