Optimization of Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis of The Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
Optimization of Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis of The Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
Optimization of Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis of The Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
Randall S. Sexton
Department of Management
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana 47306
Office (765) 285-5320
Fax (765) 285-8024
email rssexton@mail.bsu.edu
Randall Sexton is an Assistant Professor in the College of Business, Ball State University.
Robert Dorsey and John Johnson are Associate Professors in the College of Business, University of
Mississippi. Dr’s Johnson and Dorsey are supported in part by the Mississippi Alabama Sea Grant
Consortium through NOAA.
Optimization of Neural Networks: A Comparative Analysis of the Genetic
Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
The escalation of Neural Network research in Business has been brought about by the
ability of neural networks, as a tool, to closely approximate unknown functions to any degree of
desired accuracy. Although, gradient based search techniques such as back-propagation are
currently the most widely used optimization techniques for training neural networks, it has been
shown that these gradient techniques are severely limited in their ability to find global solutions.
Global search techniques have been identified as a potential solution to this problem. In this
paper we examine two well known global search techniques, Simulated Annealing and the
Genetic Algorithm, and compare their performance. A Monte Carlo study was conducted in
order to test the appropriateness of these global search techniques for optimizing neural
1. Introduction
by the more than 400 citations referencing articles that have applied neural networks to business
applications, within the last two years. This trend shows no signs of slowing as more researchers
discover and begin to utilize this approximation tool. The ability of the ANN to accurately
approximate unknown functions and their derivatives [8] [12], underlies this growing popularity.
Because of its ease of use, an overwhelming majority of these applications have used some
variation of the gradient technique, backpropagation [14][20][21] [30] for optimizing the
networks [22]. Although, backpropagation has unquestionably been a major factor for the
success of past neural network applications, it is plagued with inconsistent and unpredictable
Gradient search techniques such as backpropagation are designed for local search. They
typically achieve the best solution in the region of their starting point. Obtaining a global
solution is often dependent on a fortuitous choice of starting values. Global search techniques
are known to more consistently obtain the optimal solution. Work in this area is summarized in
[25] and specific applications can be found in [7], [19] and [26]. Recently, [24] demonstrated
that for a variety of complex functions the genetic algorithm was able to achieve superior
solutions for neural network optimization than backpropagation and [23] found that another
global search heuristic, Tabu Search (TS), is able to systematically achieve superior solutions for
optimizing the neural network than those achieved by backpropagation. Although this literature
demonstrates the superiority of global search to hill climbing techniques, the literature provides
annealing. Simulated annealing has been shown to perform well for optimizing a wide variety of
complex problems [10]. This paper compares the performance of these two well known global
search algorithms, Simulated Annealing (SA) and the Genetic Algorithm (GA), for ANN
The following section briefly describes the two global optimization techniques. The next
section discusses the Monte Carlo experiment and results of the comparison. We then examine
two real world problems to further show the benefits of global search techniques for neural
network optimization and include a comparison with BP as well. The final section concludes.
The two global search techniques used for this study are briefly described in the following
two sections. More detailed descriptions of these algorithms can be found in Dorsey and Mayer
[5] for genetic algorithms and Goffe et al [10] for simulated annealing.
The GA is a global search procedure that searches from one population of points to
another. As the algorithm continuously samples the parameter space, the search is directed
toward the area of the best solution so far. This algorithm has been shown to perform
exceedingly well in obtaining global solutions for difficult non-linear functions [4] [5]. The
application of the GA to one particularly complex non-linear function, the ANN, has also been
shown to dominate other more commonly used search algorithms [6] [7].
A formal description of the algorithm is provided in [4], [5], [6] and [7]. Basically, an
absolute errors, is chosen for optimizing the network. The objective functions need not be
differentiable or even continuous. Using the chosen objective function, each candidate point out
of the initial population of randomly chosen starting points is used to evaluate the objective
function. These values are then used in assigning probabilities for each of the points in the
population. For minimization, as in the case of sum of squared errors, the highest probability is
assigned to the point with the lowest objective function value. Once all points have been
assigned a probability, a new population of points is drawn from the original population with
replacement. The points are chosen randomly with the probability of selection equal to its
assigned probability value. Thus, those points generating the lowest sum of squared errors are
The points comprising this new population are then randomly paired for the crossover
operation. Each point is a vector (string) of n parameters (weights). A position along the vectors
is randomly selected for each pair of points and the preceding parameters are switched between
the two points. This crossover operation results in each new point having parameters from both
parent points.
Finally, each weight has a small probability of being replaced with a value randomly
chosen from the parameter space. This operation is referred to as mutation. Mutation enhances
the GA by intermittently injecting a random point in order to better search the entire parameter
space. This allows the GA to possibly escape from local optima if the new point generated is a
better solution than has previously been found, thus providing a more robust solution. This
resulting set of points now becomes the new population, and the process repeats until
Since this method simultaneously searches in many directions, the probability of finding a
global optimum greatly increases. The algorithm’s similarity to natural selection inspires its
name. As the GA progresses through generations, the parameters most favorable for optimizing
the objective function will reproduce and thrive in future generations, while poorly performing
parameters die out, as in “survival of the fittest”. Research using the GA for optimization has
demonstrated its strong potential for obtaining globally optimal solutions [3] [11].
Annealing, refers to the process which occurs when physical substances, such as metals,
are raised to a high energy level (melted) and then gradually cooled until some solid state is
reached. The goal of this process is to reach the lowest energy state. In this process physical
substances usually move from higher energy states to lower ones if the cooling process is
sufficiently slow, so minimization naturally occurs. Due to natural variability, however, there is
some probability at each stage of the cooling process that a transition to a higher energy state will
occur. As the energy state naturally declines, the probability of moving to a higher energy state
A detailed description of the simulated annealing algorithm and its use for optimization
can be found in [2]. In essence, simulated annealing draws an initial random point to start its
search. From this point, the algorithm takes a step within a range predetermined by the user.
This new point’s objective function value is then compared to the initial point’s value in order to
determine if the new value is smaller. For the case of minimization, if the objective function
value decreases it is automatically accepted and it becomes the point from which the search will
continue. The algorithm will then proceed with another step. Higher values for the objective
function may also be accepted with a probability determined by the Metropolis criteria (see [2]
or [10]). By occasionally accepting points with higher values of the objective function, the SA
algorithm is able to escape local optima. As the algorithm progresses, the length of the steps
declines, closing in on the final solution. The Metropolis criteria uses the initial user defined
of accepting a value of the objective function that is higher. Paralleling the real annealing
process, as T decreases the probability of accepting higher values decreases. T is reduced by the
function Ti+1 = RT*Ti, where I is the ith iteration of the function evaluation after every NT
iterations. NT is the preset parameter which establishes the number of iterations between
temperature reductions. For this study these three parameters were set to values suggested in the
literature [2] [10]. Unlike the version of the GA used in this study in which all parameters are
dynamically assigned by the algorithm, the performance of the SA algorithm depends on user
defined parameters. Since the performance of the SA is significantly impacted by the choice of
these parameters a range of values were used for three variables (T, RT, NT). We examine
twelve different combinations in order to allow SA a full opportunity to obtain a global solution.
The Monte Carlo comparison was conducted on the six test problems shown in equation
1. The functions for all problems are continuous and all are differentiable except number (3)
which contains an absolute value. The GA was compared to twelve variations of the SA
algorithm. For the first five test problems, fifty observations were used as the training set. The
data was generated by randomly drawing the inputs from the sets X1 [-100,100] and X2 [-
10,10]. In order to test the networks, two additional data sets, consisting of 150 observations
each were also constructed. The first test set was generated to test the ability of the optimized
ANN to interpolate. The interpolation test data was also drawn from the sets X1 [-100,100]
and X2 [-10,10], but did not include any common observations with the training set. The
second test set was generated to evaluate the ability of the optimized ANN to extrapolate outside
of the range of the training set. This data was drawn from X1 [-200,-101] and X1 [101,200]
and from X2 [-20,-11] and X2 [11,20]. The training data was normalized from -1 to 1 for
both algorithms, in order to have identical training and output data for comparison. The same
normalizing factor was used on the extrapolation data. The sum of squared errors (SSE) was used
for optimization and the networks were compared on the basis of forecast error. Each network
included 6 hidden nodes for all problems. A bias term was used on both the input and hidden
layers so there were a total of 25 weights. There may well be better network architectures for the
given problems, but since we are comparing the optimization methods, we chose a common
The sixth problem consisted of a discrete version of the Mackey-Glass equation that has
previously been used in neural network literature [9][10]. This chaotic series is interesting
because of its similarity to time series found in financial markets. Because of its apparent
randomness and many local optima, this function is a challenging test for global training
algorithms. Again, we chose 6 hidden nodes for the neural network architecture. Five lagged
values of the dependent variable were used as the input variables. Clearly, three of these were
unnecessary but this information is often not known to the researcher and the ability of the ANN
to ignore irrelevant variables is critical to its usefulness. Since there are five input variables, the
total number of parameters included 36 weights connecting the five inputs and one bias term to
the hidden nodes and seven weights connecting the hidden nodes and bias term to the output
node, totaling 43 parameters overall. The training set of 100 observations for problem six started
from the initial point of [1.6, 0, 0, 0, 0]. The interpolation test data consisted of 150 points that
were generated from the randomly chosen point [-0.218357539, 0.05555536, 1.075291525,
-1.169494128, 0.263368033].
The version of Simulated Annealing used in this study came from Goffe et al. [10]. This
code, like the GA program was written in Fortran 77 and run on a Cray J-916 supercomputer. In
training each problem using SA, there were three factors that were manipulated in an effort to
find the best configuration for optimizing each problem. They included the temperature (T) at
three levels, the temperature reduction factor (RT), and the number of function evaluations
before temperature reduction (NT), each at two levels. The different combinations of these
factors were used in an attempt to try and find the best combination for SA to obtain the global
solution. Other parameters that could have been adjusted were set to the recommended values in
Goffe et al [10]. Specifically, the number of cycles (NS) was set to 20. After NS*N function
evaluations, each element of VM (step size) is adjusted so that approximately half of all function
evaluations are accepted. The number of final function evaluations (NEPS) was set to 4. This is
used as part of the termination process. The error tolerance for termination was set to 10-6 and
the upper limit for the total number of function evaluations (MAXEVL) was set to 10 9.
Although this Monte Carlo study included the parameter settings recommended by both
Goffe et al.[10] and Corana et al. [2], a more rigorous exploration of the parameters may have
produced better performance for the SA. Table 1 below illustrates the specific parameter settings
for each combination. Since the optimal solutions are not known a priori, the size of the search
Each of the twelve configurations was trained with ten replications. Each replication was
started with new random seeds, thus there were 120 SA trials for each problem. The maximum
number of function evaluations was set arbitrarily high (MAXEVL = 109) in order for all
problems to terminate with the internal stopping rule based on the predefined error tolerance.
The particular Genetic Algorithm used in this comparison was obtained from Dorsey et
al. [7]. This program was also written in Fortran 77 and run on the CRAY J-916. This algorithm
requires no preselection of parameters other than the number of hidden nodes, therefore only ten
replications were run to test the effectiveness of this algorithm. Each replication differed only in
the random initialization of the network. Each training replication was trained for 5,000
generations, which included a search of 20 points per generation. The same range for the
parameter search [-600,600] was used as was used with SA. Although 5,000 generations did not
allow full convergence for any of the six problems it was sufficient to demonstrate the
4. Results
Since the structure of the ANN was held constant there were no additional parameters to
adjust with the GA. Therefore, the test problems were only trained ten times each. The sole
difference between each replication was the random initialization of the weights. The GA was
terminated after 5000 generations as a base line for comparison with SA. A solution arbitrarily
close to zero can be found given additional time for convergence. Although, the preset
termination of the GA did not enable it to obtain the global solution, it provided a comparison
point with the SA results for in-sample, interpolation and extrapolation data. In many cases, the
GA’s worst in-sample solutions dominated the best SA results. The Mackey-Glass equation,
problem 6, was the only problem in which the best GA solution was not superior to the best SA
in-sample results. The best in-sample results for the GA and SA are shown in Table 2.
Although, the twelve configurations of parameters for the SA included the recommended
parameter settings of two previous studies [2] [10], none of the six test problems found an
optimal solution with this configuration. In order to determine the best configuration, each test
problem was initialized at ten different random points for all twelve configurations. Out of these
one hundred twenty replications for each problem, the best solution so far was then chosen as the
optimal configuration of the SA parameters for the particular test problem. However, since there
were several other variables that could have been adjusted, as well as the infinite combination of
possible levels for T, RT, and NT, we can not conclude that our configuration is the optimal
configuration. A difficulty we experienced with SA is that there are no rules for adjusting the
configuration to produce better results. Heuristics for setting SA parameters are suggested in [2]
and [10] and the suggestion to set NT = 5 from [10] and NT = Max[100,5*N] from [2] can be
followed, as was done in this study, but there is no guarantee that an optimal configuration for
the algorithm will be found. In calculating Max[100, 5*N] for NT, only the number of input
weights were used. SA only searched over these values, while the output weights were found
with OLS. The SA configurations that achieved the best and worst solutions out of the 120
The best solutions, or sets of weights, for the in-sample data were then applied to out-of-
sample interpolation and extrapolation data for each corresponding problem. Each data set
consisted of 150 observations drawn uniformly from the ranges described earlier. Although SA
had many more function evaluations, the GA obtained superior in-sample solutions in every case
except problem six. A direct comparison of in-sample, interpolation and extrapolation results
can be found in Table 4. The numbers shown in Table 4 are for the best solution of the ten runs
for the GA and the best solution of the 120 runs for SA. The ANN solution dominated those of
Table 5 shows the processing time and number of function evaluations for the search
techniques. Even though the GA was terminated prematurely, the solutions typically dominated
the SA results despite the fact that the SA search involved far more function evaluations. The
numbers shown in Table 5 are for the best solution of the ten runs for the GA and the best
Table 4 - Best RMS Error Comparison for In-Sample, Interpolation, and Extrapolation
1 4.16E-07 1.05E-05 3.68E-07 1.56E-05 6.74E-05 1.48E-04
2 1.27E-02 3.17E-02 1.72E-02 1.85E-01 0.869 7.42
3 1.82E-01 1.76 1.38 5.53 7.85 8.06
4 4.09E-02 4.84E-01 4.53E-02 2.73 7.40 234.26
5 3.06E-03 4.39E-01 2.02E-02 1.36 104.99 1647.81
6 2.53E-02 1.02E-02 3.40E-02 2.69E-01 NA NA
the solution weights revealed that in searching for a global solution, the SA algorithm typically
reduced the complexity of the problems by often selecting negative and positive values that were
very large in absolute terms. This caused the sigmoid function to output either 1 or 0 for many of
the hidden nodes. For all six problems the SA algorithm chose weights for the in-sample data
sets that caused at least three out of the six hidden nodes to output either 1’s, 0’s, or a
combination of 1’s and 0’s. By converging on this type of local, the SA algorithm severally
limited its out-of-sample estimation ability. When interpolation or extrapolation data was
introduced that did not correspond with the given weights, it was unable to accurately forecast
the data.
Figures 1, 2, and 3 are XY graphs showing the true values forecasts from the ANNs
trained with the two algorithms for problems 3, 4, and 6. The x-axis ranged from the 100th
interpolation data point to the last data point in their respective interpolation data set. Both sets
of forecasts tend to track the function for the interpolation data but the forecast from the SA
trained ANN is very irregular. The GA trained ANN is relatively smooth thus allowing the
derivative of the function to be more accurately computed and to better approximate the true
function in general.
Since the SA example obtained one run which found an in-sample solution superior to the
one found by GA for problem 6 further exploration of the performance of the two algorithms on
this problem seemed warranted. In addition to the architecture described above four other
architectures were examined. These contained 2, 4, 8 and 10 hidden nodes. As before, for each
case, ten replications were run, each starting from a different random seed. The genetic
algorithm was trained for 15,000 generations and then terminated while the SA was allowed to
run until it self terminated. The results are shown in Tables 6-9. As before, the average in-
sample solution obtained by the GA was substantially better than that obtained by SA and the
variation was also much smaller. The out of sample performance by the GA trained ANN
dominated the performance of the SA trained ANN in every case. The one case reported earlier
for the 6 hidden node SA trained ANN is still the best in-sample solution found but the best
solutions found for the 8 and 10 hidden node cases by the GA are within 0.002 of that solution
for the in-sample RMSE. The best out-of-sample results were again all obtained by the GA for
all architectures.
Table 9: Average CPU Time and Function Evaluations (FE) for Problem 6
Hidden nodes GA Time SA Time GA FE SA FE
2 193 132 300,000 171,841
4 437 622 300,000 463,201
6 681 **1,058 300,000 516,381
8 905 1,951 300,000 744,481
10 1,161 3,006 300,000 928,801
**This time was estimated PC seconds calculated from Cray CPU time.
Two additional real world problems were examined using GA, SA and BP. Since, the
BP algorithm used in this comparison is PC based, the GA and SA programs were ported and
optimized for a PC based 200MHz Pentium Pro using the NT 4.0 operating system.
The first problem is a two group classification problem for predicting breast cancer [18].
This data set included 9 inputs that were constructed based on visual inspection by an
experienced oncologist of possible cancerous cells. These values include, clump thickness,
uniformity of cell size, uniformity of cell shape, marginal adhesion, single epithelial cell size,
bare nuclei, bland chromatin, normal nucleioli, and mitoses. More detailed information on this
data set can be found in [17] and [18]. The output value classified individuals as whether or not
the patient’s breast lump was malignant and were set to the discrete values of -1 for non-
malignant and 1 for malignant. The original research classified this data using LP techniques for
network optimization. This training data set included 369 records, each consisting of a nine
dimensional input vector and corresponding output. The testing set included an additional 334
records. The data was downloaded from ftp.cs.wisc.edu in the directory /math-prog/cpo-
Since the training data set included more negative outputs than positive, the cutoff value
for classification was adjusted based on the frequency in the training set, which moved the value
from 0.0 to -0.112 on a [-1,1] scale. The network architecture was held constant at 6 hidden
nodes for the GA, SA, and BP. Comparisons were made of total classification rate as well as
type 1 and 2 errors. Type 1 error is defined as the event of assigning an observation to group 1
that should be in group 2, while the type II error involves assigning an observation to group 2 that
should be in group 1. In the current comparison we will refer to negative outcomes (non-
The second problem is a financial time series used to predict the following day’s S&P
500 index closing price. The 8 inputs included the previous daily percentage change of the close
for the Dow Jones Industrial Average, close for the Dow Jones Transportation Average, total
volume for the New York Stock Exchange, close for the Dow Jones 20 Bond Average, close for
the Dow Jones utility Average, high for the S&P 500 index, low for the S&P 500 index, and the
close for the S&P 500 index. The observations were drawn from January 4, 1993-December 13,
1996, using the first 800 observations for training and the last 200 observations for testing. The
network architecture was held constant at 6 nodes in the hidden layer1. Comparisons were made
based the 200 out-of-sample observations. The data for this problem was downloaded from the
Commercial neural network software was evaluated in order to determine which package
would provide the best estimates for the two problems. These included, Neural Works
markets Technologies and MATLAB by Math Works (using both the backpropagation and the
Marquardt-Levenberg algorithms). Although the performance was similar for all programs,
Neural Works Professional II/Plus, a PC-based neural network application seemed to give the
This architecture and selection of input variables are not proposed as being optimal for
solving this problem but are used solely for comparisons of how well each algorithm achieved a
minimal solution given the same data.
best estimates and was chosen for the test series. When training with BP, there are many
parameters which can be manipulated. For this comparison the initial step size and momentum
was set to 1 and 0.9, respectively. In order to better converge upon a solution during the training
process the learning coefficient (Lcoef) parameter was set to the recommended value of 0.5. This
parameter decreases the step size and momentum term by 0.5 for every 10,000 epochs in order to
eliminate osculation. An epoch can be defined as one pass through the training set. The specific
BP algorithm used was the Norm-Cum-Delta. The BP networks were trained for 1,000,000
epochs, at which time for every 10,000 additional epochs the error was checked to determine if a
new solution was found that was smaller than the last. Termination of training occurred once
there were 10 consecutive checks were there were no improvements. For each problem the BP
networks were replicated 10 times starting each replication with a different random seed.
The code for SA was ported and optimized for a PC-based machine so that results could
be compared directly with the PC-based BP software. The recommended parameter values were
used for both problems. Similar to BP, there were 10 replications, for each problem, using
different random seeds for network initialization. The SA networks terminated once the training
The code for the GA was ported and optimized for a PC-Based machine to compare
results directly with the BP and SA PC-based software. Ten replications were run, only changing
the random seed for each replication. The number of generations for the GA was limited to
Each of the algorithms was evaluated based on the total classification rate, as well as
type 1 and type 2 classification errors. This rate is the average correct classifications for all 10
replications for each of the algorithms. In addition CPU time and the number of function
evaluations for each algorithm are shown for each technique. Table 10 provides the data for all
algorithms for both problems. As can be seen, the GA found superior classification rates. While,
the GA found these solutions in a shorter time than SA, it took on average 22% longer to
converge than BP. Although, BP converged on a solution faster, it converged upon inferior
In comparing SA with BP for these two problems, SA’s total cumulative classification
rate was the same as BP. BP found superior classification rates for Type 1 errors, while SA
found superior classification rate for Type 2. These results do not indicate that BP is a superior
algorithm for finding global solutions over SA. Since the only differences between the
replications was the initial random draw of weights it is apparent that SA is greatly affected by
Table 10: Average Algorithm Comparisons for the Breast Cancer Problem
Algorithm GA SA BP
Total Classification Rate 98.5% 97.2% 97.2%
Type 1 Error Rate 1.5% 3.1% 2.3%
Type 2 Error Rate 1.4% 1.6% 4.1%
Number of Function Evaluations 100,000 493,635 1,174,000
CPU Time in seconds* 618 4,812 497
* CPU times were based on a 200MHz Pentium-Pro machine
The second comparison uses financial data to compare the three algorithms on their
ability to estimate a time series problem. Specifically to estimate the S&P 500 index one day in
the future. The mean RMSE, standard deviation of the RMSE, best solution RMSE, worst
solution RMSE, number of function evaluations, and CPU time for the three algorithms are
shown in Table 11. In every replication the GA found better solutions than BP. As shown in
Table 11, the GA’s worst solution out of the ten replications was better than BP’s best solution.
It can also be seen by looking at the standard deviations of the GA and BP, that both of these
algorithms were consistent in obtaining consistent results across different replications. In the
comparison between the GA and SA, the GA’s average RMSE was superior to SA’s average
RMSE. In fact, the GA’s average RMSE was the same as the best SA’s RMSE. It is interesting
to note for SA that the standard deviation was significantly higher than the other two algorithms.
This may be due in part to a dependancy on the initial random draw of weights, and may be in
part be due to the selection of parameter settings for the specific problem being estimated.
Although, SA found 2 solutions that were better than the best BP solutions it failed to out
perform BP on average.
The Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed Ranks test was conducted to show the differences
between each of the ten replications for each algorithm. Table 12 illustrates the number of
replications for each comparison where an algorithm found significantly superior solutions, at the
0.01 level of significance, over another algorithm. As can be seen in this table the GA found
superior solutions over BP in all ten replications. However, SA only found two solutions out of
the ten replications that were significantly superior to BP. In comparing the GA with SA, the GA
found 8 out of 10 solutions that were significantly better than SA, while the other two
6. Conclusions
In order for researchers to utilize artificial neural networks as a highly versatile flexible
form estimation tool, methods of global optimization must be found. The most frequently used
algorithm for optimizing neural networks today is backpropagation. This gradient search
technique is likely to obtain local solutions. Sexton et. al. [24], have recently demonstrated that
the local solutions obtained by backpropagation often perform poorly on even simple problems
when forecasting out of sample. Simulated annealing, a global search algorithm, performs better
than backpropagation, but is also uses a point to point search. Both BP and SA have multiple
user determined parameters which may significantly impact the solution. Since there are no
established rules for selecting these parameters, solution outcome is based on chance.
simulated annealing for optimizing neural networks. These solutions provide the researcher with
superior estimates of interpolation data. The genetic algorithm’s process of moving from one
population of points to another enables it to discard potential local solutions and also to achieve
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Figure 1
Problem 3 - Interpolation
Prob 3
0 GA
-5 SA
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
True Values
Figure 2
Problem 4 - Interpolation
24000 Prob 4
22000 GA
16000 18000 20000 22000 24000 26000
True Values
Figure 3
Problem 6 - Interpolation
Prob 6
-0.4 SA
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2
True Values