Civil Code of The Philippines Republic Act. NO. 386, AS Amended Presumption of Knowledge of Laws
Civil Code of The Philippines Republic Act. NO. 386, AS Amended Presumption of Knowledge of Laws
Civil Code of The Philippines Republic Act. NO. 386, AS Amended Presumption of Knowledge of Laws
1. Treaty Stipulations lexx loci intentionis – the law of the place
2. Law of Preferential Application intended by them expressly or impliedly
3. Principles of Public International
Law of wills – governed by the national law of the
Philippine laws relating to status and SUPPLETORY APPLICATION OF THE
condition are binding upon citizens of the CIVIL CODE
Philippines, even though living abroad. Art. 18. In matters which are governed by the
Code of Commerce and special laws, their
Aliens – the national law of the alien shall deficiency shall be supplied by the provisions
govern with respect to their legal capacity, of this Code. (16a)
following the “nationality principle”
embodied in Article 15. B. Human Relations (Arts. 19-22, Civil
Real and personal properties are subject to PRINCIPLE OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS
the law of the country in which they are “He who uses a right injures no one.”
situated (first paragraph, Art. 16).
Elements of Abuse of Rights
Note: the principle does not apply to the 1. there is a legal right or duty;
second paragraph of Art. 16 2. which is exercised in bad faith; and
What is applicable is the national law of the 3. for the sole intent of prejudicing or
decedent, with respect to the following injuring another
aspects of intestate or testamentary essential: absence of good faith
1. the order of succession; CONTRA BONUS MORES
2. the amount of successional rights; and 1. there is an act which is legal;
3. the intrinsic validity of the provisions 2. but which is contrary to morals, good
of the will. customs, public order, or public
The national law of the decedent governs the policy; and
capacity of the heir to succeed. 3. and it is done with intent to injure
Art. 160. When a creditor whose claim is not G. Paternity and Filiation (Family Code)
among those mentioned in Article 155
obtains a judgment in his favor, and he has FILIATION OF CHILDREN
reasonable grounds to believe that the family Nature
home is actually worth more than the o Legitimate – conceived or
maximum amount fixed in Article 157, he born during the marriage
may apply to the court which rendered the o Illegitimate – children
judgment for an order directing the sale of conceived outside a valid
the property under execution. The court shall marriage
so order if it finds that the actual value of the Adoption
family home exceeds the maximum amount
allowed by law as of the time of its Artificially Inseminated Child
constitution. If the increased actual value Considered as a legitimate child of the
exceeds the maximum allowed in Article 157 husband and wife provided that both of them
and results from subsequent voluntary authorized or ratified such insemination in a
improvements introduced by the person or written instrument executed and signed by
persons constituting the family home, by the them before the birth of the child and that the
owner or owners of the property, or by any of instrument is recorded in the civil registry
the beneficiaries, the same rule and together with the birth certificate of the child.
procedure shall apply.
At the execution sale, no bid below the value MAY BE IMPUGNED
allowed for a family home shall be 1. Physical incapacity
considered. The proceeds shall be applied 2. Living separately
3. Serious illness
5. Vasectomy BORN AFTER 300 DAYS AFTER
6. Scientific testing TERMINATION OF MARRIAGE.
7. Vitiated consent in artificial The law considers 300 days as the longest
insemination gestation period of a child in the mother’s
womb. In the absence of any subsequent
If the husband agreed to the artificial marriage after the termination of the first
insemination of his wife by the sperm of marriage, the father of a child born after 300
another man and the spouses observed all the days from such termination can be anybody.
requirements of the law, the husband cannot This includes the husband of the previous
anymore impugn the legitimacy of the child. marriage as it is not improbable that the
gestation period may even extend
PRESUMPTION OF FILIATION extraordinarily beyond 300 days or that the
1. A child born 180 days after the previously married couple had sexual
solemnization of the subsequent intercourse after the finality of their decree of
marriage is considered to have been annulment or nullity. While there have been
conceived during the former cases where the gestation period reached
marriage, provided it be born within from up to 316 to 330 days (Ousley v. Ousley,
300 days after the termination of the 261 SW 2d 817), this is not normal and,
former marriage; hence, other convincing proofs of filiation
2. A child born after 180 days following must be shown. Thus, no presumption can
the celebration of the subsequent attach, thereby necessitating the introduction
marriage is considered to have been of evidence by whoever alleges legitimacy or
conceived during such marriage, even illegitimacy.
though it be born within the 300 days
after the termination of the former PARTIES IN IMPUGNING THE
Only the husband can file a direct action to
Access Presumed Prior to Termination of impugn the legitimacy of a child.
Access between the spouses is presumed Exception: Heirs of the husband –
during the marriage. This presumption holds 1. If the husband should die before the
even immediately before the official expiration of the period fixed for
termination of marriage. bringing his action;
2. If he should die after the filing of the
Reason: It is not unlikely that the spouses complaint, without having desisted
could have engaged in sexual intercourse just therefrom; or
prior to the death of one of them or just before 3. If the child was born after the death of
the issuance of a decree of annulment or a the husband.
declaration of nullity.
Reason: desire to protect innocent children
The rules will not apply in case there are against attacks upon paternity (Russell v.
convincing proofs of filiation that the father Russell Eng [1924] AC 687 [HL]; Taylor v.
of the child is the previous husband or the Taylor, 295 So. 2d 494).
subsequent husband, as the case may be.
Prescriptive Periods 3. after action had already been
1. 1 year from knowledge of the birth or instituted,
its recording in the civil register, if the
impugner resides in the city or RIGHTS OF THE LEGITIMATE CHILD
municipality where the birth took 1. To bear the surname of the father and
place or was recorded; the mother, in conformity with the
2. 2 years from knowledge of the birth provisions of the Civil Code on
or its recording in the civil register, if Surnames;
the impugner resides in the 2. To receive support from their parents,
Philippines other than in the city or their ascendants, and in proper cases,
municipality where the birth took their brothers and sisters, in
place or was recorded; and conformity with the provisions of this
3. 3 years, if the impugner resides Code on Support; and
abroad; 3. To be entitled to the legitime and
If the birth of the child has been concealed other successional rights granted to
from or was unknown to the husband or his them by the Civil Code.
heirs, the period shall be counted from the
discovery or knowledge of the birth of the CLAIM OF ILLEGITIMATE
child or of the fact of registration of the birth, CHILDREN
whichever is earlier. (same with Proof of Filiation of Legitimate
1. Record of birth Whole lifetime.
2. Final judgment
3. Admission in public or private Exception: For proofs used under Art. 172,
handwritten document the illegitimate child may only bring the
4. Open and continuous possession of action during the lifetime of the alleged
legitimate status parent (Uyguanco v. Court of Appeals, G.R.
5. Evidence under the Rules of Court No. 76873, October 26, 1989, 178 SCRA
and special laws 684).
6. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
ACTION TO CLAIM LEGITIMACY 1. Use the surname of the mother;
The right of action for legitimacy devolving 2. Under the parental authority of the
upon the child is of a personal character and mother;
generally pertains exclusively to him. Only 3. Use the surname of the father if their
the child may exercise it at any time during filiation has been expressly
his lifetime. recognized by the father through the
record of birth appearing in the civil
Exception: It may be transmitted to the heirs register, or when an admission in a
– public document or private
1. if he or she died during his or her handwritten instrument is made by
minority, or the father;
2. while insane, or 4. Legitime is ½ of the legitimate child.
child (In the Matter of the Adoption of
LEGITIMATED CHILD Stephanie Nathy Astorga Garcia, 454 SCRA
541, 551 (2005))
Requirements in the Process of Legitimation:
1. The parents do not suffer any legal 1. R.A. No. 8552 (Domestic Adoption Act
impediment or are disqualified to of 1998)
marry because either one or both of
them are 18 years of age at the time of a) Who may adopt
the conception of the child by the
mother; Filipino Adopter:
2. The child has been conceived and 1. Must be of legal age and at least
born outside of a valid marriage. This sixteen (16) years older than the
is the rule because, if the child is adoptee (exception: if the adopter is
either conceived or born within a the biological parent of the adoptee or
particular valid marriage, the said the spouse of the adoptee’s parent, in
child is declared by law as legitimate; which case, the requirement of
3. The parents subsequently enter into a sixteen-year difference may be
valid marriage. It is this last step waived);
which by operation of law will finally 2. Must be in possession of full civil
legitimate the child. The annulment capacity and legal rights, of good
of a voidable marriage shall not affect moral character and has not been
the legitimation. convicted of any crime involving
moral turpitude; and
EFFECTS 3. Must be emotionally and
1. Enjoys the same rights as legitimate psychologically capable of caring for
children; children and in a position to support
2. Retroacts to the time of the child’s and care for his or her children in
birth keeping with the means of the family.
3. Legitimation of children who died
before the celebration of the marriage Alien Adopter
shall benefit their descendants. 1. Must possess the same qualifications
required of Filipino nationals;
IMPUGNING THE LEGITIMATION 2. His/her country must have diplomatic
Legitimation may be impugned only by those relations with the Republic of the
who are prejudiced in their rights Philippines;
3. He/she has been certified by his/her
Prescriptive Period diplomatic or consular office or any
Within 5 years from the date their cause of appropriate government agency to be
action accrues. legally capacitated to adopt in his/her
H. Adoption 4. His/her government allows the
adoptee to enter his/her country as
ADOPTION his/her adopted son/daughter;
The process of making a child, whether 5. He/she has been living in the
related or not to the adopter, possesses in Philippines for at least 3 continuous
general, the rights accorded to a legitimate years prior to the filing of the
application for adoption and judicially declared available for
maintains such residence until the adoption
adoption decree is entered 2. The legitimate son/daughter of one
spouse by the other spouse
Requirements on residency and certification 3. An illegitimate son/daughter by a
of alien’s qualification to adopt in his/her qualified adopter to improve his/her
country may be waived for the following: status to that of legitimacy
i. a former Filipino citizen who 4. A person of legal age if, prior to the
seeks to adopt a relative within adoption, said person has been
the 4th degree of consanguinity or consistently considered and treated
affinity; by the adopter(s) as his/her own child
ii. one who seeks to adopt the since minority.
legitimate son/daughter of his/her 5. A child whose adoption has been
Filipino spouse; or previously rescinded. To be legally
iii. one who is married to a Filipino available for adoption, the child must
citizen and seeks to adopt jointly be below 8 years of age.
with his/ her spouse a relative 6. A child whose biological or adoptive
within the 4th degree of parent(s) has died provided that the
consanguinity or affinity of the child is below 18 years of age. In this
Filipino spouse. case, the law requires that no adoption
proceedings shall be initiated within 6
Note: The Civil Code states that one who has months from the time of death of said
legitimate, legitimated, acknowledged parent(s).
natural children, or natural children by legal
fiction is ineligible to adopt another child. Requirement of Consent
The written consent of the following to the
Joint Adoption of Spouses adoption is required:
Required by law, except for the following 1. The adoptee, if 10 years of age or
instances: over;
1. if one spouse seeks to adopt the 2. The biological parent(s) of the child,
legitimate son/daughter of the other; if known, or the legal guardian, or the
or proper government instrumentality
2. if one spouse seeks to adopt his/her which has legal custody of the child;
own illegitimate son/ daughter, 3. The legitimate and adopted
provided, however, that the other sons/daughters, ten (10) years of age
spouse has signified his/her consent or over, of the adopter(s) and adoptee,
thereto; or if any;
3. if the spouses are legally separated 4. The illegitimate sons/daughters, ten
from each other. (10) years of age or over, of the
adopter if living with said adopter and
b) Who may be adopted the latter’s spouse, if any;
5. The spouse, if any, of the person
The following may be adopted: adopting or to be adopted.
1. Any person below 18 years of age
who has been administratively of c) Rights of an adopted child
The adoptee is deemed a legitimate shall divide the entire estate in equal
child of the adopter shares, one-third to be inherited by
o Acquires the rights and the illegitimate children, one-third by
obligations arising from the the surviving spouse, and one-third
relationship of parent and by the adopters;
child 5. When only the adopters survive, they
o Includes right to use the shall inherit the entire estate; and
surname of the adopters 6. When only collateral blood relatives
The parental authority of biological of the adopted survive, then the
parents shall be terminated ordinary rules of legal or intestate
The parental authority shall be vested succession shall apply.
to the adopters (except that if the
adopter is the spouse of the parent by d) Instances when adoption may be
nature of the adopted, parental rescinded
authority over the adopted shall be
exercised jointly by both spouses) The adoption may be rescinded on any of the
The adopted shall remain an intestate following grounds committed by the
heir of his parents and other blood adopter(s):
relatives. a. repeated physical and verbal
maltreatment by the adopter(s)
Rules on the Legal or Intestate Succession to despite having undergone counseling;
the Estate of the Adopted: b. attempt on the life of the adoptee;
1. Legitimate and illegitimate children c. sexual assault or violence; or
and descendants and the surviving d. abandonment and failure to comply
spouse of the adopted shall inherit with parental obligations.
from the adopted, in accordance with
the ordinary rules of legal or intestate e) Effects of rescission
2. When the parents, legitimate or If the petition is granted, the following are the
illegitimate, or the legitimate effects:
ascendants of the adopted concur with 1. The parental authority of the
the adopter, they shall divide the adoptee’s biological parent(s), if
entire estate, one-half to be inherited known, or the legal custody of the
by the parents or ascendants and the Department, shall be restored if the
other half, by the adopters; adoptee is still a minor or
3. When the surviving spouse or the incapacitated.
illegitimate children of the adopted 2. The reciprocal rights and obligations
concur with the adopters, they shall of the adopter(s) and the adoptee to
divide the entire estate in equal each other shall be extinguished.
shares, one-half to be inherited by the 3. The court shall order the Civil
spouse or the illegitimate children of Registrar to cancel the amended
the adopted and the other half, by the certificate of birth of the adoptee and
adopters. restore his/her original birth
4. When the adopters concur with the certificate.
illegitimate children and the 4. Succession rights shall revert to its
surviving spouse of the adopted, they status prior to adoption, but only as of
the date of judgment of judicial values and example to the child and in
rescission. However, vested rights the proper case, to all his/her other
acquired prior to judicial rescission children;
shall be respected. h. comes from a country:
All the foregoing effects of rescission of i. with whom the Philippines
adoption shall be without prejudice to the has diplomatic relations;
penalties imposable under the Penal Code if ii. whose government maintains
the criminal acts are properly proven. a foreign adoption agency;
2. R.A. No. 8043 (Inter-Country Adoption iii. whose laws allow adoption;
Act of 1995) and
i. files jointly with his/her spouse, if
a) When allowed any, who shall have the same
Allowed when the adopted shall prove qualifications and none of the
beneficial to the child’s best interests and disqualifications to adopt as
shall serve and protect his/her fundamental prescribed above.
Other factors:
b) Who may adopt 1. Total personality of the applicants;
Any foreign national or a Filipino citizen 2. Emotional maturity;
permanently residing abroad who has the 3. Quality of marital relationship;
qualifications and none of the 4. Feeling about children;
disqualifications under the Inter-Country 5. Feeling about childlessness and
Adoption Act may file an application if readiness to adopt; and
he/she: 6. Motivation
a. is at least twenty-seven (27) years of
age; c) Who may be adopted
b. is at least sixteen (16) years older than
the child to be adopted at the time of LEGALLY-FREE CHILD
the filing of the application unless the Any child who has been voluntarily or
applicant is the parent by nature of the involuntarily committed to the DSWD as
child to be adopted or is the spouse of dependent, abandoned or neglected pursuant
such parent by nature; to the provisions of the Child and Youth
c. has the capacity to act and assume all Welfare Code may be the subject of Inter-
the rights and responsibilities incident Country Adoption.
to parental authority under his/her
national law; In case of a child who is voluntarily
d. has undergone appropriate committed, the physical transfer of said child
counseling from an accredited shall be made not earlier than 6 months from
counselor in his/her country; the date the Deed of Voluntary Commitment
e. has not been convicted of a crime was executed by the child’s biological
involving moral turpitude; parent/s.
f. is eligible to adopt under his/her
national law; The prohibition against physical transfer
g. can provide the proper care and shall not apply to adoption by a relative or
support and give the necessary moral children with special medical conditions.
A person below 15 years of age. son/daughter
but the other
Commitment spouse must
a. involuntary commitment, in case of a give his/her
dependent child, or through the consent;
termination of parental or 3. If the spouses
guardianship rights by reason of are legally
abandonment, substantial and separated from
continuous or repeated neglect and/or each other.
parental incompetence to discharge
parental responsibilities, and in the
manner, form and procedure I. Support (Family Code)
hereinafter prescribed; or
b. voluntary commitment, through the SUPPORT
relinquishment of parental or Includes whatever is necessary to keep a
guardianship rights in the manner and person alive.
form hereinafter prescribed.
Support is the most sacred and important of
3. Distinction between domestic adoption all obligations imposed by law and it is
and inter-country adoption imposed with overwhelming reality.
Adoption Decree Mandatory obligation to support each other:
Issued in the Issued outside of the 1. The spouses;
Philippines Philippines 2. Legitimate ascendants and
Who May be Adopted (see above) descendants;
Who May Adopt (see Above) 3. Parents and their legitimate children
Requirement of Joint Adoption by and the legitimate and illegitimate
Spouses children of the latter;
General rule: Rule: if the adopter 4. Parents and their illegitimate children
husband and wife is married, his/her and the legitimate and illegitimate
shall jointly adopt; spouse must jointly children of the latter; and
otherwise, the file for the adoption. 5. Legitimate brothers and sisters,
adoption shall not be whether of full or half-blood.
allowed. 6. Illegitimate brothers and sisters (until
the brother or sister is of age and the
Exceptions: need for his or her support is due to
1. If one spouse his or her fault or negligence)
seeks to adopt
son/daughter of SUPPORT
the other; 1. absolute community of property
2. If one spouse 2. conjugal partnership
seeks to adopt
his/her own
Note: If ACP or CP is insufficient to cover i. whether the spouse seeking support is
the support of the foregoing persons, the the custodian of a child whose
spouses shall be solidarily liable with their circumstances make it appropriate for
separate properties. that spouse not to seek outside
WHEN RIGHT TO SUPPORT ii. the time necessary to acquire
BETWEEN SPOUSES CEASES sufficient education and training to
After the final judgment granting a petition enable the spouse seeking support to
for: find appropriate employment, and
Annulment; or that spouse’s future earning capacity;
Petition for declaration of nullity of iii. the duration of the marriage;
marriage iv. the comparative financial resources
of the spouses, including their
Note: even when the marriage bond is not comparative earning abilities in the
severed in legal separation, the obligation of labor market;
mutual support likewise ceases upon the v. the needs and obligations of each
finality of a decree of legal separation, spouse;
although the court may, in its discretion, vi. the contribution of each spouse to the
order the guilty spouse to give support to the marriage, including services rendered
innocent one. in home-making, child care,
education, and career building of the
Support Pendente Lite Between Spouses other spouse;
The court shall provide for the support of the vii. the age and health of the spouses;
spouses and their common children in the viii. the physical and emotional conditions
absence of a written agreement between the of the spouses;
spouses during the pendency of action for ix. the ability of the supporting spouse to
annulment, declaration of absolute nullity of give support, taking into account that
marriage, and even an action for legal spouse’s earning capacity, earned and
separation unearned income, assets, and
standard of living; and
Spousal Support x. any other factor the court may deem
In determining support for the spouses, the just and equitable;
court may be guided by the following rules: d. The Family Court may even direct the
a. In the absence of adequate provisions in a deduction of the provisional support from
written agreement between the spouses, the salary of the spouse.
the spouses may be supported from the
properties of the absolute community or Child Support
the conjugal partnership; Common children of spouses – supported by
b. The court may award support to either ACP or CP
spouse in such amount and for such
period of time as the court may deem just Provisional Support from Parents
and reasonable based on their standard of 1. the financial resources of the
living during the marriage; custodial and non-custodial parent
c. The court may likewise consider the and those of the child;
following factors:
2. the physical and emotional health of but it shall not be paid except from the date
the child and his or her special needs of judicial or extra-judicial demand.
and aptitudes;
3. the standard of living the child has MANNER OF PAYMENT
been accustomed to; Payment shall be made within the first five
4. the non-monetary contributions that days of each corresponding month.
the parents will make toward the care
and well-being of the child In case of death of the person entitled to
receive support, his heirs shall not be obliged
ORDER OF LIABILITY OF SUPPORT to return what he has received in advance for
Whenever two or more persons are obliged to such support.
give support, the order of liability of support
is the following: Options to Fulfill the Obligation
1. the spouse; 1. by paying the allowance fixed; or
2. the descendants in the nearest degree; 2. by receiving and maintaining in the
3. the ascendants in the nearest degree; family dwelling the person who has a
and right to receive support (exception:
4. the brothers and sisters. cannot be availed in case there is a
moral or legal obstacle)
Note: when two or more recipients at the
same time claim support from one and the CHARACTERTISTICS OF RIGHT TO
same person legally obliged to give it, should SUPPORT
the latter not have sufficient means to satisfy 1. the right to receive legal support, as
all claims, the order established in Article well as any money or property
199 shall still be followed, unless the obtained as such support, cannot be
concurrent obligees should be the spouse and levied upon on attachment or
a child subject to parental authority, in which execution for to allow attachment or
case the child shall be preferred. execution of the right to sup- port, or
of what is used for support, would
AMOUNT OF SUPPORT defeat the purpose which the law
In proportion to the resources or means of the gives to the recipient against want and
giver and to the necessities of the recipient, misery;
and the same may be reduced or increased 2. the right to receive support cannot be
proportionately, according to the reduction or renounced nor can it be transmitted to
increase of the necessities of the recipient and a third person;
the resources or means of the person obliged 3. future support cannot be the subject
to furnish the same. of a compromise; and
4. compensation may not even be set up
DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF against a creditor who has a claim for
SUPPORT TO BE AWARDED support due by gratuitous title.
In proportion to the resources or means of the
giver and the necessities of the recipient. PAYMENT BY STRANGER OR THIRD
DEMANDABILITY OF PAYMENT Stranger – one who does not have any
From the time the person who has a right to obligation to give support to the person who
receive the same needs it for maintenance, received it. In other words, the giver must not
be one of those enumerated in Articles 195 196 of the Family
and 196 of the Family Code. Code
Reason: In legal separation, the bond of A person should not be allowed to use a
marriage is not severed. surname which otherwise he is not permitted
to employ under the law (Manuel v. Republic,
WIDOW 1 SCRA 836).
A widow can use the surname of the husband
as if he were still living in accordance with Reasons for Change of Name (Republic v.
Art. 370. Tañada, 42 SCRA 419)
1. a ridiculous name, a name tainted
IDENTITY OF NAMES with dishonor, or a name extremely
The younger person shall be obliged to use difficult to write or pronounce;
such additional name or surname as will 2. a change of civil status; and
avoid confusion. 3. a need to avoid confusion