Research Methodology and Contour of Banking Industry
Research Methodology and Contour of Banking Industry
Research Methodology and Contour of Banking Industry
that is adopted has to correspond to the aims of the research. In this case
sector and to assess the impact that job stress has on employee morale
objective and definite research plan has been formulated on the lines of
other descriptive and diagnostic studies. The area of research has been
kept in mind, and a design best suited to realize these aims within the
that differed from one another on some bases that were known to affect
Sector Banks (27 in number), Private Sector Banks (30 in number) and
reasonable size, the most profitable bank out of each category of these
was felt necessary to choose a small group of employees from each bank
from which representative data for that particular bank could be collected.
in the three banks under study existed. State Bank of India, being a public
sector bank, has the largest number of branches and executives followed
sector bank, due to its relative late establishment in India has appeared
Therefore, as many as 400 executives from all the three banks under
been formulated:
2. Job stress has a relationship with employee morale and job
the three variables of this study, viz. job stress, employee morale and job
validity and reliability. Secondly, they aptly serve the purpose of this
study. Thirdly, they are impersonal, and therefore, people do not hesitate
to express what they actually feel. Fourthly, they are easier to classify and
(Kansal, 1990; Bir, 2006) and job involvement (Pathak, 1983; Gable &
cum-scales on the three variables were gone through. It was observed that
Pareek’s (1981) role stress scale and Srivastava & Singh’s (1981)
occupational stress scale were chiefly the ones used for measuring job
cum-scale was the one used for measuring employee morale. Lodahl &
Kejner’s (1965) scale and another scale by Kanungo (1982) were used for
(1951), and Lodahl & Kejner (1965) were the ones chosen for measuring
The questionnaire was divided into four parts; Part-A, Part-B, Part-
C and Part-D.
classification of stress at one’s job. The scale has fifty items and assesses
their job.
An individual usually performs more than one role and there may
organization role and other roles, i.e., stress due to the conflict of not
being able to share time between the work demands and family demands.
11. I have various other interests (social, religious, etc.), which remain
organizational jobs.
41. My family and friends complain that I do not spend time with
(ii) Role Stagnation (RS)
role changes, and with this change in role, the need for taking up new role
becomes crucial. Stress due to few opportunities for learning and growth
2. I’m afraid I’m not learning enough in my present job for taking up
higher responsibility.
22. I did not have time and opportunities to prepare myself for the
lead the role occupant to experience this stress. There may be conflicting
above me.
13. I’m not able to satisfy the conflicting demands of my colleagues
and juniors.
23. I’m not able to satisfy the demands of clients and others, since
A role occupant may feel that some functions that he would like to
perform are being performed by some other roles. Role erosion is the
he has from his role are shared by other roles in his role set.
14. Many functions that should be a part of my job have been assigned
(v) Role Overload (RO)
When the role occupant feels that there are too many expectations
from the significant roles in his role set, he experiences role overload.
15. The amount of work, I have to do, interferes with the quality I
want to maintain.
In a role set, role occupant may feel that certain roles are physically
close to him, while some other roles are at a distance. The main criteria of
36. The responsibilities of my job interfere with my personal
46. Even when I take the initiative for discussions or help, there is not
my job.
Stress arises out of the conflict between the self-concept and the
18. I’m not able to use my training and expertise in my job.
my job.
have from his role, he faces the conflict which may be due to lack of
19. I do not know what the people I work with expect of me.
(x) Resource Inadequacy (RIN)
material, finance and other facilities to execute role may make the role
assigned to me.
40. I’m rather worried that I lack the necessary facilities needed in my
50. I wish I had more financial resources for the work assigned to me.
agree (SA), agree (A), undecided (U), disagree (DA) and strongly
disagree (SD) has been applied to each item in Part-B of the questionnaire
Each sub scale of job stress is covered by five statements. So,
average score has been obtained for each sub scale by dividing the total
Thus, the total score of Part-B divided by 50 gives us the average score of
job stress for the respondent employee. It ranges between 1 and 5, 5 being
the highest degree of stress and 1 being the lowest, a score of 3 indicates
the median. For taking definite decisions, a grand mean and standard
deviation have been calculated for job stress (N=400), which are 2.87 and
0.60 respectively. Therefore, all respondents have been divided into three
Category Score
Higher score implies that the perceived level of job stress of the
respondent employee is high, while low score implies that the respondent
were yielded. Out of these the Job Satisfaction Index was based on the
index of Brayfield & Roath (1951). The questions on the other indices
have towards their job. A positive attitude connotes satisfaction with it,
2. The job that I am doing is not important at all. But someone has to
do it.
(ii) Index of Organizational Image (IOI)
gauge whether the employee has a positive image about his organization,
but also whether he feels attached with it and considers himself a part of a
Organizational Image:
7. In dealing with the public you first have to get rid of some of them
that of my superiors.
totality the impact of leadership on the subordinates in terms of morale.
Questions are aimed at bringing out in effect the sum total of the traits of
with Superiors:
him forever.
11. I have learned a great deal from my boss as far as human skills or
at the moment).
being in line with the goals of the organization. The index of career
growth tries to measure the optimism with which an employee perceives
employee needs and the degree to which they have been satisfied.
16. I can lead a decent standard of life with the salary I get.
19. This job does not provide me with any mental satisfaction.
agree (SA), agree (A), undecided (U), disagree (DA) and strongly
disagree (SD) has been applied to each item in Part-C of the questionnaire
The items marked (R), i.e., questions 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 16,
have been weighed in the reverse order, i.e., 1 for strongly agree, 2 for
agree, 3 for undecided, 4 for disagree and 5 for strongly disagree. Each
score has been obtained for each index by dividing the total score of four
being the highest, a score of 3 indicates the median. For taking definite
decisions, a grand mean and standard deviation have been calculated for
Therefore, all respondents have been divided into three categories on the
Category Score
Higher score implies that the respondent employee has a low level
twenty items, framed by Lodahl & Kejner (1965) was used for the
purpose of this study. Some of the main areas covered included how
Questions included are:
1. I’ll stay overtime to finish a job, even if I’m not paid for it.
3. You can measure a person pretty well by how good a job he does.
12.I would probably keep working even if I did not need the money.
13.Quite often I feel like staying home from work instead of coming
19.I used to care more about my work, but now other things are more
item. The items marked (R), i.e., questions 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19,
have been weighed in the reverse order. The total score of Part-D divided
For taking definite decisions, a grand mean and standard deviation have
been calculated for job involvement (N=400), which are 4.45 and 0.66
Category Score
Higher score implies that the perceived level of job involvement of
the respondent employee is high, while low score implies that the
The above stated scoring system forms the basis of this study on
job stress, employee morale and job involvement in different banks. The
job stress score for each bank has been finalized by adding the job stress
out to obtain the average employee morale and job involvement scores
for each bank. For the average score of a particular category, the
individual scores of all the respondents in that category have been added
The study is mainly based on the primary data. The data has been
(1965) job involvement scale have been used for the purpose of this
a better understanding of the respondents’ views. Apart from it,
secondary data has been collected from various publications and websites
of selected banks. The data was collected over a span of five to six
Statistical Tools
The statistical tools used for this research work are explained as
(1) For Presentation of Data: The scores obtained with the help of
form. The presentation of data has been carried out with the
Pie Charts
A pie chart (or a circle graph) is a circular chart divided into sectors,
illustrating proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each sector (and
represents. Together, the sectors create a full disk. It is named for its
resemblance to a pie which has been sliced. The pie chart is perhaps the
displaying information particularly if the intent is to compare the size of a
slice with the whole pie. Pie charts are most useful when:
proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted
vertically or horizontally. Bar charts are used for plotting data which has
typically organized along the horizontal axis and values along the vertical
charts are most useful when there are categories that represent:
• Ranges of values.
strongly disagree).
• Names that are not in any specific order (for example, item
(2) For Analysis of Data: The statistical tools used for data
resulting statistic a sample mean. Mean was used so as to know the level
of job stress, employee morale and job involvement in the three selected
banks, and also to find the difference between public, private and foreign
sector banks in terms of the three variables selected for the study.
Standard Deviation
Standard deviation
deviatio is a widely used measurement of variability or
whereas high standard deviation indicates that the data is spread out over
a large range of values. Standard deviation has been calculated for
No. of observations.
One-way Analysis
lysis of Variance
ANOVA) tests the null hypothesis that samples in two or more groups are
the variance calculated among the means to the variance within the
samples. If the group means are drawn from the same population, the
implies that the samples were drawn from different populations. The
groups (means). The degree of freedom for the denominator is N-I, where
N is the total of all the sample sizes. Typically, the one--way ANOVA is
used to test the differences among at least three groups, since the two-
It is a two sample location test of the null hypothesis that the means
of two normally distributed populations are equal. These tests are often
typically applied when the statistical units underlying the two samples
identically distributed samples are obtained, one from each of the two
The t statistic to test whether the means (assuming that the two
is an estimator of the common standard deviation of the two
group, and the total sample size minus two (that is, n1 + n2 − 2) is the total
banks on the basis of job stress, employee morale and job involvement.
Also, t-tests were performed for the purpose of comparisons taken on the
basis of gender of the executives working in the three banks under study
..., n, then the sample correlation coefficient can be used to estimate the
where, and are the sample means of X and Y, and sx and sy are the
defined only if both of the standard deviations are finite and both of them
are non-zero.
zero. The correlation coefficient is symmetric:
corr(X,Y) = corr(Y
). The Pearson correlation is +1 in the case of a
), and some value between −1 and 1 in all other cases,
the total sample to know the degree of association between job stress-
yee morale and job stress-job
stress involvement.
the coefficient that describes the size of the effect the independent
the dataset has some correlation with the dependent variable, therefore,
gauge the impact of job stress on employee morale and job involvement.
Simple linear regression analysis was done taking job stress and its sub
variables, viz. job stress, employee morale and job involvement has also
been discussed. The review of literature undertaken for the study provides
with an outline of the banking industry which is bifurcated into two parts.
profile of the three selected public, private and foreign sector banks.
Chapter-3: Job Stress–A Global Epidemic & Its Dynamics in
Banking Sector
this chapter. It also works out various sub factors of job stress. Further, a
well as in the light of selected indices in public, private and foreign sector
been provided in this chapter. Further, an attempt has been made to find
out the relation between employee morale and job stress variables
made to find out the relationship between job involvement and job stress
Chapter-6: Impact of Job Stress on Employee Morale and Job
basis of job stress; its sub variables, employee morale; its indices and job
This chapter carries the summary of the research work. Also, the
stress, employee morale and job involvement in the banking sector have
been presented. Limitations of the study and scope for future research are
industry which has been discussed in two parts. The first part is attributed
explained for a better understanding of the subject under study. These are
defined as under:
the money supply. While, a commercial bank accepts deposits and pools
investing through the capital markets. Savings banks are more like saving
A bank’s main source of income is interest. A bank pays out at a
lower interest rate on deposits and receives a higher interest rate on loans.
The difference between these rates represents the bank's net income.
cheques, and this Act contains a statutory definition of the term banker:
the legal basis for bank transactions such as cheques does not depend on
Banking business: The term means the business of either or both of the
less than [3 months] ... or with a period of call or notice of less than
that period;
Brief History of Banking
and early Renaissance Italy, to the rich cities in the north like Florence,
Venice and Genoa. The Bardi and Peruzzi families dominated banking in
Europe (Hoggson, 1926). The earliest known state deposit bank, Banco di
San Giorgio (Bank of St. George), was founded in 1407 at Genoa, Italy
(Macesich, 2000). The oldest bank still in existence is Monte dei Paschi
investing in marketable debt securities and other forms of money-lending.
adequate substitute for bank loans, and money market funds, cash
Assets of the largest 1,000 banks in the world grew by 6.8% in the
largest share of the total, 56% in 2008-09, down from 61% in the
previous year. Asian banks’ share increased from 12% to 14% during the
year, while the share of US banks increased from 11% to 13%. Fee
revenue generated by global investment banking totalled $66.3bn in
The United States has the most banks in the world in terms of
branches. In 2004, Germany, France, and Italy each had more than 30,000
Banking in India
The first banks were The General Bank of India, which started in 1786;
and Bank of Hindustan, which started in 1790; both are now defunct. The
immediately became the Bank of Bengal. This was one of the three
Presidency banks, the other two being the Bank of Bombay and the Bank
of Madras, all three of which were established under charters from the
British East India Company. For many years the Presidency banks acted
the oldest joint stock bank∗ in India. It was not the first though. That
1863, and which survived until 1913, when it failed, with some of its
ventures, most of the banks opened in India during that period failed. The
depositors lost money and lost interest in keeping deposits with banks.
A joint stock bank is a company that issues stock and requires shareholders to be
held liable for the company’s debt.
Subsequently, banking in India remained the exclusive domain of
Europeans for next several decades until the beginning of the 20th
in Bengal in 1869. Calcutta was the most active trading port in India,
mainly due to the trade of the British Empire, and so became a banking
centre. The first entirely Indian joint stock bank was the Oudh
next was the Punjab National Bank, established in Lahore in 1895, which
has survived to the present and is now one of the largest banks in India.
Around the turn of the 20th Century, the Indian economy was
elapsed since the Indian Mutiny, and the social, industrial and other
also some exchange banks and a number of Indian joint stock banks. All
these banks operated in different segments of the economy. The exchange
lacked the experience and maturity to compete with the presidency and
respect of banking it seems we are behind the times. We are like some old
The period between 1906 and 1911 saw the establishment of banks
local businessmen and political figures to establish banks for the Indian
private banks in Dakshina Kannada and Udupi district which were unified
earlier and known by the name South Canara (South Kanara) district.
Four nationalized banks were started in this district and also a leading
During the First World War (1914-18) through the end of the
Second World War (1939-45), and two years thereafter until the
the First World War were turbulent, and it took its toll with banks simply
collapsing despite the Indian economy gaining indirect boost due to war-
an active role in the economic life of the nation, and the Industrial Policy
segments of the economy including banking and finance. The major steps
Bank of India (Transfer to Public Ownership) Act, 1948 (RBI,
the RBI, and no two banks could have common directors (Banking
India, banks in India except the State Bank of India or SBI, continued to
a large employer, and a debate had ensued about the nationalization of the
Thereafter, her move was swift and sudden. The Government of
banks with effect from the midnight of July 19, 1969. Jayaprakash
of political sagacity.” Within two weeks of the issue of the ordinance, the
followed in 1980. The stated reason for the nationalization was to give
the government more control of credit delivery. With the second dose of
banking business of India. Later on, in the year 1993, the government
merged New Bank of India with Punjab National Bank. It was the only
number of nationalized banks from 20 to 19. After this, until the 1990s,
the nationalized banks grew at a pace of around 4%, closer to the average
included Global Trust Bank (the first of such new generation banks to be
set up), which later amalgamated with Oriental Bank of Commerce, Axis
Bank(earlier as UTI Bank), ICICI Bank Ltd. and HDFC Bank. This
move, along with the rapid growth in the economy of India, revitalized
the banking sector in India, which has seen rapid growth with strong
The next stage for the Indian banking has been set up with the
proposed relaxation in the norms for Foreign Direct Investment, where all
exceed the present cap of 10%, at present it has gone up to 74% with
some restrictions.
Bankers, till this time, were used to the 4-6-4 method (Borrow at 4%;
All this led to the retail boom in India. People not just demanded more
supply, product range and reach–even though reach in rural India still
remains a challenge for the private and foreign sector banks. In terms of
stated policy of the Bank on the Indian Rupee is to manage volatility but
without any fixed exchange rate and this has mostly been true.
expected to be strong. One may also expect M&As, takeovers, and asset
Structure of Banking Sector in India
apid growth in the economy of India revitalized the banking
sector banks and foreign sector banks. India has 27 public sector banks
(that is, with the Government of India holding a stake), 30 private banks
(these do not have government stake; they may be publicly listed and
traded on stock exchanges), and 40 foreign sector banks (that is, banks set
purpose of this study, one bank from each sector was selected (as
Data retrieved from the bank website:
Revenue: US$ 29.98 billion (2011)
State Bank of India (SBI) is the largest bank in India. The bank
traces its ancestry back through the Imperial Bank of India to the
nationalized the Imperial Bank of India in 1955, with the Reserve Bank
of India taking a 60% stake, and renamed it the State Bank of India. In
2008, the Government took over the stake held by the Reserve Bank of
base of $322 billion and its reach, it is a regional banking behemoth. SBI
its operations.
The State Bank Group, with over 16000 branches, has the largest
banks of about 20% in deposits and advances, and SBI accounts for
The roots of State Bank of India rest in the first decade of 19th
April, 1840 and 1 July, 1843 respectively. All these banks were
incorporated as joint stock companies, and were the result of the royal
charters. These banks received the exclusive right to issue paper currency
in 1861 under the Paper Currency Act, a right they retained until the
took as its name Imperial Bank of India. The Imperial Bank of India
controlling interest in the Imperial Bank of India. On 30 April, 1955 the
Banks, merged with State Bank of India. On June 19, 2009, the SBI board
approved the merger of its subsidiary, State Bank of Indore, with itself.
following five associate banks that fall under SBI, and these together
International Presence
York, Osaka, Sydney, and Tokyo. It has offshore banking units in the
SBI operates several foreign subsidiaries or affiliates. In 1990, it
subsidiary, which now has seven branches. The Canadian subsidiary was
also established in 1982 and also has seven branches, four in the greater
banking. It now has five branches in Nigeria. In Nepal, SBI owns 50% of
Nepal SBI Bank, which has branches throughout the country. In Moscow,
SBI owns 60% of Commercial Bank of India, with Canara Bank owning
the rest. In Indonesia, it owns 76% of PT Bank Indo Monex. State Bank
capitalization and second largest overall in terms of assets. Bank has total
7,037 ATMs in India (at the end of March 2011). ICICI Bank Ltd. offers
dynamic in itself. ICICI Bank Ltd. is also the largest issuer of credit cards
in India ( ICICI Bank Ltd. has got its equity shares
listed on the stock exchanges at Kolkata and Vadodara, Mumbai and the
National Stock Exchange of India Limited, and its ADRs on the New
offering in the form of ADRs listed on the NYSE in fiscal 2000, ICICI’s
in fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was formed in 1955 at the initiative
affiliates like ICICI Bank Ltd. In 1999, ICICI became the first Indian
company and the first bank or financial institution from non-Japan Asia
ICICI and ICICI Bank Ltd. formed the view that the merger of ICICI with
ICICI Bank Ltd. would be the optimal strategic alternative for both
entities, and would create the optimal legal structure for the ICICI
group’s universal banking strategy. The merger would enhance value for
banking services. The merger would enhance value for ICICI Bank Ltd.
five decades, entry into new business segments, higher market share in
the vast talent pool of ICICI and its subsidiaries. In October 2001, the
Boards of Directors of ICICI and ICICI Bank Ltd. approved the merger
with ICICI Bank Ltd. The merger was approved by shareholders of ICICI
and ICICI Bank Ltd. in January 2002, by the High Court of Gujarat at
Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India in April 2002. Consequent to the
International Presence
owned subsidiaries in Canada, Russia and the UK, offshore banking units
United Arab Emirates and USA. Overseas, the Bank is targeting the Non-
Founded: 1812
Data retrieved from the bank websites:
Bank of New York, later First National City Bank of New York. Citibank
one of the largest companies in the world. As of March 2007, it was the
around the world. More than half of its 1,400 offices are in the United
States, mostly in the New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San
million users.
7,500 people.
York merchants, the bank’s first head was Samuel Osgood, who had been
John Jacob Astor and one of the giants of the business world in the 19th
treasury and finance center for Taylor’s own extensive business empire.
In 1863, the bank joined the U.S.’s new national banking system and
considered one of the largest banks in the U.S., and in 1897, it became the
overseas banking office when its branch in Buenos Aires, Argentina, was
wholly owned subsidiary and was subsequently merged into the bank. By
1919, the bank had become the first U.S. bank to have $1 billion in assets.
In 1910, National City bought a significant share of Haiti’s National Bank
treasury and had a monopoly on note issue (Schmidt, 1971). Following its
merger with the First National Bank, the bank changed its name to The
First National City Bank of New York in 1935, then shortened it to First
The company entered the leasing and credit card sectors, and its
MasterCard, the bank introduced its First National City Charge Service
CEO Walter Wriston, First National City Bank (and its holding company
Citicorp, respectively). By that time, the bank had created its own “one-
had terminals with simple one line displays that allowed customers to get
basic account information without a bank teller. When automatic teller
Citicard. In the 1960s, the bank entered into the credit card business.
Citibank was one of the first U.S. banks to introduce automatic teller
International Presence
Citibank (Colombia)
Banking Ordinance, Section 2, Interpretation, Hong Kong, note that in
this case the definition is extended to include accepting any deposits
repayable in less than 3 months, companies that accept deposits of
greater than HK$100 000 for periods of greater than 3 months are
regulated as deposit taking companies rather than as banks in Hong
Kansal, Nandita (1990), Organizational Culture and Employee Morale:
An Impact Study in Selected Industrial Units, Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty
of Business Management and Research, Panjab University,
Srivastava, A.K. (1978), Need Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction,
Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Panjab University, Chandigarh.