Facts: Reliance Commodities, Inc. (Reliance) and Once the credit is established, the seller ships the
Daewoo Industrial Co Ltd (Daewoo) entered into a goods to the buyer and in the process secures the
contract of sale where Reliance undertook to ship and required shipping documents or documents of title. To
deliver to Daewoo 2,000 tons of foundry pig iron. First get paid, the seller executes a draft and pays cash to
contract was consummated and completed but the seller if it finds that the documents submitted by
Daewoo fell short of 135.655 metric tons. Second the seller conform with what the letter of credit
contract for 2,000 metric tons was also perfected. requires. The bank then obtains possession of the
However, Reliance’s application for a letter of credit documents upon paying the seller. The transaction is
was denied by the China Banking Corporation, and it completed when the buyer reimburses the issuing
was shown later that the reason for this is that it has bank and acquires the documents entitling him to the
exceeded its foreign exchange allocation. goods. Under this arrangement, the seller gets paid
only if he delivers the documents of title over the
Because of the failure of Reliance to comply with its goods, while the goods only after reimbursing the
undertaking under the contract, Daewoo was forced bank.
to sell the foundry pig irons to another buyer at a
lower price. Reliance filed an action for damages Doctrine: The failure of a buyer seasonably to furnish
against Daewoo for the recovery of P226,370.48 an agreed letter of credit is a breach of the contract
representing the value of the short delivery of 135.655 between buyer and seller. Where the buyer fails to
metric tons of foundry pig iron under the first open a letter of credit as stipulated, the seller or
contract. Daewoo filed a counterclaim, contending exporter is entitled to claim damages for such breach.
that Reliance was guilty of breach of contract when it
failed to open a letter of credit as required in the 5. Bank of America, NT and SA v. Court of Appeals
second contract.
Issue: W/N Reliance is liable for breach of contract by Bank of America received by registered mail
failing to obtain the letter of credit an irrevocable letter of credit purportedly issued by
Bank of Ayudhya Samyek Branch, for the account of
Rulinng: Yes. Daewoo is liable for damages because
General Chemicals, Ltd., of Thailand in the amount of
the contract to deliver the goods were already
$2,782,000.00 to cover the sale of plastic ropes and
perfected. The opening of an L/C upon application of
agricultural files, with Bank of America as the advising
Reliance was not a condition precedent for the birth of
bank and Inter-Resin Industrial Corporation as
the obligation of Reliance to purchase foundry pig iron
from Daewoo. As a rule, the failure of to open the
Bank of America notified Inter-Resin of the
appropriate letter of credit did not prevent the birth
letter of credit. Upon request by Inter-Resin for Bank
of the contract, and neither did such failure extinguish
of America to confirm the letter of credit by sending
the contract.
its lawyer, the latter refused although one of its As an advising or notifying bank, Bank of America did
employees explained to Inter-Resin that there was no not incur any obligation more than just notifying Inter-
need for confirmation because the letter of credit is Resin of the letter of credit issued in its favor, let alone
genuine. to confirm the letter of credit.
Inter-Resin therefore twice sought availment
under the letter of credit. Bank of America issued Bringing the letter of credit to the attention of the
P10,219,093 in the first availment upon being satisfied seller is the primordial obligation of an advising bank.
of the documents submitted by Inter-Resin. The same The view that Bank of America should have first
documents were to Bank of Ayudha for checked the authenticity of the letter of credit with
reimbursement. Bank of Ayudhya, by using advanced mode of business
On the request of second availment, Bank of communications, before dispatching the same to
America stopped the processing upon being informed Inter-Resin finds no real support in the UCP.
by Bank of Ayudhya that the letter of credit was
fraudulent. Further, upon conducting an examination As advising bank, Bank of America is bound only to
of the vans sent by Inter-Resin, it found out that they check the “apparent authenticity” of the letter of
contain not ropes but plastic strips, wrappers, rags credit, which it did.
and waste materials.
Bank of America sued Inter-Resin for recovery May Bank of America then recover what it has paid
of the money it gave under the first availment, under the letter of credit when the corresponding
considering the letter of credit has been disowned by draft for partial availment thereunder and the
Bank of Ayudhya. However, the trial court ruled in required documents therefore were later negotiated
favor of Inter-Resin which was affirmed by the Court with it by Inter-Resin? The answer is yes.
of Appeals.
This kind of transaction is what is commonly referred
Issue: to as a discounting arrangement. This time, Bank of
Whether or not, Bank of America, under the America, has acted independently as a negotiating
letter of credit, is an advising bank or a confirming bank, thus saving Inter-Resin from the hardship of
bank, and if it can recover thereof from Inter-Resin the presenting the documents directly to Bank of Ayudhya
amount it has paid. to recover payment. As a negotiating bank, Bank of
America has a right of recourse against the issuer bank
Held: Advising Bank and can recover! and until reimbursement is obtained, Inter-Resin, as
It ruled that the crucial point of dispute in this the drawer of the draft, continues to assume a
case is whether, under the “letter of credit,” Bank of contingent liability thereon.
America has incurred any liability to the “beneficiary”
thereof, an issue that largely is dependent on the 6. ASIAN TERMINALS, INC. vs. PHILAM INSURANCE
bank’s participation in that transaction: as a mere CO., INC
advising or notifying bank, it would not be liable, but FACTS:
as a confirming bank, had this been the case, it could On April 15, 1995, Nichimen Corporation shipped to
be considered as having incurred that liability. Universal Motors Corporation 219 packages
containing 120 units of brand new Nissan Pickup Truck
It cannot seriously be disputed, looking at this case, Double Cab 4×2 model, without engine, tires and
that Bank of America has, in fact, only been an batteries, on board the vessel S/S Calayan Iris from
advising, not confirming, bank, and this much is Japan to Manila. The shipment, which had a declared
clearly evident, among other things, by the provisions value of US$81,368 or P29,400,000, was insured with
of the letter of credit itself, the petitioner bank’s letter Philam against all risks under the marine Policy no.
of advice, its request for payment of advising fee, and 708-8006717-4. The carrying vessel arrived at the port
the admission of Inter-Resin that it has paid the same. of manila on April 20, 1995, and when the shipment
That Bank of America has asked Inter-Resin to submit was unloaded by the staff of ATI, it was found that the
documents required by the letter of credit and package marked as 03-245-42K/1 was in bad order.
eventually has paid the proceeds thereof, did not The Turn Over Survey of bad order cargoes dated April
obviously make it a confirming bank. 21, 1995 identified two packages, labelled 03-245-
42K/1 and 03/237/7CK/2, as being dented and broken.
Thereafter, the cargoes were stored for temporary
safekeeping inside CFS Warehouse in Pier No. 5. On payment by the insurer to the insured operates as an
May 11, 1995, the shipment was withdrawn by R.F. equitable assignment to the insurer of all the
Revilla Customs Brokerage, Inc., the authorized broker remedies that the insured may have against the third
of Universal Motors, and delivered to the latter’s party whose negligence or wrongful act caused the
warehouse in Mandaluyong City. Upon the request of loss. The right of subrogation is not dependent upon,
Universal Motors, a bad order survey was conducted nor does it grow out of, any privity of contract. It
on the cargoes and it was found that one Frame Axle accrues simply upon payment by the insurance
Sub without LWR was deeply dented on the buffle company of the insurance claim. The doctrine of
plate while six Frame Assembly with Bush were subrogation has its roots in equity. It is designed to
deformed and misaligned. Owing to the extent of the promote and accomplish justice; and is the mode that
damage to said cargoes, Universal Motors declared equity adopts to compel the ultimate payment of a
them a total loss. On August 4, 1995, Universal Motors debt by one who, in justice, equity, and good
filed a formal claim for damages in the amount of conscience, ought to pay.
P643,963.84 against Westwind, ATI and R.F. Revilla
Customs Brokerage, Inc. When Universal Motors’ 7. FEATI (now CITYTRUST BANKING CORPORATION)
demands remained unheeded, it sought reparation vs CA G.R. No. 94209 April 30, 1991
from and was compensated in the sum of P633,957.15 FACTS:
by Philam. Accordingly, Universal Motors issued a Bernardo E. Villaluz agreed to sell to Axel
Subrogation Receipt dated November 15, 1995 in Christiansen 2,000 cubic meters of lauan logs. After
favor of Philam. On January 18, 1996, Philam, as inspecting the logs, Christiansen issued a purchase
subrogee of Universal Motors, filed a Complaint for order for said logs. On the arrangements made and
damages against Westwind, ATI and R.F. Revilla upon the instructions of the consignee, Hanmi Trade
Customs Brokerage, Inc. before the Regional Trial Development, the Security Pacific National Bank of Los
Court of Makati City. The trial court rendered Angeles, California issued Irrevocable Letter of Credit
judgment in favour of Philam which ruling was available at sight in favor of Villaluz. The letter of
affirmed by the Court of Appeals modifying the credit was mailed to the Feati Bank with the
amount to be paid by Westwind and ATI. instruction to the latter that it "forward the enclosed
letter of credit to the beneficiary” and the draft to be
ISSUE: Whether or not Philam may claim against drawn is on Security Pacific National Bank and that it
Westwind and ATI as a subrogee be accompanied by the following documents, among
HELD: YES. others: Certification from Han-Axel Christiansen, Ship
The Court holds that petitioner Philam has adequately and Merchandise Broker, stating that logs have been
established the basis of its claim against petitioners approved prior to shipment in accordance with terms
ATI and Westwind. Philam, as insurer, was subrogated and conditions of corresponding purchase Order.
to the rights of the consignee, Universal Motors
Corporation, pursuant to the Subrogation receipt The logs were thereafter loaded on the vessel
executed by the latter in favour of the former. The of Christiansen After the loading of the logs was
right of subrogation accrues simply upon payment by completed, the Chief Mate, Shao Shu Wang issued a
the insurance company of the insurance claim. mate receipt of the cargo which stated the same are in
good condition. However, Christiansen refused to
Petitioner Philam’s action finds support in Article issue the certification as required in paragraph 4 of
2207 of the Civil Code which provides that if the the letter of credit, despite several requests made by
plaintiff’s property has been insured, and he has the private respondent. Because of the absence of the
received indemnity from the insurance company for certification by Christiansen, the Feati Bank and Trust
the injury or loss arising out of the wrong or breach of Company refused to advance the payment on the
contract complained of, the insurance company shall letter of credit. The letter of credit lapsed without the
be subrogated to the rights of the insured against the private respondent receiving any certification from
wrongdoer or the person who has violated the Christiansen. Since the demands by the private
contract. respondent for Christiansen to execute the
certification proved futile, Villaluz, on September 1,
In Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Alberto, the Court 1971, instituted an action for mandamus and specific
explained the effect of payment by the insurer of the performance against Christiansen and the Feati Bank
insurance claim in this wise: We have held that and Trust Company (now Citytrust) before the then
Court of First Instance of Rizal. On or about 1979, seller and its liability is a primary one as if the
while the case was still pending trial, Christiansen left correspondent bank itself had issued the letter of
the Philippines without informing the Court and his credit.
counsel. Hence, Villaluz, filed an amended complaint
to make the petitioner solidarily liable with In this case, the letter merely provided that
Christiansen. the petitioner "forward the enclosed original credit to
the beneficiary." Considering the aforesaid instruction
ISSUE: WON FEATI Bank may be held solidarily liable in to the petitioner by the issuing bank, the Security
the LoC arrangement for non-compliance by Axel? Pacific National Bank, it is indubitable that the
petitioner is only a notifying bank and not a
HELD: confirming bank as ruled by the courts below. A
No. It is a settled rule in commercial notifying bank is not a privy to the contract of sale
transactions involving letters of credit that the between the buyer and the seller, its relationship is
documents tendered must strictly conform to the only with that of the issuing bank and not with the
terms of the letter of credit. The tender of documents beneficiary to whom he assumes no liability. It follows
by the beneficiary (seller) must include all documents therefore that when the petitioner refused to
required by the letter. A correspondent bank which negotiate with the private respondent, the latter has
departs from what has been stipulated under the no cause of action against the petitioner for the
letter of credit, as when it accepts a faulty tender, acts enforcement of his rights under the letter. In order
on its own risks and it may not thereafter be able to that the petitioner may be held liable under the letter,
recover from the buyer or the issuing bank, as the there should be proof that the petitioner confirmed
case may be, the money thus paid to the beneficiary the letter of credit. At the most, when the petitioner
Thus the rule of strict compliance. An irrevocable extended the loan to the private respondent, it
credit refers to the duration of the letter of credit. assumed the character of a negotiating bank. Even
What is simply means is that the issuing bank may not then, the petitioner will still not be liable, for a
without the consent of the beneficiary (seller) and the negotiating bank before negotiation has no
applicant (buyer) revoke his undertaking under the contractual relationship with the seller. Whether
letter. The issuing bank does not reserve the right to therefore the petitioner is a notifying bank or a
revoke the credit. On the other hand, a confirmed negotiating bank, it cannot be held liable. Absent any
letter of credit pertains to the kind of obligation definitive proof that it has confirmed the letter of
assumed by the correspondent bank. In this case, the credit or has actually negotiated with the private
correspondent bank gives an absolute assurance to respondent, the refusal by the petitioner to accept the
the beneficiary that it will undertake the issuing bank's tender of the private respondent is justified.
obligation as its own according to the terms and
conditions of the credit. 8. BELMAN COMPAÑIA INCORPORADA vs CENTRAL
In commercial transactions involving letters of G. R. L-10195; November 29, 1958
credit, the functions assumed by a correspondent
bank are classified according to the obligations taken FACTS: The petitioner won a bid to supply the
up by it. The correspondent bank may be called a Philippine Government 1000 reams of onion skin
notifying bank, a negotiating bank, or a confirming paper. It applied to the Philippine National Bank for a
bank. In case of a notifying bank, the correspondent letter of credit in the sum of $4,300.00 to pay its
bank assumes no liability except to notify and/or American supplier based in California. In September
transmit to the beneficiary the existence of the letter 21, 1950, PNB approved and granted the application of
of credit. A negotiating bank, on the other hand, is a the letter of credit, through its correspondent bank in
correspondent bank which buys or discounts a draft the US Crocker First National Bank, paid the payee the
under the letter of credit. Its liability is dependent sum of $4,300 on or before October 19, 1950. On April
upon the stage of the negotiation. If before 26, 1951, the petitioner paid PNB and whose payment
negotiation, it has no liability with respect to the seller was assessed with an excise tax of 17% due to the
but after negotiation, a contractual relationship will passage of the RA 601 which imposes 17% special
then prevail between the negotiating bank and the excise tax on foreign currency exchange. RA 601 was
seller. In the case of a confirming bank, the enacted on March 28, 1951. The petitioner paid under
correspondent bank assumes a direct obligation to the protest and sought to claim a refund contending that
the contract of letter of credit was perfected and Government of the country where such letter of credit
consummated on its approval which is before the was granted.
enactment of RA 601. Hence, the assessed excise tax
was invalid. Respondent contends that the grant or The draft authorized by the letter of credit applied for
approval on an application for a letter of credit for an by Belman and granted by the CBP stated that it must
amount payable in foreign currency is only an be drawn and presented or negotiated in San
executory contract, in the sense that until payment, Francisco, California, U.S.A., not later than October
return, or settlement of the amount paid and delivered 19,1950. It may be presumed that payment was made
by, or collected from the bank in foreign currency be on or before such date. And since Republic Act No. 601
made by the debtor, the contract is not executed or imposing such tax took effect only on March 28, 1951,
consummated. it was not subject to excise tax.