Note 1 Projected Revenue (2018)
Note 1 Projected Revenue (2018)
Note 1 Projected Revenue (2018)
Month No.of ticket Total sales Cost of sales Sales discount Gross Margin
Note 2
Month No.of ticket Total sales Cost of sales Sales discount Gross Margin
Note 3
Month No.of ticket Total sales Cost of sales Sales discount Gross Margin
Note 3
Note 4
2018 2019 2020
Note 5
SSS Contribution
Note 6
PAG-IBIG Contribution
Barce 2,290.44 2,290.44 2,290.44
Note 6
Staffing Requirements
This pertains to the number of personnel required in the business. It is also includes the Position,
Qualification and the Functions. See table 1
Table 1
No.of Position Qualification Requirements Job Description
Position's Description
1 Marketing Person Bachelor's Degree Contact with the local press and
probably a weekly newsletter. It is
also a good idea to put out posters at
least once a month.
Sources of Financing
A finance source, or financing method, helps an organization meet short-term operating needs,
such as paying for costs of materials, salaries, and other administrative expenses. Financing also helps
senior leadership plan for long-term expansion projects, such as mergers and acquisitions. The following
are the sources of financing for Cinemo Food Street:
Equity financing-is the process of raising capital through the sale of shares in an enterprise and
essentially refers to the sale of an ownership interest to raise funds for business purposes.
Cinemo Food Street use Equity Financing in amount of 1,200,00 (divided into 16.67%, 33.33%,
20.83%, 29.17%) for our business