Determinants of Female Employment Status in Pakistan: A Case of Sahiwal District
Determinants of Female Employment Status in Pakistan: A Case of Sahiwal District
Determinants of Female Employment Status in Pakistan: A Case of Sahiwal District
Ghulam Shabir
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
Fouzia Yasmin
Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Pakistan
The leading intention of this research work is to determine the various factors that
determine female employment status (engagement of females in different employment
activities). The data have been collected through field survey which consists of 402
females. We have used binominal and multinominal logistic regression model for the
analysis. We have concluded that age, educational attainment, marital status and presence
of children above 10 years have a positive impact on female employment. Presence of
children below 10 years, assets, major disease and household size negatively and
significantly related to female employment. Total working in family and number of
dependents positively affect female decision as an active earner while have a negative
effect on self-employment and underemployment. The study suggests that huge investment
should be made for the provision of educational facilities. To improve the health condition
of workers health facilities should be provided to everyone.
Keywords: employment status, age, education, marital status, household size, logistic
regression model, Pakistan.
1. Introduction
The human resources (Population) of a country are considered as a doubled faced
phenomenon: one it is considered as an asset in the form of human capital and play an
imperative role in the way of development of a country. On the other side, some economists
have also said that high growth of population also becomes a problem for the developing
countries including Pakistan. But it is necessary to analyze the qualitative aspect of
population for better understanding of human capital. Female employment status as the
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name suggests that engagement of females in different employment activities are based on
different circumstances. These females included in labor force refer to directly engage in
paid employment. (Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos, 1989). A qualitative aspect of female
participation in economic activities is that females are less paid for the same job as men.
This low value in labor supply simply means that the formal markets are absent rather than
the individuals are absent looking for work, as agricultural economies with little wage
employment mostly based on family product. (Killingsworth and Hackman, 1986).
Women paid work provide satisfaction to her that is done by the women outside the home,
and can serve as a substitute to children, in the form of companionship, recreation,
inspiration, innovative activity and socio-economic rewards. These different activities
compete with the rising number of kids for working female. (Blake 1965, Collver 1968,
Kasarda 1971). A female being an earning member of the household, can develop her
position and can get the better tendency to participate in the household decision making. It
was also shown that, as the husband-wife participation increases in household decision
making, it leads towards the lower fertility. (Chaudhury 1976, Lupri 1969, Mukherjee
1975, Ridley 1959, Weiler 1969). Each additional child in the family increases the
opportunity cost of a working mother, as the income forgone while having stay at home to
bringing up children. This indirect cost cast a negative impact on having an additional
child. (Chaudhury 1983).
The growing participation of females in labor market in different employment status is
certainly one of the prominent characteristic of the recent evolution of developing
economies. However, the increase of female labor participation and employment
opportunities are still significant policy objectives in most of the developing countries
including Pakistan. Both the engagement of females in different employment status and
contribution of females in different economic activities are influenced by supply and
demand factors. Participation rate of woman in earning activities may be little because of
two factors: firstly, that a woman has no desire to enter in the labor market. Secondly, that
many jobs are not being obtainable or suitable for women. In the first case low involvement
rates are explained by women’s preferences and in the second case the participation rate
are explained by employers’ preferences.
Women play significant role in the development of any economy. A most visible trend of
the 2 nd half of the 20th century that there was an immense increase in females participation
in earning activities in both, developed and developing economies. The structure of female
labor force participation has attracted enormous attention in the world as well as in Pakistan
over the past few decades.
The engagement of women in working activities in Pakistan is widespread and their
contribution ranging from formal to the informal sector. Majority of their activities are
performed in the informal sector. They are also performing a lot of invisible activities that
are not being considered as economic activities. Woman having higher qualification would
like to be a worker in formal sector with salaried work. Labor force participation of
Pakistani female is 13.29 million out of total labor force of 57.24 million (Labor force
survey (2010-2011) while the females constitute about half of the total population in
Pakistani women face considerable challenges in their usual lives. They are getting jobs
outside their homes as well as they are forced to combine their familial responsibilities
Female Employment Status in Pakistan
with their jobs. This research aimed at to find the various factors that determine the
employment status of women in Pakistan. This research will also explain how females
effect and affected by the socio- economic attitudes.
This study is organized into V sections. Introduction is presented in section I. section II
describe the brief review of literature. In the III section we will discuss the data and
methodology. Estimates of the present study are presented in IV section. Last section V
ends with some concluding remarks.
2. Literature Review
The demographic and socio-economic determinants of female labor force participation
have attracted considerable attention in recent years. The analysis of labor supply focused
on the effect of increasing real wages on the amount of labor supplied by the workers to
the labor market. The main concern of the policy makers is the efficient allocation of
resources. Due to efficient allocation of resources the output will increase and process of
development will start. Issue concerning the role of women's participation in labor market
was introduced with significant contributions by Mincer (1962), Becker (1965), and Cain
(1966).They developed the interests of many researchers towards this issue. Now many
researchers analyzed the female labor supply decision by using different explanatory
variables and by different econometric tools and techniques.
Economic theory provides a number of structural models of labor supply of women. It was
generally assumed in these structural models that females can get utility from income,
leisure time and by having children. All of them need time to spend on them. Leisure and
children also cost money. However, a worker can earn income by only doing work for pay.
The proper work environment can be provided to women by the accessibility to appropriate
work and the opportunity to get such a job. The limitations faced by females are specified
by the time and budget restrictions and also by discrimination in labor market. (Vlasblom
and Schippers, 2004).
Mincer (1962) analyzed that woman choose the level of work time on the basis of
permanent wage rate and income. He found that an increase in the level of income has a
direct impact on Leisure time and negatively affect the time allocation between familial
responsibilities and market activities. Wife’s wage rate has a strong positive impact on
female labor supply while the no. of children also cast a significant impact on female’s
lifetime labor supply. He also reported that high unemployment rate and general business
cycle fluctuations discourage a female to participate in working activities. Backer (1965)
investigated that females allocate the time capital between household responsibilities and
market activities in order to maximize their utility function. This theory of allocation of
time provides a basis for household production model. A woman’s educational attainment
has turned out to create benefits both at market and also at home. Market benefit consists
of mainly increased in earning and market wage offered to a female. Non market
(household) benefits consist of private and social benefits through increased efficiency in
home based activities. Hafeez and Ahmad (2002) identified that female in joint family,
education level, and women with low monthly income are more likely to participate in
working activities. Woman having less education, more no. of workers in a household,
nuclear family, high monthly income and more financial assets, are less likely to participate
in be in labor force. Caruana (2006) concluded that the higher the wage rate the higher the
opportunity cost of non-market activities. So, wage rate is a significant determinant of
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woman’s decision to choose non-market activities (housework & leisure) and income
earning activities.
Faridi et al. (2009) showed that Educational attainment of female, the presence of educated
husband, marital status, family setup and no. of children positively and significantly
influence the decision the female to be in labor force. The presence of household assets,
presence of children of early age group and spouse participation in earning activities reduce
the chances that a woman take part in income earning activities. Ejaz (2007) explored that
age, marital status, education, female belong to nuclear family, access to vehicle and female
with fewer children were more likely to participate in working activities. Uraz et al. (2010)
examined that the rural women are more likely to participate in labor force than urban
women. Except primary level of education all educational level associated with a high
probability of working of a female. As household wealth status and husband education
level increase urban low skilled females decide not to work. Contreras and plaza (2010)
investigated an inverse correlation with the presence of children below age 4 years with
the female labor force participation. Education is positively related to FLFP. This study
emphasis on potential role of educational and childcare policies as public policy
instruments, that contributes toward greater female labor force participation. Chamlou et
al. (2011) confirmed that each additional year spent on higher education increases the
probability to participate in economic activities where the secondary and low level of
education does not have any significant impact. Analysis showed that having younger
children, disapproval of women working outside the home and being married were
negatively associated with female labor force participation.
Avazalipour et al. (2012) investigated the role of woman in economic activities and
employment as they are main issues in each economy after the industrial revolution. He
was of the view that some activities of woman in formal sector (industry, services, and
somewhat in agriculture sector) are measurable but the main activities in informal sector
(house work, unpaid agriculture activities, training and education of the children, etc.) are
not measurable. Researchers concluded that a woman play a major role in management of
household expenditure than man. It was found that the academic education significantly
and positively affect the job opportunities for female headed household. Afzal and Bibi
(2012) have found that education, no. of dependents, family size, income of husband,
positive attitude of husband towards woman’s job, inflation rate and job satisfaction,
positively affect the labor force participation of married woman. Age, living with husband,
relationship with spouse before marriage, satisfaction of housewives with their current life,
restrictions from family regarding job and other earner in the family negatively affects the
decision of labor force participation.
Females take part on an equal footing as bread winners in the family unit in which they are
residing. Females are essential part of economic process in reality, both at home and market
place, at informal and in formal sector and either belong to urban area or she belongs to a
rural locality. Due to various contributing factors the need to provide the educational and
health facilities to girls has been accelerated. (Jehan, 1998)
This section deals with the data sources, profile of the study area and the methodology to
be used by the researcher.
Female Employment Status in Pakistan
j xi
“p” is the probability that a person work as an active participant in labor market. It has two
binary values between (0, 1) because it is not directly observable. “1” if worker is
participating and “0” otherwise. “e” is the exponential value.
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We can know that how a female decide to participate in different employment status by
employing multinominal logit regression technique. To estimate this model researcher use
the multinominal logit model and probability for this model is given below:
k xi
( = 1) = j
1 e k xi
k 1
( = 0) = j
1 e k xi
k 1
For j= 1, 2, 3 and 4
4.3 Model Specification
After the specification of the general model this section states the operational model. This
model shows and explains the variables that are supported by the data. The operational is
specified as below,
Female Employment Status in Pakistan
e) Variables description
Table: 1 Variables Description
Dependent Variable = expected effect
FLFP = 1 for female participation, 0 otherwise
Explanatory Variables
AG1= 1 if female is from age group (16-25), 0 otherwise positive
AG2= 1 if female is from age group (26-35), 0 otherwise positive
AG3 =1 if female is from age group (36-45), 0 otherwise positive
AG4 =1 if female is from age group (46-55), 0 otherwise positive
AG5=1 if female is from age group (56-65), 0 otherwise negative
EDP=1 if female has up to primary level of education, 0 otherwise positive
EDM =1 if female has up to middle level of education, 0 otherwise positive
EDS=1 if female has up to metric level of education, 0 otherwise positive
EDI= 1 if female has up to intermediate level of education positive
EDB=1 if female has up to bachelors level of education, 0 otherwise positive
EDM=1 if female has up to masters or more level of education,0 otherwise positive
MTS=1 if female is married, 0 otherwise positive
SED= 1 if female’s spouse is educated, 0 otherwise negative
CH1= no. of children below 10 years
CH2= no. of children above 10 years positive
AST= 1 if female has assets, 0 otherwise negative
SPT= 1 if female’s spouse is working, 0 otherwise positive
HHS= size of the household negative
FST=1 if female is living in joint family, 0 otherwise positive
TWR = total working persons of a household positive
NDP = no. of dependents in a household positive
RSD= 1 if female is living in urban area, 0 otherwise positive
CRA=1 if female has access to credit, 0 otherwise negative
BNK= 1 if female is living in urban area, 0 otherwise negative
RSD= 1 if female is living in urban area, 0 otherwise positive
Pair wise correlation coefficients of the data were presented in table 2. Pair wise correlation
measure the degree of association among the repressors. It is stated that all the variables
have some degree of association. It was also observed that no variable in correlation
analysis is exactly related. The present analysis is free from the problem of
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b) Descriptive analysis
Binominal logit model predict the probability for woman to be in labor force or not.
Considering female labor force participation we estimate a binominal logit model.
Researcher has used two tailed test of significance or Z statistics for determining the
acceptance or rejection of our null hypothesis.
Female educational attainment is the most important factor that forces a female to
participate in working activities. Investment in education is regarded as investment in
human capital because it gives us a flow of returns in the afterward life (Backer, 1964).
With increase in education people become more productive and skilled and become more
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Female Employment Status in Pakistan
females have more opportunities and more facilities that they are enjoying and the whole
atmosphere increases the chances to get a job for a female. Presence of major disease
restricts a female to have a job. This variable is a hurdle in the way of getting job and to
continue job efficiently. Females having working spouse are more likely to participate in
earning activities. Spouse education negatively and significantly influence the woman’s
participation in active labor force. The reason may be that the educated spouse already has
greater opportunities to work or have enough earnings to fulfil necessities of life. So, a
female has no need to do a paid work. Access to credit negatively and insignificantly affects
FLFPR. The presence of bank in residential area negatively related to female labor force
d) Estimate of multinominal logit model
Binomial logit estimates of the determinants of female labor force participation, probability
of being active female worker of age (15-65). This section deals with the analysis of
determinants of different female’s employment status as salaried worker, self-employed,
under employed and casually employed. We have selected salaried work as a reference
category. Table: 5 shows the multinational logit estimates of the determinants of casual
wage worker. Table: 5 is organized into three columns. First column describes the nature
of explanatory variable. Other two columns describe the estimated parameters and the
corresponding Z- statistics respectively.
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The constant term in multinomial estimates shows the insignificant impact. Here it’s mean
that the excluded variables of the model are of no importance. Female as being casually
employed worker is influenced by the level of education. Education turns out to be a
significant factor in determining casual employment of a female.
The coefficient of primary level of education is positive with casual employment but the
impact is not significant. Middle level of education is positively related to casual
employment because less educated females are more likely to participate in working
activities as being a casual wage earner. And the results are significant at 1% level of
significance. As, education level increases to secondary and intermediate level, it also
Female Employment Status in Pakistan
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Female Employment Status in Pakistan
employment as being self-employed. Our results clearly shows that as education level
increases it enhances the probability of being self-employed. Higher level of education
negatively related to self-employment. The reason may be that highly educated females
want to be salaried employed instead of self-employed. Age of female also turn out to be
very significant determinant of self-employment. Females belonging to age group (16-25)
and (26-35) are more likely to participate in earning activities as a self-employed because
with less age they did not complete their education that they get a salaried job. The
coefficients of age group (46-55) and (56-65) shows a negative and insignificant impact on
self-employment of a female worker. Reason for this negative sign of slop coefficient is
that, they are not so much productive and active in their latter age groups and are unable to
run a business on self-basis. Marital status is negatively and insignificantly related with
Married women are less likely to participate in self-employment. Number of children
below 10 years restricts a female to be self-employed because in presence of children it is
difficult for a female to run her own business. Presence of children above 10 years allows
a female to be self-employed. Household size is also a main determinant of female
employment status, as self-employed. Household size negatively related to self-
employment. Females with high number of household members are less likely to self-
employed because a large numbers of home based activities and responsibilities are to be
fulfilled by the females while living at home. Family setup is negatively and significantly
related to self-employment status. Females that are living in joint families are less likely to
be a self-employed as compared to nuclear families. In joints families’ female has to fulfil
all the responsibilities at home. Number of dependents also positively related to self-
employment status. With more number of dependents females gives more time to
household activities and prefer to perform a paid work at home. Region of residence
negatively affect the females being self-employed, urban women are less likely to
participate in active workforce as self-employed because they prefer to work at permanent
basis. Major diseases positively related to female employment status. In this analysis major
disease turns out to be an insignificant variable that determine self-employment because
healthy females want to be salaried worker. Total working in a family negatively related to
self-employment. As no. of worker at home increases a female do not need to be self-
employed. Working spouse is positively related to female’s self-employment and educated
spouse negatively related to female self-employment. Access to credit and presence of bank
in residential area positively and insignificantly related to female employment as a self-
employed because as she can get credit easily she has more chances to start her own
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The results of estimates of the multinominal logit model of the under employment are
described in table: 7. primary and middle level of education is positively related to under
employment the reason may be that less educated females cannot utilize their potential
efficiently. The reason behind this is that if worker is less educated they are not able to
engage in highly profile job. They have less probability and opportunities to be a salaried
employee. Secondary, intermediate, bachelors and higher level of education negatively
related to female employment as underemployed. More educated females not work as an
underemployed worker. Educations as a determinant of female underemployment
negatively and significantly determine female underemployment. Attainment of an
Female Employment Status in Pakistan
Shaheen et al
positively related to female employment, while it has inverse relation with other
employment status, as compared to nuclear family and rural residence. Females having
educated spouse are less likely to be in active workforce because they do not need to do a
job to share the financial burden.
We have also concluded that at least a female have education more than primary level to
enter in the labor force. So, the huge investment should be made for the provision of
educational facilities. For both males and females technical and vocational training institute
should be established. Attainment of professional degrees should be made possible
especially for rural areas. To adjust the sphere labor more labor intensive industries should
be installed. To improve the health condition of workers hospital should be built at each
union council level.
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