TM Prepare Appetisers & Salads Final
TM Prepare Appetisers & Salads Final
TM Prepare Appetisers & Salads Final
Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers
and salads
Trainee Manual
Project Base
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The Member
States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
The ASEAN Secretariat is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
General Information on ASEAN appears online at the ASEAN Website:
All text is produced by William Angliss Institute of TAFE for the ASEAN Project on “Toolbox
Development for Front Office, Food and Beverage Services and Food Production Divisions”.
This publication is supported by Australian Aid through the ASEAN-Australia Development
Cooperation Program Phase II (AADCP II)
Copyright: Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) 2012
All rights reserved.
Every effort has been made to ensure that this publication is free from errors or omissions. However,
you should conduct your own enquiries and seek professional advice before relying on any fact,
statement or matter contained in this book. ASEAN Secretariat and William Angliss Institute of TAFE
are not responsible for any injury, loss or damage as a result of material included or omitted from this
course. Information in this module is current at the time of publication. Time of publication is indicated
in the date stamp at the bottom of each page.
Some images appearing in this resource have been purchased from various stock photography
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Additional images have been sourced from Flickr and are used under:
File name: TM_Prepare_appetisers_&_salads_Final
Table of Contents
Unit descriptor.................................................................................................................... 3
Assessment matrix............................................................................................................. 5
Glossary............................................................................................................................. 7
Introduction........................................................................................................................ 9
Appendix A: Salads.......................................................................................................... 43
Appendix B: Appetisers.................................................................................................... 47
Recommended reading.................................................................................................... 57
© ASEAN 2012
Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
© ASEAN 2012
Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Introduction to trainee manual
© ASEAN 2012
Trainer Guide 1
Prepare appetisers and salads
Introduction to trainee manual
Front Office
Travel Agencies
Tour Operations.
All of these competency standards are available for you to look at. In fact you will find a
summary of each one at the beginning of each Trainee Manual under the heading „Unit
Descriptor‟. The unit descriptor describes the content of the unit you will be studying in
the Trainee Manual and provides a table of contents which are divided up into „Elements‟
and „Performance Criteria”. An element is a description of one aspect of what has to be
achieved in the workplace. The „Performance Criteria‟ below each element details the
level of performance that needs to be demonstrated to be declared competent.
There are other components of the competency standard:
Unit Title: statement about what is to be done in the workplace
Unit Number: unique number identifying the particular competency
Nominal hours: number of classroom or practical hours usually needed to complete
the competency. We call them „nominal‟ hours because they can vary e.g. sometimes
it will take an individual less time to complete a unit of competency because he/she
has prior knowledge or work experience in that area.
The final heading you will see before you start reading the Trainee Manual is the
„Assessment Matrix‟. Competency based assessment requires trainees to be assessed
in at least 2 – 3 different ways, one of which must be practical. This section outlines three
ways assessment can be carried out and includes work projects, written questions and
oral questions. The matrix is designed to show you which performance criteria will be
assessed and how they will be assessed. Your trainer and/or assessor may also use
other assessment methods including „Observation Checklist‟ and „Third Party
Statement‟. An observation checklist is a way of recording how you perform at work and
a third party statement is a statement by a supervisor or employer about the degree of
competence they believe you have achieved. This can be based on observing your
workplace performance, inspecting your work or gaining feedback from fellow workers.
Your trainer and/or assessor may use other methods to assess you such as:
Oral presentations
Role plays
Log books
Group projects
Practical demonstrations.
Remember your trainer is there to help you succeed and become competent. Please feel
free to ask him or her for more explanation of what you have just read and of what is
expected from you and best wishes for your future studies and future career in tourism
and hospitality.
© ASEAN 2012
2 Trainer Guide
Prepare appetisers and salads
Unit descriptor
Unit descriptor
Prepare appetisers and salads
This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to Prepare appetisers and salads in
a range of settings within the hotel and travel industries workplace context.
Unit Code:
Nominal Hours:
30 hours
© ASEAN 2012
Trainee Manual 3
Prepare appetisers and salads
Unit descriptor
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4 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Assessment matrix
Assessment matrix
Showing mapping of Performance Criteria against Work Projects, Written
Questions and Oral Questions
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Trainee Manual 5
Prepare appetisers and salads
Assessment matrix
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6 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Term Explanation
Small snack served before the main meal, 'amuse gueule', finger food,
cocktail party food
Barquette Small boat shaped pastry to hold soft filling and garnishes
Bouchee Small vol au vent pastry case, 4 cm, in diameter, savoury in taste
Moisture added salads to lubricate the dish, will have seasoning, will
be acidic in nature, vinegar based normally
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Trainee Manual 7
Prepare appetisers and salads
Term Explanation
Emulsion of egg yolk and oil with vinegar. Used as a salad dressing.
Many variations
A green herb related to carrots, parsnip and dill. Large flat leave,
Continental parsley, stronger in flavour than English parsley
Samosas Indian snack pastry, small version make excellent finger food
Savouries Small finger food that does not contain sugar, is savoury, not sweet
Spanish style snack, mainly served in bars, Tapas bars are very
popular in Spain and Spanish influenced countries
A member of the Ginger family. Used in many dishes for both its colour
and flavour.
Vinaigrette Mixture of oil and vinegars, used to add flavour to salads as dressing
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8 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
„Salad‟ is a broadly used term to describe a dish (or series of
dishes) which are prepared with one ingredient as the feature,
or a combination of ingredients and flavours.
What foods can be in a salad? Any foods can be in a salad.
In the warm climate countries like Australia, salads have played,
and will continue to play, an important role in culinary tastes.
„Salads‟ offer a refreshing cool and alternative method
of consuming food
It is also an area where a chef can create highly original work.
A salad can be served in the following ways:
Cold or warm
Raw, cooked, or a combination of raw and cooked
Fruit only, vegetables only, or a combination
As a starter, main course, meal accompaniment (in place of vegetables) or in its own
right on a buffet table.
Salads, as they are understood and perceived by western cultures, are usually
vegetable based, and feature leafy greens.
This definition, whilst clear to those who have established knowledge, does not, however,
provide a comprehensive classification of salads.
Classifying salads
The easiest way to establish where salads fit in the scheme of things is to classify them in
the following ways:
A salad where one ingredient is the main feature: it is usually a vegetable or leafy green
or tomato based and may have dressing added.
Examples include:
Tomato salad
Lettuce salad
Cucumber salad.
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Trainee Manual 9
Prepare appetisers and salads
A salad that has two or more main ingredients as well as dressing
Examples include:
Coleslaw (shredded cabbage, onion, carrot
and capsicum with mayonnaise or simple
vinaigrette dressing)
Tabouli salad (parsley, onion, tomato and
Greek salad. (tomato, cucumber, onion, black
olive, fetta cheese, dressing, herbs)
Classical Salads
Based on French cuisine:
This term refers to all traditional salads which are based on French-influenced cuisine
and tradition
Examples include:
Salade Nicoise (French beans, potatoes, tomatoes, anchovy, olives, capers and French
Salade Waldorf.(celery, apple, chopped walnuts, mayonnaise and cream)
Modern Salads
A term used to classify any contemporary developments in salads, which may use
previously unavailable ingredients or adopted international cuisines, particularly Asian and
Italian or Mediterranean.
Examples of „modern‟ styles of salads include:
Thai Beef Salad (thin sliced strips of cooked beef, crushed peanuts, mint, coriander,
bamboo shoots, vegetable strips such as , palm sugar, soy, ginger, garlic, chilli and
lemon juice)
Mesclun. (array of leafy greens, i.e. radicchio, rocket, mâche, mignonette, butter,
endive, cos and oak leaf)
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10 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Element 1:
Prepare and present a selection of
hot and cold salads
1.1 Select ingredients to meet requirements of hot
and cold salad menu items
Salad greens
The expression „leafy green‟ is usually used to
describe leafy lettuce. The variety of lettuces in
Australia has increased quite markedly from the mid-
1980s onwards. Some of the more commonly available
„leafy greens‟ in Australia include:
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Trainee Manual 11
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Pennywort La pot
To increase your own knowledge you must start to acquire a library of personal resource
list of ingredient names:
What is available at your local supplier?
© ASEAN 2012
12 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Salad Herbs
A „herb‟ is a flowering plant with a stem that does
not become wooden, but decays and regenerates
Herbs have a variety of uses, including medicinal, taste
and smell.
Food service professionals are more concerned with
taste and smell, and in this context, the herb must be
suitable for eating by humans without adverse side
Herbs are used in salads to provide flavour, aroma and texture, but care must be taken
(due to strength and overpowering flavour) not to add excessive amounts.
Some herbs that are popular in salads include the following:
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Trainee Manual 13
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Salad Vegetables
Any vegetable can be used in salads. Some root vegetables will need to be
cooked before they are edible in a salad. Example: potato, pumpkin, sweet potato.
Swedes and turnips tend not to make good salad vegetables.
Vegetables are broken into 2 main categories.
Root Vegetables include vegetables derived from roots, bulbs and tubers of plants.
Green Vegetables Include vegetables derived from leaves, stems, flowers, fruits,
legumes and seeds of plants
Root vegetables suitable for salads
Can be raw, shredded, sliced or cut to size, roasted to add extra flavour then
chilled for salad
Can be shredded and eaten raw but is best served separate as it will stain
everything. Normally boiled allowed to cool
Can be raw, shredded, sliced or cut to size, addition of vinegars break down leaf
Asparagus Can be blanched quickly then refreshed, grilled and then chilled
Canned, thinly sliced
© ASEAN 2012
14 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Web reference
Click on the marketfresh dropdown at the top left corner:
Tropical fruits
Asian vegetable and herb Guide.
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Trainee Manual 15
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Salad Fruits
Everything You Need To Know About Fruits
Fruits are classified into the following groups:
The following fruit categories have other quality points such as:
Mould free
Soft fruits
Dirt free
Mould free
Stone fruits
Not bruised
Mould free
Skin to be firm, not soft
Tropical No bruising
Good colour
Miscellaneous Firm to touch
Melons should be heavier than they look
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16 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Cured vegetables
Olives, black and green
Pickled cucumber, savoury and sweet
Many vegetables can be preserved in vinegar solution and then used in salad dishes.
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Trainee Manual 17
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Edible oils group all fats which are liquid at room (or near room)
temperature. They are used in salads for flavour, overall texture
and balance.
The number of oils that can be used to make salads is only
limited by imagination, practicality and availability. The following
list highlights some of the more commonly used oils:
Neutral flavour and aroma
Vinegar is an acidic liquid made by fermenting wine, cider,
sherry, etc. Due to its acidity, it is used for preserving food, as
an accompaniment, or as part of a dressing in a salad. The
actual sourness of the vinegar accentuates the flavour of the
ingredients used in salads.
Whilst there may be a wide range of flavoured vinegars available, i.e. herbed, and spiced,
etc., most vinegars have been made from a wine, sherry or cider base. Some of the more
common vinegars available for salad making include:
White wine
Red wine
Balsamic (unfermented white wine base)
Flavoured (e.g. Tarragon).
© ASEAN 2012
18 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Dressings are prepared liquids (sometimes thickened) that make a salad more
appetising in appearance and flavour.
To establish the most appropriate dressing for a
particular salad, the following areas need to be
What type of salad is being prepared?
Is the purpose of the dressing to add flavour only
(vinaigrette) or to bind (mayonnaise)?
Will dressing be served in or next to the salad?
Is the dressing compatible with the flavour of the salad?
Types: Vinaigrette
Also known as French dressing, a traditional vinaigrette is a combination of vinegar, oil
and seasoning. These ingredients are mixed together vigorously just before use.
Vinaigrette also accentuates flavour and gives moisture to a salad. The recommended
proportions of a basic vinaigrette are three parts oil to one part vinegar.
Types: Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise is actually considered a cold sauce and its main ingredients include oil,
vinegar, mustard, egg yolks and seasoning.
It is also known as an emulsion sauce because two incompatible ingredients, oil and acid
(vinegar), are combined through an emulsifying agent (egg yolk).
Flavours, herbs and garnishes can be added to form the basis of a derivative sauce (a
sauce that has been made using the mayonnaise as the main part).
Some examples of derivative sauces using mayonnaise as a base include:
Tartare sauce: mayonnaise, capers, gherkins, dill, parsley and lemon juice
Cocktail sauce: mayonnaise flavoured with tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce and
Flavour variations: tips
Try different flavoured oils in a dressing and notice the difference
Lemon juice can be added in place of vinegar
Add finely chopped parsley or chives to dressing or mayonnaise for added colour
and flavour.
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Trainee Manual 19
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Vinaigrette has no ingredients requiring refrigeration.
To ensure that there is absolutely no threat of food spoilage, however, it is advisable to
keep this dressing in a refrigerated area and covered in an airtight container (glass or
stainless steel).
Do not freeze. Shake vigorously before use.
Mayonnaise or its derivatives should be kept in a refrigerated area and covered in
an airtight container; preferably glass or stainless steel.
Do not freeze.
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20 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
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Trainee Manual 21
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
© ASEAN 2012
22 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
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Trainee Manual 23
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit you complete Work Projects as advised by your Trainer.
You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of completion
of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
Gather the following information from your local supplier
1.1 What salad ingredients are available form you local supplier?
1.2. Select a recipe from the appendices in the back of this book
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24 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
Select ingredients to meet requirements of hot and cold salad menu items
It is important to be able to use the correct ingredients that the recipe says. In this modern age
of mass transportation people come from all over the world.
If you are going to make a salad that is from German cuisine then you need to make sure that you
are able to get ALL the ingredients in the recipe. Trying to serve something similar can be
Understand what you are going to make and select ingredients accordingly.
Buy ingredients fresh and of a quality expected by your clients.
Prepare salads to enterprise standards including nutritional and eating qualities
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Trainee Manual 25
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 1: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold salads
© ASEAN 2012
26 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Element 2:
Prepare and present a selection of
hot and cold appetisers
2.1 Select ingredients to meet requirements of hot
and cold appetisers menu items
Classic interpretation:
Classically Appetisers are known as hors d´oeuvres, which literally means „outside
the work‟.
They are small dishes comprising of one to three bites.
Originally Appetisers were the responsibility of the stills room, hence outside of the
Appetisers were both hot and cold and
served before a meal to give the guest an
idea of the standard of food to follow and to
also start the gastric juices flowing.
The main difference between a canapé and
an appetiser is an appetiser is eaten sitting
down at the table with a knife and fork.
Modern interpretation:
In Australia today Chefs view appetisers very differently.
Appetisers are strictly now prepared in the kitchen and range from basic to complex.
An appetiser (sometimes referred to as “amuse gueule” or “amuse bouché”) is still served
at the beginning of a meal before the entree but after the order for the meal is taken.
“Amuse gueule” are not ordered and are seen as a „gift‟ from the kitchen in the
same vein as petit fours.
They are a chance for the kitchen to be creative and experiment with flavour combinations
for future use on menus.
Sometimes they can be mini versions of a dish that a chef wish to test for a future
menu, or items that the chef needs to get rid of.
They can be served hot or cold and can be served using a variety of crockery, ranging
from side plates to small espresso cups.
Today‟s chef still factors in the idea of an appetiser whetting the appetite and starting the
gastric juices.
„Finger Food” is the name a lot of people use for stand up „cocktail party food‟.
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Trainee Manual 27
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Savouries are small portions of hot food served with pre-dinner drinks or stand
up function, served at the table as a hot appetiser.
They are served hot and are usually served with a dipping sauce.
The following are some examples of savouries:
Small, Savoury, Bite Sized Finger Food:
Are served with pre-dinner drinks or at cocktail functions
May be used to create a good first impression of food and should indicate
the standard of the meal to follow
Are meant to stimulate the appetite, not fill it up
Should be only one or two bites.
Are served cold
Should have a base, body and garnish
May be glazed with aspic to give gloss and to prevent the product from drying out
Glazes are best applied with a spray though a brush could be used.
This practice is not used much today.
The BASE must be sufficiently solid so as to support the toppings and allow the diner to
pick the canapé up without their fingers becoming messy.
The base may be covered with a spread (flavoured butter or cream cheese) so as to
prevent it from absorbing moisture from the topping or garnish and becoming soggy.
Suggested bases: savoury biscuits, croutons, short pastry cups or boats, puff pastry, rice
crackers, crispbread, slice of firm vegetables or fruit, pumpernickel bread etc.
The BODY is the topping or main ingredient. Its colour and flavour must compliment the
base and garnish.
© ASEAN 2012
28 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Expensive ingredients should be used in moderation, as the canapé should not cost the
establishment too much.
Ingredients such as:
Hard-boiled eggs
Smoked salmon
Smoked trout
Smoked oysters
Fruits (melon, strawberry, kiwifruit, pineapple)
Vegetables (avocado, tomato, mushroom).
A spread of cream cheese flavoured with a fruit or vegetable, cheese or egg can also be
used. It is piped onto the base using a small star nozzle.
The garnish may be added for colour, e.g. herbs,
capers, gherkins, olives, fish roe, fruit, vegetables
cheese or toasted bread. E.g. Melba toast or croutons
Alternatively it may be added to moisten the body, e.g.
mayonnaise, sour cream.
The size or amount of garnish must be in keeping with
the size of the canapé, and not over dominate the
No matter what the garnish looks like its flavour must
compliment the base and body of the canapé.
Spanish Tapas
Chinese Dim Sum
Greek Meze.
These can all be classified as appetisers, or small snacks, smaller than an entree.
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Trainee Manual 29
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
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30 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Tongs and lifters for ease of service
Trolley to move large mirrors
Where will all these extra things be stored?
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32 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit you complete Work Projects as advised by your Trainer.
You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of completion
of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
You will need to present a list of all the ingredients required to be purchased to meet
his menu you have developed.
You may choose from the recipes in back of training manual if you wish or you may
choose to select your own
2.3. Prepare suitable garnishes and accompaniments to compliment what you have
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Trainee Manual 33
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 2: Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Prepare and present a selection of hot and cold appetisers
Select ingredients to meet requirements of hot and cold appetisers menu items
Select the quality of the ingredients you need to produce to meet the expectation of your
Garnishes need to be fresh. Garnishes need to compliment the food with what they are
being used
Accompaniments need to relate to the main element in the dish. They must not dominate but
must compliment.
Present hot and cold appetizers including garnishes and accompaniments according
to enterprise standards
Present in professional manner to meet customer expectations
© ASEAN 2012
34 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
Element 3:
Store appetisers and salads including
garnishes and accompaniments
3.1 Store under appropriate conditions and
locations to ensure freshness and quality
When the appetisers have been prepared then they need to be stored.
At what point the preparation is at is also very important.
It is still raw?
Is it cooked?
If it is raw then it needs to be kept separated from cooked. Never let the 2 of them mix.
All prepared foods must be kept chilled until you are ready to serve.
Cool room should be 4°C or less
Fresh foods should not be kept for longer than 3 - 5 days.
Some have a longer life than others. 3 days is preferable.
If prepared raw food is to be stored for longer than 3 days it is best to freeze the product
on day 1.
Freezing should be done when the product is wrapped in single layers and then frozen
This makes it easier to thaw when required
Always freeze in batches of 10
Easier to counts when doing stock take
Freezer should be operating at below -15°C or less (-18°C preferable)
Never freeze for more than 3 months.
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
Salad leaf should be washed and spun dry before being stored in plastic bag and held
firmly in clean plastic containers and kept chilled until needed.
4 days maximum to maintain optimum quality.
Cooked root vegetables should be prepared as close to the date of use as possible.
On the day or the day before best.
Short life span.
Storage of Garnishes and Accompaniments
Like any other foods their storage requirements need to be considered. High risk foods
need to be kept chilled below 4°C for no more than 3 days of frozen below -15°C (-18°C
better) for longer time.
Garnishes like „crisped breads‟ that do not require cold storage, can be stored in
sealed containers at room temperature.
Care needs to be taken with the time being stored as flavour and texture can be
altered due to absorption of moisture from the air.
Fruits that are being used for garnish need to be produce on the day.
Herbs picked are best used on the day or possibly the next. These need to be stored in
containers with absorbent paper to keep moist.
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36 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
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38 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
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Trainee Manual 39
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
Work Projects
It is a requirement of this Unit you complete Work Projects as advised by your Trainer.
You must submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of completion
of the project to your Trainer by the agreed date.
You need to write a report
3.1 How are the appetisers that are produced going to be stored?
3.2 What is your opinion on the economic viability of one of the appetisers you have
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40 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
Store under appropriate conditions and locations to ensure freshness and quality
All perishable food is to be stored at 4°c or below. Stored food is to be protected from
contamination, labelled and stored securely.
Frozen foods need to be kept frozen until required and then thawed in cool room. Some small
prepared foods can be cooked from frozen.
Dry goods need to be stored in a secure environment so as to eliminate possibility of
contamination until required.
Containers need to be clean and must be suitable to for the product that is being stored.
Containers should be impervious to liquids and easy to stack without compromising the integrity of
the food inside.
Date of manufacture
If you have no freezer space then only produce what you can sell within 2 days, then
produce more as required.
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Element 3: Store appetisers and salads including garnishes and accompaniments
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42 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Salads
Appendix A: Salads
Tomato, Basil, and Bocconcini Salad
Caprese Salad
1 Roma tomato
6 basil leaves
2 Bocconcini balls
20 ml Balsamic vinegar
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Salads
Salad Nicoise
1 Kipfler potato
4 Cherry Tomatoes
55 ml Olive oil
20 ml Lemon juice
1 Egg
80 g Tuna, grilled
Cook Kipfler in boiling salted water until tender, but still holding its shape
Refresh Kipfler under cold water
Once cool enough to handle, peel skin & and slice into bite size pieces (refer to demo)
Blanched and refresh clean Green Beans
Halve Cherry tomatoes
Soft boil egg. (place in boiling water for 5 minutes, then refresh)
Place all ingredients in a bowl (Tuna, Egg, Kipfler, Olives, Tomato, and Beans)
Prepare vinaigrette (Olive Oil & Lemon Juice)
Pour dressing into bowl, season salad and lightly
toss Arrange neatly on a clean, cool plate.
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Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Salads
Wombok Salad
10 g Castor Sugar
20 ml Oil
10 ml White Vinegar
20 g Red Onion
15 g Pumpkin Seeds
20 g Fried Noodles
Mix dressing ingredients together and leave for at least 15 minutes, ensuring sugar is
completely dissolved prior to use
Wash and drain Wombok cabbage well. Shred Wombok & finely slice red onion
Mix Wombok, onion, pumpkin seeds & almonds in a bowl
Just prior to serving add dressing and some of the fried noodle, combine well
Arrange neatly on a clean plate & garnish with coriander leaves and remaining
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Trainee Manual 45
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Salads
Caesar Salad
75 ml Clarified butter
75 ml Olive oil
40 ml Lemon juice
1 Egg
1 rasher Bacon
2 Anchovy fillets
25 g Parmesan cheese
Heat garlic and butter very gently in a frying pan. Add the bread and cook, turning until
croutons are crisp and golden
Cut bacon into lardons. Add to a hot pan and fry until crisp, drain well
Boil egg for 2 minutes, break into a bowl add olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, sugar
and seasoning and mix well
Wash and dry the cos lettuce, tear into pieces
Cut anchovies into small pieces
Shave parmesan cheese
Place lettuce, anchovy and cheese in a bowl pour over the dressing and mix
well Serve in a bowl and scatter croutons, bacon and cheese on top.
© ASEAN 2012
46 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
Appendix B: Appetisers
Bruschetta with Tomato, Basil and Red Onion
25 ml Olive Oil
Slice the bread, brush with olive oil & then grill both sides on a french grill
Finely dice tomatoes and red onion & mix in a bowl
Slice olives and add to tomato & onion
Add garlic, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar
Leave aside for at least 15 minutes
Deep fry one basil leaf for garnish
Just prior to serving, add torn basil
leaves and mix well, taste and
adjust seasoning
On a clean plate place the grilled bread
Top with the tomato mix and garnish.
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Trainee Manual 47
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
2 portions
60 g BBQ Pork
60 g Bean Shoots
6 Mint Leaves
30 g Cashews
To soften rice paper wrappers, dunk into warm water briefly and drain well
Cover with a damp cloth or glad wrap
To assemble the rolls, place 1 piece of rice paper flat on the bench
Arrange some strands of vermicelli, bean shoots, a mint leaf, a basil leaf, cashews,
BBQ pork
Fold the rice paper over forming a semi circle & place a garlic chive on rice paper and
roll up firmly
Keep rolls covered to avoid drying out
Serve on a clean plate with Nam Prik and garnish.
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48 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
Pandan Chicken
3 Pandan leaves
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Trainee Manual 49
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
70 g Pork mince
5 ml Soy sauce
6 Wonton wrappers
Mix together the pork mince, coriander, ginger, garlic, spring onion, 5 spice, soy and
water chestnut
Place the wonton wrappers on the bench
Shape the pork mix approx 1 tbsp each to a round ball and place in the centre of
the wonton wrapper
Dampen edges with water
Fold the edges over the top and press together
firmly Steam for 10 – 15 minutes
Serve hot, with a soy sauce for dipping.
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50 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
Chicken Satay
1 tsp Coriander
½ tsp Salt
½ tsp Oil
Chicken Satay
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Trainee Manual 51
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
30 g Spinach
20 g Feta cheese
15 g Bacon
15 g Onion
Pinch Nutmeg
20 ml Clarified butter
© ASEAN 2012
52 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
20 ml Lime juice
20 ml Peanut oil
Sauté chicken mince in half peanut oil with 1 whole lime leaf until the mince is cooked
Add half lime juice and cook for a further 5 minutes on a medium heat
Allow to cool & stir in the remainder of ingredients.
To serve:
Place into prepared pastry cup or into a spoon for individual serves.
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Trainee Manual 53
Prepare appetisers and salads
Appendices: Appetisers
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54 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Presentation of written work
2. Style
Students should write in a style that is simple and concise. Short
sentences and paragraphs are easier to read and understand. It helps to
write a plan and at least one draft of the written work so that the final
product will be well organised. The points presented will then follow a
logical sequence and be relevant. Students should frequently refer to the
question asked, to keep „on track‟. Teachers recognise and are critical of
work that does not answer the question, or is „padded‟ with irrelevant
material. In summary, remember to:
Plan ahead
Be clear and concise
Answer the question
Proofread the final draft.
All written work should be presented on A4 paper, single-sided with a left-hand margin. If
work is word-processed, one-and-a-half or double spacing should be used. Handwritten
work must be legible and should also be well spaced to allow for ease of reading. New
paragraphs should not be indented but should be separated by a space. Pages must be
numbered. If headings are also to be numbered, students should use a logical and
sequential system of numbering.
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Trainee Manual 55
Prepare appetisers and salads
Presentation of written work
Cover Sheet
All written work should be submitted with a cover sheet stapled to the front that contains:
The student‟s name and student number
The name of the class/unit
The due date of the work
The title of the work
The teacher‟s name
A signed declaration that the work does not involve plagiarism.
Keeping a Copy
Students must keep a copy of the written work in case it is lost. This rarely happens but
it can be disastrous if a copy has not been kept.
Inclusive language
This means language that includes every section of the population. For instance, if a
student were to write „A nurse is responsible for the patients in her care at all times‟
it would be implying that all nurses are female and would be excluding male nurses.
Examples of appropriate language are shown on the right:
Mankind Humankind
Host/hostess Host
© ASEAN 2012
56 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Recommended reading
Recommended reading
H.L. Cracknell & R.J. Kaufman, Revised Third Edition, 1999
Practical Professional Cookery
Published by The Macmillan Press Ltd, UK
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Trainee Manual 57
Prepare appetisers and salads
Recommended reading
© ASEAN 2012
58 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads
Trainee evaluation sheet
© ASEAN 2012
Trainee Manual 59
Prepare appetisers and salads
Trainee evaluation sheet
© ASEAN 2012
60 Trainee Manual
Prepare appetisers and salads