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The prospective evaluation of the effect treated with low-dose aspirin and 69 of nates small for gestational age were more
of thromboprophylaxis in women with the 80 patients treated with enoxaparin frequent in patients treated with low-dose
one unexplained pregnancy loss from the had a healthy live birth (odds ratio [OR], aspirin. No significant side effects of the
10th week of amenorrhea was performed. 15.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 7-34, treatments could be evidenced in pa-
A total of 160 patients with heterozygous P < .0001). Enoxaparin was superior to tients or newborns. As there is no argu-
factor V Leiden mutation, prothrombin low-dose aspirin in each subgroup de- ment to prove that low-dose aspirin may
G20210A mutation, or protein S defi- fined according to the underlying consti- have been deleterious, these results sup-
ciency were given 5 mg folic acid daily tutional thrombophilic disorder. An asso- port enoxaparin use during such at-risk
before conception, to be continued dur- ciated protein Z deficiency and/or positive pregnancies. (Blood. 2004;103:3695-3699)
ing pregnancy, and low-dose aspirin 100 antiprotein Z antibodies were associated
mg daily or low-molecular-weight heparin with poorer outcomes. The neonate
enoxaparin 40 mg was taken from the 8th weight was higher in the women success-
week. Twenty-three of the 80 patients fully treated with enoxaparin, and neo- © 2004 by The American Society of Hematology
The use of serial ultrasonography studies during early pregnancy with the patients’ previous history of pregnancy loss,5-8 favors the
have shown that the arterial signals in the yolk circulation use of LMWH during the next possible pregnancy. The second
disappear and the umbilicoplacental circulation increases between one,9 because of the absence of controlled studies, does not support
8 and 10 weeks of gestation, indicating that the placenta replaces the use of LMWH.
the yolk sac as an essential source of blood supply to the embryo at It is, however, very difficult to propose placebo to women with
that time.1 Thus, it can be deduced that during the switch and at such a potentially harmful, at least in its psychological dimension,
least from the beginning of the 11th week of gestation the medical antecedent. Most patients, because of moral suffering but
maintenance of the permeability of the maternal placental intervil- also because of abundant data currently available, (ie, on the Web),
lous space becomes a crucial necessity for the viability of the fetus. concerning the use of LMWH during at-risk pregnancies, do not
This pathophysiologic perception has been reinforced by a demon- accept it.
stration, in the late 1990s, mainly by means of a series of We thus performed, in women with a single antecedent of
case-control studies performed after the first one published by unexplained fetal loss, a prospective trial comparing 2 antithrom-
Sanson et al,2 that thrombophilic disorders in the mother are botic therapies: low-molecular-weight heparin enoxaparin and
associated with an increased risk of fetal loss, before or after low-dose aspirin.
(stillbirths) 22 weeks of gestation. This finding has led to a recent
meta-analysis showing that factor V Leiden mutation, activated
protein C resistance, prothrombin G20210A mutation (factor II
G20210A mutation), and protein S deficiency are likely to be Patients and methods
associated with a significant risk of fetal loss,3 giving legitimacy to
secondary prevention trials using antithrombotic agents, mainly Patient inclusion criteria
low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH). This therapeutic trial took place in our Mediterranean Abnormal Pregnancy
Concerning antithrombotic prophylaxis in women with throm- Study Program, which has led to the previously published Nı̂mes Obstetri-
bophilia and pregnancy complications, 2 distinct opinions are cians and Haematologists (NOHA) studies on hemostasis-related risk
currently developed. The first one,4 based on the results of factors for pregnancy losses.10-15 Patients were selected from those who had
noncontrolled published studies in which outcomes were compared been referred to our laboratory by practitioners and obstetricians of the
From the Hematology Laboratory, University Hospital, Nı̂mes, France; the An Inside Blood analysis of this article appears in the front of this issue.
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, University Hospital, Nı̂mes, France;
Reprints: Jean-Christophe Gris, Laboratoire d’Hématologie, Centre
the Hematology Laboratory, Montpellier 1 University, Montpellier; France; and
Hospitalier Universitaire, Groupe hospitalo-universitaire Caremeau, Place
the Equipe d’Accueil 2992, Montpellier 1 University, Montpellier; France.
du Pr. Robert Debré, F-30029 Nı̂mes cédex 9, France; e-mail: jcgris@
Submitted December 12, 2003; accepted January 20, 2004. Prepublished
online as Blood First Edition Paper, January 22, 2004; DOI 10.1182/blood- The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
2003-12-4250. payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734.
Supported by grants from Diagnostica Stago, Biopep S.A., and Baxter
Healthcare Corporation. © 2004 by The American Society of Hematology
Southern French Region Languedoc-Roussillon because of at least one 100 mg daily (Aspégic nourrissons, Sanofi-Synthélabo, France) or low-
antecedent of pregnancy loss from the 10th week of amenorrhea. molecular-weight heparin enoxaparin (Lovenox, Aventis, France), a subcu-
Medical history with specific attention to obstetric history (pregnancies; taneous injection of 40 mg daily. Allocation was performed blindly and at
childbirth; treatments; infectious disease during pregnancy, including HIV, random by an independent statistician to equilibrate the 2 proposals of
erythroblastosis fetalis Rh-negative disease, immune thrombocytopenic treatments among women belonging to the same thrombophilic disorder-
purpura [ITP], and fetomaternal alloimmune thrombocytopenia [FAT]; related subgroups of patients, as defined in Table 1. Systematically,
gravidic hypertension and its complications; trauma; obstetric complica- injections were carried out percutaneously in the abdomen by the patient
tions; diabetes mellitus; morphologic malformation in the dead fetus) herself after initiation. Both treatments were administered at 8:00 p.m.
was taken into consideration by investigators who were unaware of the Because umbilicoplacental circulation increases from the eighth week,1
laboratory results. Any positive pathology mentioned here was an thromboprophylaxis systematically began at the beginning of the 8th week
exclusion criterion. of amenorrhea after a positive pregnancy test.
We looked for presumptive etiologic factors: hysterosalpingogram, As folates may be involved in thrombotic risk,16 all patients were
karyotype in both parents, glucose tolerance test, toxoplasmosis serology, taking therapeutic doses of folic acid, 5 mg daily, at least 1 month before
thyroid function, serum prolactin levels, normal luteal phase of at least 12 conception. This treatment was continued during all new ongoing
days and plasma progesterone above 25 ng/mL, absence of antinuclear pregnancies.
factor, or antiphospholipid/antiprotein antibodies (lupus anticoagulant, Finally, 174 patients gave their consent to participate and conceived.
anticardiolipin, anti–2-glycoprotein I, anti–annexin V, anti-phosphatidyleth- Twelve of them had an early pregnancy loss, before the eighth week and
anolamine, immunoglobulin G [IgG], and IgM, by the methods previously before the beginning of one of the treatments. The clinical characteristics of
described in our laboratory12,15), absence of antithrombin or protein C the remaining 160 patients are found in Table 1, and the types of
deficiency,11 fasting plasma total homocysteine lower than 15 M/L. All thrombophilic disorders they were carrying are found in Table 2. No
these data were obtained between 6 and 12 months after fetal loss. All significant differences, in terms of age, number of pregnancies, moment of
women finally included in the study were negative for the various tests or fetal loss, body mass index, or categories of these 4 clinical criteria (as
assessments mentioned here. defined in Table 1) could be evidenced.
Exclusion criteria were any presumptive etiologic factor, as described
earlier; any antecedent of venous or arterial thrombosis; any pregnancy loss Analysis
before the beginning of the 10th week of amenorrhea; any lethal fetal
defect; fetal hemorrhage; pregnancy-induced hypertension with its compli- The endpoints of the study were the following: live birth rates, pregnancy
cations; any infectious disease during pregnancy; known erythroblastosis losses from the beginning of the eighth week, hemorrhagic complications in
fetalis, ITP, or FAT; trauma during pregnancy; diabetes mellitus; tobacco the mother and in the newborn, weight of the neonates, any complications
consumption at least equal to 10 cigarettes a days. during pregnancy, and any abnormal manifestation in the newborn.
Finally, the ultimate inclusion criteria were one single unexplained Statistical significance was considered at a P value less than .05 and was
pregnancy loss from the 10th week of amenorrhea with no unexplained tested with Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis nonparametric tests for
pregnancy losses before the beginning of the 10th week of amenorrhea and continuous variables and with chi-square and F test for nominal variables.
no explained pregnancy losses associated with a factor V Leiden mutation, Logistic regression was performed when appropriate.
a factor II G20210A mutation (all heterozygous), or a protein S deficiency
(performed as previously described11; functional activity in a procoagulant
assay and free protein S antigen all lower than 55% of normal values). Results
Protein Z plasma concentrations and antiprotein Z antibodies, IgG, and IgM
were systematically assayed.13,14 Protein Z was considered to be deficient in Tables 2 and 3 show the effects of the 2 treatments on pregnancy
the case of concentrations lower than 1 mg/L,13 antiprotein Z IgG was outcome. The use of low-molecular-weight heparin enoxaparin was
considered positive if higher or equal to 7.1 arbitrary units (AU) in 2 associated with an impressively higher rate of healthy live births in
consecutive evaluations, and antiprotein Z IgM was considered positive if
all the women but also in each of the 3 subgroups defined by their
higher or equal to 5.3 AU.14 Thus, patients had one principal thrombophilic
disorder among the 2 Leiden mutations and protein S deficiency and may
principal underlying thrombophilic disorder (factor V Leiden,
also have protein Z deficiency or/and positive antiprotein Z antibodies. We factor II G20210A mutation, or protein S deficiency). These results
included the 184 consecutive patients meeting our criteria. were not significantly influenced by the number of previous
pregnancies, by age or classification of age, by the moment of
Treatment regimens previous fetal loss, by the body mass index values or their
classification of values, or by tobacco consumption.
The study was approved by our local hospital ethics committee. All patients
were fully informed of the aim of the trial and of the proposed treatment
The rates of healthy live births were the same according to the
regimens, and, before definitive study enrollment, informed consent was type of the 3 principal thrombophilic disorders (P ⫽ .15). Positive
obtained from all participants. protein Z deficiency or antiprotein Z antibodies were equally found
These 184 patients were offered thromboprophylaxis during the next in patients treated with aspirin and with the LMWH (respectively,
pregnancy. Beforehand, they were allocated to take either low-dose aspirin 36% and 39% in both treated groups). An associated protein Z
BMI indicates body mass index; AllFVL, all patients carrying the heterozygous factor V Leiden mutation; AllFIIL, all patients carrying the heterozygous factor II G20210A
mutation; AllPS, all patients carrying a protein S deficiency.
From by on November 4, 2010. For personal use only.
Table 2. Stratification of the included patients with one unexplained pregnancy loss from the 10th week of amenorrhea, according to the
principal underlying thrombophilic disorders, and effect of the two treatments on the rate of live births
With negative protein Z With positive protein Z With negative protein Z With positive protein Z
deficiency and negative deficiency and negative deficiency and positive deficiency and positive
Main thrombophilic disorder antiprotein Z antibodies antiprotein Z antibodies antiprotein Z antibodies antiprotein Z antibodies
deficiency, or positive protein Z antibodies, was more frequently oped in 7 cases, 4 women treated by enoxaparin and 3 with
present in the case of treatment failures (respectively, P ⫽ .020 and low-dose aspirin, with no pejorative secondary consequence for the
P ⫽ .019), as was the complex protein Z deficiency positive women or their neonate. Of the 92 neonates, 65 were delivered
antiprotein Z antibodies (P ⫽ .004; 15 of the 20 cases led to vaginally and 29 (32%) by cesarean section.
pregnancy failure, 9 being treated with aspirin, 6 with enoxaparin). The neonate weight was higher in the 69 women successfully
Table 4 gives the results of the multiparametric logistic regression treated with enoxaparin (median, 3043 g; interquartile range,
model, adjusted by the type of treatment, type of principal 373 g; range, 2310-3787 g) than in the 23 women treated with
thrombophilic disorder, protein Z status, and antiprotein Z status. low-dose aspirin (median, 2742 g; interquartile range, 522 g; range
The reference being a patient with a factor V Leiden mutation but 2010-3268 g) (P ⫽ .0005). Neonates’ weights were not, for each of
no protein Z deficiency nor positive antiprotein Z antibodies treated the treatments, correlated to the intensity of tobacco consumption
with low-dose aspirin during pregnancy. Low molecular weight before pregnancy nor to the residual tobacco consumption during
heparin use was associated with a dramatic increase in the chance pregnancy. Neonates small for gestational age, defined as having a
of giving birth to a living child, protein Z deficiency or antiprotein weight lower or equal to the 10th percentile corresponding to the
antibodies were independently associated with a significant de- gestational age at birth, were delivered by 7 of the 71 successful
crease of this chance, and factor II G20210A mutation and protein mothers treated with enoxaparin (10%) and in 7 of the 23
S deficiency indicated a nonsignificant trend for a lower chance of successful mothers treated by aspirin (30%; P ⫽ .04, Fisher exact
good pregnancy outcome. test). None of these small-for-gestational-age neonates had, finally,
Aspirin was associated with 57 pregnancy losses and enoxapa- any significant sequela.
rin with 11. In patients taking aspirin, losses occurred between the We have not observed any case of heparin-induced thrombocy-
11th and the 18th week of amenorrhea (median, 15; lower and topenia, abnormal skin reactions, or clinical manifestation of
upper quartiles, 13 and 16). In patients taking enoxaparin, losses spontaneous bone pain among the women treated with enoxaparin.
occurred later on: from the 17th to the 24th week (during weeks 23 No case was seen of digestive intolerance to low-dose aspirin
and 24 in 2 patients). either. There were no hemorrhages, except slight bruising at the
Seventy-six (83%) of the 92 successful pregnancies ended at injection sites for enoxaparin and for both treatments in case of
term after 37 weeks of gestation. Nonsevere preeclampsia devel- local domestic trauma.
study shows that treating the next pregnancy with the low The spontaneous prognosis of pregnancy in nonthrombotic
molecular weight enoxaparin from the 8th week is associated with women with factor V or factor II mutations or with protein S
a greater number of live births and with more normal weight deficiency and a single unexplained fetal loss from the 10th week is
neonates than using a low-dose aspirin treatment. There were no basically still unknown. However, Rai et al20 recently reported the
consistent clinical complications. prospective outcome of untreated pregnancies in 25 women
This is the first study in which the outcome of antithrombotic- heterozygous for the factor V Leiden mutation. In 16 women with 3
treated, constitutional thrombophilia-associated pregnancies in or more miscarriages at less than 12 weeks gestation, the spontane-
women with a clearly defined obstetric history is not compared ous live birth rate was 6 of 16, but in 9 women with fetal loss after
with the patients’ previous history of pregnancy loss but in which 2 12 weeks gestation the rate was 1 of 9. Our patients receiving
antithrombotic treatments are prospectively compared. One may low-dose aspirin had a good outcome in roughly one third of the
argue that, in such cases, a placebo-controlled trial should have cases. Because 86% of our patients had experienced fetal loss after
been done first.9 We agree to this theoretical argument which was 12 weeks, it is thus not impossible that low-dose aspirin may have a
tried out, but failed, because very few women having suffered fetal positive significant clinical effect, by itself or in association with
loss adhere to placebo trial. However, we are not in a classical folic acid. A recent study showed that exposure to aspirin during
situation in which we only try to prevent a special subtype of pregnancy increases miscarriages.21 The risk was however limited
thrombosis recurrence. Here, we try to prevent death recurrence by to the prenatal use of aspirin and treatments. Our patients did not
treating women who in their special “future-mother context” begin treatment before the sixth week after the extrapolated date
always, in case of failure, lose a part of their own life. We thus of conception.
thought that comparing 2 antithrombotic treatments was a humane In pregnancies with a good outcome, low birth weight has been
ethical option. consistently shown to be associated with coronary heart disease
This study was not a blind test study. Patients and physicians which appears to be, from an epidemiologic point of view, a
were aware of the treatment being taken. It would have been developmental disorder that originates through 2 widespread
necessary for blind tests to have access to 2 placebo formulations, biological phenomena, developmental plasticity in utero and
one for oral aspirin and one for subcutaneous low-molecular- compensatory growth during infancy.22 Treating mothers having
weight heparin. Producing them, for such potentially long treat- the lowest rate of neonates with a small weight for gestational age
ments, is of significant cost. This trial was performed without any may thus be associated to the lowest incidence of cardiovascular
financial support from pharmaceutical industries. It was difficult to diseases in future adults. If this relationship was also validated after
imagine that the 2 laboratories, the one producing aspirin and the therapeutic interventions, this would be another reason to prefer
other producing the LMWH, would accept to collaborate in the low-molecular-weight heparin to low-dose aspirin in our patients.
same trial, potentially leading to only one of them supporting the In conclusion, enoxaparin given from the eighth week of
trial. This would have opened the door to the masked criticism of amenorrhea to prevent pregnancy loss in nonthrombotic women
credibility generally associated to studies sponsored by the indus- carrying the factor V Leiden mutation, or the factor II G20210A
try. So, in absence of sufficient institutional funding, we chose not mutation, or protein S deficiency and having a single antecedent of
to perform a double-placebo–controlled trial, and we think that our unexplained fetal loss from the 10th week of amenorrhea seems to
results are likely to be independent from industrial influences. be a safe, much more effective treatment than low-dose aspirin.
Our patients had the 3 constitutional thrombophilic disorders
that have been validated by the available meta-analysis of the
published studies,3 and mainly the 2 that are the most frequently Acknowledgments
diagnosed, namely the factor V and factor II mutations. We did not
stratify the obtained results by the level of fasting total homocystine- We thank all the study participants who agreed to join us in this
mia, because all patients were taking folic acid from at least 1 adventure. We thank E. Cardi and H. Bres for technical assistance,
month before conception, to eliminate this potential cofactor of Margaret Manson for editorial assistance, and Prof M. Ramuz and
vasculoplacental complications.17 However, patients were stratified Prof J. P. Bali for their encouragement.
according to the presence or absence of protein Z deficiency and/or The authors are grateful to the numerous current and past
antiprotein Z antibodies that we had previously described to be obstetricians and gynecologists who agreed to contribute to our
associated with poor pregnancy outcome.13,14 Protein Z deficiency Mediterranean Abnormal Pregnancy Study Program: S. Balara,
has been described to increase the severity of the prothrombotic M. P. Le Gac, M. Lévy, E. Ranque, J. Leonard, M. Schimpf, B.
phenotype of factor V Leiden in mice18 and in patients,19 and it was Vermeulen, N. Abecassis-Bouenal, A. Castel, C. Dumontier-Da
thus necessary to take into account these potential cofactors. Silva, C. Ferrer, M. C. Hoffer-Pinel, S. Kussel, C. Roure, O.
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outcome of treated pregnancies, particularly in patients treated C. Gerbino, G. Masson, G. Rouanet, J. L. Alliez, J. L. Alteirac, G.
with aspirin. Bensakoun, E. Bergez, E. Bolzinger, and J. Campillo.
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