PhilGEPS Sworn Statement - 1102
PhilGEPS Sworn Statement - 1102
PhilGEPS Sworn Statement - 1102
I, Corazon Pelagia A. Altar, of legal age, Widow, Filipino, and residing at [Brgy. 05, Gen.
MacArthur, Eastern Samar, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, do hereby
depose and state that:
a) Registration Certificate;
b) Mayor’s/Business Permit or its Equivalent Document;
c) Tax Clearance;
d) Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) license and registration (if
applicable); and
e) Audited Financial Statements;
3. Each of the documents submitted is in satisfaction and compliance with the requirements
for PhilGEPS Platinum Membership and for participation in any Philippine government
4. Each document is an authentic copy of the original, complete, and all statements and
information provided therein are true and correct;
5. I assume responsibility and full accountability on the validity and authenticity of the
documents submitted;
7. I am aware of and understood the following guidelines for the use of the Government of
the Philippines- Official Merchant Registry (GoP-OMR):
a. The PhilGEPS office shall not determine the eligibility of merchants. The
PhilGEPS office’s evaluation of the eligibility requirements shall be for the sole
purpose of determining the approval or disapproval of the merchant’s application
for registration.