Masurarea Geometriei Caii UNGUR
Masurarea Geometriei Caii UNGUR
Masurarea Geometriei Caii UNGUR
MSc. Civil Engineer
Unversity of Pécs
„Pollack Mihály” Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Department of Infrastructure and Geoinformatics of Engineering
Pécs, Hungary
The railtrack measurement and setting applicability during the presentation of case study. The
prevalent measurement methods are presented. For the correct comparison we measured a test railway
section with various methods and repeated this measuremets several times. I introduce the survey
results and conclusions for perfect selection the applicable railway track measurement and setting
About 200 years, the Earth's railway network of about 1.2 million km from the increased
adhesion railway history. This sizeable railway network is approximately 99% of the ballasted
superstructure that must be regulated in order to travel on a regular basis to maintain traffic safety and
convenience. Required for the preparation of the track control s existing track geometry condition
prior to this study and to determine the necessary corrections. During the two centuries of existence in
order to train measurement activities required to meet a large amount of tracks and alternate regulatory
requirement to simplify the various stake-survey methods, calculation methods and measuring devices
- collectively referred to as alignment methods - has been applied. Some of these are widely used
today. A variety of methods are based on a scientific basis, but there are also methods which lack any
professional basis. Alignments of the quality of the geometric model, gauge and depends on the
technology used in addition to other established habits, and incorrectly interpreted the rules as well. In
addition, a common reason for survey deficiencies, lack of demand as well.
Hereinafter, measurement methods tested basic functionality, which is an experimental section,
the same measuring points, repeated several times, each method detailed surveys performed.
The railway superstructure construction and track maintenance activities most frequently -
essentially exclusively - used measurement methods, which are described in more detail in the
interests of comparability:
- GPS / GNSS satellite global position determination system
- Polar measurements with electronic total station
- Measurement based on a short string (angle image process)
- A long string (long chord) measurements
2.1. GPS / GNSS satellite global position determination system
The GPS (Global Positioning System) around the earth orbit satellites defines geostatainary
ground position coordinates. The positioning is based on the measurement of time based on certain
satellites broadcast information, which can be calculated distance from the measuring point. Wrote
spheres around each satellite, thus "point of intersection" coordinate calculation determined.
Figure 1
The GPS (Global Positioning System) measurement principle
The use of GPS systems these days is simple, fast and convenient, so prevalent. Definition of
coordinates based on the geometric model of resection. The practice is used to define EOV coordinates
to undergo multiple transformation, which carries some of the inaccuracies in projection systems,
which can be 1 cm up to 200 and also in Hungary. The transformation error is generally less than 5
cm. The reliability of the measurement significantly affected by the weather. Heavily overcast weather
is useless. In many cases, the topography restrict their use. Undercut is not one of the most accurate
methods include even when using ground control points. The undercut the more error in the GPS
satellites at the same time trying to reduce participation. Since in this case the measured coordinate
accuracy is improved only on a statistical basis, its reliability can not be guaranteed.
Each GPS / GNSS receivers to determine the relative co-ordinates is capable of 5-25 mm, which
is a function of the distance from the base may be a multiple, depending on the measurement mode.
The GPS / GNSS receivers absolute accuracy of 0.5 to 2.0 meters. The GPS / GNSS measurement
accuracy in static mode for the best, but at one point measurement can take up to 30 minutes.
Considering that the GPS / GNSS receivers in the optimal case, the relative accuracy is better
than 1 to 2 cm, so the GPS track maintenance (track and torout tamping) measurements unsuitable.
The application of this field does not require a separate investigation. However, the GPS system is
great for basic point - to thicken, hosszúhúrok determine the end point, and a detailed survey of the
modernization plan and the records required.
The polar system is based on a given point (position) angle and distance measurements. The
polar measurements can be calculated in the X, Y and Z coordinates determined. The polar
measurement has long been known. Since the emergence of large-scale geodetic instruments technical
progress - theodolite / tape measure, tachymetres, applique, telemetry, digital theodolite, electronic
total station - fell through. During this development, the geometric model and the measurement
principle has not changed, only the gauges. The technical development faster and more comfortable
use of the polar system, however, the measurement errors - with the exception of the electronic
readings - essentially not reduced, not eliminated.
The polar system is a versatile and flexible measurement mode, a wide range of uses. The
measurement can not be more than an electronic total station (Leica, Trimble, Topcon, etc) and at least
one prism. The reflector or reflector mounted on a tripod is used.
The measurements of the railway track placed special prizm stand can be used. We also used
this fixture since 1989.
Figure 2
The principle of measurement polar
In order to increase the market for large geodetic instrument manufacturers railway track
measuring system based on their own total station developed. Such is the Leica's Amberg and
Trimble's Gedo dubbed tool. In the usual facilities polar systems differ only in that the rail
measurements made special prizma stand, which shunted the track, and the track distance measuring
point is measured and cant; Furthermore, the measuring stations were installed and a badge program.
The principle of the measurement system, the reliability of the in no way different from the traditional
polar measurements. This can refer to both the manufacturer Amberg, Gedo and the manufacturers
data sheet.
The fault lies with many polar measurements: the point position error, the pointing error, a range
error, the angle measurement error, the instrument regulation errors, ambient temperature, visibility,
All in all - under special circumstances - the polar measurement accuracy within a few mm, but
to a significantly lose efficiency. The precision measurements are costly, time-consuming. Effective
tools used in the work, it is impossible to achieve a sufficient level of driving performance relative
accuracy of the measurements well below 10 mm. Elevation data in respect of the value is even worse.
The polar system reliability - rather controversially - the electronic total stations spread
gradually deteriorated. This was indirectly the cause of the electronics, ie, electronics gave blind
people the confidence. The fact that the calculated coordinates of the measuring station mm or tenth of
a millimeter prints to the screen, even so the measurement will not be accurate. The results of the
measurement errors previously listed under the same conditions from which the engineer, surveyor
tend to forget.
The polar measurement is ideal for field surveys, basic point-and-determination, concentration
and during the construction of the track laying for tracking. Track and alternate control preparation is
not recommended.
The short string measurement developed by the Nalenz, Schramm and Höfer angle image
process as the application of mathematical models to determine the geometric position of the railway
track. The angle-picture method naturalized in Hungary by Nemesdy-Nemcsek József and Nemesdy
Ervin, with the aim to lower class and speed (up to 60-80 km/h!) railway lines produce the costly and
time-and labor-intensive engineering work.
Figure 3
The principle of measuring short string
The method is theoretically justified angle image geometry model. The measurement and
calculation is simple, so in case of such lines require less skilled in track geometry track foreman or
master may apply. This advantage became a disadvantage later. The string method was short and high-
speed lines are almost exclusively used for decades applied continuously at full scale. Also contributed
to this misconception is that the short string method because it is based on measurement, is considered
error terminating procedure. The reality is that the ability to practice error terminating worse than the
track control equipment to reduce error mode. Plasser & Theurer since the 07 and 08 series machines
control the appearance of the application of the short-string method is pointless and unnecessary.
The measurement is that, depending on the radius - on curves with a radius of less than 5 m, R =
300 m over a 10 meter radius - the pitch evenly mark detail and twice the distance point-to-right-
length string, the string is measured in the middle of the height-of-segment. This section is carried out
in every detail. In this method, the semi-chord length strings are embracing each other, hence the name
string method is embracing.
The method is theoretically justified, but the measurement is influenced by several factors: the
húrmérés accurate, way of chord tension, the lowest edge of the reading errors, etc. In practice, each
heights-of-segment 3-5 mm can be measured accurately, which results in significant accumulation of
erros due to the relative measurement. The measurement points are taken too infrequently in order to
track the geometric position can be accurately determined.
Applying, in the case of tracks over 90-100 km / h and could be very harmful also unnecessary
since the automatic control equipment. Often worse after the control of the track geometry position
than before.
A long string method has been used since the existence of the railway. The principle of
measurement is based on a long string of straight-setting, leveling, etc.
Figure 4
The principle of measuring long string
The measurement is very accurate, within relative accuracy of the string depends on the
measuring device used in the long string (50 up to 500 m). In case of optical measuring a function of
distance error between 0.5 to 2 mm, the laser (electronic detection) measuring you can work up to 0.1
mm failure. The distance between points in any detail, unbound. In the practice 2.4 to 3.0 m is used.
On the chord is more measurement points.
The string length is significantly greater than the short string method. The increased chord
improve the reliability of the method, the definition of endpoint chord length and 75 m to 120 km / h is
sufficient to perform 73 mm precision. In practice, this greater accuracy is reached.
The GPS coordinates of place string-endpoints / GNSS or polar measurement (traverse) as well.
A long string system lends itself to automation, develop proper track geometry capable. The
calculations are exact (not approximate) mathematical model is used.
The individual height-setting procedures, check the leveling, which is also based on a long
string of the same measurement principle. The measurement is that from a given chord (aim line),
perpendicular to the distance measured. Since hosszúhúr itself is extremely high degree of accuracy,
essentially the húrmérés reading accuracy is the one that affects the reliability of the final result.
Aptitude test for all methods of raising some of the same points in a pilot phase, each of the
track geometry measurement methods in all directions, both with regard to level repeatedly measured.
Figure 5
The location: Nr. 64 Pécs-Bátaszék railway line (Pécs, Mohácsi str.)
Measurements were almost laboratory conditions. The weather was favorable and essentially
constant. The seeing conditions are excellent. During the measurement process the negative impact of
human factors successfully minimized: neither requests nor any attention to the traffic were not
affected. The selection of assets in order to keep certain methods of measurement "equality of
opportunity" in mind the most recent mid-range measurement tools used.
During the investigation it was necessary to choose a reference system to which the rest of the
measurement process can be compared. The reference system is the selection of two factors played a
One aspect: several sets of measurements are compared. The measurement method, which has
the smallest difference between the test sequences, the greater the reliability.
In another aspect of leveling - as one long string tests - reliability is generally accepted as the
elevation measurements of relating elevation data covered the leveling occurred.
During measurements, the differences between all three measurement principle repeated
measurements were calculated. This is done by simple subtraction, that trick is not in any calculation.
The differences were plotted in Figure 6: red: long string, green: polar, blue: short string method.
Figure 6
The differences between the individual z mérésimétlések
The difference between the measurement repetition - as expected - the long string was the
smallest measurement, the entire length of the line segment below the 0.5 to 1.0 mm. This is
essentially the error of reading the string-measurement a difference between the long string series of
measurements is negligible. In the 5-10 mm deviation of the measurements significantly vary between
the polar measurements, the differences (measurement error) random. Measurement error of the short
string is the largest, but less random.
The measurements were performed on a polar Leica TC705 total station. In order to reduce the
measurement error of the track geometry can be placed across the track prism stand (Figure 7) was
Figure 7
Track prism stand
Studied in the polar measurement is the fact that the reliability of the determination of the
coordinates depends on the extent to which the measured angle and distance measurements of fault.
Therefore, the line segment is weighed two instrument position, shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
Examination of the two polar measurement instrument position
The instrument first job was in the middle of the line segment. This track axis primarily to
examine a range error occurred at higher angles to measurements. The instrument is significantly
eliminated in the second job telemetry errors. In this manner, a small angle to the track axis
measurements examined the angular measurement errors. The measurement results were in line with
expectations. The instrument first job was in the number 48 and 50 points. Figure 9 is visible around
the instrument positions the larger measurement error.
Figure 9
Measurement error of the polar - the differences between each measurement
Large standard deviation, the relative errors are random between each measurement. Due to the
magnitude and distribution of track maintenance errors stake out the polar measurement is not
recommended. The errors of 5-10 mm scale up to 120 km/h approx. Detailed assessment of 50 points
per meter used. This corresponds to the construction and laying alignments, or necessary for the
modernization plan for detail surveys point distance. In the case of 10 meters to pressurize the detail
points up to 60 km/h speed track possible.
A short 5-m-string measurement points in detail, both rail beam was performed. The devices are
offering 0.6 mm fishing line. The metal measuring tape to measure curve-height happened.
Figure 10
Measurement error of the short-string - the differences between each measurement
A brief survey stringed absolute error is very large. The test 100-m stretch of the absolute error
of 25 mm is reached. The neighbor, relative curve-height measurements can vary widely. The relative
error measurement most of the order of 10-15 mm.
As previously indicated, the measurement studies have shown that the theory is supported by
angle image method in practice due to the significant measurement errors essentially inapplicable.
Examination of the long-string system has taken place at the reference system selection (3.2).
Figure 11
The leveling as long strings optical measurement
During the test, optical húrmérést used, used measurements of polar Leica TC705 total station
was used for that purpose. The stiring-measurement perpendicular reading leveling rod reading with
string-optical measurement. This measurement error of the same order of magnitude as the
compensator optical levels. The test results also confirm this. Absolute difference between the
repeated measurings under 0.5-1.0 mm between adjacent points relative error is even smaller.
In the experiment shown, the principle that each individual measurement methods, technical
data sheets and the knowledge of the possible sources of error issued by the manufacturer of the
instrument with due care and expert knowledge can be inferred. The measurements essentially
confirmed this.
The 90 to 100 km/h higher speed railways tracks and alternate regulation of geometric
preparation is the only reliable method for the long string method. This also applies to the last
(warranty) to regulate the construction and modernization works well. The endpoints of long string
determine both the GPS/GNSS receivers and electronic total station made for traverse. Dynamics
permissible error of the string endpoints is greater than that determined by these means.
An electronic total station measurements can be carried out in a polar area of the track and
alternate control preparation. The polar measurement reliability makes it suitable for the determination
of long string endpoints, construction, inventory surveys, land-surveying.
The short string measurement method is a completely forgettable. What used to be or
inappropriate or unnecessary. The technical progress have become unnecessary.