Design of X-Band Micro Strip Line / Strip Line Filter: Y. Murali Mohan Babu, P.A.Harshavardhini, G.C.Narasimhulu
Design of X-Band Micro Strip Line / Strip Line Filter: Y. Murali Mohan Babu, P.A.Harshavardhini, G.C.Narasimhulu
Design of X-Band Micro Strip Line / Strip Line Filter: Y. Murali Mohan Babu, P.A.Harshavardhini, G.C.Narasimhulu
Dept. of ECE, VMT W, Hyderabad, AP, India
Kadapa, AP, India
the loss in local oscillator path.
The designed physical parameters such as length, width and
spacing are used to make layout as per required mechanical
housing. This means the input connector position and the
output connector positions shall be taken care in layout. The
-90 ACAD layout is as shown in the Fig.5.
9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200
Fig. 1: Comparison of Return loss and Insertion loss of 9-section Stripline Filter at 9.8GHz BW=200 MHz,
Microstrip line filter. Er=3.38, 20mil X 4
0 40
-10 35
-20 30
-30 25
-40 20
-50 15
-60 10
-70 5
-80 0
9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200
A. Test Instrument
HP 8757XC Scalar Network Analyser can cover a frequency
-60 range 10 MHz to 20 GHz and these instruments can perform the
frequency response following measurements on any microwave
9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200 component.
Insertion Loss measurement
-40 20
-50 15
-60 10
and transmitting the remaining signal. If the DUT is passive,
-70 5 some of the transmitted signal will be absorbed, indicating a
-80 0 lossy device. If the DUT is active, the transmitted signal may
9400 9500 9600 9700 9800 9900 10000 10100 10200
MHz be amplified, indicating the device has gain. Fig.6 shows how
Insertion Loss VSWR
a device under test responds to an RF source stimulus.
Fig. 4: Comparison of VSWR and Insertion loss of 9-section
Strip line filter. C. Test Procedure
The Insertion Loss, VSWR and rejections at specified frequencies
When compared with micro strip line 9–section filter (Quasi- are
TEM), this is a strip line filter (TEM) and we can expect reduction Specifications
in insertion Loss. Change from micro strip line to strip line Insertion Loss : 2.5dB (max)
using same Er=3.38, 20mil leads to improve in insertion loss VSWR at both the ports : 2:1
and same order of performance is expected in return loss and Rejection @ 9473MHz : 50dB (min)
rejections. So a 9 - Section strip line filter is fabricated using @ 10127M : 50dB (min)
Er=3.38, B=20mil four substrates. The simulated insertion loss
is -8Db and it is more than the customer specification.We can Arrange the test setup as shown in Fig. 5.3 and set according
see the comparisons between some properties from Fig.1 to 4. to it. Measure the insertion loss, Insertion loss variation over
This is due to the loss tangent of the substrate (0.002) and it is band width, rejections at required frequencies and VSWR at
port1 and port2 from the setup and record the readings in VIII. DESIGN OUTCOME AS PER EESOF SOFTWARE
test data sheet.
A. Electrical
D. Simplified Network Analyser block diagram 9 section Strip line Filter using Er=3.38 B=80mil (4 X
The forward transmitted signal (Routed to the input B) and the 20mils)
reflected signal (Input A) are measured by comparison to the Frequency Band : 9.7 to 9.9 GHz
incidence signal. The reverse transmitted signal (Routed to Insertion loss : 8.5 dB (max)
input A) and the reflected signal (input B) are also measured Rejection @ 9473MHz : 61dB (min)
by comparison to the incident signal. The analyser couples @ 10127MHz : 61dB (min)
off a small portion of the incident signal to use as a reference VSWR at all port : 1.1:1
signal (routed to input R). Sweeping the source frequencies, the
analyser measures and displays the response of the DUT. B. Mechanical (Using Auto CAD )
L x W for PCB : 50.8x25.4 mm
Simplified Block Diagram
IX. Performance Achieved
Source Incident
A. Electrical
Frequency Band : 9.7 to 9.9 GHz
Insertion loss : 8.7 dB
Rejection @ 9473MHz : 49dB (min)
@ 10127MHz : 49dB (min)
VSWR at all port : 2.2:1
Port 1 Port 2
B. Mechanical
Forward Transmission L x W for PCB : 50.8x25.4mm
Reverse Transmission
The testing is done by giving the input signal power at port 1 and
measure the power at port1 and port2. These measurements
Fig. 6: Simplified Network Analyser block diagram give S11, S21 respectively. If the power is fed at port2 and
measure at port2 and port1, the measurements give S22, S12
E. Instrument Setting respectively. For ideal symmetrical filter the S11 and S22 are
Network Analyzer: the same and S21 and S12 are the same.
Start frequency : 9.4 GHz
Stop Frequency : 10.2 GHz The testing results obtained by giving the input at port1 are
Power Level : 16 dBm shown in table 6.1. It gives the worst VSWR value as 2.2 over the
Measurement 1 settings band 9700MHz to 9900MHz. The maximum value of insertion
Parameter : Insertion Loss (S21) loss over the same pass band is 8.7dB. Compared with this
Scale : 10dB/Div 8.7dB insertion loss, the rejection at 9473MHz or 10127MHZ
Ref Level : 0 dB is more than 49dB.And with reference with centre frequency
Measurement 2 settings insertion loss (3.9dB) it is 54dB.
Parameter : VSWR (S11)
Scale : 1 /Div The testing results obtained by giving the input at port2 are
Ref Level : 1 SWR shown in table 6.2. It gives the worst VSWR as 1.69 in the same
band. The maximum value of insertion loss is almost same as
VII. SPECIFICATIONS AS PER THE CUSTOMER the above. The rejections are also the similar. The comparison
REQUIREMENT between input VSWR (S11) and output VSWR (S22) over the
pass band is shown in table6.3.
A. Electrical
Frequency Band : 9700 to 9900 MHz Table 1 : Markers (cursors) of Fig.6.1 and its VSWR and Insertion
Insertion Loss : 2.5dB (max) loss values
Due to non-availability of low loss substrate (Er=2.2, 20mil), it Frequency Channel-1 (v) Channel-2 (dB)
is decided to use Er=3.38, 20mil with loss tangent of 0.002, 1 9.474ghz 20.484 -57.944
which shall give insertion loss of 8.5dB approximately. This
2 9.7000ghz 2.212 -8.317
specification is changed to 8.5dB and a compensating amplifier
shall be used in Local oscillator. 3 9.7520ghz 1.475 -4.807
Rejection @ 9473MHz : 50dB (min) 4 9.8000ghz 1.428 -3.939
@ 10127MHz : 50dB (min) 5 9.8520ghz 1.544 -4.692
Input/Output VSWR : 2:1 6 9.9000ghz 1.809 -8.768
Connectors : SMA (f) 7 10.128ghz 13.121 -57.120
B. Mechanical Note: Channel 1 and channel 2 are used to measure S11 and
L x W x H (max) :50 x 40 x 20 mm S21 respectively
Table 2: Markers (cursors) of Fig.6.2 and its VSWR and insertion shall give better results.
loss values
Frequency Channel-1 (v) Channel-2 (dB) XI. Future Scope
1 9.4740ghz 18.62 -58.57 The insertion loss of this filter can be decreased by using low loss
tangent substrate. This type of filters can be used in frequency
2 9.7000ghz 1.33 -8.208
synthesizers to get multiple signals from a common source such
3 9.7520ghz 1.683 -4.659 as OCXO where phase coherency can be maintained.
4 9.8000ghz 1.697 -3.934 Similar filters with same design concept can be used in
5 9.8520ghz 1.404 -4.692 microwave communication and Radar bands such as
6 9.9000ghz 1.239 -8.768 Radar Band: 1.2-1.4GHz, 2.7-2.9GHz, 17-17.5 and 17.5-18GHz.
7 10.128ghz 15.189 -57.12 Communication Band: 1.7-2.2GHz, 5.9-6.4GHz, 7.2-7.7GHz
and 14-14.5GHz
Note: Channel 1 and channel 2 are used to measure S22 and
S12 respectively Generally the strip line filters [2] are cascaded separately and
require different types of adaptors for integration. To reduce
Table 3: Comparison of Input VSWR, Output VSWR and Insertion the space or volume, this concept can be extended in multilayer
Loss of 9- Section strip line Filter PCB to fabricate inbuilt filters and to increase the components
S.No Frequency Input Insertion Output density. The added advantage in multilayer PCB is that filters
(MHz) VSWR Loss VSWR can be using broadside coupling.
1 9474 --- -57.9 4 --- References
2 9700 2.212 -8.317 1.330 [1] Denis, S., C. Person, S. Toutain, B. Theron, and S. Vigneron,
3 9750 1.475 -4.807 1.683 “Parallel coupled microstrip filter with phase difference
4 9800 1.428 -3.939 1.697 compensation,” Electronics Letters Vol. 31, No. 22, 1927–
5 9850 1.544 -4.692 1.404 1928, 1995.
6 9900 1.809 -8.768 1.239 [2] Bharathi Bhat, Siban Koul, “Strip line-like transmission
7 10127 --- -57.12 ---
lines for microwave integrated circuits”, John Wiley & sons,
New York, 1989.
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P.A.HarshaVardhini, working
as Associate Professor in the
Dept. of ECE, Vignan Institute of
Management and technology for
women and presently pursuing
her Ph.D from JNT University,
Hyderabad. Her research interests
are in the areas of mixed signal
VLSI Design, Integrated Circuits
and Wireless Communication.