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Broadcasting and Cable TV Systems

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Which of the following is the first component of any MATV system to receive broadcast signals?

• Antenna
Is the most common technique where apartment house, hotels, schools, condominiums, and
multi-unit buildings distribute TV and FM signals to a number of receivers, using a single head-
TV channel 2, 4 and 5 belong to

Low band VHF

A mechanism or device which enables the TV camera to move in lateral and tilting motion

• Pan/tilt device
Which of the following is a solid state imaging device?

Charge couple device

What class of TV camera lens used to cover short distances?

Wide angle

What class of TV camera lens used to cover long distances?

• Telephoto

What is the chroma subcarrier signal frequency for color television?

• 3.8 MHz

The aspect ratio HDTV is

• 16:9
A newscast is a distinct unit of a program with a minimum news content of _____ minute(s)
excluding intro, extro, headline and commercial load
Program interruption for airing of commercial in Metro Manila shall not exceed _____
breaks in every program hour

Program interruption for the airing of commercial outside Metro Manila shall not exceed _____
breaks in every program hour

All airtime classifications shall be submitted to and subject for approval by the


_____ is the time circulation for one horizontal trace

• 52 us

Which of the following is not a low impedance microphone?

• Crystal
Facsimile permits remote duplications of which of the following items?

All of these
Television has a lot of features in common with

Motion picture
The major component of the TV signal waveform is the
• Video
For NTSC TV system, the image is scanned from

Choices A and B above

One completes NTSC scanning cycle called field consists of how many lines

• 525
The field rate in the NTSC television system

60• Hz

What is the horizontal synchronous blanking pulse rate?


What is the vertical blanking pulse rate?

The pulses riding on the vertical blanking pulse

• a. Equalizing (sync) pulses

• b. Serrated vertical sync
• d. Choices A and B
Television camera pickup tube is called

All of the above

The television picture tube magnetic fields can be used for

Beam modulation
What is the purpose of an indirectly-heated cathode in a cathode ray tube?

Beam production

Video modulation for television is

Both amplitude modulation and vestigial sideband

Audio modulation for television is
Frequency modulation

What is the maximum frequency deviation for audio modulation in TV transmission?

• kHz

The video carrier and the audio carrier are separated by ____ MHz.

In a practical image scanned at the NTSC rate, the spectrum will include components clustered
at the fundamentals and harmonics of _____ kHz
• 15.75
Brightness of an image is known as

• Luminance
The colors at the vertices of the color triangle are referred to as
A color signal which originate in the camera itself with color television pickup?

All of these

What are the three separate signals derived from a matrix in a color TV transmitter?
Y, I and Q
Range of a VHF television transmitter

54 –128 MHz
Range of a UHF television transmitter

470 - 980 MHz

What is the approximate bandwidth occupied by the chrominance video signal for color TV?

• MHz

The colors found around the perimeter of the color triangle are said to be
• Saturated
At what position on the color triangle will saturated yellow be located?

Between red and green

What is the phase difference between the I and Q color signal carriers?

• 90°
_____ is the most effective filter for separating luminance and chrominance frequency

• Comb

The chrominance processing circuits can be deactivated when monochrome broadcasts are
received by the
Color killer

What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for blanking?

• 75 %
What is the percent video level, in percent PEV, for black?

• 70 %
What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for white?
• 0%
One should first perform _____ before a convergence setup is performed.

• Degaussing
If there are too many harmonics, one should check the

Any of these
The vertical and horizontal pulses are separated at the

Sync Seperator

The reason why buffer stage is included in a transmitter is to

Present a constant load to the oscillator stage

The alignment of the three color guns to a common point is known as

• Convergence
A _____ is equivalent to 525 scanning lines


A _____ represents one set of 262 ½ scanning lines
• Field
The number of scanning lines is _____ per second

• 15750
Picture frames are repeated at the rate of _____ per second


Lack of raster is an indication of no

High Voltage
The sound and video signals are separated at the _____ of the TV receiver

Video detector

The presence of color bars is an indication that there is a problem in the _____ circuit
• Reactor

Type of emission produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is modulated by a TV signal

• F3F

What is emission A3F?


What is emission F3F?


Cause of slow rising white “hum bars” is the t

Pad filter

Adjusting the _____ may eliminate color confetti

Color killer
Video signal amplitude determine the picture quality called

• Contrast
What causes snow in television?

Random noise in the signal

Vestigial sideband is known as _____ type of emission

• C3F
Vestigial sideband modulation is commonly used in
TV broadcasting

Which of the following filters block FM radio band for TV channels (2 to 13)?

Band Reject

When were UHF channels (14 –83) of television added?

• 1952
When was colored TV standards established in the United States?

What synchronizes the horizontal line of the TV picture tube?


A measure of how well the receiver can respond to every weak signals/

• Sensitivity

Type of filter used in TV receivers that separates the chroma signal from the colorplexed video
signal but leaves intact the Y-component
Comb filter

What is the first letter-symbol for emission of unmodulated carrier?

The channel for cable TV frequency range of 5.75 to 11.75 MHz
• T-1
The frequency range for cable TV channel T-13
23.75 –29.75 MHz

Channel 8 frequency range allocation in cable TV


180 –186 MHz

The _____ of a television system is a measure of its ability to delineate picture detail
• Resolution

CCIR standards for the internal exchange of programmes on film for television used
• Rec 265-6

ISO Rec 23 in 1976 is the standard for

Camera usage of 35 mm motion picture film

The television frequency which are now allocated to the land mobile services
806 and 192 MHz
Numerical frequency band designation of channel 9

186 –192 MHz

Cable TV systems originate from

• Pennsylvania
A station similar to a translator station in terms of equipment and service area but is permitted
to originate programming from virtually any source


Three stations are licensed to eligible educational entities for the distribution of program
material to students enrolled in instructional curricula


ITFS means

Instructional Television Fixed Service

MDS means
Multipoint Distribution Service
Direct broadcast satellite based allocation
12.2 –12.7 GHz downlink

The video signal amplitude determines the quality of the picture otherwise known as


In the sawtooth waveform for linear scanning the

• b. Complete cycle includes trace and


With vertical retrace time of 635 us, the number of complete horizontal lines scanned during
vertical flyback is
One-half line spacing between the start positions for scanning even and odd fields produces

Exact interlacing
In facsimile transmission, if the drum diameter is 60 mm and scanning pitch is 0.1 mm,
calculate the index of cooperation using IEEE recommendation.

In the interlaced frame, alternate lines are skipped during vertical scanning because the
Vertical scanning frequency is doubled from the 30-Hz frame rate to the 60-Hz field rate
With ten percent for horizontal flyback, this time equals

• us

Which of the following is not true?

The keystone effect produces a square raster
The width of a vertical sync pulse with its serrations includes the time of
6 half lines or 3 lines

Sawtooth generator circuits produce scanning raster, but the sync pulse are needed for


Which of the following frequencies is wrong?

31, 500 Hz for the vertical scanning frequency

The modulated picture carrier wave includes the composite video signal as the

Symmetrical envelope of amplitude variations

Which of the following statements is true?
Negative transmission means the carrier amplitude decreases for white
With 2 MHz video signal modulating the picture carrier for channel $ (66 to 72 MHz), which of
the following is transmitted?

67.25 MHz carrier and 69.25 MHz upper side frequency

With 0.5 MHz video signal modulating the picture carrier,
Both upper and lower side frequencies are transmitted

In all standard television broadcast channels he difference between picture and

sound carrier frequencies is

• 4.5 MHz
The difference between sound carrier frequencies in two adjacent channels equals

• 6 MHz
With 7% black setup, maximum black in picture corresponds to what percent amplitude in
the modulated carrier signal?


Line-of-sight transmission is a characteristic of propagation for the
VHF and UHF bands

In channel 14, 3.58 MHz color signal is transmitted at the frequency of

• 474.83 MHz

The difference between the sound carrier and color subcarrier frequencies is

• 0.92 MHz

Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?
The hue 1800 out of phase with red is
• Cyan
Greater peak-to-peak amplitude of the 3.58-MHz chrominance signal indicates more


The interesting beat frequency of 920 kHz is between the 3.58-MHz color subcarrier and
4.5- MHz intercarrier sound

The hue of color sync phase is

Which signal has color information for 1.5 MHz bandwidth?

Which of the following is false?

A full saturated color is mostly white
The color with the most luminance is

What is the hue of the color 90 degrees leading sync burst phase?

• Cyan

The average voltage value of the 3.58 MHZ modulated chrominance signal is
The brightness of the color

The IF value for the color in receivers, for any station, is

• 3.58 MHz
If the 3.58 MHz C amplifier in the receiver does not operate, the result will be
No color
Which of the following is not tuned to 3.58 MHz?

Video preamplifier

When B –Y and Y signal are combined, the result is

Blue video

The phase angle between B –Y and R –Y is


Which of the following applies for a monochrome program?
Color killer on

The manual color control is generally in which circuit?

Chroma bandpass amplifier

The contrast control is generally in which circuit

Y video output
189. If the color oscillator does not operate, the result will be

No color

The hue of the color sync burst phase is

The balance for Y video signals to the three guns in the picture tube is set by the
Drive controls
The voltage wave shape in the output of the vertical amplifier is a
• Trapezoid

An auto transformer in the vertical output circuit

Does not isolate the secondary from dc voltage in the primary

Vertical flyback pulses at the plate of the vertical output tube are for retrace blanking at the picture
• Cathode
The top of the picture is stretched with too much height. To correct this

Reduce height with the vertical linearity control

Peak-to-peak sawtooth scanning current in the vertical coils can be

• 0.7 mA
A push-pull amplifier in the vertical output circuit

Can use PNP and NPN transistor

Which stage is not necessary for producing horizontal output?

Horizontal AFC
The frequency of the sawtooth current in the horizontal amplifier is

• 15750 Hz
When the horizontal amplifier is conducting peak plate current, the electron scanning beam is at the
Right edge of the raster

What is the first letter symbol for emission of unmodulated carrier?

• N

A station similar to a translator station in terms of equipment and service area, but is
permitted to originate programming from virtually any source


MDS means
Multipoint Distribution Service
What type of emission is produced when amplitude modulated transmitter is
modulated by a television signal?

What type of emission is produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is modulated

by a facsimile signal?

• F3C

High speed network as defined by the NTC memorandum circular are network in ICT that
have a capacity of at least _______.
• 2.048 Mbps

Type of radio communication transmission utilizing frequency modulation technique

Television Audio

What is the reason why Frequency modulation is used in the broadcast video recording on
Low noise

ABS-CBN’s DXAB medium frequency broadcast station


International broadcast stations….

Broadcast on shortwave frequencies between 5.95 MHz and 26.1 MHz

A third symbol radio emission represents telephone transmission including sound broadcasting.
• E

In determining an antenna’s terrain (HAAT),how height many radial directions above from aver
the site are involved in the computation?

• 8

What is the maximum color TV bandwidth?

• 1.3 MHz
A beam antenna has a height of 10 meters over a service area. Determine the beam tilt angle.

Sawtooth generator circuits produce the scanning raster but the sync pulses are needed for

• timing
Which of the following camera tubes has minimum lag?

• Plumbicon

The vertical field-scanning frequency is ______ Hz.

• 60

A 4.5-MHz signal which is equal to the difference between the picture and sound RF carrier
frequencies in a 6-MHz TV channel.

Intercarrier frequency

A system where the modulated RF picture and sound carrier signals are distributed in a
cable network, instead of wireless system.


What circuit in the TV receiver is used to develop the high voltage needed to operate
the picture tube?
Low-voltage power supply
Horizontal output

The modulated picture carrier wave includes the composite video signal as the

Symmetric envelope of amplitude variations

With which emission type is the capture-effect more pronounced?

• FM
The hue of color sync phase is

yellow green
How much is the equivalent internal resistance of the electron beam with a 1.2-mA beam
current at

20.8 mega ohms

The difference between the picture and sound carrier frequencies for channel 3 is ______ MHz.


Refers to the deviation of the operating frequency of a crystal oscillator from its nominal value
due to temperature variations.

It is the measure of how many picture elements can be reproduced
any of these

A 3.58-MHz subcarrier signal for color in television

Chroma signal
Which of the following is not a benefit of cable TV?
Lower-cost reception

The width of the vertical sync pulse in the Philippine TV system is


The number of frames per second in the Philippine TV system is

It means multiple outlines of edges to the right in the picture.

In the Sawtooth waveform for linear scanning,
the complete cycle includes trace and retrace

The part of the visible spectrum where camera pickup tubes have the greatest output is


A video or audio signal that can be used directly to reproduce the picture and sound.
Baseband signal
What technique is used to permit hundreds of TV signals to share a common cable?

Frequency division multiplexing

Another name for the horizontal retrace in a TV receiver is the


In the Philippine color television system, the intercarrier frequency, in MHz, is


In channel 14 (470 to 476 MHz), the 3.58-MHz color signal is transmitted at

• 474.83 MHz
Interlaced scanning eliminates

• flicker
Beam alignment magnets for the camera tube are adjusted while rocking which color?

Electrical focus

A system used in television field operation to make on-the-spot video tape recordings using
portable TV cameras and VTRs.


The total bandwidth of an NTSC TV signal is


Referred to the oscillator signal “leak throu oscillator power amplifier.

back wave

Interlacing is used in television to

avoid flicker

Coaxial cable for distribution system has an impedance of

• 75 ohms

The average voltage value of the 3.58-MHz modulated chrominance signal is

the brightness of the color
It causes the picture information to spread out or crowded at one end of the rater compared to
the opposite end.

Non-linear scanning
If the camera cannot be placed far away enough to include everything in the scene, change
the lens to one with a

shorter focal length

Type of radio communication transmission utilizing frequency modulation technique

television audio
The amount of color in the picture or color intensity in the ______.

any of these
A technique where segments of videotape are joined by electronic erasing and
recording to create a single program.

• editing

The assembly around the neck of a picture tube that produces the magnetic
fields that deflect and scan the electron beams is called the _________.

An odd number of lines per frame form part of every one of the world’s TV syste

done to assist interface

The difference between the sound carrier and the color signal is

• 0.92 MHz
In color television, it is made for uniform color in the raster.
beam-landing adjustment

Which of the following camera tubes uses lead oxide for the photoconductive target plate?

• plumbicon
The number of fields is ______ per frame.
An RF carrier wave that is frequency –modulated by the baseband audio signal in TV
Audio signal
The HV anode supply for the picture tube of a TV receiver is generated in the
horizontal output stage
A tap for the subscriber drop line has a
high insertion loss

Which system can be used for both recording and playback?

The hue 180 degrees out of phase with red is ______.
• cyan
It is used around the phosphor dots to make a darker black which improves contrast in the picture.
• a. black

A lens with lower f rating is _____ lens that allows more light input.

• faster
Picture frames are repeated at the rate of ___ per second.
• 30

In television, 4:3 represents the

aspect ratio

Titling the video head gaps is necessary with the

zero guard bands

It is a special camera tube with a test pattern printed in the image plate.

• monoscope
The number of lines scanned per frame in the raster on the picture tube screen is
• 525
One of the following is a high powered RF ac basic transmitter that has two or more stages, the
oscillator stage which determines the frequency of operation and RF amplifier stage or stages that
develop the high power output. The purpose of which is to develop a good frequency stability.
Camera signal output without sync is called ______.

non-composite video
The tint of the color is its _____.


The I and Q composite color signals are multiplexed onto the picture carrier by modulating a
58 MHz subcarrier using

The shadow mask in color picture tube is used to

Ensure that each beam hits only its dots

The video heads rotate at high velocity to increase the

writing speed

The composite video signal includes the camera signal with the following except

camera signal
331. A lens has an 8-cm focal length and 4-cm diameter. Its f rating is
• 2
Which of the following is a possible cause for an abrupt frequency variation in a self –excited
transmitter oscillator circuits resulting poor frequency stability to hold a constant frequency

Power supply voltage

How long does it take to scan 2 picture elements when 400 are scanned in 50 microseconds?

b 0.25
• . microsec
Anode voltage for the picture tube, developed from the output of the horizontal deflection circuit.

Flyback voltage
What is the black-and-white or monochrome brightness signal in TV called?

Luminance Y
Which of the following is a midband cable TV channel?


It is the light flux intercepted by a one-foot-square surface that is one-foot from a one-
candlepower source.


Refers to the possible cause of an abrupt frequency variations in a self-excited

transmitter oscillator circuit resulting to a poor frequency stability to hold a constant
poor soldered connections
. It is the difference in intensity between the black parts and white parts of the picture.

• contrast
The stereophonic subcarrier suppression level in the Philippines standards

less than 1% modulation of the main carrier

The sound IF in a TV receiver is

• 41.25 MHz
The circuit the separates sync pulse from the composite video waveforms is

• a clipper

In the CED system, the disk capacitance varies with the

pit depth

In a picture tube, it is the total angle that the beam can be deflected without touching the sides
of the envelope.
deflection angle
It is necessary to time the scanning with respect to picture information

What is the horizontal scanning time for 20 pixels?

• 2.5 microsec
The carrier transmitted 1.25 MHz above the bottom frequency in a Philippine TV channel is the

Picture carrier
In camera tubes, it means that the old image remains too long after the picture information on
the target plate has changed.

Image lag

What is the maximum color TV bandwidth?

• 1.3 MHz

What is the name of the solid state imaging device used in TV cameras that converts the light
in a scene into an electrical signal?
The signals sent by the transmitter to ensure correct scanning in the receiver is called
• Sync
What signals are transmitted by a SSBSC transmitter when no modulating signal is present?

No Signal Transmitted
The second IF value for color in receivers, for any station, is

• 3.58 MHz
In the frame for which interfaced scanning is used, alternate lines are skipped during
vertical scanning because

The vertical scanning frequency is doubled from 30 to 60 Hz

A typical value of vidicon dark current is

• microampere
The smallest are of light or shade in the image is a picture element called

• Pixel

What type of circuit is used to modulate and demodulate the color signals?

• D. Balanced
This is referred to as a fixed radio station that broadcast program material from audio to
transmitter by radio link.

Aural broadcast STL

Indicate which of the following frequencies will not be found in the output of a normal TV
receiver tuner.
• 4.5 MHz
In all standard television broadcast channels, the difference between the picture and
sound carrier frequencies is

• 4.5 MHz
369. It is caused by phase distortion for video frequencies of about 100 kHz and lower.
• Streaking
Special effects and production switching are done by the


A picture has 400 horizontal and 300 vertical picture elements. What is the total number of
details in the picture?
• 120,000

372. After the IF stages have been aligned, the next stage to align in FM receiver is
Local oscillator
What ensures proper color synchronization at the receiver?

3.58-MHz color burst

The interfering beat frequency of 920 kHz is between the 3.58-MHz color subcarrier and the
4.5-MHz intercarrier sound
Light is converted to video signal by the _____ tube.
Camera tube
Equalizing pulses in TV are sent during

Vertical blanking

Which signal has color information for 1.3 MHz bandwidth?

• I
It is the distance from the center of the lens of the camera to the point at which parallel rays
from a distant object come to a common focal point.
Focal length
The picture and sound carrier frequencies in a TV receiver IF are respectively.

45.75 and 41.25 MHz

The channel width in the Philippine TV system, in MHz, is

• 6
The cable converter output or the TV receiver is usually on channel
• 3
One-half line spacing between the start positions for scanning even and odd fields produces

Exact interlacing
Precise scanning size and linearity are most important in

A single-tube color pickup

What is the total number of interlaced scan lines in one complete frame of a NTSC Philippine
TV signal?

• 525
The video voltage applied to the picture tube of a television receiver is fed in

Between the grid and cathode

How many dBmV units correspond to a 1-mV signal level?
• 0
In color television, it is made to maintain neutral white from low to high levels of brightness.

Color-temperature adjustments

The number of scanning lines is ____ per second.

• 15,750

In a TV receiver, the color killer

Cuts off the chroma stages during monochrome reception
How many TV fields are recorded on one slant track of tape?
• 1

The width of a vertical sync pulse with its serrations includes the time of
• A. Six half-lines, or three

A low-contrast picture in which white seems flat and lacking in detail suggests
Low beam current

The product of the transmitter power multiplied by the antenna power gain of the antenna field
gain squared.


What keeps the scanning process at the receiver in step with the scanning in the picture tube at
the receiver?

Sync pulses

The number of lines per second in the TV system is

• 15,700

It is a number that indicates how contrast is expanded or compressed.

• Gamma
Color picture tubes have ______ guns for its phosphors.

• 3
The output of the vertical amplifier, applied to the yoke in a TV receiver, consists of
A sawtooth current
What is the video frequency response corresponding to the horizontal resolution of 200 lines?

• 2.5 MHz
The gamma of the picture tube is

• 2.2
If a TV sound transmitter has a carrier frequency of 197.75 MHz, the picture carrier is

• 193.25 MHz

The number of lines per field in the Philippine TV system is

• 262 ½
What is the hue of a color 90 degrees leading sync burst phase?
• Cyan
The two black conductive coatings of picture tubes are made up of

• Aquadag

The function of the serrations in the composite video waveforms is to

Help horizontal synchronization

Which system uses a light beam for playback?

Weak emission from one cathode in a tricolor picture tube causes

All of these
Indicate which voltages are not found in the output of a normal monochrome receiver video


The sawtooth waveform for deflection provides _______.

Linear scanning

How much illumination in lux a 400-candlepower make that is 3 meters from the surface?

• 44.4
Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?

• Y
How many octaves is the frequency range of 1 to 8 MHz?

• 3
For television, the maximum deviation of the FM sound signal in kHz.

• 25
Indicate which of the following signals is not transmitted in color TV
In television, gamma affects _____
• Contrast

In the IRE scale for the composite video signal, what is the number of IRE units for sync?
• 40
As prescribed by the technical standards for Cable Television operation and in order to be
compatible for any value added services in the future, Trunk cable should have a minimum
diameter of

• 0.5 inch

Compared with 100 percent saturation, the desaturated color have

More luminance for the Y signal

What is the practical baseband frequency for the color video signal?

• 0.5 MHz
What is the diagonal screen size for the 19CP4 picture tube?


What is the phase angle between B –Y and R –Y?

• 90 deg

How many gray scale steps are in the EIA test pattern in television?
• 10
In TV, degaussing is done with _____.

Alternating current
R, G and B video drive controls set for ________.

• White

What is the phase difference between the color sync burst and the B –Y video?
• 180 deg
What is the hue of the color sync burst?
What synchronizes the horizontal of the TV picture tube?

What is the typical anode voltage for a 25-inch color picture tube?

30 kV

In television, what is the phosphor number for monochrome picture tube?

• P4
In television picture tube, what is the color of the P1 phosphor?

• Green
What video frequency corresponds to 240 lines of horizontal resolution?

• 3 MHz

What is another name for a console pot?

Any of these
What device is used to make up for the high-frequency losses in long AF lines?

Line equalizer

What advantage is there to having heavy turntables?

All of these
What is the width of recording tapes?
• 0.125 inch

What frequency is used to erase tapes?

• Supersonic

What tape speed produces highest fidelity of audio?

• 15 in/sec
What should be used to clean recording heads?

Isopropyl alcohol

What impedance is usually used with broadcast microphones?

All of these
What was the name of the first TV camera tube?

• Iconoscope
Which camera tube requires electron multipliers?

Image orthicon

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