Chef Interview Questions
Chef Interview Questions
Chef Interview Questions
Chef-apply is an executable program that runs a single Recipe from the command line. It
is a part of the Chef development kit and a great way to explore resources.
1 chef-apply name_of_recipe.rb
Chef-client applies a Cookbook. It is used for production purposes where you typically
run Chef-client to apply one or more cookbooks.
run-list lets you specify which Recipes to run, and the order in which to run them. The
run-list is important when you have multiple Cookbooks, and the order in which they run
Depending on the discussion if you think more explanation is required just mention the
below points
A run-list is:
An ordered list of roles and/or recipes that are run in the exact order defined in the run-
list; if a recipe appears more than once in the run-list, the chef-client will not run it twice.
Always specific to the node on which it runs; nodes may have a run-list that is identical to
the run-list used by other nodes.
Stored as part of the node object on the Chef server.
Maintained using knife, and then uploaded from the workstation to the Chef server, or is
maintained using the Chef management console.
Q17. Where can you get reusable cookbooks that are written and
maintained by the Chef community?
You can directly answer this question by saying reusable Cookbooks are present at Chef
DK is the workstation that allows users to interact with Chef. There are special tools available
installed in the DK workstation space that can be used to make the interaction even better.
How can you sure that right data is accessed among Chef server and the Chef client? To make
sure, you need to establish a secure SSL connection and continue your work.
To create the required configuration files in Chef, starter kids are necessary. It helps to define
the clear information for each configuration file and easy interaction with the server. This is
easy to download the starter kits and take it to the desired place on the workstation where
you want to use them.
Q17). Explain your understanding of Test Kitchen in Chef?
It enables the cookbooks on the server and increases the development lifecycle
too. Also, it helps you to create a variety of virtual machines in the cloud or