Praveen D. Jadhav: TH TH ND
Praveen D. Jadhav: TH TH ND
Praveen D. Jadhav: TH TH ND
S/O Devendra Rao Jadhav
#528, 6th main road, 10th cross BTM layout 2nd Stage Bengaluru-560078
Seeking a position of Assistant Professor where I can give practical knowledge with the theoretical concept.
- A student oriented and having expertise in handling student queries possesses 3.10 year experience as Assistant
- Proficient in developing skills in students and provide them a growing path.
- Extensive experience in organizing workshops.
- Excellent knowledge of subject and also have great practical knowledge.
- Outstanding track record in assuring student success.
- National Board of Accreditation-coordinator of the Department.
- National Assessment and Accreditation Council-coordinator of the Department.
- Placement coordinator of the Department.
- Media coordinator of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering.
- Internal Test Coordinator of the Department.
- Rexroth Bosch Automation Lab Trainer at Dayananda Sagar University
- Final Semester Project coordinator.
- National Service Scheme coordinator
Current Employment status
Current Employer Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Bengaluru
Department Mechanical Engineering
Date of Joining 22-August-2013
Experience 3 year 10 months (7 July 2017)
CTC 34000/- per month (408000/- P.A.)
Areas of interest •Automation and Robotics
•Artificial Intelligence
Skills Design, Modelling tools –Solid Edge V19 ,Autodesk Inventor 2014, Autodesk Fusion 360
Mathematical modelling and simulation tool: Arena simulation software version 10.00,
Fundamentals of MATLAB
Initiative at DSCE 1. Robo-Club: To showcase the importance of Robotic technology I established Robotics
lab in the department, 120 students are registered for this Robo-club, and five workshops
has been carried out successfully in and other colleges. From the Robo - club we have
participated in many International and National events across India and won.
2. Ray of Hope: Ray of Hope is a student’s forum established under my guidance for
community service.
3. Student publication: To create an opportunity to explore student technical knowledge,
I started this initiative, from last 2 years we have 53 students publications presented in
various National conferences and National technical symposiums.
Other MOODLE: Moodle is Open Source Learning Platform, I will using this platform to conduct
Responsibilities Quiz, online tests, online survey and many more for all the subjects in Department.
Subjects Handled:
UG subjects PG subjects
1. Elements of Mechanical Engineering 1. Robotics for Industrial automation
2. Industrial Robotics
3. Mechatronics and Microprocessor
4. Computer integrated Manufacturing
5. Industrial Automation
6. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Can Handle
1. Kinematics of Machine 1. Automation in Manufacturing System
2. Dynamics of Machine 2. Rapid Prototyping
3. Manufacturing Process 1 3. Flexible manufacturing system
4. Manufacturing Process 2 4. Computer control in manufacturing system
5. Metal forming Processes
6. Non Traditional Machining
7. Management and Entrepreneurship
University : Visvesvaraya Technological University
Batch: 2015
Thesis Topic: “ CAD assisted path planning for a Robot”
Guide: Dr. Nepal Adhikary
Course/Degree Institution Year of passing Marks (%)
List of journals publications :
1. Praveen D. Jadhav , Vijay Raghu S, Saifan Sab, “Design and Fabrication of Crop Analysis Agriculture
Robot”, International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, (Vol. 1 Issue 1),
January 2016 DOI: ISSN 2455-6378
2. Sagar B S, Praveen D Jadhav, “A study on impact of Industry 4.0 in India”, International Advanced
Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, (Vol. 4 Issue 7), May 2017,
(Online) 2393-8021, ISSN (Print) 2394-1588
3. Shreyanshu Kumar Anubhawi, Saurabh Chaudhary, Praveen D Jadhav, “A Smart Poultry Farming-
Embedding automation in farms”, International Advanced Research Journal in Science,
Engineering and Technology, (Vol. 4 Issue 7), May 2017,
(Online) 2393-8021, ISSN (Print) 2394-1588
List of Conferences :
1. Sagar B S, Praveen D Jadhav, “A study on impact of Industry 4.0”, in India National Conference on
Sustainability in Renewable Energy Sources and Power System Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara
College of Engineering, Bengaluru, Vol. 5, Special Issue 3, May 2017
2. Shreyanshu Kumar Anubhawi, Saurabh Chaudhary, Praveen D Jadhav, “A Smart Poultry Farming-
Embedding automation in farms”, National Conference on Sustainability in Renewable Energy
Sources and Power System Engineering, Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru,
Vol. 5, Special Issue 3, May 2017
3. Praveen D. Jadhav, Vijay Raghu S, Saifan Sab, “Design and Development of a Robot for
Applications in Agriculture”, Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Sciences, National
Conference, DSCE, Bengaluru, ISBN: 978-93-84935-77-1, (Page number: 48-51) 19 & 20
February 2016
4. Praveen D. Jadhav, Harish S., “Development of Pick and Place system using Adept Quattro S650H
robot”, 4th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies, ETET-2015
(Page number: 169-176) 20th & 21st February 2015.
5. Praveen D. Jadhav, Tejas Acharaya, “Design and Fabrication of Sheet metal Cutting Machine using
Punch Press”,4th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies, ETET-
2015, (Page number: 163-168) 20th & 21st February 2015.
6. Praveen D. Jadhav, Shantan Sharma, Shrinidhi Prasad, “Automatic Liquid Filling to Bottles of
different height integrated with a Segregation system using Programmable Logic Controller”,4th
National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies, ETET-2015, (Page
number: 331-333) 20th & 21st February 2015.
Sl. No. Project title Remark
1 Energy harvesting in Bicycle using flywheel. Completed, 2015
2 Wall climbing Robot Completed, 2015
3 Design and Fabrication of Crop Analysis Agriculture Completed and got Sponsored from
Robot KSCST- Karnataka State Council for
Science and Technology, 2016
4 Rotating Storage Sleeves Completed, 2016
5 Design and Fabrication of multipurpose machine for Completed, 2017
Cow dung utilization.
6 Design and development of low cost automation in Work in progress
poultry farms.
7 Quad rotor mapping technology for Agriculture Work in progress
world’s fastest pick and place Robot, at TITAN INDUSTRIES LTD. (Precision Engineering Division) Hosur
b) FABRICATION OF SHEET METAL CUTTING MACHINE, a low cost machine, can be used in small
workshops and small-scale industries (B.E).
a) HOTEL GREENLEAF SIMULATION PROJECT: Using Arena simulation software version 10.00 conducted
a system simulation project in Hotel Greenleaf, Mysore.
b) HYDRAULIC ROBOT: A robot could satisfy all needs of a civil construction works .It built with power of
water. Model could demonstrate principle of working of earth movers and showed how hydel power can do operations
c) Development of cap tightening machine
d) Development of Automated Storage and Retrieval System
Won first place for project presentation for Hydraulic Robot project in “INGENIUM-2010” (a state level
technical symposium) held in Jawaharlal National College of Engineering, Shivamogga.
a) Presently I am President of Youth forum named “Nirbhaya –Geluvinatha namma nade” which consists of
youths from different professions working for better society. We have conducted lots of programs like cleaning bus
stands, roads which was a step taken to make shimoga as a clean city, and we conducted PURNA SWARAJ,
NANNA BHARATHA NANNA KANASU, and Andolan unique programs through which we tried to motivate
youths on several aspects and we regularly helping ashramas in shimoga. Presently Nirbhaya started in Davangere
and celebrated International Womens’day in a unique manner.
b) Had been an active member in IE (I), student chapter of our college. Also elected as CONVENER for year 2010-
2011, and organized TECHZONE 2011-a state level technical symposium. It was a grand success, leading to
appreciation of all.
c) Had been active member in M.E.A.- Mechanical Engineering Association of our college, also elected as
CONVENER of MEA for year 2009-2010 and organized INGENIUM 2010-a state level technical symposium and
worked as a coordinator in N.A.M.E.2010 -National conference for Professors, Mechanical Engineering.
d) Organized and attended Entrepreneurship Training program conducted by M.S.M.E., Bangalore
e) Had been active member of-Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), Institute Of Engineers INDIA(IE(I)),
Mechanical Engineering Association (MEA), Chirantana–Renewable energy club-National Service Scheme (NSS),
1. Dr. Nepal Adhikary, R&D, Altair Engineering India Private Limited, , Mob:
2. Dr. Shridhar Khurse, Professor and Head Automobile Department, New Horizon College of Engineering,, 99866688726.
Hereby declare above written particulars are true to best of knowledge and belief.