Laboratory Exercise No. 2: Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sampling, Labeling and Storage
Laboratory Exercise No. 2: Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sampling, Labeling and Storage
Laboratory Exercise No. 2: Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sampling, Labeling and Storage
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Alex P. Tajora
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
To have the knowledge on disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling, labeling and storage.
To be able to understand the concepts behind disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling,
labeling and storage.
Hammer Cylindrical Can
Spade Block Wood
Cotton Cloth Zip lock
Knife Rubber Band
1. Clear the area of grass and vegetation where the sample is to obtained.
2. With the use of soil auger, the soil is bored until desired depths is reached and obtain a
disturbed/undisturbed sample.
3. Record the depth of each type of soil strata.
4. If an undisturbed sample is to be obtained a large hole should dug but the middle portion of
the hole is not taken out.
5. Trim the middle portion of the soil until exact size is obtained. Make sure that the sides are
enclosed in a container to prevent crumbling.
6. Place a cover of paraffin wax or other means of covering on the sample. Classify and label
the sample.
7. Place the soil in a container with adequate space such as canvas bags, cans and bins for large
quantities and glass jars for small samples.
8. Place a label on sample and prepare the corresponding sample data for filing purposes.
9. For disturbed sample, cover sample with petrowax or paraffin after it has been placed in a
10. Store sample in a cool room.
11. Plot the soil profile based on the record of each group.
A soil sample is the representative of the whole lot from which it is taken. When the natural
conditions of a sample such as its structure, texture, density, natural water contents or the stress
conditions are disturbed then the sample is called as disturbed soil sample. By using spade, hammer,
cotton cloth, rubber band, wooden block, cylindrical can and knife.
Without disturbing the natural conditions of a soil sample such as its structure, texture,
density, natural water contents or the stress condition the sample obtained is called undisturbed soil
sample. This type of soil sample cannot be recovered and it retains the original properties of the soil
mass as much as possible.
Soil No.1
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.2
(Old Dormitory)
Soil No.3
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.4
(New Dormitory)
Soil Profile:
I conclude that this activity enables the student to understand the concepts of sampling. This
laboratory exercise helps us to analyze and to know the engineering properties of the soil; it helps us
to understand the concepts of sampling.
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Arvin N. Quintero
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
To have the knowledge on disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling, labeling and storage.
To be able to understand the concepts behind disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling,
labeling and storage.
Hammer Cylindrical Can
Spade Block Wood
Cotton Cloth Zip lock
Knife Rubber Band
1. Clear the area of grass and vegetation where the sample is to obtained.
2. With the use of soil auger, the soil is bored until desired depths is reached and obtain a
disturbed/undisturbed sample.
3. Record the depth of each type of soil strata.
4. If an undisturbed sample is to be obtained a large hole should dug but the middle portion of
the hole is not taken out.
5. Trim the middle portion of the soil until exact size is obtained. Make sure that the sides are
enclosed in a container to prevent crumbling.
6. Place a cover of paraffin wax or other means of covering on the sample. Classify and label
the sample.
7. Place the soil in a container with adequate space such as canvas bags, cans and bins for large
quantities and glass jars for small samples.
8. Place a label on sample and prepare the corresponding sample data for filing purposes.
9. For disturbed sample, cover sample with petrowax or paraffin after it has been placed in a
10. Store sample in a cool room.
11. Plot the soil profile based on the record of each group.
A soil sample is the representative of the whole lot from which it is taken. When the natural
conditions of a sample such as its structure, texture, density, natural water contents or the stress
conditions are disturbed then the sample is called as disturbed soil sample. By using spade, hammer,
cotton cloth, rubber band, wooden block, cylindrical can and knife.
Without disturbing the natural conditions of a soil sample such as its structure, texture,
density, natural water contents or the stress condition the sample obtained is called undisturbed soil
sample. This type of soil sample cannot be recovered and it retains the original properties of the soil
mass as much as possible.
Soil No.1
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.2
(Old Dormitory)
Soil No.3
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.4
(New Dormitory)
Soil Profile:
In this laboratory exercise entitled Disturbed and Undisturbed Soil Sampling, Labeling and
Storage, I conclude that it is important to examine first the soil so that you can select the best
material suited on that specific structure.
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Angelie V. Remedios
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Leyte State University
Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
To have the knowledge on disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling, labeling and storage.
To be able to understand the concepts behind disturbed and undisturbed soil sampling,
labeling and storage.
Hammer Cylindrical Can
Spade Block Wood
Cotton Cloth Zip lock
Knife Rubber Band
1. Clear the area of grass and vegetation where the sample is to obtained.
2. With the use of soil auger, the soil is bored until desired depths is reached and obtain a
disturbed/undisturbed sample.
3. Record the depth of each type of soil strata.
4. If an undisturbed sample is to be obtained a large hole should dug but the middle portion of
the hole is not taken out.
5. Trim the middle portion of the soil until exact size is obtained. Make sure that the sides are
enclosed in a container to prevent crumbling.
6. Place a cover of paraffin wax or other means of covering on the sample. Classify and label
the sample.
7. Place the soil in a container with adequate space such as canvas bags, cans and bins for large
quantities and glass jars for small samples.
8. Place a label on sample and prepare the corresponding sample data for filing purposes.
9. For disturbed sample, cover sample with petrowax or paraffin after it has been placed in a
10. Store sample in a cool room.
11. Plot the soil profile based on the record of each group.
A soil sample is the representative of the whole lot from which it is taken. When the natural
conditions of a sample such as its structure, texture, density, natural water contents or the stress
conditions are disturbed then the sample is called as disturbed soil sample. By using spade, hammer,
cotton cloth, rubber band, wooden block, cylindrical can and knife.
Without disturbing the natural conditions of a soil sample such as its structure, texture,
density, natural water contents or the stress condition the sample obtained is called undisturbed soil
sample. This type of soil sample cannot be recovered and it retains the original properties of the soil
mass as much as possible.
Soil No.1
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.2
(Old Dormitory)
Soil No.3
(Food Technology Building)
Soil No.4
(New Dormitory)
Soil Profile:
Overall, this laboratory exercise helps us to know the basic principles of the soil sampling.
This laboratory exercise enables the student to have knowledge regarding on disturbed and
undisturbed soil sampling that are related in the field of Civil Engineering.