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PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.

0147923 January 26, 2016 1 / 15 

Citation: Avila-Burgos L, Cahuana-Hurtado L, Montañez-Hernandez J, Servan-Mori E, Aracena- Genao B, del Río-Zolezzi A 
(2016) Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning: Are We on the Right Track? Evidence from the Reproductive Health 
Subaccounts in Mexico, 2003–2012. PLoS ONE 11 (1): e0147923. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147923 
Editor: Gerardo Chowell, Georgia State University, UNITED STATES 
Received: April 7, 2015 
Accepted: January 11, 2016 
Published: January 26, 2016 
Copyright: © 2016 Avila-Burgos et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons 
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author 
and source are credited. 
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data necessary to replicate the study findings are within the paper and its Supporting 
Information files. 
Funding: Funding for this study was provided by the National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive Health of the Mexican 
Ministry of Health. The funder had no direct role in the study design or analysis, the decision to publish this work, or the 
preparation and drafting of this manuscript. 

RESEARCH ARTICLE Financing Maternal Health and 

Family Planning: Are We on the Right Track? Evidence 
from the Reproductive Health Subaccounts in Mexico, 
Leticia Avila-Burgos1☯, Lucero Cahuana-Hurtado1☯*, Julio Montañez-Hernandez1☯, Edson Servan-Mori1☯, Belkis 
Aracena-Genao2‡, Aurora del Río-Zolezzi3‡ 
1 Center for Health Systems Research, National Institute of Public Health, Morelos, Mexico, 2 Research Center for Evaluation 
and Surveys, National Institute of Public Health, Morelos, Mexico, 3 National Center for Gender Equity and Reproductive 
Health, Ministry of Health, Mexico City, Mexico 
☯ These authors contributed equally to this work. ‡ These authors also contributed to this work. 4 lucero.cahuana@insp.mx 

To analyze whether the changes observed in the level and distribution of resources for maternal health and family planning 
(MHFP) programs from 2003 to 2012 were consistent with the financial goals of the related policies. 

Materials and Methods 

A longitudinal descriptive analysis of the Mexican Reproductive Health Subaccounts 2003– 2012 was performed by financing 
scheme and health function. Financing schemes included social security, government schemes, household out-of-pocket (OOP) 
payments, and pri- vate insurance plans. Functions were preventive care, including family planning, antenatal and puerperium 
health services, normal and cesarean deliveries, and treatment of compli- cations. Changes in the financial imbalance indicators 
covered by MHFP policy were tracked: (a) public and OOP expenditures as percentages of total MHFP spending; (b) pub- lic 
expenditure per woman of reproductive age (WoRA, 15–49 years) by financing scheme; (c) public expenditure on treating 
complications as a percentage of preventive care; and (d) public expenditure on WoRA at state level. Statistical analyses of trends 
and distributions were performed. 

Public expenditure on government schemes grew by approximately 300%, and the financial imbalance between populations 
covered by social security and government schemes decreased. The financial burden on households declined, particularly among 
households without social security. Expenditure on preventive care grew by 16%, narrowing the 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
Competing Interests: ADZ has the following 
financing gap between treatment of complications and preventive care. Finally, 
public competing interest: ADZ is an officer of the National Center of Gender Equality and Reproductive Health of the Mexican 
Ministry of Health. 
expenditure per WoRA for government schemes nearly doubled at the state level, although considerable disparities persist. 

Changes in the level and distribution of MHFP funding from 2003 to 2012 were consistent with the relevant policy goals. 
However, improving efficiency requires further analysis to ascertain the impact of investments on health outcomes. This, in turn, 
will require better financial data systems as a precondition for improving the monitoring and accountability functions in Mexico. 

In recent decades, countries around the world have identified improving maternal health as a policy objective given 
its critical relevance in the reduction of social inequalities [1,2]. Mexico is no exception: at the beginning of the 21st 
century, its maternal mortality ratio reached 74.1 deaths per 100,000 live births, with an unacceptable inverse 
correlation between the distribu- tion of this indicator and economic development across all 32 states [3,4]. Like 
those in many other countries, Mexico’s policy makers therefore began to formulate more effective MHFP policies. 
In line with its commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Mexican government 
undertook to cut its 1990 maternal mortality ratio by three-quarters by 2015 [2,4]. In 2001, it launched the Arranque 
Parejo en la Vida (Fair Start in Life) program. One of the major challenges encountered by this program in 
improving access to skilled child- birth care and strengthening family planning in those rural areas with the highest 
maternal mortality rates [4,5] was the need to coordinate the efforts of the numerous health institutions that make up 
the fragmented, employment-based and decentralized Mexican healthcare system. 
Prior to the healthcare system reform in 2003, only formal-sector workers and government employees could 
access social security services. Because of supply and budget restraints, those without social security had limited 
access to government services and were forced to purchase healthcare from private providers [6–8]. Out-of-pocket 
(OOP) payments accounted for half of total health expenditure, and nearly 3% of Mexican households reported 
catastrophic health spending [6,9]. Before the reform, the population with social security received twice as much 
money as the population without, and distribution of per capita spending among State Health Services (known as 
SESAs from the initials in Spanish) varied as much as fivefold. [10,11] 
To reduce these gaps and ensure financial protection for the poorest households, the gov- ernment launched the 
System of Social Protection in Health (SSPH) [8,12], as a mechanism for reducing OOP spending by increasing 
public expenditure [8,12,13]. Its core component, the Seguro Popular (SP), is a voluntary public healthcare 
insurance scheme, primarily for those lacking social security (Fig 1). The SP introduced changes in the allocation of 
new resources to SESAs on the basis of capitation payments [8,11,12], thus tying expenditure to potential demand 
(affiliated population), and weakening the traditional dependence on budget allocation. 
MHFP policies were aligned with these wider healthcare reforms in pursuit of the MDGs. Mechanisms were 
established to remove financial barriers and offer women increased access to healthcare, particularly for pregnancy, 
childbirth and family planning [4,5]. One such 
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Fig 1. The Mexican Health System. The Mexican health system is fragmented and labor-based. It includes a public and a private 
sector. The public sector consists of two sub-sectors: (a) social security, which comprises the Mexican Institute for Social 
Security (IMSS); the Institute for Social Security and Services for Civil Servants (ISSSTE); and social security institutions for the 
army, the marines and the national oil company workers (SEDENA, SECMAR and PEMEX). Social security coverage went from 
38.3% in 2000 to 38.9% in 2012; and (b) government schemes (restricted by user fee), which include the Ministry of Health, the 
State Health Services, the Seguro Popular (since 2004); and the IMSS-Oportunidades program. Until 2003, access to providers 
was limited, leaving beneficiary population without the capacity to pay out of this public health sub-system. The Seguro Popular, 
designed to remove this barrier, has opened the access to health services for 38.5% of the Mexican population. (c) the private 
sector, which comprises household out-of-pocket payments and prepaid private insurance. Private providers offer services to 
those with the capacity to pay, including the population with and without social security. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
mechanism was the Embarazo Saludable (Healthy Pregnancy) strategy, introduced in 2008, which allowed pregnant 
women without social security to enroll in Seguro Popular [5]. The Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Maternal 
Mortality [5], launched in 2009, catalyzed the participation of public health institutions in the delivery of emergency 
obstetric care to anyone in need. 
Monitoring all these changes was fundamental to informing policy development and track- ing financial progress 
towards policy commitments. Distribution of health expenditure data solely by general categories, however, did not 
allow for financial analysis of specific health areas such as maternal health and family planning. A set of 
Reproductive Health Subaccounts (RHS) was therefore constructed in line with the Health Accounts System, and 
has been in place since 2004 [14,15]. After a full decade of continual estimates, these subaccounts offer a detailed 
description of national and state-level expenditure on reproductive health by financial scheme, function 
(activity/program) and beneficiary, thus providing national and state-level perspectives on reproductive health 
funding. The aim of this study was to analyze whether the 
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Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
changes observed in the level and distribution of resources for MHFP were consistent with the financial objectives 
of the policies implemented in Mexico from 2003 to 2012. 

Reproductive Health Subaccounts framework 

The RHS in Mexico were designed in line with the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development’s 
System of Health Accounts framework [16] and the World Health Organi- zation’s Guide to Producing 
Reproductive Health Subaccounts [17]. They are thus methodo- logically compatible with the System of National 
Accounts adopted by the United Nations [18]. 
Consumption is the main axis for financial tracking. For MHFP, consumption refers to all transactions 
concerning the provision and final utilization of MHFP healthcare goods and ser- vices within health systems [19]. 
Its analysis considers healthcare functions, namely antenatal, childbirth (vaginal or cesarean) and postpartum 
services; treatment of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as miscarriages; and family planning 
health activities [16]. 
The second analytical dimension is health providers. These are the organizations and actors dealing in healthcare 
goods and services, such as hospitals offering inpatient and outpatient care, as well as ambulatory healthcare 
suppliers. Under the RHS, countries allocate money to their health systems through an array of financial 
arrangements known as health financing schemes [16,17]. These constitute the third analytical dimension. 
Fig 1 illustrates the basic healthcare financing arrangements in Mexico: (a) social security, including the Mexican 
Social Security Institute (IMSS, from its initials in Spanish), and the Institute of Social Security and Services for 
Civil Servants (ISSSTE); (b) government schemes, including spending by the Ministry of Health (MoH), SESAs, 
IMSS-Prospera and SSPH; (c) OOP payments; and (d) private insurance. These financing arrangements target 
specific popu- lations or beneficiaries, representing the fourth analytical dimension of the RHS. MHFP benefi- 
ciaries include all women of reproductive age (WoRA), those aged 15–49 years [17,20]. 

Materials and Methods Sources of information 

Data from the RHS 2003–2012 series were analyzed using RHS matrices designed to break down actual spending by 
public/private and national/sub-national schemes dealing with repro- ductive health functions. 
Public spending estimates considered RHS national and state-level data on Mexican health accounts, budgetary 
information, and services provided by health-related public institutions (e.g., the MoH, SESAs, social security 
organizations and the SSPH) [21]. To identify the volume of MHFP health services provided between 2003 and 
2012, information was analyzed for a total of 44.4 million hospital discharges, 176.2 million hospital inpatient days, 
and 774.9 mil- lion general and specialty visits. 
Private spending estimates drew upon RHS data available only at the national level for pri- vate insurance 
expenditure reported by the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions [22], and OOP expenditure for health 
purposes published biannually by the National Survey on Household Incomes and Expenses [23]. In alternate years 
where surveys were not conducted, OOP spending was estimated on the basis of data from the previous year, 
adjusted for inflation [24]. For OOP expenditure, the RHS distinguish between households with and without social 
security protection by examining whether or not WoRA or the heads of households reported affiliation to a social 
security scheme. Further details on the methodology for calculating public and private spending can be found in 
Avila et al [15, 25]. 
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Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
The number of beneficiaries by financing scheme was determined by applying the coverage percentages 
calculated by the MoH [26] to official population projections [27]. 

Measurement and data analysis 

A longitudinal descriptive analysis was performed on the levels and trends in MHFP expendi- ture in Mexico from 
2003 to 2012. Expenditure was first deflated using the accumulated infla- tion figures published by the National 
Institute of Statistics (INEGI in Spanish) [24]. It was then converted into 2012 international dollars using a 
purchasing power parity rate of 7.99 Mexican pesos per international dollar [28]. 
To track whether changes in MHFP expenditure were aligned with maternal health policy objectives, the 
following financial indicators were employed [5,6,16,17,29]: 
1. Public and OOP spending, as percentages of total MHFP expenditure. Increased public 
expenditure coupled with reduced OOP spending over time was taken to reflect a reduction of financial barriers in 
accessing MHFP services. 
2.  Average  public  expenditure  per  WoRA.  By  using  this  indicator  to  compare  health  financing  schemes,  it  was 
possible  to  assess  whether  the  financial  imbalance  between  populations  with  and  without  social  security  had 
3. Public expenditure on complications as a percentage of expenditure on preventive care. 
This indicator relates to the goal of providing women with greater access to health services for pregnancy, childbirth 
and family planning. Reductions in this indicator reflect greater increases in public expenditure on preventive care 
than on the treatment of complications. Preventive care included antenatal and postpartum care, as well as family 
planning services provided by ambulatory providers. 
4. OOP expenditure on specific MHFP health functions: (a) childbirth (vaginal or cesarean), 
(b) complications of pregnancy or childbirth, (c) antenatal care, and (d) family planning. The disaggregation of these 
indicators by households with and without social security allowed determination of whether OOP spending had 
fallen more in households without social security. 
5. Measurement of the alignment of MHFP expenditure with potential service demand. Spear- man correlations were 
calculated  between  the  logarithms  of  public  expenditure at state level and the number of WoRA by health financing 
scheme for the years 2003 and 2012. 
6. Public MHFP expenditure per WoRA was calculated at the state level. Median values were 
compared using K-sample tests, and reductions in financial imbalances were examined over time by calculating 
maximum/minimum ratios. 
All analyses were performed using Stata 13.1 software [30]. This project was approved by the Research, Ethics 
and Biosecurity Committees of the National Institute of Public Health. 

Public expenditure on MHFP varied over the 10-year period analyzed, ending in 2012 with a total increase of 47% 
versus 2003. By contrast, private spending decreased from 2005; by 2012, it had fallen to approximately one-third of 
the 2003 level. As a percentage of total MHFP expenditure, public spending increased from 45.4% in 2003 to 79.0% 
in 2012 (Fig 2A). 
From 2003 to 2012, public expenditure rose because of a dramatic increase in spending on government schemes. 
By contrast, during the same period, private expenditure declined as a corollary of lower OOP spending. 
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Fig 2. MHFP expenditure by financing scheme, 2003–2012. (A) Total, public and private MHFP expenditure. (B) MHFP 
expenditure by financing scheme. Public expenditure rose over the period analyzed because of a dramatic growth in government 
scheme spending. By contrast, private expenditure fell as a corollary of the drop in OOP spending. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
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Fig 3. Public expenditure on MHFP by financing scheme per WoRA, 2003–2012. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
Overall government expenditure rose markedly (by roughly 317%) for this period. Alloca- tions increased for the 
social security population until 2005, and then fell by approximately 20% over the following year, remaining fairly 
constant for the remainder of the period ana- lyzed. The sharpest drop occurred in OOP expenditure, which fell from 
50.2% of total MHFP expenditure in 2003 to just under 16% in 2012, a drop of 74% (Fig 2B). 
Between 2003 and 2012, national expenditure on social security per WoRA decreased by 13%, but increased 
almost threefold on the other government schemes. As a result, the ratio of the difference in expenditure between 
social security and other government schemes dropped from 3.18 in 2003 to only 1.03 in 2012 (Fig 3). 
During the period analyzed, public expenditure on treatment of complications increased, with 2012 levels 37% 
higher than in 2003 (Fig 4). Public expenditure on preventive care rose between 2003 and 2006, dropped again to a 
low point in 2008–2009, concluding in 2012 with an increase of 62% over 2003 figures. As a result, public 
expenditure on complications dropped from 178.5% of expenditure on preventive care in 2003 to 150.7% in 2012 
(Fig 4). 
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Fig 4. Public MHFP expenditure by health function, 2003–2012. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
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Fig 5. Out-of-pocket expenditure on selected health functions, 2003–2012. (A) Childbirth (vaginal or cesarean) as well as 
pregnancy and childbirth related complication. (B) Antenatal care. (C) Family planning. Across functions, the decrease of OOP 
expenditure in households without social security was greater than that in other households. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
Fig 5 shows OOP expenditure on selected health functions by households with and without social security. For 
households without social security, 2003–2012 saw a steady decrease in OOP spending on childbirth and 
complications, representing an 81% reduction over 2003 expenditure. OOP expenditure in these households also 
decreased by 61% for antenatal care, and 64% for family planning services. Expenditure by households with social 
security on child- birth and complications, and antenatal care continued to fall steadily until 2007. It then began to 
rise, peaking in 2008, and then reducing again, concluding in 2012 with reductions of 71% and 20%, respectively, 
over 2003. OOP expenditure on family planning dropped progressively throughout the period analyzed, reaching a 
total decrease of 73% by 2012. 
Across health functions, except family planning, OOP expenditure for households without social security 
dropped more substantially than for households with social security. 
In 2003, expenditure by government schemes on MHFP at the state level showed a moderate association with the 
potential demand (Spearman’s rho = 0.65; p = 0.00) (Panel 6a). Throughout 
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Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
the 10 years analyzed, this association increased (Spearman’s rho = 0.75; p = 0.00), with average expenditure on 
government schemes rising significantly at the state level (χ2 = 9.9; p = 0.00). 
The financial gap among states narrowed for government schemes, with a maximum/mini- mum ratio of 
103.8/4.1 (25.3) in 2003 versus 288.4/24.3 (11.86) in 2012 (S1 Appendix). There were, however, significantly larger 
disparities between spending levels in different states for the population without social security (Fig 6A and 6B). In 
the social security-funded population, the relationship between expenditure and potential demand remained stable 
(Fig 6C and 6D). 
The government schemes tightened the alignment between expenditure and potential demand during the period 
from 2003 to 2012. However, a high degree of variability persists among states. 

This past decade, Mexico has witnessed a significant transformation in the level and distribu- tion of MHFP 
expenditure. These changes flowed directly from the policies implemented between 2003 and 2015, designed to 
address the fifth MDG and improve access to MHFP ser- vices alongside major health system reforms. Policies were 
focused mainly on women without access to social security, and designed to provide financial protection for the 
poorest house- holds. Our results show that the changes in expenditure were consistent with the financial objectives 
of the MHFP policies, although not all of these objectives have been met. 
Overall, from 2008 onward, public spending on the population without social security increased continually, with 
a consequent drop in OOP expenditures. These changes proved even more pronounced than those reported for total 
health expenditure in Mexico [21], due to the existence of synergistic effects following the introduction of the SSPH 
and the Embarazo Saludable strategy. Our findings concur with those of other studies suggesting that the SSPH has 
boosted both the enrollment of pregnant women in the SP and the use of publicly-funded MHFP services [31,32]. 
The results of this study also demonstrate that, between 2003 and 2012, social security expenditure on MHFP 
activities decreased by 10%, despite a 38% growth in the total budget for the social security scheme [21]. This can 
be explained by the 9% reduction that occurred during the period analyzed in the number of hospital inpatient days 
related to childbirth (vaginal and cesarean), and to the treatment of complications during pregnancy and childbirth 
[33]. Future studies will be required to determine the effects of these changes on the quality of the services 
The combination of more spending by government schemes and less by social security clearly accounts for the 
increased financial parity between the two. However, spending levels vary widely among SESAs. This is partly due 
to the persistence of traditional budgeting prac- tices accounting for 64% of total health expenditure. This may end 
up countering the effects of the newly introduced SSPH allocation mechanisms, which have enabled government 
schemes to improve their alignment of fresh resources with potential demand. Purchasing decisions concerning 
goods and services also vary a great deal among the public financing schemes. While these decisions are taken at the 
federal level for social security, they are made at the state level for government schemes. In the case of SP, problems 
in accountability between state and federal government have been reported [34–36]. Future studies should analyze 
whether changes in financial allocation criteria improve resource administration and efficiency. 
The results also show that households without social security experienced greater reductions in OOP expenditure 
than their counterparts. This is particularly true for childbirth services. It can therefore be assumed that expanded 
coverage of such services at the institutional level con- tributes to the financial protection of these households. 
Various studies have pointed out the 
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Fig 6. Public expenditure by state according to financing scheme and number of WoRA (logarithms), 2003 and 2012. (A) 
Government schemes, 2003. (B) Government schemes, 2012. (C) Social security, 2003. (D) Social security, 2012. Although 
government schemes improved the alignment of expenditure with potential demand from 2003–2012, a high degree of variability 
persists among states. 
Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
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Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
central role of SP in increasing the use of public hospital services [37,38], especially for child- birth [32], and in 
enhancing the financial protection for households using services from the MoH [39,40]. 
The shift in public spending towards prevention rather than treatment of pregnancy and childbirth complications 
reflects the government’s efforts to improve MHFP service coverage [32,41,42]. The apparently contradictory rise in 
public spending on complications can be explained by recent decisions to increase the number of SP affiliates and 
the launch of the Comprehensive Strategy for Reducing Maternal Mortality. 
While many important improvements have been made in MHFP funding, various studies in Mexico have pointed 
out that the increase in institutionalized childbirth services does not appear to be linked to an adequate reduction in 
either maternal mortality or qualified obstetric care [32]. Research has also shown that gaps in the delivery of 
effective pregnancy and child- birth services persist in some states, particularly for vulnerable populations [42]. The 
need to improve coverage for these services and enhance availability of contraception is clear [41–43]. Achieving 
better maternal health outcomes requires not only increases in public spending on services, but also effective 
targeting to ensure the adoption of preventive actions in family plan- ning and antenatal care. Pregnancy and 
childbirth services also need improvement. 
The RHS are designed to collect the best and most complete financial data on reproductive health. They have 
their limitations, however, especially their sources of information. Analyzing household expenditure on family 
planning relies on a biannual household survey centered only on the purchase of family planning methods. We 
incorporated data from other sources, partic- ularly the National Reproductive Health Survey, to complete this 
information. Financial data, particularly on government schemes, are not standardized, mainly because of the newly 
installed SSPH, but also as a result of delays and possible misreporting at the state level. This could cause errors in 
the assessment and comparability of public funding information. Seeking to reduce possible bias, we interviewed 
financial officers in each institution, and collected addi- tional data to improve the quality of analysis. 
The financial changes resulting from the policies implemented between 2003 and 2012 sug- gest that Mexico is 
on the right track. It is imperative, however, to reflect on the internal and external factors influencing resource 
allocation and expenditure efficiency (i.e. SESA mecha- nisms for purchasing and decision-making, political 
changes and economic policies), while also considering the need to modify such factors in the short and medium 
term to improve state-level performance. More in-depth analysis is required to determine the association between 
state-level MHFP expenditure and effective coverage of services, and to identify opportunities for improvement in 
maternal health policies. 

The establishment and continuous development of RHS in Mexico over the past 10 years have made it possible to 
demonstrate their usefulness in charting the financial panorama of repro- ductive health at the national level. RHS 
have also contributed to clarifying the financial conse- quences of policies. As policies are developed to take the 
MDGs beyond 2015 [44], the RHS are useful in examining the resource flows related to these goals. The 
Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health [45] has recommended analysis 
of resource flows as the first step towards measuring the financial impact of MHFP policies. The second step is to 
analyze the achievements in health outcomes and contrast them with invest- ments [46]. This requires a commitment 
from governments to strengthening their health accounting systems and creating new instruments to measure 
outcomes and better understand the consequences of policies on their target populations. 
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Financing Maternal Health and Family Planning in Mexico 
The global forums currently defining the Sustainable Development Goals and Post-2015 Development Agenda 
[47] have stipulated that actions to improve the health of women and families must play a central role in public 
policy. Within this context, tracking of resources in healthcare should be a means to assess accountability and a 
fundamental tool for evidence- based decision-making and resource allocation. 

Supporting Information 
S1 Appendix. Maternal health and family planning expenditure per woman of reproductive age in Mexico, 
2003–2012, by state and financial scheme. 2012 PPP USD. (DOCX) 

The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Mexican Social Security Institute, the Institute of Social 
Security and Services for Civil Servants, the IMSS-Oportunidades program, and the Ministry of Health for granting 
access to financial data as well as hospital inpatient and outpatient databases. 

Author Contributions 
Conceived  and  designed  the  experiments:  LAB  LCH.  Performed  the  experiments:  LAB  LCH  JMH.  Analyzed  the 
data: LAB LCH JMH ESM. Wrote the paper: LAB LCH JMH ESM BAG ADZ. 

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