Resume: Kachare Vinayak Gopal
Resume: Kachare Vinayak Gopal
Resume: Kachare Vinayak Gopal
Career objective:-
To seek challenging and rewarding opportunity with an organization of repute which recognizes
and utilizes my true potential while nurturing my technical skills.
Work Experience:-
Teaching Experience: - 4 years 8 months
As a assistant professor in department of mechanical engineering in B.R.Harne College of Engg
&Technology, Karav, Vangani Tal-Ambernath, Dist-Thane.
Educational Credentials:-
Qualification University/Board Year Percentage Remark
M.Tech Thermal Jawaharlal Nehru 2017 74.69 Distinction
Technological University,
Academic Projects:-
1. Master of Technology (M.Tech)
Title: Finite Element analysis of disc brake rotor using Different Materials.
Details- In this thesis, the heat transfer rates and stresses are investigated by performing thermal
analysis and structural analysis on the disc brake rotor by using different materials
2. Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)
Title: Design and Fabrication of Pneumatically Operated Vehicle (Prototype).
Details- The basic concept of project is use of the compressed air to run the vehicle.
Software Skills:-
Auto CAD, Creo Parametric 2.0, Ansys.
Subjects taught:-
1) Engineering Drawing 5) Internal Combustion Engines
2) Engineering Mechanics 6) Thermal and Fluid Power Engineering
3) Thermodynamics 7) Power Plant Engineering
4) Heat transfer
Academic Experience:
➢ Understudy Supervisor for the exam held in Nov-Dec 2017
➢ Examiner for university exams
➢ Time Table coordinator of Mechanical department
➢ Co-ordinator of MECH ARENA technical events organized by MESA
➢ Lab in charge of Mechanics, Heat transfer, Internal combustion engine, Metrology &
quality engineering
➢ Co-ordinator of cultural events in MUDRA 2016
➢ Co-ordinator of Technical events in MUDRA 2017.
Workshop attended:-
➢ One day workshop on “Introduction to applications of MATLAB in engineering” in
BRHCET, vangani
➢ Faculty Development Program AUTODESK- FUSION 360.
➢ Vinayak G. Kachare,V.Saritha (2016),”Finite element analysis of disc brake rotor using
different materials”, Volume 7, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering &
Technology, ISSN 0976-6359.
➢ Vinayak G. Kachare, Mahesh Kadam, “A numerical and experimental study on effective
thermal conductivity of epoxy- al2o3 composites - a review”, National conference on
recent innovations in engineering (NCRIE-17) organized by G.M.Vedak College of
engineering, Tala.
➢ Vinayak G. Kachare, Prateek Mokashi, ”Structural and Thermal Analysis of Disk
Brake”, Volume 6, International Journal For Scientific Research & Development, ISSN
Personal Details:-