Catalogue 2009 Solar Inverter en Ebook
Catalogue 2009 Solar Inverter en Ebook
Catalogue 2009 Solar Inverter en Ebook
About us 1
SI 2000 2
SI 2500 4
SI 3300 6
SI 5000 8
CI 100 10
Solar accessories 12
About us
Delta Electronics Group (founded 1971) is the Do you need detailed information about the solar inverter;
world leader in manufacturing switch-mode power No problem! Our Delta Solar Team offers inverter training
supplies and a leading supplier of video displays courses which can be run either on our premises or on your
and electronic components for computers, tele- premises on request. Our Solar Team will be pleased to pro-
communication, networking and other industrial vide you more details about our different training options.
Delta solar inverters are supplied with a standard 5-year guar-
Delta has been steadily growing by 38.39% each antee which, of course, can be extended to 10 years (price on
year since 1971. In 2008, Delta achieved rev- request).
enues of $5.3 billion US. More than 50,000 staff
work for Delta all over the world in sales, develop- Delta has invested in state-of-the-art, ISO9000/14000, UL,
ment and production. TÜV and CSA certified production facilities in Slovakia to
manufacture our high-quality solar inverter product line. Delta
Delta Electronics has been successfully suppor- has a long history of producing a wide-range of cutting-edge
ting environmental protection and the develop- power conversion devices at these locations for computer,
ment of energy-saving technologies for many medical, telecom, industrial, and renewable energy applica-
years. At the center of the company’s activities tions.
is the designing of new equipment with steadily
improving efficiencies, low no-load losses and
high reliability. These efforts are further strength-
ened by investment in renewable energy products Maximize the efficiency of your solar installation by using the
such as photovoltaic modules, inverters, and fuel innovative inverter technologies from Delta!
cell converters.
SI 2000
As with all the solar inverters from Delta, installing the SI 2000 is easy.
Features Use the template provided to draw the drill holes where you want to
install the unit.
zz Transformer with high efficiency Fix the screws in the wall and then you only need to hang the solar
inverter by the holes provided, tighten the screws and it’s ready!
zz Isolation of primary and With its IP65 casing, you can also install the SI 2000 solar inverter in
protected outside areas. Since it is conductively isolated, personnel
secondary circuit protection is guaranteed so the unit can even be installed in the living
area – indoors or outdoors, it’s up to you!
zz Wide operating temperature
ranges: -25 °C to +60 °C Delta’s SI 2000 is particularly suitable for users who are looking for an
inexpensive solar inverter for smaller solar installations such as those
zz Intelligent MPP tracking for single-family homes.
zz Suitable for indoor and outdoor
applications (IP65)
zz Without fan
Protection degree IP65 EMC EN61000-6-2
Safety class 1 EN61000-6-3
Configurable trip parameters Yes per software EN61000-3-2
Insulation monitoring Yes EN61000-3-3
Current limitation;
Overload behavior
power limitation
Safety EN60950-1; EN50178
IEC62103; IEC62109-1 / -2
Anti-islanding protection DIN VDE 0126-1-1; RD 1663
DK 5940 Ed. 2.2; EN50438
SI 2500
With its IP65 casing, you can also install the SI 2500 solar inverter in
Features protected outside areas. Since it is electrically isolated, personnel pro-
tection is guaranteed so the unit can even be installed in the living area
– indoors or outdoors, it’s up to you!
zz Transformer with high efficiency
The relevant status messages and stored data can be easily called
(95.6%) up either directly on the user-friendly display or via your PC which you
zz Isolation of primary and have previously connected to the WEB’log from Meteocontrol and the
solar inverter via the RS485 interface. Because the SI 2500 is compati-
secondary circuit for additional ble with products from Meteocontrol, you can keep an eye on the status
safety of your PV installation and the output from anywhere at any time.
zz Wide operating temperature The SI 2500 can be used for any size of installation – particularly suit-
ranges: -25 °C to +60 °C able for users who are looking for smaller to medium-sized solar instal-
lations in applications such as single-family homes.
zz RS485 (EIA485) communication
zz Intelligent MPP tracking
zz Suitable for indoor and outdoor
applications (IP65)
zz Without fan
Protection degree IP65 EMC EN61000-6-2
Safety class 1 EN61000-6-3
Configurable trip parameters Yes EN61000-3-2
Insulation monitoring Yes EN61000-3-3
Current limitation;
Overload behavior
power limitation
Safety EN60950-1; EN50178
IEC62103; IEC62109-1 / -2
Anti-islanding protection DIN VDE 0126-1-1; RD 1663
DK 5940 Ed. 2.2; EN50438
SI 3300
As soon as the wall bracket has been mounted where you want it, you
Features only need to suspend the unit in the guide rail on the wall bracket with a
single movement – no other drilling is necessary.
zz Transformer with peak All the relevant status messages and stored data can be called up
effortlessly either directly on the integrated display or via your PC which
efficiency (96.0%) you have previously connected to the WEB’log from Meteocontrol and
zz Isolation of primary and the solar inverter via the RS485 interface. Thanks to the self-explana-
tory menu, you can quickly navigate through the different status mes-
secondary circuit for additional sages and select the required data. Because the SI 3300 is compatible
safety with products from Meteocontrol, you can keep an eye on the status of
your PV installation and the output from anywhere at any time.
zz Wide operating temperature
ranges: -25 °C to +70 °C The SI 3300 can be used for any size of installation. It is particularly
suitable for users who are looking for medium-sized solar installations.
zz RS485 (EIA485)
communication interfaces
zz Full power up to 57 °C
(without derating)
zz Intelligent MPP tracking
zz Suitable for indoor and outdoor
applications (IP65)
zz Without fan
Protection degree IP65 EMC EN61000-6-2
Safety class 1 EN61000-6-3
Configurable trip parameters Yes EN61000-3-2
Insulation monitoring Yes EN61000-3-3
Current limitation;
Overload behavior
power limitation
Safety EN60950-1; EN50178
IEC62103; IEC62109-1 / -2
Anti-islanding protection DIN VDE 0126-1-1; RD 1663
DK 5940 Ed. 2.2; EN50438
SI 5000
Because the SI 5000 is compatible with products from Meteocontrol,
Features you can keep an eye on the status of your PV installation and the out-
put from anywhere at any time.
zz Transformer with peak The SI 5000 from Delta can be used for any size of installation. It is
particularly suitable for users who are looking for a solar inverter for
efficiency (95.6%) medium-sized to large solar installations.
zz Isolation of primary and
secondary circuit for additional
zz Wide operating temperature
ranges: -25 °C to +60 °C
zz RS485 (EIA485)
communication interfaces
zz Simple and direct on-screen
data display
zz Intelligent MPP tracking
zz Suitable for indoor and outdoor
applications (IP65)
Protection degree IP65 EMC EN61000-6-2
Safety class 1 EN61000-6-3
Configurable trip parameters Yes EN61000-3-2
Insulation monitoring Yes EN61000-3-3
Current limitation;
Overload behavior
power limitation
Safety EN60950-1; EN50178
IEC62103; IEC62109-1 / -2
Anti-islanding protection DIN VDE 0126-1-1; RD 1663
DK 5940 Ed. 2.2; EN50438
CI 100
Protection degree IP20 EMC EN61000-6-2
Safety class 1 EN61000-6-3
Configurable trip parameters Yes EN61000-3-11
Insulation monitoring Yes EN61000-3-12
Current limitation;
Overload behaviour
power limitation
Safety EN60950-1; EN50178
IEC62103; IEC62109-1 / -2
Anti-islanding protection DIN VDE 0126-1-1; RD 1663
DK 5940 Ed. 2.2; EN50438
Solar accessories
Part number
Irradiance sensors
5040009400 Irradiance sensor Si-12TC, 0 - 10 V
5040002200 Irradiance sensor Si-12TC-T, 0 - 10 V; incl. temperature
5040009200 Irradiance sensor Si-12TC, 0 - 10 V; incl. 30 meter connection cable
Irradiance sensor Si-12TC-T, 0 - 10 V; incl. temperature and 30 meter
connection cable
5040010600 Irradiance sensor Si-12TC, 0 - 10 V; incl. 15 meter connection cable
Irradiance sensor Si-12TC-T, 0 - 10 V; incl. temperature and 15
meter connection cable
Fan - Delta
Part number
EOE99000124 Fan for SI 2500 G2
EOE99000116 Fan for SI 5000
Solar configurator - Delta
Part number
Solar configurator
Tool for planning of solar systems
DC disconnector - Santon
Part number
DC disconnector
Two-pole DC disconnector, 500V/16A, DC21, IP65 for max. 2 strings,
3000184492 without overvoltage protection, suitable for SI 2000 and SI 2500
(1 MPP)
Connection cable - Harting
Part number
Connection cable
Connection cable from Delta solar inverter to WEB’Logger from
3081129500 - Assembled outdoor cable with Harting RJ45 PushPull and RJ12
plugs, IP65, length of 5 meters
- Only suitable for SI 2500 G2, SI 3300 and SI 5000
Connection cable from inverter to inverter:
- Harting PushPull system cable RJ45, 8-core for IP65/67
applications, length of 1.5 meters
- Only suitable for SI 2500 G2, SI 3300 and SI 5000
zz EnWi-Etec:
27 January 2010