100 Mcqs
100 Mcqs
100 Mcqs
(100 MCQs)
1. The separation of styles in accordance with class appears more consistently
in…………… than in medieval works of literature and art.
a. Ben Jonson
b. Shakespeare
c. Philip Sidney
d. Edmund Spenser
2. “Had we, but world enough and times, this coyness, lady, were no crime.” This
statement is an example of
a. Irony
b. Paradox
c. Hyperbole
d. Euphemism
4. “The artist may be present in his work like God in creation, invisible and almighty,
everywhere felt, but nowhere seen.” Henry James is talking here about the artist’s
a. Impersonality
b. Absence
c. Presence
d. Creativity
5. ‘The greatness of a poet’, Arnold says, “Lies in his powerful and beautiful
application of ideas to life”. But a critic pointed out it was “not a happy way of
putting it, as if ideas were a lotion for the inflamed skin of suffering humanity”.
Who was this critic?
a. T S Eliot
b. F R Leavis
c. David Lodge
d. Allen Tate
6. “That glory never shall his wrath or might extort from me.” (Paradise Lost, Book I)
What ‘glory’ is being referred to by Satan?
a. The courage never to submit or yield
b. To reign in hell
c. To defeat God
d. To spread evil
a. ‘Felix Randal’
b. ‘Sailing to Byzantium’
c. ‘Coole and the Ballylee, 1 931 ’
d. ‘The Second Coming’
13. Samuel Beckett’s trilogy published together in London, in 1 959 under the English
titles is
a. More Pricks than Kicks, Murphy, Molloy
b. B Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamble
c. Molloy, Murphy, Malone Dies
d. The Unnamable, More Pricks than Kicks, Murphy
14. An important poet and playwright, who in the 1 960s led the Black Arts Movement,
in the spirit of negritude, posited a ‘Black Aesthetic’ that expressed a pan-African,
organic and whole sensibility.
a. Henry Louis Gates Jr
b. Amiri Baraka
c. Ishmael Reed
d. Bell Hooks
15. Where Sir Thomas Wyatt adapted Petrarch and Petrarchanism to English sounds
and metres, Survey’s verse tends to look back beyond Petrarch to the
a. French verse
b. Italian verse
c. Spanish verse
d. Latin verse
17. In ‘The Prologue’ to Dr Faustus, the chorus proposes that the theme should be
1 . ‘cursed necromancy’
2. ‘audacious deeds’
3. ‘dalliance of love’
4. ‘self-conceit’
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 3 and 4
Ans: c. 1 and 4
18. The centre of his plays is a proud character on Marlowe’s model, with a bold
licence in speech and action, full of elaborate metaphors, phrase tumbling after
phrase, as he asserts himself in the French Court. Dryden unjustly described his
style as “a dwarfish thought, dressed up in gigantic words”. Who is this Jacobean
a. John Fletcher
b. John Webster
c. George Chapman
d. John Marston
19. In Paradise Lost BK IX Milton writes that Adam was overcome with’………..’ and so
ate the forbidden fruit against his ‘better knowledge’.
a. ‘female charm’
b. ‘exceeding love’
c. ‘faithful love’
d. ‘taste so divine’
20. In which poem of Donne’s is the lover’s face reflected in the eyes of his beloved?
a. ‘The Good Morrow’
b. ‘The Canonization’
c. ‘The Apparition’
d. ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’
21. Joseph Addison called him “The Miracle of the present age” and Alexander Pope
wrote the epitaph for the monument erected in his memory. Who is he?
a. John Locke
b. Isaac Newton
c. Ashiey Cooper
d. Christopher Wren
22. What is Johnson’s opinion regarding the ‘Violation’ of the three unities in the
plays of Shakespeare?
1 . Shakespeare should have followed the unities.
2. Shakespeare followed the important unity of action satisfactorily.
3. Shakespeare’s plays suffered because they did not follow the unities.
24. “No man is truly great, who is great only in his lifetime. The test of greatness is
the page of history. Nothing can be said to be great that has a distinct limit or
that borders on something evidently greater than itself. Besides, what is shortlived and
pampered into mere notoriety, is of a gross and vulgar quality in itself.”
This passage describing the quality of greatness is taken from
a. ‘Of Studies’ by Francis Bacon
b. ‘The Indian Jugglers’ by William Hazlitt
c. Preface to Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson
d. An Essay of Dramatic Poesy by John Dryden
Ans: d. 1 , 3 and 4
29. Religious controversies in England particularly during the 1 5th century led to the
promotion of
a. English Prose
b. The British Empire
c. Naval Power
d. The Missionary Movement
33. Pick out the two relevant and correct descriptions of UR Ananthamurthy’s
1 . The novel is written in English.
2. The novel is concerned with the progressive ideas of the times.
3. The novel is set in Malgudi.
4. The novel is a satire on the representative ideas of a decadent Brahmin
5. Samskara is a regional novel.
6. Praneschacharya does not atone for his sin.
a. 4 and 5
b. 1 and 4
c. 5 and 6
d. 3 and 2
Ans: a. 4 and 5
37. Which of the following works does not have a mad woman as a character in it?
a. The Yellow Wallpaper
b. The Mad Woman in the Attic
c. Jane Eyre
d. Wide Sargasso Sea
39. “The story and the novel, the idea and the form, are the needle and thread and I
never heard of a guild of tailors who recommended the use of the thread without
the needle or the needle without the thread.”
This famous passage describing the relation of idea to form is found in
a. Sir Philip Sidney, An Apology for Poetry
b. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Biographia Literaria
c. Henry James, ‘The Art of Fiction’
d. IA Richards, Principles of Literary Criticism
41. The tramp in Pinter’s first big hit, The Caretaker, often travels under an assumed
name. It is
a. Bernard Jenkins
b. Roly Jenkins
c. Jack Jenkins
d. Peter Jenkins
42. Here is a list of early English plays imitating Greek and Latin plays. Pick the odd
one out
a. Gorboduc
b. Tamburlaine
c. Ralph Roister Doister
d. Gammer Gurton’s Needle
44. At the end of The Great Gatsby, the narrator Nick Carraway observes
‘They were careless people’. Who were they
a. Tom and Daisy
b. The Wilsons
c. Gatsby and His Friends
45. Identify the incorrect description/s of ‘Sprung Rhythm’ form the following
1 . This rhythm causes ideas to spring in our minds – hence Sprung Rhythm.
2. In Sprung Rhythm the feet are of equal length.
3. A foot may have one to four syllables in Sprung Rhythm.
4. Its metre is derived from the metre of Anglo-Saxon poetry which was based
on accent and linked by alliteration.
a. 1 , 2 and 3
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 , 2 and 4
d. 2, 3 and 4
Ans: d. 2, 3 and 4
46. Who among the following proposes that the unconscious comes into being only
in language?
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Jacques Lacan
c. Stuart Hall
d. Paul de Man
Ans: b. Jacques Lacan
48. Samuel Johnson’s Lives of Poets (1781) was originally a series of introductions
to the poets he wrote for a group of London publishers. They were collected as
a. Lives of English Poets: Critical and Biographical Essays
b. Prefaces, Biographical and Critical, to the Works of English Poets
c. Notes, Biographical and Critical, on the Works of English Poets
d. Lives of English Poets: Biographical and Critical Notes
49. Which of the following is not mentioned in Northrop Frye’s four ‘generic plots’?
a. The comic
b. The tragic
c. The lyric
d. The ironic
58. Which novel of Graham Greene in the following list does not end in some form of
suicide by the protagonist?
a. The Heart of the Matter
b. England Made Me
c. Brighton Rock
d. The Power and the Glory
Ans: b. England Made Me
52. Who among the following gave a happy ending to King Lear?
a. James Quin
b. Nahum Tate
c. Peg Woffington
d. Charles Macklin
Ans: b. Nahum Tate
53. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice starts with the famous statement: “It is a truth
universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune
must be in want of a life.”
As we get to read the novel this statement seems to be made from the point of
view of
1 . the surrounding families
2. Mrs Bennet
3. Mr Bennet
4. The women of Jane Austen’s age and society
54. Identify the text in the following list which offers a fictionalised survey of English
Literature from Elizabethan times to 1 928
a. EM Forster, The Eternal Moment
b. Virginia Woolf, Orlando
c. Robert Graves, Goodbye to All That
d. David Jones, In Parenthesis
Ans: b. Virginia Woolf, Orlando
55. Which of the following poems does not begin in the first person pronoun?
a. Shelley’s ‘Adonais’
b. Byron’s ‘Don Juan’
c. Keats’s ‘Lamia’
d. Coleridge’s ‘The Aeolian Harp’
Ans: c. Keats’s ‘Lamia’
56. In his Anatomy of Melancholy Robert Burton proposes the following two principal
1 . Love
2. Death
3. Spiritual
4. Religious
The correct combination according to the code is
a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 1 and 4
d. 2 and 4
Ans: c. 1 and 4
57. IA Richards’ Practical Criticism (1 929) inaugurated a new phase in the history of
English critical thought. What was this book’s subtitle?
a. Studies in Poetry
b. A Study in Literary Judgement
c. Essays and Studies
d. A Theoretical Guide
Ans: b. A Study in Literary Judgement
61. The following is an exchange between two characters, husband and wife, in a
famous play. The lines appear at the very end of an emotionally-charged
sequence of the last scene
“... I’ve stopped believing in miracles.”
“But I’ll believe. Tell me! Transform ourselves to the point that...?”
“That our living together could be a true marriage.”
(She goes out down the hall.)
Which play? Name the characters.
a. Othello Othello, Desdemona
b. Sure Thing Bill, Betty
c. A Doll’s House Helmer, Nora
d. Death of a Salesman Willy, Linda
62. William Wordsworth had a deep influence on Thomas Hardy. According to Hardy
a particular poem by Wordsworth was his ‘best cure for despair’. Which is that
a. Michael
b. Tintern Abbey Revisited
c. The Idiot Boy
d. The Leechgatherer
64. Who among the following has written the essay, ‘The Indian Jugglers’?
a. Charles Lamb
b. William Hazlitt
c. Thomas de Quincey
d. Thomas Love Peacock
65. Tolstoy’s War and Peace carries a lengthy discussion of determinism and free
will in.....
a. its prologue
b. an exchange between Pierra and Natasha
c. an exchange between Nikolai Rostof and Princess Bezukhoi
d. its epilogue
67. Virginia Woolf borrowed the idea of the common reader from Dr Johnson. To
which particular work of Johnson’s does she remain indebted?
a. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Milton
b. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Gray
c. Preface to Shakespeare
d. The Patriot
Ans: b. The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets; the essay on Gray
68. JM Coetzee was the first writer to be awarded the Booker Prize twice. He won
the prize for
a. Life and Times of Michael K and Disgrace
b. Dusklands and Disgrace
c. Foe and Elizabeth Costello
d. Age of Iron and Disgrace
Ans: a. Life and Times of Michael K and Disgrace
69. After the Norman Conquest England became a three-language nation for atleast
two centuries. The three languages were
a. English, French and German
70. Which Bible is the earliest English version printed with verse divisions?
a. Tyndale’s Translation
b. The Geneva Bible
c. The Douay-Rheims Version
d. King James Version
Ans: b. The Geneva Bible
71. “Where I lacked a political purpose, I wrote lifeless books.” To which of the
following authors can we attribute the above admission?
a. Graham Greene
b. George Orwell
c. Charles Morgan
d. Evelyn Waugh
Ans: b. George Orwell
72. Modernism has been described as being concerned with “disenchantment of our
culture with culture itself.” Who is the critic?
a. Stephen Spender
b. Malcolm Bradbury
c. Lionel Trilling
d. Joseph Frank
Ans: c. Lionel Trilling
73. Which one of the following modern poems employs ottava rima?
a. ‘Among School Children’
b. ‘In Praise of Limestone’
c. ‘The Wild Swans at Code’
d. ‘The Shield of Achilles’
Ans: a. ‘Among School Children’
74. John Dryden in his heroic tragedy ‘All for Love’ takes the story of Shakespeare’s
a. Troilus and Cressida
b. The Merchant of Venice
c. Antony and Cleopatra
d. Measure for Measure
Ans: c. Antony and Cleopatra.
77. ‘An Epistle to Dr Arbuth not’ presents portraits of the following contemporary
a. Addison and Lord Hervey
b. Dryden and Rochester
c. Swift and Steele
d. Smollett and Defoe
Ans: a. Addison and Lord Hervey
78. Which of these plays by Shakespeare does not use ‘cross-dressing’ as a device?
a. ‘As You Like It’
b. ‘Julius Caeser’
c. ‘Cymbeline’
d. ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’
Ans: b. ‘Julius Caeser’
79. Which of the following works cannot be categorised under post-colonial theory?
a. ‘Nation and Narration’
b. ‘Orientalism’
c. ‘Discipline and Punish’
d. ‘White Mythologies’
Ans: c. ‘Discipline and Punish’
81. “Power circulates in all directions, to and from all social levels, at all times.” Who
said this?
a. Edward Said
b. Michel Foucault
c. Jacques Derrida
d. Roland Barthes
84. Who among the following English poets defined poetic imagination as “a
repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite ‘I AM’?
a. Blake
b. Wordsworth
c. Coleridge
d. Shelley
Ans: c. Coleridge
87. The phrase ‘Dark Satanic Mills’ has become the most famous description of the
force at the centre of the industrial revolution. The phrase was used by
a. William Wordsworth
b. William Blake
c. Thomas Carlyle
d. John Ruskin
Ans: b. William Blake
89. Which poem by Shelley bears the alternative title, ‘The Spirit of Solitude’?
a. Mont Blanc
b. ‘Hymn to Intellectual Beauty’
c. ‘Adonais’
d. ‘Alastor’
Ans: d. ‘Alastor’
90. Which tale in ‘The Canterbury Tales’ uses the tradition of the Beast Fable?
a. The Knight’s Tale
b. The Monk’s Tale
c. The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
d. The Miller’s Tale
Ans: c. The Nun’s Priest’s Tale
92. When you say “I love her eyes, her hair, her nose, her cheeks, her lips” you
are using a rhetorical device of
a. Enumeration
b. Antanagoge
c. Parataxis
d. Hypotaxis
Ans: a. Enumeration
94. Milton introduces Satan and the fallen angels in the Book I of Paradise
Lost. Two of the chief devils reappear in Book II. They are
1 . Moloch
2. Clemos
3. Belial
4. Thamuz
a. 1 and 4
b. 1 and 3
c. 1 and 2
d. 2 and 3
Ans: b. 1 and 3
95. When Chaucer describes the Friar as a ‘Noble Pillar of Order’, he is using
a. irony
b. simile
c. understatement
d. personification
Ans: a. irony
98. Sir Thomas More creates the character of a traveller into whose mouth the
account of Utopia is put. His name is
a. Michael
b. Raphael
c. Henry
d. Thomas
Ans: b. Raphael
99. Which one of Brecht’s works was intended to lampoon the conventional
sentimental musical but the public lapped up the work’s sentiment and missed
the humour?
a. Man is Man
b. Three Penny Opera
c. The Mother
d. Life of Galileo
Ans: b. Three Penny Opera
100. The book was for many years banned for obscenity in Britain and the
United States. The central character is a Catholic Jew in Ireland. The author
claimed that the book is meant to make you laugh. Which is this book?
a. The Picture of Dorian Grey
b. Herzog
c. Portnoy’s Complaint
d. Ulysses
Ans: d. Ulysses