Progeny in Jyotish II: Number & Sex of Children: Varahamihira
Progeny in Jyotish II: Number & Sex of Children: Varahamihira
Progeny in Jyotish II: Number & Sex of Children: Varahamihira
The pages here would contain articles on various topics of Jyotish. Please visit
regularly as I shall update these pages frequently. I express my gratitude to Sri
Jagannath Center (SJC) & Pt. Sanjay Rath, my Guru for helping me advancing in
my Jyotish Studies.
Number of children
1. The number of children can be found out by counting the Navamsa gained by the 5th
For example, the 5th lord is placed in Virgo Rasi and Gemini Navamsa. Counting from
Gemini (Navamsa) to Virgo Rasi [Virgo (6) - Gemini (3) = 3], we have four signs, i.e., the
5th lord has to gain three Navamsas to reach Virgo or upto three children should be
anticipated (COVA- Page 190). This is however a crude method can can be used with
Pt. Rath says that, for this method to work, the 5th lord should be placed with the
Jupiter (Karaka for Navamsa). However, from an illustration given in Page 200 of COVA,
we see that this is not a necessary condition. Here Mars is not associated or aspected
by Jupiter, but the Lagna is aspected by Jupiter from the 7th, through Rasi and Graha
Drsti both. Here we might conclude that for this method to work, Jupiter should be
strongly placed in the horoscope and in uence the factors of progeny.
2. This can also be seen from the planets aspecting the 5th by Graha or Rasi Drsti.
Birth of Twins
The signs Aquarius and Scorpio have two lords each and hence if they happen to be the
house of child/ pregnancy, they can indicate twins.
Most standard texts prescribe the involvement of the Signs Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio or
Aquarius for the birth of the twins. They add Gemini and Virgo also to Aquarius and
Scorpio, since the signs are lorded by Mercury whose nature is dual.
In the chart of the standard nativity, the 5th lord Moon is in Aquarius Rasi and Pisces
Navamsa, which shows that there are possibilities of 11 children, however while we
count from Pisces we have to stop in Taurus, because Gemini is occupied by a node.
Thus the maximum no. of children is limited to 2 only shown by the signs Aries and
Saptamsa chart can be seen for more details about children. The details of judging
Saptamsa Chart is given in subsequent section.
1st child: The Saptamsa Lagna is in an Odd sign and hence the counting shall be
in a zodiacal manner. The 1st child is shown by the 5th lord Mars, placed in
Gemini with Moon and Ketu.
2nd child: The 2nd child is shown by the 7th lord Mercury. Mercury is placed in
Scopio and has exhange. Scorpio generally shows female child being an even
sign. Due to the exchange of planets, it indicate male child. Its worthwhile to note
that the 6th lord, the maraka is aspecting Mercury, showing that the child shall
face terrible condition and can face death. However, due to Graha Dristi of Jupiter
on Mercury and Rasi Drsti on the Lagna, the child is saved.
Sex of children
The Rasi Chart
For matters concerning children, the placement of the fth lord and the planets should
be seen from the Jupiter, the naisargika putra karaka. If there are planets in strengths
from the Jupiter, they can indicate the number and nature of the children. The
placement of the fth lord from Jupiter will indicate the extent of gains from Children
etc.- Pt. Sanjay Rath (COVA, Page 169)
The Saptamsa
The timing of birth of Individual children, their nature, abilities and fortune is seen in the
Saptamsa chart. This has been explained in detail by Maharishi Jaimini Upadesha
Sutras. (COVA 8.6.1)
The rst child is seen from the 5th house counted zodiacally or anti-zodiacally
depending on whether the Lagna is ODD or EVEN . The subsequent pregnancies are
seen from every third house (Manduka Gat i). Thus if an odd sign ascends in the
Saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th etc. If an even
sign ascends in the saptamsa, the individual pregnancies are seen in the 9th, 7th, 5th,
3rd and so on. (COVA)
After the Manduka Gati reached the point of start, the sequence of jumps would repeat
again, which can’t be allowed. To counter this problem, the next sign arrived at is by
Crawling the sign. For illustration, after the jump sequence reaches from 5th to 3rd, the
next sign after 3rd would be 5th again, thus here the jump doesn’t progress to the 5th,
but the 4th there in, where the frog is supposed to be crawling, than jumping as there is
no space for jumping, 5th house, being already considered. “Thus the order of
pregnancy becomes 5-7-9-11-1-3-4-6-8-10-12-2. For even sign the sequence becomes 9-
The nodes generally indicate the last child. For exapmple, if Rahu is in the 7th or joins
the seventh lord, the native may have two children. (Jaimini Sutras)
The sex of the child is seen from the lord of the sign ruling the house of pregnancy. If
the lord is exalted or conjoin male planets (Sun, Rahu, Jup, Mars), the issue is male. If
the lord is debilitated or conjoins female planets (Moon, Ketu, Venus), the issue is
female. Saturn and Mercury are eunuch planets, but they have found to indicate female
and male children respectively.
If the lord of the sign is neither exalted/ debilitated, not conjoins any other planets, the
sex of the child is seen from the nature of the sign occupied by it. All Odd signs
excepting the Aquarius and Gemini are male birth signs while all the even signs,
expecting Cancer and Pisces are Female birth signs.
1. Effect of Parivartana
1.1 On Counting:
However, in COVA, Pt. Sanjay has presented one more viewpoint while showing the use
of Drekkana for co-borns, whereby when the counting reaches a sign which houses
another lord of the child, the count crawls over to another sign. To illustrate the point he
says “However, Capricorn houses two sisters as indicated by Mercury and Jupiter and
should normally have limited the number of elder co-borns. Since the number is actually
higher, the next sign Aquarius will indicate the co-born.” (COVA, Page 120)
If Venus becomes the lord of Saptamsa Lagna, the issues indicated by the planets in
the 8th from Venus cannot survive unless conjoins Ketu (Ganapati), as these issues will
have Venus in the Marana Sthana (Reference). The same principle can be extended to
other planets. Thus in case of Different Saptamsa Lagna, the placement of the lord of
the child in the following places cannot survive.
Sun- 2nd
Moon- 6th
Mars- 7th
Mercury- 7th
Jupiter- 11th
Venus - 8th
Saturn- 1st
Rahu - 5th
Thus the principle states that if the Saptamsa Lagna lord is placed in a Marana karaka
Sthana from the Lord of the child, then either the parent or the child survive, unless,
there is a blessing.
Om Tat Sat
Curious said…
wow! nice blog..atleast its not a copy paste.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 7:44:00 PM
Mukesh said…
What is COVA?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006 11:47:00 PM
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Marriage Compatibility
- October 06, 2004
Lagna represents the ideals of the native and his intelligence. Wherever the Lagna lord
is placed, the native’s ideals and intelligence is focused on that area of life, represented
by the concerned house.These results will also apply to the Lord of the constellation …
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