IIBF Sample Booklet
IIBF Sample Booklet
IIBF Sample Booklet
The linkage between financial development and economic growth has been
globally recognized. Financial development does not necessarily imply financial
inclusion. It has been observed that even ‘well-developed’ financial systems have
not succeeded to be ‘all-inclusive’ and certain segments of the population remain
outside the formal financial systems. This chapter provides a detailed discussion
on the financial inclusion process adopted by the Government of India from the
11th Five Year Plan period.
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borrowers become obstacles for formal sources of credit to provide access to
financial services. Consequently, this segment of the population goes to informal
sources of credit for his / her financial needs even though it is costlier.
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who need to borrow money with no option but to use high-interest credit, lack of
insurance and savings makes families vulnerable to financial crises following
unexpected events such as burglary or flooding. A lack of savings can lead to
poverty in old age; many employers will only pay wages into a bank account, not
having a bank account with a direct debit facility excludes people from this
method of paying bill. Financial exclusion reinforces social exclusion. It is not just
an individual problem, a whole community can suffer from under-investment in
financial services. Conversely, financial inclusion significantly contributes to
elimination of poverty.
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services among 100 countries, India has been ranked 50. Only 34 per cent of
India's population has access to banking services. The India-Urban Poverty
Report 2009 states that the urban population in India is increasing at a faster rate
than its total population. At present 28 per cent of the population is urban
(286 million) and by 2030, India will have 41 per cent of its population living in
cities and towns. Due to increasing urbanization, there is an increase in the number
of urban poor. The latest National Sample Survey Organisation survey reports
that there are over 80 million poor people living in the cities and towns of India
and they lack access to the most basic banking services. Low-income groups do
not have access to the formal banking systems, as they usually do not have the
documents needed to open a bank account. As a result, they depend on the
informal sector for their savings and loan requirements. Thus, financial inclusion
is considered to be critical for achieving inclusive growth, which is required for
ensuring overall sustainable growth. Recognizing the importance of inclusive growth
in India, efforts are being taken to make the financial system more inclusive.
The Report Committee on Financial Inclusion headed by C. Rangarajan (2008) has
observed that financial inclusion must be taken up in mission mode and suggested
a National Mission on Financial inclusion (NMFI) comprising representation of all
stake holders for suggesting the overall policy changes required and supporting
stakeholders in the domain of public, private and NGO sectors in undertaking
promotional initiatives. The present chapter deals with the various issues relating
to financial inclusion and measures taken by the Government of India to improve
financial inclusion.
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Financial Inclusion’ has the process of ensuring access to financial services and
timely and adequate credit needed by vulnerable groups such as the weaker
sections and low income groups at an affordable cost (Rangarajan Committee 2008).
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among the less privileged, both in urban and rural areas. Making banking and
payment services available to the entire population without any discrimination is
the main objective of Financial Inclusion. Thus, the main focus of financial
inclusion in India is on promoting sustainable development and generating
employment in rural areas for the rural population.
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Financial Literacy” is one of the RBI’s financial education initiatives. The objective
of the project is to disseminate information regarding the central bank and general
banking concepts to various target groups, including, school and college going
children, women, rural and urban poor, defense personnel and senior citizens.
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During the First Phase (1960-1990), the focus was on channeling of credit
to the neglected sectors of the economy. Special emphasis was also laid on
weaker sections of the society. The Second Phase (1990-2005) focused mainly on
strengthening the financial institutions as part of financial sector reforms.
Financial inclusion in this phase was encouraged mainly by the introduction of
Self-Help Group (SHG) bank linkage programme in the early 1990s and
Kisan Credit Cards (KCCs) for providing credit to farmers. The SHG bank linkage
programme was launched by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) in 1992, with policy support from the Reserve Bank of
India, to facilitate collective decision making by the poor and provide 'door step'
banking. During the Third Phase (2005 onwards), the 'financial inclusion' was
explicitly made as policy objective and the thrust was on providing safe facility of
saving deposits through 'no frills' accounts. The scope of financial inclusion can
be expanded in two years.
2. Affordable Services
3. Actual Utilization
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Historically, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Government of India
(GOI) have been making efforts to increase banking penetration in the country.
Some of these measures include the creation of the State Bank of India in 1955;
nationalization of commercial banks in 1969 and 1980; initiating the Lead Bank
Scheme in 1970; establishing Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in 1975; introducing
a Self-Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme in 1992 and formulating the
Kisan Credit Card Scheme in 2001. Following is the brief outline of the efforts
pursued by the Reserve Bank of India to further financial inclusion. RBI's
approach to financial inclusion aims at 'connecting people' with the banking
system and not just opening accounts. This includes meeting the small credit
needs of the people, giving them access to the payments system and providing
remittance facilities. This has led to some notable developments.
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1. No Frills Accounts: In November 2005, RBI asked banks to offer a basic
banking 'no-frills' accounts with low or zero minimum balances and minimum
charges to expand the outreach of such account to the low income groups.
The nature and number of transactions in such accounts could be restricted, but
made known to the customer in advance in a transparent manner.
All banks were also advised to give wide publicity to such a 'no-frills' account
including on their web sites indicating the facilities and charges in a
transparent manner. Banks are required to make available all printed forms to
be used by retail customers in the concerned regional language. Significant
progress has been made in this regard, and till now, banks have opened more
than 15 million no-frills accounts in the country.
As announced in the Annual Policy Statement for the year 2008-09, and in
order to give further impetus to financial inclusion, banks were advised in
May 2008 to classify overdrafts upto Rs. 25000 (per account) granted against
'no-frills' accounts in rural and semi-urban areas as indirect finance to the
agriculture sector under priority sector with immediate effect.
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4. General Purpose Credit Card: With a view to providing credit care like
facilities in the rural areas, with limited Point-Of-Sale (POS) and limited
ATM facilities, the Reserve Bank of India advised all scheduled commercial
banks, including RRBs, in December 2005 to introduce a General Credit
Card (GCC) facility without insistence on collateral or purpose, with a
revolving credit limit upto Rs. 25000 based on the assessment of income and
cash flow of the household to enable hassle free access to credit to rural and
semi-urban households. The Reserve Bank of India also advised banks to
classify fifty per cent of the credit outstanding under loans for general
purposes under General Credit Cards (GCC), as indirect finance to agriculture
under priority sector. The Reserve Bank further advised banks in May 2008 to
classify 100 per cent of the credit outstanding under GCC as indirect finance to
agriculture sector under the priority sector with immediate effect.
5. Simpler KYC Norms: In August 2004, banks were advised to ensure that
customers belonging to poor sections of the society are not kept away from
banking system, on account of difficulties in meeting the KYC requirements
for opening bank account. The KYC procedure for opening accounts was
simplified further for persons who intend to keep balances not exceeding
Rs.50000 in all their accounts taken together and the total credit in all the
accounts taken together is not expected to exceed Rs. 1 lakh in a year.
The customer is allowed to exceed the threshold limit only after the full
compliance with the KYC norms. Based on feedback received on the extant
KYC/AML/ CFT regime, relevant guidelines were revised on February 18,
2008. These guidelines include among others (i) in case of close relatives
who find it difficult to furnish documents relating to place of residence while
opening accounts, banks can obtain an identity document and a utility bill of
the relative with whom the prospective customer is living, along with a
declaration from the relative that the said person (prospective customer)
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wanting to open an account is a relative and is staying with him/her. Banks can
also use any supplementary evidence such as a letter received through post
for further verification of the address; (ii) banks have been advised to keep in
mind the spirit of the instructions and avoid undue hardships to individuals
who are otherwise classified as low risk customers; (iii) banks should review
the risk categorization of customers at a periodicity of not less than once in
six months.
6. 100 per cent Financial Inclusion Drive: The Reserve Bank launched a
financial inclusion drive targeting one district in each state for 100 per cent
financial inclusion. In the light of the experience gained, coverage has been
extended to other areas/districts. An external evaluation of the quality of
100 per cent financial inclusion reported by banks was carried out by the
RBI. On that basis, in January 2009, RBI advised banks to (i) ensure
provision of banking services nearer to the location of the no-frills account
holders through a variety of channels; (II) provide GCC/small overdrafts
along with no-frills accounts to encourage the account holders to actively
operate the accounts; (iii) conduct awareness drives of the facilities offered to
the no-frills accounts holders; (iv) review the extent of coverage in districts
declared as 100 per cent financially included; and (v) efficiently leverage on
the available technology enabled financial inclusion solutions.
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the banks a part of the cost opening accounts with bio-metric access/smart
cards at the rate of Rs. 50 per account through which payment of social
security benefits, National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA)
payments and payments under other Government benefit programmes would
be routed to persons belonging to Below Poverty Line (BPL) families.
The scheme was implemented in Andhra Pradesh and 6 districts of Haryana.
So far, seven banks have been paid Rs. 1.8 crore for smart cards issued by
banks in Andhra Pradesh during July-December 2008. The process is at
different stages of implementation in other States such as Karnataka and
Uttrakhand and the scheme of partial reimbursement by the Reserve Bank of
India has been extended by one year upto June 30, 2010. Banks are advised
to work in co-ordination with the respective government departments at the
Central and State level to ensure that all State benefits are delivered to
individuals only through bank accounts within a specific timeframe.
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monitored appropriately to improve its efficacy, including by better training
BCs. Recently, the RBI has further enlarged the scope of the BC model by
permitting banks to appoint individual kirana/medical/fair price shop owners,
individual Public Call Office (PCO) operators, agents of Small Savings
schemes and insurance companies, individuals who own petrol pumps, retired
teachers and self-help groups linked to banks as BCs. While appointing such
individuals as BCs, the Reserve Bank advised banks to ensure that these
individuals are permanent residents of the area in which they propose to
operate as BCs and also institute additional safeguards as may be considered
appropriate to minimize agency risk.
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opening in towns and villages with a population below 49,999. After
examining the recommendations of the Working Group constituted to review
the extant Branch Authorization Policy, the RBI has permitted domestic
scheduled commercial banks (other than Regional Rural Banks) to open
branches in Tier 3 to Tier 6 centers (with population upto 49,999 as per
census 2001) without having the need to take permission from RBI circular is
available at its website www.rbi.org.in. Domestic scheduled commercial
banks (other than RRBs) are asked to ensure that at least one-third of such
branch expansion happens in the under banked districts of under banked
states. This will be one of the criteria in the Reserve Bank's consideration to
open branches in major city (Tier 1 and Tier 2) centers.
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disseminate information regarding the central bank and general banking
concepts to various target groups, including, school and college going
children, women, rural and urban poor, defense personnel and senior
citizens. The information would be disseminated to the target audience with
the help of, among others, banks, local government machinery, schools/colleges
by using pamphlets, brochures, films, as also, the Reserve Bank's website.
The Reserve Bank has also created a link on its website 'For the Common
Person' to give the ease of access to information, in Hindi, English and 11
regional languages (Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam,
Marathi, Oriya, Punjab, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu). A 'Financial Education'
site link on the Reserve Bank's website was launched on November 14, 2007,
mainly aimed at teaching basics of banking, finance and central banking to
children in different age groups. The economic books format has been used
to explain the complexities of banking, finance and central banking in a
simple and interesting way for children.
12. Financial Literacy and Credit Counseling: In May 2007, convenor banks
of the SLBCs/UTLBCs were advised to set up, on a pilot basis, a Financial
Literacy and Credit Counseling Centre (FLCC) in any one district in the
State/Union Territory coming under their jurisdiction. The objectives of the
FLCCs are to provide free financial literacy/education and credit counseling,
educating people in rural and urban areas with regard to various financial
products and services available, providing face-to-face financial counseling
services, and formulating debt restricting plans for borrowers in distress and
recommending the same to formal financial institutions for consideration.
FLCCs should not, however, act as investment advice centers. In rural
areas, the centers could concentrate on financial literacy and counseling
for farming communities and those engaged in allied activities while the
centers in metro/urban areas could focus on individuals with overdue in
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credit cards, personal loans, housing loans, etc., among others. So far,
banks have reported setting up or proposing to set up 123 credit counseling
centers in various states of the country.
13. Establishment of FIF and FITF: In order to meet the costs of technology
adoptions, developmental and promotional interventions for ensuring
financial inclusion, the Union Finance Minister, in his Budget Speech for
2007-08 announced the constitution of the Financial Inclusion Fund (FIF)
with an overall corpus of Rs. 500 crore each at NABARD. The FIF/FITF
would be in operation until financial inclusion to the extent of 100 per cent of
rural families in all districts is achieved, over a period of five years from the
date of commencement of the Funder for such enhanced period as may be
decided by the Government.
The FIF would be used for activities such as funding support for
capacity building inputs to BCs/BFs; providing promotional support to
institutions such as resource centers, farmers’ service centers and RSETIs;
providing funding support for promotion, nurturing and credit linking of
SHGs; funding support for setting up of Rural Credit Bureaus and credit
rating of rural customers; and supporting pilot projects for development
of innovative products, processes and prototypes for financial inclusion.
The FITF would be used for purposes such as providing financial support to
technological solutions aimed at providing affordable financial services to the
disadvantaged sections of the society; creating a common technology
infrastructure with comprehensive credit information; providing viability
gap/pilot project funding for unproven but potential technological interventions;
and conduct of studies, consultancies, research, evaluation studies relating to
technological interventions for financial inclusion.
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14. Other measures: The Reserve Bank of India has also been periodically
issuing guidelines on public grievance redressal mechanism in banks,
including constitution of Customer Service Centers for ensuring
improvements in quality of service rendered. In the Reserve Bank, the
Customer Service Department has recently been constituted to, inter alia,
serve as the interface between customers and banks. Moreover, the
Government of India has also expressed its explicit concern of the issue of
overall inclusion in the development process through its various initiatives
such as the Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme, the Bharat Nirman
programme, the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, and the like. A Committee on
Financial Inclusion, with Dr. C. Rangarajan as Chairman, has also been
constituted by the Government of India in June 2006, to recommend a
strategy to achieve higher financial inclusion in the country
No-frills account when promoted extensively ploughs back the returns from
these projects into bank coffers, thus encouraging the savings habit and ensuring
that banks act as a repository of savings and sources of credit. This will make
banking enter into the daily routine of a common man. Besides nurturing the habit
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of saving among the masses, it will remove the apprehensions and fear from their
mind towards the financial products and services. This will encourage un/under-
banked consumers to enter into or make better use of the financial mainstream.
It will also persuade people to take credit for setting up new ventures. In a way
provision of easy credit will encourage the first generation entrepreneurs to initiate
new venture; aggravate the capital formation in the society; create new
employment opportunities and thus will help in escalating the economic
development of the country. This also will automatically lower the increasing
crime rates in the society.
Deepening the financial system and widening its reach is crucial for both
accelerating growth and for equitable distribution, given the present state of
development of our country. After analyzing in depth the underpinning reasons of
financial exclusion in India and going through the success stories of UK and USA,
and interacting with NGOs mainly operating in different states of central India, it
becomes obvious that we have to continue with our tireless endeavor to combat
monsters like illiteracy, poverty, ignorance, cultural and psychological hurdles and
simultaneously design innovative, lucrative and low cost banking products and
services to lure the public to join the mainstream. Need was felt to reorient the
attitudes of the operating staff to make them appreciate the benefits of extending
the reach to wider sections of the society. The model discussed below will be
instrumental in bringing hundred percent financial inclusion in our country.
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• Government should promote introduction of basic banking – relevance,
services, merits as a topic in secondary and higher secondary classes in all
education institutions.
• Government sponsored publicity campaigns through all media–radio;
television; newspapers; e-choupal; village panchayat; movies; local stage
shows etc.
• Banks should design and organize aggressive education cum promotion
campaigns in unbanked parts of urban, semi – urban and rural areas to enhance
financial literacy and awareness, as well as to remove the doubts and
apprehensions that the masses have towards the banking sector.
• Banks should involve the knowledgeable and well-informed local inhabitants
in such activities. This will help the banks to consolidate and ensure prompt
and extensive response from the populace.
• Banks should gather support from the NGOs, retired bank personnel, academic
institutions, to reach the desired numbers within a limited span of time.
Once the fallacy is removed from the minds of the general public, they
automatically will join the mainstream. The all round awareness and education
simulation will drive them to open savings and current accounts. This will mark
the beginning of basic banking in the true sense.
The banks need to adopt a considerate approach towards this new clientele,
to remove their qualms and disbeliefs. It is necessary that the basic banking should
be comprehensive in scope and have attractive USPs that can lure people at large:
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• All banks should allow no frill accounts i.e. savings accounts which can be
opened with a nominal amount of Rs.5/- or even with zero balance.
They should allow 6-7 withdrawals in the accounting period and should not
restrict the number of deposits.
• The RBI along with banks should toil hard to reduce the amount of paper
work in relation to the opening of an account as well as in getting small credits.
This would reduce the complexity and also speed up the processing at banks.
• Banks should make sure that local people are positioned in the front offices,
so that the general public does not have to endure with language problem and
does not have to suffer perceived / actual racial discrimination.
• It is all the more necessary for the banks that besides offering the conventional
products and services, they should set up teams who can understand the needs
and requirements of the common man and design innovative products and
services having greater suitability and desirability. Also banks should work as
one-stop-store and offer diversified products in banking and insurance.
• Despite the risk, financing of first time entrepreneurs is a must for financial
inclusion and growth. Banks should arrange and provide technical advice for
these entrepreneurs. They will have to tone up their risk assessment and risk
management capacities, and provide for these facilities.
• Banks should give free financial counsel to low-income households and small
• The pricing of the product should also be done keeping in mind the pockets
of the potential clientele. The cost burden should proportionately be shifted to
high potential sectors, who can afford a little upswing in their banking cost.
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Stage III: Innovative Strategies
• Infrastructure sharing amongst banks and other organizations will help in lowering
the operating cost and thus the cost benefit can be transferred to customers.
Last but not the least, the Government of India should initiate a ‘civil rights
law’ prohibiting discrimination by banks against low and moderate income
neighborhoods. This will create a pressure on banks to play an important role in
bringing financial inclusion in the country. This model will result in: improved
financial literacy; make banking enter into the daily routine of the masses; broaden
the deposit base; wider disbursement of credits, larger number of transactions.
Jointly it will lead to formalized and systematic banking; faster economic growth; new
employment opportunities in the society and financial as well as social inclusion.
Several steps have been taken by the Reserve Bank of India and the
Government to bring the financially excluded people to the fold of the formal
banking services. With a view to bring the financial inclusion, in the Mid Term
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Review of the Policy (2005-06), the RBI advised all banks in November 2005 to
make available basic banking 'no-frills' accounts either with 'nil' or very low
minimum balances as well as charges that would make such accounts accessible to
vast sections of the population. The nature and number of transactions in such
accounts could be restricted, but made known to a customer in advance in a
transparent manner. All banks were also advised to give wide publicity to the facility
of such 'no-frills' account, including on their web sites, indicating the facilities and
charges in a transparent manner. In the 'no-frill' account, an account holder besides
being allowed to have low or nil balance is also entitled to have ATM facility and can
operate five to ten free transactions per month. These accounts can also be used for
the disbursement of existing subsidies and cash transfers to the poor under different
Government programmes such as NREGS. A nationwide Electronic Financial
Inclusion System (NEFIS) shall also be created by linking the 'no-frill' accounts to
enable the electronic transfer of funds to these accounts.
In addition, the banks in India are advised by the RBI to make available all
printed material used by retail customers in the concerned regional language.
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whom the full KYC procedure has been completed and has had satisfactory
transactions with the bank for at least six months. The photograph and address of
the prospective account holder need to be certified by the person who introduces
him/her. These simplified KYC norms are applicable for those who intend to keep
balances not exceeding Rs. 50,000 in all their accounts taken together. The total
credit in all the accounts taken together should not exceed Rs. 1,00,000 in a year.
The RBI also considers that IT-enabled services can meet the challenges
which need to be addressed for increasing the scope and coverage of financial
inclusion such as lack of adequate infrastructure, higher transaction costs and low
volumes of transactions. RBI, along with IDRBT, is working on the use of
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multi-application smart card systems which can operate as bank accounts as also
store of electronic cash, as a data repository for essential information relating to
the cardholder, containing security features such as biometric identification which
can also be used as an entitlement identifier or as a social security card.
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or more districts for 100 per cent financial inclusion. So far, the SLBC has identified
431 districts for 100 per cent financial inclusion. As on 31st March 2009, 204 districts
in 18 States and 5 Union Territories have reported having achieved the target.
Bank Group 2006 2007 2008 2009
Public Sector Group 3,32,878 58,65,419 1,39,09,935 2,98,59,178
Private Sector Group 1,56,388 8,60,997 18,45,869 31,24,101
Foreign Banks 231 5,919 33,115 41,482
Total 4,89,497 67,32,335 1,57,88,919 3,30,24,761
Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
The number of 'no-frill' accounts increased from 4,89,497 on 31st March 2006
to 3,30,24761 on 31st March 2009. It is observed that majority of 'no-frills'
accounts notably, the public sector banks account for the majority of these
'no-frills as at end March 2009 compared to private sector banks. Regrettably, the
statistics do not indicate how many of these accounts were opened in urban areas
and there is a strong feeling among a large section of the population that banks in
urban areas are reluctant to open 'no-frills' accounts for the urban poor. A sample
study carried out by the Banking Coded and Standards Board of India in Mumbai
revealed the poor awareness about 'no-frills' accounts and relaxed KYC norms
amongst the bank staff itself, a general unwillingness by the not simplified and did
not contain any information about the required documents under simplified KYC
norms and in none of the branches the staff were in a position to offer any guidance
in case the prospective customer was not in a position to produce required documents
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in proof of identity and address. As a result, the weaker sections of India hesitate to
take part in financial inclusion and help to increase economic growth of the country.
Hence, among the less privileged people, awareness should be created about the
savings and the use of No Frill accounts.
Offices Deposits Credit
1969 2005 2009 1969 2005 2009 1969 2005 2009
Rural 22.2 45.7 39.7 6.4 12.2 9.3 3.3 9.2 7.3
Semi-urban 40.4 22.3 23.7 21.8 16.9 13.5 13.1 11.3 9.3
Urban 19.2 17.6 19.4 26.5 21.5 20.9 21.8 16.4 16.2
Metropolitan 18.2 14.4 17.2 45.3 49.4 56.3 61.8 63.1 67.2
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
One of the indicators for measuring banking access is the population per
branch. Since the nationalization of banks in 1969, branch network of SCBs
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expanded rapidly. As a result, the population per branch declined significantly between
1969 and 1991. The population per branch in the rural segment increased after 1991.
However, the population per branch continued to decline in the urban areas.
End March Rural Urban Total
1969 82 33 63
1981 20 17 19
1991 14 16 14
2001 16 15 16
2005 17 14 16
2007 17 13 16
Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
One of the factors responsible for increase in population per branch in rural
areas between 1991 and 2007 was the reclassification of 953 rural centers,
classified as rural, as per 1991 census, which moved to higher population centers
on account of increase in population.
(As on 31st March 2008) (No. of. Accounts in thousands)
Current Saving Term Total
No Per cent No Per cent No Per cent No Per cent
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Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
(As on June 30)
Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
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India. Majority of commercial bank branches is in Southern region followed by
Central and Northern regions.
COMMERCIAL BANKS (Per 100 persons)
The region-wise pattern indicates that savings accounts per 100 persons have
increased considerably in all the regions between 1991 and 2007. This pattern was
also observed in both the rural and urban areas. Compared to an all-India average of
33.0 savings accounts per 100 persons in 2007, almost all of the states in the eastern
and north-eastern regions and several pockets in the central region had figures lower
than this average. In the rural areas, northern and southern region dominate as the
number of savings accounts per 100 persons is more than the all-India average
resulting in a substantial improvement in savings account penetration. The
improvement in the savings account could be observed both in urban and rural areas
as the all-India average savings accounts per 100 persons increased from 24.5 in 1991
to 26.2 in 2007 in rural areas and from 45.6 in 1991 to 50.8 in urban areas. This
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reflects a rise in the income levels and the various initiatives taken by the Reserve
Bank of India such as urging banks to open 'no frill' accounts with nil or low
minimum balances. Similarly, the region-wise pattern of number of credit accounts
per 100 persons has increased considerably in all the regions between 1991 and 2007
barring North-Eastern, Eastern and Central regions in which the number of credit
accounts per 100 persons has declined between 1991 and 2007. This pattern was also
observed in urban areas and not in rural areas.
COMMERCIAL BANKS (per 100 persons)
1991 2007 1991 2007 1991 2007
Total Rural Urban
Northern 6.4 7.1 6.6 5.6 5.9 10.0
North-East 4.4 4.3 4.4 4.1 4.4 5.5
Eastern 6.6 4.8 7.2 4.5 4.3 6.2
Central 5.5 4.4 5.8 4.3 4.4 5.0
Western 5.7 10.5 6.2 4.8 4.8 18.9
Southern 11.8 16.8 13.6 14.4 7.6 21.6
All-India 7.3 8.3 7.9 6.5 5.5 13.1
Source: is www.rbi.org.in/financialeducation/home.aspx
The number of credit accounts per 100 persons in all the states in the
Northern, North-Eastern, Eastern and Central regions is less than the all-India
average of 8.3 in 2007 whereas it is more than in Western and Southern regions.
In the rural areas, only Southern region is above the all-India average, while
in the urban areas, Southern and Western regions dominate as the number of credit
accounts per 100 persons is more than the all-India average.
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The Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) envisions inclusive growth as its key
objective. It defines inclusive growth to be 'a growth process which yields broad-
based benefits and ensures equality of opportunity for all'. The inclusive growth
implies an equitable allocation of resources with benefits accruing to every section of
the society. It is aimed at poverty reduction, human development, health and provides
opportunity to work and be creative. Achieving inclusive growth in India is the
biggest challenge as it is very difficult to bring 600 million people living in rural India
into the mainstream. One of the best ways to achieve inclusive growth is through
financial inclusion. There are supply side and demand side factors driving inclusive
growth. Banks largely are expected to mitigate the supply side processes that prevent
poor and disadvantaged social groups from gaining access to the financial system.
Apart from the supply side factors, demand side factors, such as lower income and/or
asset holdings also have a significant bearing on financial inclusion. Owing to
difficulties in accessing formal sources of credit, poor individuals and small and
macro enterprises usually rely on their personal savings or internal sources to invest in
health, education, housing and entrepreneurial activities to make use of growth
opportunities. Access to financial products is constrained by several factors which
include lack of awareness about the financial products, high transaction costs and
products which are not convenient, inflexible, not customized and of low quality.
Financial inclusion promotes thrift and develops culture of saving and also enables
efficient payment mechanism strengthening the resource base of the financial
institution which benefits the economy as resources become available for efficient
payment mechanism and allocation.
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who one's neighbor is, let alone be convinced of the identity and address of the
urban poor. It implies that if the instructions to banks are easy to apply in rural areas,
they are not necessarily so in urban areas which brings us to the second issue.
All along, banks have been made to focus on the KYC requirements and the
risks involved in non-compliance thereto as a result of which the importance of
being equitable and non-discriminatory in the rendering of banking services has
been relegated to the background. If there is no risk involved for the bank or the
banking system in maintaining no-frills accounts, why can't we permit the opening
of no-frills accounts on the basis of a simple self-declaration form regarding
identity and address with photograph. For instance, the post offices in India
accept savings of the poor or rich for that matter, on the basis of a simple account
opening form without insisting upon documentary evidence.
The third issue is that the KYC formalities are only used as a convenient
tool to block access to banking services to the urban poor. The real problem lies
elsewhere. It is not the fear of risk involved but the fear of additional work
involved. It lies in the unwillingness on the part of banks in urban areas to provide
such services as it means more footfalls, more record-keeping, more work in
general. This is just not acceptable. Firstly, there has to be a top down approach
in each bank to bring about an attitudinal change in this regard. Secondly, there
has to be greater publicity and awareness among this section of the urban
population about the availability of banking services. Hence, both the banks and
the regulator need to have a rethink on the above three issues, if they are at all serious
about providing access to banking services to the urban poor.
With the strong emphasis of the Government in the Budget 2009-10 and in the
100 day agenda on amelioration of the urban poor, the banks have a twofold challenge
before them. (i) One is to meet the existing micro credit needs of the urban poor for
meeting consumption needs and reduce their dependence on informal and costly
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sources of credit and (ii) To move from micro credit to micro enterprises or the self-
employed or casual workers such as cobblers, rickshaw driver, carpenters, hand-cart
vendors, hawkers, plumbers, mechanics, etc. These are the ones who also keep the life
cycle of a metropolis ticking. Effective from 30th April 2007, the RBI has enlarged the
base of the priority sector lending so as to include micro-credit and direct and indirect
finance to micro and small manufacturing and service enterprises including small
business, retail trade, professional and self-employed persons.
a. Low Profitability
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The profitability of the major financial intermediary, namely the banks, has
been very much affected in recent times. There is a decline in the profitability of
traditional banking products. So, they have been compelled to seek out new products
which may fetch high returns.
b. Cut-Throat Competition
c. Economic Liberalization
d. Customer Service
Now-a-days the customers' expectations are very great. They want newer
products at lower cost or at lower credit risk to replace the existing ones. To meet
this increased customer sophistication, the financial intermediaries are constantly
undertaking research in order to invent a new product which may suit the requirement
of the investing public. Innovations thus help them in soliciting new business.
e. Global Impact
Many of the providers and users of capital have changed their roles all over
the world. Financial intermediaries have come out of their traditional approach
and they are ready to assume more credit risks. As a consequence, many
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innovations have taken place in the global financial sector which has its own
impact on the domestic sector also.
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f. Investor Awareness
With a growing awareness amongst the investing public, there has been a
distinct shift from investing the savings in physical assets like Gold, Silver and
Land etc., to financial assets like shares, Debentures and Mutual Funds etc.
Again, within the financial assets, they go from "risk free" bank deposits to risky
investments in shares. To meet the growing awareness of the public innovation
has become the need of the hour.
The process of globalization has paved the way for the entry of innovative
and sophisticated financial products into our country. Since the Government is
very keen in removing all obstacles that stand in the way of inflow of foreign
capital, the potentialities for the introduction of innovative international financial
products in India are very great. Moreover, India is likely to enter the full
convertibility era soon. Hence, there is every possibility of introduction of more
and more innovative and sophisticated financial services in our country.
The Government of India has initiated many steps to reform the financial services
industry. The Government has already switched over to free pricing of issues
form pricing issues by the controller of capital issues. The interest rates have been
deregulated. The private sector has been permitted to participate in banking and
mutual funds and the public sector undertakings are being privatized. The Securities
and Exchange Board of India has liberalized many stringent conditions so as to
boost the capital and money markets. In this changed context, the financial service
industry in India has to play a very positive and dynamic role in the years to come
by offering many innovative products to suit to the varied requirements of the
millions of prospective investors spread throughout the country.
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3.18 Conclusion
It is hoped that this discussion of financial inclusion for rural and urban
poor will not remain only a discussion and that this will get transmitted into an
action plan by all concerned. Opening a bank account may not be a big deal for
most of us. But for a large part of the population living on low incomes, getting
one was rather difficult. Financial inclusion as a part of inclusive growth plays a
major role in driving away poverty from India. A day will come when all the
Indians will have bank account and everybody will take part in financial inclusion.
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3. Reena (2007); 100 per cent Financial Inclusion : "A Challenging Task
Ahead, Conference on Global Competition & Competitiveness of Indian
Corporate" , Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow.
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