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DLL Week 2

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School Pinagkawitan National High School Grade Level Home Economics 12-B

Grade 12 Teacher KYLE B. REMO Learning Area Disaster Readiness Risk and
Daily Lesson LOG Reduction
Teaching Dates and Time June 11, 2018 1:00 pm Quarter 1st
June 12-14, 2018 2:00 pm

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

I.OBJECTIVES Class suspended due to Holiday At the end of the session, learners At the end of the session, learners
heavy rainfall (Independence Day) are able to; are able to;
1. Identify the effects of 1. identify the exposure of
Natural Disasters on Hazards in different Areas/
Human Life locations
2. enumerate the risk factors 2. enumerate and explain the
underlying disasters different perspectives in
be aware of the risk factors disasters.
underlying disasters 3. realize the effects of
disaster in different

Content Standards The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate

understanding of the Nature of understanding of the Effects of
Disasters Disasters
Performance Standards The learner relate the concept of The learner relate the concept of
disaster with the daily life disaster with the daily life
Learning Competencies/ 1.Differentiate the factors 1. Explain how and when an
Objectives underlying the disasters:DRR11/12- event becomes a disaster:
Ia-b-2 DRR11/12-Ia-b-4
2. Describe the effects of disasters 2. Identify areas/ locations
on one’s life:DRR11/12-Ia-b-3 exposed to hazards that
may lead to disasters:
3. Analyze disaster from the
different perspectives:

II.CONTENT Basic Concept of Disaster and Basic Concept of Disaster and

Disaster Risk Disaster Risk
Teacher’s Guide pages N/A N/A
Learner’s Materials pages N/A N/A
Textbook pages Quebral, Villamor S. EdD.2016. 7Quebral, Villamor S. EdD.2016.
Disaster Readiness Risk and Disaster Readiness Risk and
Reduction. Lorimar Publishing, INC. Reduction. Lorimar Publishing, INC
pgs. 3- Pgs 8-

Additional Materials from N/A N/A

Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources N/A N/A
A.Reviewing previous Teacher divides the class into two Teacher divides the class into two
lesson or presenting the and asks the learners to enumerate and will be given a meta cards
new lesson 5 natural types of disasters they where the areas/ locations and
know and 5 Human made disasters. exposure are written. The learners’
Teacher gives a clear mechanics to task is to match the given meta
win the game. The first group that cards to the areas/ locations. The
completes the disaster wins. first group that will finish the task
with the higher number of correct
will be the winner.
B.Establishing a purpose Teacher asks the learners: “What Teacher asks the learners the
for the lesson are the effects of disasters in the different perspectives of disasters.

Learners’ answers may vary.

C.Presenting examples/ Teacher shows an example of a Learners are given time to have a
Instances of the new lesson picture showing the effects of the brainstorming on how they will
disaster on the human mental and explain or show the perspectives to
emotional health. Learners will be their classmates. They are
divided into four and teacher expected to deliver it creatively like
instructs the learners to imitate the through broadcasting, role playing
photo. Then after imitating it, They etc.
need to figure out the disaster that
happened to them.
D.Discussing new concepts and Teacher discusses the Risk Factors Teacher discusses the different
practicing new skills #1 Underlying Disasters perspectives.
E.Discussing new concepts and Teacher gives each group an N/A
Practicing new skills #2 information sheet about the effects
of Natural Disasters on Human life.
F. Developing mastery N/A N/A
(Leads to Formative
Assesment 3)
G. Finding practical applications N/A N/A
of concepts and skills in daily
H. Making generalizations and Out of the information sheet. Read an account of Super Typhoon
Abstractions about the lesson Learners must present what they Yolanda that Struck Samar and
have read and teacher instructs Leyte in 2013. Analyze its impacts
them to do a mannequin challenge from different perspectives.
out of it.
I. Evaluating learning Teacher gives scores to learners’ Teacher checks the learners
mannequin challenge following the perspectives with the use of rubrics
J. Additional activities for application Assignment: search for the
or remediation different perspectives of disaster:
Physical perspective
Psychological Perspective
Socio-cultural perspective
Economic Perspective
Political Perspective

A.No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C.Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies
Worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What Innovation or localized
Materials did I see/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher I SHS Coordinator

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