HOBO® MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual: Specifications
HOBO® MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual: Specifications
HOBO® MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual: Specifications
The HOBO MX water level logger is used for monitoring changing water levels in a wide
range of applications, including streams, lakes, wetlands, tidal areas, and groundwater.
This Bluetooth® Low Energy-enabled logger is designed for wireless communication
with a mobile device. Using the HOBOmobile® app, you can easily configure the logger
and read it out—all from its deployed location—to your phone or tablet where you can
view the logged data or share it for further analysis. With HOBOmobile, you can also set
a reference water level and water density, configure up to 8 logging intervals, log
statistics, configure an alarm to trip at thresholds you specify, or set up burst logging in
which data is logged at a different interval when sensor readings are above or below
certain limits. This logger features a ceramic pressure sensor, durable housing, and an
integrated barometric pressure sensor for barometric compensation in the logger,
which allows for direct water level readout without needing to do any post processing.
An optional cap is also available for deployment in existing wells or stilling wells.
Without cumbersome vent tubes or desiccants to maintain and convenient data
HOBO MX Water Level retrieval to a phone or tablet, this easy-to-use logger is an ideal solution for water level
Logger studies and research.
• MX2001-01 or MX2001-01-Ti Specifications
(Titanium), 9-meter/30-foot
depth) Pressure (Absolute) and Water Level Measurements MX2001-01-S and MX2001-01-Ti-S
• MX2001-02, 30-meter/100-foot
Operation Range 0 to 207 kPa (0 to 30 psia); approximately 0 to 9 m (0 to 30 ft) of
water depth at sea level, or 0 to 12 m (0 to 40 ft) of water at
• MX2001-03, 76-meter/250-foot 3,000 m (10,000 ft) of altitude
• MX2001-04 or MX2001-04-Ti Factory Calibrated Range 69 to 207 kPa (10 to 30 psia), 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
(Titanium), 4-meter/13-foot Burst Pressure 310 kPa (45 psia) or 18 m (60 ft) depth
Note: Each model consists of a Water Level Accuracy* Typical error: ±0.05% FS, 0.5 cm (0.015 ft) water
sensor end (MX2001-0x-S or Maximum error: ±0.1% FS, 1.0 cm (0.03 ft) water
MX2001-0x-Ti-S) and a top end Raw Pressure Accuracy** ±0.3% FS, 0.62 kPa (0.09 psi) maximum error
Resolution <0.02 kPa (0.003 psi), 0.21 cm (0.007 ft) water
Included Items: Pressure Response Time (90%)*** <1 second at a stable temperature
• Two AA 1.5 V Batteries Pressure (Absolute) and Water Level Measurements MX2001-02-S
• Logger consisting of a top end
Operation Range 0 to 400 kPa (0 to 58 psia); approximately 0 to 30.6 m (0 to 100 ft)
and sensor end connected by a
of water depth at sea level, or 0 to 33.6 m (0 to 111 ft) of water at
cable in desired length (ordered
3,000 m (10,000 ft) of altitude
Factory Calibrated Range 69 to 400 kPa (10 to 58 psia), 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
Required Items: Burst Pressure 500 kPa (72.5 psia) or 40.8 m (134 ft) depth
• HOBOmobile® 1.4 or later Water Level Accuracy* Typical error: ±0.05% FS, 1.5 cm (0.05 ft) water
• Device with iOS or Android™ Maximum error: ±0.1% FS, 3.0 cm (0.1 ft) water
and Bluetooth Raw Pressure Accuracy** ±0.3% FS, 1.20 kPa (0.17 psi) maximum error
• Cable (CABLE-DR-xxx)
Resolution <0.04 kPa (0.006 psi), 0.41 cm (0.013 ft) water
HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Specifications (continued)
Pressure (Absolute) and Water Level Measurements MX2001-04-S and MX2001-04-Ti-S
Operation Range 0 to 145 kPa (0 to 21 psia); approximately 0 to 4 m (0 to 13 ft) of water depth at sea level, or 0 to 7 m (0 to 23 ft)
of water at 3,000 m (10,000 ft) of altitude
Factory Calibrated Range 69 to 145 kPa (10 to 21 psia), 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F)
Burst Pressure 310 kPa (45 psia) or 18 m (60 ft) depth
Water Level Accuracy* Typical error: ±0.075% FS, 0.3 cm (0.01 ft) water
Maximum error: ±0.15% FS, 0.6 cm (0.02 ft) water
Raw Pressure Accuracy** ±0.3% FS, 0.43 kPa (0.063 psi) maximum error
Resolution <0.014 kPa (0.002 psi), 0.14 cm (0.005 ft) water
Pressure Response Time (90%)*** <1 second at a stable temperature
Operating Range -20° to 50°C (-4° to 122°F)
Radio Power 1 mW (0 dBm)
Transmission Range Approximately 30.5 m (100 ft) line-of-sight
Wireless Data Standard Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart®)
Logging Rate 1 second to 18 hours
Logging Modes Fixed interval, multiple intervals with up to 8 user-defined logging intervals and durations, or burst
Memory Modes Wrap when full or stop when full
Start Modes Immediate, date & time, or next interval
Stop Modes When memory full, stop with HOBOmobile, date & time, or after a set logging period
Time Accuracy ±1 minute per month 0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F)
Battery Two AA, 1.5 V alkaline batteries, user replaceable
Battery Life 1 year, typical with logging interval of 1 minute. Faster logging and/or statistics sampling intervals, entering
burst logging mode, excessive readouts, checking of Full Status Details, and remaining connected with
HOBOmobile will impact battery life.
Memory 256 KB memory (30,000 sets of measurements)
Full Memory Download Time Approximately 2 minutes; may take longer the further the device is from the top end of the logger
Dimensions Top end (MX2001-TOP): 2.54 cm (1.0 inches) diameter, 28.9 cm (11.4 inches) length; mounting hole 7.6 mm
(0.3 inches) diameter
Sensor end (MX2001-0x-S and MX2001-0x-Ti-S: 2.54 cm (1.0 inches) diameter, 9.91 cm (3.9 inches) length
Note: The length of the water level logger cable (CABLE-DR-xxx) can vary -0% to +3% +10 cm (3.9 inches) from
the length ordered. The logger adds 38.8 cm (15.3) inches to the length of the cable ordered.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Specifications (continued)
Weight Top end (MX2001-TOP): Approximately 136 g (4.78 oz) in air
Stainless sensor end (MX2001-0x-S): Approximately 106 g (3.74 oz) in air; approximately 53.9 g (1.9 oz) in fresh
Titanium sensor end (MX2001-0x-Ti-S): Approximately 80 g (2.83 oz) in air; approximately 37 g (1.3 oz) in fresh
Wetted Materials Top end (MX2001-TOP): PVC housing, Polycarbonate end cap, Viton O-ring
Stainless sensor end (MX2001-0x-S): Acetal housing, Viton and Buna-N O-rings, ceramic sensor in stainless steel
end cap
Titanium sensor end (MX2001-0x-Ti-S): Acetal housing, Viton and Buna-N O-rings, ceramic sensor in Titanium
end cap
Cable (CABLE-DR-XXX): Polycarbonate end cap, PVC end cap, polycarbonate collar nut, Viton O-rings,
polyurethane jacket
Environmental Rating Top end: NEMA 6, IP67
Sensor end: IP68
The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant directives in the European Union (EU).
* Water Level Accuracy: With accurate reference water level measurement, known water density,
and a stable temperature environment. System Water Level Accuracy equals the sum of the
Barometric Water Level Accuracy plus the selected sensor end Water Level Accuracy.
** Raw Pressure Accuracy: Absolute pressure sensor accuracy includes all sensor drift, temperature,
and hysteresis-induced errors.
*** Changes in Temperature: Allow 20 minutes in water to achieve full temperature compensation of
the pressure sensor. There can be up to 0.5% of additional error due to rapid temperature
changes. Measurement accuracy also depends on temperature response time.
Plot A
Logger Components and Operation • Sensor end. This measures the pressure and temperature
in the water. The nose cone on the sensor end houses the
pressure sensors and the body of the sensor end houses
the temperature sensor.
Top end
End cap with • Water level logger cable. This is the cable that connects
mounting hole the top end to the sensor end. Data measured by the
sensor is transmitted through the cable to the top end
where it is logged for later upload to a mobile phone or
tablet (see Getting Started with the Logger).
When the three components are deployed together, you can
Sensor end then configure the logger or offload data to your mobile device
without having to pull the logger up to the surface.
sensor (inside) Water level logger cable Factory Calibration
The pressure sensors in the sensor end are individually
Pressure sensors (inside)
calibrated. During calibration, raw pressure sensor data is
The MX water level logger consists of a top end and a sensor collected at multiple pressures and temperatures over the
end that is connected by a water level logger cable. The three calibrated range of the logger (see Specifications). This data is
components work together to allow for wireless transfer of used to generate calibration coefficients that are stored in the
data to the HOBOmobile app on a mobile phone or tablet. This sensor end’s non-volatile memory. The calibration coefficients
is an overview of each component: are then checked to be sure that the logger meets its stated
accuracy over the calibrated range. The pressure sensor can be
• Top end. This contains the Bluetooth wireless used at pressures and temperatures that are outside of the
communication and two AA batteries. This top end unit is calibrated range, but the accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
suspended from the top of the well using the mounting
hole in the end cap (see Deploying the Logger). Important: Never exceed the burst pressure of the sensor!
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Getting Started with the Logger • If your device can connect to the logger intermittently or
loses its connection, move closer to the top end of the
Follow these steps to begin using the logger. After completing
logger, within sight if possible.
steps 1–4, it is recommended that you perform a trial run of
steps 5 through 12 before deploying the logger. • If the logger appears in the In Range list, but you cannot
connect to it or if you are experiencing persistent
Important: When assembling the logger or attaching the cable, connection problems, close HOBOmobile and power
make sure the O-rings and mating housing surfaces are clear of cycle the mobile device (turn it off, wait a minute, and
any debris. Any contamination of these surfaces can cause leaks turn it back on). This forces the previous Bluetooth
that will lead to logger failure. connection to close.
1. Install the batteries in the top end. See Battery Information 8. Configure the logger. Once connected to the logger, tap
for details. Configure to set up the logger.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
11. Finish configuring the logger. Select any of the following Logger
logger settings as desired. The following table provides an Setting Action
overview of the settings. For complete details, see the starts. Choose the amount of time you want the
HOBOmobile User’s Guide. Note: If you are deploying logger to log data and then tap Done. For
multiple loggers and set the HOBOmobile time-saving example, select 30 days if you want the logger
options to Automatically Start, the configure screen still to log data for 30 days after logging begins.
may be shown so that you can verify or enter the correct Alarms Enable and configure sensor alarms. See Setting
reference water level and water density values for each up Alarms for details.
logger. See the HOBOmobile User’s Guide for more details.
Logging Choose the logging mode and statistics (note that
Logger Mode and you cannot change the logging mode from Normal
Setting Action Statistics if you have multiple logging intervals configured):
Name Enter a name for the logger up to 20 characters. • Fixed Interval. Select this for the logger to
This name will be used as the title on the graph record data at each logging interval or statistics
and in the file name. A name also helps identify sampling interval for all enabled sensors and/or
the logger in the HOBOs screen in HOBOmobile. If selected statistics. Note that this is also the
no name is entered, the logger serial number is mode you need to select for multi-rate logging.
used. • Burst Logging. Select this to enable burst mode
in which logging can occur at a faster rate when
Group Add the logger to the Favorites group or a custom a specified trigger level is exceeded. See Burst
group to help identify the logger and its resulting Logging for more information.
data files.
• Normal. Select this to log current readings for
Logging Select how often the logger will record data when enabled sensors. You must select this to log
Interval in normal mode, from 1 second to 18 hours. When sensor data, including water level and
selecting a logging interval, keep in mind that data barometric pressure data.
offload time is proportional to the amount of data • Statistics. Select any statistics you want to
logged. The faster the logging interval, the more record (maximum, minimum, average, and
data that will need to be offloaded and the longer standard deviation) and set the statistics
it will take. sampling interval. Statistics are not available for
Multi-Rate Logging water level and barometric pressure data. See
You can set a total of 8 logging intervals. Click the Statistics Logging for more information.
plus icon to add a logging interval and select a rate
from 1 second to 18 hours. Select the number of 12. Start the logger. Tap Start in the upper right corner of the
samples to be logged during this interval. If this is Configure screen. The logger will begin logging data based
the last logging interval, then an approximation of on the settings you selected. After logging begins, you can
samples that will occur before memory fills is
read out the logger at any time (see Reading Out the Logger
shown instead.
for details). You can update the reference water level or
Start Choose one of the following: water density during the deployment if necessary (see
Logging • Now. Logging will begin immediately after Updating the Reference Water Level and Water Density).
Options selecting Start.
• On Next Logging Interval. Logging will begin at
the next even interval as determined by the
selected logging interval.
• On Date/Time. Logging will begin at a date and
time you specify.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Configure screen will show the logging setup from the For more information, see the Technical Application Note
last logger configured and the reference level, water for Constructing a Stilling Well at:
density, sensor, and alarm settings from the currently http://www.onsetcomp.com/water_level_stilling_well.html
connected logger. Make sure the settings are correct for
• To prevent the sensor from moving in currents and to
this deployment.
ensure the support cable is kept straight during
deployment, you may need to add a weight to the
Deploying the Logger suspension cable just above the sensor or hang a weight
The logger is designed to be easy to deploy in many below the sensor. In some cases, you may need to both
environments. The logger includes an absolute pressure sensor add a weight and use a stilling well.
and a barometric pressure sensor so no vent tube is required.
• Be very careful not to exceed the burst pressure for the
Follow these guidelines when deploying the logger:
sensor. The pressure sensor will burst if the maximum
• The absolute pressure sensor is temperature depth is exceeded (see Specifications). The sensor should
compensated over the range of 0° to 40°C (32° to 104°F). be positioned at a depth where it will remain in the water
The barometric pressure sensor is temperature for the duration of the deployment, but not exceed the
compensated over the range of -20° to 50°C (-4° to rated bursting depth.
122°F). To obtain the highest level of accuracy, both the
To deploy the logger:
sensor end and top end units of the logger should be
allowed to come to full temperature equilibrium 1. Make sure the top end is connected to the sensor end with
(approximately 20 minutes) before the reference level is the water level logger cable as described in Getting Started
entered. with the Logger.
• Sudden temperature changes should be avoided. 2. Attach any small parts, such as bolts with nuts, before you
go into the field so you don’t risk losing them in the field.
• When deploying the logger in a well, make sure the well
is vented to the atmosphere. Typically, a small hole can 3. Lower the logger into the well or stilling well.
be drilled in the side of the well cap to ensure that the
4. Use the Onset well cap if it is a 5 cm (2 inch) well.
pressure inside and outside the well is at equilibrium. You
Otherwise, use a 1/4-inch bolt of sufficient length to span
can also use the Onset well cap (WELL-CAP-01).
the well top or washer. Mount the logger as follows:
• There is a vent for the barometric sensor at the top of the
• The top end must be above any metal well to ensure
logger (in the top end). This vent must not collect water
good wireless transmission.
or it will block proper barometric pressure readings. To
avoid collecting water, the logger should be hung • Make sure there is access for measuring the water level
vertically and the vent hole in the well cap should not be in the well. In some cases, such as when using the Onset
oriented directly above the vent in the top end of the well cap, it will be necessary to pull the top end of the
logger. If the logger must be mounted at an angle, the logger out of the well to get a water level meter sensor
vent in the top end should point down so that any water into the well.
will drain out of it.
• Make sure the logger cannot accidentally fall in the well.
• Consider using slots for a mounting bolt at the top of the
well rather than holes so that the logger can be pulled up • If the cable is too long, loop the cable and secure the
easily for well access without having to remove nuts in cable with multiple zip ties to ensure the loop does not
the field. This can reduce the chances for small parts slip. The looped cable should be tight enough that the
falling into the water and being lost. cable can be easily pulled out of the well if necessary, but
it must not bend the cable any tighter than a 1.25 cm (0.5
• Any change in length of the logger cable will result in a 1- inch) radius to prevent damage to the cable.
to-1 corresponding error in the depth measurement.
5. Measure the water level from the desired reference point
Always pull-test a cable prior to deploying a logger in a
(top of pipe, ground level, or sea level) and enter it in
well to make sure it does not stretch.
HOBOmobile. Note that you may need to pull the top end
• The top of the logger must be close to the surface and out of the well to gain access for measuring the water level
not shielded in metal so that your phone or tablet can within the well. Follow these guidelines for determining the
connect to it. The maximum range for communication is reference level:
30.5 m (100 ft) with full line-of-sight.
• To maximize accuracy, allow 20 minutes after deploying
• If you are deploying the logger in a lake, river, or stream, the logger before measuring water depth to allow the
you must first build a stilling well to protect the logger, logger to reach temperature equilibrium with the water.
sensor, and cable. A simple stilling well can be constructed
• If the well is too small in diameter to measure the water
with PVC or ABS pipe. A properly constructed stilling well
depth while the logger is deployed, measure the water
holds the sensor in position and protects the logger
depth before deployment, then deploy the logger
components from currents, wave action, and debris.
Suspend the sensor end in the stilling well so it is always
underwater, but not on the bottom to be buried by silt.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
sensor readings are 85°F or above for a continuous 30- 5 minutes. Note: Sensor alarms, statistics, and the Stop Logging
minute period. option “Wrap When Full” are not available in burst logging
9. Tap Done and repeat steps 4–9 for the other sensor if mode.
desired. To set up burst logging:
10. Back in the Configure screen, the Sensor in Limits alarm
option should be enabled. This indicates the alarm icon will 1. Tap and select a logger in the In Range list to connect
remain visible in HOBOmobile until the sensor reading to it.
returns to the normal range between any configured high 2. Once connected, tap Configure.
and low alarm limits. 3. If you are going to set up burst logging for water level, you
11. Tap Start in the Configure screen to load the alarm settings must enter the reference water level and water density
onto the logger if you are ready to start. before setting the burst limits.
Notes: 4. Tap Logging Mode and then tap Burst Logging.
• The actual values for the high and low alarm limits are set 5. Tap a sensor under Burst Sensor Limits.
to the closest value supported by the logger. For 6. Enable High Limit if you want burst logging to occur when
example, the closest value to 85°F that the logger can the sensor reading rises above a specific reading. Drag the
record is 84.990°F and the closest value to 32°F is slider to the reading that will trigger burst logging or tap the
32.043°F. In addition, alarms can trip or clear when the value field and type a specific reading. In this example, the
sensor reading is within the logger specifications of 0.1°C logger will switch to burst logging when the water
resolution. This means the value that triggers the alarm temperature rises above 85°F. If you are configuring burst
may differ slightly than the value entered. For example, if logging for water level, enter the limit value for water level
the High Alarm is set to 75.999°F, the alarm can trip when and HOBOmobile will show the differential pressure level
the sensor reading is 75.994°F (which is within the 0.1°C that will be used to trigger burst logging in the logger.
• When setting water level alarm limits, make sure that the
water level remains constant from the time alarm limits
are set until the time the logger is started.
• If you need to change the reference water level during
the deployment, you will also need to re-enter the alarm
limits based on the new reference water level.
• The alarm icon will appear in the HOBOs screen in
HOBOmobile next to the logger name or serial number
when the alarm trips if the device is within range of the
logger. 7. Enable Low Limit if you want burst logging to occur when
• Once an alarm condition clears, the alarm icon in the sensor reading falls below a specific reading. Drag the
HOBOmobile will go away. There is no option to keep the slider to the reading that will trigger burst logging or tap the
alarm icon visible until the logger is reconfigured. value field and type a specific reading. In the example, the
• When you read out the logger, alarm events can be logger will switch to burst logging when the water
displayed on the plot or in the data file. See Internal temperature falls below 32°F.
Logger Events. 8. Tap Done and repeat steps 5–8 for the other sensor if
Burst Logging 9. Tap Burst Logging Interval and select an interval faster than
Burst logging is a logging mode that allows you to set up more the logging interval. Keep in mind that the more frequent
frequent logging when a specified condition is met. For the burst logging rate, the greater the impact on battery life
example, a logger is recording data at a 5-minute logging and the shorter the logging duration. Tap Done.
interval and burst logging can be configured to log every 30 10. Tap Done to exit the Logging Mode screen.
seconds when the water temperature rises above 85°F (the
high limit) or falls below 32°F (the low limit). This means the 11. Tap Start in the Configure screen to load the burst settings
logger will record data every 5 minutes as long as the water onto the logger if you are ready to start.
temperature remains between 85°F and 32°F. Once the water Notes:
temperature rises above 85°F, the logger will switch to the • Once the logger is configured, the high and low burst
faster logging rate and record data every 30 seconds until the limits are checked once every 15 seconds. Therefore, if
temperature falls back to 85°F. At that time, logging then you set the logging interval to less than 15 seconds and
resumes every 5 minutes at the normal logging interval. the sensor reading falls outside the levels, the burst
Similarly, if the temperature falls below 32°F, then the logger logging will not begin until the next 15-second refresh
would switch to burst logging mode again and record data cycle.
every 30 seconds. Once the water temperature rises back to
• If high and/or low limits have been configured for more
32°F, the logger will then return to normal mode, logging every
than one sensor, then burst logging will begin when any
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
high or low condition goes out of range. Burst logging will Once logging begins, the logger will measure and record the
not end until all conditions on all sensors are back within actual absolute pressure, differential pressure, and water
normal range. temperature sensor values every 5 minutes as well as calculate
• The actual values for the burst logging limits are set to the water level and barometric pressure. In addition, the logger
the closest value supported by the logger. For example, will take readings for the enabled sensors every 30 seconds and
the closest value to 85°F that the logger can record is temporarily store them in memory. The logger will then
84.990°F and the closest value to 32°F is 32.043°F. calculate the maximum, minimum, average, and standard
deviation using the samples gathered over the previous 5-
• When setting water level limits for burst logging mode, minute period and log the resulting values. When reading out
make sure the water level remains constant from when the logger, this would result in 17 data series: 5 sensor-related
the burst limits are set until when the logger is started. series (differential pressure, absolute pressure, barometric
• If you need to change the reference water level during pressure, temperature, and water level with data logged every
the deployment, you will also need to re-enter the burst 5 minutes) plus 12 maximum, minimum, average, and standard
limits based on the new reference water level. deviation series (four for differential pressure, four for absolute
• Burst logging mode can begin or end when the sensor pressure, and four for temperature with values calculated and
reading is within the logger specifications of 0.1°C logged every 5 minutes based on the 30-second sampling).
resolution. This means the value that triggers burst Statistics are not available for barometric pressure and water
logging may differ slightly than the value entered. For level data.
example, if the high limit for a water temperature alarm To log statistics:
is set to 75.999°F, burst logging can start when the sensor
reading is 75.994°F (which is within the 0.1°C resolution).
1. Tap and select a logger in the In Range list to connect
• Once the high or low condition clears, the logging interval to it.
time will be calculated using the last recorded data point 2. Once connected, tap Configure.
in burst logging mode, not the last data point recorded in
“normal mode.” For example, let’s assume the logger has 3. Tap Logging Mode and then select Fixed Interval Logging.
a 10-minute logging interval and logged a data point at 4. Select Normal to record the current reading for each
9:05. Then, the high limit was surpassed and burst enabled sensor at the logging interval shown at the top of
logging began at 9:06. Burst logging then continued until the screen.
9:12 when the sensor reading fell back below the high
Important: You must select Normal if you want to log water
limit. Now back in normal mode, the next logging interval
level and barometric pressure data. If you deselect Normal, the
will be 10 minutes from the last burst logging point, or
logger will not be able to calculate water level or barometric
9:22 in this case. If burst logging had not occurred, the
next data point would have been at 9:15.
• A New Interval event is created each time the logger 5. Select the statistics you want the logger to record at each
enters or exits burst logging mode. See Internal Logger logging interval: Maximum, Minimum, Average, and
Events for details on plotting and viewing the event. In Standard Deviation (average is automatically enabled when
addition, if the logger is stopped via HOBOmobile while in selecting Standard Deviation). Statistics will be logged for all
burst logging mode, then a New Interval event is enabled sensors. In addition, the more statistics you record,
automatically logged and the burst condition is cleared, the shorter the logger duration and the more memory is
even if the actual high or low condition has not cleared. required.
6. Tap Statistics Sampling Interval and select the rate to use
Statistics Logging for calculating statistics. The rate must be less than, and a
During fixed interval logging, the logger records data for factor of, the logging interval. For example, if the logging
enabled sensors and/or selected statistics at the logging interval is 1 minute and you select 5 seconds for the
interval selected. Statistics are calculated at a sampling rate you sampling rate, then the logger will take 12 sample readings
specify with the results for the sampling period recorded at between each logging interval (one sample every 5 seconds
each logging interval. The following statistics can be logged for for a minute) and use the 12 samples to record the resulting
each sensor: statistics at each 1-minute logging interval. Note that the
• The maximum, or highest, sampled value, more frequent the sampling rate, the greater the impact on
battery life.
• The minimum, or lowest, sampled value,
7. Tap Done.
• An average of all sampled values, and
8. Tap Done again to exit the Logging Mode screen.
• The standard deviation from the average for all sampled
9. Tap Start in the Configure screen to load the statistics
settings onto the logger if you are ready to start.
For example, a logger is configured with the absolute pressure,
You can plot the statistics series once you read out the logger.
differential pressure, and water temperature sensors enabled,
Note that the logger will always display the current sensor
and the logging interval set to 5 minutes. The logging mode is
readings in HOBOmobile even if they are not being logged.
set to fixed interval logging with Normal and all four statistics
enabled and with a statistics sampling interval of 30 seconds.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Updating the Reference Water Level and 4. Tap to view a mini-graph of the offloaded data.
Water Density 5. Tap the mini-graph to view a larger version of the graph or
The logger calculates data based on the reference water level to share the file.
and water density settings in HOBOmobile. You may need to • To add or remove sensor data or events in the large
update these settings during deployment. These are guidelines
for when to update reference water level or water density. graph, tap and select the sensors or events as desired
(see Internal Logger Events for more details on events).
• The reference water level may need to be adjusted to
• To share the data file, tap and select the type of data
compensate for drift (see Compensating for Drift) or for
file you wish to share. Mail, copy the file, or open it in a
cable stretch in water level logger cables longer than 30
supported app.
meters (100 feet). Check the reference reading in the first
couple of months of deployment when using a long cable See the HOBOmobile User’s Guide for details on viewing graphs
and update the reference water level as necessary. Once and sharing data. Data can also be uploaded automatically to
stabilized, you should not need to reset the reference HOBOlink, Onset’s web-based software. For details on working
water level for several months. with data in HOBOlink, refer to the HOBOlink Help.
• If you realize during a deployment that the reference You can also change the reference water level, reference time,
water level and water density you entered are not as and water density in the data file as needed.
accurate as needed, then you will need to update them.
Important: Editing the water parameters permanently changes
• If you update the water density, you will also need to
the data file. If you need the original data, share the data file as
enter a new reference water level reading. Once the new
described above before making the changes.
values are entered and you tap Update, a reading is taken
and will be used to calculate a new calibration constant
To change the water parameters:
that will be applied to all data for the current deployment
(both before and after the new values are entered).
1. Tap at the top right corner of the large graph.
• If you only want to change future data, then stop the
current deployment, offload the data, and start a new 2. Tap Edit Reference Water Level, Edit Reference Time, or
deployment with the new water parameters. Edit Water Density.
To change the reference water level or water density: 3. In the Water Parameters screen, you can do the following:
• Enter a new reference water level value and/or change
1. Tap and tap the logger to connect to it. the water level units.
2. Once connected, tap Update Reference Water Level or • Tap Reference Time and select a time associated with a
Update Water Density. logged data point for when the reference reading was
taken. Tap Done to return to the Water Parameters
3. Enter the current water level as the new reference water
level, making sure you have selected the proper units.
4. Change the water density if needed, making sure you have • Change the water density used for the file and/or the
selected the proper units. units.
5. Tap Update. The changes will take effect immediately. This 4. Tap Done to close the Water Parameters screen and then
will result in reference water level and water density events Done again to close the Data File Details screen. The graph
in the data file (see Internal Logger Events). Note: Saving and data file will be updated to include these changes. Note
the changes is a two-part process. If there is a failure during that the mini-graph will not be updated.
the first part of the process (during the update portion), See the HOBOmobile User’s Guide for additional details on
these events are still logged, but the old water level and viewing graphs and sharing data.
water density values are listed and still in use. You will need
to re-enter the new reference water level and water density
changes in this case. If there is a failure during the second
Internal Logger Events
part of the process (during the save portion), the changes The logger records the following internal events to track logger
will take effect as expected. operation and status. To see these events on a plot in
HOBOmobile, tap a mini-graph and then tap . Select the
Reading Out the Logger events you wish to plot and then tap again. You can also
To read out the logger: view events in shared or exported data files.
Internal Event Name Definition
1. Tap .
Host Connected The logger was connected to a mobile
2. Find the logger you wish to offload in the In Range list and device.
tap that row.
Started The logger received a command to start
3. Once connected, tap Readout.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
Internal Event Name Definition damaged if dropped. Use proper packaging when
recording data from the software. transporting or shipping the logger.
Stopped The logger received a command to stop
Important: Do not attempt to open the sensor end
recording data from the software.
housing! Unscrewing the nose cone of the sensor end will
Reference Water The reference water level for the logger has cause serious damage to the pressure sensor and logger
Level been updated. The new reference water electronics. There are no user serviceable parts inside the
level is listed with the event. sensor end. Contact Onset Technical Support if the sensor
Water Density The water density for the logger has been end requires servicing.
updated. The new water density value is
listed with the event. • Periodically inspect the logger for biofouling. Biological
growth on the face of the pressure sensor will impact the
Chan <#> Alarm A sensor alarm has tripped; <#> is the sensor
Tripped number, where 1 is differential pressure pressure sensor’s accuracy. Organisms that grow inside the
(water level) and 2 is temperature. sensor nose cone and on the sensor itself can interfere with
the sensor’s operation and eventually make the sensor
Chan <#> Alarm A sensor alarm has cleared; <#> is the sensor unusable. If the deployment area is prone to biofouling,
Cleared number, where 1 is differential pressure
check the logger periodically for marine growth.
(water level) and 2 is temperature.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
You can check the absolute pressure accuracy by using the two 3. Unscrew the end cap on the top end. Push the board out
pressure sensors in the logger. Pull up the sensor end that is in from the cable end and then pull out the printed circuit
the water so that both the absolute and differential sensors are board.
in the air. Check the differential pressure with HOBOmobile.
The differential pressure should be zero or less than the sum of
the error for the two sensors.
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HOBO MX Water Level Logger (MX2001-0x) Manual
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
NCC Statement
Article 12
Without permission granted by the NCC, any company, enterprise, or user is not allowed to change frequency, enhance transmitting power or alter original characteristic as well
as performance to an approved low power radio-frequency device.
Article 14
The low power radio-frequency devices shall not influence aircraft security and interfere with legal communications. If found, the user shall cease operating immediately until no
interference is achieved. The said legal communications means radio communications is operated in compliance with the Telecommunications Act. The low power radio-
frequency devices must be susceptible with the interference from legal communications or ISM radio wave radiated devices.
KC Statement
© 2015–2018 Onset Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Onset, HOBO, and HOBOmobile are registered
trademarks of Onset Computer Corporation. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play
are trademarks or registered trademarks of Google Inc. Bluetooth and Bluetooth Smart are registered
1-800-LOGGERS (564-4377) • 508-759-9500 trademarks of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
www.onsetcomp.com/support/contact Patent #: 8,860,569 19389-I