7th Edition Audio Script
7th Edition Audio Script
7th Edition Audio Script
STAGE 1 Introduction
STAGE 2 Vocabulary
d brother noun My older and younger brother are sharing the same bed.
b) Siblings can be a brother or sister. They can also be older or younger than you.
c) Some parents have an only child. This means that the child has no siblings.
STAGE 5 Question
c) Have you had fights with your siblings or cousins? Why did you fight?
STAGE 7 Conclusion
STAGE 1 Introduction
STAGE 2 Vocabulary
a) Siblings may share the same interest like cooking, fishing or even playing sports.
b) It is normal for young children to argue and feel jealous about their parent’s attention.
c) Jealousy is mostly felt towards their sibling who receives more gifts and attention from others.
STAGE 5 Question
c) What is jealousy?
STAGE 6 Picture
b) How would you react if your older sister does this to you?
c) If you are the older sibling, would you do the same thing to your younger sibling?
f) How will you solve this situation if you are the mother?
STAGE 7 Conclusion
STAGE 1 Introduction
STAGE 2 Vocabulary
b inevitable adjective It is inevitable when siblings fight and argue over things.
c Sarah and Anna bicker a lot but they don’t have any
animosity noun
animosity towards each other.
a) Parents should strive to provide equal treatment to their children to avoid animosity
c) One inevitable fact that siblings do is fight each other. However, in times of struggle,
your sibling will surely fight for your behalf and will try to make you feel better.
STAGE 5 Question
b) What do you mean by “The bond between siblings is complicated yet very special”?
a) Now please look at the pictures and describe each. You have 20 seconds to
STAGE 7 Conclusion
STAGE 1 Introduction
STAGE 2 Picture 1
You have one minute to prepare and two minutes to narrate the story. Your story should begin
with the following sentence: (Bea is eating a cake.)
Look at the pictures again and try to make your own scenario after the 3rd picture.
STAGE 4 Question 2
Please read the passage aloud and answer the following questions.
relationship is one of the longest lasting relationships in most people's lives, and one of the
most prevalent”. Although this relationship is almost always a friendly one during adulthood, the
childhood and adolescent relationship is usually hostile. Sibling rivalries during adolescence
and childhood usually occur because of a strong amount of jealousy towards a younger sibling
who appears to be receiving the full amount of attention from the parents. The three most
important factors that impact the sibling relationship are birth order, age, and the parent-child or
parent-parent relationships.
b) Why do you think that the relationship between siblings is a very important kind of
d) What are the factors that may affect the relationship between siblings?
STAGE 5 Conclusion