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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan.

26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

Figurative Languages in Bicol Literature toward the

Production of Instructional Material
Dr. Noel M. Celeste

 Constitution, that the state shall protect and promote the right
Abstract— This paper studied figurative languages found in of all citizens to quality education at all levels, and shall take
the selected Bicol literatures. Specific questions and objectives appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.
have been answered through descriptive and qualitative analyses. One of the reasons of the K-12 program implementation is to
Purposive sampling was used as the participant recruitment train and enhance the capacities of the learners along
strategy in choosing expert evaluators along Filipino discipline. academics, sports, arts and designs, and technical-vocational
Interview guide as well as instructional material evaluation tool courses.
was used as data collection method.
Practically during summer, the Department of Education
It was found out that Simile is most often used in narrative
literatures while paradox, oxymoron and proverbs are seldom equips the teachers of quality teaching strategies through the
used. In poetry, exaggeration is explicitly used; it is short, simple conduct of various trainings, seminar-workshops and other
and easily grasped by most writers compared with paradox, related enhancements along their field of specializations.
oxymoron and proverbs. In terms of imagery, Bicolano writers These trainings include preparation, valuation and finalization
showed high regard with regional virtues together with their of different instructional materials such as improvised
faith to God. In poetry, each imagery singles out Bicolano work/activity books, modules, audio-visual presentations of
identity such as bravery, hopefulness, self-worth, compassionate foreign, national and indigenous related educational films,
for others and to his society where he is belong. Various life downloaded or self-made non- and fictional literary accounts
encounters in attaining progressive society and government are
such as news, essays, journals, features, short stories, videos
also transpired in their literary pieces. With regards to literary
appreciation, Bicolano writers are used to write literatures about and other teaching materials which generally increase the
self-development, self-appreciation and personal values based on thinking capacity of the students along the general and specific
actual experiences in life. In poetry, human appreciation is competencies of each learning area. Additionally, utilization
enhanced; it is oftentimes the subject of their writings. of original Bicol literatures found in the local newspapers,
Based on the cited findings and conclusions, the following magazines, journals, references, pamphlets and other sources
recommendations have been installed; conduct seminar- of learning the linguistics and literatures is highly
workshops on literature so that those seldom and unfamiliar recommended by the department of education which is
figurative languages will be used in literary enrichment. For comprehensively stipulated in Art. XIV sec. 15 that the State
imagery enhancement, the following ideas are highly
shall conserve, promote and popularize the nation’s historical
recommended in writing namely insights from personal life
experience, discipline, carefulness, meekness, self-assurance, and cultural heritage and resources, as well as artistic
peacefulness, cultural-based, stewardship and faith to God. creations. It is contextually understood that the State
Issues pertaining to conflicts, adultery, child labor, poverty, recognizes the nation’s historical and cultural heritage as an
exploitation, negligence, wandering and meticulosity serve as eye- important factor in boosting nationalism and patriotism among
opener to readers. For the literary appreciation, Bicolano writers the Filipino people.
should have promote literatures about patriotism, humanity, It is also implied in the implementation of the program that
environment and piousness toward the welfare of every Filipino basic education teachers need to have a comprehensive
people. planning of their year-round activities vis-à-vis teaching
strategies tantamount to the general and specific competencies
Keywords—Figurative Languages in Bicol Literatures, in the learning areas handled. Accordingly, application of the
Production of instructional materials Mother Tongue Based and Multilingual Education as a
teaching strategy is likewise introduced both in elementary
I. INTRODUCTION and secondary with the help of teaching materials which are
The implementation of the K-12 program in the Philippines aligned to the goals and objectives of the aforesaid K-12
through the Department of Education is a manifestation of program. As a result, teachers handling language and literature
improved and quality education to all learners from public and subjects are directed to look for indigenous but quality pieces
private schools in the country. It is in accordance with the of Bicol literatures both in prose and poetry that can be used
mandate stipulated in Art. XIV sec. 1 of the Philippine as teaching drill, motivation, evaluation and other possible
uses to effect the desired competencies of each topic.
At present time, the Department of Education and the
Manuscript received January 9, 2017. This work was supported by Central Commission on Higher Education of Region V recognize the
Bicol State University of Agriculture, Calabanga Campus, Calabanga,
Camarines Sur, Republic of the Philippines.
literary contributions of the following regional writers in
Dr. Noel M. Celeste is with the CHED-Central Bicol State University of effecting the quality education to all Bicolano learners namely

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

Kristian Sendon Cordero (Iriga City), Paz Verdades M. Santos KARIT Ferocious seeing as if you will be eaten
(Naga City), Judith Balares Salamat (Pili, Camarines Sur), H. by H. Francisco Peñones alive.
Francisco V. Peñones (Iriga City), Irvin Santo Tomas Jr. As fast as a horse that he easily reached
(Canaman, Camarines Sur)Gil Gregorio Sr. (San Jose, me.
Camarines Sur), Jerome M. Hipolito (Calabanga, Camarines His house resembles to a little shed.
Got speechless just like a hardened
Sur) Estelito B. Jacob (Camaligan, Camarines Sur) Selina
(Janet Go-Alano) of Naga City, Johner Amoroso Cañeba
(Iriga City), Bernardo Miguel Aguay Jr. (Calabanga, AN DAKULANG SIRA A dipper of fish eggs
Camarines Sur and other Bicolano writers. Their writings are by Kristian Sendon Over-pregnant fish
also recognized by the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino (KWF). Cordero The soldiers brought him in their shining
This concern is equally supported by the DepEd Order No. city.
32 s. 2015 that adopts the Indigenous Peoples Education KARIT Greater than mayor and congressman
Curriculum Framework which recognizes the right of by H. Francisco Peñones Even the blood will be decanted just for
indigenous peoples to basic education that is culturally rooted Jr. the land.
and responsive, the IPEd Curriculum Framework seeks to My tears and blood blended on my face
provide guidance to schools and other education programs, caused by his ax.
both public and private, as they engage with indigenous TAON NIN MGA The church is brightly shining due to
communities in localizing, indigenizing, and enhancing the K AYAM devotees’ happiness amidst salvation.
by Juan Escandor Jr.
to 12 Curriculum based on their respective educational and
social contexts. AN DAKULANG SIRA The big fish
It is clearly understood that the Department of Education of by Kristian Sendon
the Philippines now allows its regional offices to use Mother Cordero
Tongue Based instruction as a key in achieving quality TAON NIN MGA Monsignor Bondok, is the prince of the
education of Filipino learners toward global competitiveness. AYAM church.
As a result, this study was conducted to produce supplemental by Juan Escandor Jr. Nuestra Señora de Penafrancia, Patroness
learning module in language and literature subjects for of Bicolandia.
secondary schools. Paradox
PAGHOROP-HOROP No one to be blamed of but those who
This study was conducted to find out the different figurative SA ELEKSYON did not use their heads.
languages used in the selected Bicol literatures. Specific by H. Francisco Peñones
questions and objectives have been answered through Allegory/Proverbs
descriptive and qualitative analyses of the 14 selected Bicol AN DAKULANG SIRA How can we get married if the priest is
literary pieces written in prose (4) and poetry (10) with by Kristian Sendon already insane?
significant impact on the DepEd’s core values namely Maka-
Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan and Makabansa. Purposive
KARIT Miracle. It will save us!
sampling was used as the participant recruitment strategy in by H. Francisco Peñones Pasturing of more than a million of
choosing expert evaluators along Filipino discipline. Interview devotees.
guide as well as instructional material evaluation tool was Allusion
used as data collection method. In this study, statistical tool KARIT “Aswang, patianak, Santelmo”
was noticed not applicable because it is purely qualitative in by H. Francisco Peñones
nature. PAGHOROP-HOROP Napoleon said, “it is not a credit from
The following tables were the results of the study; SA ELEKSYON the politics.”
by H. Francisco Peñones
AN DAKULANG SIRA It is seen from his bleeding gills like a
by Kristian Sendon soldier hit by a bullet. SIMILE
Cordero Just like a fish lifted from the water. KALAG SA It appears like a paradise due to the wreath
LANGIT of flowers arranged on your coffin.
It is like a fish with a foul breath that
by Estelito B. Jacob
make the flies crazy in finding it.
BOSES SA Just like Handiong.
Like a thorn removed from his feelings.
KADLAGAN He is like John the Evangelist, the one who
Small ants fall in the lines as if they are
by Kristian Sendon prepared the people for the coming of the
receiving reliefs.
Cordero Lord.
It is mixed like a green and very sticky
You came out in Bicol like a voice from the
infant waste.
Pebbles like pieces of broken glass
MGA TAON SA The mouth of the wife resembles to a bomb
sharpened in the sand.
MAG-AGOM grenade.
Stricken by fears like a man poured of
by Treg’z 17
cold water onto his head.
HUEBES SANTO It seems like those instruments for Holy

http://doi.org/10.17758/URUAE.UH0117424 53
2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

by Estelito B. Jacob Friday. AN DILA TA The greatest poetry.

VISION Ben Escoto
KALAG SA Melancholic songs HUEBES SANTO Mary!
LANGIT by Estelito B. Jacob
by Estelito B. Jacob METONYMY
BOSES SA Even sometime our shadows are headless. BOSES SA
KADLAGAN KADLAGAN Irregularities of influential government
by Kristian Sendon by Kristian Sendon leaders have been announced.
Cordero Cordero
KUN PANO When the eyes hit by the palay husk, when MAG-AGOM Her husband has mistresses.
PINAPALID KAN the face slammed by the sun! by Treg’z 17
AKI AN Even the sun still sleeping, the child begins PAMPANG KAN
ARUGASANG SA to rise from his doss. SAKONG
You are always in my heart, My love!
by Honesto M. by Marne Kilates
BOSES SA Sayings continuously straightened our LAGAYLAY
KADLAGAN curled pathways. by Irvin Santo Faultfinder eyes.
by Kristian Sendon Tomas
BURADOL When does the flying news come?
PAMPANG KAN Anchor of my heart! Bicol Prose
Figurative Languages Imageries
SAKONG The Shoreline of my love! Literatures
PAGKAMOOT AN DAKULANG It is seen from his Bravery
by Marne Kilates SIRA bleeding gills like a
SARCASM by Kristian Sendon soldier hit by a bullet.
KALAG SA Being lied down the shining bed, guarded of Cordero Just like a fish lifted from Bravery
LANGIT angels without wings, and of saints with
the water.
by Estelito B. Jacob their swollen eyes.
St. Peter will not let you come in heaven KARIT Even the blood will be Bravery
because you have sometime touched the by H. Francisco decanted just for the
clouds. Peñones Jr land.
EXAGGERATION AN DAKULANG Like a thorn removed Unloading life
MGA TAON SA Kisses on the face are passionately given. SIRA from his feelings. baggage
MAG-AGOM The husbands work hard like carabaos to by Kristian Sendon Small ants fall in the Self-discipline
by Treg’z 17 sustain family’s needs.
Cordero lines as if they are
HUEBES SANTO The streets and the dust will be purified by
by Estelito B. Jacob the feet without slippers. receiving reliefs.
BURADOL Least patronized newspapers were saved It is mixed like a green Carefulness
by Jerome Hipolito from humiliation. and very sticky infant
KUN PANO A father who is always drunk of alcohol waste.
PINAPALID KAN The husk was absorbed by the arms, body Pebbles like pieces of Danger
AKI AN and feet. broken glass sharpened
ARUGASANG SA While getting the broken “nigo” and the
in the sand
PILI palay turning into black color…
by Honesto M. Wash at the well of thousands springs to Stricken by fears like a Learning from
Pesimo Jr. scratch the itching skin caused by the dust man poured of cold water Self-experience
of palay. onto his head.
PARADOX KARIT Ferocious seeing as if Bravery
PAMPANG KAN It is undeniable, the hands are kissed and by H. Francisco you will be eaten alive.
SAKONG the head leaned over the shoulder. Peñones Jr As fast as a horse that he Alertness
easily reached me.
by Marne Kilates
OXYMORON His house resembles to a Poverty
AN DILA TA When commanded forth and back, here in little shed.
by Ben Escoto Rinconada (5th district of Camarines Sur) AN DAKULANG A dipper of fish eggs Compassion
PROVERBS SIRA Over-pregnant fish Compassion
FOLK TIGSIK Only the smallest creatures hit the eyes. by Kristian Sendon The soldiers brought him Development
by Espinas et. al. Cordero
Bicol Voices in their shining city.
Anthology KARIT My tears and blood Self-conviction
ALLUSION by H. Francisco blended on my face

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

Peñones Jr caused by his ax. government leaders have

PAGHOROP- Napoleon said, “it is not Self-conviction been announced.
HOROP SA a credit from the FOLK TIGSIK Only the smallest creatures Bravery
by Espinas et al hit the eyes.
ELEKSYON politics.”
by H. Francisco
MGA TAON SA The mouth of the wife Chaos
Peñones MAG-AGOM resembles to a bomb
AN DAKULANG How can we get married Self-conviction by Treg’z 17 grenade.
SIRA if the priest is already HUEBES It seems like those Loneliness
by Kristian Sendon insane? SANTO instruments for Holy
Cordero by Estelito B. Friday.
TAON NIN MGA The church is brightly Faith in God
KALAG SA Melancholic songs Loneliness
AYAM shining due to devotees’ LANGIT
by Juan Escandor happiness amidst by Estelito B.
Jr. salvation. Jacob
Miracle. It will save us! Faith in God BOSES SA Even sometime our Self-
KADLAGAN shadows are headless. conviction
Pasturing of more than a Faith in God by Kristian
million of devotees. Sendon Cordero
Monsignor Bondok, is Faith in God Sayings continuously Self-
straightened our curled conviction
the prince of the church.
Nuestra Señora de Faith in God KUN PANO When the eyes hit by the Exploitation
Penafrancia, Patroness of PINAPALID palay husk, when the face
Bicolandia. KAN AKI AN slammed by the sun!
PAGHOROP- No one to be blamed of Laxity/neglige ARUGASANG
HOROP SA but those who did not use nce SA PILI
by Honesto M.
ELEKSYON their heads.
Pesimo Jr.
by H. Francisco
A father who is always Negligence
Peñones drunk of alcohol.
KARIT Got speechless just like a Absence of MGA TAON SA Her husband has mistresses. Mistress
by H. Francisco hardened throat. Self-conviction MAG-AGOM
Peñones by Treg’z 17
“aswang, patianak, Deception KUN PANO Even the sun still sleeping, Responsibility
Santelmo” PINAPALID the child begins to rise from
AN DAKULANG It is like a fish with a foul Advantage KAN AKI AN his doss.
SIRA breath that make the flies SA PILI
by Kristian Sendon crazy in finding it. by Honesto M.
Cordero Pesimo Jr.
KARIT Greater than mayor and Insensible BURADOL When does the flying news Patience
by H.Francisco congressman. by Jerome come?
Peñones Jr Hipolito
PAMPANG Anchor of my heart Hopefulness
LITERATURES by Marne Kilates
Bicol Poetry The Shoreline of my love Hopefulness
Figurative Languages Imageries
Literatures KUN PANO Wash at the well of Hopefulness
KALAG SA It appears like a paradise Tranquility PINAPALID thousands springs to scratch
LANGIT due to the wreath of flowers KAN AKI AN the itching skin caused by
arranged on your coffin. ARUGASANG the dust of palay.
by Estelito B. SA PILI
Jacob by Honesto M.
BOSES SA He is like John the Faith in God Pesimo Jr.
KADLAGAN Evangelist, the one who KALAG SA Being lied down the shining Learning from
by Kristian prepared the people for the LANGIT bed, guarded of angels Self-
Sendon Cordero coming of the Lord. by Estelito B. without wings, and of saints experience
BOSES SA You came out in Bicol like Bravery Jacob with their swollen eyes.
KADLAGAN a voice from the St. Peter will not let you Learning from
by Kristian wilderness. come in the heaven because Self-
Sendon Cordero you have sometime touched experience
Irregularities of influential Bravery the clouds.

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

MGA TAON SA Kisses on the face are Compassion Alertness

MAG-AGOM passionately given. Compassion
by Treg’z 17
The husbands work hard Compassion Self-conviction
like carabaos to sustain Advantage
family’s needs.
PAMPANG You are always in my heart, Compassion KARIT Conviction People-oriented
KAN SAKONG My love! by H. Francisco Bravery
PAGKAMOOT Peñones Jr. Poverty
by Marne Kilates Absence of
HUEBES The streets and the dust will Sacrifice Self-conviction
SANTO be purified by the feet
by Estelito B. without slippers.
Jacob PAGHOROP- Self-conviction People-oriented
BURADOL Least patronized Compassion HOROP SA Negligence
by Jerome newspapers were saved ELEKSYON
Hipolito from humiliation. by H. Francisco
BOSES SA Just like Handiong. Compassion Peñones
AN DAKULANG Development Country-oriented
by Kristian
Sendon Cordero SIRA
KUN PANO The husk was absorbed by Child labor by Kristian Sendon
PINAPALID the arms, body and feet. Cordero
KAN AKI AN While getting the broken Poverty KARIT Deception Country-oriented
ARUGASANG “nigo” and the palay by H. Francisco
SA PILI turning into black color… Peñones
by Honesto M.
TAON NIN MGA Faith in God God-oriented
Pesimo Jr.
PAMPANG It is undeniable, the hands Culture AYAM
KAN SAKONG are kissed and the head by Juan Escandor
PAGKAMOOT leaned over the shoulder. Jr.
by Marne Kilates AN DAKULANG Danger Environmentally-
AN DILA TA When commanded forth Wandering SIRA oriented
by Ben Escoto and back, here in by Kristian Sendon
Rinconada (5th district of
Camarines Sur) Cordero
AN DILA TA The greatest poetry. Pride (of the
by Ben Escoto region)
by Estelito B. LITERARY
LAGAYLAY Faultfinder eyes. Circumspectio POETRY BICOLANOS IN
KALAG SA Tranquility, People-oriented
RELATION TO DEPED CORE VALUES Estelito B. Jacob Learning from
Kristian Sendon
AN DAKULANG Bravery People-oriented Espinas et. al.
SIRA Unloading Life MGA TAON SA Chaos,
by Kristian Sendon Baggage MAG-AGOM by Compassion
Cordero Treg’z 17
HUEBES SANTO Loneliness,
Carefulness by Estelito B. Jacob Sacrifice
Learning from KUN PANO Exploitation,
Self-experience PINAPALID KAN Laxity/Neglige
Fearfulness AKI AN nce
ARUGASANG SA Responsibility,

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

PILI Hopefulness God. Their write-ups are also focused to Bicolanos distinctive
by Honesto M. characteristics in dealing with people from the different
Pesimo Jr. regions of the country/world together with their unique way of
BURADOL Patience appreciating the government programs, developments and
by Jerome Hipolito failures caused by the ever-changing politics of the country.
PAMPANG KAN Hopefulness,
With all these conclusions, these recommendations have been
SAKONG Compassion
PAGKAMOOT by given; a) encourage the students to write original compositions
Marne Kilates according to their personal experience, self-discipline, self-
AN DILA TA by Wandering, conviction, fear to God and disposition against exploitation
Ben Escoto Skillfulness and negligence. b) As language and literature teachers, it is
LAGAYLAY by Circumspectio highly recommended to look for literary pieces that give much
Irvin Santo Tomas n discussion on the following imageries; peace, faith in God,
BOSES SA Faith in God God-oriented culture, compassion, patience, hopefulness and bravery against
KADLAGAN by child labor, mistress, laxity, exploitation and other distress
Kristian Sendon conditions of every Filipino people.
3. What literary appreciations of Bicolanos are contained from
the studied Bicol literatures in relation to DepEd Core Values?
by Estelito B. Jacob
PAMPANG KAN Culture Country-oriented It has been observed that most of the studied Bicol
SAKONG literatures show concern with the core values of the DepEd
PAGKAMOOT by namely Makatao (people-oriented) and Makabansa (country-
Marne Kilates oriented). All of these give discussion on tranquility, learning
BURADOL by Compassion from self-experience, bravery, Self-conviction, compassion,
Jerome Hipolito sacrifice, hopefulness, patience, skillfulness, responsibility,
KUN PANO Child labor circumspection, culture, exploitation, negligence, child labor
PINAPALID KAN and mistress. These values also contribute in producing
AKI AN Filipinos who are holistic and responsive individuals toward
the vision of making the Philippines a nation of peace-loving
by Honesto M. and God-fearing individuals who are equally responsive to the
Pesimo Jr. ultimate goal of the DepEd core values which is Maka-Diyos.
MGA TAON SA Mistress With all these conclusions, it is recommended to encourage
MAG-AGOM by the young Bicolanos with inclination in writing to write more
Treg’z 17 literary pieces valuing people, nature, country and the
greatness of God. Finally, for language and literature teachers,
Final Stage The following were the conclusions and production of indigenous supplemental learning materials is
recommendations in the specific questions of the study. also encouraged based on the required competencies of the
1. What are the figurative languages found in the Bicol prose learning area.
and poetry literatures?
It has been noted that Simile is the most usable in prose ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Bicol literatures because the words belong to this type are The author extends his warmest acknowledgment to the
used to describe different experiences of the writers which are following people who have made his research realized;
usually focused on society, government, politics and other SUC III President of Central Bicol State University of
environmental concerns and issues unlike with the paradox, Agriculture, Dr. Georgina J. Bordado, DBM; Dr. Helen L.
proverbs and oxymoron that are seldom used. In poetry, Madela, Campus Administrator of Calabanga Campus;
because of its shortness in form and limited ideas, Respected writers of Region V : Honesto M. Pesimo Jr.,
exaggeration thence outnumbered the paradox, oxymoron and Estelito B. Jacob, Kristian Sendon Cordero, H. Francisco V.
proverbs. It has also been singled out the commonality of the Peñones Jr., Jerome M. Hipolito, Juan Escandor Jr., Ben
writers’ purpose of writing the literature is to show the day to Escoto, Tito Genova Valiente, Marne Kilates, Irvin Santo
day activities of the Filipino people. In this regard, it is Tomas, Espinas et al, Narve Bercasio, Treg’z 17 and Mary
recommended to conduct a seminar-workshop where some of Linette G. Gavica; to all the book authors; Dean of the
the figurative languages that are seldom used will be learned Graduate School of the University of Nueva Caceres, Dr.
and used in the different forms of literature and, encourage the Emelita O. Menes; dear professors of the Doctor of Education
language and literature teachers to promote and use Bicol major in teaching Filipino language and literature of UNC, Dr.
literatures as one of their instructional materials in the Merlinda C. Cantre, Dr. Raquel Reapor, Dr. Romeo N.
enhancement of students’ linguistics and communicative Sumayo Jr., and Dr. Alida A. Mores.
competence. To my benefactor and to my great Uncle Arthur and Aunt
2. What imageries are represented by each figurative language Elizabeth Brown; heads of the different libraries of various
from the Bicol prose and poetry literatures? universities and colleges in Bicol and the Chief librarian of
It is obvious from the figurative languages found in the Raul Roco Library of Naga City; ever-supportive colleagues
studied Bicol literatures that Bicolanos have a strong faith in namely Jun Honesto, Belen, Delia, Tess, Mylene, Karla,

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2017 CEBU International Conference on Studies in Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (SASSH-17) Jan. 26-27, 2017, Cebu (Philippines)

Shawie, Thala; Dr. Aurora DS. Besmonte, Dr. Rosa Ubano- [22] Santos, Paz Verdades M. and H. Francisco V. Peñones, Jr, Hagong:
Mga Osipon, Naga City: Ateneo de Naga University, University Press,
Cid, Dr. Dariel A. Palmiano, Jerome M. Hipolito, Grace
Gomez, Benjamin Ibarra Jr. and Dr. Marivic Lopez. [23] Santos, Paz Verdades M., Marifa Borja-Prado, Obras Maestras: A
To all the OIC deans of the Arts and Sciences who skillfully Manual for Teaching Bikol Literature, Naga City: Ateneo de Naga
performed the operation of the college together with the rank- University Press, 2014.
[24] Santos, Paz Verdades M. and Kristian Sendon Cordero,. Sagurong 100
in-file faculty and staff; other researchers and authors of
na Kontemporaryong Rawitdawit sa Manlain-lain na Tataramon Bikol,
sourced theses and dissertations; former Campus administrator Quezon City: Vibal Publishing House, 2011.
Dr. Alden S. Bonot and Dr. Maria Theresa B. Bonot for their [25] Veliyannoor, Fr. Paulson V, Daily Gospel 2013, Quezon City: Claret
continued motivation; beloved sisters; Rev. Fr. Denver B. Publishing Group, 2013.
Tino, parish priest of the Divine Mercy of Paolbo, Calabanga,
Camarines Sur for his unsolicited advises; and to the members 6/5.html
of the Parish Pastoral Council of the same parish; and to my [27] http://www.deped.gov.ph/stories/luistro-encourages-private-schools-
loving wife Geraline and children, Holden, Hania and Kyle; focus-needs-their-localityMicrosoft Student with Encarta Premium
2010 (DVD).
and above all, to the Almighty God who is the source of all
[28] http://www.shouldiremoveit.com/Microsoft-Student-with-Encarta-
wisdom and the successes of His people. Premium-2009-24777-program.aspx

REFERENCES Noel M. Celeste hails from Paolbo, Calabanga,

Camarines Sur, born on April 20, 1972. He finished his
[1] Atienza, Glecy C, “Gurong Giliw: Teknik, Tanong, Tanaw sa Wika at Basic Education in Ratay Elementary School and
Panitikan ng Pilipinas.”, Papel na iprenisenta sa Pambansang Seminar- Calabanga National School of Arts and Trades. He took
workshop sa Nismed Auditorium, UP Diliman, (2010). Bachelor of Arts major in Filipino and Methods of
[2] DepEd Order Nos.: (62, s. 2011 and 43, s. 2013). Teaching in Naga College Foundation, Naga City,
[3] Guiab, Marissa R, and Mysiel Malaque, “Dekonstruksyon ng mga Philippines in 2004. He pursued and graduated Master
Piling Maikling Kuwento ni Liwayway Arceo”, The Modern Teacher of Arts in Education in the same institution in 2004 with
Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (2012); 235-236. academic distinction received. He continued his
[4] Ika-42 Pambansang Seminar-Gawaing Kapulungan sa Filipino. schooling for Doctorate in Education major in teaching
“PASATAF: Kabalikat sa Pagpapatatag ng Wikang Filipino Filipino language and literature at University of Nueva Caceres, Naga City,
Tungo sa Daang Matuwid at Patuloy na Pagpapatupad sa Bagong Author’s formal
Philippines and earned his diploma on March 2016.
Kurikulum, K-12.”, Teachers’ Camp, Baguio City, (2014). photo practicing his profession as Secondary School Teacher in Tamban
He began
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