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Design and Fabrication of Thermo Electric Refrigerator

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume: 3 | Issue: 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Available Online: www.ijtsrd.com e-ISSN: 2456 - 6470

Design and Fabrication of Thermo Electric Refrigerator

Dr. S. Sreenatha Reddy1, G. Naveen Kumar2, K. Sridhar2, M. Sai Siri2
1Principal, 2Student
1,2Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India

How to cite this paper: Dr. S. Sreenatha ABSTRACT

Reddy | G. Naveen Kumar | K. Sridhar | In the recent years, we have many problems such as energy crises and
M. Sai Siri "Design and Fabrication of environment degradation due to increasing CO2 emissions on ozone layer
Thermo Electric Refrigerator" Published depletion has become the primary concern to both developed and developing
in International Journal of Trend in countries. Using thermo-electric module is going to be one of the most effective,
Scientific Research and Development clean and environment friendly system. The main advantage of the
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- thermoelectric refrigerator is no need of any refrigerant and mechanical devices
6470, Volume-3 | like compressor, prime mover, etc for its operation. Thermo electric refrigerator
Issue-3, April 2019, works on the principle of Peltier effect, when a direct current is passed between
pp.1299-1304, URL: two electrically dissimilar materials heat is absorbed or liberated at the junction.
https://www.ijtsrd.c The direction of the heat flow depends on the direction of applied electric
om/papers/ijtsrd23 current. The materials used for the thermo electric refrigerator are Silicon-
356.pdf IJTSRD23356 germanium and its alloys. The main objective is to design and fabrication of
thermo-electric refrigerator with an interior cooling volume of 0.0258m3
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development KEYWORDS: Thermo electric module, Peltier effect
Journal. This is an Open Access article
distributed under
the terms of the
Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
There are several methods which can be employed to
facilitate the transfer of heat from the surface of the
thermoelectric to the surrounding. Electrons can travel
freely in the copper conductors but not so freely in the
semiconductor. As the electrons leave the copper and enter
the hot side of the p-type, they must fill a "hole" in order to
move through the p-type. When the electrons fill a hole, they
drop down to a lower energy level and release heat in the
process. Then as the electrons move from the p-type into the
copper conductor on the cold side, the electrons are bumped
back to a higher energy level and absorb heat in the process
the electrons move freely through the copper until they
reach the cold side of the n-type semiconductor. When the
electrons move into the n-type, they must bump up an
energy level in order to move through the semiconductor.
Fig 1: Thermoelectric couple
Heat is absorbed when this occurs. Finally, when the
electrons leave the hot-side of the n-type, they can move
freely in the copper. They drop down to a lower energy level
Manoj Kumar presented an experimental study of noval
and release heat in the process. To increase heat transport,
potential green refrigeration and air-conditioning
several p type or n type thermoelectric (TE) components can
technology. They are analysing the cause and effect of an
be hooked up in parallel. The TE components can be put in
existing air-condition system. Thermoelectric cooling
series but the heat transport abilities are diminished because
provides a promising alternative R&AC technology due to
the interconnecting’s between the semiconductors creates
their distinct advantages. The available literature shows that
thermal shorting. The most efficient configuration is where a
thermoelectric cooling systems are generally only around 5–
p and n TE component is put electrically in series but
15% as efficient compared to 40–60% achieved by the
thermally in parallel. The device to the right is called a
conventional compression cooling system [1].

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23356 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 1299
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Manoj and Walke conducted an experimental study of shown that the system simulation coincides with
thermoelectric air cooling for cars. They are trying to experimental data of a thermoelectric cooler [5].
overcome these demerits by replacing the existing HVAC
system with newly emerging thermoelectric couple or cooler III. MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY
which works on Peltier and seebeck effect [2]. Materials used in our work include Peltier module,
aluminium foil, heat sink, cooling fan, plywood and
Yadav and Mehta presented combined experimental and temperature sensor.
theoretical study of thermoelectric materials and
application. The present study develops an optimization Peltier Module
design method for thermoelectric refrigerator. This device is In this thermal energy could be absorbed at one junction and
fabricated by combining the standard n-channel and p- discharged at the other junction when an electric current
channel solid-state thermoelectric cooler with a two-element flowed within the closed circuit. The most commonly used
device inserted into each of the two channels to eliminate Peltier modules in the all applications are TEC1-12706,
the solid-state thermal conductivity [3]. TEC1-12704, TEC1-12708. The Peltier unit in this fridge is
TEC1-12706. This work on 12V DC and takes maximum
Maneewan conducted an experimental investigation of current of 6amps at full load. The power rating of this unit is
thermal comfort study of compact thermoelectric air 92watts.
conditioner. In this paper analyse the cooling performance of
compact thermoelectric air-conditioner. TEC1-12708 type
thermoelectric modules used for heating and cooling
application [4].

Huang. B conducted an experimental study of design method

of thermoelectric cooler. They are fabricated the
thermoelectric cooler and analyse various considerations.
The system simulation shows that there exists a cheapest
heat sink for the design of a thermoelectric cooler. It is also Fig 2: Peltier module

Specifications of Peltier module TEC1-12706

Th (ºC) 27 50 Hot side temperature at environment: dry air, N2
Temperature Difference between cold and hot side of the
DTmax (ºC) 70 79
module when cooling capacity is zero at cold side
Umax (Voltage) 16.0 17.2 Voltage applied to the module at DTmax
Imax (amps) 6.1 6.1 DC current through the modules at DTmax
QCmax (Watts) 61.4 66.7 Cooling capacity at cold side of the module under DT=0 ºC
AC resistance(ohms) 1.8~2.2 2.0~2.4 The module resistance is tested under AC
Cooling Fan Aluminium foil
The fans used in this fridge works on 12V DC and draws Aluminium foil is widely used for radiation shield (barrier
0.18amps. The power consumption of each fan is 2.16 watts. and reflectivity), heat exchangers (heat conduction) and
cable liners (barrier and electrical conductivity). Aluminium
foil's heat conductive qualities make it a common accessory
in hookah smoking: a sheet of perforated aluminium foil is
frequently placed between the coal and the tobacco, allowing
the tobacco to be heated without coming into direct contact
with the burning coal.

Fig 3: Cooling fan

Heat Sink
Heat sink is a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat
generated by an electronic or a mechanical device to
a fluid medium, often air or a liquid coolant, where it
is dissipated away from the device, thereby allowing
regulation of the device's temperature at optimal levels.

Fig 4: Heat sink Fig 5: Aluminium foil

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23356 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 1300
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Plywood is a material manufactured from thin layers
of wood veneer that are glued together with adjacent layers
having their wood grain rotated up to 90 degrees to one

Fig 9: Refrigerator body interior

In this section we will discuss about the various design
procedures that we have followed in the fabrication of the
Fig 6: Plywood thermoelectric refrigerator.
Temperature sensor Step 1: Making of refrigerator box
The temperature sensor is a device which is used to sense The first step is to make the refrigeration box. Firstly, we
the temperature of the refrigeration box and give us the have taken the thermacol box for the purpose of
accurate data about the rate of cooling of the box. It is an refrigeration. After that the insulation is done on the both
important device which is gives us the information about the sides. On the outer side the insulation is done with the
cooling rate of the box and it also helps us to calculate the wooden ply of thickness 5mm and on the inner side the
efficiency of the device i.e. thermoelectric refrigerator. insulation is done with the aluminium sheet of thickness
1mm. The insulation is done to ensure that the box will
remain cool properly and there is no loss of heat to the

Fig 7: Temperature sensor

Designing of Refrigerator Body by SOLID WORKS 2016

Starting of SOLID WORKS 2016 is with a new name which
will be displayed on the screen.

To start a new file in the part design workbench, choose file Fig 10: Plywood pieces before fabrication
from the menu bar. The new dialog box is displayed. After
accomplishment all the necessary cuttings and modifications Step 2: Cutting process
of the refrigerator body, the ultimate model looks as shown After the box has been made the back side of the box is cut in
in figure. the proper dimensions to fit the fin-fan assembly in it.

Step 3: Drilling
Drilling is done on both the fins i.e. hot and cold side fins.
The drilling is done to hold the both fins together tightly. The
drilling is done by holding the both fins in a clamp tightly
and after that the drilling is done on the drilling machine
very precisely.

Fig 8: Refrigerator body

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23356 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 1301
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
Step 7: Selection of power supply
Now the circuit controller is mounted on the backside of box.
The circuit controller is used as a power supply source. Both
the fans and the Peltier module are attached to the circuit
controller with the help of wires. The black wire is positive
and red is negative. Here we have used the 12V dc power

Fig 13: Power supply

Circuit Diagram

Fig 11: Refrigerator body after fabrication

Step 4: Mounting of thermoelectric module

Mounting of module must be done with utter most care. The
surface of the fin, to be attached to the Peltier Module is
wiped free off dirt and grease using alcohol or similar and
thin film of thermally conductive silicon grease on the
suitable surfaces. The thermoelectric module is then
attached to the fin with the help of glue

Step 5: Tightening of screws

After the thermoelectric module is sandwiched between the
fins both fins are tightened together with the help of screws
in the holes which are drilled previously. The screws are
tightened precisely, and the excess part of the screw is cut.

Step 6: Mounting of fin fan assembly

After the fins are tightened together the fans are attached to Fig 14: Circuit Diagram
them and the whole assembly is mounted on the back side of
the refrigeration box. The assembly is mounted in such a In circuit diagram we can see that the Peltier is placed
way that the cold side fin is inside the box and hot side fin is between the hot side fan and the cold side fan. Both the
outside the box. The Peltier module is between the both fins. Peltier device and the fans are connected to the 12V power
supply. Here the power supply is direct current (D.C.)
because the Peltier device is a semiconductor device. The red
wire is positive, and the black is negative. As the Peltier gets
the power supply its one end gets hot and the other gets cold
which is the basis of the working of our thermoelectric
refrigerator. working the refrigerator is provided with a
power supply of 12 volts and 10 amps DC current.

Working of TER
1. To start the refrigerator, the switch on the fridge is
turned ON.
2. When the switch is turned on the Peltier devices and fan
start functioning.
3. Cold sides of the four Peltier devices transfers the
chilling effect to the evaporator.
4. Hot side of the Peltier are exposed to the atmosphere so
that a fan will takes out the heat from hot side at faster
5. The Peltier thermo electric device will be arranged in a
box with proper insulation system and heat sink so that
efficient cooling takes place at all the time.
6. To turn off the refrigerator, switch can be turned OFF.
Fig 12: Refrigerator body after fabrication with Peltier

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23356 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 1302
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ www.ijtsrd.com eISSN: 2456-6470
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1. Input Power = Voltage*Current
COP of TEM (Thermo electric module) = (12V * 9A) = 108 Watts
Heat Absorption (Qc) = αITC – 0.5I2R – Kt (Th-TC)
Heat Rejection (Qh) = αITh + 0.5I2R – Kt (Th-TC) 2. Initial Temperature = 305K
Where α = Seeback Coefficient in VK-1
I = Current in amps 3. Final Temperature = 300.7K
R = electrical resistance of the TEM in Ω
Kt = thermal conductivity of TEM in Wm-1K-1 4. Total amount of heat removed = Total cooling effect
Tc = Cold side temperature in K-1 produced
Th = Hot side temperature in K-1 = Mw * Cp * (Change in temperature)
= 0.1 * 4.12 * 4.3
Coefficient of performance (COP) = Qc / Qh-Qc = 1.7716 KJ = 1771.6 J
α = 53 VK-1 I = 10 A R = 2.1 Ω
Kt = 0.025 Wm-1K-1 5. Input Work = Input power * Time (in seconds)
Tc = 10 oC = 283 oK = 108W * 60 seconds
Th = 53 oC = 326 oK = 6480 J

Heat Absorption(Qc) = 53*10*283 – 0.5(10)2 * 2.1 – 6. Coefficient of performance

0.025(326-283) = Refrigeration effect / Input work
= 149883.9 Joules = 1771.6/ 6480
= 150 KJ = 0.27

For 4 Peltier modules Qc = 150*4 After conducting tests on designed Thermoelectric

= 600 KJ refrigerator following conclusions are drawn. From the
experimentation it is observed that in TER the refrigeration
Heat Rejection (Qh) = 53*10*326 + 0.5(10)2 * 2.1 – effect can be increased as compared to single thermo electric
0.025(326-283) refrigerator system. Experimental results show that the
= 172883.9 Joules coefficient of performance(COP) of Thermoelectric
= 173 KJ refrigeration system is found to be 0.27

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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD23356 | Volume – 3 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2019 Page: 1304

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