What Is Vendor Evaluation
What Is Vendor Evaluation
What Is Vendor Evaluation
Vendor evaluation is the process of analysing and assessing the performance of the
vendors of the external vendor. In this processes vendors are allowed to score in
different criteria and the highest scored vendor is selected for procurement.
We have to 4 Criteria's:
1. Price
2. Quality
3. Delivery
4. Service
The standard SAP System offers you a scoring range from 1 to 100 points, which is used to
measure the performance of your vendors on the basis of five main criteria. You can
determine and compare the performance of your vendors by reference to their overall scores.
The main criteria available in the standard system are:
• Price • Quality • Delivery • General service/support. These four main criteria serve as a
basis for evaluating vendors from whom you procure materials. • External service provision
This main criterion serves as a basis for evaluating those vendors you employ as external
service providers
You can also define other or further main criteria, as required. You can assign different
weights to the individual criteria. The vendor’s overall score is computed taking into account
the weighted scores awarded for each of the main criteria
Price. Vendors offering the most competitive price score high.
1. SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Supplier Evaluation> Define Weighting Keys
Equal Weighting
Unequal Weighting
2. SPRO > MM > Purchasing > Supplier Evaluation > Define Criteria
3. SPRO > MM > purchasing > Supplier Evaluation > Define Scope List.
4. SPRO > MM > purchasing > Supplier Evaluation > Maintain Purchasing Organization
5. Use T-code – ME61 for Vendor Evaluation (Do it for 2-3 Vendors)
ME61 (Maintain)
ME62 (Display)
ME63 (Automatic New Evaluation)
ME64 (Compare New Evaluation)
ME65 (Evaluation Lists)
ME6A (Changes to Vendor Evaluation)
ME6B (Display Vendor Evaln. for Material)
ME6C (Vendors Without Evaluation)
ME6D (Vendors Not Evaluated Since...)
ME6E (Evaluation Records Without Weighting)
ME6F (Print)
ME6G (Vendor Evaluation in the Background)
ME6H (Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluation)
ME6Z (Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables)