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Compressor Performance Test

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Compressor performance test can be conducted either before, or after the mechanical
running test. If a compressor was first subjected to mechanical running test but failed the
performance test, the time, resources, and efforts expended in arranging the mechanical
running test would be deemed wasted. From this viewpoint, some users prefer to run
performance test first, followed by mechanical running test. If a spare rotor was purchased,
the performance tested rotor, in this situation, will likely not be installed in the casing during
final assembly in shop.
It is a common practice that compressor manufacturers carry out factory internal test prior to
customer (or user) witnessed test. Therefore, many users specify mechanical running test of
spare rotor first, followed by mechanical running test and performance test of the job or main
rotor. In this arrangement, the performance tested rotor is usually left in the compressor
casing at delivery from the shop. The order of tests shown below is only typical and can
vary, depending on the scope and mutual agreement between the user and the compressor
manufacturer. The requirements of mechanical running test and performance test are
included in API Standard 617.
1. Mechanical running test under vacuum, with spare rotor.
2. Vary lube oil supply pressure and temperature in the second-half (after two hours) of
mechanical running test with spare rotor.
3. Spare rotor change with the main rotor. During this activity, visually inspect bearings,
seals and internal parts.
4. Mechanical running test under vacuum, with main rotor.
5. Vary lube oil supply pressure and temperature in the second half (after two hours) of
mechanical running test with main rotor.
6. Shop verification of unbalance response test on main rotor at the end of four-hour
mechanical running test.
7. Sound pressure level check during mechanical running test on main rotor.
8. ASME PTC-10 performance test with main rotor.
9. Bearings strip-down and visual check.
10. Assembled compressor gas leakage test.


Complete Unit Test is included in API Standard 617 under the section ‘Optional Tests’.
Frequently, it is called as string test. Many users stipulate full-speed, full-load mechanical
running test for compressors in offshore installations, large liquefied natural gas (LNG), re-
injection, and ethylene plants. This is partly due to the fact that output of these facilities has
been increasing over the years, thus requiring larger frames/bigger casings. Some of the
important considerations for specifying a full-speed, full-load test for compressors are
presented in this section.
·Largest frame sizes for the compressor, (gear if furnished), driver, and auxiliary systems
being used in a given application. Note: users should check if these frames are installed and
operating successfully under analogous conditions at other locations.
·Compressor with multiple operating conditions that have direct impact on the plant’s output.
·Shorter plant commissioning schedule resulting in far lesser time to adjust the performance
of critical machines in the field. In such situation, users may want to pay more money upfront
for complete unit test than having to spend much more in rectifications at site, if something
were to go wrong.
·Known rotor dynamic issues or concerns arising from stability analysis of the compressor.
·Compressor with multiple side loads.
·Compressor fitted with honeycomb seals, shunt holes, or swirl brakes. These features may
require more exhaustive testing than conventional performance test and mechanical running
·Ability of the test shop to conduct complete unit test.
·Logistics of transporting gear and auxiliary equipment to the test shop. Does the project
schedule allow for additional time duration for transportation?
If a complete unit test is specified for compressors installed in identical, multiple production
trains, it may be carried out on the compressor(s) in only one train.


The test Procedure should be detailed enough to serve as the single source of reference
when conducting performance and mechanical running tests. Ideally, it should include the
following information.
·Test Sequence and overall schedule
·Type, location, quantity, and accuracy of instrumentation used for test. Their current
calibration records should be available.
·Mechanical running test program including graphical presentation of test steps in speed
versus time form.
·Schematic of mechanical running test arrangement. An example is shown in Figure 1.
·Mechanical running test measurements and sampling rate. The following list is typical and
will vary, depending on the specific application.
1. Lube oil pressure at each supply point, psig (kpag)
2. Lube oil supply temperature, deg F (deg C)
3. Lube oil flow at each bearing, gpm (lt/min)
4. Lube oil drain temperature at each return point, deg F (deg C)
5. Bearing metal temperature, each bearing, deg F (deg C)
6. Speed, rpm
7. Inlet vacuum, psia (kpaa)
8. Inlet temperature, deg F (deg C)
9. Filtered and unfiltered shaft vibrations, mils peak-to-peak (microns peak-to-peak)
10. Axil displacement of rotor, mils (microns)
11. Buffer gas supply pressure to dry gas seals, psig (kpag)
12. Sweep of frequencies at maximum continuous speed and recording of vibration
amplitude versus frequency range
13. Unfiltered and filtered vibration amplitude and phase angle versus speed plots during
coast down.
14. Determination of first lateral critical speed
15. Slow roll run-out
·Mechanical running test acceptance criteria.
·Performance test procedure.
·Schematic of performance test arrangement.
·Tabulation of test and specified (or design) conditions.
·Adjustment of test conditions to contract or design conditions.
Mechanical Engineering
How To Read A Centrifugal
Compressor Performance Curve
Last updated August 31, 2018

In the article, we will discuss how to read a centrifugal Compressor Performance

Curve. If you are new to the compressor, this article will definitely make yourself
familiar with the centrifugal compressor performance curve. If you already know
about the centrifugal compressor performance curve, definitely this article will refresh
your knowledge. Now let we see the performance curve.

The centrifugal compressor performance curve consisting of the following three

important curves

 Differential Pressure (or some cases Polytrophic Head) Vs Inlet Flow rate
 Brake Power Vs Inlet Flow rate
 Efficiency Vs Inlet Flow rate

Contents [hide]
o 0.1 Differential Pressure Vs Inlet flow rate
o 0.2 Brake Power Vs Inlet Flow Rate
o 0.3 Efficiency Vs Inlet Flow Rate
 1 How to read a Centrifugal Compressor Performance Curve?
 2 Operating Point
 3 Speed
 4 Stall or Stone Wall Point
 5 Surge
 6 Efficiency:
 7 Brake Power:
 8 Turndown:
 9 Conclusion:

Differential Pressure Vs Inlet flow rate

In this curve, the differential pressure is on the vertical axis and Inlet Flow rate is on
the horizontal axis. With an increase in compressor inlet flow rate, the head
developed by the centrifugal compressor start decreases. The compressor develops
maximum differential pressure (head ) is called Surge (3A). The flow and pressure
corresponding to the surge point are called surge flow and surge pressure.
When the inlet flow rate is increased to the right (Refer below curve), the differential
pressure (head) keep on decreases up to a maximum flow rate. It is called as
“Stonewall point” or “Stall Point”. This is maximum operation range of a centrifugal
compressor recommended by the compressor manufacturer.

The inlet flow rate and differential pressure (head) are related to each other, one
cannot be changed without varying the other parameter. The relationship between
inlet flow rate and differential pressure (head) is locked until wear or increased shaft
seal clearance of the centrifugal compressor.

Brake Power Vs Inlet Flow Rate

In this curve, the Break power is on the vertical axis and Inlet Flow rate is on the
horizontal axis (Refer below performance curve). As we seen from the curve, the
brake power does not start from zero, the minimum power represents in the curve is
to overcome the frictional losses and centrifugal compressor inertia.

From this curve, the required brake power is obtained from the corresponding inlet
flow rate.

Efficiency Vs Inlet Flow Rate

As we seen from the performance curve, the efficiency curve is raising as the flow
rate increase. Then the curve reaches the maximum point and starts decreasing.
The maximum point is called Best Efficiency Point (BEP). It is always preferred to
run the centrifugal compressor at the best efficiency point (BEP), but in the practical
case, we are not able to match the required centrifugal compressor operating point
with compressor BEP.

If the centrifugal compressors run at or near to BEP, not only we get higher efficiency
and also the less vibration of the compressor.

How to read a Centrifugal Compressor

Performance Curve?
Now we will various curves and point so check in the centrifugal compressor
performance curve.

Consider a centrifugal compressor with

Rated Flow rate – 66000 kg/hr

Suction Pressure – 10 bar

Discharge Pressure – 65 bar

Differential Pressure – 55 bar

Operating Point
The Red Colour-mark represents the operating point of the centrifugal compressor.
The correspond flow is called operating flow and the corresponding discharge
pressure is called “Operating Discharge Pressure”. As per our example, the
operating flow is 66000kg/hr and discharge pressure is 65 bar.

Sometimes the compressor manufacturer will provide polytropic head or differential

pressure instead of the discharge pressure. The below formula is used to calculate
the polytropic head.

As we seen from the performance curve, the Flow rate Vs Discharge Pressure
curves for corresponding speed. (Ie., for various speed of the compressor the flow
rate Vs Discharge pressure curves change accordingly)

As per the curve, the point (1) represent the 100% speed (also called rated speed) of
the curve and the point (1A) represent the maximum continuous speed of the
compressor. In this case, the maximum speed is 105% of the rated speed.

Stall or Stone Wall Point

The maximum flow developed by the centrifugal compressor is called Stall or
Stonewall Point (2). Below this point, the compressor is aerodynamically unstable.

The surge is the minimum flow in the centrifugal compressor, below with momentary
reversal of rotor is occur. The in performance curve the surge is represented by the
point (3).

In order to avoid the compressor surge, an anti-surge system is used. As per the
curve, the Anti-surge line is represented as (3A). Normally the Anti-surge line is
considered at 10% higher than the surge flow.

In process compressor, the compressor is operating at various cases. We need to

ensure that in all the cases the operating point will never fall in the region of the anti-
surge line.
The operating flow of the centrifugal compressor intersect at the efficiency curve, the
corresponding efficiency in the Y-axis is called “Operating Efficiency” of the
compressor. Refer the curve it is represented as the point (4).

As we seen the efficiency curve, the curve starts rising and reach a maximum point
and then starts decreasing with increase in flow rate.

The maximum point of the efficiency curve is called “Best Efficiency Point (BEP)”. In
the curve, it is represented as the point (4A).

Brake Power:
The brake power or rated power of the pump is power required run the compressor
to deliver the rated/normal operating flow at the rated/normal operating discharge
pressure or head.

As per the curve, the normal operating flow of the centrifugal compressor intersect at
the Brake power curve and corresponding power in the Y-axis is called “Normal
brake power of the compressor”. In the curve, it is represented as the point (5).

In the current example, the brake power is 3000 kW.

The power corresponding to the “End of curve” in the brake power curve is
represented as point(5A) in the Curve. Based on the brake power required, motor
kilowatt or hp will be selected.

If the compressor is driven by a steam turbine, then steam turbine is sized for the
110% of the maximum power required for the complete compressor train.

It is the percentage of change in capacity between the Rated-Capacity and the surge
point capacity at the Rated-Head when the unit is operating at Rated-Suction
Temperature and gas composition. Refer below the figure for turndown
As discussed, please remember the below-mentioned points to be check in
centrifugal compressor performance curve for the proper selection of Centrifugal

1. Normal Operating / Rated Flow

2. Normal Operating / Rated Head
3. Speed of the Compressor
4. IGV opening (if IGV will use for flow control, then IGV full close represent the
minimum flow of compressor and IGV full open (100%) represent the maximum
flow to the compressor )
5. Surge flow & Anti-surge limit
6. Efficiency
7. Compressor brake power
8. End of Curve power
9. Turn down capacity

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