A-Z of Embroidery
A-Z of Embroidery
A-Z of Embroidery
Read our handy A-Z of popular embroidery and fashion terms and see how
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A is for Appliqué.
A smaller piece of embroidery sewn or attached to another material. An
appliqué is usually one piece applied for the purpose of decoration. The term
is borrowed from French and, in this context, means ‘applied’. Appliqué is a
surface pattern that is used to decorate an aspect of a garment or product.
B is for Bump.
Soft String or felt can be used to create a raised surface for embroidery. Used
in Goldwork to lift the metallic threads off the surface of the material. The
raised area is referred to as Bump
C is for Chain Stitch.
The chain stitch is a series of loops that is connected by stitches forming a
chain like effect. It is also the stitch that is created when doing Tambour
C is for Chenille.
Meaning fuzzy or caterpillar in French, Chenille comes in silk threads which
can be used in embroidery to create a fluffy effect.
C is for Couching.
In embroidery, couching and ‘laid work’ are techniques in which yarn or other
materials are laid across the surface of the ground fabric and fastened in
place with small stitches of the same or a different yarn. This is often used in
goldwork where ‘passing’ is couched down. The couching threads may be
either the same colour as the laid threads or a contrasting colour. When
couching threads contrast with laid threads, patterns may be worked in the
couching stitches.
D is for Dégradé.
The French word for ‘shading’ in embroidery it describes the effect when a
dense colour or pattern graduates away to nothing over the length of a
material. A sleeve with a dégradé effect may be densely beaded at the
shoulder before gradually becoming less beaded at the cuff.
E is for Epaulettes.
From the French word meaning ‘Little Shoulder’. An Epaulette is an
ornamental shoulder decoration used as insignia of rank by armed forces and
other organisations. In several European armies epaulettes are also worn by
all ranks of elite or ceremonial units when on parade.
F is for Frogging.
A Frog or Chinese Frog is an ornamental braiding for fastening the front of a
garment that consists of a button and a loop through which it passes. Frogs
are usually meant to be a design detail. Where many frogs are repeated
beyond practical needs, this purely decorative form is termed ‘frogging’.
G is for Gilt.
In embroidery term Gilt refers to the the bullion thread used to embroider
Goldwork. ‘Gold bullion’ is 2% Gold whereas Gilt is plated in Gold. Gilt is
considered the more affordable option.
G is for Goldwork.
Using metal threads, Goldwork embroidery is often used in military and
ceremonial garments. It is a technique prized for the material’s ability to catch
and reflect light.
H is for Hardanger.
Hardanger is an ancient Persian form of embroidery traditionally worked with
white thread on white even-weave cloth, using counted thread and drawn
thread work techniques. It is sometimes called whitework embroidery.
I is for Ikat.
J is for Jacobean.
A form of crewel embroidery used for furnishing characterised by fanciful plant
and animal shapes worked in a variety of stitches with two-ply wool yarn on
linen. Popular motifs in Jacobean embroidery, especially curtains for bed
hangings, are the Tree of Life and stylised forests, usually rendered as exotic
plants arising from a landscape with birds, stags, squirrels, and other familiar
K is for French Knots.
A knotted stitch is any embroidery technique in which the yarn, bullion or
thread is knotted around itself.
L is for Lunéville.
Lunéville or Crochet de Lunéville is a French term for drum and tambour work.
The embroidery done with a hook working through a fabric stretched tight as a
drum. A tambour hook makes one stitch, the chain stitch. The hook is held on
top of the frame with the threaded beads or sequins underneath.
M is for Monogramming.
Typically, a motif of two or more interwoven letters, such as a person’s initials,
used to personalise a possession or garment.
N is for Needles.
Different embroidery needles do different jobs. There are several commonly
used embroidery needles. Embroidery (or ‘crewel’) needles have sharp points
and slightly elongated eyes. They’re used for crewel work and most surface
embroidery where piercing through the fabric threads is necessary to the
stitching. Tapestry needles have long eyes and blunt points. They’re used for
counted work, drawn thread work, canvas work, or other types of needlework
in which the point of the needle is not meant to pierce the fabric threads.
Chenille needles have a long eye like the eye on tapestry needles, but a sharp
point, and can be used effectively in crewel work and other wool embroidery,
or any surface work where a longer eye and a sharp point is desired. Straw or
milliner needles have an eye and shaft that are equal in thickness, which
makes them ideal for French knots and bullion knots, or any stitch where the
needle must pass through multiple wraps of thread.
O if for Or Nué.
Or Nue (or shaded gold) is a form of goldwork embroidery using couching
where different coloured silk threads are stitched over the metallic base of
gold threads to form patterns or designs, often figures or narrative scenes.
P is for Pouncing.
A method for transferring designs onto fabrics. A fine powder (Pounce), made
from ground charcoal, chalk dust or powdered crayfish shell is dusted over a
stencil to transfer a design to an underlying surface.
P is for Patches.
Patches are ready made embroidery designs with an iron on back allowing
consumers to attach them to any garment they wish to.
Q is for Quilting.
The word ‘quilt’ comes from the Latin culcita meaning a stuffed sack. Quilting
is the process of sewing of two or more layers of material together to make a
thicker padded material.
R is for Rough Purl.
Rough Purls are very fine wire threads in a tubular shape with a smooth
surface and has a matte appearance (in contrast to the smooth purl which has
a shiny appearance).The thread typically comes in two or three lengths to
make up one yard. All of the purl threads are a hollow soft and flexible metal
tube. The tube is cut up into pieces and sewn down like a bead.
R is for Running Stitch.
A basic straight stitch with even stitches. Just like its name, the thread runs
through in and out of the fabric.
S is for Spangles.
Small, thin, often circular piece of glittering metal or other material, used
especially for decorating garments.
S is for Su Embroidery.
Originating from the province of Suzhou in China, these works of art are made
from fine silk thread on silk fabrics. They split high quality silk thread into
thinner strands which allows them to produce more details and depth to their
T is for Twill.
A type of fabric which has a distinct pattern of parallel ribbing usually made of
cotton or polyester. Because of the structure of the ribbing, it is a durable
U is for Unpicking.
Confusingly sometimes called Frogging in the US. Unpicking is removing
threads when a mistake is made or when you are de-constructing an outfit.
U is for Underlay.
A layer of underlay stitches are used to stabilise an area of embroidery before
the actual stitches are sewn onto it. It prevents fabric from pulling the fabric
when stitching.
V is for Vermicelli.
A chain stitch design accomplished by tambour or Cornelli Machine usually
described colloquially as a ‘squiggly’ line. The technique is named vermicelli
after the pasta because of its appearance. It is also sometimes referred to as
‘cornelli couching’.
W is for Whitework.
See Hardanger.
X is for Extra Pearl Purl.
A type of Pearl Purl used in Gold work. Pearl Purl is available in three different
sizes – very fine, Extra and Super. Extra would be ideal to use in a larger area
off work, whereas very fine is suitable for smaller areas.
Y is for Yarn twist.
A spiral arrangement of the fibres around the axis of the yarn. The twist binds
the fibres together and also contributes to the strength of the yarn.