Concept of CKD
Concept of CKD
Concept of CKD
CKD or chronic renal failure (GGK) is defined as a condition in which the kidneys
experience slow, progressive, irreversible, and faint (insidious) function in which the
body's ability fails to maintain metabolism, fluid, and electrolyte balance.
Chronic renal failure is a failure of kidney function to maintain metabolism and fluid
and electrolyte balance due to progressive destruction of renal structure with the
manifestation of the accumulation of metabolite (toxic uremic) residues in the blood
(Muttaqin, 2011).
B. Kidney Anatomy and Physiology
1. Macroscopic
The kidney is located at the back of the upper abdomen, behind the peritoneum,
in front of the last two ribs and three large muscles (transverses abdominalis,
lumborum quadratus and psoas major). The kidneys are normally shaped like
peas or beans, the adult kidney is about 12x6x3 cm (adult fist) weighing about
150 grams. The left kidney is generally longer and smaller than the right kidney.
2. Microscopic
The kidneys are composed of 1-25 million nephrons. Nephrons are functional
units of the kidney consisting of glomerolus and renal tubules that function to
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. Nephron has a length of ± 3cm.
a. Renal vascularization
The blood flow to the kidney through the renal artery is directly out of the
abdominal aorta. The renal artery becomes small to the arteriole or afferon
that enters the glomerulus and exits the glomerulus called the afferon.
b. Kidney physiology
Kidney function is to remove toxic substances or toxins, maintain fluid
balance, maintain the balance of acid and alkaline levels of body fluids,
remove other substances in the body, remove the rest of the metabolism of
the end result, protein, ureum, creatinine, and ammonia.
a) Filtration
Urinary formation begins with plasma filtration of the glomerulus, like
other body capillaries, glomerular capillaries are actively imhermeable to
large plasma proteins that are sufficiently permeable with water and
smaller solutions, such as electrolytes, amino acids, glucose and nitrogen
residues. RBF (renal blood flow) is about 25% of cardiac output, about
1200 ml / min.
b) Reabsorption
The substances in the kidney filtration are divided into 3 parts:
electrolytes, non electrolytes, and water. After filtration the second step
is selective reabsorption of these substances and then back again
substances already in filtration.
c) Excretion
The ultimate transport of molecules from the bloodstream through the
tubules into citrate. Many substances secreted act into naturally in the
body such as penicillin. Substances naturally occur in the body including
uric acid and potassium and hydrogen ions.
C. Etiology
The etiology of chronic renal failure is various and complex, such as:
1. Kidney infections (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis)
2. Polycystic kidney disease
3. Renal obstruction (neoplasm), and prostate
4. Neephotoxic (analgesic, kanamycin)
5. Systemic diseases such as (DM, Hypertension, SLE, Gout).
E. Pathophysiology
In the event of kidney failure some nephrons (including glomerulus and
tubules) are suspected intact while others are damaged (whole nephron hypothesis).
Whole nephrons are hypertrophied and produce an increased volume of filtration
with reabsorption even in the case of a decrease in GFR / filter power. This adaptive
method allows the kidneys to function until ¾ of the damaged nephrons. The burden
of the material to be dissolved becomes greater than that which can be reabsorbed by
osmotic diuresis accompanied by polyuri and thirst.
F. Investigations
1. Laboratory:
Ureum / Creatinine, Hemoglobin, blood gas analysis (AGD), CCT, (Na, K, Ca,
P), albumin, blood sugar and triglycerides.
Diagostics such as kidney biopsy
2. Radiology
3. BNO / plain abdominal photo, IVP (intra vena pielografi), ultrasound,
renogram, ECG / heart photo, lung photo and bone photo.
4. ECG
G. Complications
1. Hyperkalemia
Due to decreased excretion of metabolic acidosis, catabolism and excessive diit
2. Pericarditis, perincardial effusion and cardiac temponade.
3. Hypertension
Due to fluid and sodium retention as well as mal function of rennin
angioaldosteron system.
4. Anemia
Due to decreased erythroprotein, age range of red blood cells, bleeding
gasstrointestina due to irritation.
5. Bone disease
Due to phosphate retention of low serum potassium levels of vitamin D
metabolism, abnormal and elevated levels of aluminum.
H. Management
The goal of management in chronic renal failure is to maintain renal function
and homeostasis for as long as possible. All factors that play a role in the occurrence
of chronic renal failure are sought and addressed.
1. Conservative management includes:
Liquid and electrolyte balance settings
a. Detention of potassium and phosphorus may occur GGK rice (orally with
b. Control can be done by reducing potassium intake in the diit.
c. Administration of aluminum hydroxide → binding phosphor
d. Giving laxatives
e. Provision of vitamin D
f. The balance of transfor oxygen
g. Anemia always accompanies CTR → client quickly fatigue and shortness
of breath
Provides comfort, rest and sleep
h. Generally discomfort to CRA includes pruritus, muscle cramps, thirst,
headache, dry skin, stress, emotional, insomnia.
i. Reducing serum phosphate levels with alhydrokside → reducing itching
j. Keeps skin moist
k. Provides anti-itching drugs
2. Dialysis: dialysis / hemodialysis
3. Medicines
Anti-hypertension, iron supplements, phosphate binding agents, calcium
supplements, furosemide (help urinate).
4. Diets low in protein and high in carbohydrates.
5. Blood transfusion.
6. Renal transfusion
I. Pathway
↑kecepatan filtrasi ,
↑beban solute, ↑reabsorbsi
Urine isoosmosis
Uremia ↑
Penumpukan kristal
urea dikulit
↓ eritopoetin di Kelebihan
ginjal volume cairan
SDM ↓ Intoleransi
integritas kulit
Pucat, fatique,
malaise, anemia
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Price, Sylvia A dan Lorraine M Wilson. (1995). Patofisiologi Konsep Klinis Proses-Proses
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Brunner dan Suddart Edisi 8. Jakarta: EGC.