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ANSYS Solutions Winter02

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The movement from a printed publication to an online e-zine

We are pleased to send you enables us to bring you current information much faster than is
this first issue of our new otherwise possible.
online publication; an e-zine
focused on simulation-based The Internet and Web-based technology are playing a huge role
applications, technology, throughout industry today, as ANSYS and we all know users
processes and strategies. Our are applying the tools together with simulation solutions in ways
goal is to provide objective and that were unimaginable just a few years ago. So it’s appropriate
authoritative information to for us to use this same digital communications medium to convey
help readers understand and important information to you in a timely manner. The e-zine
apply finite element analysis format also gives us more flexibility in terms of graphics, length,
and related technology, not and mundane aspects of publishing a magazine such as
only from an engineering deadlines and production schedules.
standpoint but also from a
business perspective.

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Under this new digital format, we’ll continue to bring you These are the business drivers for implementing simulation and
industry news, overview articles, user stories, software the overriding reason companies invest in these types of
profiles, product information, application tips, and other material solutions. Indeed, the business benefits are so far-reaching that
directed toward professional analysts applying the technology simulation-based product development is recognized as a critical
as their main jobs, design engineers using simulation as part of competitive advantage at a growing number of forward-thinking
their product development work, and managers overseeing companies.
these operations in their capacity of running the operations.
We’ll bring you management-oriented articles, columns, and
In ANSYS Solutions, we’ll be covering a broad spectrum commentaries on these business-drivers and related trends,
including advanced analysis technology, virtual prototyping, issues and strategies. In this issue, managers will find the article
design synthesis, process automation, application integration “Who’s Listening to the Customer?” by Howard Crabb of
and CAE collaboration. These various types of solutions all particular interest, discussing how manufacturers are shifting
have a technical foundation, of course, and we’ll be covering from product-push to market-pull development processes driven
them all from that angle. Beyond these technology stories is the by customer expectations and consumer demand. See also
business case for these tools: the benefits they bring to the Don’s Brown’s piece on “Emergence of the SuperDesigner”
enterprise in terms of time savings, cost reduction, quality describing management issues related to the converging and
improvement, product performance and design innovation. overlapping roles and responsibilities of designers, engineers
and CAE analysts.

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We’d like to give our management readers the opportunity to We’d appreciate any input you can provide in helping us make
contribute their stories in future issues. Material can range in ANSYS Solutions a valuable conduit of information for all levels
scope from 600-word guest commentaries to full-length 1,500- of the enterprise. Considerable time and research goes into
word feature articles. Tell us in your own words how making this an authoritative source of useful information, and we
simulation technology is being implemented at your company want to be flexible in making sure our editorial content meets
and what impact it’s having on your business and the way it your ever-changing needs. We invite your feedback and want
operates. We invite you to share your experiences, ideas, and you to consider this your digital magazine. Together, we can
opinions on topics such as up-front analysis, managing build and evolve a format that will continue to make a useful
designers and analysts, leveraging simulation throughout the contribution to your work and one we hope you will look
product life cycle, simulation as a competitive necessity, forward to reading.
integrating analysis with design, where simulation pays off,
analysis across the supply chain, simulation as a business
advantage, analysis versus testing, ROI, etc.

John Krouse
Editorial Director

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The ultimate scalable engineering solution for a
multitude of engineering enterprises

By Ray Browell
Product Line Manager
From elemental structural and thermal analysis in the
aerospace and automotive industries to intricate fluid
flow and electromagnetic investigations in the emerging
biomedical and electronics industries, ANSYS is the
premier, scalable engineering solution for a multitude of
engineering enterprises. Plus, with new technology and
capabilities constantly being added, ANSYS continues
to keep pace with the increasing simulation demands of
companies worldwide.

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Adopting an ANSYS solution is more than simply selecting the Not only is ANSYS committed to bringing the most advanced
right tool for the right job. It’s about adopting technology functionality to its scalable CAE solution, it strives to improve
designed to completely integrate with existing systems and accessibility for a growing user base. Throughout the next few
legacy data to improve the overall efficiency of the product years, expect major advancements in the power of ANSYS’ features,
development process. ANSYS’ scalable solution means that as well as the intuitive operation of its user interface.
the same powerful technology can be extended to every tier
of the corporate product development structure. From the ANSYS 7.0 software offers engineers and scientists unmatched
entry-level CAD operator to the senior analyst, ANSYS usability, technology and performance. A wide range of new features
efficiently increases productivity among engineering team and enhanced capabilities has been added for simulating single as
members and improves product quality throughout the well as multiphysical phenomena. ANSYS – the catalyst for major
development cycle. This brings better products to market in changes in the product development process throughout its 30-plus
far less time, resulting in lower overhead, increased revenue, year history. We’ll continue to deliver the most sophisticated and
greater market share and higher customer satisfaction. innovative engineering applications today and tomorrow.

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General Enhancements

ANSYS Structural Enhancements

ANSYS Thermal Electric Enhancements

Electromagnetics Enhancements

ANSYS FLOTRAN Enhancements

ANSYS LS-DYNA Enhancements

Coupled-Field Enhancements

ANSYS Multiphysics

For more information, visit www.ansys.com

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ANSYS FEMXplorer Series Xpansion technology provides a much more efficient
approach by providing a "response surface." A response
ANSYS FEMXplorer module computes data vital to the surface is an explicit approximation function of the Finite-
improvement of product design performance. When combined Element results expressed as a function of all selected input
with ANSYS simulation software, this powerful application variables. Among other approaches known in literature, these
allows analysts to make intelligent design directives given approximation functions can be derived from Taylor series
multiple competing objectives. FEMXplorer's proprietary Series expansion approximation.
Xpansion technology offers the capacity to study, quantify and
graph the structural analysis response to alternative design The accuracy of the Taylor series expansion technique
parameters for linear elastic static analyses. depends on the order of the approximation function. Naturally,
the higher the order of the approximation, the more accurate the
Finite element analysis results depend upon several input approximation will be. The Series Xpansion technology
variables, such as: implemented in ANSYS automatically determines the necessary
• Material properties order of the approximation based on the requested accuracy of
• Physical parameters such as the thickness of a plate the expected results.
• Number of ribs or stiffeners

In a traditional finite element analysis, each change of the value

of any input variable requires a new FEA. To perform a “what-
if" study where several input variables are varied in a certain
range, a considerable number of finite element analyses may be
required to satisfactorily evaluate the FE results over the space
of the input variables.

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To determine the response surfaces, it is necessary to evaluate ANSYS provides two separately licensed Series Xpansion
higher order derivatives of the results with respect to the modules for ANSYS:
selected input variables, where the order of the derivatives
corresponds to the order of the approximation function. It is a ANSYS Series Xpansion Frequency Sweep Module
unique, key feature of the Series Xpansion technology
implemented in ANSYS that all necessary derivatives of any ANSYS FEMXplorer Module
order are calculated automatically within one single finite
element analysis. Because the derivatives are also calculated,
this "extended" finite element analysis may take longer than a
regular solve. However, this one "extended" finite element
analysis will take considerably shorter time if compared to the
many solutions runs that are required for the mentioned "what-
if" study. Depending on the analysis problem, typical
acceleration factors may be in the order of 10 or even up to
several thousand.

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ANSYS Series Xpansion Frequency Sweep Module

Provides response curves of electromagnetic applications as a function

of the excitation frequency.

Capable of performing a frequency sweep for high-frequency

electromagnetics, this module is automatically included with ANSYS
EMAX 7.0. This is also an add-on product to ANSYS Multiphysics only. It
does not currently support any other type of frequency sweep except
for high-frequency electromagnetics. Structural Frequency Sweeps will
be supported in future releases.

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ANSYS FEMXplorer Module • Based upon the series Xpansion (SX) technology acquired
through the CADOE S.A. Acquisition
Provides a response surface of FE results for linear • SX technology provides a "response surface" by Taylor series
elastic static structural analysis. expansion
• The SX technology implemented in ANSYS automatically
ANSYS FEMXplorer provides a response surface of FE determines the necessary order of the approximation based
results for linear elastic static structural analysis. This on the requested accuracy of the expected results
version of the Series Xpansion technology works within • The response surfaces are calculated within a single
ANSYS to select material properties, real constant values "extended" finite-element analysis
such as thickness, and a collection of elements to be – Solution time is typically 2x to 5x of a single solution
active or inactive and then solves using Series Xpansion – The “extended" finite element analysis is considerably
technology coupled with the ANSYS solver. This is an shorter than typical DOE methods
add-on product to any of the ANSYS products with – Depending on the analysis problem, typical acceleration
structural capabilities. factors may be in the order of 10 or up to several

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Capabilities – Material properties. Elements supported include:
• LINK180, SHELL181, PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185,
• Supports analyses that are structural static analyses with SOLID186, SOLID187
linear elastic and isotropic materials
• Supports all of the 18x Series of Elements
• Works with the sparse solver – Shell thickness through either real constants or section
• Parameters that can be varied include: definitions. Element supported include:
• SHELL181
– Discrete (i.e. number of ribs) elements supported include:
• FEMXplorer is an add-on module to Classic ANSYS
• BEAM188, BEAM189, COMBIN14 Environment

At the 7.0 Release, the FEMXplorer has a few limitations. Items

not supported include:
• Temperature-dependent material properties
• Thermal loads
• Constraint equations (couples are supported)
• Elements using the mixed U/P formulation
• Limitation of only one FEMXplorer variable per individual
element (e.g. you can not vary both modulus of elasticity
and thickness on the same shell element)

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Discrete Parameters: DesignXplorer (DX) now supports
discrete parameters. These are parameters that are not
continuous in nature, quantities such as the number of holes
in a part, or which type of material the part is made from. At
7.0, DX supports three different kinds of discrete parameters,
they are:

Integer Discrete Parameters: Integer discrete parameters

are parameters which can only have integer values and are
meaningless for any value other than integer values. A good
example of this is the number of holes in a part. Obviously, the
number of holes is an integer values, but for this category, it is
also important that non-integer values are meaningless. For
instance having 2.25 holes does not make any physical sense.

Define parameters from multiple sources (i.e. CAD system, DesignSpace or

within DesignXplorer itself) using the design parameter definition table.

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Scenario Discrete Parameters: Scenario discrete
parameters are parameters that define an entirely new set
of conditions that are completely independent from one
another. Selection of the material is a scenario discrete
parameter. Steel and aluminum are completely different
materials and, therefore, each material has its own scenario
with its associated set of geometry, boundary condition and
loading parameters.

Continuous Parameters with Usability Constraints:

Continuous parameters with usability constraints are
parameters that are continuous in nature but are evaluated
only at certain discrete values. An example is the diameter of
a hole. It physically makes sense that a hole could vary in
diameter and have an infinite set of possibilities, but due to
manufacturing constraints, we would only evaluate hole
diameters that correspond to drill bit sizes currently in use on
the factory floor. Similar usability (or manufacturability)
constraints may apply to items such as a fillet radius or a
Easily modify design parameters using either the slide bars or manual plate thickness.
entry options of DesignXplorer's parameter manager table.

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Expanded Visualization Capabilities: The Parameter
Navigator has been expanded to include several
different views of the user's parameter space.

DesignXplorer's three-dimensional chart navigator provides instantaneous

feedback via a 3-D response surface which corresponds to changes in design
criteria (i.e. parameters) for a greater overall understanding of product behavior.

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The Parameter Navigator's expanded views include:

Enhanced Response Surface Chart: Providing the full

suite of capabilities needed, DX has enhanced graphics
within its Chart Navigator view.

For 3-D graphs, DX provides meaning full displays of

discrete parameters vs. continuous parameters and discrete
parameters vs. discrete parameters as well as the
previously released capability to display continuous
parameters vs. continuous parameters. When viewing a
discrete parameter vs. a continuous parameter, DX only
shows slices (isolines) corresponding to the discrete
parameters, thereby only showing valid values of all
parameters displayed. When viewing a discrete parameter
vs. a discrete parameter, DX shows a 3-D histogram
representing only valid values of both discrete parameters.

DesignXplorer's goal-oriented optimization menu allows you to find design

parameters which correspond to optimized design by both traditional and
non-traditional design optimization strategies.

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General Enhancements ANSYS Workbench Environment

• Ability to simultaneously mesh solids and surfaces in a Improved Contact Robustness

single assembly*
• Option to export analysis results into Microsoft Excel ISolver Enhancements
• Option to erase mesh and solution data from database to Usability Enhancements
conserve disk space*
• Simulation reactions displayed as parameters in detailed menu* Nonlinear Diagnostics
• Configured to support operation of Space Ball® and Space
Mouse® 3-D motion controllers* ANSYS Geometry Healing Module
• Worksheet View displays contents of operation free folders
in convenient Excel-like spreadsheet format* *Available within the ANSYS Workbench Environment only
• User’s choice of Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate
systems, in addition to stand and global systems, available
in geometry definition menu*
• Memory option in boot.ini file boosts memory to 3 GB on
Windows XP desktops
• ANSYS Connection for CATIA V5
• ANSYS Connection for Caltech Intermediate Format (.cif) for
ECAD applications

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ANSYS Workbench Environment

New at Release 7.0 is the ANSYS Workbench Environment*, which

is built upon a new platform that offers an efficient and intuitive user
interface, superior CAD integration, automatic meshing, access to
model parameters, and access to much ANSYS functionality, all
within one environment. This feature also offers extensive
customization potential and add-on modules such as DesignXplorer
and Fatigue. Within the ANSYS launcher, you chose which
environment to use: the Workbench Environment or the Classic
ANSYS interface.
*Currently, this environment will be given to all TECS paying customers requesting ANSYS 7.0.

Why are we doing this?

Who is the customer?
What is the ANSYS Workbench Environment interface?
Won’t jumping between the ANSYS Workbench Environment
and the ANSYS applet seem clunky?
How would I use it?
How will it be different than the way I’m used to working?
What are the benefits – and the drawbacks – to this interface?
What are our expectations for ANSYS Workbench Environment?
What are the products we are releasing?
What is the future of ANSYS Workbench Environment?

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Why are we doing this? Who is the customer?

For our existing ANSYS customers, ANSYS Workbench The existing ANSYS customer is the primary focus, particularly
Environment provides geometry and meshing benefits that they those that are struggling with geometry import and meshing and
have been asking for. those that want to easily do parametric studies.

Additionally the Workbench platform provides our customers New customers who need more than what DesignSpace has to
(and their companies) with: offer in terms of functionality will also be attracted to the product.

• Access to additional modules such as AGP, DesignXplorer,

Fatigue, and other Workbench-based components

• Access to future technologies as the Workbench is the

future platform for other technologies that we will deliver
by developing, acquiring, or partnering

• ANSYS Inc. and its channel partners can deliver

customization services based on Workbench

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What is in the ANSYS Workbench Environment interface? • these command “snippets” are maintained in the
ANSYS Workbench Environment tree
• Linear Static Stress • Improved Cad Geometry – saved in the ANSYS Workbench Environment database
• Static Thermal Access – can make a change and rerun, and the snippets are
• Modal • Nonlinear Frictional Contact also re-inserted for the run
• Linear Buckling • Harmonic Analysis
• Shape Optimization • Mesh Controls 2. Post-processing Command Builder
• Automatic Assembly Contact • And More…
• allows GUI access to POST1 post-processing via the
ANSYS functionality is then integrated into the Workbench via the Results Viewer
“ANSYS Apple,t” and includes 3 pieces: • allows direct typing of ANSYS commands and APDL
• allows image and listing capture back to the ANSYS
1. Pre-processing Command Builder Workbench Environment tree (and therefore into the
ANSYS Workbench Environment report)
• builds, either via a GUI or manually, an ANSYS command
input stream which is inserted into the input file ANSYS 3. Load ANSYS
Workbench Environment creates to input into ANSYS for
solving • takes current ANSYS Workbench Environment input into
ANSYS and starts up the ANSYS classic enviroment for
• has GUI access to: further processing
– change element types and keyoptions – no geometry, but ANSYS Workbench Environment
– contact manager (change contact properties) now allows creation of node components based on
– solution controls geometry for easier manipulation
– material definition (nonlinear material properties)

• allows direct typing of ANSYS commands and APDL

– therefore provides access to all ANSYS functionality

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Won’t jumping between the ANSYS Workbench
Environment and the ANSYS applet seem clunky?

Yes, to a degree – but this is still better than switching between

most preprocessors and their analysis engine.

A way to think of it is that ANSYS will be embedded in an ANSYS

Workbench Environment session much like an Excel spreadsheet
can be embedded in a PowerPoint presentation. Clicking on the
spreadsheet “jumps” you into the Excel environment – switching
back to PowerPoint switches you again back into its environment.

Snippets can be pre-written and inserted into every analysis

thereafter, so for cases where you work with a particular
material or use a certain element option, you will not need to go to
the ANSYS applet.

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How would I use it?

If you are doing a nonlinear contact analysis with linear material

properties – or any type of analysis that the ANSYS Workbench
Environment supports natively – you will never venture into the
ANSYS applet.

Here are a few scenarios where you would need to use the ANSYS

1. Hyperelastic bushing. Here you have an assembly of metal parts

with one of the parts being a rubber bushing. You would:
• attach (import) the model
• set up the parts to be the appropriate metal material apply the
boundary conditions
• right-click on Environment, and Insert->Pre-processing Commands
• right-click on Pre-processing Commands and choose
Pre-processing Command Builder
• once the ANSYS applet loads, select the part from the tree
• in the ANSYS material model interface, navigate the Material Models
In the ANSYS material model interface, navigate the Material Models
Available window to the hyperelastic folder and enter the properties Available window to the hyperelastic folder and enter the properties
• exit the ANSYS applet and back to ANSYS Workbench
Environment via a button
• solve and post-process in the native ANSYS Workbench
Environment GUI as usual

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How would I use it? (continued) • back in ANSYS Workbench Environment, in the
Preprocessing Command window, add the commands:
2. Extract contact forces. Here you have run a nonlinear antype,transient
assembly contact analysis fully from within the native kbc,1 ! step-apply the loads
ANSYS Workbench Environment GUI and you’d like to time,…
extract the force one body exerts on another: • solve and post-process (the solution at the last time
• After solving, right-click Solution and point) as usual
Insert->Post-processing Commands • to view solutions at other time points, or to obtain
• right-click on Post-processing Commands and time-history (POST26) graphs, use the Post-Processing
choose Post-processing Command Builder Command Builder
• after the ANYS applet loads, type the ANSYS
commands to select the part CMSEL) in the command 4. Model a bolted joint. Here you would do most of the
input window pre-processing in the native GUI and then switch to
• use the Capture List button and enter the command ANSYS (“Load ANSYS”) to define the bolt pretensions
“FSUM,,CONT” and a caption; this output is captured and solve and post-process:
into the ANSYS Workbench Environment tree for • attach (import) the model including the bolts
inclusion into the report. • set up the parts to be the appropriate materials
• apply the boundary conditions
3. Perform a thermal transient. The native GUI allows • using Named Selections, make components of the bolts
for the setting up and solving steady-state thermal • right-click Environment and choose Load ANSYS
problems. To switch this to a transient: • use the PSMESH command in conjunction with component
• in the Processing Command Builder, add thermal selects (made from the Named Selections) to pretension
capacitance material properties if not already defined the bolts
• solve and post-process as usual in ANSYS

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How will it be different than the way I’m used to working? What are the benefits – and the drawbacks – to this
This is not just a new user interface; it is a new way of working.
The ANSYS Workbench Environment interface has a very Benefits:
different user-interaction model that what you are accustom to • geometry import success rate
with ANSYS. However, it is much more Microsoft-like and very • maintains associativity with CAD
similar to the more recent CAD modelers. • meshing robustness
• parametric input
The biggest difference is that there is no longer a concept of a • access to ANSYS functionality and APDL
“log” or input file. Since the ANSYS Workbench Environment can • AGP, Fatigue and DesignXplorer add-ons
work with parametric values (including the CAD geometry), and it • fosters collaboration between DS and ANSYS users
remembers the state and influence of one object on another, it • extensible platform
can update itself when a value of one object or parameter
changes. Drawbacks:
• applet switching somewhat clunky
• no geometry transfer to ANSYS
• no handling of multiple load steps/multiple
substeps (only one result object can exist)
• different element shape metrics

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Improved Contact Robustness Solver Enhancements
Fewer contact issues will occur and the remaining ones will be • Sparse Solver may be employed during the generation
easier to diagnose. The following capabilities have been added: of a substructuring analysis and to perform back
substitution during the expansion pass
• Updating contact stiffness at each iteration • BCS Sparse Solver now may be run in parallel for
• Controlling the maximum allowable elastic slip parameter full harmonic analyses
• Monitoring contact chattering through contact status changes • SOLID95 (also SOLID186) elements now may be
• Ability to move contact nodes from inside the ICONT zone to the used with the PCG Solver in addition to the SOLID92
target surface (also SOLID187) elements
• Ability to extend the edge of a target surface • Distributed Domain Solver (DDS) works for deformable-
• Monitoring and controlling contact pair settings to-deformable, surface-to-surface contact elements
• Detecting contact at the nodal level from 169 to 170, and other node-to-node contact
• Detecting symmetric contact pairs elements. It does not work for rigid-to-deformable or
• Harmonic analysis support for surface-to-surface contact node-to-surface contact elements in general. It also
elements does not support elements with U-P formulation or
• Monitoring and contour plotting Newton-Raphson Lagrangian multiplier as their theoretical bases.
residuals from equilibrium iterations
• Checking contact status before solution
• Checking of element shape parameters for deformed elements

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What is the future of ANSYS Workbench Environment?

The native ANSYS Workbench Environment will continually be

enhanced to expose more and more ANSYS capabilities. The
ANSYS applet GUI will be expanded (if required) based on
customer feedback.

Eventually, over the course of several years, we will expose

enough of ANSYS in ANSYS Workbench Environment that the
need for the ANSYS applet will be minimized or even eliminated.

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Improved Contact Robustness Solver Enhancements
Fewer contact issues will occur and the remaining ones will be • Sparse Solver may be employed during the generation
easier to diagnose. The following capabilities have been added: of a substructuring analysis and to perform back
substitution during the expansion pass
• Updating contact stiffness at each iteration • BCS Sparse Solver now may be run in parallel for
• Controlling the maximum allowable elastic slip parameter full harmonic analyses
• Monitoring contact chattering through contact status changes • SOLID95 (also SOLID186) elements now may be
• Ability to move contact nodes from inside the ICONT zone to the used with the PCG Solver in addition to the SOLID92
target surface (also SOLID187) elements
• Ability to extend the edge of a target surface • Distributed Domain Solver (DDS) works for deformable-
• Monitoring and controlling contact pair settings to-deformable, surface-to-surface contact elements
• Detecting contact at the nodal level from 169 to 170, and other node-to-node contact
• Detecting symmetric contact pairs elements. It does not work for rigid-to-deformable or
• Harmonic analysis support for surface-to-surface contact node-to-surface contact elements in general. It also
elements does not support elements with U-P formulation or
• Monitoring and contour plotting Newton-Raphson Lagrangian multiplier as their theoretical bases.
residuals from equilibrium iterations
• Checking contact status before solution
• Checking of element shape parameters for deformed elements

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Usability Enhancements ANSYS Geometry Healing Module
• CMLIST, CMPLOT and CMSLET commands ease ANSYS 7.0 features healing advancements in the ANSYS Geometry
component designation and usage specifications Healing Module. The Module now includes full GUI support and utilizes
• New NRRES, ESCHECK and CNCHECK commands the full functionality of the latest CADfix technology, with dramatically
investigate causes of non-convergence in nonlinear increased success in healing. Improved ease-of-use and increased
structural analyses along with revised CHECK and reliability allow the ANSYS Geometry Healing Module to resolve
PLNSOL commands complex geometry issues.

Nonlinear Diagnostics
You can investigate and identify possible reasons for
nonconvergence in many nonlinear structural analyses,
including the following:

• Monitoring and contour plotting Newton-Raphson

residuals from equilibrium iterations
• Checking contact status before solution
• Monitoring shape convergence

CAD model containing extraneous entities

and missing areas–unsuitable for simulation

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ANSYS Structural Enhancements New Elements

• Specify velocity and acceleration loads for rotating element components Element Enhancements
using the CMOMEGA and CMDOMEGA commands
• New tools for Nonlinear Diagnostics Material Model Enhancements
• New Point/Edge-to-Surface Contact Element (CONTA175)
• Curve Fitting for Material Constants for Hyperelastic material models
• New Multi-Point Constraint (MPC) Rigid Link or Beam Element
• Hyperelastic Material Models for HyperFOAM and BLATZ-KO
• Cyclic Symmetry Buckling
• Cyclic Symmetry Traveling Wave Animation
• Viscoelasticity supported by BEAM188, BEAM189 and LINK180
• Allow SURF153 and SURF154 to have complex pressures
• Generalized Plane Strain Enhancements
• Substructure generation by Sparse solver
• Unsymmetric Sparse Solver can be run in shared memory parallel
• Element-by-Element PCG for SOLID95 (MSAVE)
• DDS solvers for contact and CE, CP

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ANSYS Thermal Electric Enhancements Electromagnetics Enhancements

• Electric current conduction bonded contact capability High-Frequency

• Electrostatic bonded contact capability • Fast frequency sweep capability
• Solution time for the radiosity solver method improved through • Automatic extraction of S-parameter matrix
storage of view factors in binary file format • Touchstone file format supported
• SHELL131 (4-node) and SHELL132 (8-node), 3-D layered • Pyramid element shape support in SOLID120
elements, feature inplane and through-thickness conduction
(Note: you must use the HF119 element for tetrahedral shaped
capability elements in a mixed hex-pyramid-tetrahedral element shape domain).

• S-parameter calculation macro
• Adaptive meshing for High-Frequency EMAG element HF119
• New key options for SOLID97 and SOLID117 to
ensure a solenoidal condition for current density
• Voltage-fed conductor option for SOLID117 and
SOLID97 magnetic field elements
• LMATRIX support for voltage-fed conductors
using SOLID117 and SOLID97

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ANSYS FLOTRAN Enhancements Couple-Field Enhancements
• New temperature field algorithm calculates film coefficients at • Reduced order modeling (ROM) tool solves coupled-field
walls in conjugate heat transfer problems problems involving flexible structures

• Local wall roughness now may be input in a CFD analysis • Importation of 2-D Caltech Intermediate Format (.cif) files
now possible for solving layered integrated circuit devices
• Transient analysis option now includes the Newmark time
integration method

ANSYS LS-DYNA Enhancements

• New EDALE and EDGCALE commands support Arbitrary
Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) formulations for very large
deformations (e.g., extrusion, forging)

• Double precision capabilities now available on HP AlphaServer

platforms – new EDDBL command enables feature

• Animations across multiple results files now possible through

ANMRES command

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ANSYS Multiphysics

• Newmark scheme for FLOTRAN, provides consistent time

integration for FSI

• Reduced Order Modeling (ROM) tool for MEMS

• ANSYS Connection Caltech Intermediate Format (.cif)

for ECAD applications

• ANSYS Frequency Sweep HP Module (see FEMXplorer)

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New ANSYS module, based on ITI TranscenData’s CADfix technology,
automatically heals and repairs model geometry.

Jennifer Ferello
Manager, Global Vendor Solutions
ITI TranscenData

In a market rife with change, consolidation and

collaboration, the importance of working seamlessly with
all forms of electronic data has never been greater.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the world of
analysis. As enterprise-wide organizations struggle to find
ways to reduce design cycle times, the communication
between CAD and CAE becomes even more critical. Users
need the tools to enable these changes as well as the
ability to choose the best-in-class solution, and vendors
need to focus their development resources on gains in
their own products, free from the worry of interfacing
with other products.

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The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
recognizes that CAD interoperability is a billion dollar problem for
U.S. auto manufacturers alone and is currently funding the FIPER
project aimed at promoting interoperability at every level. ANSYS
has found a more immediate way to satisfy both their end users’
needs and their own, by partnering with ITI TranscenData to provide
CADfix-based healing and translation functionality for their flagship
product, ANSYS.

The new ANSYS Automatic Geometry Healing Module, based on ITI

TranscenData's CADfix technology, was recently released with
ANSYS 6.1 and works with the current ANSYS Connection
products. For even more robust geometry healing, the Module can
be coupled with CADfix-based imports (IGES 5.3, STEP, CATIA v4, CAD model containing extraneous entities and missing
ACIS, Parasolid, VDAFS). Unlike CADfix for ANSYS, the Healing areas is unsuitable for simulation.
Module is a completely automatic healing process. It utilizes CADfix
as background technology to heal and repair geometry from any of Independent research has shown that up to 70 percent of the time
the connection products and tailors that geometry for re-use within spent on a finite element analysis project is spent reworking the
ANSYS, communicating with ANSYS itself to check the integrity of original data so that it can be used within a CAE program. The
the results by performing Booleans and/or meshing of individual automatic healing process can save an analysis engineer
faces. countless hours, even days, of unnecessary, non-value-added
work. Eliminating this kind of wasted effort provides an immediate
The Healing Module tackles fundamental inconsistencies and benefit to the organization by further compressing design cycles,
inaccuracies, which complicate the translation of solid models from shortening time-to-market and lowering overall costs.
CAD systems to ANSYS; closing gaps, deleting voids, splitting
surfaces and healing the data to a tolerance appropriate to ANSYS.

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Using simple translation, Honeywell Engines was only able to “Although we are always working to make our Connection
achieve a 20-25 percent success rate. With the addition of the Products the best they can be, we recognize that sometimes
automatic healing, their success rate tripled to 60 percent, and by translation is not enough," said Ray Browell, ANSYS product
using the interactive CADfix, they were able to achieve an overall manager. "Our users have been requesting automated healing
rate of 90 percent success, leaving very little rework to be done in technology, and we are happy to be partnering with ITI
CATIA. Using this example applied to the research above, this TranscenData to provide it. Relying on TranscenData's expertise
reduces the time spent in rework from 70 percent to 7 percent! in this area gives us the freedom to focus our development efforts
on our core competencies thereby delivering improvements in
core functionality, such as nonlinear mechanics, solver
technology and multiphysics simulations, not to mention coupling
our Workbench technology to ANSYS for unmatched usability."
"The translation and healing capabilities of CADfix are unmatched
in the market," explains Tom Makoski, vice president of sales and
marketing at TranscenData. "Getting this technology into the hands
of the ANSYS user base will allow ANSYS customers to take full
advantage of the power the ANSYS product offers without
having to worry about where the data originated."

Note: The full, interactive CADfix product may be purchased

directly from ITI TranscenData. For additional information, visit
Revised CAD model, with extraneous entities removed
and missing areas completed, generated through the
ANSYS Automatic Geometry Healing module.

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Companies can integrate an expanding range of CAE solutions into
the product development process that yield greater levels of value
for the overall enterprise.

By James Cashman
President and CEO

In the 30-plus year history of the CAE industry, solution technology and
applications have matured and grown significantly. Whereas in the past,
companies had a comparatively limited number of tools and capabilities at
their disposal, organizations today can choose from an expanding range of
CAE solutions that yield greater levels of value for the overall enterprise by
progressively integrating the solutions into the product development
process. All companies are different, of course, and the manner in which
CAE is applied depends on many factors unique to each organization
including the type of products it designs as well as business goals and
market objectives.

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Advanced technologies are available to perform structural
analysis and other detailed studies in solving linear and nonlinear
problems, usually on individual components or assemblies that
affect product performance. In these analyses, simulation tools
utilize a range of technologies in finite element solvers, graphic pre-
processing, modeling, material properties, part-to-part contact and
other areas. Complex, real-world problems may include determining
stresses in an automobile axle, for example, deformation of an
engine-mount rubber bushing, or fluid flow in an ink-jet cartridge.
These studies enable engineers to develop improved part designs
that will function reliably throughout their lifecycle. Solving these
types of problems is at the core of simulation applications and the
foundation on which all further CAE application steps are based.

Virtual prototyping simulates complete products in their operating

environments. Generally, these are multiphysics analyses that
study the interaction of all factors encountered throughout the
product during operation. Virtual prototyping studies predict the
acoustics and ride of a railway locomotive as it enters a tunnel, for
example, the effectiveness of an automotive cooling system on a
hot day, or the deformation the body and wings as an aircraft lands
on a runway. These are problems that 15 or 20 years ago were In implementing CAE, companies can take progressive steps, each
considered impractical to handle but today are now done routinely integrating simulation solutions more into the company’s product
development process and yielding greater levels of value.
across nearly all manufacturing industries to study and refine real-
world product performance.

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Process compression is possible by using analysis tools and
virtual prototyping to simulate product performance and refine
designs early on in development to spot and correct problems
before they get to testing or manufacturing. The process can also
be streamlined by automating routine tasks and customizing
simulation tools to handle problems faster, with this time saving
used to look at more alternatives and run through multiple "what-if"
scenarios. Solutions are also available to balance often-conflicting
attributes in synthesizing an optimal design. These capabilities let
companies shorten time to market, reduce costs, improve quality,
and create innovative designs by deploying simulation technology
earlier in product development and making it an integral part of the
design process. In work at Toyota, for example, development time
and cost (including the number of physical prototypes) was
reduced by between 30% and 40% in a front-end loading initiative
where simulation was done early in design.

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Dynamic CAE collaboration allows companies to leverage advanced
simulation technologies and processes across the entire
organization and throughout the design chain comprised of various
groups with differing roles in the cycle. Collaborative capabilities
built into simulation tools now enable people in disciplines beyond
design and often in dispersed locations to work together in
developing innovative products that are on target with market
requirements. These embedded collaborative capabilities include
functionality for efficiently capturing simulation information and
sharing this intellectual capital across the enterprise, for example,
and automatic reporting tools for readily extracting critical analysis
data and communicating it throughout the organization. This all
makes it easier for those not experienced in simulation to still fully
utilize simulation results in the product lifecycle.
These progressive steps in implementing CAE require a
development platform to serve as a backbone for the entire
continuum: a framework that allows companies to bring together
different applications, streamline processes and share data. All this
comes together to make simulation an integral part of the product
development process so companies can reach the full potential of
CAE and make these technology-based processes a key element in
long-term business strategies for rapidly delivering winning
products to market.

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Engineers accurately
determine energy absorbtion
of helmet design by
simulating head impact.

Hubert Lobo

The study of product and component performance under impact conditions

is vital to many industry segments ranging from automotive and aerospace
to consumer products and toys. Considerable effort is devoted to testing
finished products to determine their ability to meet the challenges they will
face in daily life. The objective of this study was to show how virtual prototyping
could help improve the efficiency of product development by providing
answers about viable designs early in the cycle.

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Protective sports equipment is in wide spread use in The bicycle helmet was made of a cellular energy dissipating
recreational activities ranging from bicycling to roller blading. The foam covered with plastic membrane or skin. The material
ability to protect the wearer from injury while remaining lightweight properties of the foam were derived from physical testing of an
and comfortable to wear is an important feature of any design. existing, medium cost helmet that is typically sold in toy and
ANSYS LS-DYNA was used to simulate head impact when a child department stores. DatapointLabs, an ANSYS Inc. ESP partner, did
rides a bike at 25 mph into a telephone pole. The child’s bicycle the testing and produced material properties that were ANSYS
helmet was the only barrier between the modeled human skull and input-ready, meaning that the analyst was able to simply take the
the rigid telephone pole. The helmet, skull and pole were created data supplied by DatapointLabs, add it to the geometric and
using standard CAD tools (Fig. 1). It was meshed using TrueGrid, environmental simulation models, and run the explicit dynamics
courtesy of Livermore Software Technologies Inc. (LSTC). simulation. The properties were derived using the following
procedures. Cylindrical test specimens were cut from the foam
material. These specimens were then placed between
compressive platens and subjected to compression under impact
loads of two and four m/s in a Dynatup Instrumented Impact
Tower. The resulting load-time data were converted to load
deformation traces, from which, the stress-strain data were
calculated. Compressive data were also developed using a
conventional universal-testing machine.

Figure 1

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The data were fit to a crushable foam material model, which is
capable of fitting the highly nonlinear stress vs. strain response of
these materials. Note the behavior of a typical crushable foam (Fig.
2): there is a small linear elastic range, followed by a long crush
range, then an exponential increase in stiffness as the foam
reaches its crush limit. A viscoelastic material model was used to
simulate the head response. The density was increased by a
factor of three times in order to account for the brain matter that
was not modeled. The pole was considered to be a rigid material
since it is much stiffer than the helmet or head.
Contact was modeled between the skull and the helmet, the
helmet and the pole, skull and the pole using general node- to-
surface contact elements. A static friction coefficient of 0.2,
dynamic friction coefficient of 0.1 and a viscous damping
coefficient of 10 was used. For simplicity, the same values were
used for all cases. The loading for the model consisted of an initial
velocity of 25 mph (440 in/s) forward into the pole (+Z direction),
Figure 2 and 6 mph (105.6 in/s) downward (-Y direction), applied to both
the skull and helmet.

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Fig. 3 Fig. 4
The simulation run time on a single processor NT PC was estimated to be 30 days. The same problem was run on an SGI with eight
CPUs, with results calculated in two hours. The results show that while the helmet does absorb a significant amount of the energy of
the impact, a high amount of energy is transferred to the skull and a skull fracture is the predicted outcome (Figs. 3 & 4). While model
refinement could have some effect on the calculated solution, the results suggest that a helmet redesign would be needed to dissipate
more of the energy while preventing protective cavity intrusion by the pole. Alternatively, the helmet could be rated for a lower impact
velocity, which would ensure helmet wearer survivability.

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FEM/FEA Helps Unravel Mysteries In Tragic Crash Of
Boeing 747 Airliner Near New York’s JFK Airport

Painstaking reconstruction and analysis of the ill-fated 747-100
airliner that was Trans World Airlines Flight 800 has provided a
great deal of information about how to build and maintain airplanes
to avoid a possible fuel tank explosion. Moreover, this is testimony
to the power of combining computer modeling and analysis with
wreckage recovery and reconstruction, especially since the
ultimate cause of the crash may never be known.

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What remains untold is the story of the intensive and
unprecedented finite-element modeling and analyses that were
carried out as Boeing, TWA, the National Transportation and Safety
Board and the Federal Aviation Administration strove to understand
what happened to the 747-100's airframe after an explosion in the
center wing tank (CWT). According to Boeing's final report to the
NTSB, "This tragic accident launched the most complicated and
comprehensive wreckage recovery, aircraft reconstruction, and
accident investigation in the history of commercial aviation."

Analysts were faced with the challenge of determining the

sequence of events after the explosion to understand why it
happened and what needed to be remedied in terms of fracture
mechanics to prevent a recurrence. They verified and incorporated
data from similar events into not one but three separate types of
analyses - kinetics, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and
structural. Managing the sheer size, complexity and mass of detail
(some of it conflicting) in the models and in the analysis runs. About
37,000 elements and nodes were required adding up to about
110,000 DOFs, each of which is a variable to iteratively calculated.

Chart courtesy of the FAA

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Solution "The analyses that were performed were one of a kind. Such
Using ANSYS (ANSYS Inc., Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.), sophisticated analyses had never been done before in all the
analysts conducted structural analyses on a T-916 from Cray Inc. history of aviation," said Safarian. "Plus, there is no widely
(Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.) rather than the usual, high-end accepted, industry-standard way to integrate kinetic, CFD and
desktop workstation. Installed at the Boeing corporate data center, structural calculations. We had to make lots of assumptions and
the Cray has eight CPUs, each rated at a peak of 2,000 megaflops then test them with a lot of 'what-if' analyses. This accounted for
(millions of floating-point operations per second). It has two gigabits most of the complexity of the analyses."
of random access memory (RAM).

Three of the analyses ran for 31 days and each used 533 hours -
more than three weeks - of supercomputer CPU time. “By a factor
of four or five, these were the longest analyses I had ever seen,"
said Patrick Safarian, former Boeing structural engineer who joined
the FAA's Seattle office after the TWA Flight 800 investigation.
"Other FEA runs in this study took from three hours to several days
CPU time."

A team of Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. experts rather than

engineers of the FAA or NTSB did virtually all of the computational
analysis work. Once the center wing tank became the focus of the
investigation, we ran out of easy answers for post-failure analysis.
Traditional stress analysis was inadequate for these tasks, able
only to provide rough approximations.

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The biggest effort in modeling the Boeing 747-100 center wing fuel
tank that failed in the crash involved retooling an existing Boeing
finite-element model originally created to certify the 747-400
freighter. In many ways, it was as much a CAD model as a finite
element model.

“Despite the extensive modifications, we reached one of the first

objectives: calculating the structural strength of the CWT with
ANSYS," Safarian said. “The value we found with ANSYS in just 10
days could not be confirmed with the other FEA software package
until two months later, which highlighted major advantages of
ANSYS in speed and accuracy. As to verification and credibility,
the answers differed by about 5 percent.

Only the structural analysis was done with ANSYS. The input to the
ANSYS model was the kinetics and CFD outputs. But those two
analyses were not very reliable; we needed answers and they
were all we had. We used best estimates to put an envelope
around the problem. The only part of the analytical study that
actually gave reasonably accurate results was the ANSYS
structural part."
Chart courtesy of the FAA

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Benefit As evidence of the accuracy of ANSYS predictions, at least seven
Numerous capabilities of ANSYS were helpful in this study. independent failure locations identified by ANSYS in the PAL 737-
Because of the loss of life and the lack of a single obvious cause, 300 accident served as checks on the accuracy and validation of
time in this investigation was of highest priority while any the TWA Flight 800 analysis. Identical behavior between the
compromises in the quality of the results were non-negotiable. analysis and the documented Manila accident was shown.
ANSYS was able to deliver both accurate and timely analysis. Comparison of the FEA results (failure/deformation locations and
modes) with the actual wreckage from that CWT explosion provided
“Our foremost needs were speed and power, and the ANSYS excellent correlation. “This gave all of us a lot of confidence that we
capabilities for large deformation and plasticity in both static and were going about this the right way,” explained Safarian.
dynamic models yielded highly accurate results in a comparatively
short time,” said Safarian. “ANSYS’ overall flexibility, intelligent For other analyses, each capability of ANSYS was independently
free-meshing capabilities, the excellent handling of very large-sized investigated. In every case, there was excellent correlation. In
models, efficiency of the solvers for large deformations and addition, the plasticity, large deformation and failure criterion
plasticity, the well established convergence criteria, and the very employed in the ANSYS modeling was used to perform failure
efficient dynamic solution algorithm are among its benefits.” analysis of an actual built-up structure which had been physically
tested earlier.

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Manufacturers are shifting from product-push to
market-pull development processes driven by
customer expectations and consumer demand.

Dr. Howard Crabb

President and CEO,
Interactive Computer Engineering

Economic pressure and fierce competition are causing

manufacturers to move away from product-push
development processes where efforts are directed at
marketing products based mostly on how well they are
engineered. Stories abound about well-designed, reliable,
and cost-effective products that flopped in the market
because the public simply didn't like them or failed to see
a need for them.

Such products may have been designed using the most

advanced technology and meticulously tested to meet
strict functional and safety requirements, yet
development took place with little or no input from the
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In a major transition in manufacturing industries, many companies Capturing the many aspects of the voice of the customer is no simple
today are shifting to market-pull product development processes task, of course, and requires the efforts of many different groups in
driven by customer expectations and consumer demand. the manufacturing enterprise. Marketing activities in such
Automotive companies started making this switch in the 1980s, organizations now include not only promotion and sales efforts to
and others have since followed suit. In the development of launch a product, but also up-front initiatives at the beginning of
Boeing’s 777 commercial aircraft, for example, major input on new product development to provide input on customer purchase
systems and support procedures was provided by customers in preferences and buying trends. Much of this information can be
the form of airlines, pilots, flight attendants and service personnel. obtained from direct experience with customers, interviews,
competitive benchmarking, focus groups and quality function
With consumer tastes more discerning and their demands deployment (QFD) studies.
changing more rapidly than ever, customers increasingly are now
the focal point in product development. Market pull has replaced Likewise, other groups such as product support and customer
technology push and woe be to the manufacturer failing to service can provide valuable feedback on what customers want.
respond. Studies have shown that recapturing customers once Indeed, collaborative input from many different groups in the
they are lost costs eight times as much as retaining them in the enterprise and supply chain is often necessary to factor in all the
first place. Hence, the voice of the customer takes on strategic important customer requirements and balance the numerous often-
significance and is now a key element in the product development conflicting attributes of a winning product.
process. This major shift is truly a breakthrough.

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In a broad sense, the most successful manufacturers include Product development today extends far beyond the walls of the
people and technology from across the enterprise to add value and engineering department, even beyond the individual factory walls. In
strategic impact in product development. Each group contributes a a globally competitive environment where one lost opportunity can
unique, distinctive competency, with decision-making vested in sound the death knell for an entire company, basing customer-
cross-functional teams in the best position to use their expertise focused designs on input from groups throughout the extended
and most current information to determine what product attributes enterprise and getting those products to market fast become
will work best in the market. Such design chains are absolutely overriding determinants of whether a company thrives, survives, or
critical in product development, because no one individual or group dies.
can possibly have all the answers. It’s got to be a collaborative

No longer can information on performance, trends, operations and

other issues reside statically within individual departments or be
gathered after the fact into historical archive reports. Translating
market demands and customer needs into a final product requires
efficient information sharing across the enterprise and into the
product development process, especially in the early stages of
design where the input can have the greatest impact.

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Dr. Howard Crabb spent more than 30 years at Ford Motor Company, where
he led initiatives to implement solid modeling and predictive engineering
performed at the concept level of design. He is author of the book The
Virtual Engineer , from which this column is excerpted and abstracted, and
is currently president and CEO of the consulting firm Interactive Computer
Engineering which assists clients across a range of manufacturing
industries in improving product development concepts and processes to
strengthen their competitive positions.

Dr. Crabbs book, The Virtual Engineer is available in hardback.

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Leslie Hogan Durability analysis and FEA certify
Marketing Communications wind turbines to withstand 20 years
www.lmsintl.com of high winds and extreme weather.

Germanischer-Lloyd Windenergie GmbH

(GL-Wind), a subsidiary of the German-
based international classification and
industrial certification society
Germanischer Lloyd, is the world’s
market leader in wind turbine certification.
The firm is accredited to certify turbines
according to international and national
regulations and standards including those
for Germany, Denmark and the
Netherlands. The procedures for
certification are under continuous
Manufacturers of wind turbines are gearing up to double and triple
development and have made gains in production levels over the next five years to satisfy increased market
accuracy and efficiency through the use demand for these power production systems.
of simulation technology.

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The European Union Renewables Directive aims to increase
wind-power capacity to the European grid from 24,000 to 64,000
megawatts by 2010. In addition, individual countries in the
European Union have their own initiatives. Germany, for example,
plans to add a total of 5,000 new five-megawatt offshore turbines
by 2025 for its power generation needs.
To be certified, manufacturers must design a wind turbine that
will reliably and safely operate for 20 years under often-extreme
wind conditions. The critical loads acting on a turbine are mainly
due to the fluctuations in wind speed and direction as well as
those imposed by starting and stopping the system. These loads
produce high levels of stress on internal components such as the
rotor hub, which must be designed to maintain adequate fatigue
resistance over its service life.
In the past, fatigue-life was evaluated based on calculations
that did not fully take into account unpredictable forces hitting the
structure at random intervals, the inter-relationships of multiaxial
forces, or phase relationships between the individual loads. This
oversimplification led to inaccurate predictions of mean stress. So
the only way to secure the operational safety of the turbine was
to overdesign it, thus increasing the cost of the systems and
lowering operational efficiencies. Moreover, the calculations were
done only for selected portions of the structure, limiting the
engineers’ understanding of the entire system and increasing the
risk of overlooking potential trouble spots.

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Now, GL-Wind is able to arrive at more accurate certification analysis
through the use of ANSYS Structural simulation software in combination
with the LMS FALANCS durability program from LMS International. Based
on turbine design specifications and historical site weather information,
GL-Wind uses a time-history domain approach where internal loads are
applied to the ANSYS model. LMS FALANCS test schedules are then used
to determine the fatigue life of components based on simulation of
predicted events over the 20-year history. Phasing and mean stresses are
accounted for in the simulation as well as strain curves based on material
property data, wind speed parameters and material life curves.
The time history approach is significantly more accurate than previous
calculations in determining fatigue life and is made practical by the speed at
which ANSYS and LMS FALANCS perform the series of necessary
simulations. The method includes all significant damaging events for a 20-
year lifetime and accounts automatically for correct phase relations of load
components and the correct mean stresses. Furthermore, the distribution
of fatigue damage is displayed for the entire structure, thus giving
engineers a valuable tool in assessing the response of the whole system
and readily identifying potential problem areas.

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Simulation response to parametric control helps
engineers quickly produce optimal designs.

By Ray Browell
Product Manager

Virtual prototyping using simulation up-front in design goes a long

way in reducing the number of build-test-redesign cycles and
shortening product development time. However, these conventional
tools handle only a very limited number of variables at a time. Users,
therefore, must run multiple simulations to zero in an elusive solution
to satisfy competing engineering requirements: strength versus
weight, for example, or compactness versus heat dissipation.

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Given today’s complex products and multiple requirements they In this way, DesignXplorer uses parametric control to provide
must meet, satisfying 10 or more of these variables at one time is instantaneous feedback on any design modifications. This ability
not uncommon. To meet tight schedules and project deadlines, comes in handy when optimizing parts for new conditions or
however, engineers don’t have the time to make the large number of creating new items within existing product lines, especially if users
simulation runs necessary to arrive at an optimal design satisfying want to run "what-if" simulations to try out new ideas or compare
all these variables. So more often than not, they develop a design alternative configurations.
based on only one or two of the most critical variables and hope Like DesignSpace, DesignXplorer is an easy-to-operate, front-
any conflicts with the others will be minor, or can be corrected later. end application. It associates bi-directionally with SolidWorks, Solid
The problem is, conflicts between engineering requirements often Edge, Autodesk’s Mechanical Desktop and Inventor, Unigraphics
cause major headaches downstream later in development when and Pro/ENGINEER, and operates statically with CATIA. If using any
problems are more difficult, costly and time-consuming to fix. Plus, other commercially available CAD system, DesignXplorer functions
even in the best-case scenario with no problematic conflicts, statically with standard Parasolid and SAT-formatted geometry files.
designs are far less than optimal, just working and barely satisfying The typical interoperability configuration for a DesignXplorer
all the competing requirements. system, in a standard Microsoft Windows (2000/NT/Me/XP)
environment, looks something like this:
Beyond Routine Optimization
Design optimization technology is available to automatically perform
multiple analysis iterations, generally aimed solely at adjusting CAD
geometry based on factors such as minimizing volume or weight. Utilizing a goal-driven optimization method, DesignXplorer’s
DesignXplorer takes this optimization technology a step further by advanced parametric control allows users to formalize and manage
determining the simulation response to those changes in the model’s all attributes of their designs. The design parameters for any given
design parameters. The package works in conjunction with study may originate within the CAD system, DesignSpace or may be
DesignSpace, allowing the user to make numerous critical derived from within DesignXplorer itself.
adjustments to the design without having to constantly re-run it for
performance evaluation.

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Benchmark Study
A benchmark study utilized DesignXplorer to calculate the stress,
deformation and frequency responses for a standard L-shaped
beam. The beam was calculated to possess a height of 25 to 35
millimeters, a width between 20 and 30 millimeters, and a thickness
of 2 to 6 millimeters. DesignXplorer predicted the beam’s optimum
configuration under four possible conditions created by a variety of
parametric input.
For the first calculation, a simple stress constraint was input to
compute the minimum mass the beam required to maintain its
structural integrity under a given stress value. This represents a
traditional optimization strategy (i.e. only one input parameter)
resolved through DesignXplorer. The subsequent two problems
called upon DesignXplorer to employ non-traditional optimization (i.e.
calculate multiple parameters) in order to maximize the beam’s
height configuration under the same stress constraint with both
minimum deformation and maximum frequency parameters added.

A benchmark study utilized DesignXplorer to calculate the stress,

deformation and frequency responses for a standard L-shaped beam.

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Visualization Tools
DesignXplorer’s visualization tools allow users to study, quantify and
graph various structural and thermal analysis responses on all proposed
component and assembly design modifications until the optimum
configuration is achieved.
DesignXplorer generates 2-D design curves for quick verification of
design changes as well as 3-D response surfaces for greater
comprehension of overall product behavior. This is crucial for creating
optimal designs in the early stages of development–when changes are
easiest and most cost effective to make.

Early Recognition
Released this past April, DesignXplorer is already making a big splash
within the CAE community. CADALYST magazine awarded DesignXplorer
its “Best of Show” prize at the 2002 National Design Engineering Show,
making it the only CAE product to receive such distinction.

To introduce DesignXplorer, ANSYS Inc. is extending the following offer:

purchase a seat of DesignSpace Advansia combined with DesignXplorer
and your order will be upgraded to DesignSpace Optima for no additional

DesignXplorer’s advanced parametric control

allows users to formalize and manage all attributes
of their designs

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Don Brown
Manager, D.H. Brown Associates, Inc.
ITI TranscenData

More and more companies now drive greater, up-

front simulation, supporting the analysis of
conceptual designs early in the development cycle
to iron out problems and optimize configurations.
As a major characteristic that accompanies the
trend, the roles of designers, engineers, and CAE
analysts converge toward a “SuperDesigner” who
assumes these responsibilities that now overlap.
As a result, SuperDesigner programs at their base
level–in simple terms–concentrate on educational
programs that upgrade the skills of designers and
broaden the software tools in use with a specific
concentration on CAE.

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More broadly and fundamentally considered, however, the trend
reflects a major effort to involve the entire product development
community up-front, early in the design effort – not just design and
engineering, but production and tooling, quality, marketing, and sales
as well. Rather than hurriedly trying to develop a design that merely
works and occupies space, SuperDesigner and related initiatives
strive to concentrate first on basic design requirements. In other
words, what customers expect in the end product. The collective
experience of the group – the good, bad, beautiful, or ugly – must be
considered early in the life and context of the particular product.
Then, a whole parameterized system can be assembled to address
the full range of performance issues and tradeoffs.

Designers may employ tools that focus on these main drivers to

assess whether the design meets these performance targets,
essentially the design goals of the product development process.
The critical design variables (or parameters) typically involve a
“control handle” in the design itself and may be exercised and
evaluated through a variety of tools such as smart curves, automatic
meshing, wizards, and templates to drive the analysis. Such a
system provides clues as to what questions need to be asked and
actions taken to ensure that potential problems are addressed.

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This goal-oriented process of simulation and verification shows
whether or not a design concept is worth further consideration.
Today, a design may need to demonstrate that it is worth pursuing to
be prototyped in hardware. Proof must be provided that it will work,
and that it will meet market requirements, with virtual prototyping. In
most cases, this involves the evaluation of many "what-if" scenarios
and multiple simulations in which designs are iteratively evaluated
and refined. The more times a design runs through such a virtual test
environment, the closer the final product configuration is in meeting
the design goals.

Naturally, the key focus in any SuperDesigner initiative relates to up- Overcoming this established way of operating is undoubtedly the
front simulation, which is often blocked by the organizational inertia greatest challenge in doing up-front simulation effectively. Workers
of the traditional build-and-break cycle where prototypes are built, in this entire process are very comfortable with the familiar build-
tested, fail, and then redesigned again and again until the product and-break procedures.
performs satisfactorily. In this type of cycle, engineers are often
more likely to manage projects, make schedules, chase loose ends, Moreover, senior-level executives and managers, who absolutely
and talk to vendors and suppliers. Little actual engineering work may need justification from a business standpoint for such a program,
occur at times, making the build-and-break process extremely may regard up-front analysis with skepticism. Without the backing
inefficient in terms of engineering time and highly costly and time- of management, which usually requires quantifiable results, such
consuming overall. an initiative all too easily gets stuck in a bottoms up guerrilla phase.
The advocates concentrate more on demonstrating benefits and
Changing behavior – changing the way business gets done – internal marketing to peers, than in driving results.
directly confronts the daily habits of people accustomed to this build-
and-break mentality.

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The heaviest hitting priority in jump-starting an effective From a business perspective, such an improvement in engineering
SuperDesigner program for up-front CAE relates to the efficiency can easily translate into shorter time-to-market and
assessment of engineering effectiveness. Tier one automotive lower development costs as well as improved quality. One of the
supplier Eaton Corp. for example, reduced time and cost 30 areas where a SuperDesigner up-front analysis program can have
percent to 50 percent in the design phase of development through a significant impact is in warranty costs, which is one of the
up-front simulation on specific programs, with the biggest biggest problems facing the automotive industry. Significant
improvement coming from the reduction in the number of design savings can also be realized in manufacturing, where tools and
iterations. process can be established early and refined along with the
product design. Otherwise, rework on the shop floor can
Their program focuses on designers performing first-pass voraciously consume time and resources. Likewise, up-front
analysis early in development, with the biggest improvement simulation can optimize a design to facilitate after-delivery product
coming from a reduction in the number of design iterations. In a support and field service activities. In this way, the benefits of a
traditional CAE environment, four or five days were required to SuperDesigner initiative extend throughout the entire product
evaluate and analyze a product such as a clutch, for example. lifecycle.
That cycle fell to only a few hours with designers performing up-
front CAE. Eaton also registered a 36 percent reduction as D.H. Brown Associates Inc. collaborates with software vendors and
compared to sending a design to a CAE core group. By having leading end users to produce in-depth research reports on trends in
designers and engineers do first-pass simulation early, overall engineering, manufacturing, and technical computing.
design time falls significantly.
For more information, call 914.937.4302 or visit www.dhbrown.com.

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John Crawford Naming Macros
Consulting Analyst Try to use names that begin with a letter that relates to what the
macro does or the type of entity it operates on. For example, a
I write a lot of macros. My macros macro that splits a single PIPE16 element into “n” PIPE16
directory contains hundreds of them, elements might be called E16SPLIT.MAC. You could just as
and I add one or two new ones easily call it SPLIT16.MAC, but six months later when you’re
every week. Once in a while, I’ll looking for it in your macro directory you’ll probably remember
write a quick and dirty macro and that since it works on an element that chances are good that the
throw it away when I’m done using name starts with and “e”, and this will be the first place you’ll
it, but the majority of the macros I look for it. Using a convention like this isn’t necessary if you only
write are written with the intention have 3 macros, but if you have hundreds you can easily spend
of keeping them for future use, 10 minutes trying to find a macro that you know is out there but
which means I try to write them in a you can’t quite remember what you called it.
reasonably professional manner. Here are some guidelines that
I use that may be helpful to you.

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Introduction and Usage Information It’s helpful to include your name, the date the macro was written,
At the top of the macro you should list the name of the macro, and the version of ANSYS it was written for. This will help you
what it does, the arguments it uses, and any other information and others remember who wrote it and when it was written.
that would be useful to yourself or other users. Here's an This is useful when trying to track down the author or updating
example. the macro to use new APDL commands and features that have
been added since it was written.
! While this may seem like more effort than it’s worth, remember
! duhuh.mac A macro that generates a file containing the first law of macro writing: The macro you write today will
element type, always mutate into the hieroglyphics of tomorrow.
! nodes, and elements. Generates a file called “duhuh.txt”.
What seems perfectly logical and obvious this afternoon will
! usage: duhuh,key,csys
! take you three hours to decipher next week, and in six months it
! where: key =0 for unblocked NWRITE, EWRITE format will take an effort second only to the Manhattan Project to figure
! 1 for blocked NWRITE, EWRITE format out what you were doing and why you were doing it. Spending
! 2 for regular N and EN commands one or two minutes writing an information header at the top of
! csys=coordinate system used for node locations the macro will make your life easier as well as anyone else who
! (default is 0)
uses your macros.
! written by: Alfred E. Neuman date: 4-1-02 version:

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You can’t have too many comments. Following the First Law of
Macro Writing, you should fully comment what you are doing and
why you are doing it. Comments should be written as though the
reader has never seen or heard of this macro before. In six
months, that person will be you, and having your own personal
Rosetta Stone included in every macro will save yourself and
others a lot of time and effort.

Parameter Usage
Leading Underscore Parameters – These are reserved for
ANSYS Inc. and are used for UIDL menus, tracking information
that is written to CDWRITE and LSWRITE files, keyword status,
and a host of other things. It is best not to use parameters with
leading underscores to avoid overlapping present or future
parameter names that ANSYS Inc. might use.

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Trailing Underscore Parameters – These should be used by Regular Parameters – If your macro will never be used by
people who are writing macros that will be used by others. anyone but yourself, feel free to use any parameter names you
Almost all macros fall into this category, as most of us share like. I rarely use regular parameter names because I know that
macros with our coworkers. Every macro should clean up sooner or later most of my macros will fall into the hands of
parameters before and after usage by using *DEL,,PRM_ at the others. If you’re sure that no on else on Earth or any other planet
beginning <<no mention of PARSAV or other>>and end of the will be using your macro, use any parameter names that you
macro. This will keep your macro from creating parameters that want.Using /NOPR and /GOPR
will conflict, overwrite, and otherwise cause problems with
parameters that may already be in use. After your macro has been debugged and runs well, you can
use /NOPR at the start of the macro to keep it from feeding
Local Parameters – Anyone can use local parameter names unwanted information to the output window. When the macro is
like AR20-AR99 within their macro. Sometimes called local finished running, use /GOPR to turn the output window back
variables, they are only used within a given macro and on.Using *IF and *GO
automatically disappear when that macro is finished running.
Local variables can be used in nested macros without Be sure to close all *IF statements with an *ENDIF. Don't use *GO
problems. to exit an *IF loop, use *EXIT. Feel free to use *GO as a way of
hopping around within a macro, but keep in mind that it can be
difficult for yourself or others to follow your logic at a later date.

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Status Messages
At the beginning of each macro use *MSG to write a message
to the output window that tells the user that the macro is
running and what the input parameters are. For long macros, it
is nice to print out additional messages to inform the user of the
status of things as the macro progresses. You can also use
the progress bar to graphically display the progress of a do-
loop. <<site example>>

These are just a few of the things I keep in mind when I write a
macro. Depending on the capabilities of the editor you are using
and how creative you are, you can do much more. For
example, if your editor supports colors you can assign
everything within a given do-loop a unique color. Some people
like to indent everything within do-loop. There are lots of other
things you can do to ensure that your macros work reliably and
are easy for yourself and others to read and understand.
Spend a little time to think about this and I’m sure you will come
up with ideas of your own.

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Perform automated design iterations quickly and
easily by linking ANSYS with a numerical
optimization program

Dr. Shen-Yeh Chen

Senior Engineer, Honeywell Engines & Systems

The flexible ANSYS environment readily permits the

integration of numerical optimization programs with
finite element analysis. This automates design
iterations so users can quickly zero in on the best
solution, without having to manually configure the
program for each run. The following chronicles the
details of how this was accomplished at Honeywell
Engines & Systems.

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CAD-Independent Parametric Modeling
It has been a common experience among analysts that parametric
modeling is not easy to accomplish. De-featuring the original solid
model takes time, which typically slows program completion. Building a
parametric model—especially for FEA purposes—has proven to be
especially time-consuming.

Moreover, the consistency of a mesh pattern cannot be guaranteed. If

the mesh pattern cannot be maintained, there may be unexpected
variations of stress, in addition to those caused by parametric
changes. This is sometimes called the “stress oscillation” phenomena,
and it will usually cause problems in the optimization process.

Engineers at Honeywell Engines & Systems have overcome this

difficulty by utilizing a CAD-independent parametric modeling technique
known as the “Contour Natural Shape” Function. The idea behind the
function is that when only an FE mesh is available, the user should still
be able to make parametric changes to the model without changing the
existing mesh connectivity and pattern.
Figure 1. Finite element mesh and the contour controlling net.
To illustrate this concept, consider a given mesh like Figure 1. First, the
user divides the “contour” of an FE mesh into segments of controlling
curves, without any CAD model information. The user input is not
intensive since only a few key points control these segments.

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The user then specifies the points to be moved and the magnitude
of the movement. Using the parameters in ANSYS, this information
can be saved and written out for external programs. The external
program then reads the data, computes the new distribution of all
nodes, and writes an ANSYS macro for defining the new
coordinates. Finally, ANSYS reads the macro created by the
external program and produces a new mesh, as shown in Figure 2.

The above procedure can be executed in one macro by using the

flexible ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). This model is
indeed parametric since all of its modifications can be defined and
saved as named parameters in ANSYS.

Design-Oriented Analysis
Parametric modeling is crucial for numerical design optimization.
However, the ability to perform parametric modeling does not
guarantee its use for optimization. Numerical optimization has its
assumptions and limitations. Experience has shown that blindly
coupling a parametric model together with an optimization routine
Figure 2. Perturbed mesh after moving the controlling node.
will usually cause serious problems. This is why the above-stated
methodology was developed.

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The concept of organizing and planning the global design process Multidisciplinary Optimization
for the purpose of design automation is often referred to as Another advantage of using ANSYS as an FEA solver in optimization
“Design-Oriented Analysis.” With this concept firmly in place, is that it is multidisciplinary. With the architecture mentioned above,
Honeywell Engines & Systems is stepping forward to advance the the optimization program does not need changes when an additional
analysis module so that it can be easily fitted into the design analysis discipline is added. If the users have a lot of in-house codes
automation loop in the future. supporting ANSYS, with the right communication protocol, the in-
house code can be added onto the optimization loop without
Isolating Design Parameters additional programming or frustrating data transfer.
For the purpose of modularizing the FEA process, APDL can be
utilized to separate the parameters from the modeling file and place One example is the mesh perturbation module in the previous
them into another file. Other desired responses can be separated section. The module developed at Honeywell Engines & Systems can
into different files, as well. This input/analysis/response model can be used as either a separate parametric modeling tool through a
immediately be fed into many stand-alone optimization programs. macro, or in combination with the optimization loop by inserting this
macro command into the ANSYS modeling batch file. This implies that
For efficiency consideration, at Honeywell an in-house optimization it is possible to use ANSYS as an analysis platform rather than just
code integrated with ANSYS was developed instead of using a as a module.
standalone optimization package.

Using the named parameters in ANSYS as the interface and the

APDL for model manipulation, the user can do as much number
crunching as desired within ANSYS. In other words, the analysis
procedure itself is programmable. This is almost impossible for most
of the optimization packages available today.

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Reducing Engineering Costs
Finally, using the leading-edge numerical optimization technology
provides the missing link from analysis response into a fast and
optimum design. The immediate impact is the potential savings in
engineering costs, since the iteration can be done in an automatic way.

For example, Figure 3 shows the FE mesh and the boundary conditions
of a model. The goal was to minimize the weight, with the equivalent
stress under a certain allowable value. The parameters for mesh
perturbation took only a few minutes to set up.

An ANSYS batch file was then put into the optimization program and
after about five minutes the optimum configuration—as shown in
Figure 4 (next page)—was obtained (using a 2GB RAM HP C3000
workstation). Without the design automation tool, the same example
would have taken more than one day to achieve the same result,
lacking any prior knowledge of the physical significance.

Looking to the Future

Figure 3. Finite element mesh and boundary conditions of the Currently, Honeywell Engines & Systems has planned the incorporation
original geometry. of an even more flexible optimization algorithm, called the “Genetic
Algorithm," into the in-house package. With this algorithm the package
will provide more flexibility for the problems to be solved.

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Although this algorithm is more expensive due to its computational
capacity, the growth of computing power has made it more practical.
In the future, it is expected that the user will become more tolerant of
these kinds of algorithms for handling complicated design
requirements. This kind of non-gradient based algorithm is only made
possible with today’s ever-growing computing power and a robust
analysis package like ANSYS.

These examples illustrate the potential for reducing engineering

costs by integrating and automating the design process. Although it
is still too early to expect a fully automatic design environment at this
time, local automation is possible with a flexible analysis platform.

Surprisingly, such technologies have been around for decades, but

questions of reliability have kept experienced engineers from
investigating them. However, since 1995 there has been a significant
increase in their acceptance among the various engineering
communities. With proper education and effort, we can expect to
see more and more successful design automation stories like this in
Figure 4. Optimal design and the final mesh. the future.

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ANSYS and Autodesk Enter Into Preferred Global CAE This solution will help product development teams make more
Partnership informed decisions earlier in the design process, allowing them to
reduce costs and development time while developing better
I Autodesk — the world’s leading design software and digital products.
content company — selected ANSYS Inc. as their Preferred Global
CAE Partner. “ANSYS has created a new generation of design tools that simulate
product performance to meet functional requirements, study design
Autodesk and ANSYS will work closely together to develop mid- trade-offs, and perform design synthesis much earlier in the product
range simulation-based design performance tools for use by development process,” said Dr. Joseph Solecki, chief technologist at
Autodesk Inventor customers, ensuring that sophisticated design ANSYS Inc. “This relationship with Autodesk will give our joint
engineering capabilities, including the new ANSYS DesignXplorer, customers a competitive advantage by providing the ability to
are more accessible to product designers and engineers in need of compress design cycles, to reduce risk and to enhance their ability
easy-to-use, fast and accurate design performance simulation and to build the right products for the right market requirements.”
optimization tools.
“Autodesk is proud to be partnering with an industry leader like
These front-end simulation tools will give product designers and ANSYS,” said Robert Kross, vice president of the Manufacturing
engineers the ability to create more cost-effective and robust Division at Autodesk. “There are many areas of synergy between
designs early in the product development process by facilitating our companies, including the opportunity to democratize simulation
quick and easy “what-if” scenarios, without the intricacies and the functionality, making it available to a broader mechanical design
extensive learning curve of a sophisticated finite element analysis community. Our customers will surely benefit from this relationship.”
(FEA) solution.

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ANSYS Inc. Joins Autodesk Inventor Certified Application Complementing this functionality, DesignXplorer will allow them to
Program perform “what-if” studies in real time and optimize 3-D designs for
multiple objective functions, the functionality typically available only
ANSYS Inc. recently joined Autodesk’s newly unveiled Inventor within high-end analysis applications.
Certified Application Program. The program certifies that
DesignSpace for Inventor and DesignXplorer software applications “By participating in this program, ANSYS can deliver its proven
have met Autodesk’s standards for robustness, quality and the high-end technology into the hands of designers, allowing them to
highest level of interoperability with its Inventor 3-D mechanical perform valuable simulation early in the design process,” said
design system. Michael Wheeler, vice president and general manager of the ANSYS
Inc. Mechanical Business Unit. “As members of the Inventor Certified
“We are proud to have a leading company like ANSYS join the Application program, ANSYS will realize significant benefits not
Autodesk Inventor Certified Application Program,” said Robert previously available to us through the MAI program. Additionally, the
Kross, vice president of the Manufacturing Division at Autodesk. synergy that has been created between us - two of the most
"Both of our organizations recognize the importance of delivering respected software design companies in the industry - will serve
proven technologies to our customers. We view ANSYS as a key both our customers and investors well.”
player in this new offering."

By meeting Autodesk’s Inventor Certified Application Program

requirements, DesignSpace for Inventor and DesignXplorer
software packages will deliver to Inventor users ANSYS’ proven
high-end simulation technologies. DesignSpace for Inventor allows
designers to simulate on the desktop the effects of real-world
conditions on their 3-D parametric assemblies.

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DRD Technology Offers ANSYS – Pro/ENGINEER Courses Pro/MECHANICA in FEM Mode is used exclusively to construct finite
element models. The course places special emphasis on midsurface
DRD Technology Corporation, an engineering consulting firm and creation and shell meshing of parts and assemblies. Additional
ANSYS Support Distributor, has developed two courses for topics include assembly meshing using Pro/ENGINEER end weld and
ANSYS users who create ANSYS finite element models using perimeter weld functions, splitting surfaces, creating regions using
PTC’s Pro/MECHANICA in FEM Mode (previously called Pro/MESH) datum curves, and definition of lumped mass, beam, spring and spar
software. In both courses, students will devote most of the time to elements.
hands on workshops. DRD keeps both courses up to date with
current ANSYS and Pro/E releases, and both courses are currently A more advanced course focuses on passing Pro/MECHANICA in
compatible with ANSYS 6, Pro/ENGINEER 2001, and the FEM Mode generated finite element meshes to ANSYS and adding
corresponding ANSYS - Pro/ENGINEER Interface. advanced capabilities to the model. Some of the advanced
capabilities covered include plasticity, non-linear contact, large
A basic course is intended to enable engineers with rudimentary deflections, submodeling, geometry transfer and manipulation,
Pro/ENGINEER skills to develop proficiency at doing finite element transient thermal analysis, and response spectrum (seismic)
analysis. Although this course is suitable for beginning FEA users, analysis. Some time is spent introducing the student to the ANSYS
it has proven to be useful for experienced analysts who model Interface for selecting and post-processing.
assemblies of sheetmetal and steel plate parts.
DRD Technology schedules these courses on a demand basis, and
conducts them at the company’s Tulsa, OK and Addison, Texas
(near Dallas) facilities and also at customer locations. For more
information, visit DRD’s Web site at www.drd.com , call
918.743.3013, or email at info@drd.com.

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ANSYS and ITI TranscenData Announce Automatic “ITI has always offered superior geometry healing technology, and
Geometry Healing Module we are pleased to integrate this technology into our ANSYS 6.1
ANSYS Inc. and ITI TranscenData recently launched the ANSYS
Automatic Geometry Healing Module with ANSYS 6.1 software. “Like all downstream product development applications, analysis is
Working in conjunction with the existing ANSYS Connection dependent on the uninterrupted access to clean, usable CAD data,”
Products or with additional CADfix-based imports for IGES v5.3, said Tom Makoski, vice president of sales and marketing for ITI
STEP AP 203 and AP214, CATIA v4.x, VDAFS 2.0, STL, ACIS 6.3 TranscenData. “The ANSYS Automatic Geometry Healing Module
and Parasolid 12.1, the ANSYS Automatic Geometry Healing provides ANSYS users with fast and reliable solution for analyzing
Module allows users to heal and import problematic CAD models problematic CAD models.”
for analysis.
ANSYS Inc. will be responsible for sales, marketing and customer
The ANSYS Automatic Geometry Healing Module provides ANSYS support of this product. Those interested in the ANSYS Automatic
6.1 users with a fully automated model import and healing solution Geometry Healing Module should contact ANSYS Inc. or their local
designed specifically to meet data exchange needs. Utilizing ITI ANSYS sales partner.
TranscenData's CADfix geometry repair tool as background
technology, the new Healing Module is available to ANSYS users
within ANSYS 6.1. Users requiring full CADfix functionality can
contact ITI TranscenData for details.

“While ANSYS Connection Products offer direct model importation

between the CAD system and ANSYS, users often encounter
translation errors that can corrupt geometry files,” said Ed
Wagner, vice president of marketing services for ANSYS Inc.

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Cart3D CO-SELECTED AS NASA's "2002 SOFTWARE OF THE "Cart3D's novel algorithms and its state-of-the-art computational
YEAR" ANSYS' ICEM CFD Cart3D Software Available for efficiency combine to provide designers with a new level of
Commercial Distribution automation that reduces simulation time requirements by a factor of at
least 250," said NASA Ames' Michael Aftosmis, one of the co-
ANSYS Inc. integrated NASA AMES' Cart3D product, recently developers of Cart3D. "This level of automation encourages
recognized as NASA's "2002 Software of the Year," into its ICEM designers to test more vehicle variations over a wider range of flight
CFD product suite for commercial distribution. Cart3D is a high- conditions than previously possible." "We are honored to be selected
fidelity, inviscid analysis package for external and internal flow as a NASA Ames partner," said Dr. Armin Wulf, ANSYS vice
simulations developed by NASA Ames Research Center and New president and general manager of the environmental business unit.
York University for conceptual and preliminary aerodynamic "The NASA Software of the Year co-winner - Cart3D - is the most
design. advanced aerodynamic design tool available to designers and
engineers. We are encouraged to offer ICEM CFD Cart3D as a part of
ANSYS has integrated Cart3D v1.1 as an addition to its ICEM CFD our product suite and deliver this technology to a broader user base."
product suite, enabling the package to be licensed commercially
as ICEM CFD Cart3D in five industries. In addition to its exclusive With the commercialization of Cart3D through ANSYS, users are able
distributor status for NASA Ames' Cart3D solution to the to receive dedicated support and training, as well as additional
aerospace, automotive and turbo machinery industries, ANSYS functionalities of the ICEM CFD product suite, such as a GUI for
also has distribution rights for the electronics/electromagnetics problem setup and post-processing, enhanced import of legacy
and process industries. Moving forward, for non-government geometry, direct import of CAD geometry, and the ability to
users, the Cart3D product only can be licensed through ANSYS or automatically setup and run suites of simulations based on parametric
its authorized channel partners. changes to models. For more information about ICEM CFD Cart3D,
visit: http://www.icemcfd.com/cart3d/index.html

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Schedule of Events
Autodesk University
Dec 3-6
Las Vegas, Nev.

If you would like your events posted, send a brief description including the name, date, location and
registration URL to managing editor Jennifer Hucko at jennifer.hucko@ansys.com.

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LMS to hold Conference for Physical and Virtual “The central question in competitiveness is how corporations can
Prototyping develop and deliver continuous innovation that can be manifest in
great products that customers want to buy over and over again. This
LMS North America will hold its Second Annual Conference for problem is obviously broad in scope and requires a complete re-think
Physical and Virtual Prototyping on Sept. 18-19, 2002, at Michigan about the processes and technology framework required,” says
State University’s Management Education Center in Troy, Mich. Burdick. “Product lifecycle management (PLM) is a business IT
The event provides a forum for discussing trends, issues and strategy that is focused on addressing the ‘big picture’ problem of
applications for virtual prototyping, physical testing and the developing and delivering innovative products on a continuous basis.
combination of the two technologies in hybrid engineering. A key strategic cornerstone of PLM is constructing a robust virtual
prototyping environment to rapidly create and validate high-quality
The keynote address on “The Critical Role of Virtual Prototyping product innovations.”
for Innovation, Competitive Product Creation and Validation” will be
presented by Dave Burdick, founder of the research and analysis LMS president and CEO, Dr. Urbain Vandeurzen, will discuss
firm Collaborative Visions and former vice president for Gartner functional performance engineering in refining designs according to
Group’s Manufacturing Applications Strategies Service Division. key attributes such as durability, vibration, acoustics, and fatigue
lifetime. The goal of the approach is for product qualities to be
designed in during the early stages of the cycle, refined throughout
product development using analysis and optimization, and finally
verifying and fine-tuning performance through in-depth testing on a
reduced number of physical prototypes. This approach enables
users to understand and solve dynamic problems, turning upfront
attribute optimization into a strategic competitive advantage.

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ANSYS and CEO Jim Cashman Recognized as Leaders in "The Pittsburgh Technology 50 is a celebration of regional innovation
the Technology Industry and entrepreneurial successes, and it shines a spotlight on those
leading the charge," said Steven G. Zylstra, president and CEO of the
ANSYS Inc. recently announced that Jim Cashman, president and Pittsburgh Technology Council. "Jim Cashman embodies the types of
chief executive officer of ANSYS was named CEO of the Year by attributes we were looking for in a CEO of the Year, particularly as it
the Pittsburgh Technology Council. ANSYS also was named to the related to the quality of his leadership, his ethical standards, his
Council's Sixth Annual Technology 50 list of the most successful focus on team-building and other characteristics that make a great
companies in the region. leader."

Companies are listed in five industry categories, and those that "The Council's recognition endorses the ANSYS team's talent for
are named to the list demonstrate success in five key areas: implementing unique business strategies while offering best-in-class
advancement in product development or sales success; financial technology solutions that make our customers successful," said Jim
strength; corporate citizenship; job growth/retention; and Cashman, president and chief executive officer of ANSYS Inc. "We
innovation. ANSYS was recognized in the Information Technology applaud the Council for highlighting Pittsburgh's leading businesses,
category at a ceremony on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002, at the as well as the group's dedication to enhancing the region's
Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Technology technology environment. We are honored to be among the few
Council award to ANSYS comes on the heels of the company's companies to repeat this recognition."
listing in the Business 2.0 Top 100 list, also announced in
September. The Pittsburgh Technology Council determined the 50 fastest-growing
firms by researching thousands of public and private technology
companies headquartered in several Pittsburgh-area cities and
towns. PricewaterhouseCoopers audited the Council's results.

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ANSYS Recognized as One of the Fastest-Growing Tech To arrive at the final rankings, in which ANSYS placed at number 86,
Companies by Business 2.0 Magazine Business 2.0 narrowed the Zacks Investment Research list to those
companies with at least three years' history as a public company,
Further strengthening its reputation as a solid company, ANSYS $50 million in revenues, and positive cash flow from operations in the
Inc. announced it has been named to Business 2.0's premiere B2 most recently reported 12 months. In consultation with finance
100, a list of the fastest-growing tech companies. The list, professors George Foster of Stanford University, Brett Trueman of
compiled by Zacks Investment Research, included a review of the University of California at Berkeley, and Chip Ruscher of the
2,000 publicly traded companies. University of Arizona, they created a ranking algorithm that combined
the 12-month stock market return with revenue, earnings, and
"Outfits that have improved their financial strength during the operating cash flow growth during the past three years. The first
grueling past three years have something to teach. The B2 100 three measures each count for 20 percent of a company's overall
firms are eloquent testimony to the power of innovation, focus, ranking, the last for 40 percent.
financial discipline, and a handful of other virtues, even in this
dismal economy," editor-at-large Erick Schonfeld writes in the
October issue of Business 2.0 .

"This recognition is particularly gratifying because it's a direct

reflection of ANSYS' dedication to continually meet and exceed
our customers' needs," said Jim Cashman, president and chief
executive officer of ANSYS Inc. "We have maintained a strong
business during uncertain economic times by consistently
delivering leading-edge products that allow our customers to be
successful. This recognition in the B2 100 is yet another indicator
of the success of our strategy."

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The Chrysler Group selcts LMS Virtual Lab for Next According to Dr. Jack Thompson, Director of CAE and Concept
Generaton, Computer-Aided Engineering Desktop Development at the Chrysler Group, "Timely functional performance
Environment engineering for attributes like noise, vibration, durability and crash
performance is one of the challenges we are tackling in our vehicle
LMS International announced that the Chrysler Group unit of development process. With the help of LMS Virtual.Lab, which is
DaimlerChrysler AG has signed an agreement for products and specifically built for cross-disciplinary attribute engineering, we are
services, which will significantly improve the Chrysler Group's able to better leverage our proven analytical tools to enhance the
engineering productivity in the areas of Noise, Vibration & virtual design process."
Harshness (NVH), Durability and Impact simulation.
In addition, LMS Virtual.Lab will enable the Chrysler Group to speed
Under the agreement, LMS will provide the Chrysler Group with up the virtual design process, improve the accuracy and quality of
LMS Virtual.Lab, a comprehensive software environment for virtual prototype simulations and standardize the types of software
functional performance engineering in the conceptual phase of being used for NVH, durability and impact simulations. The
product development. LMS will also team up with Chrysler Group evolutionary rollout of LMS Virtual.Lab at the Chrysler Group will be a
engineers to evaluate the automaker's current processes, remove multi-year process, ultimately reaching across all of the company's
bottlenecks, increase value-added engineering time and improve vehicle platforms and component teams.
the overall quality of designs.
"We are very excited about this strategic implementation of LMS
The resulting software system will also integrate the computer- Virtual.Lab," Chairman and CEO Urbain Vandeurzen stated. "The
aided design (CAD), computer-aided engineering (CAE), and Chrysler Group decision is another confirmation of our vision and
physical testing environments together for faster response rates strategy to combine the strengths of both physical and virtual
to design changes and improved CAE productivity. prototyping to meet the growing demands made on the engineering
community to optimize mission critical product attributes and brand
According to Dr. Jack Thompson, Director of CAE and Concept values. Our commitment to radical product and process innovation
Development at the Chrysler Group, "Timely functional and the superior integration that comes with LMS Virtual.Lab were
performance engineering for attributes like noise, vibration, important factors for LMS to be selected by the Chrysler Group as a
durability and crash performance is one of the challenges we are strategic CAE partner."
tackling in our vehicle development process.
ITI ProjectView: Secure Data Management Collaboration "Because product development cycles are now being measured in
days and weeks, timeliness and responsiveness are critical to
International TechneGroup Incorporated (ITI) announced the success," explained Mike Lemon, Vice president and General
release of ITI ProjectView version 3.0. ITI ProjectView is an Manager of ITI's Virtual Product Development business. "A major
environment for collaborative project management through a Web obstacle to greater collaboration is the incompatibility of information
portal providing secure yet seamless access to all types of technologies used. The Internet has emerged as a practical and cost-
business, manufacturing, engineering and project data effective infrastructure for linking manufacturers with key customers
and suppliers," continued Lemon. "ITI ProjectView leverages the
ITI ProjectView allows organizations to integrate and share data power of the Internet into tightly integrated collaborative global virtual
files, project plans, schedules, and other forms of business, enterprises."
product, and process information in a controlled secure yet
effective environment. Additionally, users can schedule events or To learn more visit http://www.projectview.com or call 513.576.3900
facilitate discussion forums through the site. or 800.783.9199.

Security features include: User Name & Password, Secure

Sockets Layer (SSL), Certificate Authentication, and I.P. Filtering.
ITI ProjectView is currently available in English, Japanese, and
German languages. Support for additional languages can be
quickly developed.

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ANSYS Named to Forbes Top 200 Small Companies Listing The list, compiled by William O'Neill & Co., Los Angeles, selected
companies based on five key criteria. "The criteria we use to screen
Stepping up to receive its third honor in 30 days, ANSYS Inc. candidates is tough," said Lesley Kump, Forbes statistician. "We
recently announced it has been named to the Forbes 200 Best looked only at public companies with latest-12-month sales of $5
Small Companies, a list comprised of financially strong small-cap million to $600 million, a stock price above $5 per share and five-year
businesses. ANSYS ranked 56 among the 200 leading small average return on equity of at least 5 percent. Growth
companies in the nation. notwithstanding, profitability was a must - every nominee had to earn
a net margin of at least 5 percent, excluding extraordinary and
"Despite a rough economy and other forces that took the nonrecurring items."
NASDAQ to its 6-year low, this year's Forbes 200 Best Small
Companies is a stellar bunch of companies," editor Katrina Keller "Achieving this award during one of the most difficult economic
writes in the October issue of Forbes. "All of these companies periods in the past ten years is a tribute to the ANSYS team, working
are profitable, although some of them have experienced rough every day to provide outstanding products, services and support for
waters over the past few years, such as a slip in sales or all of our customers," said Jim Cashman, president and chief
earnings, their balance sheets indicate they have the muscle to executive officer of ANSYS. "Helping our customers succeed in
remain viable entities over the long term. Each company on this list business has been the key to ANSYS' success."
has earned its place and is, indeed, good enough to be called one
of the best." New to the Forbes 200 list this year was a review of relative stock
price strength. The addition of this criteria enabled the reviewers to
note companies that were doing particularly well or poorly relative to
their peers and the market indexes.

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For ANSYS Inc. sales information, call 1.866.ANSYS.AI , or on the Internet visit www.ansys.com .

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John Krouse Miller Creative Group Ann Stanton
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