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Inggris Maritime

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Messrs Nordhiq Tanker Shipping Co. Norway

Attn. HRD. Manager
Jakarta, November 3rd. 2006
Dear Sir/ Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in the Shipping Gazette on November 2 nd. 2006 for the
position of Second Officer on MT. Sea Explorer, under the Greece flag, I would like to offer
my services for the same. I am very interested in applying for this position and hope that you
will seriously consider my application.
I am a man of 28 years old with a good health and perfect vision. I have graduated my Deck
Officer Class II License from Merchant Marine Higher Education and Training Institute (STIP
I’ve 4 years experience as a 2nd.Officer. However, I am eager to broaden my horizons by
working in a larger company and to improve my wealth, I feel this is the prefect opportunity
to do so.
Please find enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae with personal data for your inspection. I
would be grateful to present myself to you for an interview at any time in the future. If you like
to employ me, I would do my best to offer you a conscientious and reliable services at all times.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Capt. (nama masing-masing)
Enclosed (buatlah CV masing-masing)


To : Master and Owner of MT. Tanker
From : Master of MV. Nokia
Re : Note of Protest
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am the master of Finland flag MV. Nokia, Port of register Helsinki hereby inform you that
while my vessel crossing the Pacific Ocean from Yokohama bound for San Francisco loaded
with cargoes of 8.500 ton General Merchandise, was collided with your vessel MT. Tanker
ship’s flag Norwegian and registered at Oslo.
I am hereby to notify you as follows :
1. Tuesday 1st of June 2006 at 16.40, my vessel left Yokohama, with forward draft and after
draft, each 6.25 M and 8.70 M.
2. The collision at 23.50 on the same day, at the location around 3 nautical mil, in the South East
side of the Sunozaki light house and that time Typhoon “Vena” with wind forces 6 at Beaufort
3. My vessel was found damage at portside beam, dented 50 cm x 10m, but crews and cargoes
in good condition, then the vessel calling at Singapore to carry out repairing for three days.
4. The investigation of independent surveyor found that MT. Tanker is guilty, therefore on
behalf of our principle and owners, I declare that the Master and Owner of MT. Genesis are
fully responsible and will cover all the damage and expenses as result of the collision.
On Board, 4th of June 2006
Capt. (nama masing2)
Master of MV. Nokia


The undersigned of Indonesian MV. BAHTERA, Port of Register Jakarta, Official Number BA
KM 2800, Owned by Messrs Bahtera Jakarta, today July 9th 1999, appeared before me as the
Notary Public of Norfolk, the State of Virginia, USA to declare Note of Protest based on
conditions as follow:
- That the vessel left the last Indonesian port Belawan of North Sumatra on June 8th 1999 bound
for Norfolk, the State of Virginia, USA loaded with about 10.000 tons of general cargo,
included 20 of twenty feet containers loaded on hatch covers number II and III.
- That before departure a hatch survey was carried out by an Independent Surveyor from Messrs
Survindo who declared that the cargo was properly stowed.
- That a through search was conducted all over the vessel to prevent stowaways and
- That on June 22nd vessel arrived at Port of Tewfik / Suez and on the same day proceeded
through the Suez Canal.
- That the Straits of Gibraltar was subsequently traversed on June 27th.
- Thence proceeded via the South of Bermuda island proceed close under the US East coast to
take advantage of the Gulf stream
- That vessel arrived safely in Norfolk on July 9th 1999 and alongside at City Pier.
This Marine Note of Protest is made without prejudice and the undersigned retains his rights
to extend this protest at time and place convenient
Legalized by: the Notary Public of Norfolk

Chief Mate : New Orleans

July,9th 2006
Second Mate : Capt.(nama masing2)

Master MV. Bahtera


1. Break Bulk : means commence of discharging

Liner : is a ship engaged in a regular service on a fixed time table/ regular route and calling at the
same ports.
Tramper : is a ship which does not said on a regular route and not according to a fixed time table/ calling
at ports where the cargo is available
Celestial Nav. : is a navigation system by using heavenly bodies such as the stars sun, moon, etc.
WWDSHEX : is an abbreviation of Weather Working Days Sunday Holidays Excepted, meaning that
adverse weather preventing the vessel from working on Sunday & holidays will not count.

2. WIBON : means Weather In Berth Or Not – NOR may be tendered although the vessel has arrived
WIFPON : means Weather In Free Pratique Or Not – NOR may be tendered even it a ship is still outside
the port limits.
WICCON : means Weather In Customs Clearance Or Not, meaning that laydays may begin to count
regardless of customs clearance.

3. FIOST : Free In and Out Stowed and Trimmed, all cargo costs will be borne by the charterer or by the
LIFO : Liner In Free Out, means a kind of freight where by loading costs is to be borne by the ship
and discharging is free for the ship.

1. The cargo which its classification is commonly noted and covered in IMDG Code must be
carefully handled.
2. Hurricanes which are born off the coast of South Africa often prove to be the most deadly.
3. The crew who is working aloft should wear a safety harness.
4. An officer whose officer’s certificate have been endorsed by the Norwegian Marine Safety
Bureau can proceed working at one of theNorwegian Shipping Companies more easily than the
other officers.
5. My company agent in Kobe whom I had spoken on the telepnone last night told me that I
could leave.
6. Heavy snow which fell unexpectedly during the week has covered most fairways on the North


A.On this day, the twenty second day of March in the year two thousnad and ten, Personally
came and appeared before me Bruce A. Yim of Hong Kong Notary Public, Capt.(nama
masing2), Master of the MV. Podomoro, GT 80,000, registered at Jakarta, and belonging
to Messrs Nautika Line Co. Ltd. sailing under Indonesian flag from Tanjung Priok-Port of
Jakarta on the eighteenth day of March in the year two thousand and ten, laden with a cargo
of iron ore, Who noted and entered into my registered his/her Protest against wind and sea and
more particularly againts damage caused to the vessel and / or her cargo.
B.(Translate : terjemahkan masing-masing)


A.On the 16th October 2003, MV. Andromeda which under Norwegian Flag left Bremen for Rio
de Janeiro with cargoes of electrical goods and chemicals. Vessel called at Cherbourg and
Vigo. Vessel suffered in a boisterous weather at 35 NM of Spain with the wind at 8 Beaufort
scale. Vessel’s speed was only 15 knots and sailed in pitching and rolling, fortunately nothing
was damaged. Then vessel acrossed the South Atlantic and arrived Brazil. Vessel should have
17 days of voyage but extended to 25 days. With 1 week of discharging, vessel got bound for
the return voyage on the 17th November 2003.
B.(Translate : terjemahkan masing-masing)


A. Imminent Collision / Collision :

Emergency (1)alarm (internal) sounded, Ship (2)maneuvered so as to minimize collision,

(3)Watertight doors and automatic fire doors closed, Deck (4)lighting switched on, VHF kept
on (5)Channel 16 and if appropriate on channel 13, Passengers (6)mustered at emergency
station, Vessel’s position available in radio room, satellite terminal and other automatic distress
transmitters (7)updated as necessary, Bilges and tank (8)sounded after collision, Check made
for fire (9)possibility.

B.Search and Rescue

DF bearing of distress (1)message taken, Distress message (2)retransmitted, continues listening
watch on all distress (3)frequenciesmaintained, Merchant Ship SAR (MERSAR) consulted,
(4)Communication established between surface units and SAR aircraft on 2182 Khz and/or
channel 16, (5)Maintain courses and speeds of other assisting units plotted, Radar made
available for (6)locating survivail craft transponder signal.


Bremerhaven, 21/07/2006
To : Master of MV. Sam Ratulangie
RYT yesterday, thx. Rgrding the injury of 2/O David, advise You to a/c for Amsterdam asap.
Get him ashore asap to see a doctor, make him comfortable and he must not moved. Give him
pain killers till we see him.
We’ll meet when the vsl a/s. I’ve arranged ambulance for transfer to the nearest hospital.
Pls advise the agent in Amsterdam to contact me w/ETA
Dr. Lothar Matheus


Messrs Norske Baltic Shipping Co. Norway
Attn. HRD. Manage
Jakarta, May 16 . 2005

Dear Sir/ Madame,

With reference to your advertisement in the Shipping Gazette on May 15th. 2005 for the
position of Master on MV. Papandrous Glory under the Greece flag, I would like to offer my
services for the same. I am very interested in applying for this position and hope that you will
seriously consider my application.
I am a man of 35 years old with a good health and perfect vision. I have graduated my Deck
Officer Class I License and Master Certificate from Jakarta Merchant Marine College (BP3IP
I have 2 years experience as a Master. However, I am eager to broaden my horizons by working
in a larger company and to improve my wealth, I feel this is the prefect opportunity to do so.
Please find enclosed a copy of my curriculum vitae with personal data for your inspection. I
would be grateful to present myself to you for an interview at any time in the future. If you like
to employ me, I would do my best to offer you a conscientious and reliable services at all times.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours faithfully,
Capt. (nama masing-masing)
Enclosed (buatlah CV masing-masing)


1. Lifebuoy with light, flare or smoke signals released.
2. Avoiding action taken
3. Position of lifebuoy as search datum noted.
4. Master informed
5. Engine Room informed
6. Lookouts posted to keep person insight
7. Ship maneuvered to recovered person as recommended on Wheelhouse Poster
8. Three long blasts sounded and repeated as necessary
9. Rescue boat’s crew assembled,
10. Position of vessel relative to person overboard plotted.
11. Vessel’s position available in radio room, updated as necessary.
12. Man overboard warning broadcasted.
Sekitar pukul 06.45 pada tanggal 1 Februari 2005, kapal meninggalkan dermaga Europort, salah
satu pelabuhan di Rotterdam dengan dibantu oleh sebuah kapal tunda dan menggunakan mesin
secara bervariasi, draft depan dan belakang adalah 7.30m dan 8.60m. Pada saat di alur sungai,
kapal larat karena arus surut yang kuat, sehingga kapal sulit dikendalikan dan kandas di lumpur
yang lunak pada lintang 51°- 59’ U dan bujur 4°- 02 E pada sekitar pukul 08.30. Sebuah
guncangan ringan terjadi pada saat itu.

Kemudian pada saat air pasang tinggi, saya memerintahkan untuk mencoba mengapungkan
kembali kapal dengan bantuan kapal tunda dan menggunakan mesin, tetapi operasi berakhir
dengan kegagalan. Kegiatan pengapungan dilaksanakan kembali pada hari berikutnya pukul
11.45 dan berhasil mengapungkan kembali kapal. Segera saya perintahkan untuk memeriksa
tangki-tangki, got, dan muatan yang ada di atas kapal dan dilaporkan bahwa semua dalam
keadaan baik. Lalu kapal melanjutkan pelayarannya dan tiba dengan selamat di Freport sebagai
pelabuhan tujuan pada tanggal 15 Februari.
Saya laporkan seperti tersebut di atas karena kekhawatiran terjadinya kerusakan yang tidak
terduga yang diakibatkan karena menyentuhnya plat lambung bagian bawah dan baling-baling
ke dasar perairan.


Amsterdam, 16/02/2003
To : Master of MV. Aratika
RYT yesterday, thx. Rgrding the injury of 2/O David, advise You to a/c for Amsterdam asap.
Get him ashore asap to see a doctor, make him comfortable and he must not moved. Give him
pain killers till we see him.
We’ll meet when the vsl a/s. I’ve arranged ambulance for transfer to the nearest hospital.
Pls advise the agent in Amsterdam to contact me w/ETA
Dr. Stevens


To : Master and Owner of MT. Orynx

From : Master of MV. Ocean Explorer
Re : Statement of Fact
Dear Sir/Madame,
I am the Master or Norwegian flag MV. Ocean Explorer, Port of register Oslo, hereunder to
inform you that while crossing the Pacific from Yokohama bound for San Francisco loaded
with cargoes 9,500 ton of General Merchandise, my vessel was collided with your vessel MT.
Orynx, under Maltanese flag and registered at La Valetta.
I hereby notify and inform as follows :
1. My vessel left Yokohama at 16.40 on Tuesday 14th of June 2002 with forward and after draft,
each 6.25 M and 8.70 M.
2. The collision happened at 23.50 on the same day, at the location around 3 nautical mil South
East side of the Sunozaki light house and that time typhoon “Vena” occurred with the wind
forces 6 at Beaufort scale.
3. My vessel was found damage at portside beam, dented 50 cm x 10m, but crews and cargoes
in good condition, then the vessel calling at Singapore to conduct repair for three days.
4. Therefore on behalf of our principle and owners, I declare that the Master and Owner of MT.
Orynx are fully responsible and will cover all the damage and expenses as result of the
On Board, 15th of June 2002
Capt. (nama masing2)
Master of MV. Ocean Explorer


Pursuant to my assignment as independent surveyor upon request from Lloyd’s London to

carry out a damage survey on the MV. Bahteraclassed at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping
London 100 A1, owned by Messrs Bahtera Antara of Jakarta Indonesia.
According to the report, that above said vessel grounded on Cruiser shoal in the vicinity of
the port of Miami, the State of Florida, USA, and according to the statement of the Master the
vessel grounded on 13th January 1996 at 07.00 local time and due to damage on the
propeller, the vessel was towed by the tug Fearless based on salvage contract Lloyd’s Open
Form (LOF).

I boarded the vessel on 14th January 1996 after the vessel in the floating dock of Messrs
Tood Shipyard and carried out survey with accompanied by the ship’s Master.

Damages found are as follows :

1. On the 4 bladed bronze propeller, one blade was broken about 12 inches from its tips.
2. The propeller shaft was cracked at its tapered end including its keyway.
3. On the stern tube excessive wear was found due to extraordinary vibrations.
4. Plates of the garboard strakes and the flat keel were found distorted and have to be
cropped and
partly replaced by new plates for as long as 30 feet between frames no 49 and 60.

In my opinion the extent and causes of damage could be reasonably attributed to grounding of
the vessel.

The Lloyd’s surveyor insisted that permanent repairs are to be carried out.

The appointment of Todd Shipyard was approved by Underwriter Surveyor , the

American Salvage Association due to Todd Shipyard is the only reliable local shipyard,
therefore the tender procedure was not necessary. The repair time of 7 working days and
repair costs in the amount of USD150,000 including docking charges are found reasonable.

This survey report is made without prejudice and is only an opinion of the surveyor at time and
place of survey.
Miami, The State of Florida, USA
16th January 1996
(nama masing2)
B/L : Bill of Lading
C/P : Charter Party
MOLOO : More Or Less Owners Option
TLO : Total Loss Only
NCV : Near Coastal Voyage
(ini baru singkatan lho ya,belum dijelaskan!)

I. Gas Alam Cair (LNG)

LNG sebagian besar diproduksi dari area-area gas khusus dan ditransportasikan dengan
perkiraan tekanan atmosfer pada temperatur -161°C.
Bahaya alamiah dan temperatur yang sangat rendah dari LNG membutuhkan fasilitas spesial
yang diisolasikan dari area pelabuhan. Permukaan yang berhubungan dengan LNG harus
terbuat dari campuran logam yag mampu bertahan di temperatur yang sangat rendah, dimana
baja biasa akan menjadi hancur. Perdagangan niaga LNG yang pertama kali dimulai tahun 1964
antara Algeria dan Canvey Island di Inggris dengan menggunakan dua kapal yang dibangun
secara khusus yaitu The Methane Princess and The Methane Progress. Kemudian ini diikuti
secara cepat setelah adanya rencana besar ekspor LNG dari Brunei ke Jepang dan sejumlah
rencana lain untuk mengekspor gas alam dari areal-areal gas di Algeria, Indonesia, Abu Dhabi,
dan Malaysia. Sejak saat itu, perdagangan tumbuh dengan mantap 2 kali lipat dari 48milyar
m3 pada tahun 1984 menjadi 88milyar m3 pada tahun 1994.


a. FAS : Free Along Side
b. DDP : Delivery Duty Paid
c. AMVER : Automatic Mutual Vessel Reporting
d. NBDP : Narrow Band Direct Printing
e. IALA :


Kecelakaan laut pada umumnya terjadi karena kesalahan manusia dimana awak kapal kurang
memiliki pengetahuan dan pelatihan seiring dengan ketidakpedulian perusahaan pelayaran
untuk memastikan bahwa merka yang bekerja di kapal memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan
yang cukup untuk melaksanakan tugas utama mereka secara efisien.
Bagaimanapun juga, ini merupakan tanggung jawab pribadi masing-masing untuk
menempatkan pengetahuan dan pelatihan dan untuk menjaga diri dari ketidakpedulian.

Fasilitas yang berkaitan dengan kejadian kecelakaan di kapal adalah bervariasi dan terbatas.
Oleh karena itu, sangat mendesak bahwa setiap awak kapal mendapat pelatihan yang cukup
dan berdisiplin tinggi dalam keselamatan dan praktek keselamatan kerja, untuk memastikan
bahwa persyaratan ini diawasi dengan ketat setiap saat.

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