VDL Service Manual
VDL Service Manual
VDL Service Manual
nr. 613508D
0606 DD001300
DANA axle 09.24 Wheel ends
© 2006 VDL Bus & Coach bv, Eindhoven,
The Netherlands.
Single Drive Axles
1. Identify the wheel nut system being installed. Three 4. Install the outer bearing on the spindle.
systems are available:
• Install the inner nut on the spindle.
• Three piece Dowel-type wheel nut system - Fig. 1
• Tighten the inner nut to 200 lbs-ft. (271 N•m) while
• Three piece Tang-type wheel nut system - Fig. 2 rotating the wheel hub.
2. Inspect the spindle and nut threads for corrosion and 7. Back-off the inner nut 45º to 60º of a full turn.
clean thoroughly or replace as required.
• Inspect the tang-type washer (if used). Replace the 8. Install the correct lock washer for the wheel nut
washer if the tangs are broken, cracked, or damaged. system being used.
• Completely fill the hub cavity between the inner and outer
bearing races with the same lubricant used in the axle
NOTE: If the dowel pin and washer are not aligned, remove
washer, turn it over and reinstall. If required, loosen the
inner nut just enough for alignment.
• Install the outer nut on the spindle and tighten to 350 lbs-
ft. (475 N•m).
• Go to Step 9.
• Install the outer nut on the spindle and tighten to 250 lbs-
ft. (339 N•m).
• Go to Step 9.
NOTE: If the dowel pin and washer are not aligned, remove
washer, turn it over and reinstall. If required, loosen the inner
nut just enough for alignment.
• Install the outer nut on the spindle and tighten to 250 lbs-ft.
(339 N•m).
9. Install:
• Axle shaft
2. Place the bearing against the hub. With the 90mm ID Oil Side Air Side
bearing identify the correct orientation as shown on the
diagrams. NOTE: There is no bearing orientation on the
other bearing sizes.
90 mm ID bearing
8. Design corresponding to Staked Nut + Tang Washer. 13. Using a suitable chisel or punch stake the nut into
the key way as indicated below.
14. Apply loctite 518 between the axle shafts and the
Hubs. Fit the axle shafts, (see Torque Chart
M58 x 1.5 120 109 NOTE: Une-En-1662 are exagonal flanged bolts, 10.9,
6g, phosphated.
M75 x 1.5 175 159
CAUTION: When disassembling bend out the
M86 x 2.0 250 225 staked area of the nut fully so as not to damage the
threads when removing the nut.
11. Spin Rotor & Hub set 10 revolutions.