Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil: Troubleshooting
Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil: Troubleshooting
Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil: Troubleshooting
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Configuration: 320 GC Excavator KTN00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C4.4 Engine
C4.4 Engines
Media Number -UENR0662-34 Publication Date -01/06/2015 Date Updated -29/10/2018
The crankcase breather canister includes a pressure relief valve that prevents a build-up of excessive
pressure in the breather canister.
In normal operation of the engine, the pressure relief valve remains closed. If there is evidence of oil
staining on the cylinder head behind the breather canister, perform the following procedure in order to
diagnose the fault.
Probable Causes
• Breather filter
• Breather hoses
• Excessive blow-by
Recommended Actions 7/14/2019
320 GC Excavator KTN00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C4.4 Engine(M008523... Page 2 of 3
Illustration 1 g03758596
Typical breather canister
(1) Breather canister cap
(2) Filter element
(3) Breather canister
Note: The procedures have been listed in order of probability. Complete the procedures in order.
Table 1
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results
Note: In cold ambient conditions, ice can form in Result: There are restrictions or
the outlets of the breather canister. blockages in the breather canister. 7/14/2019
320 GC Excavator KTN00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C4.4 Engine(M008523... Page 3 of 3
A. Make sure that the oil return hose from the Repair: Clear the hose or replace
breather canister is not pinched or blocked. Hoses the hose.
B. Make sure that the breather outlet hose from Result: All of the hoses are clear.
the breather canister is not pinched or blocked.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
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