Proceedings 2019
Proceedings 2019
Proceedings 2019
Publisher: Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina
Organization of this Conference was approved by the Scientific Council of the Dentistry
Clinic of Vojvodina
ISBN 978-86-80894-03-4
а) Стоматологија - Зборници
COBISS.SR-ID 329427975
P– Каталогизација у публикацији
DENTAL PROSTHETICS ................................................................................................................................8
COMPRESSIVE SYNDROME ....................................................................................................................... 12
MARGINAL BONE LOSS AROUND DENTAL IMPLANTS ........................................................................ 13
RAPID PALATAL EXPANSION – CLINICAL EVALUATION .................................................................... 16
THE DARK SIDE OF ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT: WHITE SPOTS LESIONS ..................................... 17
ESTHETICS TRENDS IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY .................................................................................... 19
DENTAL CERAMIC TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................................................ 27
NEWS IN DENTAL IMPRESSION TECHNOLOGY ..................................................................................... 28
SAME-DAY RESTORATIONS WITH CAD/CAM TECHNOLOGY .............................................................. 29
TOOTH .......................................................................................................................................................... 32
BIOMATERIALS FOR BONE AUGMENTATION IN IMPLANT DENTISTRY ........................................... 34
OF PERIODONTAL DISEASE ...................................................................................................................... 38
IMPLANTS .................................................................................................................................................... 48
IMPLANT THERAPY IN SOLVING COMPLETE EDENTOULISM............................................................. 53
MOUTH“ ........................................................................................................................................................ 54
CLINICAL USE OF INTRAORAL SCANNER IN DENTAL PRACTICE ...................................................... 55
ESTHETICS – MY WAY ............................................................................................................................... 57
WITHOUT OROFACIAL INJURIES.............................................................................................................. 61
POSTOPERATIVE PAIN AFTER ROOT CANAL TREATMENT ................................................................. 62
RECENT ADVANCES IN PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY ................................................................................... 66
Abstract: The rapid development of computer-aided (CA) technologies left an indelible mark on
dental prosthetics. The area of dental prosthetics has introduced numerous novel technologies and
methods that allow the manufacture of precision, custom-made, optimal dental replacements. During
the past decade, efforts have been concentrated towards an advancement of the modelling and
manufacture of dental replacements by introducing modern CA systems, state-of-the-art materials and
machining technologies, as opposed to the traditional way of manual manufacture, which is prone to
numerous subjective errors. Amongst modern CA systems that have found broad application in this
area, the most widely used are 3D-digitization systems, CAD and reverse engineering (RE), CAM,
rapid manufacture (RM) and rapid prototyping (RP). The development and implementation of such
technologies and systems have paved the way towards a significant advancement in conventional
modelling, manufacture and the inspection of dental replacements. Different dental substrates may
have special requirements related to their modelling and manufacture. This paper focuses on the
applicability and possible benefits of the application of RE and RM techniques in the design and
manufacture of dental replacements and medical devices.
Key words: computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing, 3D digitisation, dental
The first thing dental professionals think about when they hear the words digital dentistry is
computer -aided design/computer aided manufacturing. That is not surprising because during the past
decade extreme efforts have been made towards an advancement of the modeling and manufacture of
accurate, custom made optimal dental replacements by introducing contemporary technologies and
computer aided systems1. But their implementation in the workflow starts at the very beginning of the
treatment. Today almost all offices have computerized system for record keeping that includes
business management, inventory control, clinical efficiency, patient engagement, billing and
collections, integrating digital products and records, education…As practice management software
has evolved to comprise the complete management of patient records and treatment planning, it has
also provided a tool for the digital archiving of patient data. Having this data at one's fingertips means
that a remake of a crown can be made without a new impression being taken, for instance. In another
example, reviewing abrasion or reviewing the retraction of the gingiva between two visits can be done
based on digital scanning when records are kept.
In a majority of the clinical cases the diagnosis can't be imagined without digital radiography
that has significant advantages. Using contemporary technologies and computer aided systems all
necessary data are present to develop a patient-specific treatment plan and to present a detailed and
visually appealing treatment plan to the patient. Digital technology also makes it much easier to
communicate between clinicians or clinician and laboratory to finalize the details of the treatment
plan. If implant treatment is performed, the opportunity arises to work with surgical guides and with
pre-manufactured temporary prosthetics. CAD-CAM systems provide production of more accurate,
highly biocompatible and quicker dental devices with optimal fit.
The use of digital radiography within dental practice has grown exponentially since its
emergence in the late 1980s2. It represents one of the greatest technological advancements within the
CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) is the most frequently used radiographic method
for 3D visualization of the orofacial structures2. This revolutionary imaging technique has advanced
dental radiography from the world of 2D to a true 3D representation of the hard tissues within a
region of interest. In CBCT, the x-ray source is collimated to form a conical shape beam that is pulsed
and of variable intensities2. After passing through the scanned region the beam is detected by a flat
panel digital detector2. The basic construction of a CBCT unit consists of an x-ray tube and an image
detector mounted on a fixed gantry. This allows for synchronous movement of both components
during image acquisition. 2D images are collected. They undergo a process of 3D reconstruction
(filtered back projection that involves a serious of complex programing). Collected and processed data
can be displayed in their initial form as a multi- planar (MPR) image composed of isotropic voxels2.
They can be of variable size depending on clinical indication. Data can be reconstructed into
panoramic, lateral cephalometric-style images or surface rendered images. Data can be used to print
3D models of the scanned volume, which can be used in treatment planning or for the trying
procedure before surgical or prosthodontic treatment.
CBCT data can be used for modeling of custom made bone graft in the pre-prosthetic
treatment of the patient that will receive implant supported device. When there is deficiency in height
and width of the residual alveolar bone, the placement of an implant of adequate length and
appropriate subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation is difficult. Therefore, in certain cases a strong rigid
graft is required to allow fixation to the recipient site and 3-dimensional (3D) stability to withstand
muscular forces4. An autologous bone (bone derived from the patient himself) is considered to be a
“golden standard” in the treatment of bone defects and partial atrophic alveolar ridge. It exhibits
excellent bio absorption capabilities and is never rejected by the body. However, large defects and
bone losses are difficult to restore in this manner, because the extraction of large amounts of
autologous tissue can cause donor-site problems. Alternatively, data from a cone-beam computed
tomographic (CBCT) scan can be used to shape a precise 3D homologous bone block using CAD-
CAM system5. In this way, the bone block can be transferred directly from its sterile packaging to the
receiving site without the need to be shaped6. Generating 3D model of the jaw is the first step in the
graft modelling procedure. The procedure is performed according to Cone Beam CT images provided
in DICOM format that enables further generation of the 3D model of patient’s jaw7 (Figure 1). After
that input parameters, such as shape and size of the graft and its position in the jaw, should be defined.
At this stage, the highest level of cooperation within a multidisciplinary team involving oral surgeons
and engineers has to be accomplished to obtain a 3D graft model that would satisfy both
medicoesthetic, technical and functional requirements. Upon defining the input parameters, the 3D
graft modelling procedure should be performed7 (Figure 2).
There are certain advantages and disadvantages of manual-analog technology, subtractive and
additive technology. The manual process is time consuming, less precise, requires materials that
might not provide complete accuracy and rely on steady hands and expert eyes and experience.
Although subtractive technology or dental milling is very often used for dental device manufacturing
it has certain disadvantages. The overall quality and ability to mill complex shapes is dependent on
the number of axis used. Higher operating and maintenance costs more in the systems with 5 axis. In
the production process the excess material should be removed, so it is wasteful in material usage.
Additive manufacturing or 3D printing enables reproduction of complex shapes in exact detail as it
was designed without waste. Curves, holes and more complex shapes can be easier and more
accurately reproduced with 3D printing than with cutting. This technology is suitable for fabrication
of metal framework for removable partial dentures, as their design is very complex. 3D printing does
not require special strategies or use of a special parameters to compensate for the size of the cutting
SLM is a promising additive technology that may enable fabrication of dental devices,
overcoming some of the imperfections of casting. 3D parts are fabricated by the layered addition of
material directly on the basis of computer aided design (CAD) data8. In that way, SLM enables a
quick fabrication of 3D parts of any complex shape. A high power laser is used to melt a powder
feedstock to form fully dense metallic parts. SLM fabricated objects are extremely dense and the
mechanical properties are comparable to, or better than, those of cast or machined parts9. In dental
applications, SLM is a technique that could replace conventional metal casting procedures, as it can
be used as a tool for the production of customized dental parts from biocompatible alloys directly9,10.
Contemporary technologies and computer aided systems are a tool for the benefit of the
patient and the profession. In no way does it detract from the value of previously acquired knowledge
or dental knowhow.
Acknowledgements: This paper presents the results achieved within the Project no.142-451-
2457/2018-01/02. funded by the Province Secretariat for Higher Education and Scientific
Research, and within the project TR - 35020, funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
Mirković S.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
There is almost no dentist who has experienced a sense of pain, tension and tightness in cervical
spine. Painful pain syndrome or tension myalgia is a disorder that affects the cervical part of the
trapezium muscle.
Most of the symptoms of a painful neck syndrome are due to either injury or onsetdegenerative
changes and osteoarthritis. Symptoms that may arise include:
Cervical pain, which is limited to the neck and shoulders, and does not continue towards the upper
arms, is usually caused by an overload of muscles and ligaments. Physical therapy and conservative
treatment can lead to complete disappearance of the symptoms. However, if the pain is transmitted to
the upper arm, the prognosis is much more unfavorable, as this symptom indicates a nerve
compression caused by herniation (rupture) of the cervical disc due to injury or the creation of
arthritic osteophytes.
Šarčev I.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Abstract: Long-term dental implant stability are multi-factorial . From the very beginning of
implantology, the marginal loss of alveolar bone at the annual level has been recognized as one of the
success indicators in dental implant therapy[1]. The aim of this presentation is to consider the factors
that lead to the resorption of the alveolar bone around the implant. The factors that wll be cosider are
surgical phase depending factors, prosthetic phase depending factors and patient related factors.
Knowing the risk factors that lead to the loss of alveolar bone after the implant placement can help to
understand risk factors and improve long term implant stability.
Key words: dental implants, bone loss
The clinical replacement of lost natural teeth by osseointegrated implants has represented one of the
most significant advances in restorative dentistry. A number of surgical and prosthetic factors should
be assessed during treatment planning for missing teeth. The volume and characteristics of the
edentulous ridge, gingival biotype, interarch distance, occlusal scheme, implant alternatives
concerning the size, number, and location of the implants, and patient expectations are the main issues
that need to be addressed. For that there are some rules that every implantologist should consider in
order to achieve predictable results .
This article consider some of the most important facts about marginal bone loss around implants.
Alveolar bone dimensions, biotype of periodontium, implant positioning, microleakage at the implant
abutment interface, excces cement in the periimplant space are some intimately related to predictable
periimplant bone loss. A thin gingival biotype has a thin buccal plate. There is significantly more
remodeling of the socket post-extraction and more soft tissue recession, post implant placement [3].
From a prosthetic and hygienic perspective, the implant should ideally be perfectly centered below the
planned implant crown. Formation of the biologic width leads to the circumferential thinning of peri-
implant bone which can result in the formation of alveolar bone dehiscences, especially at sites with
thin buccal bone plates. These dehisciences lead to soft tissue recessions, which are very difficult to
treat and can result in the exposure of implant components [4]. To prevent such esthetic
complications, ideally a facial bone thickness of 2 to 3mm should be established bucal to the implant.
Therefoere, placement of the implant too far facially must be avoided. Based on the current data,
shifting the implant position slightly more palatal appears to be ideal solution. This makes it possible
to establish an adequate distance from the intact buccal plate in immediate implant placement and
makes it easier to regenerate adequate bone plate thickness buccal to the implant in delayed implant
placement. Palatally, there is about 2mm insertion tolerance. Violation of this tolerance range could
result in palatally overcontoured restorations that can narrow the tongue space, impair phonetics, and
make it difficult to establish an adequate emergence profile. The further palatal the implant is placed
within the 2mm tolerance range, the deeper the implant must be inserted in the apicocoronal
dimension to achive an acceptable emergence profile. Because of the anatomy of the alveolar ridge, it
is advisable to place the implant axis at a slight buccal tilt relative to the tooth axis. Prosthetic
compensation for the tilt should be easy to accomplish if the implant shoulder is correctly positioned.
Implant position should be at a distance of 1,5mm from the adjacent teeth mesially and distally This is
the minimal distance although there are some articles that even showed that 2mm would be an
improvement. If this minimum distance is lacking it will be necessary either to enlarge the space
orthodontically or to employ method of narrow implant placement. Apico-coronally Today it is
generally accepted that the final implant shoulder sink depth can be determined primarily by the
location of the cement enamel junction of the nigboring teeth and by the level of free gingival margin
As marginal bone loss primarily depends on numerous background factors, control of this factors may
likewise lead to very good clinical results where periimplantitis would represent a very rare disease
[1] Albrektsson, T., Zarb, G., Worthington, P., & Eriksson, A. R. (1986). The long-term
efficacy of currently used dental implants: a review and proposed criteria of success. Int j
oral maxillofac implants, 1(1), 11-25.
[2] Cook DR, Mealey BL, Verrett RG, Mills MP, Noujeim ME, Lasho DJ, et al. Relationship
between clinical periodontal biotype and labial plate thickness: An in vivo study. Int J
Periodontics Restorative Dent 2011;31:345-54.
[3] Chen ST, Darby IB, Reynolds EC. A prospective clinical study of non-submerged
immediate implants: Clinical outcomes and esthetic results. Clin Oral Implants Res
[4] Cosyn J, Hooghe N, De Bruyn H. A systematic review on the frequency of advanced
recession following single immediate implant placement. J Clin Periodontol 2011;39:582-9.
[5] Araújo MG, Sukekava F, Wennström JL, Lindhe J. Tissue modeling following implant
placement in fresh extraction sockets. Clin Oral Implants Res 2006;17:615-24.
[6] Tarnow DP, Magner AW, Fletcher P. The effect of the distance from the contact point to the
crest of bone on the presence or absence of the interproximal dental papilla. J Periodontol
1992; 63:995-6.
[7] Kinaia BM, Shah M, Neely AL, Goodis HE. Crestal bone level changes around immediately
placed implants: A systematic review and meta-analuses with at least 12 months follow-up
after functional loading. J Periodontol 2014;85:1537-48.
[8] Chen ST, Buser D. Clinical and esthetic outcomes of implants placed in post extraction
sites. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2009;24(Suppl):186-217.
[9] Hürzeler MB, Zuhr O, Schupbach P, Rebele SF, Emmanouilidis N, Fickl S. The
socket‐shield technique: a proof‐of‐principle report. Journal of clinical periodontology. 2010
Sep 1;37(9):855-62.
[10] Korsch, Michael, and Winfried Walther. Peri‐implantitis associated with type of cement: a
retrospective analysis of different types of cement and their clinical correlation to the
peri‐implant tissue. Clinical implant dentistry and related research 17 (2015): e434-e443.
[11] Galván, Guillermo, et al. Cemented implant restoration: A technique for minimizing adverse
biologic consequences. The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 114.4 (2015): 482-485.
[12] Qian, Jie, Ann Wennerberg, and Tomas Albrektsson. Reasons for marginal bone loss around
oral implants. Clinical implant dentistry and related research 14.6 (2012): 792-807.
Petrović Đ.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Hajduk Veljkova 3,
Rapid palatal expansion, a therapeutic method dating from the 18th century, is based on transverse
maxillary arch development, resulting in skeletal effects as well as in dental effects, thus opening the
median palatal suture. Alongside the transversal changes, sagital, vertical changes with complete
nasopharyngeal makeover has been confirmed by the means of cephalometrics and tomographic x-
ray measurements. Rapid palatal expansion, RPE, also known as Rapid maxillary expansion, RME, is
widely accepted technique, still there are no unified therapeutic modalities. Main indication for this
type of treatment is undeveloped and narrow apical maxillary base, with deep palate, posterior cross
bite and breathing abnormalities. Even though there are points of view that this type of treatment
should begin at completed permanent dentition to provide more skeletal than dental effects, late mixed
and early permanent dentition is usually the best time for begining this type of treatement.
Orthodontic appliances for rapid maxillary arch expansion are constantly changing. Today there are
many variations of modified appliances, however the basic one is still Hyrax fixed appliance with
metal bands on first bicuspids and first permanent molars connected by metal construction with an
expanding screw, which is turned for two times a day for forty-five to ninety degrees in another ten to
fourteen days. Clinical experiences suggest hypercorrection of maxillary arch until it surpasses the
mandibular arch width, and then the period of retention onsets for another three to six months, for
consolidation of palatal bone. It is necessary to reduce the dental side effects and to prevent the
relapse through the retention period.
Nakaš E.
White spot lesion (WSL) is an initial carious lesion that results from the presence of plaque and its
metabolic activity. It is an optical phenomenon that is caused by different refraction of light between
hydroxyapatite crystals, water and air. The placement of a fixed orthodontic appliance increases the
number of retention places. Reduces the possibility of self-cleaning of vestibular surfaces and also
makes it difficult to carry out oral hygiene, which can contribute to the development of WSL that
represent the unwanted effects of fixed orthodontic treatment, both from the aspect of oral health and
the aspect of facial aesthetics. It is particularly important to emphasize that, besides the increase in the
incidence of WSL in patients with the fixed orthodontic appliance, white spots thus formed show
resistance to remineralization processes. The primary goal of orthodontic treatment is to achieve
maximum results from the functional and aesthetic aspect of occlusion. WSL based on their
localization endanger the aesthetic component of orthodontic treatment and as such are the subject of
many types of research.
Ogodescu A.
Dental anomalies that we can see in today’s children and adolescents have a series of
characteristics, specific to their generation, which require a new therapeutic approach. Structural
anomalies, starting from hard dental tissue dystrophy which make the clinical picture of Early
Childhood Caries (ECC) so impressive, the Molar Incisor Hypomineralization Syndrome (MIH),
exogenous or endogenous White Spot Lesions (WSL), as well as the various types of Amelogenesis
or DentinogenesisImperfecta require an updated paedodontic therapeutic approach.Number and shape
anomalies, false edentations, the frequent dental inclusions, supernumerary teeth, and dental
reinclusions require an interdisciplinary orthodontic approach, which corroborates all specialties
within the dental field. In this conference, I will display a dynamic reviewincluding the majority of
dental anomalies, based on clinical cases, with a presentation of all the new therapeutic trends in
terms of diagnostic evaluation and dental materials, emphasizing some new therapeutic concepts.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina,
Key words: pediatric dentistry, esthetics, dental materials, coronal restorations, composite crowns
Aesthetics is a branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and the beautiful. Therefore we can
say that pediatric esthetic dentistry is a branch that deals with the maintenance and enhance of the
beauty of the mouth children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs.
Aesthetic restorations can be intra-coronal and extra-coronal. Intra-coronal restorations for primary
teeth include Class III and Class V preparations. The best suitable materials for such restorations are
composites and glass ionomer cements.
Composite resins
Composite resins have been utilised to restore mild to moderate inter-proximal carious lesions
in anterior primary teeth. Due to pulp morphology, dentine and enamel of primary incisors have less
retention for restorative materials compared to permanent teeth. The depth of cavity preparation
becomes very shallow, which may result in insufficient amount of restorative material. Composite
resin exhibits minimal toxicity, and the true cause of pulp damage is micro-leakage[1].
Resin-modified GICs
Resin modified GICs are also effective restorative materials for Class III restorations. In
circumstances where isolation of the tooth to be restored is difficult, particularly with very young
children, this is the restorative material of choice. A success rate of 100% has been reported where the
resin-modified GIC was placed and maintained in Class III restorations intra-orally for 4.5 years [2].
Class V preparations
Resin-based composite is ideal for Class V restorations. It maintains color, provides aesthetics
and can be bonded to the tooth structure. Adequate isolation is a basic requirement for such a
restoration. Due to the young age of some children and associated behavioural management
Stainless steel- crowns are considered to be the most durable and reliable means for restoring
severely fractured or carious primary anterior teeth. Stainless steel crowns are described as easy to
place, fracture proof, wear resistant and attach firmly to the tooth until exfoliation. The main
disadvantage is unsightly metallic appearance. As the population is more conscious of aesthetics,
these crowns have become less desirable.
Polycarbonate crowns- are heat molded acrylic resins used to restore anterior primary teeth.
They are contraindicated in cases of severe bruxism, deep bite and excessive abrasion. They do not
resist strong abrasion forces. Advantages include less time form placement, easy to manipulate and
can be easily adjusted with pliers.
Strip crowns- have superior aesthetics compared to the other available methods, but they are
very technique-sensitive and require a correct patient selection and proper moisture and hemorrhage
control. Composite crown relies on enamel and dentin adhesion for retention. Therefore if a lot of
tooth structure is absent the longevity of the crown is compromised. Additional retention can be
achieved by using mini pins pulpectomised anterior teeth for the retention of strip crowns. Advantages
of strip crowns are: they are simple to fit and trim, removal is fast and easy, they matches natural
dentition, leaves smooth shiny surface, have easy shade control with composite, are superior
esthetically, functionally and economically, crystal clear, thin and are easy to repair [3,4,5,6].
Zyrzonia crowns- esthetic treatment of severely decayed primary teeth is one of the greatest
challenges for pediatric dentists. The use of esthetic restoration has become an important aspect of
pediatric dentistry. Over the years, numerous techniques for restoring primary teeth have been
attempted. Prefabricated zirconia crown (EZ‑Pedo, NuSmile Primary Crowns) is an exceptionally
strong ceramic crown and offers more esthetic and biocompatible full coverage for primary incisors
and molars. They are anatomically contoured, metal free, completely bio-inert, and resistant to decay.
Translucency of Zr ceramic provides excellent esthetics and prevents the problem of dark tooth show
through endodonticaly treated teeth. It is also provided with Nusmile try-in crown to check fitting
prior to final cementation. This feature saves clinician’s chair side time [7,8,9,10,11,12].
Fragment reattachment
Traumatic injuries most commonly affect maxillary incisors (80% central incisors and 16%
lateral incisors) due to their anterior position and protrusion caused by the eruptive process.
Reattachment of a tooth fragment (Fig. 1) should be preferable for restoring fractured teeth. There are
several advantages in this treatment such as obtaining aesthetic in a single appointment, being a more
conservative procedure, obtaining healthy periodontal attachment and maintenance of the original
tooth contours and translucence. The reattachment technique was first described in 1964 by Chosak
and Eidelaman. At that time, it was considered as a provisional restoration due to the low bond
strength values achieved by the adhesive systems. However, the remarkable advancement of the
adhesive systems and resin composites has made the reattachment of tooth fragments a procedure that
is no longer a provisional restoration, but rather a treatment offering favourable prognosis. This
procedure found a strong argument in a conservative philosophy, since it does not require excessive
wear of the healthy tooth structure and do not make unfeasible any other later possible restorative
treatment [1,2].
Teeth can be lost due to various reasons like: caries, trauma, infection, congenital anomalies,
systemic disorders, premature tooth loss, radiation damage, intrinsic stains, neoplasia. Replacement of
missing teeth is essential to establish aesthetics, speech, mastication, integrity of dental arches, health
of supporting tissues, prevention of bad habits and for the psychological and mental health of patients.
Prosthetic appliances may be either removable or fixed. When constructing either type, it is best to
allow 6-8 weeks of resting period for good healing and gingival retraction. In children or adolescents
with anterior tooth loss, space closure with the patient’s own teeth should be considered as the first
choice to avoid lifelong restorative needs. Thorough diagnostics and treatment planning are required
when autotransplantation or orthodontic space closure is considered. If these options are not indicated
and a single tooth implant restoration is considered, implant placement should be postponed until
adulthood, particularly in young women and in patients with hyperdivergent skeletal growth pattern.
A ceramic resin-bonded fixed dental prosthesis with 1 retainer is an excellent treatment solution for
the interim period; it may also serve as a long-term restoration, providing that sound enamel structure
is present, sufficient framework dimensions have been provided, adhesive cementation techniques
have been meticulously applied, and functional contacts are avoided [1,13,14].
In restorative dentistry, choosing the correct restorative material is one of the primary
variables that determine its success. Many new developments have occurred in restorative dentistry
[1] Lee JK. Restoration of primary anterior teeth: review of the literature. Pediatr Dent
[2] Croll TP. Enamel microabrasion: observations after 10 yrs. J Am Dent Assoc 1997 Apr; 128
[3] Carranza F, Garcia-Godoy F. Esthetic restoration of primary incisors. Am J Dent 1999 Apr;
[4] Judd PL, Kenny DJ, Johnston DH, Yacobi R. Composite resin short post technique for
primary anterior teeth. J Am Dent Assoc 1990 May; 120(5):553-5.
[5] Sahana S, Vasa AAK, Sk Ravichandra. Esthetic Crowns For Anterior Teeth: A Review.
Annals and Essence of Dentistry. 2010-2:87-93.
[6] Robert C, Lee JY, Wright JT. Clinical Evaluation Of and Parental Satisfaction With Resin-
Faced Stainless Steel Crown. Pediatr Dent. 2001;23:28-31
[7] Waggoner WF, Cohen H. Failure strength of four veneered primary stainless steel crowns.
Pediatr Dent 1995;17:36-40.
[8] Piconi C, Maccauro G. Zirconia as a ceramic biomaterial. Biomaterials 1999;20:1-25.
[9] Larsson C. Zirconium dioxide based dental restorations. Studies on clinical performance and
fracture behaviour. Swed Dent J Suppl 2011;213:9 84.
[10] Wolfart M, Lehmann F, Wolfart S, Kern M. Durability of the resin bond strength to
zirconia ceramic after using different surface conditioning methods. Dent Mater
[11] Baker LH, Moon P, Mourino AP. Retention of esthetic veneers on primary stainless steel
crowns. ASDC J Dent Child 1996;63:185-9.
[12] T. Walia, A. A Salami, R. Bashiri, O. M Hamoodi, F. Rashid: A randomised controlled trial
of three aesthetic full-coronal restorations in primary maxillary teeth. European Journal of
paediatric dentistry vol. 15/2-2014.
[13] Hussey PL, Pagu C, Linden GL. Performance of 400 adhesive bridges fitted in a restorative
dentistry department. Journal of Dentistry 1991;19(4):221-225.
[14] Zitzmann N et al. Resin-bonded restorations: A strategy for managing anterior tooth loss in
adolescence. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2015;113(4):270-276.
Abstract: One of the most frequently used techniques in implant dentistry, with a predictable clinical
outcome, is the Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR). The use of alloplastic materials in GBR has
numerous benefits: avoidance of the secondary surgical site, potential infectious disease transmission
and the unlimited supply of the material. Biphasic calcium phosphate is a mixture of hydroxyapatite
(HA) and β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP). The primary objective of this paper is to present GBR
surgical technique and biomaterials used in GBR, while the secondary is to give an insight in the
study plan and preliminary clinical results on the use of the injectable biphasic calcium phosphate in
Key words: guided bone regeneration, biphasic calcium phosphate, implant dentistry
Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is the method used to promote bone regeneration in the
situations when there is no sufficient height and width of the residual alveolar ridge to place a dental
implant. The term “guided bone regeneration” was used for the first time by Bauser et al. (1). A
crucial part of the GBR procedure is to ensure the isolation of the bone defect against gingival
connective tissue and epithelium by surgical placement of physical barriers (1-3). Bone grafting
materials are used to preserve volume stability under the membrane. Seibert and Nyman (2) first
described the use of alloplastic bone graft in combination with membranes. Today, the focus has
shifted to minimally invasive surgical procedures and reduced post-surgical recovery time,
furthermore, there is a continuous development of materials used in GBR. Different bone graft
materials such as autogenous bone, allografts, xenografts, and alloplastic bone grafts, in combination
with membranes, are used to promote bone regeneration (4).
Autogenous bone considers to be a gold standard, but the usage of autogenous bone
enhances risks for potential complications such as infections or nerve damage at the donor site,
furthermore, there is a problem regarding the limited availability of the autogenous bone (5). It is
known that in indications such as socket preservation or regeneration of smaller intrabony defects,
bone graft materials have equal performance (6).
The use of alloplastic materials in GBR showed to be a good alternative to a gold standard.
Alloplastic bone substitutes are based on hydroxyapatite (HA), alfa-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) or
beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) and their combinations.
Biphasic calcium phosphate is a mixture of hydroxyapatite (HA) and β-tricalcium
phosphate (β-TCP), of varying HA/β-TCP ratios, most commonly 60:40 and 70:30. During the bone
healing, β-TCP resorbes rapidly, and the volume stability of the transplant during new bone formation
process maintains because of a high HA content (7). They are commercially available as granules
which need to be mixed with a solution prior application in a bone defect, and as an injectable paste.
Alloplastic bone substitutes in the injectable form are useful for bone augmentation in three-
dimensional cavities. Their viscosity allows easy filling of the bone defect, which also reduces
surgery time and the burden to the patient (8). Previous in vivo studies showed that injectable bone
substitutes based on β-TCP have osteoconductive properties (9,10). Papanchev et al. (11) reported one
clinical case on use of biphasic calcium phosphate paste in sinus-lift procedure. However, currently,
Study protocol
The study is designed as a prospective single-arm clinical trial and consists of two stages. At
the first stage of study twenty patients with an indication for GBR after the tooth extraction and prior
to the dental implant placement will be enrolled in the study. The indications for tooth extraction
included chronic periodontal disease, failure of the endodontic treatment, and vertical fracture of the
root. Selection of patients is done in dental practice specialized in oral surgery in Community
Healthcare Center in Osijek. All surgeries will be done by one experienced oral surgeon. Patients
must meet all the following criteria to be eligible to enter the study:
adults aged 18 to 60 years;
physically and mentally healthy;
at least one or two-walls defect after the tooth extraction;
patients able and willing to comply with the research protocol;
written informed consent.
The patient may not enter the research if they meet any of the following exclusion criteria:
absolute medical contraindications to dental implant therapy according to Hwang and Wang
radiation therapy or treatment with bisphosphonates;
smokers (>10 cigarettes/day);
alcohol abuse;
lack of motivation and poor oral hygiene habits;
unwilling to sign informed consent.
Antibiotic prophylaxis is administrated one hour prior to the surgery (500 mg amoxicillin or 600mg
clindamycin, if there is potential for an allergic reaction to penicillin). After administration of local
anesthesia (lidocaine 2%), patient rinses oral cavity with 3% chlorhexidine solution for one minute.
The site of extraction is exposed via elevation of a mucoperiosteal flap. Atraumatic extraction is
performed and followed by curettage of the socket. Following the debridement, a socket is filled with
I-BCP consisting of 60% HA and 40% β-TCP (Figure 1.). A resorbable native collagen membrane is
trimmed and adapted to cover the bone defect fully (Figure 2.). The mucoperiosteal flap is readapted,
and the wound is closed with single sutures. Seven days following the GBR all patients will receive a
cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) to check if there is any dislocation of the bone graft. The
sutures are removed after 10 days.
Fig. 1. Filling of the defect using I-BCP Fig. 2. Covering the defect with native collagen
Preliminary results
Biphasic calcium phosphate in injectable form so far showed easy handling and filling of the
intrabony defects. So far, all wound healings were uneventful. Also, CBCT scans show no dislocation
of the bone graft seven days post-implantation. The preliminary histological finding of the biopsy
specimen showed bony integration of the biphasic calcium phosphate granules into newly formed
bone within the peripheral regions of the implant preparation sites. The granules were fully integrated
into bone tissue, and there are no histological signs of inflammatory tissue response.
This paper gives an overview of the GBR and materials used in that technique, along with the
study plan of using the alloplastic material - I-BCP in GBR. In the present study, the regenerated bone
was evaluated by descriptive histological examination. Biphasic calcium phosphate paste, consisting
of 60% HA and 40% β-TCP, showed osteoconductive potential for bone regeneration. Further work is
needed to complete histological, radiological and clinical evidence of osteoconductive properties of I-
[1] Buser D, Dula K, Belser U, Hirt HP, Berthold H. Localized ridge augmentation using
guided bone regeneration. 1. Surgical procedure in the maxilla. Int J Periodontics
Restorative Dent. 1993;13(1):29-45.
[2] Seibert J, Nyman S. Localized ridge augmentation in dogs: a pilot study using membranes
and hydroxyapatite. J Periodontol. 1990 Mar;61(3):157-65.
[3] Nyman S. Bone regeneration using the principle of guided bone regeneration. J Clin
Periodontol. 1991 Jul;18(6):494-8.
[4] Titsinides S, Agrogiannis G, Karatzas T. Bone grafting materials in dentoalveolar
reconstruction: A comprehensive review. Jpn Dent Sci Rev. 2019 Nov;55(1):26-32.
[5] Sakkas A, Wilde F, Heufelder M, Winter K, Schramm A. Autogenous bone grafts in oral
implantology-is it still a "gold standard"? A consecutive review of 279 patients with 456
clinical procedures. Int J Implant Dent. 2017 Dec;3(1):23.
[6] Cordaro L, Torsello F, Miuccio MT, di Torresanto VM, Eliopoulos D. Mandibular bone
harvesting for alveolar reconstruction and implant placement: subjective and objective
cross-sectional evaluation of donor and recipient site up to 4 years. Clin Oral Implants Res.
2011 Nov;22(11):1320-6.
[7] Uzeda MJ, de Brito Resende RF, Sartoretto SC, Alves ATNN, Granjeiro JM, Calasans-Maia
MD. Randomized clinical trial for the biological evaluation of two nanostructured biphasic
calcium phosphate biomaterials as a bone substitute. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017
[8] Lorenz J, Barbeck M, Kirkpatrick CJ, Sader R, Lerner H, Ghanaati S. Injectable Bone
Substitute Material on the Basis of β-TCP and Hyaluronan Achieves Complete Bone
Regeneration While Undergoing Nearly Complete Degradation. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Implants. 2018 May/June;33(3):636–44.
Negrutiu M.-L.1, Sinescu C.1, Haţegan S. I.1, Todor R.1, Pop D.-M.1, Duma V.-F.2, Romînu M.1,
Podoleanu A. Gh.3
School of Dentistry, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2A Eftimie Murgu
Place, Timisoara 300070, Romania
OM Optomechatronics Group, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., Arad 310130, Romania
Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NH, United
Introduction: Acceptable restorations require the alloy and ceramic to be chemically, thermally,
mechanically, and aesthetically compatible. Thermal and mechanical compatibility include a fusing
temperature of ceramic that does not cause distortion of the metal substructure. A major problem in
the ceramic dental technologies is the fracture initiation and the failure of the restoration due to the
thermal stress induced by the decalibration of ovens used for sintering of the ceramic layers for metal
ceramic dental prostheses.
The aim of this study is to approach this issue by using an established biomedical imaging technique,
optical coherence tomography (OCT). This technique, based on the principles of low coherence
interferometry, presents millimeter depth penetration and micrometer resolution. We tried to observe
a pattern inside the sintered ceramic materials for higher or lower real temperature inside the oven
using optical coherence tomography (OCT).
Materials and methods. 50 samples of metal ceramic crowns were obtained. The samples were
divided in 5 groups: first - the reference group (where the temperature is the same with the one
recommended by the producers). The next two groups were done by increasing the temperature (with
30 and with 50 degree over the recommended one). The last two groups were made by decreasing the
sintering temperature with 30 and 50 degree under the recommended one. Then swept source (SS)
OCT was employed to evaluate the pattern from the sintered ceramic under 1 mm under the surface
for each group.
Results and discussions. Specific pattern was observe for the groups with sintered ceramic over the
recommended temperature when OCT was used. A different pattern was identified for the groups
where the ceramic was sintered under the recommended temperature. Both described patterns differs
in compare with the one in normal sintered ceramic group (the reference group).
Conclusions. This study demonstrates the capability of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to
achieve a simple and non-invasive monitoring of the temperature variation inside a ceramic oven, to
avoid producing dental prostheses with defects.
Keywords: thermal stress, metal ceramic dental prostheses, sintering temperature, swept source
optical coherence tomography,noninvasive evaluation
This work was supported by the PIII-C2-PCFI-2015/2016 project and by the doctoral grant
No.13222/21.09.2017 - UMF VICTOR BABES TIMISOARA. A. Podoleanu acknowledge the
support of the European Research Council (, Grant 249889.
The authors declare no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the authorship and publication of
this article.
Sinescu C.1, Negrutiu M.-L.1, Haţegan S. I.1, Cojocariu C. A.1, C. S.1, Duma V.-F.2, Romînu M.1,
Podoleanu A. Gh.3
School of Dentistry, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Timisoara, 2A Eftimie Murgu
Place, Timisoara 300070, Romania
OM Optomechatronics Group, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, 77 Revolutiei Ave., Arad 310130, Romania
Applied Optics Group, School of Physical Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NH, United
Introduction: The classical methods for dental impression usually involve errors which will be
reflected in the accuracy of the future prosthetic construct. One possible solution for the old fashion
methods is to use the optoelectronic impression. Some limitations are pointed out also for this
technology. The aim of this presentation is to present new types of impressions, for classical and for
the optoelectronic methods, as an improvement in compares with the others solutions.
Materials and methods. Based on the classical impression technique of dental structures, 3D printing
technology was used in order to obtain a particular structure that will lead to a more stable impression.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was also employed for the optoelectronic alternative. The
system used was a Spectral Domain OCT which was working at 860 nm. An incisor abutment was
used for this evaluation. 5 classical impression using dental impression material was used and then the
models were poured in a conventional mode using gips. For the optical impression, the Planscan
scanner (Planmeca) was used. The 3D digital model was obtained both by CAD CAM and Printing
3D technology. The same abutment was used for optical coherence tomography working in Spectral
Domain. The 3D digital model was milled and printed using the same mentioned technologies.
Results and discussions. Both methods shows improvements in compare with the clasical and digital
solutions in terms of stability (for the clasical one) and speed along with the noncontact and minim
invasive approach (for the OCT solution). Finally, all the 3D models obtained were evaluated by
optical coherence tomography working in Time Domain Mode in order to have a volumetric
Conclusions. The conclusions pointed out the fact that optical coherence tomography could be
employed for the dental impression technology in a non-retraction cord manner.
Keywords: impression methods, classical impression technology, swept source optical coherence
tomography, noninvasive evaluation
Abstract: The development of computerized systems for the production of dental restorations and the
emergence of new ceramic materials have led to important changes in clinical protocol for
dentists and dental technicians and also creates new treatment options that may be proposed to
The concept of chair-side CAD/CAM dentistry used to be marketed as scanning, designing, and
milling of restorations all in one visit, that basically eliminates the dental laboratory contribution.
Over the past several years, the materials for chair-side milling became more versatile. The following
criteria must be observed when choosing the CAD / CAM block: tooth color, restoration type,
restoration thickness, processing technique and cementing material.
Key words: CAD/CAM, dentistry, chair side, restorations, thickness
The purpose of this paper is to present the protocol of the chair-side CAD/CAM technology for
different clinical situations and compare the accuracy of intraoral scanning between different
operators, when different clinical factors are simulated in vitro.
CAD/CAM dentistry has evolved tremendous since the first CEREC was introduced, and the changes
in the more recent years that have influenced the way we practice our profession.
Since the fabrication of the first prosthetic restoration based on a digital intraoral impression, which
was produced in 1985, there has been a tremendous development in this field, especially over the
last few years.[1]
Direct intraoral optical impressionscan avoid some errors that can appear during conventional
impression techniques. Additionally, intraoral scanning can save time compare to conventional
impression and also lowers the cost of materials.[2].
Nowadays, the main goal of an intraoral scanning system is to get as much precision as possible,
especially for larger scanning areas and also to simplify the clinical manipulation [1, 2.)
Intraoral scanners require a direct line-of-sight on to any area that should be recorded, and there are
several factors that can affect the quality of image acquisition.[3].
Despite the positive aspects of digital intraoral impression procedures, one fundamental clinical
problem remains: all scanners are optical systems that only can record visible areas. Thus, blood
and especially saliva, combined with subgingival finish line, substantially complicate the scanning
A superior first premolar on a typodont cast (Frasaco, Germany) was prepared for an all-ceramic
crown with equigingival (buccal) margins and 1mm supragingival (lingual) margins.
The master cast scan was obtained by scanning with a model scanner (D7000, 3 shape). An intraoral
scanner (Planscan, Planmeca) was used to acquire sets of four scans, each under varying conditions:
1) the presence/absence of adjacent teeth; 2) with and without margins elevation; 3) with the model
hand-held or mounted in manikin head. Every combination was investigated.
The second scenario is the one in which the prepared tooth has two adjacent teeth and was scanned by
all three operators (Figure 2).
The last scenario, is the one in which the three operators scanned the prepared tooth in the absence of
the both adjacent teeth (Figure 3).
The .STL files resulting from the intraoral scanning were compared with those obtained with a
laboratory scanner, using a software analysis. The .STLfiles obtained by the laboratory scanner
(Fig.4) were considered as master files. The master scan was aligned to each intraoral scan, from all
three scenarios.
Compare to equigingival (buccal) margin, the supragingival (lingual) margin contour remained
consistent regardless of scanning conditions. Mesial margin shape was significantly influenced in the
presence of adjacent teeth and proximity to the gingivae and position of the wand. Distal and mesial
margin shape was significantly influenced in the presence of adjacent teeth and all margins were
influenced by the proximity to the gingivae.(Table 1).
Table 1.
0 adiacent 1 adiacent 2 adiacent
teeth teeth teeth
op1 0,028 0,03 0,061
op2 0,0101 0,0507 0,0006
op3 0,0349 0,0371 0,0145
average 0,024333333 0,039266667 0,025366667
This study revealed the role of confounding clinical factors, that can influence the scanning accuracy.
The most important factor is the presence/absence of the adjacent teeth and the position of the
marginal finish line.
A number of in vitro studies showed that intraoral scanners can reliably record the margins of a
preparation, and can generate acceptable crowns.[3,4,5]. However, most of them do not take into
consideration all the factors that influence the accuracy of digital impressions, and as a result have
limited relevance in clinical practice.
Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the accuracy of the margin recorded by
an intraoral scanner is significantly influenced by clinical factors andintraoral scanning require a
direct line-of-sight when scanning crown margins. Successful and long-lasting CAD/CAM chair-side
restorations require correct indication and precision in every clinical step.
[1] Zimmerman S, Mehl A, Mormann WH, Reich S.Intraoral scanning systems - a current
overview. International Journal of Computerized Dentistry, vol 18, Issue 2, 2015;101-129.
[2] Ahlholm P, Sipila K, Vallittu P, Jakonen M, Kotiranta U. Digital versus conventional
impressions in fixed prosthodontics: a review. J Prosthodont. 2016; 79-82.
[3] Persson AS, Oden A, Andersson M, Sandborgh-Englund G. Digitization of simulated
clinical dental impressions: virtual three-dimensional analysis of exactness. Dent Mater.
[4] Park JM. Comparative analysis on reproducibility among 5 intraoral scanners: sectional
analysis according to restoration type and preparation outline form. J AdvProsthodont.
[5] Mangano F, Gandolfi A, Luongo G, Logozzo S. Intraoral scanners in dentistry: a review of
the current literature. BMC Oral Health. 2017;17(1):149.
Leretter M.
Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Victor Babes",
Timisoara, Romania
Socket preservation is a hot topic this days. In most of the cases we prefer to do nothing and leave the
post-extractional socket to heal by itself. If we get lucky we end up, after six month with a 2-3 mm
vertical loss and a 4-6 mm horizontal bone loss. This is the case of a socket type 1. In socket defects
type 2 and 3 the tragic results becomes more obvious.
If we are planing to put an implant, immediate or delayed, the patient is more willing to pay for socket
preservation. In most cases we take a jar, open it and put the contents inside the wound. In an ideal
situation we cover it with a membrane.
The extracted tooth is considered infected material and thrown in the garbage.
The author is sharing different protocols of reusing the extracted teeth for different indications. A
special focus is put on the first maxillary molar, a region extremely difficult in terms of immediate
implant placement, bone generation and immediate provisionalization, targeting a final restoration
after 5 months.
The message of the author is very simple: Please consider to preserve the bone after extraction, maybe
with the best material you can get on the market - the patients own teeth.
Faculty of Medicine Nis, Department for Dentistry, University of Nis, Clinic for Dentistry Nis, Serbia
The problem of aesthetics has always attracted the attention of a dentist. This problem is still relevant
to such an extent that the aesthetic component often represents the decisive moment that consents the
patient to undergo dental prosthesis therapy, or vice versa, that the patient refuses to wear a prosthesis
if he considers that she does not respond according to her aesthetic qualities to his requirements .
From the history of dental prosthetics in general, it is known that the first prostheses were pre-
aesthetic or religious-mystical, rather than functional, in order to beautify the face of the wearer or, if
the prosthesis served the tribal doctors and their religious rituals to make them face a scary .
Adhesive technologies and high-strength ceramic materials of high strength form the basis of modern
reconstructive dentistry and are increasingly accepted as the primary solution.
The key reasons why non-metallic restaurations are increasingly used in clinical practice are:
aesthetic, because they offer a natural and functional result; simplify clinical procedures and enable
biological protection of dental tissues, vitality of the pulp and health of the periodontal complex.
Despite numerous treatment options, failures in dental treatment still lead to tooth loss.
Implant-supported restorations are by far the best solutions in case of tooth loss. The physiological
process of bone healing usually is not resulted in original alveolar ridge volume, which would be ideal
for implant placement. According to the review on alveolar socket healing written by Araújo et. al (1),
a socket-healing process can be clinically and radiographically observed. The clinically healing
process finalizes by restoration of the socket entrance, which occurs between 10 and 20 weeks, while
radiographical changes are completed between 3 and 6 months after the tooth extraction. The greatest
changes in width and height of alveolar ridge occur during the first 3-months of healing, but it can
continue over the 1-year post-extraction (1,2). Differences in bone biology among individuals, the
size of the alveolar defect (large vs. small sockets), the presence of bone dehiscences or fenestrations,
along with the extent of trauma during tooth extraction can lead to even more severe bone loss (3). To
minimize all the above difficulties prior implant placement it is recommended to do bone
augmentation procedures. The purpose of augmentation procedures is to create a scaffold which will
support new bone formation. It is known that autologous bone is the “gold standard”, but because of
certain complications involved with its use (morbidity at the donor site, nerve damage, etc.) and
limited availability, there is a continuous development of alternatives. Biomaterials for bone
augmentation in implant dentistry can be classified as bone substitute materials (allografts, xenografts,
and alloplastic bone substitutes) and membranes for guided bone regeneration (4-6).
Allogenic bone is harvested from an individual (living donor or cadaver) of the same species,
but with a different genotype. Allografts have been used since 1950s, firstly in the United States, but
today they are available from bone tissue banks all around the world (7). To obtain good results while
using allogenic bone, it is important to think about its biological properties, process of preparation and
safety. Taking into consideration that autograft is the gold standard, the benefits of allogenic bone are
avoidance of secondary surgical site, along with potential risk for infection at the donor site, reduced
surgical time, and an unlimited supply of it. Osteocytes in harvested bone are dead, consequently, the
allografts themselves do not contribute cells to osteogenesis. The new bone formation is resulted by
the complex activity of the recipient’s mesenchymal cells. Mesenchymal cells induce the formation of
the osseous bridge at the host-graft interface, and it is resulted in the replacement of the bone graft (7,
Xenografts are bone substitutes taken from a non-human species, in example bovine, pigs and
horses. Before the use, bone needs to go through the mechanical and chemical purification process to
eliminate organic content, which results in hydroxyapatite granules, very similar to hydroxyapatite in
human bone. Xenografts are biocompatible, hydrophile and have osteoconductive properties.
Ossification process while using xenograft is a result of the recipient’s cells colonization through the
xenograft which leads to the formation of the bone matrix. Xenografts are scaffolds for new bone
formation and following the bone healing, they stay incorporated into the newly formed bone. A
histological study by Jensen et al. (10) has shown that defects filled with anorganic bovine bone
regenerated with newly formed bone and particles of the graft material were complete integrated
within it. Xenografts of bovine origin, in theory, may carry the potential risk of transmitting the prion
infection to the recipient. However, although studies have shown that risk of disease transmission is
insignificant, suspicious about that theories still exist (11). Commercially they are available as bone
blocks or granules (small or large particle grafts). It is recommended to use small particle grafts in
smaller defects, contouring of the alveolar ridge and to fill small peri-implant defects (i.e. dehiscences
and fenestrations), while large particle grafts are a better choice while filling large bone defects.
Xenogenic bone block may break during the fixation, which compromise surgical procedure and bone
healing. Xenografts are used in indications such as socket preservation, sinus floor augmentation, and
guided bone regeneration. Also, because of the good mechanical properties and resistance to
resorption, they are often used along with autogenous bone to achieve volume stability of the graft
(12, 13).
Alloplastic bone substitutes are completely synthetic materials. Alloplastic bone substitutes are
based on hydroxyapatite (HA), alfa-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP) or beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-
TCP) and their combinations. The advantages while using them are the elimination of the risk for
disease transmission, unlimited availability and biocompatibility. They are available as granules, bone
blocks or as a paste in injectable form. The resorption rate of alloplast depends on chemical
properties, porosity of the material and particle size. Large particle grafts need more time to resorbe.
The high porosity of the material gives more space for bone regeneration, but consenquently, the
material is resorbed faster. Today, the combination of HA and β-TCP (biphasic calcium phosphate) is
usually used (such as Maxresorb, BoneCeramic, etc.) (14). Ratios of HA/β-TCP usually are 60:30 or
70:30. In healing process, β-TCP resorbes faster than HA, so HA ensures the volume stability of the
grafted area. Biphasic calcium phosphate in injectable form shows promising results regarding to easy
handling, easier filling of the three-dimensional defects (such as sinus cavity and extraction sockets)
and reducing the surgery time (15). Furthermore, there is a constant work on development of new
forms of alloplasts associated with hyaluronic acid, collagen, and other osteoinductive biomolecules
such as BMPs and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF). These combination resulted in a better features of
newly formed bone (16).
Guided bone regeneration is one of the most frequently used methods to promote bone
Sucessful bone augmentation and implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation does not only
depend on the clinical skills of the practitioner, but also on the appropriate choice and use of different
biomaterials. The study of biomaterials and implant dentistry are one of the fastest-growing
disciplines in dentistry. Bone substitutets overcome problems related to the use of the autogenous
bone grafts and provide good results regarding to bone regeneration and implant stability.
Development of new biomaterials and improvement of the existing one is for sure an area in need of
research attention.
[1] Araújo MG, Silva CO, Misawa M, Sukekava F. Alveolar socket healing: what can we learn?
Periodontol 2000. 2015 Jun;68(1):122-34.
[2] Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoulos L, Karring T. Bone healing and soft tissue contour
changes following single-tooth extraction: a clinical and radiographic 12-month prospective
study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2003 Aug;23(4):313-23.
[3] Liu J, Kerns DG. Mechanisms of guided bone regeneration: a review. Open Dent J. 2014
May 16(8):56-65.
[4] Hadjidakis DJ, Androulakis II. Bone remodeling. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006; 1092:385-96.
[5] Zitzmann NU, Naef R, Schärer P. Resorbable Versus Nonresorbable Membranes in
Combination with Bio-Oss for Guided Bone Regeneration. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants.
1997; 12:844-52.
[6] Chavda S, Levin L. Human Studies of Vertical and Horizontal Alveolar Ridge
Augmentation Comparing Different Types of Bone Graft Materials: A Systematic Review. J
Oral Implantol. 2018;44(1):74-84.
[7] Delloye C, Cornu O, Druez V, et al. Bone allografts: What they can offer and what they
cannot. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2007; 89:574–579.
[8] Malinin TI, Temple HT, Garg AK. Bone Allografts in Dentistry: A Review. Dentistry 2014;
4(2) doi: 10.4172/2161-1122.1000199
[9] Liu J, G. Kerns D. Mechanism of Guided Bone Regeneration; A Review. Open Dent J.
2014; 6(8):56-65.
[10] Jensen SS, Broggini N, Hjørting-Hansen E, Schenk R, Buser D. Bone healing and graft
resorption of autograft, anorganic bovine bone and beta-tricalcium phosphate. A histologic
and histomorphometric study in the mandibles of minipigs. Clin Oral Implants Res.
2006;17(3) :237-43.
[11] Sogal A, Tofe AJ. Risk assessment of bovine spongiform encephalopathy transmission
through bone graft material derived from bovine bone used for dental applications. J
Periodontol. 1999;70(9):1053-63.
[12] Felice P. Vertical ridge augmentation of the atrophic posterior mandible with interpositional
bloc grafts: bone from the iliac crest vs. bovine anorganic bone. Clinical and histological
results up to one year after loading from a randomized-controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral
Implants Res. 2009;20(12):1386-93.
Abstract: To date, the mechanical debridement and adjunctive use of antibiotics are considered
conventional method of periodontal and peri-implant therapy. Recently antimicrobial photodynamic
therapy (aPDT) has been introduced as an improved antimicrobial approach alternative to
antibiotics. aPDT is defined as an oxygen-dependent photochemical reaction, where the use of a
photosensitizer is combined with low-level light energy to achieve an antimicrobial effect. Reactive
oxygen species produced by the photonic absorption in the dye chemical is cytotoxic to the target
bacterial cells. The numerous in vitro studies have clearly demonstrated the bactericidal effects of
aPDT. aPDT shows low local toxicity, can accelerate dental treatment, has a low cost, several
photosensitizers are available for each type of light source and the treatment will not cause any harm
to the patient. To date, limited number of clinical studies are published where aPDT is used as an
adjunctive to scaling and root planing, wherein demonstrated significant short- and long-term
benefits in clinical parameters (such as pocket probing depth or clinical attachment level) in the
therapy of chronic periodontitis.. However, in order to give any solid recommendation of aPDT as an
efficient minimally invasive alternative to antibiotics either as standalone or adjunct treatment to
mechanical debridement in therapy of periodontal and peri-implant disease, further research,
especially randomized controlled trials with long-term follow up and a larger number of patients and
meta-analysis are necessary.
Key words:antimicrobial photodynamic therapy, aPDT, periodontal disease, scaling and root
planning, antimicrobials in periodontal therapy.
Periodontal disease is chronicpolymicrobial disease, which affects 90% of the population worldwide
[1].Periopathogens, such as Porphyromonasgingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythia (Tf), Treponema
denticola (Td) and Aggregatibacteractinomycetemcomitans (Aa) are strongly associated with
periodontal disease [1, 2]. It is suggested that these periopathogens produce several potentially
pathogenic substances, including chemotaxis-inhibiting factor, outer-sheath-associated peptidases,
leukotoxin, collagenases, chemotrypsin-like proteinases and endotoxin, which allow bacteria to
colonize the periodontal pocket and initiate the destruction of tissues [1].
The mainstay in the therapy of periodontal disease is to disorganize bacterial biofilms supra- and
subgingivally, and consequently to reduce thenumber of periopathogens. Removal of irritants from
the root surface and subsequent break in the subgingival biofilm formation result clinically in
reduction in the probing pocket depth and a gain in the clinical attachment level. The reduce in
periopathogens can be achieved by standard, the most common mechanical debridement- scaling and
root planing (SRP), with the adjunctive use of systemic or local antibiotics (combination of
amoxicillin and metronidazole). To date, studies have reported that SRP when performed with adjunct
antibiotic therapy is more effective in the treatment of periodontal disease than when SRP is done
alone [3]. Despite microbiological improvements, there are recommendations to restrict the use of
antibiotics in periodontal therapy in order to limit the development of microbial antibiotic resistance,
and more important the development of superinfections that are difficult to eradicate[2, 3]. SRP has
some limitations, as well, which attenuates complete elimination of subgingival calculus and bacterial
deposits from deep periodontal pockets, interproximal and furcation areas [3].
Clinical studies have demonstrated the effect of aPDT as an adjuvant therapy for the treatment of
chronic periodontitis[5-15].
In a clinical trial by Betsy et al. periodontitis patients treated with aPDT,using methylene blue PS
activated by 660 nm laser light, as an adjunct to SRP, showed significant reduction in periodontal
pocket depth after three months and halitosis only after one month, compared with those treated with
SRP alone [5]. Similarly, Alwaeli et al. using phenothiazine chloride PS activated by 660 nm diode
laser, demonstrated significant improvement in evaluated clinical parameters (periodontal pocket
depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing) for one year follow-up, suggesting that aPDT is
a promising therapeutic concept for persistent periodontitis [6]. Campanile et al. used methylene blue
PS activated by diode (670 nm) laser light twice a week, suggesting that increasing number of
application of PS and laser had a beneficial outcome, represented in clinical parameters as well as C-
reactive protein values [7]. Similar results were obtained by Theodoro et al. using toluidine blue PS
activated by 660 nm laser light and Braun et al. using phenothiazine PS and 660 nm diode laser light
[8, 9]. In a clinical trial by Moreira et al. periodontitis patients treated with aPDT, as an adjunct to
SRP showed significant reduction in the counts of all four major periodontal pathogens (Pg, Tf, Td,
and Aa) compared with those treated with SRP alone at 3-month follow-up [10].
However, in a similar clinical trials several authors failed to demonstrate the superiority of aPDT as
an adjunct to SRP when compared to SRP alone [11-15]. They demonstrated that both treatments
resulted in significant clinical improvements (either SRP or SRP+aPDT), but no significant difference
was observed among these two treatment modalities at any time points for tested clinical parameters
and in some studies for expression of inflammatory mediators.
Studies in adults with chronic periodontitis have shown that the use of an antimicrobial agent as an
adjunct to mechanical therapy is more effective in periodontal treatment than isolated SRP therapy.
The use of systemic antibiotics in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis provides a statistically
significant reduction of PD after antibiotics use (amoxicillin and metronidazole) compared to isolated
SRP. Despite the satisfactory clinical results, antibiotic therapy usually leads to undesirable side
effects, mainly development of bacterial resistance. To minimize such effects, the search for local
antimicrobial methods for the treatment of periodontitis continues to be widely investigated. The
majority of to date published articles describe aPDT as a secure antimicrobial procedure with
potential improvements in clinical parameters when used in association with SRP. The additional
benefits of aPDT in terms of clinical, microbiological, immunological,and patient-based outcomes are
definitely encouraging and, hence, should be included in the routine treatment protocol of patients
with periodontitis [5]. However, only two studies so far compared SRP+aPDT and SRP+antibiotics
[7,16]. In both studies, use of antibiotics as an adjunct to SRP demonstrated significantly better
aPDT is a beneficial therapeutic option in the treatment of periodontal disease. The results of many
studies, indicate that aPDT along with SRP has a beneficial outcome in the treatment of periodontitis.
Although there was a wide range of heterogeneity in the included studies, they all indicated that aPDT
has the potential to be an effective adjunct in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. However, in order
to give any solid recommendation of aPDT as an efficient minimally invasive alternative to antibiotics
either as standalone or adjunct treatment to mechanical debridement in therapy of periodontal and
peri-implant disease, further research, especially randomized controlled trials with long-term follow
up and a larger number of patients and meta-analysis are necessary.
[1] Akram Z, Al-Shareef SA, Daood U, Asiri FY, Shah AH, AlQahtani MA, Vohra F, Javed
F.Bactericidal efficacy of photodynamic therapy against periodontal pathogens in
periodontal disease: A systematic review.Photomed Laser Surg. 2016;34(4):137-49.
[2] Vohra F, Akram Z, Safii SH, Vaithilingam RD, Ghanem A, Sergis K, Javed F.Role of
antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in the treatment of aggressive periodontitis: A
systematic review.PhotodiagnosisPhotodynTher. 2016;13:139-47.
[3] Akram Z.How effective is adjunctive antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in treating deep
periodontal pockets in periodontal disease? A systematic review.J InvestigClin Dent. 2018
[4] Joseph B, Janam P, Narayanan S, Anil S. Is antimicrobial photodynamic therapy effective as
an adjunct to scaling and root planing in patients with chronic periodontitis? A systematic
review. Biomolecules. 2017 Nov 24;7(4).
[5] Betsy J, Prasanth CS, Baiju KV, Prasanthila J, Subhash N. Efficacy of antimicrobial
photodynamic therapy in the management of chronic periodontitis: A randomized controlled
clinical trial. J ClinPeriodontol. 2014,41,573-81.
[6] Alwaeli HA, Al-Khateeb SN, Al-Sadi A. Long-term clinical effect of adjunctive
antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in periodontal treatment: A randomized clinical trial.
Lasers Med Sci. 2015,30,801-7.
[7] Campanile VSM, Giannopoulou C, Campanile G, Cancela JA, Mombelli A. Single or
repeated antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as adjunct to ultrasonic debridement in
Gušić I.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, , Dentistry Clinic of
Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Abstract: There has been increasing interest in the association between periodontitis and systemic
diseases and conditions. Chronic inflammation and/or microorganisms from destructed periodontium
is considered to affect several common, complex systemic diseases. Although the connection of
chronic periodontitis with some of diseases is well documented, it is less known whether the
periodontal treatment reduces the risk of this illness or affects their management.
This work will present current knowledge of whether successful treatment of periodontitis contributes
to the improvement of health and the outcome of systemic diseases.
Keywords: periodontal diseases, treatment, comorbidity; cardiovascular disease; type 2 diabetes;
Periodontitis is one of the most common human diseases [1]. Its prevalence increases with age, and
the incidence rises steeply from the age of 40. It is estimated that the number of affected individuals
will continue to rise with global population aging and greater percentage of elderly with preserved
natural dentition [2]. The early stages of periodontal disease are often symptomless, and a significant
number of affected patients are not timely detected. The insidious nature of the periodontitis, as well
as relatively low public awareness of periodontal health, leads to many patients fail to seek treatment
before the disease has already advanced. Tissue destruction during periodontitis is usually
irreversible, and the disease manifestations acumulate with increasing age. As a result, it has been
mistakenly assumed that periodontal disease is an inevitable consequence of aging. While these
outdated perception have been dispelled by scientific evidence, this view is still common among not
only patients, but also some medical practitioners. Periodontitis is an inflammatory disorder which
results from interaction between microorganisms of dental plaque and the individual inflammatory-
immunological host response to the pathogens [3]. This is a highly preventable disease that can be
easily diagnosed and successfully controlled through adequate professional care and long-term
secondary prevention. Suitable preventive measures, along with timely diagnosis and appropriate
therapy, could slow down the disease progression, and contribute to improvements in both oral and
systemic health.
An extensive body of literature published in recent decades indicates that the importance of
periodontal health extends beyond oral cavity. It is widely accepted that, via hematogenic
dissemination of bacteria (and their byproducts) from dental plaque and/or inflammatory mediators
found in the affected tissues, periodontal disease influences progression of complex systemic
disorders, such as atherosclerosis (and its outcomes), diabetes mellitus, respiratory diseases, and
rheumaoid arthritis, among others. Even though the relationship between periodontitis and some of
these conditions has been well documented, the effects of periodontal therapy on the incidence and
progression of these medical comorbidities remains unclear.
In this work, the current knowledge in this filed will be presented, aiming to establish whether
successful periodontal therapy can contribute to the advancement of overall health and better
management of systemic diseases.
Association between CVDs and periodontitis has been confirmed in an extensive review of literature
and meta-analyses [6]. In the recent Swedish ‘PAROKRANK’ study [7] periodontal disease, was
more common in 805 patients with first-time acute myocardial infarction (AMI) than it was in 805
matched controls without AMI. There was also an increased (+49%) risk of AMI among the patients
with periodontitis that remained significantly higher (+28%) after adjustment for co-variables
(smoking, DM, socioeconomic factors). These findings from the largest and most well-conducted
case-control study to date emphasize that there can be an independent association between
periodontitis and AMI, which was supported by another recent research [8,9]. Several mechanisms
through which periodontal disease could contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and its
clinical manifestations have been proposed [10]. The question is whether periodontal treatment can
influence this process. Findings yielded by a recent meta-analysis of clinical evidence indicate that
periodontal treatment can result in the improvement in many indirect indicators of atherosclerosis,
including endothelial dysfunction, lipid parameters, glycated hemoglobin, and biomarkers, such as C-
reactive protein and interleukin-6 [11]. Longitudinal study conducted in the US has shown that
improvement in periodontal status (manifested through pocket depth reduction and reduced
periodontal bacteria quantity) resulted in a reduced progression of carotid intima-media thickness over
3 years which was correlated with the degree of periodontal status improvement [12]. The authors of
this investigation highlighted the importance of periodontal treatment as a potential preventative
health measure. Endothelial dysfunction and coronary arterial wall thickness are indirect indicators of
atherosclerosis progression. However, no data pertaining to the effects of periodontal treatment on the
clinical cardiovascular outcomes presently exists, given that randomized controlled trials examining
this link cannot be conducted for ethical reasons. The longitudinal study based on a random sample of
one million people, included 10,887 people, who had received dental treatment and 10,989 age-, sex-,
and comorbidity-matched subjects who had not received dental treatment during the average follow-
up period of 7 years, showed a significantly lower incidence of AMI in the scaling group [13]. In
addition, multivariate analysis indicated that scaling was independently associated with lower risk of
acute heart attack and cerebrovascular insult. As a part of the same investigation, dose-dependent
correlation was also established, whereby more frequent plaque removal was accompanied by a
progressively greater risk reduction.
Most studies examining the link between periodontal disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) have
focused on the influence of DM on the periodontal disease pathogenesis. Findings yielded by these
investigations indicate that patients with DM are at a greater risk for more extensive periodontal
destruction, respond less well to periodontal therapy, and have poorer long-term prognosis compared
to the healthy controls. American Association for Diabetes has added periodontal disease, alongside
micro and macro vascular diseases, on the list of DM complications [14]. More recent evidence points
to the bidirectional link between these disorders [15]. Specifically, DM patients have been shown to
have greater propensity toward periodontal disease, while periodontal infection and inflammation
worsen the course of the diabetes. These findings are supported by a recent systematic literature
review [16].
Results yielded by clinical studies indicate that periodontal disease could represent an independent
risk factor for the development of DM [17]. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a glycemic control
indicator and represents an average glycaemia value in the preceding 2–3 moths. In healthy
individuals, HbA1c should be below 6%, while HbA1c < 7% indicates good glycemic control. It has
been established that DM patients affected by periodontal disease tend to have higher HbA1c values
compared to those with healthy periodontium [18]. According to the findings yielded by several meta-
analyses, nonsurgical periodontal therapy can reduce HbA1c levels by 0.31−0.65% [11,19,20], which
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease affecting 0.5–1% of the world population. It
manifests through joint inflammation, deformity, swelling, and pain [22]. Like periodontitis, RA is an
inflammatory condition that results in tissue degradation, and the link between these diseases has
recently been confirmed through an extensive literature review [23]. Available evidence indicates that
patients affected by RA have a greater epithelial attachment loss and are four times more likely to
develop periodontal disease compared to general population [23]. It is considered that the link
between RA and periodontal disease is also bidirectional, and that the latter increases the risk of RA.
While research on this topic are limited, the reported findings suggest that nonsurgical periodontal
therapy can lessen the clinical RA symptoms, and reduce the level of biomarkers of RA activity [24].
However, it is necessary to note the limitations of these studies, most notably relatively small sample
size and short follow-up duration. Thus, large intervention studies involving RA patients affected by
periodontal disease are needed in order to reach definitive conclusions on this relationship.
In narrative and systematic literature reviews conducted to date, findings yielded by studies linking
oral and respiratory diseases were analyzed, providing sufficient evidence in support of this
relationship. The effects of oral health status on onset of pneumonia and exacerbation of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remain most extensively studied. Randomized clinical trials
indicate that improvement of oral hygiene can prevent development of pneumonia, as well as reduce
mortality rates related to this disease, especially among vulnerable patient groups [25]. Studies
conducted in the last decade support the hypothesis that bacteria present in the oral cavity can induce
pneumonia and contribute to the COPD exacerbation, while dental plaque reduction can reduce the
risk of these respiratory diseases [25].
Extensive research supports the view that periodontal treatment has not only beneficial local effects,
but can also contribute to the improvement in general health status and can assist in better
management of common systemic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, and
rheumatoid arthritis. Closer collaboration between medical doctors and dentists should increase patent
awareness about the periodontal health, as well as the potential and significance of timely periodontal
[1] Jin LJ, Lamster IB, Greenspan JS, Pitts NB, Scully C,Warnakulasuriya S. Global burden of
oral diseases: Emerging concepts, management and interplay with systemic health. Oral Dis.
[2] Tonetti MS, Bottenberg P, Conrads G, Eickholz P, Heasman P, Huysmans MC, Paris S.
Dental caries and periodontal diseases in the ageing population: call to action to protect and
enhance oral health and well-being as an essential component of healthy ageing – Consensus
Marković A.
Contemporary implant dentistry is facing high expectations of patients, not only in terms of
function and esthetics of prosthetic restorations but also shorter treatment time.
When placing implants in the esthetic zone, clinicians are often faced with high esthetic
demand expressed by patients and anatomically unfavorable conditions including bone and soft tissue
deficiencies as a result of ridge alterations following extraction, infection or trauma. Proper case
selection, adequate timing of implant placement following tooth removal, bone and soft tissue
preservation or reconstruction, correct 3D implant positioning and convenient implant design are key
surgical elements for successful results in esthetic implant therapy.
This lecture will show protocols necessary for adequate treatment planning in the esthetic
zone, proper determination of time for implant placement and implant loading and surgical protocols
for implant placement in the esthetic zone.
Trifković B.
In the 10 last years, computer technologies are significant development. Application of digital
technology in dentistry aims at simplifying clinical procedure, greater speed and better predictability,
with significant benefit for the dentists and their patient. The digital technologies became important
component in all field of dentistry, including implant dentistry.
In spite of their significant progress, there are some limitations and difficulties that we encounter
during our daily clinical work. In this context, the goal of this paper is to present a world of
contemporary digital technologies, their advantages, possibilities and current limitations in field of
implant dentistry.
Almost all stages from planning implant position, to final restoration, can be achieved using digital
technologies. Planning implant position is usually, first step in implantology. Implemantation of cone
- beam computed tomography (CBCT), in planning procedure, is significantly improvement precision
of implant position.[1,2] Voxel size indicate precision of CBCT. The majority of CBCT’s used for
dental implant planning has a voxel size of 0.4 mm, and the accuracy of measurements made on the
CBCT are directly related to this size. One way to analyze bone density is through the Hounsfield
index in procedure of reading CBCT. The Hounsfield scale is based on density values for air, water,
and dense bone, which are assigned arbitrarily values of –1,000, 0, and +1,000, respectively. Using
these parameters to establish a relative scale, a range of values was providedfor different types of
bone, including very dense cortical bone (> 600 HU), dense cortical-spongy bone (between 400 and
600 HU), and cortical-spongy bone of low density (< 200 HU). The Hounsfield scale has been used to
evaluate bone densities for implant placement. [3,4,5]Different anatomical structures have varying
Hounsfield units. It is important to know how to apply the Hounsfield scale, because the differences
in bone densities will alter the chosen surgical protocol for implant placement.
Cone-beam computed technology provide valuable information for evaluation before implant placing
and it also translates all informations in completely digital planning of surgical cases and surgical
guide. Utilizing a CBCT scan as a template, a surgical guide may be fabricated based on the precise
location of a planned implant. All of the major implant companies offer software which can be used
for planning the specific location of implants in the CBCT image and eventually guide can be ordered
and fabricated. The software allows the virtual placement of implants into the CBCT scan at the
precise locationtaking into account considerations such as anatomic landmarks, adjacent dentition,
type of restoration and occlusal scheme.
For successful prosthodontics reconstruction precise position of implants is very important. Implant
treatment is directed towards functional and esthetic restoration of patients with partial or complete
Position of future crowns is important from mechanical and functional perspective of the future
implants, respectively their abutments should be located ideally in the center of the future crowns.
This is important not only for maximum resistance to bite force, but also for the aesthetic result of
CAD/CAM framework for accurate 3D. Planning of dental implant placements and design of surgical
guide has been developed byintegrating two different imaging modalities:CBCT scanning and surface
optical scanning (intra-oral extra-oral). The integration of volumetric radiographic anatomical data
(DICOM) with 3D surface information (STL or DICOM) allows accurate reconstruction. Position of
implant planning must to be in consideration with anatomical structure, bone density, dimension of
alveolar ridge, crown and implants axis, screw hole and abatement design. (Fig 2) Thesurgical guide
is directly created in special software, on the final virtual modelwithin the CAD environment. [8] A
uniform layer of material is added to the reference surface of the virtual mouth anda shell of a specific
depth. The guide is completed with sleeves supporting drilling and can be manufactured by additive
or subtractive CAD/CAM manufacturing processes.
Immediate loading is standard procedure in esthetic zone, when we have appropriate implant stability.
This is standard way in case for one and more then one crowns on implant. Joda et al.introduced
atechnique to fabricateindividualized CAD/CAM healing abutment prior touncovering surgery.
According to their method, theshape of the emergence profile of the contralateral toothis copied from
the DICOM data.After implant placement,digital impression with an intra-oral optical scan
isperformed to identify the final three-dimensional positionof the implant.Digitally flipped (mirrored)
DICOM dataof contra-lateral tooth and the STL-file of the IOS aresuperimposed to fabricate an
individualized healingabutment using CAD/CAM from PMMA-based material,which is delivered to
the patient at the uncoveringsurgery.[10]Vafiadis et al.introduced adigital fabricating methodfor
immediate implant placement and immediate loadingprotocol.Their method involves copying the
shape ofthe tooth to be extracted and its emergence profile usingthe preoperative CBCT image.The
data obtained is usedto fabricate acrown-root matrix (resin shell) byCAD/CAM.The matrix is
connected with the temporaryabutment intra-orally and used as an immediateprovisional restoration.
With the use of digital intraoral impression systems, the complete elimination of a physical model
based on a conventional impression is technically possible.[12,13] Master cast can be fabricated using
three-dimensional printing systems with a similarly high accuracy. The digital information from the
intra-oral scanner can be sent to the printing facility without the risk of losing any accuracy. Thus, the
number of manual steps and some physical shortcomings such as distortion of the impression material
may be reduced in the fabrication workflow. Different digital intra-oral impressions do not show
higher accuracy and precision compared to highly accurate conventional impression systems in-vitro.
[12,14] However in everyday practical work with some intra-oral scanner, in the case of scanning a
large numbers of scans bodies, there are problems of distortion in the scanned image. (Fig. 5, 6)
The reason for the distortion of the picture may be: saliva, patient moving, humidity, insufficient
number of points for joining image algorithms, scanning strategy, etc.
The results of the previous research show that the digital implant impressions in edentulous patients
might still be unreliable due to a lack of stable geometric landmarks.[15] Our clinical experience
shows that intra-oral scanning should bee applied in case of simple and small reconstructions. In cases
of complex reconstruction extra-oral scanning is alternative.
[1] Holst, S., Blatz, M.B., Eitner, S.: Precision for computer-guidedimplant placement: using
3D planning software and fixed intrao-ral reference points. J. Oral. Maxil. Surg. 65(3), 393–
399 (2007).
[2] Bedi, A., Michalakis, K.X., Mariani, E.J., Zourdos, D.M.: Immediately loaded maxillary and
mandibular dental implants with fixedCAD/CAM prostheses using a flapless surgical
approach: a clin-ical report. J. Prosthodont. 20(4), 319–325 (2011).
[3] MartinezH,DavarpanahM,MissikaP,CellettiR,LazzaraR.Opti- mal implant stabilization in
low density bone. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001;12:423–432.
[4] DuckmantonNA,AustinBW,LechnerSK,KlinebergIJ.Imaging for predictable maxillary
implants. Int J Prosthodont 1994;7:77–80.
[5] NortonMR,GambleC.Boneclassification:Anobjectivescale of bone density using the
computerized tompgraphy scan. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001;12:79–84.
[6] Garber D, Belser U. Restoration driven implant placement with restora- tion generated site
development. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 1995 Aug;16(8):796–804.
[7] Frisardi, G., Chessa, G., Barone, S., Paoli, A., Razionale, A., Fris-ardi, F.: Integration of 3D
anatomical data obtained by CT imagingand 3D optical scanning for computer aided implant
surgery. BMCMed Imaging 11 (2011)
[8] Barone, S., Paoli, A., Razionale, A.V.: Computer-aided modellingof three-dimensional
maxillofacial tissues through multi-modalimaging. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part H. J. Eng.
Med. 227(2), 89–104 (2013)
[9] Shah K, Yilmaz B. A Technique to Transfer the Emergence Profile Contours of a
Provisional Implant Crown to the Definitive ImpressionInt J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2016
[10] Becker W, Doerr J, Becker BE. A novel method forcreating an optimal emergence profile
adjacent to dentalimplants. J Esthet Restor Dent.2012;24(6):395–400.
[11] Joda T, Ferrari M, Brägger U. A digital approach for one-step formation of the supra-
implant emergence profile withan individualized CAD/CAM healing abutment.
JProsthodont Res.2016;60(3):220–3.
Šćepanović M.
Treating edentoulism with implant therapy is one of the most complex therapeutic procedures and
challenges for any clinician. Regarding to anatomical conditions and indication, number of implants
and type of prosthesis may vary. Basic difference in prosthetic concept is type of implant loading and
it can be alveolar, alveolar-implant and fully implant supported. When loading type is defined, next
step is to define type of prosthesis as fixed or mobile. Regardless to type of implant prosthesis,
modern implantology become part of big selection of materials and technologies that can be applied.
Lecture will show different ways and principles in solving edentoulism with implant therapy.
Ristić I.
The demands of patients to the outcome of their dental treatments have changed considerably. A
beautiful and healthy smile is increasingly important in modern society.
Thus, new treatment concepts, its strategies and intensive communication with the patient today gain
importance in order provide highest treatment results. The knowledge and skills demanded from a
clinician are getting increasingly complex and challenging, in demand for regular updates and
revisions. Communication, documentation, digital technologies in planning and treatment phase, new
trends in implant restorative dentistry are in constant evolution.
The predictable and sustainable long-term success in reconstructive dentistry is the result of an
interdisciplinary cooperation and a workflow, which involves periodontal, implantology, orthodontic
and especially functional-aesthetic aspects.
For optimal functional and esthetic care, the practitioner must develop an individual master plan based
on comprehensive available analogue and digital technologies.
Following such treatment plan where individual therapeutic steps are perfectly coordinated it is
possible to conduct even full mouth restoration in minimally invasive and substance-conserving
Lisjak D.
A prosthodontic impression is a precise negative imprint or a virtual copy of one or several teeth, their
agonists, antagonists and surrounding tissues, providing an accurate interocclusal relation. An
impression is a foundation for all the upcoming steps in making a prosthodontic restoration and a key
to achieving a good esthetic and functional result. The question frequently asked today is whether the
conventional method of taking dental impressions can compete with the digital one, and which one
should be considered a method of choice. Digital scanning allows direct registration of the present
intraoral condition, as well as the registration of interocclusal relations between the upper and lower
jaw both in inaction and in movement, using specific intraoral scanners. Once made, photographs are
transferred and converted into a 3D picture, which allows a detailed and precise analysis of the
registered condition, software planning and modeling of a future prosthodontic restoration and its 3D
simulation. The advantages of intraoral scanning are numerous, the most important ones being its
speed (less time required for taking an impression), precision, patient comfort, better control of tooth
preparation and anatomic details, facilitated communication with dental technicians and with patients.
The main disadvantages of intraoral scanning are: difficulties encountered in detecting the deep
subgingival demarcation lines, possible image distortions and the high cost of the required equipment
and dentist training.
Galić I.
The main task of a dental technician is to ensure the best possible aesthetics and function with his
prosthetic work. Numerous innovations in technique, technology and development of materials has
created various, new solutions of prosthetic rehabilitation. Digital dentistry is any dental technology
or device that uses digital or computer-based components instead of older mechanical or electrical
methods. Computer-aided dentistry streamlines many processes and removes several formerly manual
steps that can now be automated. Introduction of all these things into practice has set up new
challenges to a dental technician. Information and learning new skills have become priority and
necessary for everyday work. Combine ours daily requirements with new technologies, tailored to a
constantly changing world.
Abstract: The concept of Esthetics is perhaps the easiest to explain the meaning of ancient Greek
word aisthanomai (feel, observe). Aisthanomai represent the origin of the meaning. Esthetic is the
science of art and artistic creativity, and science about beauty an attractiveness, and in every object
of observation is trying to find and give beauty. It is also philosophical discipline. Alexander Gottlieb
Baumgarten have said that ”Esthetics“ means “critics od taste“. He trays to emphasize the
individuality of perception, as also Leibnitz have said: “We do not any rational knowledge about
beauty. That whatever means we have some perception and knowledge about it. That perception is
based on taste. Somebody will describe something as nice or beautiful, although it is almost
impossible to explain that statement. Perception of beauty is something similar to instinct”. Every
postulates of beauty are representations of its author, from Waldorf’s Venus, thru ancient Egypt,
Assyria, Greek and Rome to nowadays perceptions of beauty – esthetics. Nor in the modern “Global
village” world, “esthetic” or beauty is not equally understood.Mouth and teeth are important factor
in esthetic appearance of the individual. Correct position, bright color and nice shaped teeth becomes
“must be” in prosthetic reconstructions, and in patients demands. On a series of cases it will be
shown some esthetic solutions from very complex rehabilitations and reconstructions of stomatognatic
system to minimally invasive solution for therapy.
Key words: esthetics, prosthetic rehabilitation, minimally invasive procedures
The concept of Esthetics is perhaps the easiest to explain the meaning of ancient Greek word
aisthanomai (feel, observe). Aisthanomai represent the origin of the meaning. Esthetic is the science
of art and artistic creativity, and science about beauty an attractiveness, and in every object of
observation is trying to find and give beauty. It is also philosophical discipline. Alexander Gottlieb
Baumgarten have said that ”Esthetics“ means “critics od taste“. He trays to emphasize the
individuality of perception, as also Leibnitz have said: “We do not any rational knowledge about
beauty. That whatever means we have some perception and knowledge about it. That perception is
based on taste. Somebody will describe something as nice or beautiful, although it is almost
impossible to explain that statement. Perception of beauty is something similar to instinct”. Every
postulates of beauty are representations of its author, from Waldorf’s Venus, thru ancient Egypt,
Assyria, Greek and Rome to nowadays perceptions of beauty – esthetics. Nor in the modern “Global
village” world, “esthetic” or beauty is not equally understood. Mouth and teeth are important factor
in esthetic appearance of the individual. Correct position, bright color and nice shaped teeth becomes
“must be” in prosthetic reconstructions, and in patients demands.
Restorative procedures must reestablish function, mainly mastication, fonation and esthetics of the
sthomatognatic system. Nowadays esthetics is the primary demand of patients. Aperence of ”young
and beautifull people” is closely connected to tooth form, shape, aligment, brightness and colour.
Goal for prosthodontic treatment is to achieve good function with acceptable apearence of restored
Picture 9. All ceramic partial crowns (veneers) on tooth 12, 11, 21, 22.
Picture 11. All ceramic restorations on teeth 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23. New look.
This is a short presentation of my idea of ideal dental restorations. All ceramic restoration are ideal for
esthetic restorative procedures. Natural look and long lasting restorations are ideal for both patients
and doctors.
Lešić N
All sporting activities have an associated risk of orofacial injuries due to falls, collisions with players,
devices, and hard surfaces. Many authors have reported about incidence of orofacial injuries during
sport activities.
In this presentation it will be presented results of investigation on athletes with anamnestic blow to the
jaws. Immediately after injury, they have had stiffness/pain of masticatory muscles, pain in region of
TMJ, and limitation of jaw movements. All symptoms diminished and finally were gone after some
days or weeks after injury. In time of investigation all of them were completely without any symptom
of temporomandibular dysfunction according to RDC/TMD protocol, and were completely satisfied
with function of their stomathognatic system. To all athlete ultrasound device ARCUSDigma II,
KaVo was used for tracing movements of mandibular condile, mandibular movements at the point of
mandibular incisors and tracing the paths of movements. Results reveal that injuries of the orofacial
system could produce changing of the temporomandibular joints movements and alter the protrusive
paths and values of Bennett angle. Altered Bennett angle, without individual settings in articulator,
will produce iatrogenic interference during prosthetic therapy, and can during time produce
dysfunction of TMJ.
Ramić B.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Abstract: Postoperative pain is a common sensation after endodontic treatment, usually influenced
indirectly by temporary restoration left in superocclusion, or directly by mechanical, microbial or
chemical irritation of periapical tissue. Intesity of pain depends on the level of destruction of
periapical tissue and consequently immunological reaction to it. The mechanical irritation of
periapical tissue is most often result of incorrectly determined working length. During
instrumentation, infected debris from root canal can be extruded in periapical space, breaking
previously formed balance between bacteria and immune system which leads to inflammation.
Furthermore, irrigation solutions, intracanal medication and fillings might act cytotoxic by causing a
chemical irritation of the periapical tissue.
Pain after root canal treatment is a frequent, uncomfortable complication which has a great impact on
the quality of the patients’ lives, undermining their confidence in dentist’s work. A patient might
mistake the occurrence of the post-endodontic pain with poor clinician’s skills and knowledge.
Prevalence of this undesirable clinical situation, for both patient and clinician, is about 40% in the
first 24 hours after completion of endodontic treatment [1]. Giving the information to the patients
about potential post-endodontic pain and prescribing analgesics increases the patients’ confidence in
their dentist, and improves their attitude towards all future dental procedures. The most common
odontogenic pain has the endodontic origin, and over 60% of all unscheduled dental visits are
represented with a diagnosis of symptomatic irreversible pulpitis and acute apical periodontitis [2].
Mechanical, chemical, or microbial irritation of the periradicular tissue usually provokes its acute
inflammatory response, followed by pain sensitivity, especially when biting down. Flare up can be
defined as the occurrence of severe pain usually accompanied by swelling, which typically starts
within a few hours or days after root canal treatment, requiring unscheduled, urgent dental treatment.
There are several factors such as age, sex, pulpal, and periradicular status, type of tooth, the presence
of preoperative pain, as well as factors under clinician’s control including instrumentation, irrigation
and obturation protocols that may affect the occurrence of postoperative pain [3]. Well-cleaned,
shaped and obturated canal can significantly decrease the apical extrusion of infected debris,
contributing to the lower occurrence of postoperative sensitivity [4]. An in-depth knowledge of those
factors helps to control postoperative pain, which is directly influenced by changes in periradicular
tissue pressure. The intensity of pain depends on the degree of damage to the periradicular tissue, as
well as the severity of the immune response.
To avoid the irritation of periradicular tissue, the essential step in endodontic treatment is an accurate
working length determination. For that purpose, analyzing the radiograph by itself is not a reliable
method because of image distortion, superimposition of roots, and surrounding anatomic structures
[5]. Recently, the use of electronic devices is a simple, and effective alternative that become very
popular among clinicians. An inadequate determination of working length can result in insufficient
removing of infected root canal dentin. On the other hand, overinstrumentation of the root canal leads
to apical extrusion of debris, irrigant or filling materials and consequently to the inflammation of
periradicular tissue which is the main reason for the occurrence of postoperative pain after root canal
Occlusal excess of temporary or permanent filling placed in an endodontically treated tooth causes
mechanical irritation and consequently inflammation of periradicular tissue. This is one of the most
frequent reasons for the occurrence of postoperative pain after root canal treatment.
According to the several conducted studies, the prevalence of postoperative pain is higher in females
compared to male patients. An explanation for this difference can be in changing hormonal status in
females during the menstrual cycle, as well as social expectations that male patients rarely report pain
sensation in general [6,7]. Postoperative pain after root canal treatment hardly ever occurs in older
patients, due to the decreased diameter of the root canal system, and less chance of debris being
extruded bellow the apex.
Postoperative pain after root canal treatment of molars is more likely to occur because of the complex
root canal morphology of this group of teeth that is more difficult to debride thoroughly [6].
Furthermore, in the patients who take systemic steroids, there is a low postoperative pain rate, due to
antiinflammatory effect of this medicaments. The clinical symptoms that existed before root canal
treatment started may have an effect on postoperative symptoms. It was concluded that 80% of
patients which suffered pain when biting, with spontaneous pain and sensitivity to percussion before,
continue to feel pain and after the end of the root canal treatment [8].
Microbial irritation
The main goal of chemo-mechanical preparation of the root canal system is the prevention or the
treatment of apical periodontitis [9], which leads to the more predictable success of root canal
treatment. Apical third of root canal is the zone with complicated morphology and therefore getting
this area completely clean and free of bacteria is difficult to achieve.
Different types of bacteria are found in the root canal, with the predominance of anaerobes. With
initiating an endodontic therapy, there is a transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions in root
canal system, followed by the change of the oxidation-reduction potential and to the rapid
multiplication of facultative anaerobic bacteria.
Asymptomatic apical periodontitis is characterized by the established equilibrium between bacterial
microflora presented in the root canal system and the human immune system in periradicular tissue
[10]. This phenomenon is also known in the literature as "local adaptation syndrome" [11]. Extrusion
of infected debris in periradicular tissue during root canal instrumentation may break this equilibrium,
causing reactive inflammation which intensity depends on the virulence and number of extruded
bacteria [12]. On the other hand, if the determined working length is less than it actually is, in the
apical third of root canal system, synergistic interaction of residual bacteria will change, followed by
activation of their virulence which causes increased inflammatory response in the periradicular tissues
[10, 13].
There are two main instrumentation concepts in the root canal treatment: crown-down and step-back
technique. According to the study performed by Pasqualini et al, an average amount of extruded
debris into periradicular tissue was five times higher by using stainless-steel hand files and applied
step-back technique compared to NiTi engine-driven instruments and crown-down technique [1].
Mechanical irritation
Chemomechanical preparation and obturation of the root canal system should finish at the point of the
physiological apex of the root – cementodentinal junction. A half century ago, Langeland estimated
that a apical foramen can be positioned at the distance of 0,5-3 mm from the anatomic apex of the root
[14]. A favorable point at which cleaning, shaping and obturation of root canal system should
terminate for vital cases is about 2-3 mm short or within 2 mm of the radiographic apex for cases of
pulp necrosis. Overinstrumentation of the root canal due to incorrectly determined working length
causes a destruction of the apical constriction followed by direct mechanical irritation of the
periradicular tissue with the endodontic instruments, and increases the possibility for root canal filling
to be extruded. This situation can also provide multiplication of bacteria left in the root canal system
thanks to the blood that enters the canal which they use as nutrients. Postoperative pain caused by the
Chemical irritation
Cytotoxic effect of irrigation solutions, intracanal medicaments or root canal fillings can cause
chemical irritation and postoperative pain after their extrusion in periradicular tissue. The more this
cytotoxic material enter the periradicular tissue, the more intense reactive inflammation starts. There
are numerous factors that increase the risk of sealer extrusion like excessive instrumentation, the
complexity of root canal system, application of larger sealer amount, incomplete root development,
apical resorption caused by long-term apical periodontitis, warm vertical compaction of gutta-percha,
etc…[16]. Sealer extrusion in periradicular tissue leads to their degradation in tissue fluid or
phagocytosis. Sealer’s cytotoxity is more intense in the initial phase of setting time and declines over
time. AH Plus possess low viscosity properties and usually leaks into periradicular tissue during
obturation phase, causing the most intense pain occurring in first 8 hours. This indicates on the high
cytotoxic effect of this sealer, which also possess Sealapex, Resino Seal and Apexit respectively. AH
Plus sealer contains epoxy resin, amines and formaldehyde responsible for cytotoxity of this material
[17]. Severe pain after apical extrusion of the sealer requires prompt diagnosis and urgent therapy in
order to reduce the risk of permanent nerves damage, especially if the extruded sealer enters
mandibular canal [18]. Surgical removing of extruded sealer combined with apicoectomy is
recommended in cases of long-term pain after root canal treatment, swelling, paresthesia and when
there is a detectable increasing of the periapical lesion.
In study performed by Rosenberg et al. it was concluded that occlusal reduction may prevent
postoperative pain in clinical situations when exists intense preoperative percussion sensitivity
regardless of the pulpal and periradicular status [19].
Pain subsequent to vital pulp extirpation.
One of the possible explanations for the occurrence of postoperative sensitivity after initial
appointment is incomplete removal of pulp tissue. Apart from occlusal reduction, in cases where the
radicular pulp tissue is inflamed, it is necessary to re-enter the root canal space and check the
accuracy of previously determined working length which will promote more predictable subsequent
cleaning from the remaining vital pulp tissue. Intracanal medication should be consider with Ca(OH)2
or even better with Ledermix paste which contains both of antibiotic and corticosteroid effect. The
intensity of postoperative pain is usually mild, lasts no longer than 72h and well managed with
analgesic from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (Ibuprofen 600mg) and/or
Acetaminofen 1000mg singly or in combination [20]. Above all mentioned, patient should be
informed about a possible painful tooth sensitivity, which will pass in a day or two.
Pain associated to treatment of infected root canal
The main goal of endodontic therapy is removing the all debris from the root canal system. If occurs
postoperative sensitivity, after initial root canal treatment, first thing that should be consider is
checking the occlusion of treated tooth. If the pain is severe or continues after adjusting the occlusion,
root canal must be re-opened, working length should be established followed by copious irrigation
with NaoOCl or Chlorhexidine in order to remove left infected debris. An intracanal medicament,
primarily Ca(OH)2, should be placed for a week, after which root canal should be obturated if the
patient is symptomless. Moreover, if the pain is accompanied with swelling, then drainage should be
established either through the apex of the tooth or the soft tissue. Leaving the tooth open is not
advisable [21].
The occurrence of the postoperative sensitivity after root canal treatment is multifactorial and
influenced by individual patients’ factors, the specificity of the treated tooth and the clinician’s skills
Dimkov A.
Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University “Ss Cyril and
Methodius”, Skopje, Macedonia
Abstract: The field of pediatric dentistry is constantly evolving. When working with kids, comfort,
efficiency, safety and conservative treatments are the name of the game. Of course, this holds true for
adults too but starting children off on the right foot with dental visits and making the experience
stress-free for both patients and parents is especially important. So, what is the future of pediatric
dentistry shaping up to be? There has been a technological explosion in pediatric dentistry during the
last 25 years. This has been characterized by new and improved restorative materials that allow us to
remove less tooth structure. We have finally been able to reach the treatment goals found in
delivering more minimally invasive dentistry. In recent years, the early diagnosis of dental caries has
gained importance as conservative dentistry is kept in the forefront. Especially in pediatric patients,
the dentist should focus on the early detection of dental caries and minimally invasive treatment
options. The conventional caries detection methods often fail to detect initial enamel lesions that have
not progressed to cavitation. For this reason, various new techniques have been developed aiding
early detection of caries. The aim of this review is to give general information about recent
restorative materials and caries detection methods and to mention their benefits when used in
conjunction with conventional methods.
Key words: composite materials, glass ionomer cements, fluorescence, spectroscopy, radiography
Results from the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey[1] show that caries is the
most common chronic disease in children. It is 5 times more prevalent than asthma and 7 times more
common than hay fever.
The traditional approach to treating caries is to place a dental restoration. The philosophy of
“extension for prevention” by G. V. Black was the standard for more than 100 years and could be
considered obsolete today[2]. This technique removed an excessive amount of tooth structure by
extending the cavity preparation into noncarious grooves. At the time of G. V. Black, there were a
lack of techniques, methods, and materials for the prevention of caries, and a lack of proven
alternative therapies. Caries were often treated at a more advanced stage. There was a lack of
understanding of the caries process, including the demineralization and remineralisation cycle. The
primary dental restorative material at that time was amalgam, and the preparation design reflected the
need to create retention. Amalgam offers certain advantages such as ease of placement and good
compressive strength, while its disadvantages are an unaesthetic appearance, the need for depth and
mechanical retention, and its nonadhesive nature.
In the 1990s, there was a shift from a surgical approach of cavity design for dental
restorations to a more conservative model. Dawson and Makinson[3] were the first to use the term
minimal interventional dentistry (also referred to now as minimally invasive dentistry MID). This
model stresses early caries detection and risk assessment, remineralisation of demineralized enamel
and dentin, caries prevention, minimally invasive operative procedures, and means to repair rather
than replace restorations.
The overall goal is to keep the teeth functional for life. This conservative approach reduces
restorative time, reduces pain and stress, and results in less anxiety, all of which are important
considerations for the pediatric dental patient.
MID emphasizes the use of adhesive dental materials and techniques. These materials allow
for caries removal with a minimal cavity preparation design, which results in less loss of tooth
Visual Inspection
It is one of the most common diagnosis methods implemented by dentists. In order to make an
accurate assessment, the teeth should be clean, dry and examined under a light source. In visual
examination, changes in tooth structure such as; enamel dissolution, white spot lesions, discoloration,
surface roughness and presence of cavitation are assessed. When illuminated, the carious tissues
scatter the light and make enamel look whiter and opaque. This is due to increased porosity caused by
demineralization. Similarly, when dentin undergoes demineralization, a shadow is observed under the
intact enamel. When caries progress, the surface breaks down and a cavitation is formed[17].
Radiographic examination has great value in detecting caries lesions especially when they are
not clinically visible. In low caries population, as a result of fluoride use, the surface of enamel does
not break down, making the caries detection harder. In recent years, the incidence of such lesions has
increased dramatically[18]. According to studies, bitewing radiography has been proven to be an
effective method in the detection of proximal caries and hidden caries[19].
Digital radiography
This is a form of X-ray imaging, where digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional
photographic film. Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and
the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also, less radiation can be used to produce an
image of similar contrast to conventional radiography. Instead of X-ray film, digital radiography uses
a digital image capture device. This gives advantages of immediate image preview and availability;
elimination of costly film processing steps; a wider dynamic range, which makes it more forgiving for
over- and under-exposure; as well as the ability to apply special image processing techniques that
enhance overall display quality of the image.
Because all teeth are translucent, they have specific optical properties and caries detection
using a light source is not a new concept[21]. In 1922 .Dr. William John Cameron published his work:
Diagnosis By Transillumination: A Treatise On The Use Of Transillumination In Diagnosis Of
Infected Conditions Of The Dental Process (1922)[22]. In it, he states, that this use of
transillumination provides one of the most valuable aids in operative procedures. It can be used
effectively for the detection of interproximal caries and intercoronal caries. Caries will at once
evidence themselves by a distinct discoloration in the crown of the tooth covering the area affected or
filled. Transillumination is but one diagnostic technique that uses light for detecting hidden caries.
Light source technology and result interpretation and recording has evolved to include laser caries
Other method used for caries detection is based on optical properties from sound and carious
dental tissues. Fluorescence is a phenomenon where the light is absorbed in a specific wavelength and
then emitted in a higher wavelength. This characteristic has been observed in the dental tissues, since
the pattern of light absorption and reemission (spectrum of fluorescence) of the dental tissues varies
according to the excitation light wavelength[31]. The natural fluorescence of hard dental tissues has
been studied since long time ago. It is well known that as the enamel as the dentin shows an auto-
fluorescence. Thus, light absorption and reemission is different in the enamel, dentin and cementum,
as well as in sound and carious tissues. For this reason, fluorescence can be used for the detection and
subsequent diagnosis of dental caries. Caries lesions, dental plaque and microorganisms also show
fluorescent components. It has been observed that the difference between natural fluorescence of
sound and carious dental tissues can be quantified using light-emitting devices, such as laser, xenon or
Light-emitting devices
There are a number of different devices for detecting caries through the use of lasers[32].
Laser is the most popular devices detect caries through the use of fluorescence. Normal healthy tooth
structure produces little or no fluorescence. Carious tooth structure will fluoresce proportionate to the
degree of caries. Some of these early devices were highly sensitive to caries but had a low specificity.
This low specificity meant that these devices would measure the fluorescence of anything. However,
with contemporary advancements in laser technology, that specificity has improved and caries can be
diagnosed in a more precise manner. Laser fluorescence device is a non-invasive and quantitative
method based on the laser induced fluorescence. The first laser fluorescence device, DIAGNOdent
2095® (KaVo, Biberach, Germany), was developed in 1998[33,34,35,36].
This technique works with the principle of observing the fluorescence that occurs when the
tissues are illuminated with a blue light that has a wavelength of 400-500 nm. The changes in the
fluoresced tooth structure is viewed through a specific gelatin filter; white spot lesions appear darker
than sound enamel. Similarly, when a light source is connected to an endoscope by a cable, the teeth
can be viewed without a filter. This technique is called white light endoscopy. It has been
demonstrated that this technique gives efficient results in the detection of early carious lesions[41].
Alternating current impedance spectroscopy
CarieScan PRO® (CarieScan, LLC) is a device that utilizes the technology of alternating
current impedance spectroscopy. It relies on the theory that sound dental hard tissue exhibits high
electrical resistance or impedance, whereas the more demineralized the tissue, the lower the resistance
becomes. The device is intended to detect and monitor primary coronal dental caries at an early
enough stage to support preventive treatment. It cannot be used to assess secondary caries or root
caries[48]. Uses ACIST technology determination of both healthy and carious teeth is with 92.5%
Sound waves can be used for the detection of caries. Ultrasound can detect lesions easily
because the travel time of ultrasonic pulses differ in sound and demineralized enamel tissues[49,50].
This method is considered promising in detecting early enamel lesions because the white spot lesions
confined to enamel produce no detectable or weak echoes whereas deeper lesions produce
substantially higher amplitudes[51].
Terahertz Imaging
This method uses waves in terahertz frequency (10¹² Hz or a wavelength of 30 µm). This
wavelength is short enough to provide reasonable resolution but long enough to prevent loss of signal
due to scattering[55]. Several advantages of this system are as follows: human tissue is relatively
transparent to terahertz rays, low powers are used for imaging, non-ionizing radiation is used, the
electrical charge of the tissues examined remain unchanged, the images are clear but due to long
wavelength of the source spatial resolution is low. Studies concerning this method of imaging are
limited but promising.
Multiphoton Imaging
Infrared light of 850 nm wavelength is used in this imaging technique. While conventional
fluorescence imaging uses a single blue photon to excite fluorescence compound of the tooth, multi
photon imaging uses two infrared photons (with half the energy of the blue photon) which are
absorbed simultaneously[55]. With this technique, sound tooth structure shows strong fluorescence
whereas carious tissues fluoresce weaker. The carious regions appear as dark areas in strongly
fluorescing tooth[55].
[1] Beltrán-Aguilar ED, Barker LK, Canto MT, et al. Surveillance for dental caries, dental
sealants, tooth retention, edentulism, and enamel fluorosis-United States, 1988-1994 and
1999-2002. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2005;54:1-43.
[2] Wolff MS, Allen K, Kaim J. A 100-year journey from GV Black to minimal surgical
intervention. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007;28:130-134.
[3] Dawson AS, Makinson OF. Dental treatment and dental health. Part 1. A review of studies
in support of a philosophy of Minimum Intervention Dentistry. Aust Dent J. 1992;37:126-
[4] Tyas MJ, Anusavice KJ, Frencken JE, et al. Minimal intervention dentistry-a review. FDI
Commission Project 1-97. Int Dent J. 2000;50:1-12.
Džaferović J.
Abstract: This paper presents the case of developing composite veneers with the help of the factory
molds. The introductory part of the work deals with the elaboration of the concept of "composite
veneers", types (composite and ceramic), indications and contraindications in the application in
dentistry. The central part of the work shows the specific case of composite veneers. In this part of the
paper, are detailed all the concrete steps describing the processes for using GC Gradia Direct LoFlo
composite, which is a high viscosity liquid filled micro-hybrid composite with HDR (High-Density
Radiopaque). The final part of the work, the conclusion stands out the potential advantages of
composite veneers in dentistry, such as reduces of working time (one visit dentists), the receptivity in
terms of color and shape of teeth, the possibility of repetition and implementation procedure without
tooth preparation and affordability for the patient.
Keywords: composite veneers, ceramic veneers, restorative procedure
Veneers are used by the 20-is of the last century. With the development of technology and the
improvement of the quality of the material, there was a significant enhancement and improvement of
the characteristics of veneers. Veneers are extremely thin flakes, whole compensation of vestibular
tooth surfaces, which give the impression of its characteristics and appearance of natural tooth
enamel. In contrast to the crown, where it is necessary to remove a major part of the dental tissue, the
application of veneers requires a minimally invasive method in dentistry. It is important to note that
today the use of a special type of veneers that do not require preparation of teeth in the form of
grinding or removal of tooth substance.
If we for the subject of observation take a natural tooth where the light passes through its
surface, which is called enamel, we will notice that the aforementioned light reflected from the layer
of the tooth (dentine-a), what makes an impression of natural-looking teeth.
Lack of crowns, which are made of special opaque porcelain veneers in relation to the
leaking light, lies in the fact that faceted teeth have a natural look. The light that passes through the
facets reflected from the cement which is cemented, which creates an effect like a real tooth.
Numerous cosmetic dentistry problems can be successfully solved using modern veneer.
Depending on the material from which they are made, it is possible to distinguish between the ceramic
and composite veneers. Ceramic veneers are made of a ceramic material that is hard and brittle, and
therefore show a high value of compressive strength, low value of tensile strength, but it is significant
and that biocompatible and chemically stable.
We can say that the ceramic veneers have become an alternative to ceramic and metal-
ceramic crowns. Due to its aesthetic qualities, the correct techniques and application of adhesive
cement today they represent a solid and long-term compensation. Ceramic veneers are made in the
laboratory, and dental technology. For their use needed is minimal tooth preparation in the enamel
level, thickness 0,3-0,7mm. This is a painless procedure, after which an impression of the upper and
lower dental arch. At the next visit, the patient is cemented finished ceramic veneers. Ceramic veneers
achieve natural-looking teeth. Its smoothness and strength of this venners on the tooth does not
change color over time. Unlike ceramic veneers, composite veneers can be done and finish in one
Patient aged 40 years, visited the clinic because she wanted to change the appearance of her
teeth in the frontal region. Clinical examination of the front upper teeth 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, 23, where
noted the inadequate restoration.
The patient was not satisfied with the appearance and color of her front teeth. It was decided
to create direct composite veneers with the use of the factory molds. It was used Ultradent Veneer
moldings - Figure 1. This is a set of factory fabricated mold made of acrylic with a corresponding
shape of the tooth, the size L (large) and M (medium) (depending on the patient's tooth), with a range
of the mold teeth 14 to 24 and the lower jaw 34 to 44. in this case, M is applied to the tooth size of the
mold which corresponds to the size of the other teeth - Figure 2.
After cleaning the teeth, determined by tooth colors under the daylight - Figure 3. they are
then removed from the teeth inadequate fill 12 and 13 (range V). Teeth are made individually, and
adjacent the teeth were isolated with Teflon tape. A tooth that has been the subject of work, was
treated with a 35 percent solution of phosphoric acid for 30 seconds, and thereafter was washed with
water. Then, on the surface of the tooth was applied G Bond adhesive resin, which is then
polymerized dryish and 20 seconds.
In this case, it was used GC Gradia Direct composite LoFlo. The above-mentioned composite
is a high viscosity liquid filled micro-hybrid composite with HDR (High-Density Radiopaque) that
gives it high physical properties. On the tooth is applied in a thin layer composite Gradia Direct
LoFlo, and after that, it was applied to the mold factory. Because of the state of low flow composites,
it is molded to the shape of the future tooth. Due to its pronounced physical properties, which are very
similar to standard composite resins, veneers are stable over a long period of time.
Then the tooth was placed with a mold made in a polymerization period of 40 seconds. The
process was repeated with the remaining teeth. Interdental tapes, discs, and rubbers have made
definite finishing and polishing teeth - Figure 4.
Modern aesthetic dentistry today use a variety of alternatives, depending on the fact that whether it is
a simple or complex case. Before choosing a cosmetic restoration, it is necessary to properly define
the indication of the precise determination of the diagnostic target. It is important to choose the right
procedure and therapy for each individual patients.The clinical technique presented in this case
indicates the use of direct composite veneers that represent a quick and simple tooth restoration with
excellent aesthetic results and economically acceptable for patients.
[1] Coelho-de-Souza, FH., Goncalves, DS., Sales, MP., Erhardt, MC., Corréa, M.B., Opdam,
N.J.M. Direct anterior composite veneers in vital and non-vital teth: A retrospective clinical
evaluation. In Journal of Dentistry, 2015, Vol. 43 (11), Pp 1330-1336.
Džambas Lj.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentristry, University of Novi Sad, Dentistry Clinic of
Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Abstract : Introduction. Republic of Serbia, with approximately 16% of its population over the age
of 65, is demographically ranked among the countries with the oldest population in the world. This
imposes a demand on all of us to comprehensively observe a population that is increasingly numerous
and to be more accessible to all types of health care and therefore dental health care.
Objectives. The main goal of this study was to determine the stomatognathic system in patients of the
third age before and after prosthodontic remediation.
Methodology. In this paper, the applied research was done according to the principle of selection of
patients (third-life), with their consent to participate in this study. The therapeutic protocol was the
same for all patients stratified by age.
Results. All the results obtained during this study are presented, although in the professional public it
is a well-established practice to present only successful and positive results of individual research. We
can rarely read about those less successful results – unwanted for publication. All results will be
presented in tables and graphs in the lecture, and in extenso in the paper.
Conclusion. This study raises a very important question when it comes to patients of the third age.
When we take into account all the above data, indications, contraindications, desires and possibilities
for geriatric prosthodontic rehabilitation, we can freely say, that the results are alarming, since almost
50-65% of patients - examinees were partially or completely edentulous and gerontoprosthetically
Republic of Serbia, with approximately 16% of its population over 65 years of age, is
demographically ranked among the countries with the oldest population in the world. This imposes on
us a demand to comprehensively observe a population that is increasingly numerous and to be more
accessible to all types of health care, including dental health care. As in all living beings, human body
physiology undergoes the stage of aging, which is a unique process in every individual, and cannot be
uniformly observed in any aspect, except that an age limit has been set, and that is 65 years of age.
Numerous factors determine the rate of the aging process. The changes affect soft tissues, but also the
hard tissues in the oral cavity. The changes may be the result of various factors, from food types to
oral hygiene, the presence or absence of natural teeth and their condition, as well as whether the
patients used fixed or removable dental prostheses at an earlier age or are using them now. Geriatric
dentistry is a team work that includes a medical doctor specializing in a specific field, a dentist and
medical/dentistry nurses1). In elderly patients, there is a frequent presence of comorbidity, i.e. of
several diseases and conditions that require comprehensive diagnostics and treatments. It is therefore
necessary to take in consideration the patient’s general condition, impaired sight, neurological
diseases, the loss of arm coordination, psychological condition and reduced saliva secretion, either
due to aging or to the usage of medications in the therapy of certain diseases. The latter may result in
poor oral hygiene, xerostomia, ulceration, fungal diseases, increased dental plaque, tooth decay,
especially deep decay, abrasion in the remaining teeth, dental substance fractures, bleeding, with the
outcome of paradontopathy and tooth loss or extraction2). Ultimately, the lack of teeth and weakened
muscular activity may make the patient avoid food or swallow it without chewing, which leads to the
changes in the upper parts of the gastrointestinal system (increased secretion of H receptors, gastrin
and gastrointestinal hormones). The ultimate outcome is malnutrition, i.e. conspicuous decrease in
body weight10).
The research was conducted by selecting third age patients-participants, with their consent to
participate in the study4). Remediation protocol was the same in all patients, who were stratified into
three age groups. The protocol involved gathering anamnesis, obtained from the patients or their
caregivers. The patients then underwent clinical examination (extraoral and intraoral examination).
After that, plans of treatments were designed prior to geriatric prosthodontic remediation.
The first group was aged 65 to 75, the second 75 to 85, and the third group, which was the smallest,
over 85.
Patients with chronic diseases (cardiological, neurological, endocrinological, gastroenterological,
hematologic and other) had to provide written consent from their long-term medical specialist in order
to be included in the remediation procedure5).
Fig 1. Fig 2.
Fig 3. Fig 4.
Geriatric prosthodontic remediation was performed by removable dentures, complete, partial or fixed
prosthodontic procedures, most frequently involving the combination of removable and fixed
The remediation procedure included the total of 253 patients, 98 (38.73%) of whom were male, and
155 (61.26%) female.
The latter case can be interpreted in several ways, either as inadequate motivation of the
stomatologists or their insufficient knowledge and skill of communication with patients of this age
In the subsequent section we present all the results obtained in the study, despite the common
practice to publicize only successful and positive results in the expert community. We can rarely read
about those less successful results – unfavourable for publication. In reality, unfavourable results are
equally worthy of publication, since they motivate us to do our best and compare our results with
those of other authors-researchers, in the country and abroad, and lead us to advance our practice and
scientific research and promote human health care7).
As was stated in the research methodology section, our study included 253 patients, aged from 65 to
over 85. It included both genders, 155 female (61.5%) and 98 male (38.73%) patients.
Before the prosthodontic procedure, the participants of both genders complained about the following:
- tooth pain – 253 patients
- pain in the temporomandibular joints – female patients 70
- loose teeth – 253 patients
- inadequate dentures (unstable or loose) – 62 female, 60 male patients
- difficult and impaired speech – 43 patients of both genders
- difficulty taking food and chewing – 170 patients of both genders
- missing control appointments/corrections – 78 female and 60 male patients
- pain in the stomach after taking a meal (food insufficiently chewed) – 69 patients of both genders
- psychological anxiety (withdrawing from society) – 98 female and 10 male patients.
Before the remediation, partially or completely edentulous patients had used removable dentures from
8 to 17 years, but there were also patients who had used dentures over 20 years. Those with fixed
prosthodontic devices had used from 5 to 10 years, and a lesser group had them between 10 and 15
years, or even longer.
After the treatment of soft and hard remaining tissues in the oral cavity, 48% of the patients of both
genders were treated with complete dentures in both jaws.
25% of the patients of both genders were treated with one complete and one partial denture.
23% of the patients of both genders were treated with partial dentures in both jaws.
4% of the patients of both genders were treated with fixed dental prostheses (crowns and bridges)
(Table 2).
After the treatment of soft and hard remaining tissues in the oral cavity, the patients were treated in
the following way:
Table 2
With complete With one complete With partial With fixed
dentures in both and one partial dentures in both prostheses (crowns
jaws denture jaws and minor side
Special care should be taken with semi-mobile and immobile patients, regardless of whether they are
institutionalized or not.
Also, much more attention should be taken to provide appropriate training to dentistry doctors for
work with third age patients, in order to prevent them from declining their expert service.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
The results can be interpreted from many angles through the impact of the above stated facts, as a
result of the aging process, but also from the sociological and economic angle, that the third age
population is dependent on the care of other persons. Those can be their closest or distant family
members, but also experts if the patients are institutionalized in old people’s home. Various
systematic diseases will, to an extent, affect the condition of the stomatognathic system of the patient.
Unfortunately, however, we have to state the truth about geriatric patients as they get older.
Infrequently, if the geriatric patient is under the care of a younger person, or is immobile, confined to
bed, the questions asked in communication with the medical aide, or the caregiver of an immobile
person are always similar, or the same.
Geriatric prosthodontic remediation, as part of stomatological care, today involves an increasing
number of third age patients.
This study raised a very important question, when it comes to the third age patients. Taking in
consideration all the data presented, indications, contraindications, desires and possibilities of
geriatric prosthodontic remediation, we have obtained a highly alarming fact that almost 50-65% of
the patients were either partially edentulous with the remaining teeth untreated, or completely
edentulous – geronto-prosthetically untreated.
Third age patients have to be treated with care from the reception and the first visit – by good
communication, positive reception, appreciation of their own sense of suffering, interest in potential
systematic diseases, and explanations of the procedures to be undertaken for solving their geriatric
stomatological problems, obtaining the information on their prescribed medications, since it
determines the type of anaesthetics used. This is all important for earning their trust and achieving
ease of remediation procedure for the pathologies for which they sought medical help, either on their
own, or through their caregivers. It is important to show concern about their health and their suffering.
The most frequent problems are pain in a remaining tooth, which is either fractured or abraded, soft
tissue abscess, or the most severe conditions (malignant diseases), found after thorough diagnostic
[1] Lee PG, Cigolle C, Blaum C. The co-occurrence of chronic diseases and geriatric
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[2] Andersson P, Hallberg JR, Lorefalt B, Unosson M,Renvert S. Oral health problem in elderly
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[3] Tihaček Šojić Lj, Stančić I. Protetski tretman bezubih pacijenata starije dobi. U:
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[4] Holm-Pederson P, Schultz-Larsen K, Christiansen N, Avlund K. Tooth loss and subsequent
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[5] Džambas Ljubiša Gerontostomatologija i morfološko-fiziološke promene u toku starenja i
stomatološka sanacija. Poglavlje u knjizi Gerijatrija za studente medicine, autor Vukadinov
Jovan. Str. 455-461, 2008
[6] Džambas Lj., Dželetović-Milošević I., Vukadinov J., Hrvaćanin S. Active and high quality
life of elderly individuals rehabilitated with removable and fixed dental prosthetics.2-nd
Croatian gerontological congress with international participation. The journal of the croatian
medical association. March 912.2006, Opatija, Croatia, Abstracts-suplement 1,143.
[7] Džambas Lj., Jeremić Knežević M., Anđelković A.,Vukić Z. Kvalitet života starih osoba
saniranih totalnim imedijatnim zubnim protezama. Osmi gerontološki Kongres sa
međunarodnim učešćem. Knjiga rezimea.Vrnjačka Banja maj 2010.235-236.
[8] Armaković Stevan, Armaković Sanja, Šetrajčić Jovan, Džambas Ljubiša. Specificities of
boron disubstituted sumanenes. Journal of Molecular Modeling 2013;19(3):1153-1166
Corresponding author:
Full professor Ljubiša Džambas
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Medicine
Clinic for Dentistry -Vojvodina
12 Hajduk Veljkova
21000 Novi Sad Serbia
Telephone: 00381 21 6612 222
00381 66 0 0 0 0 0 3
Abstract: A special structure in the enamel is a neonatal line considered to be the result of a
temporary delay in the development of the enamel during delivery and the adaptation of the body to
extrauterine living conditions. The neonatal line thickness, observed on a light-electron microscope,
is, on average, 12 µm, measured on the extracted primary teeth of naturally born children. Since the
development of the neonatal line is related to the moment of birth, in forensics and bioarchaeology
this knowledge is used to examine the occurrence of infanticide as well as the time period that the
child has spent in life.
Keywords: primary dentition, neonatal line, enamel formation
In the prenatal life, periodic mineralization of all primary teeth begins. Due to periodic mineralization,
incremental lines are formed in the enamel which reflects the effects of prenatal and postnatal factors
on the child's organism [1]. Unlike permanent teeth, the development of the primary teeth begins with
intrauterine life. Mineralization starts with primary incisors first, then on primary canines and molars.
There is an obvious difference between the environment in which the primary and permanent teeth
develop [2]. The enamel is unique in its properties which are influenced by the actual metabolic
changes during tooth formation. SABEL 2008 Neonatal line is the first visible accentuated
incremental line in the enamel and represents the border between prenatal and postnatal enamel.
Prenatal and postnatal enamel differ in qualitative and quantitative properties [3]. This accentuated
incremental line corresponds to the striae of Retzius. It extends in the cervico-incisal direction, and its
average width, in children born naturally, is 12µm [1,3]. This optical phenomenon occurs due to
alterations in the height and degree of mineralization of the enamel prisms [1]. The neonatal line is the
result of the stress caused by physiological or pathological factors [4]. It represents the biological
mark of birth, the area of hypomineralization and pause in the development of the enamel. It forms
during childbirth and makes the border between the prenatal and postnatal enamel [5]. The neonatal
line is present in the enamel of all primary teeth and permanent first molars [1]. There are many
factors that influence the characteristics of the neonatal line. It has been proven that prenatal factors
and postnatal homeostasis affect the neonatal line thickness [6]. It is possible that the C-section,
performed when there are complications in a natural delivery, has a different effect on the width of the
neonatal line compared to elective C-section [3,6]. According to some authors, the mode of birth does
not affect the neonatal line thickness ranging from 15.9 ± 5.74µm in natural birth and 14.2 ± 5.47µm
in children born by C-section [7]. According to Eli et al. the neonatal line thickness in children born to
C- section is lower in relation to those born naturally. This difference is explained by the smaller
amount of stress the newborn is exposed to and the faster return to homeostasis [3].
In addition to the usual techniques for determining the age of an individual based on dental status and
the development of teeth roots, it is aimed at improving new techniques to give more precise data. In
addition to age assessment, the issue of fertility, duration of pregnancy and the nature of delivery is
interesting. Applying contemporary methods poses the challenge of reconstructing life from a distant
past, based on the neonatal line. Preparation and cutting of teeth samples for analysis is complex and
Samples preparation
For the purposes of analyzing the characteristics of the neonatal line, it is necessary to collect
extracted primary teeth, incisors, and canines, without signs of abrasion. After extraction, the teeth are
stored in distilled water at +4 ° C, not longer than seven days. The crown of the teeth is cut by a dental
low-speed handpiece (600o rpm) in the vestibule-oral direction, with constant cooling with a water
spray. For cutting purposes, a diamond disk is used (IsoMet 4000, Buehler, Dusseldorf, Germany).
The samples for analysis are cut into a thickness of 150-200 µm. After cutting, the polishing pattern of
growing fineness of the samples (Smirdex Waterproof from P 400 to P 1600, Made in Greera) is
The prepared samples were observed at a magnification of 20x and 40x. The neonatal line was
presented as a continuous dark line in the gingival-cervical direction. The prenatal enamel was limited
by the dentin-enamel junction and neonatal line, and the postnatal enamel was vestibular-orally in
relation to the neonatal line (Figure 1). Depending on the software, it was possible to measure the
width of the neonatal line.
Fig. 1. Primary Teeth Section Under Polarised Microscope. Magnification 20x and 40x. PoNE – Post-
Natal Enamel, NNL – Neonatal Line, PrNE – Pre-Natal Enamel, DEJ – Dentin-Enamel Junction.
A scanning electron microscope equipped with a dispersive spectrometer (SEM / EDS) energy was
used to test the qualitative properties of primary teeth enamel. The samples were placed in the SEM
and observed at magnification from 50x to 100x. Using SEM, we analyzed the width of the neonatal
line and width of the prenatal and postnatal enamel. Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS or
EDX) is a chemical microanalysis technique used in conjunction with scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). By reading the results using the SEM TM3030 and the EDS Brukner software, data on the
presence of microelements in the tooth cement: Ca, P, Mg, Sr, Zn, O2, F are obtained. Also, the Ca/P
ratio could be calculated.
Fig. 2 Example of the SEM/EDS Analysis of the Primary Teeth Enamel. PoNE – Post-Natal Enamel,
NNL – Neonatal Line, PrNE – Pre-Natal Enamel
Since the neonatal line is the subject of research of the three stated scientific disciplines (forensic,
bioarchaeology, dentistry) from a different point of view, it is necessary to consolidate all the
knowledge in these areas and to realize the dynamics of its formation during the development of a
child. Additional knowledge of the anthropological characteristics of primary teeth, both in the
ancient past and today, can be effectively applied in classical humanistic sciences and contemporary
clinical disciplines.
This paper was financed by H2020 ERC project BIRTH No. 640557 and Serbian national project III
[1] Lacruz RS, Dean MC, Ramirez-Rozzit, Bromige TG. Megadontia, striae periodicity and
patterns of enamel secretion in Plio- Pleistocene fossil hominis. I anat 2008; 213:148-158.
[2] Kraus BS, Jordan R. The human dentition before birth, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia,1965.
[3] Eli I, Sarrat H, Talmi E. Effect of th birth process on th neonatal line in primary teeth
enamel. J Pediatr Dent 1989; 11:220-223.
[4] Gustafson T, Structural and chemical organization of teeth,Academic Press, New York and
[5] Schour I. The neonatal line in the enamel and dentin of the human deciduous teeth and first
permanent molar. JADA 1936; 10:1964-1955.
[6] Mahoney P. Incremental enamel development in modern human deciduous anteriror teeth.
Am J Phys Anthropol. 2012; 147:637-651.
[7] Zanolli C, Bondioli L, Manni F, Rossi P, Macchiarelli R. Gestation lenght, mode of delivery
and neonatal line thickness variation. Hum Biol 2011; 83:695-713.
[8] Janardhanan M, Umadethan B, Biniraj KR, Vinod Kumar RB, Rakesh S. The neonatal line
as linear evidence of live birth: Estimation of postnatal survival of a newborn from primary
tooth germs. J Forensic Dent Sci. 2011; 3(1):8-13.
Abstract: Devices for taking direct optical impressions in dentistry which are based on creating a
digital three-dimensional tooth virtual model in a quick and easy way, are intraoral scanners (IOS).
The informations that digital models can provide at the beginning of treatment are inviolate and leads
to much better diagnoses and even better quality of treatments. However, as IOS have been recently
introduced commercially, they are not used frequently in everyday clinical practice. IOS that are
current present onto the market are sufficiently accurate for capturing impressions in fabricating
every prosthetic restoration and they are most often used for these purposes.
Key words: scanners, intraoral scanners, digital impression, optical impression
Medical and dental practice undergone significant improvements with introduction of 3D (tree-
dimensional) technology for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of the patients. So called digital
impressions using IOS is the first step in “digital flow” proceeding of prosthodontic treatment.
Intraoral scanners (IOS) are devices for capturing direct optical impressions in dentistry [1–3]. As
other three-dimensional scanners, they use a light source (laser or structured light) directing it onto the
object to be captured. In dentistry objects usually are upper or lower dental arch, prepared teeth or
implant scanbodies (transfers) [3, 4]. IOS come in several types, sizes and formates, which allows the
recording of almost every part of the oral cavity. Some intraoral scanners are adapted for recording
the frontal teeth, some for lateral teeth, and there are also those intended for use specially for children
and specially for adults. Some of them have curved ending of the probe which makes easier recording
the oral cavity from all angles, especially molars ˗ Figure 1 (a, b, c, d).
Improved workflow results in a continuous process from the moment the shot was taken with an
intraoral scanner. Mostly, it significantly reduces the time required to produce prints until delivery of
the application, saves the time of doctors and patients. Digital workflow process, in contrast to the
traditional one, has several steps less. After digital impression comes appliance design, then 3D (tree-
dimensional) printing process and appliance delivery at the end. This implies that the communication
between a dentist and dental technician is quick and simple and enables cooperation that saves time as
well as resources ˗ Figure 2.
The 3D surface models of the dento˗gingival tissues are the result of the optical impression and are
the ‘virtual’ alternative to traditional plaster models [5, 6]. IOS are devices which are comprised of a
manual camera (hardware), computer, and software. The aim of IOS is to capture with precision the
three-dimensional geometry of an object. The images captured in oral cavity by imaging sensors are
processed by the scanning software, which generates point clouds [4, 5]. The most widely used digital
format is the open STL (Standard Tessellation Language) or locked STL ˗ Figure 3(a). This format
describes a succession of triangulated surfaces where each triangle is defined by three points and a
normal surface. These point clouds are then triangulated by the same software, creating a 3D surface
model (mesh) [4˗6]. It is recommended that files are stored in open format. The reason for this is that
each laboratory uses a different format. No matter what type of imaging technology IOS uses, all
cameras require the projection of light that is then recorded as individual images or video and
compose by the software after recognition of the POI (points of interest). The first two coordinates (x
and y) of each point are evaluated on the image, and the third coordinate (z) is then calculated
depending on the distance to object technologies of each camera ˗ Figure 3(b) [6]. The main
characteristic an IOS should have is an accuracy [1–9]. In metrics and engineering, accuracy is
defined as the ‘closeness of agreement between a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of
a measurand’, so the sum of trueness and precision is the accuracy and when the accuracy of IOS are
testing both of caracteristics are evaluating [4–9].
There are many dental tissues that can present reflective surfaces (enamel crystals or polished
surfaces) that could disrupt the matching of POI by the software due to overexposure. To prevent this,
clinicians can change the orientation of the camera to increase diffuse light, or use cameras with a
polarizing filter [10]. For some scanners, a 20–40 µm powder coating is required during the digitizing
process to decrease reflectivity. The powder thickness could vary between operators and reduce file
accuracy, but the software of the IOS is capable of calculating an average thickness into the
measurement [11].
The classic conventional impressions can often cause discomfort for the patient with strong gag
reflex, or children due to the inconvenience and hardship stemming from the materials positioned in
fabricated or special impression trays. Impression made by IOS decreases patient discomfort and
eliminates the need for materials and impression trays and patient usually prefer digital scanning
procces compared to the traditional one [12]. Digital impression allows the skipping of an inescapable
phase in conventional impresson technique as making of physical impressions and casting of gypsum
models with a huge time-saving effect. It translates into direct savings for the clinician and technican,
with reduced consumables costs [3, 5, 7]. After performing the scan, the dentist can instantly e-mail it
to the laboratory, the technician checks it and if not satisfied clinician can make another one without
any loss of time. Patients usually feel more involved with optical impressions in their treatment and it
is the easier way to achieve better communication with them as well as with technicians [3, 7]. The
most frequent problems related with optical impressions is difficulty in detecting deep marginal lines
on prepared teeth or scanning intraoral tissues in the case of bleeding .There is a learning curve for
adopting IOS in the dental clinic, and this aspect must be considered with attention. Yonger dentist
with a greater affinity for the technological improvements and computers will easer accept IOS in
their practice, but older one with less experience and passion for digital innovations could find using
the devices and related software more complicated [13, 14]. Like any other technological innovation,
intraoral scanners and extra equipment have a high price and these devices are not very widespread in
dental offices [2-4]. In the current literature most scientists considers the accuracy of optical
impressions clinically satisfactory and similar but not better than conventional impressions in the case
of single-tooth restoration and fixed partial prostheses of up to 4–5 elements [1, 4−9, 11] (Table 1.).
Digital impression and digital process of dental restoration relative to conventional methods has many
advantages and the most important one is that it is always the same regardless of the patient, while
using the conventional methods this process varies and dependes of many factors. Advantages as
saving time and materials are evidente, and simplification of the procedure and excellent
comunication between the practitioner and patient as well as between clinician and technician are
irreplaceable. Regarding to the prices of models obtained by conventional methods, the price varies
and can be very high if the dentist has to make impression several times. With digital impressions, this
is not the case because the tecnician can consult a dentist immediately after the first results and point
out possible mistakes while the patient is still in the chair. Still, IOS also have disadvantages such as
indications that are limited to small prosthetic restorations due to lower accuracy when it comes to big
restorations and inaccessibility to certain details esspecialy when the bleeding factor is present. The
IOS currently available at the market vary in terms of accuracy, therefore, the latest-generation
devices have wider indications for clinical use and they can not only be used in fixed prosthodontics
to obtain the virtual models needed to manufacture a whole range of prosthetic restorations on natural
teeth and implants, but also in implantology for guided surgery and in orthodontics. Inventioning an
intraoral scanner of great precision and accuracy that would expose its indications to many dental
branches would much facilitate further clinical practice, and considering the growth and development
of technology it’s possible and near.
Dental caries is the most frequent disease among children. It is multicausal, multistage, reversibile,
infectious disease directly influenced by nutrition.Early childhood caries is a specific type of
temporary teeth cacies wich develops very early and progrades quickly with frequent local and
general complications. Dental caries treatment is very complex for the child and for the dentist as
well, and requires good cooperation with parents. The aim of this research was to investigate
prevalence of dental caries among infants and preschool children, and also to examine possible risk
factors for dental caries occurencesuch as for example, the use of fluoride, bad socioeconomic status.
The research was carried out as an analytical cross-sectional study. It included 167 children from the
territory of Ljubovija Municipality, children of both genders aged 13 to 71 months. Dental caries
diagnostics was determined by dental examination ( dental exlorer, mauth mirror ). The variation
significance testing was carried out by the variance analysis and χ2 test. Prevalence of early childhood
caries in Ljubovija Municipality was 58,08%, and in Bor Municipality 37,33%. Kip in Ljubovija’s
nursery school was 2,82, and in Bor’s nursery school 0,91.The high prevalence of early childhood
caries in Ljubovija’s and Bor’s nursery school requries intesive prevention-prophylactic measures for
children as well as for parents, reorganization of dental health care system as well as early diagnostics
and treatment of early childhood caries.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Impaction refers to teeth which do not fully erupt into the mouth because of various factors: an
irregular position of the germ, a limited jaw growth in the antero-posterior direction, fibrotic
thickening of the mucoperiost, the presence of excessive and impacted adjacent teeth.
The incidence of mandibular canines impaction is less than maxillary and accounts to 0,44% of total
Transmigration is a special type of impaction and represents the migration of unimaginative teeth over
the median line, without the influence of the pathological etiological factor. However, it is extremely
rare and occurs in 0.18% of total population.
This paper presents the case of a patient with an impacted and transmigrated mandibular canines and
describes the procedure for treating the patient with the surgical extraction of these teeth.
Lyme disease is a severe, vector, bacterial disease of the central nervous system, skin and joints,
caused by Borrelia burgdorferi. If this infectios disease is not diagnosed and treated in time, it can
permanently damage affected organ systems.
From the clinic for ORL, a patient with an swelling of upper lip was sent. The patient is aware,
immobile and do not communicate, she comes with her daughter. Heteroanamnestically,we receive
information that patient has been suffering from a late fase Lyme borelliosis“Spastic quadriplegic
cerebral paralysis.The clinical examination was accompanied by a spasm of hands, as well as an
extreme spasm of the lower jaw muscules. Intraoral examination shoved that the cause of the swelling
of the lip was, deep bite wound of upper lip, caused by the teeth of the lower jaw. Due to the lack of
antagonists, as well as resulting trauma, teeth extraction in the intercanin region was indicated.
General anesthesia for the preparation of the patient due to the underlying disease is not indicated by
the anesthetist. The choice of therapy is tooth extraction with the use of local terminal anesthesia.
Because of the impossibility of using the standard technic for extraction of the incisors,we have used
an improvised technique, a combination of elevators and splines, in order to luxate and extract the
teeth with minimal trauma. The patient was released half an hour after an intervention with a regular
Haemophilia is bleeding disorder in which the blood’s ability to coagulate is impaired due to the lack
of a coagulation factor. Haemophilia A is the most common type and any dental intervention can
cause complications. Therefore, dentists take necessary precautions when it comes to patients with
haemophilia and adequate preoperative care is given by hematologists. However, patients with mild
haemophilia can undergo any dental intervention in usual way provided that their dentist knows the
history of the disease.
Seventeen-year-old boy comes to The Dentistry Clinic. Patient complains about tooth sensitive to cold
in the neck of lower cuspids and premolars on the vestibular side. On the basis of clinical
examination, white spots on teeth are noticed and also early stage enamel caries on cervical thirds of
vestibular surfaces of the upper and lower jaw.Through anamnesis, it is found that he drinks a lot
Coca-Cola every day. First, dental plaque is removed. Then, plexus anesthesia is given while class V
lesions are treated. The patient is given advice about oral hygiene and on a balanced diet.
Every procedure in oral cavity can lead to haemorrhage, and considering that caries and gingivitis can
be prevented, all the necessary precautions must be taken. It implies practicing and maintaining good
oral hygiene, using dental products that contain fluoride, filling dental fissures, advice on eating a
balanced diet and regular dental checkups every 3-6 months.
Republic Serbia, with its approximately 16% of the population over 65, is demographically ranked
among the countries with the oldest population in the world. This impose a demand on all of us to
comprehensively observe a population that is increasingly numerous and more accessible to all types
of health care and therefore dental health care.
The aim of the study.
The main goal of this study was to determine the of patients of the third age before and after stomato-
prosthetic remediations.
In this paper, the applied research was done according to the principle of selection of patients (third-
life), with their consent to participate in this study. The therapeutic protocol sanations was the same
for all patients stratified by age.
All the results obtained during this study are presented, although in the professional public it is a well-
established practice to present only successful and positive results of individual research. We rarely
can read those less successful results - unwanted for publication. All results will be tabulated and
graphically presented in lecture, and on paper in extenso.
This study raises a very important question when it comes to patients of the third age. When we take
into account all the above data, indications, contraindications, desires and possibilities for
gerontoprostethic rehabilitation, we can freely say, worrying that almost 50-65% of patients -
examinees were partially or completely edentulous and gerontoprothetically untreated.
Introduction: In young age, in case of absence anterior teeth, when implantation is not desirable
because of incomplete growth of bone structures, and the fixed prosthetic work is avoided in order to
preserve the healthy tooth tissue of the agonist tooth, we induse the construction of an adhesive
bridge. This type of compensation is used to close the space between the individual teeth, but only if
the teeth are agonists, who hold the bridge on both sides, periodontally healthy and without large
fulfillments. Adhesive bridges can be made from composite materials based on fiber fibers (directly
cavity) from non-metallic ceramic or acrylate in the art.
Case Report: A patient,13 years old, appears at the Dental Clinic of Vojvodina, due to swelling and
pain in the teeth area 11. By dental examination and analysis of the OPT image, we find that it is
necessary to remove the tooth 11 due to the failure of the treatment of chronic periodontitis and
swelling. Since the adhesive bridge is an ideal solution for such cases, it is made as a temporary or
conditionally permanent solution for dental compensation. The method is painless, it can be
performed without anesthesia and everything can be done just in one visit. Aesthetics is very
satisfactory, even in the most demanding situations.
Conclusion: Prosthetic compensations must not interfere children’s growth and development of the
orofacial system, but to direct it and preserve oral tissues by the time it is possible to design a
permanent prosthetic replacement. Adhesive bridges allow functional, aesthetic and biological
rehabilitation for children's orognat system, so that the healthy tooth tissue of the carrier is preserved
and prevented the resorption of the ridge and the migration of the teeth.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Von Willebrand’s desease is the most common bleeding disorder affecting up to 1% of the world’s
population. The central feature of the desease is an abnormality in von Willebrand factor, either
quantitative or functional.. Clinically manifested by bleeding from the mucous membrane, frequent
epistaxis, menorrhagia, while bleeding in the joints and muscles is present only in severe forms of the
Patient with Von Willebrand desease was referred by a nearby medical centre to the Department of
Oral Surgery at the University School of Dentistry in Novi Sad, for surgical extractions of mandibular
third molars . Consultation with the patient’s hematologist is required to ensure preoperative
prophylactic coverage. After full clinical and radiographic evaluation, extractions of impacted teeth
were planned to be performed procedures under local anaesthesia. Mucoperiostal flap was reflected
into the fornix. Both mandibular third molars were extracted. The flap was placed on its original
position and sutured. The sutures were removed after seven days.
Pavlović Trifunović Lj.1, Galović J.1, Vukojević T.1, Perin M.2, Nikolić Ivošević J.3, Blagojević
D.4, Petrović B.4
The Public Health Care Centar Novi Sad
The Public Health Care Centar Nevesinje
The Public Health Care Centar Subotica
Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina, Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi
Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Background: The first dental examination in the early age provides education and motivation of
parents for proper nutrition, regular and proper oral hygiene in order to form positive habits in order
to preserve and improve oral health in the child.
Aim:The aim of the research was to comparate the change in the reasons why parents bring children
to the first examination of a dentist.
Design: Data on the reasons for the first meeting of children with a dentist were analyzed . In the first
observed period , 2004.-2008. Were included 150 children , and in the second 2009.-2013. , 120
children, in the third , 2014.-2018., 118 children. The used data werw obtained from the medical
documentation of the Health Center Novi Sad.
Results:Analysis of the obtained data showed that in the period 2004.-2008. the reasons for the first
meeting were 63,8% preventive, and in 36,2% of cases due to already existing problems. In the
second evaluation period 2009.-2013., the results are as follows : the firs meeting with a dentist was
72,1% for preventative reasons and 27,9% for already existing problems. In the third period , 2014.-
2018., the first meeting was in 77,3% for preventative reasons , and in 22,7% due to already existing
Conclusion: On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that the consciousness of the parent
of infants and young children about the importance of preventive dental examinations in the earlier
age has increased. In order to keep it gooing it is necessary to continue and intensify health education
wizh parents , as well as cooperation with a pediatrician and gynecologist, in terms of education
pregnant women on the importance of maintaining oral health of the cavity to prevent bacterial
vertical transmission , with the aim of increasing the involving of infants for the first preventive dental
Nešković I.1,2, Brakoč J.1, Blagojević D.1,2, Vujkov S.1,2 , Petrović B.1,2
1Facultyof Medicine Novi Sad 1Department of Dentistry, , University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
The mechanism of probiotic activity is still a subject of many researches. Probiotic species
competitively inhibit the formation of toxic substances and the growth of less desirable species by
occupying their space for colonization and nutrition . In dentistry, a probiotic with a very important
role is Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. It is considered to reduce cavity prevalence in children and to
have a positive effect on oral health.
Examining the outcome of yoghurt with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (B-Activ LGG, Dukat) on the
acumulation of dental biofilm. To prove that probiotic lactic products, containing Lactobacillus
rhamnosus GG, have an important role in caries prevention.
This study involved 25 children, whose plaque index (Silness- Löe) and salivary pH (pH-Fix-0-14,
Macherey-Nagel) were measured before and after a 14-day consumption of 200ml of yoghurt with
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (B-Activ LGG, Dukat).
The average value of salivary pH before consumtion of the yoghurt was 6.32 and after the two week
consumption of the yoghurt it was 6.84, which shows us an increase of the pH level. On the other
hand, a decrease in the amount of dental biofilm was expected, which the results prove (the average
value of the plaque index before consumption of the yoghurt was 0,81 and the average value after
Regular consumption of the Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG enriched yoghurt affects the acumulation of
the dental biofilm and the increase of the salivary pH and indirectly effects the S. mutans level.
Background: Hypomineralization is a globally raising problem, that is not completely understood. It
is an idiopathic developmental irregularity of the enamel structure. It presents with a different opacity
and porosity of the enamel. There is not enough data on hypomineralization in Serbia. The aim of this
study was to evaluate the prevalence of hypomineralization and dental status in general, among 12-
year-old children in Novi Sad, Serbia.
Method: The study was held at the Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry of Health
Centre Novi Sad in the period from December 2018 untill February 2019. The sample consisted of 57
children, age 12 +/-6 months, of both genders. Dental status was registered, with special focus on
teeth with hypomineralization.
Results: There were 16% of children that had hypomineralization. Among children affected with
hipomineralisation, the average number of teeth with hypomineralization was 4. The highest recorded
number per child was 16. There were 22.8% of caries-free children. DMFT index (sum of decayed,
missing and filled teeth) of this population was 2.4. There were 50% of children with active caries,
58% of children with fillings and 3.5% of children with extracted teeth. There was no significant
difference between boys and girls.
Conclusion: Hypomineralization problem in Serbia should be further investigated. DMFT-12 index
for Novi Sad is 2.4, which means that this is a population with low DMFT. However, it is still higher
in comparison with more developed countries in EU, where DMFT-12 is lower than 1.2.
Milojević M.1, Gušić I.2,3, Veljović T.2, Mirnić J.2, Đurić M.2,3, Tarlać M., Vrević M.
Dental Clinic “Srećkov”, Novi Sad
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad
Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Introduction: Gingival biotype is a descriptive parameter of the gingival thickness in the buccooral
dimension. Significance of the gingival biotype assessement is in a fact that this parameter has a
important impact in a consecution of the periodontal disseases and on the outcome of the numerous
dental interventions.
Aim: Aim of this study was to estimate a frequency of various gingival biotype in examinated sample
and to evaluate reliability of non-invasive visual methods for determination of gingival biotype
compared with direct method.
Material and methods: Gingival thickness was examinated in 44 patients with present natural upper
central incisors, without simptoms of periodontal disseases. Gingival biotype was assessment in
region ofmaxillar incisors: visual, transgingival probing method and direct method. At direct method
gingival biotype was considerd as thick if the thickness was ≥ 1,2mm and thin if it was < 1,2mm.
Composition of methods was made by McNemar’s test and Cohen’s Kappa coeficient.
Results: Average thickness of gingiva in examinated sample was 1,30±0,21mm (measured with
direct method). Significantly thicker was gingiva of examinated male patients F(1, 42)= 4,218,
p=,046. By ground of all three ways of assessment in sample was more common thin gingival biotype
(visual n=35/88; trangingival n=43/88; direct measuring n=34/88). McNemar’s test and Cohen’s
Kappa coeficient was determinated that there was no significant difference in assessment of gingival
biotype between visual, trangingival and direct method
Conclusion: Noninvasive, visual methods are reliable way for gingival biotype assessment.
Key words: gingival biotype,reliability of visual method, transparency of the periodontal probe,
digital caliper.
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
In the past, diagnosis of pulpal and periapical diseases was usually related to histopathological
findings which often had little or no correlation with clinical symptoms. Nowadays, in order to
determine proper clinical treatment, a clinical signs and symptoms was set as a basic findings, and
according to that, a current classification of endodontic diagnosis was determined. This classification
defines pulpal and periapical diseases.
Pulpal diseases include:1) Normal pulp, which is define as clinically symptom free and normally
responsive to pulp testing; 2) Reversible pulpitis, condition with mild inflammation in the pulp that
will heal when irritant is removed (caries, exposed dentine). Patient feels transient discomfort when
stimulus such as cold or sweet is applied; 3) Symptomatic irreversible pulpitis is an inflammatory
process where pulp is incapable of healing and root canal treatment is indicated. It is characterised by
prolonged pain on thermal stimuli and spontaneous pain, but no discomfort to percussion; 4)
Asymptomatic irreversible pulpitis is also irreversible inflammation of the pulp, but clinically
asymptomatic. Root canal treatment should be provided; 5) Pulp necrosis is asymptomatic and non-
responsive to pulp testing, necessitating root canal treatment.
Periapical diagnosis are classified as: 1) Normal apical tissues, where radiographically lamina dura
and periodontal ligament are intact and there is no sensitivity to percussion; 2) Symptomatic apical
periodontitis is inflammation of the periapical periodontium, producing spontaneous pain and
discomfort on biting and percussion, usually with no radiographic changes; 3) Asymptomatic apical
periodontitis is clinical asymptomatic condition with radiographic apical radiolucency; 4) Chronic
apical abscess is an inflammatory reaction to pulp infection where abscess is draining through sinus
tract, followed with no clinical symptoms; 5) Acute apical abscess is characterised with rapid onset,
severe spontaneous pain, sensitivity to percussion, swelling, systemic manifestations and no
radiographic signs. All periapical diagnosis necessitate root canal treatment or extraction.
Veljović T.1, Đurić M.1,2, Gušić I.1,2, Mirnić J.1, Maletin A.1, Ramić B.1
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Gingival recession treatment is one of the most complex challenges in mucogingival surgery. To date,
procedure involving a combination of connective tissue graft (CTG) with laterally or coronally
displaced flaps has been shown to yield the most optimal outcomes. In dental practice, trapdoor,
Langer L and envelope techniques are typically used for obtaining tissue graft from the palate.
However, their application significantly extends the intervention
duration, resulting in patient discomfort and postoperative pain. Moreover, these techniques
necessitate palatal mucosa of certain thickness to avoid necrosis at the donor site. Consequently, some
authors propose use of deepithelialized epithelium-connective tissue graft.
The aim of this work was to report on gingival recession treatment involving deepithelialized
epithelium-connective tissue graft in combination with coronally displaced flaps.
A 23-year-old male reported to the Clinic for Dentistry of Vojvodina presenting with gingival
recession. Clinical examination revealed Class II gingival recession based on Miller classification of 4
and 5 mm vertical dimensions, involving teeth 23 and 24, respectively. Epithelium-connective tissue
graft obtained from the palatal region of teeth 25 and 26 was deepithelialized extraorally before being
placed on the previously planed exposed roots of the two affected teeth and finally covered by
coronally displaced flaps. The donor site was protected by covering it with gelatin sponge secured in
position with crisscross sutures. Postoperative period was uneventful and the roots of affected teeth
were fully covered at 1-moth follow-up.
Deepithelialized epithelium-connective tissue graft technique can be successfully applied to treat
single or multiple gingival recession sites. The procedure is shorter and less invasive, thus decreasing
patient discomfort, while yielding connective tissue of superior quality, as tissue harvesting is
performed at the posterior segments of the hard palate characterized by lower adipose and glandular
tissue content. In addition, the tissue utilized in this procedure is located directly beneath the
epithelium, and is therefore denser and more stable, due to which shrinkage during healing and
maturation is reduced, contributing to a greater treatment success.
The stress generated during polymerization of dental composites is transfered to the tooth-
restoration interface and can cause cuspal deflection or formation of marginal gaps on the adhesive
bond. For the testing purpose of these biomechanical parameters, digital holography (DH) as a non-
invasive technique was proved to be very suitable.
The aim of this study was to assess tooth tissue deformation during polymerization of
contemporary dental nanocomposites by using DH in "in vitro" conditions.
The research was conducted at the Institute of Physics in Zemun using a custom-made
holographic set-up with a laser adjusted at 532 nm wavelenght. The specimens of molars, with a first
class cavity, were cut in half in the vestibulo-oral plane. The cavities were filled with Filtek Ultimate
Universal® nanocomposite and light-cured for 40 seconds with SmartLite IQ2® LED curing lamp.
Assessment of the polymerization dynamics was done indirectly, by measuring tooth deformation for
5 minutes from the begining of photoactivation. Deformation is presented as a series of interference
lines ("fringes") superposed on the holographic image. Period, shape and orientation of fringes give
information about specimen’s deflection.
The obtained results reveal cuspal deflection (buccal and palatal) in the photoacivation period,
but also during the post-photoactivation period. At the end of the examined period, an average tooth
deformation was 3-5 µm. During the first minute, there was a linear deformation increase along with
continuous deformation after the end of light-curing cycle. Even though deformation reaches its
maximum at the end of the first minute, ongoing changes in shape and orientation of fringes indicate
active polymerization dynamics until the end of examined period.
Acknowledgments. Research was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological
Development of the Republic of Serbia (Projects. III45016, III 46010, ON 171038 i TR 035020)
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry,University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
The rubber dam is a thin, rubber latex or nitrile rubber used in dentistry to isolate one or more teeth
from the oral cavity during the dental intervention. The main role of rubber dam is isolation, or the
prevention of saliva, that compromises dental intervention by preventing microorganisms from
penetrating the mouth of the cavity during endodontic treatment, to provide a dry working field when
placing the fill on the teeth and to prevent aspiration or ingestion of instruments and materials.
Setting up a rubber dam is very simple and painless. Before placing the rubber dam, it is necessary to
prepare the teeth by removing calculus and dental plaque. Proper choice of dam and clamps will
provide adequate isolation and preparation of the working field. When the technique is overcome, the
procedure itself does not take much time and provides adequate protection for both the patient and the
therapist. Patients do not have a negative attitude to the use of rubber dam but are affected by the
experience and skills of the therapist itself.
The use of rubber dam in everyday dental practice makes work easier, increases the effectiveness of
therapy and should be a standard procedure as part of the patient's oral health care.
Efficient irrigation is one of the key factors for succesfull outcome in endodontic therapy. Although
irrigants are well known, different protocols and irrigant sequencing are still being examined.
Sodium hypoclorite is considered the “gold standard” endodontic irrigant and it is very efficient in
combination with mechanical instrumentataion for primary endodontic infections. Novel trends are
directed towards examinating different additional irrigation protocols to improve canal disinfection,
when persistent infection in a form of biofilm (E. faecalis, C. albicans) is present on root canal walls
and in dentinal tubules. Review of current literature states that in these situations, in combination with
irrigant, passive ultrasonic or sonic irrigation can be successfully applied; the use of instruments such
as XP-endo Finisher or Self Adjusting File; also irrigation with Navitip FX- specially designed plastic
needles covered with bristles used for irrigation with simultaneous scrubbingcan be used. These
procedures have one common goal-to provide supplemental cleaning with brushing action and irrigant
movement, in order to eliminate the biofilm that contains bacteria, resistant to standard irrigation
protocols. Also, these additional procedures are decreasing the need for extensive dentin removal,
improving root canal strength.
The most recent examinations are made with the use of biocompatible nanoparticles with ability to
retain to the biofilm and catalyze the chemical reaction of disinfection. Also there is a potential use of
similar nanoparticles as a good option for an intracanal medicament. The application of these modern
scientific knowledge in everyday clinical practice can significantly increase the effectiveness of
nonsurgical endodontic treatment.
Končar S.1, Milkov S.1, Pantelinac J.1,2, Petrović B.2,3, Blagojević D.2,3, Marković S.1, Golubović
The Public Health Care Centar Novi Sad Serbia
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
Department of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry, Dentistry Clinic of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
AIM:Estimate and analyze knowledge of parents of oral hygiene and the impact of the number of
meals on oral health of child.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Project of the Health Center Novi Sad "My mom knows and I
know"was realized in the period september – decemberduring three consecutive years(2016-
2018.),through the input test,health education with 1,850 parentsand preventive dental examination of
infants and young children(0 to 3 years)pointing to theimportance of the first preventive
examinationand all of its goals. After the completed output test parents were given written instructions
– flyers.This was a cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey.
RESULTS:The analysis of the data obtained from the entrance test for three years suggests that 36.7%
of childrenat risk of developing the disease due to the lack of awareness of their parents about the
importance of early onset of oral hygiene.The percentage of children at high risk for the disease was
significantly reduced (in 2016, 19% of children had a high risk, 15% in 2017.), so that in 2018. there
are no children with a high risk of disease related to the onset of oral hygiene.In 2018, the percentage
of children at risk of developing disease due to lack of awareness of parents about the effect of
nutrition on oral health is 42%, which is 5% less than the previous two years.The analysis of the
outcome test for three years showed that 94.7% of the parents adopted knowledge through
placedhealth education.
CONCLUSION:The project established the state of oral health of children under 3 years of age,
knowledge of parents of the importance of regular and proper nutrition and the and regular
maintenance and proper oral hygiene, education was carried out which contributed to the overall goal
of improving the oral health of children.
Kojić S.1, Stojanović A.2, Jevremov J.1, Lazarević J.2, Petrović B.1, Stojanović G.2
Faculty of Technical Sciences University of Novi Sad, , Novi Sad, Serbia
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
A growing interest has been observed in finding less invasive diagnostic tests, which has intensified
research investigating the possibility of salivary use as a diagnostic fluid. The aim of this study was
to assess the microfluidic properties of salivary specimens, the possibility of mixing with antiseptic
solutions, viscosity and basic physical properties of liquids within the channel of PVC microchips. In
this study, distilled water, artificial saliva and saliva from 4 volunteers, participants of the study, were
analyzed. 12 PVC chips were made out of which 3 were used for analysis of distilled water, 3 for
determination of artificial saliva parameters, 3 for unstimiluated saliva and 3 for stimulated saliva
analyses. The chips were Y-channel chip without any obstacles. The input channels were set at an
angle of 60 °. The channel width was 500-700 µm. The analyzed parameters included the passage,
speed and necessary pressure for the laminar flow of liquids. The liquid diffusion was observed with a
USB camera. For the visualization purposes, the tested fluids were painted with gentian violet. All
chips were passable for all tested microfluidic systems. A laminar flow of water was achieved by
pressing 55 mbar, while saliva required a pressure of 70 mbar. The smallest pressure on which flow is
possible is 5 mbar for water, and for saliva 10. The results suggests that salivary biomarkers analyses
for everyday use in clinical practice employing PVC based microfluidic systems require additional
confirmation, standardization of collection and the development of sophisticated analytical methods.
Šešević D¹, Vujkov S.², Blagojević D.², Nešković I.², Petrović B.²
According to the definition trauma is violent damage of the body , caused by external factors. Teeth
injuries in children occur at a time of intensive physical and psychological development, which
particularly complicates clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy and prognosis outcome of injured teeth.
Complications after injury are numerous and very frequent. They depend on the severity of the force
and the type of injury. Inflammatory root resorption is the complication wich most commonly occurs
after luxation, avulsion and fracture of the teeth. The formation of resorption depends on the time
since tooth decay up to replantation, from the way and the technique of care. External and internal
root resorption could be distinguished. External resorption is more frequent than internal, and most
commonly develope without any clinical symptom, which requires more frequent radiographic
This paper presents the case of a girl aged 9 years. Based on the anamnesis, it was found that a 7-year-
old child fell at school, at a time of physical, with a tooth avulsion 11 and 21. The clinic reported an
hour later, with teeth being contaminated with dirt. Teeth replantation was done, and the teeth were
fixed with composite splint. On the OPR was found that in the teeth 11 and 21 the root growth was
not completed. Also, by analyzing the image, the tooth hypodontion of teeth 12 and 22 was diagnosed,
which further complicated the clinical picture. After two weeks, during the controle visit, it was
determined that the teeth were fixed, with the composite splint was removed. After a week, the patient
appears for pain. The analysis of the RTG record showed the signs of acute apical periodontitis, the
endodontic treatment of the teeth 11 and 12. The root canals filled with sterile calcium hydroxide. The
patient reported to the Clinic after 2 months due to luxation of the teeth 11 and 21, a RTG record was
performed and a pathological inflammatory root resorption was diagnosed. The composite splint is set
again, the teeth were filled with sterile calcium hydroxide.
Pathological root resorption represents the most severe complication following tooth avulsion. The
prognosis of this complication is very bad. In this case, the present hypodontia of the teeth is
significantly influencing by the further treatment plan.
Cvjetićanin M.1, Ramić B.1, Drobac M.1, Stojanac I.1, Petrović Lj.1
Faculty of Medicine Novi Sad, Department of Dentistry,University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
One of the most common causes of failure of endodontic therapy is tooth fracture due to insufficiently
preserved dental tissue. In the past few years, in accordance with the concept of "minimally invasive
dentistry", a minimal invasive (conservative) method of preparation of access cavity has been
introduced. The minimally invasive access cavity can be realized if it is possible to visualize the
whole pulp chamber floor, identify all canal orifices, remove obstructions and three-dimensional clean
the canal system. Indications for conservative access cavity preparation are: teeth with minimal
occlusal caries, class V cavities, aproximal cavities, traumatized teeth or teeth exposed to unfavorable
occlusal stresses, teeth under prosthetics crowns and bridges and teeth indicated for endodontic
therapy from prosthetic reasons. In addition to the necessary knowledge and clinical experience, the
use of modern technologies such as: dental operative microscope, ultrasonic tips for use in
endodontics, machine-driven nickel-titanium files and activators of intracanal irrigation are necessary
to achieve minimal invasive access cavity. A conservative endodontic approach is not complicated
procedure if, with adequate knowledge and experience, the protocol of endodontic therapy is
respected and modern technologies are used.
Key words: endodontic therapy, minimally invasive dentistry, minimally invasive access cavity
Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is a specific, acute form of milk teeth caries that rapidly progresses
and involves a large number of teeth, resulting in crown destruction and numerous local and general
complications. The aim of this study is to present the prevalence of ECC with children aged between
13 - 71 months in the territory of Srbobran municipality. The survey was carried out as an analytical
section study and included 479 children. Dental examination was performed in a dental clinic, with
artificial lighting, visual-tactile method, using a mirror and a probe. The significance of the difference
was analyzed by the X2 test (p <0.05). The prevalence of ECC was 34.45%. The average number of
diseased teeth increases with increasing years of child's life and ranges from 0.05 to 4.7. ECC is more
common in girls, and molars are the most affected group of teeth. The high prevalence of ECC points
to the need for a serious reorganization of dental care program in our country.
Introduction: Plasma cell gingivitis is a relatively rare disease that usually involves the anterior
maxillary and mandibular gingiva. It manifests as extreme redness, sometimes accompanied by gum
tissue enlargement. While the disease etiology remains unclear, its presentation is mostly attributed to
non-specific inflammatory reaction to certain foodstuffs or ingredients in oral hygiene products. In
patients that have undergone kidney transplant, and are thus continually receiving immunosuppressive
therapy, gingival hyperplasia is common. The incidence of hyperplasia is significantly higher if the
patient is also taking drugs from the group of calcium channel blockers.
Case report: A 18-year-old patient reported to the Clinic for Dentistry of Vojvodina presenting with
gum tissue enlargement. Twelve years ago, he had a kidney transplant and had since been receiving
cyclosporine as immunosuppressive therapy, while also taking drugs from the calcium channel
blocker group. Intraoral examination revealed increase in marginal and interdental gingiva, especially
in the area of the upper anterior teeth, associated with a purple red lesion clearly demarcated from the
surrounding tissue in the region of tooth 22 and teeth 33 and 34. Following nonsurgical periodontal
therapy, the hyperplastic gingiva in the area of the upper anterior teeth was surgically removed.
Patient was advised to replace the toothpaste intended for adults with that aimed at children, as well as
to discontinue chewing gum and herbal spices consumption. The pathohistological results supported
the plasma cell gingivitis diagnosis. At the control visit, the clinical picture in the lower jaw remained
Conclusion: Since elimination of likely causative agents of plasma cell gingivitis failed to yield any
improvements, the lesions could likely be attributed to the immunosuppressive therapy. Changes
require further monitoring and determination of the etiological factors. This is the first case of plasma
cell gingivitis associated with hyperplasia induced by medication.