i-SENS: (Company Visit) Effects From Capacity Expansion To Materialize
i-SENS: (Company Visit) Effects From Capacity Expansion To Materialize
i-SENS: (Company Visit) Effects From Capacity Expansion To Materialize
(099190 KQ)
[Company visit] Effects from capacity
expansion to materialize
By customer, revenue from AgaMatrix, Arkray, and Pharmaco increased 16%, 220%, and
71% YoY, respectively.
(Maintain) Buy
Revenue growth to continue into 2014
Target Price (12M, W) 77,000
I-SENS guided 2014 revenue, operating profit, and net profit at W101bn, W21.7bn, and
W18.3bn, respectively.
Share Price (03/21/14, W) 57,100
The company expects top line to rise significantly YoY on the back of well-rounded
Expected Return 35% revenue growth: W3-4bn in incremental revenue from the eurozone, W2-3bn from
Korea, W2-3bn from China, W2-2.5bn from AgaMatrix (which accounts for a significant
portion of US revenue), and W6-8bn from Arkray (which represents the lion’s share of
OP (13, Wbn) 18
Asian revenue).
Consensus OP (13F, Wbn) 18
Wonju plant’s new capacity to come online in 2H
EPS Growth (13, %) 80.5
Market EPS Growth (13F, %) 4.8 Last year, i-SENS’ Wonju plant produced 750mn units (vs. capacity of 800-900mn based
P/E (13, x) 20.7 on a single 10-hour shift). The company commenced capacity expansion efforts for the
Market P/E (13F, x) 12.2 plant in 2013. As the installation of equipment is scheduled for 1H14 and registration
KOSDAQ 546.81 for end-June, the new capacity is expected come online in 2H14. The capacity expansion
is anticipated to push up the Wonju plant’s production capacity to 1.5bn units.
Market Cap (Wbn) 517
Shares Outstanding (mn) 9 Meanwhile, the production capacity of the Songdo International Business District (IBD)
Free Float (%) 72.5 plant stands at 200mn units (based on a single eight-hour shift). The company is also
Foreign Ownership (%) 35.6 considering capacity ramp-up for the Songdo IBD plant, targeting completion in 2015.
Beta (12M) 1.48 We note that the Songdo IBD plant has thus far failed to generate profits (as of end-
52-Week Low 30,550 2013).
52-Week High 58,400
Global outreach efforts to continue through 2014
(%) 1M 6M 12M
Absolute 16.1 63.6 81.3 Currently, i-SENS is awaiting US FDA approval (submitted by Arkray) for products
Relative 12.2 57.7 80.5 manufactured at the Songdo IBD plant. With approval expected in 1Q, i-SENS appears
to have already launched production for items to be supplied to Arkray. Notably, 30% of
190 i-SENS KOSDAQ i-SENS’ 2014 supply to Arkray is projected to be used by the Japan-based firm’s US
subsidiary. Meanwhile, i-SENS (via Arkray) should see its products covered by US
insurance providers starting this year. We project sales to Arkray to be reflected in
110 revenue starting in 2H.
3.13 7.13 11.13 3.14
Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd. FY (Dec.) 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/14F 12/15F
Revenue (Wbn) 38 52 66 83 106 147
[Healthcare] OP (Wbn) 6 9 8 18 25 37
Hyun-tae Kim OP margin (%) 15.8 17.3 12.1 21.7 23.6 25.2
+822-768-3251 NP (Wbn) 6 8 9 18 23 34
hyuntae.kim@dwsec.com EPS (W) 797 984 1,113 2,009 2,573 3,780
ROE (%) 14.5 14.2 13.9 23.2 23.9 27.1
P/E (x) - - - 20.7 22.2 15.1
P/B (x) - - - 4.4 4.7 3.6
Notes: All figures are based on consolidated K-IFRS; NP refers to net profit attributable to controlling interests
Source: Company data, KDB Daewoo Securities Research estimates
Analysts who prepared this report are registered as research analysts in Korea but not in any other jurisdiction, including the U.S.
March 24, 2014 i-SENS
I-SENS is preparing to establish a subsidiary in China, with a local partner providing marketing
assistance. (It will likely take some time for the company to build a unit dedicated to local
marketing.) I-SENS’ standing in the Chinese market seems to be improving, given that it recently
received a partnership offer from a local blood glucose meter firm larger than the company’s
current partner. Over the long term, the estabilishment of a Chinese subsidiary and the forging of
new local partnerships will likely help i-SENS gain market share in China.
Furthermore, it should be noted that the company will begin supplying products to the Finnish
market this year after prevailing in competitive bidding. Unlike the US, the European market is
characterized by diverse and frequent public bidding opportunities. (For products exported to
Europe, i-SENS uses a private label.) The company is already an exclusive supplier to New
Zealand’s Pharmaco and is tapping into Latin America. In fact, i-SENS already supplies its products
to the Peruvian market, and has recently gone through the Brazilian government’s due diligence
I-SENS presented OP margin guidance of 21.5%, lower than the 2013 result. This target was
largely influenced by expectations for unfavorable F/X rates and a lower ASP for products sold to
We believe that the company’s margins will hinge on F/X rates, the growth (and ASP) of sales to
AgaMatrix, cost control effects, and new orders. We anticipate sales to AgaMatrix will remain
robust this year, given the firm’s strong sales to European pharmaceutical firms. Cost burden is
likely to decrease in light of rising utilization at the Songdo IBD factory. We also expect to hear
news of additional overseas orders and fresh partnerships with Chinese firms. Hence, we see the
company’s 2014 guidance as conservative.
We think i-SENS’ current marketing strategy of targeting domestic sales agencies and hospitals is
effective. On the back of the company’s quality and price competitiveness, market share is likely
to continue to grow.
Currently, downward pricing pressures are threatening major global competitors’ market shares.
This trend should enable i-SENS to expand its presence in the global marketplace via its quality
products and price competitiveness. I-SENS rolled out a wireless blood glucose monitor that is
linked with the Samsung S Health app in Korea. Since this app comes preloaded on some
Samsung Galaxy models, the monitor could make its way overseas. In addition, iBGStar, a
monitoring system that can be linked to the iPhone, could be made available in the US. With the
mobile healthcare segment growing, we believe that i-SENS’ products could see increased
connectivity with major global smartphone models, which should boost the company’s market
No Coverage 80,000
Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14
As of the publication date, Daewoo Securities Co., Ltd and/or its affiliates do not have any special interest with the subject company and do not own 1% or
more of the subject company's shares outstanding.
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