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PHONE:0863- 2338555
Office of the
Director of Town and Country
Planning, West Annapurna Nagar,
Gorantla, Guntur.
Circular No.9464/2012/P. Dt .. 01.2019
. Government in their Memo 1st cited, it was specified that as per DPMS System, the
DTCP is the Authority who can address any grievance of any applicant resultinq out 'of the
software functioning.
In this office letter 4th and 5th dted, specific instructions were issued regarding
updation of Master data and levying deletion of proportionate (14%) open space charges.
The Government in their Memo 2nd cited have specified that, if the post approval
inspection is not carried out within 10 days, then the inspection deemed to have been taken
place and if any discrepancies are found out in future during the course of construction, the
concerned Officers will be t.~ken into task. Detailed guide lines were issued were issued in
this office Circular 5th cited.
Further, a Request Tracking System (RTS) has been introduced in APDPMS for
transparency and speedy redressal of grievances to improve functioning of the system.
Gufdelines were issued 'to Town Planning Staff time to time 'during Review Meetings and
through Teleconferences.
Inspite of above instructions and guidelines, it is observed that in some Urban Local
Bodies, the procedures are not being followed properly.
1) The Master data if any missing shall be got entered immediately at Urban Local Body
level/Urban Development Authority level only without any delay by placing request
through RTS. No request through mail or oral shall be entertained.
l 4) As per this office instructions issued vide reference 3rd and 5th cited, ali Officers shall
complete post approval verification with in time limit given to them and shall ensure
final completion of post verification within 15 days to avoid deemed confirmation.
Keeping file in ones login for more than the time given to them and escalating to the
higher officer at the flag end of time is not correct
All the deemed confirmed files can be viewed by the concerned officials. But they
can not process it.· However the officer concerned in whose login the file was
deemed confirmed shall verify all the deemed confirmed files in their respective
logins and if any short fall of fee/documents/drawings is found, then a request with
details of shortfall has to be submitted to DT&CP through 'RTS' under APDPMS to
reopen the file.
If the file is recommended for confirmation, and if there is no short fall, there is
no need to reopen such files.
5) It is observed that in some cases, short falls are being raised unnecessarily just to
skip deemed confirmation. Any short fall shall be clearly mentioning the Rule
position and specific violation or discrepancy.
6) The Request Tracking System was introduced for transparent and speedy redressal
of grievances under DPMSS for better service delivary.
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It is observed that in certain cases, issues were kept pending for days together
and further the requests are being escalated to DT&CP simply requesting to
'consider' which is not correct. t
Any request in RTS shall be examined with reference to Rules and the same has
to be escalated to DT&CP clearly noting the · Rule Position duly attaching the
documentary evidences if any.
7) It should be clearly noted that the DT&CP can not exempt rules and this system is
only to facilitate transparent and speedy redressal of grievances in DPMS which are
in accordance with Rules.
It should be noted that any fee/changes can not be exempted under RTS.
If such fee/charqes are not applicable or erroneously levied, then request shall be
recommended with specific rule position to delete such fee/charges.
The word "EXEMPTION" OR "WAIVER" shall not be used any where in RTS.
9) While recommending for un-blocking of LTP, the issue shall be examined in detail
and furnish detailed remarks with justification for unblocking.
10) All the Local Bodies within UDAs are exercising their functions relating to planning
activities under APMR&UDA Act with the delegated powers of UDAs.
Hence, if the LTPs/Developers enrolled in UDA, it is valid for all local bodies
within the respective UDA and there is no need for separate Registration from local
The Commissioner, APCRDA, Vijayawada.
The Metropolitan Commissioner, VMRDA, Visakhapatnam.
The Vice Chairmen of All Urban Development Authorities in the State.
The Commissioners of All Urban Local Bodies in the State.
The Town Planning Section Heads in all Urban Local Bodies and All Urban Development
Authorities including APCRDA, VMRDA and VK-PCPIR-SDA.
The Regional Deputy Directors/District Town and Country Planning Officers.
All Officers in the Head Office, 0/o the DT&CP, AP, Guntur.
Copy submitted to the Principal Secretary to Government, Municipal Administration and
Urban Development Department, AP Secretariat, Velagapudi for favour of information.